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bottomboyam last won the day on May 13 2024

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  • Gender
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    Madrid, Spain
  • Interests
    Total pig. Obsessed with deep hole stretching, enemas, and FF.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
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  1. That’s truly terrible. I am glad it wasn’t suicide or drugs, but still. Such a loss.
  2. Apollo Fates is so hot. Love his noises! And Aiden Ward is like a porn fantasy come to life. So sexy.
  3. Punch oh is one my tertiary list. That dude has got to be one of the biggest punch pigs in history. And yes hot and verbal. Thanks for the other on—I didn’t know about him and will check it out.
  4. And also, can I also say that I almost never watch studio fisting porn now? I watch the original stuff from Dark Alley, Plain Wrapped, Hot House Hot Desert Knights, etc. But rarely is the new stuff hot—i favorite one scene out of every ten or more of the new stuff, whereas I used to favorite nearly half of every movie on AEBN. I hate all the neon crap and the overemphasis on the “setup” (barber shop,etc) Also, I know they do it so they can have four actors do four scenes, instead of paying more, but I don’t like to see flip fucking. I have no problem with guys being vers, but knowing that the very next scene they’ll be switching roles takes away the exciting power dynamics of watching a real top take and own a hole.
  5. Not exactly, a bb porn topic, but as this is the only forum with porn in the title, I thought it worked here. What are your favorite fisting and kink creators on JustFor Fans? Which ones you are most likely to keep on subscribe and pay for for multiple months? I’ll go first. Erebo — I have a list of keywords to search for that are his deepest fisting films and they are smoking hot and get me off often everytime. He also has a very big cock and that’s hot, I also appreciate that he plays with a fairly wide range of body types f_primee — he doesn’t update quite as often as would be ideal but when he does, the guys he fists are generally super hot. He also has some excellent deep fisting videos. And he’s hot as fuck himself. He gets turned off more than Erebo if I feel I’ve gotten carried away with too many subscriptions. Andreff2000 — Like FFPrimee he was on xtube He updates a lot and has huge hands and big cock. He also fists an even greater variety of body types than Erebo. Of the lot, he’s a real hot daddy . My secondary list—that I turn on from time to time for a month, This is list just the ones I return to most often Pink National Treaure — his vids with Fisttissimo are smoking Rafael Alencar — I mean come on, the dudes been a fantasy of mine forever and he his loves fucking, fisting, and piss Olivier_26CMXXL — Nigerian muscle god with a monster cock who loves to fuck and fist
  6. Searching for Answers After their experience with the Crone and the Deep Forest trials, Dimitrios and Conrad went back home. Both felt changed, altered, but neither knew how or why. Over the course of the next year to eighteen months, they grew more apart, unable to live in the same home but somehow still linked by their shared history and long friendship. Finally, they decided to take a sabbatical from their professional lives and travel the world. Neither of them needed to work for money, as both men had ample—Dimitri’s was actually more like vast—trust funds and decades of lucrative investments. Conrad had been thinking of starting his own small, boutique HIV practice anyway and Dimitri had a younger brother who was eager to prove his worth in the family business. And so it was decided, a year or two of sabbatical and they would return and Conrad would start his own practice and Dimitrios would return as company president or senior board advisor, and both would only do the professional work that interested them. At first their trip was nothing but frustrating to their larger goal of understanding what was happening to them. Prague was its usual festival of gay visitors and its crop of young men fed Dimitri’s growing obsession with small blonde twinks and muscle twunks. Conrad was less happy, as his sexual conquests increasingly tended towards slender, wiry, lean, muscly, men with darker skin and hair. To add to the aura of frustration for both men, the Crone was no where to be found and no one had ever heard of anybody called—or nicknamed—the Great Stag. And so, given the general direction of their experiences, they figured they should go to the epicenter of Euro kink: Berlin. After just a few weeks, both men were more content, as the city was filled with eager, young German and Scandi blondes for the Greek Muscle God and, well, the WASP Jock Doc was getting an ample serving of Latino, Spanish, and gorgeous Turkish butt. And then their luck really started to change. One night as they were about to leave Prinzknecht, a hot short muscly red-headed barback with a fantastic ass approached them. “Ur Dimiti an’ Coanrad, reit? he asked with an adorable Scottish accent. Both men got hard: here was a boy they could agree on. But he handed them an envelop, the smell of patouli wafting off of it. “A’ old granmither gave me ‘tis fur ye’se.” The note was from the Crone, telling them to go to the fist party the next Sunday at Böse Buben private clubhouse. And yes, since you’re all wondering, red-headed Rory was a fantastic fuck, eager for as much Greek and American cock and fist as he could get the rest of the two years they lived in Berlin. ### Timmy’s Rosebud Conrad finally stopped fucking the boy, driving his big cock in and filling the boy as deep as he could with potent chempiss. After Dimitri gave the boy a huge piss load, Conrad slipped several giant rocks in the boys hole. He grabbed one of his signature inflable plugs, positioning it so that it as it inflated it would block and stretch the boys outer opening forcing the piss in deeper and eventually entering Timmy’s second hole. “Daddy’s gonna pump this up, because you want that daddy chempiss deep inside you making you feel good,right?” Conrad demanded. Timmy, smiled dreamily, already feeling the healing powers of the potent chems to his sore hole, “Yes daddy, I love the chempiss, want it deep inside my boyhole.” Conrad smiled, “Tell me when it hurts. Do daddy proud through, show me what a little man you are, and let me stretch a bit before you ask me to stop.” Timmy agreed and Conrad began to pump. Of course, by design, Conrad didn’t hear Timmy ask him to stop until the twink had asked the third time, his breath catching as the football-shaped plug began stretching both pf his holes at once while pushing the huge piss load deep inside. Conrad looked down, “I’m confused boy, not thirty minutes ago you were begging me to stretch your hole and hurt you. Was that a lie?” Timmy was confused—he could barely remember five minutes ago let alone thirty—but then he vaguely remembered those moments. “No sir, that’s what I said.” “Good,” Conrad said, “You’re going to get three more pumps.” He smiled at Dimitri who was loading up the pipe. They both knew if the boy kept quiet Conrad would only give him two. This time. Timmy struggled and gasped, but didn’t say a word and he thanked Conrad profusely for giving him only two more. Dimitri settled in beside the kids head, and started feeding him the pipe. Once the kid was flying, Conrad had him get up and kneel on the bed, ass up and chest flat. He cried out but again kept his mouth shut as the change in his body’s geometry forced the big load of piss and the big plug a bit deeper in his hole. The two top men lay on the bed to relax, the pump to the boy’s plug within easy grasp of either man. For the next sixty minutes, they stretched the boy, waiting until the drugs kicked in and Timmy began to want it. This happened on cycles of about around seven minutes, depending on how many pumps of air the boy took. Conrad invariably gave three or four, Dimitri two. From time to time, right after a big stretch, one of the two men would go down and praise him for being a good boy then feed him deep lungfuls of the pipe. Once the boy was really flying, he re-entered his subspace, his mind focused only on his hole. And now he begged them to stretch and use him. And so Conrad did, pumping the plug up until it was stretching the boys outer ring almost as big as his supernatural knot, pumping until the sound of Timmy begging to be used became grunts and little cries of pain. Conrad did this until Timmy was rigid, his whole body shaking. Conrad held the boy like this for five minutes, and saw that Dimitri’s giant cock was hard as steel and he could have sworn he saw a faint red glow on his tattoo. His own cock was like iron, and he knew what his beast wanted—to slam the boy and keep stretching until he was weeping. But the boy was Dimitri’s, and so Dimitri was ultimately in charge: Dimitri would be the boys first slam. Instead Conrad did the next best thing, in his view of things anyway. He deflated the toy until it was the size of a fat zucchini. He squirted a bunch of laced up lube in—the boy was dehydrated and had reused his top men’s urine moisture for his own body’s needs—and he gently fucked the boys second hole. He positioned the inflatable football plug so the widest part was inside the boys second ring, shoving the security base right up to the outside of the first hole. He then dumped a 1/2 gram of Tina in the boy, right and left of the toy. And Conrad began to pump. Timmy kept himself under control for far longer than Conrad had expected. As the toy began the long slow stretch—Conrad was waiting a few minutes between stretches—Timmy pulled his own asschecks apart, making cries of ecstacy, rocking his ass back and forth like he did when he was into a fuck. But the stretch was inexorable, and Timmy began to struggle, but still he merely grunted, forcing his chest down against the bed. Dimitri came and whispered in the boys ear, and then obediently the boy ground out, “Please doc, hurt me, daddy, stretch me hard. Destroy my pussy.” Dimitri gave the boy four big hits of poppers and nodded at Conrad. Conrad started pumping steadily, leaving just a few seconds between pumps. Timmy struggled and began to moan, so Dimitri gave him another four hits of poppers. Once those kicked in, Conrad started pumping as hard and fast as as he could, taking the boy from moans to keens to screams. Once the boy was screaming at the big stretch he stopped and waited. Dimitri forced the boy towards calm—his face was alternating between bliss and agony—and fed him four more hits. Conrad started tiny little stretches while Dimitri gave the boy hit after hit on the pipe. Conrad stopped, and admired his handiwork. The boy was rigid, sweat dripping off his body and his surprisingly large eighteen-year-old boycock streamed precum and piss. His eyes were