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Everything posted by Bammbammbarexxx

  1. Twitter has spoken - looks like my hole will be whored out in the northeast (Boston, Providence, NYC, where else?) for the next big tour!

  2. Fresh off my southern breeding tour with 96 loads over 5 days - setting up my next mini tour:

    Indianapolis (ass-up all night at a downtown hotel and the bathhouse) - June 11
    Louisville (ass-up all day and night at the downtown econo lodge) - June 124B1EAE4E-9864-45D5-A309-6E4473750935.jpeg.4aa230cd29b7749115006e2f05b65a3d.jpegBAB40E98-9BE0-4C18-8471-56EB75CEDA56.jpeg.e8ba02c53d229f15db58c511cf970a22.jpegD65AF2B9-7076-488B-81EC-F002F976219C.thumb.jpeg.653b3daee6235b29146b91193864ef42.jpeg

  3. Fresh off my southern breeding tour with 96 loads over 5 days - setting up my next mini tour: Indianapolis (ass-up all night at a downtown hotel and the bathhouse) - June 11 Louisville (ass-up all day and night at the downtown econo lodge) - June 12
  4. Nearly 100 loads collected on my southern breeding tour through Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, New Orleans, and Nashville (plus the occasional truck stop) all documented on my Twitter (bammbammbarexxx) 

    now my followers are voting on where to go next - looking like Boston, Providence, NYC, Philly, and Pittsburgh! Dates to be announced soon!4B1EAE4E-9864-45D5-A309-6E4473750935.jpeg.4aa230cd29b7749115006e2f05b65a3d.jpegD65AF2B9-7076-488B-81EC-F002F976219C.thumb.jpeg.653b3daee6235b29146b91193864ef42.jpeg

  5. Just wrapped up a southern breeding tour and collected nearly 100 loads and documented it on my Twitter. Now, my followers are voting on where I’m going next, and it looks like the Northeast is winning! So with that in mind, where do the cumdumps raise their holes in Boston and Providence? I just don’t want to book someplace only to find it needs key cards to get in the elevator.
  6. I do love posting up in that red roof inn there in Druid hills (I think)
  7. Just wrapped my first breeding tour after covid. Hit 5 cities over 10 days on an epic road trip... all documented for my Twitter and such. My goal was 100 loads, and I got annoyingly super close… 96 loads! Dallas - 17 loads San Antonio - 12 loads Houston - 14 loads New Orleans - 34 loads Nashville - 12 loads Random roadside/truck stop/park - 7 loads trying to decide where to head for my next tour!
  8. Next stop on my Southern breeding tour is New Orleans! Have a room at the Olde Time Inn for Friday night, looking for all the cum I can take! The goal was 100 loads - so far on this tour - Memphis (9 loads), Dallas (23 loads), Austin (8 loads), Houston (TBD), 2 nights in New Orleans (TBD), and Nashville (TBD)
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  9. Traveling cumpuppy taking loads in NYC for World Pride - getting close to my goal of 500 loads (350 so far!) - so no loads refused at this point! Please no PNP. Pics and video available on Twitter - @bammbammbarexxx Name - cumpuppy Location - NYC (June 28- July 1) hosting at Hotel Pennsylvania (BBRT parties listed for Friday and Saturday) Phone (text please) - (513) 275-9789
  10. Traveling cumpuppy in NYC for World Pride on Friday taking all loads. Getting closer to my 500 load goal - (513) 275-9789 
  11. Traveling cumpuppy in NYC for World Pride on Friday taking all loads - (513) 275-9789

  12. Hey guys - help the traveling cumpuppy reach his load count this weekend during some awesome events in NYC for world Pride. You can follow all of his adventures on his “quest to 500” on his Twitter (@bammbammbarexxx) or on BBRT (travelingcumpuppy) - find him ass up in the sling, dripping in cum, begging for the next load! Text 513-275-9789 for details of you wanna breed this sexy pup. Friday June 28 - 6pm - Hotel breeding party at Hotel Pennsylvania Friday June 28 - 10pm - CumUnion Saturday June 29 - Noon - no loads refused Hotel Pennsylvania
  13. Heading into World Pride in NYC this weekend with 350 loads on my record. Hosting a breeding event on Friday evening at hotel Pennsylvania before hitting up Cummunion, the getting bred all day on Saturday! No loads refused all weekend. Follow my adventures on twitter - @bammbammbarexxx or on BBRT as Travelingcumpuppy
  14. Taking anon loads every night after 5 this week - breeding party tonight listed on BBRT, but otherwise, taking all cummers!
  15. Load update - wrapped up IML weekend with 53, bringing the annual total to 278... having a party tonight in NYC which should put me well over the 300 mark! Well on my way to my 500 load goal!
  16. @bammbammbarexxx on twitter - regularly post my travel schedule and document my #questto500
  17. Had a good week in Fort Lauderdale with a party and then hitting up Cubby Hole for a few more! Then went to Saugatuck, MI and took a few more over the weekend - bringing my annual total to 194. My goal is 500 for the year, and I am WELL on my way! Next stops include Zurich, St. Louis, Wichita, Chicago, Nashville, Tampa, and Palm Springs!
  18. 152 so far for the year - well on track to make over my 500 goal for the year... Twitter has been keeping me busy on my work trips, and I just booked International Mr. Leather (Chicago) in May, Wet & Hot (Palm Springs) in July, IPAHW (Indianapolis) in July, and Pig Week (Fort Lauderdale) in December. I may have to adjust my goals **oink**
  19. no key card required - just a security guard that you walk past... a sign says to show your key, but literally everyone knows to just keep walking...
  20. it is definitely a dive... I have stayed here several times, but always specifically for the purpose of taking loads... most other NYC hotels have key card requirements to get into the elevators, Hotel Penn is one of the few that doesn't.
  21. So far for 2019, I am at 79 loads - my goal is to get as close to 100 by the end of January... I am in NYC from 1/27 to 2/6, and taking loads at the Hotel Pennsylvania all week, with a breeding party on Saturday 2/2, and documenting as much on my twitter as I possibly can... #travelingcumpuppy #worldtour2019 #questto500
  22. Update - last night's Toronto breeding party resulted in 21 loads - bringing the total since January 1 to 51 loads! Another breeding party today in San Francisco! #travelingcumpuppy #worldtour2019 #questto500
  23. Woof! I wrapped up 2018 just over my goal of 500 loads in my ass (thanks to Pig Week in Fort Lauderdale!) 2019 is shaping up to look perfect, starting with 5 from my husband, but breeding parties scheduled on BBRT (bammbammaz) this month for Toronto (1/12), San Francisco (1/13), and NYC (2/2). What's your load tally so far? #travelingcumpuppy #worldtour #questto500
  24. What's up guys - traveling cumpuppy at the Hotel Pennsylvania from 5pm on 2/1-3 taking all loads. Will be wearing my boots, jock, harness, and puppy hood or blindfold taking all loads. There is a party listed on BBRT (bammbammaz) for Saturday, 2/2 , but I will take your seed anytime. text me at 513-362-9699 for room number.
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