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About colingryphon

  • Birthday 09/13/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Midwest, US
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    into bareback and breeding. furry since 2006.

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  1. I prefer the person be well-hydrated. Water or a lot of cheap beer usually does the trick. PLEASE no asparagus or whichever veggies that cause rank piss. Coffee and cigs lead to bitter piss too, no thanks. It's really hot to keep re-drinking one's piss. Would be nice to swap w/another too.
  2. You have an AD Twitter?

  3. You have an AD Twitter?

    1. murrcakes


      Sorry for the late response! I do have one, @coyotebuttAD


  4. You have an AD Twitter?

  5. eagle here. vers and definitely barebacks! never used a condom.
  6. Hello

    1. arty83


      Hey there, what's up?

    2. colingryphon


      Nothing much. Doing good. You ?

  7. School taught me abstinence and condom use. The use of condoms in my head as an 18yo had more to do with not getting girls pregnant, than disease control. I'm 21 now and have always been fucked raw (and have given it raw). I tried putting on condoms twice so far and they've always instantly killed my boner to the point I can't recover. Not a chaser either.
  8. where in WI are you?
  9. would love to if I wasn't more responsible. sorry, reading about poz bb super turns me on.. but I can't get myself to do it yet.

  10. Wanna meet up sometime?

  11. Hope you can find some hot gono dick and get bugged up real good!
  12. super hot! would love to suck and take your gono cock.
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