screwed up tight, and he was just moaning and groaning, lost between pain and his desire to have his hole used. The big toy was stretching the boy’s outer hole about an inch and half less than Conrad’s own big supernatural knot, which meant the inner hole was stretched about two inches more. From time to time his entire body would shake as his involuntary muscles tried to make the toy unwelcome. One this happened Dimitri would reach around, making sure sure the toy didn’t move. Finally, after several more rounds of poppers the boy relaxed, his chest went low and he regained his perfect arch. Dimitri loaded up the pipe and made the boy do cloud after cloud. Then,he gave him six huge hits of poppers. “Beg me to use you, Timmy, beg me to use your hole,” Conrad demanded as he started big hard quick pumps. “Please daddy use me, hurt me, use me Daddy,” Timmy chanted. When the toy was truly huge in the boys hole—his outer ring stretched tight and wide, about a full two inches of additional circumference, and his inner ring an agonizing two more as well—both considerably larger than Conrad’s cock—Conrad stopped. Dimitri fed the boy poppers and more tina, until the boy could handle the pain. It was a just barely handled state, though, Timmy occasionally jumped and gave small keening sounds, crying “Fuuuuuck, big stretch, fuuuck.” Conrad set the little timer they kept in the room to eight minutes. When the eight minutes were up Conrad ordered, “Show your Daddy Dimitri how much you want his fist, beg him to cloud you up so I can stretch you more.” The kid struggled inside his mind, but soon the drugs took over and he begged Dimitri for more drugs. Dimitri gave him four huge clouds, making him hold them in as long as he could. Then he gave the boy four big hits of poppers as Conrad began to pump, counting. When he got to three pumps the boy started screaming, so Conrad went to six and just stayed still. The boy was flawless in his suffering, still holding his ass high but his upper body undulated and writhed on the bed. He could almost see with his wolf sight the war in the boys head, as Timmy struggled to accept what he clearly craved. Conrad gave the boy two more pumps, the screaming started again, and then stopped and the boy dropped his chest, and offered his ass, despite the rigid body his limbs stayed and Timmy gave deep moans. Dimitri laughed and came over to Conrad and grabbed the ball, “You just made me a fisting pig, my love, thank you.” Conrad gave the boy more hits of the pipe and dozens of hits of poppers. In the end, Timmy was able to take another eight pumps before the screaming started again. Dimitri pushed him, and the boy got himself under control enough that he took three more. His little hole was stretched so, so wide, and Dimitri held him at the giant stretch until the screaming stopped. But now instead of submission the boy was shaking as he tried to push it out, crying out, “Oh fuck, daddy.” Dimitri gave him two more until he screamed, counting aloud back from sixty and then paused to admire the hot suffering twink, his hole unnaturally wide and tight around the plug and his abdomen distended. As he deflated the toy, the boy stayed in place as if frozen, and then seconds later assumed the position of submission. Conrad threaded the toy out and squirted in the most heavily laced lube of their arsenal. Dimitri greased up his huge right hands and forearms to his elbow with thicker lube and dumped a gram of Tina in his palm and made a big square fist. Conrad was over stroking the boys facing him, cooing “Such a good boy, so proud of you,” as he fed him a load of piss. The boy looked up at Conrad as if worshipping a god—which, to be honest, he was—and Dimitri paused until the boy had drank the load. Conrad moved the boy closer to the edge, his ass facing the back, and in a position where Dimitri could kneel beside the bed, his biggest fist at the boys ass, and his hands able to hold the boy by his torso or throat. Dimitri knelt and smiled. The boy was truly perfect for him. He leaned in and kissed him on the head, calling him such a good boy. The boy melted, his face nuzzled in the man’s huge bicep. “Did you like it when we stretched your little boypussy with that inflatable?” Dimitri demanded. The boy blushed slightly, but he said solemnly, “I loved it Daddy, it hurt sometimes but I loved it. Hurt me again Daddy, hurt me until I like it, please.” Dimitri smiled, and said, “Sure thing, pig boy, Daddy loves to do that too. Timmy started moaning, as he felt the big square fist being shoved up his hole, Dimitri holding his torso in place. Dimitri pushed into the molten depths of his new prize boy until he was knocking at the door of Timmy’s second ring. It was too fast and too deep for anyone’s first fisting, but Dimitri needed the boy to give him even more submission, even more of himself, than the boy had given Conrad. Dimitri froze, enjoying the boys visible struggle and the feeling of the boys fiery colon’s struggle to take his big arm. Once the struggle ceased, Timmy made a loud, deep, groan. Then he started making little noises of pleasure. Dimitri stuck his thumb out, into the boys second ring, and started making sensual circular motions. After a few minutes of this the boy was working up into a frenzy, and Dimitri started pushing the big pile of Tina in his palm into the deeper hole. Within seconds, Timmy was starting to try to fuck himself on Dimitri’s huge fist. Dimitri stopped him, grabbing him by the throat, and slid his hand out. “What do you need, slut?” Dimitri demanded. “Oh daddy, stretch me,” Timmy cried. “Gladly, slut,” Dimitri replied, sliding back in until again, he was at the boys second hole. Over the next thirty minutes, Dimitri’s fist entered and exited Timmy’s hole smoothly, until the hole began to loosen. Timmy was in a frenzy, enjoying the ride, cooing and moaning like the bitch in heat he’d become. Soon, Dimitri was punching the boy, keeping the experience smooth for the recently deflowered virgin. Dimitri punched the boy until his pussy was wet and sloppy, lube flying out with every punch. Timmy was a natural-born punch pig, begging his daddy to go harder, deeper, and crying out, “More sir, more sir.” Dimitri kept this up for a while, until his hardest punches could go in smoothly and the boy was lost in pleasure. Dimitri nodded at Conrad, who had been lying back and stroking his rock hard cock, and Conrad came over. He lubed up his hands and arms, going past his elbow. He dumped one half gram of Tina in his palm and closed it, making a big fist. Like his cock, Conrad’s fists were big and rectangular, a good half inch wider than his husbands, and his forearms were wide and flat, with very wide wrists. He was about to show Timmy what a punishing fisting felt like. Dimitri drove in and then used his fingers to flutter in the boys second ring. Timmy was in ecstasy, “Oh yea, Daddy, I need deep stretch, please, daddy.” Dimitri smiled and pulled out. “Reach back and show me your hole, and beg me to fist you deep, little pig,” Conrad commanded, sitting down behind the boy. As the boy immediately did as instructed, Dimitri grabbed a bottle of poppers, and got down by the boy, feeding him several big hits. As the poppers kicked in, Conrad drove his fist in until it was at the boys second ring. The boy was rigid and silent for a moment as his body absorbed the wide arm. He moaned and said, “Oh fuck, doc, oh fuck, so big.” Conrad gave the boy a minute, then he said “Beg me to destroy your cunt.” Conrad immediately started flicking Tina from his palm into the boys second ring. Timmy gave a little cry at the sudden burn, then he lowered his chest flat and said, “Oh god yes, please daddy, destroy my pussy, cunt me daddy.” Conrad obliged, popped his huge fist into the boy, until the muscle of the little ring closed around his his wide wrist. Timmy’s mouth opened in a silent howl. Conrad gave the boy a minute and nodded at DImitri. Dimitri gave the boy six big hits, and as the boy exhaled the sixth hit, Conrad pulled his fist out of the boy completely. Within seconds the little pig was begging for Conrad to destroy him again. And so Conrad did, driving smoothly into the boy past his second ring time after time until the boy was taking punches like the little whore he was. It didn’t take long for Dimitri to want to join in the fun, so he greased up his arm and they took turns. Soon they were changing angles, making sure the boy took their fists in all directions, stretching the hole wide and deep. The boy was doing extremely well, begging and pleading for me. Finally, Dimitri whispered, “Punish that boys pussy.” And held up his fist and made a twisting motion. Conrad nodded and Dimitri grabbed a gram vial and when Conrad pulled out, Dimitri dropped the pussypowder in. Conrad started punching it in until he felt it take affect, the boys hole undulating around him. He drove his fist into Timmy’s second ring and began to twist and turn while pulling in and out. Timmy started yelling and flopping about and Dimitri held him down, as Conrad started to use the same motion while going deeper. Suddenly, the boy stopped flopping, and Conrad pulled straight out and then started doing the same thing to his second ring, Timmy immediately started crying out, “Oh fuck daddy, punish me, punish me, cunt meeee.” Conrad kept this up for a good twenty minutes, before going back to straight punching. The torturous twisting had made the boys hole wide open and Conrad was able to go several inches deeper, until he was about two to three inches inches above his elbow. Then Dimitri took over, going in deep and dropping another quarter deep in Timmy ‘s guts. Dimitri’s arms were longer, but easier to take as they were relatively narrow behind his wrists and tapered out. Timmy thrilled at the way the big forearms stretched his hole as they went in. For a solid three hours they fisted the boy, and while Dimitri got him to take his elbow, the boy couldn’t take Conrad’s wider, square arms nearly as deep. They finally decided to take a break, and lay on the bed, Timmy between them. Each of the big men pounded the boy again, making him beg for their toxic loads. They then spent an hour or two cuddling, slowly fucking him when they let Timmy stuff their cocks into his hole. They constantly praised him, his body, and what a good boy he was. Stroking and kissing him, and sometimes fingering him gently. Timmy was still incredibly horny and the two men’s prescience made him what them to use him again. But they refused, being gentle and kind. It was now well into Saturday afternoon and so Conrad gave the boy half of a sleeping pill—giving him some piss to help wash it down. After Timmy drank both their loads of piss, they put him in a bed in one of the spare bedrooms with a big buttplug lodged in his ass. Timmy fell asleep almost immediately—he never taken a pill before—and Conrad and Dimitri went to rest in the master bedroom.
  7. White Wolf on the Hunt On paper or clothed, Dr. Conrad Morris and Dimitrios Argyros were vastly different men. Dimitrios hailed from a long line of Greek shipping magnates, and was educated at private schools in Switzerland, France, and England. Morris was one hundred percent WASP elite, a Choate boy, with an Ivy League medical degree and a society page mother and financier father. Whereas Dimitri was dark, even a bit swarthy, Morris was dark blonde, pink skin and with a square handsome Anglo face. Naked, though, the men appeared somewhat more similar. Morris was far less hairy, but both men had huge chests and tight abs. Conrad was built more square, like the football player he’d been, his six pack square block instead of the intense bodybuilder-level definition that made Dimitri’s waist so enchanting. In place of Dimitri’s tattoo Conrad had a gorgeously-rendered white wolf, its eyes pentagrams, its fangs opening around the toxic waste symbol right above his hard naval, and a long tongue snaking down the length of his big fat cock. His cock was slab like and rectangular, a solid ten inches in length and eight around. White as marble, it got hard as steel and stayed that way for hours. Even the most experienced men actually found his cock harder to take than Dimitri’s because it did not taper—when hard it started with perfectly shaped blunt head that was nearly immediately 8 inches around from head to shaft. His current boy—a tall, wiry 22-year-old Latino Morris had converted three years ago—still cried out every time the good doctor used the big head to batter open the boys second ring. Morris drove down the park from the large townhouse he lived in and tapped the codes for both the building and Dimitri’s private parking area. He and the other four heads of the Brotherhood chapter all had spaces, marked with stylized icons of their spiritual-animal companions. Taking the private lift up and reaching the apartment he immediately heard deep moaning and little gasps of surprise coming from one of the bathrooms. Poking his head in, he saw that Dimitri had the boy handcuffed facing towards the shower wall, on his tiptoes, while the big man milked little Timmy’s prostrate while fingerfucking the boyhole. Dimitri looked up and Conrad grinned and squeezed his hardening slab. Dimitri smiled and fingerfucked harder, eliciting little screams from the boy and Conrad left to get naked and high. Conrad went into the sex bedroom—he knew the drill—and saw that one of Dimitri’s dozens of staff had already put on fresh sheets. He stripped off his tight cashmere jogging pants and tshirt and looked at himself in the mirror. His big cock was semihard and still damp from the depths of little Julio’s glorious throat. Julio had begged for his seed, but Conrad wanted to load up the new conquest. And once the prospect of his animal side knotting and destroying the boy’s pussy was revealed had made any fuck for Julio a no go. But the gorgeous Latino had been such a good boy lately, Conrad had given Julio his Amex Platinum with instructions to spend no more than a thousand and let him choose an ample selection of party favors from daddy’s fingerprint-locked drugs safe. Folding up his clothes neatly he placed them into the drawer marked “white wolf.” He set his phone down and it chimed as if on que, and Conrad grinned as a video popped up of Julio and a blonde twink owned by another Brotherhood member doing a giant line of crystal off of the huge black cock of the bouncer at the local leather nightclub. Julio wouldn’t be getting the cock of the daddy-master he was addicted to tonight, but he was definitely getting some good dick. “Take video, little whoreboy,” Conrad texted. Conrad loaded up Dimitri’s pipe and began to slowly and languidly get high. He stroked his famously gorgeous hard cock, the big veins on his arms flexing as he stroked. Conrad was exceptionally turned on, and he felt the wolf stir, the tongue that ran from above his navel along his giant marble slab grew warm as his cock rose. Fuck, he thought, maybe the kid had a magic pussy after all. After a few minutes, he wondered what was keeping Dimitri and the hot little piece of ass. Getting up and walking towards the bathroom, he heard a sharp crack and Timmy cried out. He arrived just as Dimitri was delivering, according Timmy’s cry, belt strap number five on Timmy’s perfect white ass. “What do you say?” Dimitri said. “I am sorry, sir, please, sir,” Tommy gasped, “Please sir, it would be an honor to drink your piss.” Keeping Timmy facing away from Conrad, Dimitri cuffed the boys thin but muscular arms behind his back. Timmy knelt—Conrad could see the boys pink hole was puffy from his recent Virgin fuck—and swallowed great gulps of piss, his expression showing the taste was a struggle. Waiting until Dimitri was done, Conrad walked over, knelt, and whispered softly, “I hear you’re a dirty boy who just took several dirty toxic Greek loads.” Timmy looked back, his eyes wide with surprise to find someone else there. Then his entire face and torso turned red with embarrassment as he slowly recognized the hot older doctor from his recent visit. Dimitri took Timmy’s head off his cock, and whispered something in his ear. Still on his knees, he faced Conrad and knelt and started kissing Conrad’s huge feet, working his way up the man’s tree stalk legs. He then silently put his mouth around Conrad’s huge semi-hard cock head and looked up at the big man with his dark eyes wide. Conrad smiled, and fed the boy small mouthfuls of piss, going over so slowly, to prolong his humiliation. When his bladder was half empty, Conrad reached down and brought the boy up and standing. He uncuffed him and ordered him to turn. “Show Daddy Doc your pussy, Timmy,” Conrad growled, lifting one of the boys quite defined legs up onto the bathroom vanity. He speared the boy with the head of his cock, holding tightly onto Timmy’s tight ass as he did so. Timmy shouted, “Ow, daddy, oh fuck,” at the big stretch. Conrad delivered the rest of his piss—enough the fill the boy up—and then reaching into the sink he grabbed the buttplug Dimitri had taken out of the boy earlier and drove it up the spasming quim. Conrad picked Timmy up, and growled in his ear, “My cock is super thick and it’s gonna stretch you so good.” Timmy could feel the big slab pulsing under his ass, and he shivered. “I am going to get you high, and you’re going to beg me, like you begged your daddy Dimitri, for my toxic loads,” Conrad spoked quietly. “Is that clear, boy?” Timmy nodded, “Yes, sir, please sir, give me your toxic loads.” Reaching the bedroom, he gently laid the boy down on his back. Conrad took the boys perfect head in his head and looked into the boys dark eyes, dilated from the drugs, and he said in his deep voice, “My cock hurts like a motherfucker, especially to a relative virgin like you, so you get to be high tonight. But every Wednesday my office closes early so you’re going to be there, every week, and you’re going to get fucked with no chems. Every week, kid.” Conrad got the twink well beyond pleasantly high. Conrad needed to seed, and he needed his wolf to appear, and the higher the kid was the more likely he would be an acceptable offering to the supernatural. He stuffed several big shards of crystal up the little pink hole, driving the burning rocks around the boys little buttplug, as Timmy first screamed but soon begged to be used and stretched. He placed Timmy between himself and Dimitri, and both men kept up a constant stream of praise for the boy, his beauty, his physical perfection, his good boy obedience, alternating to how they were going to seed him, leave him open and dripping, fill him with piss and toxic cum. The entire time they plied the boy with the pipe. Timmy got his own clouds plus both of their shotguns every time until Timmy was gone into a world of dark desires. And then Conrad began the boy’s fuck. Timmy, like every man before him, found his first experience of the marble cock—which felt like someone trying to shove a pulsing, warm, pink and white four-by-four up his ass—difficult. Conrad was patient and relatively gentle, put the cock needed what the cock needed, and the wolf needed destruction. Timmy keened, groaned, and pleaded for Conrad to go slow. And Conrad patiently opened the boy until it was truly time for Timmy to learn to surrender to the needs of his top. Conrad began to push harder, to demand that his cock sink in. “Push out, boy, it will make it easier,” Conrad commanded. Conrad grinned wildly as the boy did and a inch of dick slid into the boys second hole. Timmy started a low, keening moan, and his little pink hole began creaming around the huge, big dildo-sized intruder, the boy’s ass juices mixing with lube and piss to make a foam. “Fuck, you are a little pussy aren’t you?” Conrad demanded, “First you bleed like a girl when my husband takes your cherry, and now your asspussy is coming around my big man cock?” #### Making Wolf and Dragon Little known fact: Dimitrios Argyros, MBA, and Conrad Morris, MD, have been very-happily-married since the early 1990s. Over the course of their 35-year marriage neither man has ever given up his status as a platinum gay top—meaning neither has given his ass to another man nor fucked a woman—but they have together fucked hundreds—if not thousands—of men. There was an early period when they lived together, but the animal spirits that shadow them aren’t particularly social beings and so Conrad took the huge mansion on the park while Dimitri lives in the Penthouse. They lived together as an A-list, double-top, drugs-and-leather-on-weekends-suits-during-the-week power couple for about a decade. Going out and notching up conquests at every circuit party, Provincetown weekend, LA Pride, and Russian River, Fire Island or Douglas house party they attended. They were just as striking then as they are now, their muscular bodies, handsome faces, expensive clothes, and serious dom top energy meant men and boys lined up, eager to be another notch on the storied couple’s belt. Their conquests in those days were varied—muscle bottom pigs, wiry skinny skinheads of ever color with big uncut Euro cocks, Tall and short Latinos, small- and big-dicked Asians, Black twinks, all manner of bears, manly chubs, and bearded otters, blondes (Dimitri), curly-dark-haired Jewish boys with pale skin and rosy cheeks (Conrad) and red heads (always both, with great enthusiasm)—but then they met the Crone. And the Great Stag. And their life was altered in ways neither could imagine. Visiting the Crone started as a joke. Conrad bought Dimitrios a visit to a fortune-teller on a visit to Prague. It seemed appropriate. The city was beautiful and the architecture exotic and mysterious in the night. The Crone lived up to her movie representation—down to the veil, the hoop earrings, and the clinking bracelets. But the lark soon turned dark, as the heavily-accented English cadence of the tiny withered woman transported them out of Prague, out of the human world, and into a dark wood. There, isolated from one another by the vast, old-growth European forests of Eastern Europe each of the men faced great tests. Each confronted their own lack of seriousness, their lives lived without purpose, their reflexive capitalist need for self-denial, and their inadequate pursuits of pleasure. And each regained conscious into the real world, naked, lying next to one another in their big king bed in their suite at the Four Seasons Prague. Their formerly unmarked bodies now bore the tattoos of their new spiritual guides: Conrad’s White Wolf and Dimitri’s Dragon. ### A Trademark Fuck Timmy was now truly and fully experiencing a Dr. Conrad Morris Fuck. Timmy had been fucked for the first time several hours earlier—by the massive cock of a man he regarded as a sex god, Dimitri—but he was pretty sure Conrad Morris was a damn good fuck too. The man had been patient he knew, and the first forty minutes had indeed “hurt like a motherfucker.” The thing between the man’s legs was agonizingly thick, and shaped to destroy. But then everything fell into place—his longtime sexual fantasies about Roman Gladiators, his affinity for Treasure Island porn, the drugs and magic seed the dom stud had given him—and suddenly giving the big muscle man, who was the spitting image of his high-school quarterback crush, his boypussy seemed like the most natural and important thing in the world. He knew at some level it was still painful, but now he relished the pain. He knew his pussy was meant for destruction, and that his place in the universe was to allow men like Conrad and Dimitri to destroy it. However, whenever, they chose. Conrad could see the change in the boy: the submission, the surrender. He could also, to his immense pleasure, feel it as he cock sank in balls deep into the boy’s hole. “Oh fuck, boy, that’s right,” Conrad panted, speeding up, “Take daddy’s big cock deep, let me own that boyhole.” Conrad now fucked more brutally, enjoying the way his big slab was visible through the boys tight, fat-free torso. Suddenly, Timmy began crying out, moaning, his entire body shaking as he experienced his first anal orgasm. Seeing the change, Dimitri got up from where he’d been reclining on the big leather sofa along one wall enjoying the show. He grabbed a 3/4 gram vial of crushed Tina, his pipe, and then his small bowl of crystal rocks and walked over. He handed his husband the vial and got the smoke flowing. He and Conrad took turns puffing and shotgunning—little Timmy thought the two of them making out was one of the hottest things he’d ever seen—and then Dimitri started feeding clouds to the already-high Timmy. After Timmy had puffed a bit, the need in his hole growing, Timmy began to beg, “Oh fuck, doc, oh fuck daddy, harder, need deeper.” As he began to really rail the boy, he felt the beast stir. “Teach this gorgeous little slut the Litany of the Offering ,” Conrad said, “Somebody wants to join us and fuck up this hole.” Dimitri grinned and leaned in and whispered quietly in Timmy’s ear. Timmy opened his eyes—the darkest brown of his eyes now void black—and looked directly into Conrad’s face. His expression one of intense need, he began begging, “I am your hole, fill me with your seed, I am your hole, fill me your toxic seed.” Conrad grinned, and began a series of full pull out and slam in fucks, Timmy squealing the words of the litany with each punishing thrust. Still slam-fucking the boy, Conrad opened the vial of crushed pussy powder. He recited the sacred words, proper to his beast, over the boys begging. “The white wolf is a creature of snow, and ice, his eyes shine crystal blue. The white wolf is a creature of snow and ice…”. Conrad pulled out, and in a movement he’d practiced hundreds of times over the decades, he dropped the entire vial of crystal deep in Timmy’s boyhole. Without missing a beat the huge cock, already starting its supranatural swell, plunged into Timmy, driving the big pile ahead of the blunt head. Timmy started screaming as his hole burned with fire and the cock’s new length pushed in at least a half-inch deeper than Conrad had gone before. The room went immediately black as night, the lights and candles extinguished. The eyes of Conrad’s wolf tattoo glowed bright blue, the pentagrams worked into them pulsing uncomfortably warm. Conrad felt the swelling increase, as his cock slowly lengthened and the base started bulging. Timmy was going to be fortunate tonight—if his cock swelled slowly, it would make what was to come easier to bear. Conrad continued to fuck the boy, each thrust in to the boys molten depths going deeper, and each time by the time he pulled out his cock was thicker and the big swelling ball that grew at the base of his cock was larger. Conrad plunged in again, and started just fucking the base of his cock in and out, each pull stretching the boys outer ring like a growing set of anal beads, each stretch bigger than the last. Conrad couldn’t believe how good it felt—not as sweet as a hole during the sex ritual, but just off of that by a fraction. Timmy was begging for the fuck, begging for the load, begging Conrad to stop, crying out, moaning, and yelling, “Fuck me daddy, harder, punish my pussy, it’s what I neeeeed.” This last cry came as the beast fully revealed itself, the cock growing twice as fast with each punishing fuck of the gaping boycunt and the long tongue wrapped around the giant burned hot. Conrad looked down—and brought his cock out—his cock was probably thirteen inches now, and he estimated eleven around, the ball at the base swollen to fourteen inches in circumference. His cock remained gorgeous, shaped in its nearly angular beauty, pink and white and alive. Hard it never really looked real—he agreed with those who said looked a bit like a big dildo—but swollen to this size, and with the bulging base, it looked like something from a fist fuckers dildo fantasies. And this dildo was covered in a thick layer of slightly pink pussy cream. And this living dildo needed to fuck. And so fuck he did, pillaging Timmy’s hole for a solid thirty more minutes. Timmy was gaping and sometimes struggling, but Dimitri was looking out for Timmy, dropping shards into his gash for Conrad to drive in and whispering in his ear while feeding him the pipe. The boy stopped struggling, and just started moaning and grunting quietly—when he suddenly opened his eyes and looked Conrad square in the face. “I am your hole, feed me that seed, please daddy, feed me the seed.” At that moment the big cock swelled, and Conrad could actually see the bulge in Timmy’s abdomen get bigger, and Cobrad erupted, his cock spewing first several gigantic pent-up-spurts of his own semen, and the big cock sputtered for a split second and then the thick, heavy cream of supernatural semen erupted. Conrad kept brutally fucking, making sure that the heavy cream coated his still spurting tool. He plunged out and plunged in again, stopping with his cock positioned so the ball at the base was in Timmy’s hole at the widest point. Over the next few minutes, with each squirt of come, his cock continued to swell and the ball grew by another inch and a half in diameter. Timmy was both screaming and experience a rolling series of assgasms. Dimitri, from long experience, was holding the boy’s legs back and keeping his body in place. For Timmy, the big swelling cock was like getting punched in the gut with every thrust. But his desire to be dominated, to take the load, and the growing euphoria of his second dose of supernatural sperm was feeding his need for destruction. However, when Conrad paused and Timmy felt the final stretch by the ball at the base of the giant cock, he went completely silent; His mouth open in a silent howl. Dimitri grinned and bit the boys ear. Conrad was not generally any where near as mean or sadistic as Dimitri could be, but he loved to punish hole in very particular ways. Conrad’s friends were convinced that Conrad owned one of every single enema tool or inflatable ever made, and most of them were huge and could be used with great brutality. Conrad’s dominant maleness was currently locked into battle with the will-to-self-preservation of a very high, very small in stature, and very hungry natural pussy boy. Timmy’s eyes were pleading, his ass involuntarily trying to push the giant intruder out. But no one-hundred-pound eighteen-year-old twink could match physical strength with a giant muscle fucker, especially when the boy was not fighting the man, but himself. With great clarity, like a lightswitch click, both men saw Timmy submit yet again. This time even more completely and fully. His eyes closed, lashes wet with tears, his head lolled back as he moaned out, “Fuck me daddy, please, hurt me.” Conrad kept the stretch for about thirty more seconds as Dimitri whispered, “Now that’s a good boy.” Then Conrad popped the supernaturally giant cock into the boy and positioned himself on his toes over his prey with his bulging arms holding the boy captive, his cock able to penetrate the boy to its fullest depth. Conrad plundered and pillaged the boy, fucking hard and fast, popping his huge tool out and driving it in to its new pussy-crushing depth. Each time he was entered, Timmy spasmed and groaned, but he no longer shouted. Instead, he moaned and keened as he rode the pleasure/pain journey Conrad was guiding him on, silently weeping in relief to have finally accepted his true role in the world. Conrad fucked him until Timmy started showing his rosebud. Conrad pulled out, reached into the big bowl of crystal rocks and selected a large one. He placed the big rock in the huge piss hole of his expanded cock and drove it in deep. Timmy cried out and Conrad commanded, “Bear down, use your hole to suckle on daddy’s giant tree then push out hard.” Conrad sighed as Timmy groaned, his entire hole suddenly reminded of the size of the supernatural cock. When Conrad felt the amazing suckle of Timmy milking his cock shift to the opening of the hard push out, and he drove his cock in just a smidge tighter and let loose a giant stream of mixed pent-up chempiss, leftover toxic man cum, and supernatural sperm. Timmy cried out at the burn, but then he started begging, “Oh fuck daddy that burns so good, use me as your urinal daddy, please daddy stretch me.” In all, after Conrad’s wolfy orgasm, Timmy was fucked for another ninety minutes by his daddy doctor’s oversized cock. In all, Conrad had been inside the boy for nearly two and a half hours of constant, dominating bliss. Dimitri was getting justifiably restless for his turn, and he started preparing for the next stage. He made sure the there was an adequate supply of both crushed Tina and rocks at the ready and rifled around in drawers gathering cuffs and jocks and other paraphernalia. While Conrad continued fucking, Dimitri loaded up the pipe and he and Conrad smoked. “Getting impatient, old man,” Conrad teased. Dimitri grinned and said, “Losing your self-control old man, can’t stop? I told you it was one sweet hole.” Right as Dimitri said that Timmy went into another anal orgasm and Conrad’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, “Top twenty fucks of my life, maybe top ten,” he breathed out, his smile ecstatic, “Okay, top five, what a hole.” Dimitri grinned and then leaned into towards Timmy’s head, reaching across, he locked a wide leather collar trimmed in red around the spun out boys neck. He turned Timmy’s head towards his own and the boy opened his eyes and looked into the man’s handsome face, his eyes black but adoring. “Timmy you weren’t top five for me baby,” Dimitri said, “No, you’ve got the best boypussy I’ve ever had. And I am going to ravish that pussy every day for the rest of my life.”
  8. Dragon’s Fire Dimitrios Argyros stood against the wall of the crowded bar. He was a very tall man—6’8” and built like a bodybuilder. He was wearing tight black jeans which showed off the thick tube of uncut cock that snaked down his right leg and highlighted his big muscle ass. His tight long-sleeve cashmere rippled with muscle and his shiny Rolex hinted at his vast wealth. With the shirt on, his close-cropped hair, dark brown eyes, and handsome angular face looked clean cut. But the shirt concealed the tattooed measuring tape that ran from just past his wrist to his shoulder on his larger, right side. Across the other side was a dragon, whose tail wrapped around his left arm, each scale a precise 1/4 inch marker and the fire from its mouth rippled across his muscular back. Above his hard belly button he sported a toxic waste sign and on his huge leftpec, worked into the dragons back, was a pentagram. Dimitri was a member of the local chapter of the Brotherhood of the Dark Lord. While many chapters worshiped the Dark One solely through hedonistic pleasure, Dimitri and his brother subscribed to an older, more pure version of the Dark Word: the Lord required pleasure and pain to be fully satisfied. It was a world of rigidly defined roles, for Dimitri and his Brothers, there was no give-and-take. Instead, there were top men and bottom men, and bottom men were invariably younger and smaller than top men. And Dimitri had seen the results of their faithful service, as dozens of times over the last 25 years in the middle of a sacred sex ritual, he’d seen his own enormous cock expand in size, plundering the depths of some young male cunt deep and wider. He’d watched his own fists—and that of his brothers— expand and grow large knobby growths as they destroyed yet another boypussy. And Dimitri had seen his own tattoos come alive, and his cock get supernaturally hot with the breath of the dragon, as he spewed toxic seed. So, yes, Dimitri believed that it was his birthright, and one ordained by a god, to own, control, convert, fist, and fuck young men. Dozens of men in the bar tried to get his attention—or least those unaware of his very dark reputation—men of all sizes and shapes. But Dimitri had eyes for only one young man—a boy really, all of 18–in the place. Dimitri was on the hunt, as his previous boy had aged out of Dimitri’s demographic at the ripe age of 25. His new target—Timmy Peters—was a slight waif, 5’5” and barely 100 pounds. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. He had good muscle definition and gorgeous abs—Dimitri’s investigators determined skateboarding was his primary athletic pursuit, and so the boys core was tight as a drum—but his chest was slight. Dimitri had refused to look at any of the naked shots his men had gathered—he wanted to save that pleasure for this very evening, as he initiated the boy into his new life of service to Dimitri’s 14 inch pussy destroyer. But he’d seen the boy shirtless, Timmy’s perfect twink body a contrast to his unusually shapely, almost womanly ass, the top of the twin perfect globes visible in the back of his low slung skater shorts. In contrast to his previous conquests of 30 years, who had almost all been blondes or redheads, Timmy had jet black hair and eyes as dark as Dimitri’s own. But unlike Dimitri, the boy’s skin glowed white and Dimitri couldn’t wait to see how it turned bright red under his new masters brutal palms. Dimitri’s cock stirred and swelled in anticipation of the years of pleasure ahead. The thought of what Timmy wanted or desired never crossed the Greek muscle stud’s mind. Dimitri knew that he was a divinely ordained predator, one equipped with a vastly superior cock and body, his seed anointed with a toxic gift, blessed by the Dark Lord with vast wealth. And so when Dimitri divined that a boy was his, he was never wrong. Dimitri smiled across the room at the little dark-haired cherub. Timmy looked vaguely shocked that a muscle stud would show him any interest, and so he smiled shyly back. Dimitri walked over and stood next to the boy, raising his beer bottle in greeting, “I am Dimitri”. Timmy shivered slightly at the deep voice and mysterious, vaguely European accent, but he smiled and said, “My name is Timmy. Pleased to meet you sir.” Dimitri felt his cock stiffen and the fire-breath of the dragon tattoo on his back got warm at the word sir—confirming yet again this boy was his. They made small talk, and Dimitri pretended to be interested when he “learned” the boy was in the city for art school that Fall. That wasn’t going to happen—boys in service to the Brotherhood spent too much time spun out with both their holes stuffed to attend school or hold any other job. Dimitri started dancing with the boy, and soon confirmed what his investigators had uncovered—Timmy had serious daddy issues and loved muscle—and for his part, Dimitri though the boys body and ass were even more perfect than he could imagine. He gave the boy an X and then Dimitri started fingering the boys fuzzy hole, and when the lights went dim, he slipped a big rock of crystal in the tight little pucker. Dimitri used his much larger mouth to swallow Timmy’s cry at the burn, and soon enough Timmy little hole was lapping and pulsing around Dimitri’s big digits. After about 30 minutes, Timmy was very horned up and so Dimitri said, “Come home and let me fuck your brains out.” Timmy nodded,“ Yes, sir.” Dimitri said, “I demand total obedience, you will take what I give you.” Timmy looked scared but Dimitri could see in the little dark eyes that the boy already knew he was meant to be nothing but a pussy hole, and he just said, “Please daddy, I need your big cock. “ In the limo on the way to his penthouse, Dimitri stripped the clothes off Timmy within seconds. He stuffed another rock of crystal in the boys hole and the boy begged to be fucked. But Dimitri didn’t fuck boys who’d not been freshly shaved and douched—he looked forward to humiliating Timmy as he cleaned him out—so he set the boy to work on his big cock. Timmy was a natural cocksucker, but it took months of practice for anyone to learn to take the entire 14 inches of beer bottle thick meat, so Dimitri contented himself with choking the boy, shoving the boys mouth down on the endless tube of his cock, using the little mouth hole like a fleshlight as Timmy wretched and sputtered. As they approached his highrise, Dimitri had the boy clean up all the spittle and mouth juice from his cock and the car seat. Arriving at his series of 15 private parking spots he stepped out of his pants—his driver would bring them up—and carried the small boy in his arms, biting and nipping at the boys small perfect tits, into his private elevator. Reaching his penthouse, Dimitri carried the boy into his big bathroom and put him on his knees on a plush rug. “Chest flat on the floor, arch your back, and spread those cheeks,” Dimitri said, growling with pleasure at the sight of the boys pink hole. Dimitri filled a series three enema bags with water, and dropped a rock of crystal into each. He speared the boy’s cunt and filled his guts. As he expected, the first one was relatively clean and he delighted at how embarrassed Timmy got when the second bag came out dirty as his inner spinchter was drained. Finally, the third bag came out pretty clean. Now, Dimitri took a bag he’d hidden in the linen closet bursting at the seams with chempiss collected over the last week from all the members of the brotherhood. The boy was already high, and as the chempiss tingled his guts he began to moan. The moans turned to groans as the huge bag deflated and stretched his pussy. Finally, he begged Dimitri to stop. Dimitri grinned and started spanking the beautiful white ass, causing the boys insides to flex and finally the contents of the bag were buried deep in the little cunt. Dimitri snapped a small buttplug in, and giving the boy hits of poppers he sat on the toilet and began to train the boys throat. First he taught the boy how to pleasure his cockhead and long dragging foreskin, probably the first uncut tool the boy had seen. Soon enough the boy was able to take about 8 inches of cock, but he was covered in sweat as the piss—heavy in Tina, ecstasy, and coke, and probably laced with other drugs too—began to be absorbed. Mindful the boy was only a beginner, he let the boy seek relief after about 25 minutes. Now the boy was truly wired and he groaned and pushed back on the nozzle as Dimitri used the sure shot to hose him out. Dimitri was getting eager to fuck the boy—and the boy was clearly eager from his own submissive desires accented by all the drugs—and so Dimitri made short work of shaving the boy. He shaved every hair from his little hole, the tiny dust of a treasure trail, and the boys balls. The boy started to resist when Dimitri began to shave his pubes, but a hard slap of command to his boy nuts ended that resistance. Dimitri removed the tight white tshirt he’s kept on a climbed in the shower. The boy was eager to help him soap up, thrilling as his height and huge muscles. Dimitri made him kiss and trace the outlines of his toxic waste symbol. With his tongue. When the boy asked him what it meant, Dimitri smiled and said, “It means when I am done seeding your hole you will carry part of me in you forever.” Timmy looked puzzled then shrugged and leaned forward and mouthed the big cock. Satisfied there were no unsavory ass juices or shaving cream lingering on either of their bodies Dimitri tenderly dried the boy, passionately making out with him. He carried the little twink into one of his big bedrooms with mirrors all around the room and covering the ceiling. He kept the boy in his arms as he went around lighting dozens of candles and turning the lights on low. He positioned the boy on all fours, making sure the boys back arch was perfect. He spanked the little hard melons of his ass until the boy’s skin was flaming red and he was bucking back up and begging for cock. Dimitri squirted laced lube deep into the boy and slicked up his big cock and pushed the huge head of his fuckstick in. Timmy cried out but did not break position. “Let me stretch that hole,” Dimitri growled, and shoved in another inch. The boy screamed and tried to fall onto the bed to get away, but Dimitri held him in place. Dimitri let the boy adjust and soon, knowing it was his place in the world to take cock, Timmy relaxed and pushed back. Dimitri began a slow leisurely fuck, his 14 incha sinking deeper and deeper, until when he got about eight inchs in he began to hit the boys second ring. Dimitri purposefully kept the fuck from pushing inside, and instead began delivering little squirts of chempiss right at the boy’s inner door. Once he was confident that the little whores hole was open and an easy fuck, he pulled back and rammed his cock through the second hole in one hard push. Timmy screamed and collapsed on the bed, Dimitri stayed on top of him and began to brutally ram his cock deep in the boy. Timmy’s face in the mirror showed real fear with an undercurrent of lust as Dimitri raped him deep. Soon, though, the hole opened more and the lust and desire for anal destruction began to overwhelm the bottom slut. Dimitri pulled out and flipped the boy, and threw his legs on his shoulders. As he’d expected, he’d torn the boy’s second hole, and his cock was pink, Dimitri grinned, knowing this would just give the drugs and his toxic seed easier purchase. “You will never not cry out when I do this, even after I’ve fucked you every day for years,” Dimitri said darkly, as he lined up his huge cock and speared the boy again. As promised Timmy cried out and his body spasmed as Dimitri’s 14 inches pounded deep inside him. Dimitri pounded the boy for a good fourty-five minutes, using extreme control to prolong this first fuck of the virgin hole. He pounded the boy in every position, making the boy cry out every time his huge cock rammed in deep. Finally, Dimitri could feel the fire build in his balls. He flipped the boy on his back, and made Timmy hold his legs wide so he could pile-drive into the boys sweet pussy. “Beg me for my toxic seed, boy, beg,” he commanded. His eyes black saucers of lust Timmy commenced begging. When the first squirt of seed spilled out of his huge plundering tool, Dimitri roared, and went crazy. As he did so, he felt the dragon tattoo stir and every candle and light in the room went dark. He felt the dark breath of his deity, and his cock grew by several inches in length and girth. Timmy screamed at the sudden big stretch as Dimitri kept pounding. He felt his cock grow hot, and Timmy started screaming “Burning hot seed, daddy, oh fuck, oh fuck so hot, feels so good.” Dimitri looked in the mirror and could see the shadow of a dragon behind him, he pentagram woven into the tattoo on his chest turned from black to glowing red. Dimitri came for several minutes, so much so that the supernatural seed overflowed out of the boy. He didn’t not stop fucking the boy—this visit by the dragon had only happened in ritual settings before and he had no idea how it was happening now—but all he knew was he needed to posses the boys ass. He knew that his cock would stay enlarged for at least another fuck, but once he came again it would go from giant to its merely huge normal size. Little Timmy was gone to the world, begging “Deeper daddy, more cum, please fuck me.” Dimitri grinned—the supernatural seed the men of the Brotherhood produced apparently burned like a hot poker—one boy had said twice as bad a burn as entire gram of Tina— but then it was ravenously addictive. The boy already belonged to him, and so Dimitri sought to enjoy him, using his enhanced cock to fuck the boy mercilessly. He pushed the boy hard, pile driving into the warm cunt, white seed squishing out as he turned and changed angles. He scooped it up and fed it other boy, who drank it down like sweet nectar. The drugs and seed and made the boy wild, and he just begged for the fucking to continue. And while he cried out in agony with ever deep fuck, he kept his legs wide and begged for more. It was all Dimitri could do not to just pull out and bury his arm to the elbow. And all the other times he’d produced the sacred sperm, he had. But those were boy he’d already been fucking and fisting for weeks, offering their holes to the Dark Lord on the evening of their fuck flu and it’s yearly anniversary, celebrating when they became a full part of the Brotherhood. But this tonight had happened on the first time he’d even been inside the boy, and so he kept that urge for another time. Dimitri fucked the boy for another solid hour, ravishing him in every position around the room. Both men were drenched in sweat, and as Dimitri spanked the perfect white ass, sweat flew in the room. Finally they ended up on the bed, the boy legs arched over his ears, Timmy urging, “Use my hole, daddy give me your toxic seed, come in me again, I need your load daddy.” And so Dimitri came again—a mind-blowingly good orgasm, but without supernatural fireworks. As his body settled down, Dimitri kept his big cock buried to the root and added a potent load of chempiss to the human and supernatural seed in the boys guts. He slapped Timmy’s ass hard—“Keep that in your pussy, pretty boy,” he commanded—and got up to grab a medium sized plug which he shoved into Timmy’s hole. Timmy screeched and spasmed but the toy lodged itself into his guts. Dimitri lay down on the bed, and set Timmy to work cleaning his big tool, showing him, how to use the popper bottle. Dimitri reached into his bedside table and pulled out his preloaded pipe and drew a few big clouds, calling Timmy up and showing him how to shotgun. He then sent Timmy down to his crotch again, instructing him to “Teach yourself to deep throat, just like you see in porn.” Turning on some low, fuck-me-beat music, Dimitri picked up his phone and texted his best buddy, Dr. Conrad Morris, who happened to be the the very doctor little Timmy had gone to see when he moved to the city two weeks ago. “Little Timmy met the dragon. WTF? Call me.” Within seconds his phone rang, when he picked up Conrad said urgently, “Seriously? Like the whole experience? Big cock, gnarly fists, and burning cum?” Dimitri spoke quietly “No hands but the rest.” “Fuck,” Conrad said, “That’s means he’s probably bonded to you.” “We don’t know—the bonding has always been after the ceremony,” Dimitri said, keeping his voice low. Conrad paused and then he said thoughtfully, “So thinking about this logically either the boy has a magic pussy that will bring out all our beasts or it’s something about him and you.” Dimitri spoke softly, “I have a great idea about how we can find out.” Dimitri could almost hear Conrad’s wolfish smile, “Over in a jiffy,”.
  9. I like cock. Period. I must admit I am a size queen but beyond that: cock is cock, and if it gets hard it’s my job to pleasure it and its owner. One of my regular lay dates for many years didn’t have a big cock but he had amazing dom top energy (especially with toys and fisting ) and it was great.
  10. The General and His Hot Nephew Use Luke’s Hole The hot younger man was a a demanding, sadistic, incredibly talented fister. He was clearly really into Luke. He’d insisted that Luke be on his back and he produced a portable sling that kept Luke’s legs in the air and tucked a pillow under the blonde’s ass. He tucked the big leather pillow and strap behind Luke’s head, kissing Luke and growling about how he was going to fuck Luke’s pussy up. He pulled on the sling until Luke was comfortable, his legs back, then he and his uncle pulled and pulled until Luke’s legs were bent back over his ears and his body was taut and bent like a pretzel, the straps pulling his legs painfully wide Luke groaned and the nephew smiled, “Your lot in life is to suffer at the hands of superior black men. You will suffer now for hours on my fist and arms.” Then the General came and, facing away from Luke, stuck is cock in Luke’s hungry pussy and the nephew climbed up and slid his big cock, still slick from Luke’s hole, into Luke’s mouth. Soon both of the gorgeous black men were filling Luke with huge streams of very potent chempiss. Luke slurped and slurped on the nephew’a gorgeous cock, grateful for the moisture in his dry mouth. Luke felt the general pull out and then a very large plug was shoved in while the nephew pulled out and set his huge muscle ass over Luke’s face. For the next 30 or so minutes, while Luke’s tongue pleasured his ass, the General’s nephew played with Luke’s hole. He punched the big plug in and out, making Luke’s hole spasm and absorb more of the drugs from the young black god’s uncles chempiss. He would then shove the toy in deep and try to push his fist in around it, doing so cruuely and making Luke cry out. Finally, he started squeezing Luke’s balls and punching his taut little stomach. Luke got higher and higher as the drugs coursed through his system. The rough treatment, as well as the sight of the two sexy muscle men, got Luke hornier and hornier, he could feel the destructive fire building in his pussy the more the hot nephew abused him. Finally the newphew pulled the big plug out and stuck most of the fingers of one hand in Luke’s hole, confirming that the dehydrated little whore had soaked up all the moisture and chems from his uncles piss. He gave Luke a bottle of poppers and then he’d dropped another, too large, dose of Tina deep in Luke’s hole, then he’d lubed up his hand and went in. He moved slowly but steadily to the point where Luke was panting and begging, the big black arm buried about 5 inches past the wrist in Luke’s hole. Then the nephew slowly closed his hand into a fist. Knowing what was coming, Luke pleaded, but the nephew didn’t listen and going purposefully to fast, he pulled his big fist out of Luke’s hole. Luke screamed and begged, but the newphew just went back in, made a fist, and pulled out harder this time. After about 20 minutes of this with Luke panting and groaning, but the begging became one of more, deeper, please sir, “ruin my pussy pussy sir.” And that’s when the punching started. For the next hour, the young black stud punched Luke’s hole relentlessly, soon pulling big rosebuds out of the young pink hole. He ignored Luke’s rolling assgasms, punching steadily, going deeper and deeper, as the boy’s hole spasmed and Luke screamed and cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. The nephew constantly changed the angle of his entry and the shape of his fist until he could punch into Lile with his big square fist smoothly, pull out brutally, and punch in again. Luke was a blubbering mess, lost to the world, feeling nothing but the utter destruction of his ass, alternately begging for a break and then begging for more. Satisfied that the boys outer ring was destroyed, the nephew began to really punish Luke, intentionally popping his big knuckles against the tender lips and screwdriving his big fist into Luke. Luke cried out, “Oh fuck, please, oh fuck that hurts.” The newphew just scowled and punched Luke in the head. “You are nothing but a dirty white whore, you will take what I give you and beg for more. Now say it.” Luke was fearful, and in between grunts and screams as the nephew increased his abuse of Luke’s hole, Like managed to pant out, “I am just a dirty white whore, please sir, please hurt my pussy.” And so, the young black muscle god continued to hurt Luke’s hole, going longer than he would have had Luke not begged for him to stop. By now, Luke asslips were hanging open, destroyed and starting to swell. Luke was used to hard hole abuse, but this was another level, and soon he was quietly weeping from the utter humiliation and pain. Finally, the nephew pulled his hand out and loosened the portable sling. Luke groaned as he back straightened and his legs flopped on the ground. “Time to deep fuck your whore pussy,” the nephew said, kissing Luke roughly, “Up on your knees.” Luke had a little trouble, his limbs were still asleep, so the newphew punched his fist into Luke and used his other strong arm to flip Luke over. Luke cried out in pain as the big fist twisted in his insides, but he finally got into position with his chest flat against the floor. The nephew gave him five hard punches, “You do as you’re told, when your are told bitch,” he chanted with each punch. The nephew attached cuffs to Luke’s ankles and wrists, Luke was quivering from the hard punches and the nephew laughed, “Your going to be quivering even more when I am done using you.” “I am leaving your hands and ankles free for now,” the nephew said, “Because I know a white whore like you will soon be begging for more, backing that little hole up on my arm.” The nephew stuck a lube tube deep in Luke’s hole and lubed Luke’s and his arm to the elbow. Next he reached for a vial of Tina and then dumped a big pile into Luke’s hole. Balling up his fist, he pushed hard into Luke, driving the burning Tina, he pushed past where he’d gone before until Luke screamed. The ephew then waited perfectly still. Within a minute Luke’s hole started pulsing around his arm and Luke started begging, “Use me daddy, use me.” It took about an hour, but the nephew succeeded in getting his balled fist into Luke elbow deep. His wrists were very wide, and Luke panted and grunted but his hole was hungry again. The nephew then spent about another half hour deep punching Luke, Luke crying out and pushing his ass back begging for more. The General reappeared—Luke had no idea where he’d gone—and leaned a couple of long mirrors against the wall, providing a good side view of the big black arm disappearing in Luke’s hole. Then the nephew started pushing harder, until finally his elbow was fucking Luke fluidly. Meanwhile, the General dumped double the largest dose of opium he’d ever given the whore, a small pile of Tina and a crushed ecstasy pill into a lube gun. He then filled it to the brim with his own potent chempiss. He handed it to his nephew who grinned widely. “Put this in his second hole on my signal,” the General ordered. He then reached back into his bag and pulled out a loaded point and went and sat at Luke’s head. Luke immediately started giving the General’s big cock the attention it deserved. The General let the boy work for a few minutes—fuck he’d trained the boy well- and then he roughly pulled him off his cock and turned his head to one side flat against the floor. He nodded at his nephew who pulled his fist out and grabbed the end of the lube tube and pulled into Luke’s second ring. “Now,” the General commanded, and as Luke’s guts were filled with the mix of drugs the General tapped hard on the vein in Luke’s neck. In the mirrors he could see Luke’s eyes get wide with fear, even as his ass started swaying around the big elbow. “Hold very still little whore,” the General commanded and speared into Luke’s neck. He quickly found a register and smoothly pushed the .75 of Tina into Luke’s neck. Luke coughed hard, and then groaned as the nephew went in deep and hard with his big square fist. Within seconds he was drenched in sweat and chanting, “Use my pussy, daddy, use me.” The nephew was very rough, pushing Luke hard. And Luke was so horny from the Tina, and his hole relaxed from the opium and the ecstasy that he just begged for more. When he got bicep deep, the nephew fucked and fucked Luke, hard brutal punches that Luke gloried in, begging for more every time he’d come up for air from his deep throating of the General’s giant cock. The General now pulled a wide black belt out of his bag and pulled it around Luke’s neck, pulling just tight enough that Luke had trouble breathing but didn’t pass out. When Luke grabbed for his neck, the Nephew just laughed, and forced Luke’s cuffed hands behind his back, locking the cuffs tight. “I want to see your shoulder up this cunt,” the General said. And so the nephew grabbed a vial and dumped another gram into the boys hole. Once he got his bicep buried he started fucking the boy hard. The nephew nodded, and the General reached down and pulled the belt around Luke’s throat tight, all the while slapping Luke’s face hard. As Luke gurgled and struggled, the nephew started pushing hard. And when Luke passed out, he took advantage of the slack boy meat underneath him and slid in past the bicep. When Luke awoke seconds later, gurgling and breathing hard, it took a minute for his body to realize he’d been penetrated by the nephew thick fist and wrist. And when he did, he cried out as the nephew fucked him at that depth. “Hit him again, uncle,” the nephew said. And so the General tightened the belt and made Luke pass out. Now the nephew pushed hard, until his shoulder was close and held still. Luke woke up and started screaming, his hole convulsing around the deep fist. The General laughed and pushed the boys screaming mouth all the way way down his rock hard cock. They abused Luke hard for about an hour until the nephew could fuck him brutally with his shoulder. Making Luke pass out several more times. They then switched places, and the nephew was even cruelly, never letting Luke breath fully until he was blue, then choking him out while he Uncles longer arms were buried deep in Luke’s pussy. Luke begged and begged for them to use him, even as the nephew laughed and called him a worthless whore. In all they shoulder fisted Luke for about four hours, removing the belt from his throat and trading turns beating his back and chest with the belt while the other brutalized his hole. Luke was so high he begged for the abuse, craving their huge fists fucking his deepest, most tender places. When they tired of fisting the boy, they gave him another point and the General got out his big inflatable ball, laughing as Luke begged him to stretch his hole. The General put the toy into Luke’s second hole and inflated it until Luke was struggling and groaning. And then he and his nephew took turns brutally shallow punching the boy, pausing from time to time to inflate the ball even bigger. When the toy had gotten too big, and Luke and involuntarily pushed it out—screaming at the top of his lungs—the two coated their cocks with Tina and double fucked Luke. Luke was so spun that he took everything they dished out and begged for more. The men pushed more ecstasy and more opium inside the boy, and gave him small bumps of Tina at least once an hour. Luke was a rutting animal, fucking himself on their cocks and arms and feet, begging for their piss, burying his tongue deep in their muscular asses. For the first time he took the General double fists, and then the nephew pushed and pushed until his thick wrist was buried next to his uncles. In these moments, Luke would come to clarity, his body wracked with both desire and agony, but soon he’d lose himself again, opening up and pushing back until the double and triple fists were forearm deep. By this point Luke was an absolute mess, his body covered in sweat, and bruises becoming visible all over his body and neck. His eyes were black holes of lust and his hole was open and dripping fluids—lube, cum, and piss—and he begged the men to destroy him. So the General had him kneel over his nephews balled fist, and has Luke fucked himself down to the muscled gods bicep, the General pierced each of Luke’s tits in his signature X cross. Luke begged for more pain, crying “I am a whore, master, hurt me, punish me.” And so while Luke abased himself on his nephews thick arms, the General whipped and canned Luke’s back and shoulder and just, finally using a riding crop to beat Luke’s pierced tits. Throughout Luke screamed and cried, but always begged the General to punish him more. Finally, after another eight hours of the men using Luke—fists, feet, giant toys, whipping, punching, slapping,and fucking—they grew bored. So they up each brutally shoulder fisted Luke for about an hour until his hole was swollen and dripping. Then, forcing Luke to hold his asschecks open, they beat his rosebud with the crop and a cane until it was red and swollen. This last punishment brought Luke back to reality, especially when they then took turns punching his poor abused hole yet again. Finally each man filled the boy with a giant load of chempiss and they shoved in a huge buttplug, locking in the intense mixture. Luke now cleaned their bodies with his tongue, his body shaking and weak, but still, pulsing with desire for them and their giant hands and cocks. Despite Luke’s begging, they soon got dressed and left him, laughing as he lay on the floor, and fucked his hole with the giant plug. Luke was never the same after that night. His hunger for the roughest forms of s and m were awakened, and his already serious addiction to black cock got deeper and deeper. The General and his nephew continued to call on him and use him, always inventing crueler ways to do so. His client list became more and more rough and Karzinski made a fortune selling the videos of the little blonde being used in the hardest ways. But, after just a few short years, years lived too hard being strung out on Tina, Luke’s beauty began to fade. Until finally he was sold to a biker gang, and lived about a decade as their abject fuck and torture slave, until finally his life was ended in crossfire at a shoot out. There was no funeral and no grave. Little Luke’s life, made worthless by a desperate choice made at too young an age, died forgotten and without memorial.
  11. Roundup of other stories I was asked for this in a DM so sharing it here: Adventures of Wes and the Bear Getting Serviced in Alabama. [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/84642-getting-serviced-in-alabama/ Wesley, the Big Black Bear, and the Bear’s Family [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/84843-wesley-the-big-black-bear-and-the-bear’s-family/ Daddy Mark and Daddy Bill Mark Fucks Me Deep [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/79343-mark-fucks-me-deep/ Daddy Bill and Matty Boy [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/79419-daddy-bill-and-matty-boy/ Master Tom Trains Matty [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/79521-master-tom-trains-matty/ Inland Ocean Landscaping Making the Twink Their Boy [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/84956-making-the-twink-their-boy/ The Turkish Men Punish Jeff [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/84992-the-turkish-men-punish-jeff/ Other The Prince and the Ginger [think before following links] https://breeding.zone/topic/79703-the-prince-and-the-ginger/
  12. Doing a quick second post to give you a sense of the next chapter in Luke’s developing life in the Brothel and his addiction to the General. I won’t be posting for several weeks due to a trip. Luke’s Total Service Luke’s mouth was roots-deep on a giant black cock. His hands were cuffed tightly behind his back. His jaw and shoulders ached from the strain of hours of sexual service. None of these things was unusual, as Luke spent many many hours each week serving giant cocks and being bound. But what was unusual was the totality of his subservience. A couple of months ago, he’d been called out to serve a client in a large penthouse apartment in a downtown skyscraper. He’d been stunned to discovered that his client was the General, his little cock hard as a rock the minute he saw the object of his sexual addiction. The General had always used him in one of the basement dungeons, with all the cruel tools of his sexual torture and sadism at the ready. The General had Luke kneel and he’d cuffed his hands tightly behind his back. He’d then slid a big tube up Luke’s hole and given him what felt like a massive dose. He’d then put a tight mask over Luke’s face, leaving only his mouth and nose exposed. Luke had taken the massive, semi-hard cock down his throat, and then he felt a large flexible band go around the back of his head, binding his mouth to the general’s crotch, his nose buried the big man’s musky, trimmed pubes. And the General had worn Luke’s mouth like some crazy human flashlight for most of the next three days, Luke’s throat involuntarily sucking and spasming, the big head lodged deep in his gullet. When the General moved, Luke moved, walking awkwardly bent over. When the General needed to piss, he’d pause and piss and Luke would drink. Sometimes, Luke would feel the tails of a dresshirt draped over his face, as he knelt on the floor between the General’s huge spread thighs and Luke would suckle and service the big cock while the General held video business meetings. When the General showered, Luke’s showered too, the soap and shampoo getting in his nose and running down his face. When the General needed to take a shit, Luke would stay in position, his throat drinking the man’s piss and his nostrils filling with foul smells. Luke often cried during those times, feeling his abject slavery to the man. At night, he slept between the man’s legs, trying to sleep, occasionally being awakened by a throat full of strong night piss. The first day of this had been hell, as he’d gagged and retched around the cock, until he’d just accepted the cock as a fact of life, and then his throat settled into a steady involuntary sucking. The General’s sexual appetites were unquenchable, and his cock stayed semihard for hours. When the huge Nigerian muscle god wanted more active service, he’d slide a big bump of Tina up Luke’s hole, spank Luke’s ass hard with his giant hand three times, then the General would loosen the belt that held Luke’s head and give him enough play to suck the man from tip to base. In the mornings—Luke supposed is was morning, as he’d not seen anything in the days since the mask went on—the General would wake up and Luke would drink his piss. Then the General would undo the strap and position Luke on his hands and knees on the bed. He’d shove a lube tube deep inside Luke and dropped a 1/2 gram, and then the General would settle in for a long rough fuck. After the General had dropped a couple of loads, Luke would be reattached to the cock he served and spend the day on his knees, awkwardly walking when the General paced while on the phone, or sitting while the man worked. Luke was grateful when the hold was loosened and he provided an active blow job—when the man got hard without loosening the belt, the huge cock would completely fill his mouth and throat and cut off his air. Luke had learned to breath through his nose, but he still passed out from time to time, as the big cock suffocated him. The experience was exhausting, his entire world reduced for hours on end to one man’s enormous, insatiable cock. His sense of smell was dominated by the man’s musk, and most of the breath he drew was through the big man’s pubes or the skin around the massive shaft. His tongue was overpowered by the taste of the General, his piss, his sweat, the constant stream of precum, and the man’s massive loads of semen. Luke looked forward to his morning fuck, and his nightly fuck, and the hard, hot fisting that usually followed. When he had time to think, days after one of these sessions would end, Like figured that he spent between sixteen and twenty hours of each day affixed to the man’s cock. And so those moments when he could fully breath, his ass on fire from the giant portions of Tina the man dropped there, he reveled in the man’s fisting, always too much, too hard, too deep, and too fast. The affect of the General’s cruel treatment was that Luke became even more marked, more addicted to the man’s cock, and that the only freedom he was afforded was to pleasure the big man’s cock with his mouth or hole, and Luke began to revel in the man’s cruelty, to beg him to go deeper, harder and faster. After these sessions with the General, it would take Luke days and days to recover, to smell anything or taste anything other than the lingering masculine musk of the giant-dicked black god. When he was with the General, Luke was never given any food or water, his body drawing moisture only from the sweat, precum, cum and piss produced by the huge cock he served. And so for days afterwards those tastes dominated his senses. He entire body ached, and his neck and shoulders and back spasmed and seized. Karzinsky soon assigned Luke a personal trainer who was a certified physical therapist. Luke had always just kept to a rigorous workout plan as assigned, working out in the gym at his designated time. But the trainer, Jerry, a big muscled and tatted Australian, made him perform hours of PT on his neck, back, and shoulders and then started him on a rigorous program focused on definition. Luke’s great, natural diving body acquired a new focus, his pecs popped like small apples, every muscle of his torso and ass defined. All the men—from twins to muscle bottoms to the five or so muscle tops—who were assigned a trainer were expected to provide sexual service on demand. There was a special, smaller gym for these men, and Luke was glad he wasn’t one of the muscle tops. To keep them in line Karzinski and his men constantly humiliated the big muscled men, making them wear lacy thongs and occasionally being fisted in the gym surrounded by the others. Luke got off relatively easy, simply drinking Jerry’s piss in the gym when he offered it. Jerry preffered to fuck him in the privacy of one of the brothel’s many service rooms. Jerry also liked to edge Luke, subjecting Luke to an exhausting workout, then he’d tie the little blonde up and edge and edge him until Luke was in tears. Luke discovered, though that as hot as Jerry was, if Luke wanted to come he had to fantasize about the General—his fist shoulder deep, his cock to the root in his mouth, or the musty smell of his ass when Luke would service him. After Jerry would finally give Luke release, he’d leave Luke tied up and bend his legs back and plunge his thick uncut tool into Luke’s hole and bang him for an hour or more. By the time Luke was done with his workout and the after-gym edging and fucking party, he barely had the energy to eat his now precisely-monitored diet of lean proteins, precise carbs, and vegetables. And so here Luke was, on his knees smelling the sexually-charged musk of his own, personal, giant Nigerian muscle man. Luke felt the man loosen the belt holding him and got excited, his boycock suddenly hard despite the Tina and Ecstacy coursing in his veins. He felt the General huge hand on his jaw, forcing it wider while he other hand pressed firmly on the back of his head, and the General forced him down to the root of his cock, and then further, slipping both of his huge balls inside Luke throat, the big cockhead going further into Luke’s gullet, and then the belt was tightened and Luke’s throat held the entirety of the man’s shaft and his balls. Luke had a really hard time of it, it was like the first day all over again, and for several hours he gagged and sputtered, his jaw in agony from the even wider stretch. And then something strange happened. Luke felt a hand other than the General’s on his ass. Luke knew that cleaning staff entered the room everyday. The General would put on one of his traditional robes and sit at his desk and hide the naked, bound twink between his legs. This always excited the General, and his cock would swell and gag Luke, until the constantly milking action of Luke’s stuffed throat caused the man to explode down his throat, his moans muffled by the noise of the electric vacuum. But today Luke felt an unknown man pull apart his asschecks, and a broad finger stretch his hole. The man quickly threaded a lube tube deep inside and delivered a massive dose. As Luke howled around his big cock as the General got hard as a rock. Luke then felt the burning flame of a big, Tina-covered cock spear his hole in one big push. Once the Tina burn had abated, Luke enthuastically serviced the General while enjoying an expert deep fuck by the other man. The cock was actually thicker than the Generals, which Luke hadn’t thought possible—and it was quite long, but not as long as the Generals giant tool. But the key thing was the man was an excellent cocksman. He had rhythms and cadences to his fucking—short fucks to enjoy the feeling of destroying Luke’s second hole, then a long series of total penetration, pulling out and ramming in to the hilt. He moved his cock around constantly, stretching and battering Luke’s insides from all angles. The end result was that as Luke’s insides got looser, the big tool went thrillingly deeper and deeper. After both men and given Luke two loads—the General deep in Luke’s gullet and the mystery man’s huge loads deep in his guts—the mystery man filled Luke’s hole with warm potent chempiss which set Luke tingling again. The General undid his headpiece and Luke came off the big cock, spluttering saliva and other stomach juices, trying to work some of the pain from his over stretched jaw. Then Luke felt the General’s cock slide in and deliver his load of piss up Luke’s hole followed by a big plug. There was a heated discussion between the General and the other man, muffled by the all-encompassing mask. And then he felt strong fingers slide the mask off and Luke blinked, the dim light in the room was too much. The General turned Luke’s head to see the new man. He was a gorgeous young black African, not as tall as the General but still 6’5” or so. He was broad and rectangular, wide chest, flat stomach, and his big 10 inch cock hung in the light, dripping precum. His physique was excellent, but it was that of a naturally stout man, and it was as if his rippling muscles had a padded quality to them. Luke though he was one of the hottest men he’d ever seen. The General spoke, “ This is my nephew. You may address him as sir, he insisted on taking off your mask so he can watch your face when he fists you.” The nephew held up one hand, and pointed as his wrist. Holy Fuck, Luke thought, he had big hands but they were barely wider than his huge, wide wrists and then his arms just got bigger as they went up. Luke involuntarily arched his back, and the General smiled, “You want that, huh? We shall see—those thick wrists will stretch you wide and deep—and we will make sure to make it as painful and exciting as possible, just how you love it little cunt.”
  13. Was the point of the rough opening scene with the General clear? The idea was that the General needs to show his total control over a subs body first, then when he starts the fuckin’ and fistin’ and druggin’ they are his completely.
  14. By the third hour, the General could easily closed-fist punchfuck Luke from his anus through the second ring. He kept at this for quite a while, the General in a zone, having allowed himself a lot more Tina, and the boy eager to submit, opening his legs wide in the sling. But try as he might, the General wasn’t making a lot of progress in increasing the depth of the fuck. So the General decided the only solution was to fuck Luke up even more. Reluctantly leaving the boys hole, he filled a lube tube with 1/2 a gram and tipped two ecstasy capsules in. Filling this with his chempiss, he opted to not add in fisting powder on the idea that this might hamper full absorption. He then found an extra long hose and affixed it to the lube pump. He then slid the long flexible tube in pushing and pushing until it was all in. From time to time he’d release a tiny amount of the lube to smooth the passage, but even after Luke started showing signs it was hurting, the General kept up his slow gentle pressure until the tube and about 1/2 of the pump were buried in Luke’s hole. Luke was groaning loudly, making little starts, alternating between pain and lust. The General stood at his head, “Drink, boy,” and he slid his big cockhead in the boys mouth and slowly fed him piss. Drinking the big man’s piss brought out the little submissive pig in Luke, and by the time the General was done feeing him mouthful after rank mouthful, Luke ass was arched up in the sling, ready for more. The General waited until the whore had completely cleaned his cock, the smaller young mans’s tongue lapping at his piss slit like a kitten after milk, and then he went to the boys hole. The General greased up his arm from fingertip to shoulder with strongly laced lube. He then pushed hard on the pump, releasing all the chempiss and ecstacy and Tina deep, deep, inside Luke’s little cunt in one huge rush. Luke screamed at the intense burn deep where nothing had touched since the several days that Enrique and Jason had possessed his hole completely. As the General intended, within seconds, Luke felt an aching need deep inside his boy pussy. He wasn’t able to speak, but he was trying to hump the lube pump. The General quickly removed the tube and squared his fist and went into the boy hard, pushing through the boys first and second rings until he encountered resistance. The General pushed again, making Luke’s cry out, and the General paused, and then very slowly began a very light, pounding fuck. The boys hole was flaming hot, fluttering around his big fist, and with every light pound—to Luke it felt someone was fucking him with a log of wood—the General would push a little deeper. Luke’s body was utterly confused. The General was at the beginning of his bicep already, and the stretch was intense and somewhat painful, but Luke craved it more. One second he’d give a little cry as the General took another millimeter of his hole, then he’s spread his legs and welcome the fist. His headspace was just as it was when he’d begged Jason and Enrique to punish his hole with the huge toy. “Fuck me, master,” Luke cried out, his soft cock dribbling precum, “Take me deep.” The General grinned, put his big fist in the bird shape, and dove in. He pushed until Luke was tense with pain, his legs extended straight he pulled his hand all the way. Luke was panting, his body writhing, but within seconds his hole felt empty. “Please, master, I need you deep in me.” The General grinned, scooped a tiny pile of Tina into his palm and closed his fingers around it. He went smoothly in until he was at that same depth. Luke wasn’t as rigid as he’d been, so the General pushed until it was clearly an inch beyond Luke’s limits. He then dropped the pille and began to fist fuck the little whore’s deepest regions. His hand stayed in the bird shape and he took more of the boys depth, Luke’s hotel hole stretched around the General’s massive bicep. Luke thrilled at this,loving how the hole Luke’s wanted destroyed deep gave his pig boy anus a wide stretch. The General lit another bowl—time to give the boy the benefit of his hyped up sexual aggression—when he smoked that he pulled out slightly and then began to pound the boy at those depths with his massive clenched fist. Luke struggled and cried out, but soon the drugs and his submissive nature ran out. The General was his master now, all the pain he’d endured to please the big gorgeous black man, the thrill of his fucking, the remembered pain in his balls and body, broke Luke and remade him. He wise nothing but a receptacle for whatever the man wanted. Luke opened his legs wide, “Take my boypussy, sir, fucking hurt me, fuck me,” Luke cried. The General just smiled his cold smile, “Music to my ears, little whore” he said darkly. He folded his hand and started fucking the boy deeper. He used his free hand to scoop a massive pile of Tina into that general paused the deep fucked and pulled out slightly, so that his massive bicep no longer stretched the boy quite so tightly. The General drove his hand in, doubling the boy with no warning, but stopping he minute his palm was inside. He then quickly swept his hand open and slapped the massive pile of Tina onto the lube covering his forearm. He pulled his palm out and then the arm went in deep. The turned burned a streak up into Luke’s second hole and he screamed, then seconds later his hole began to assgasm around the general’s bicep. The General barely registered this, and he just concentrated on pushing deeper into the boy’s hole. The General went extremely slowly— their would be pleat of time to punch the boy deep later—but he was relentless. His folded hand kept a steady, slight beat going. Soon the General was in past his bicep. The kids hole felt fantastic, warm and living. The sense of power it gave the General was such a high, he was in total control of the little whore. Luke kept up a low keening moan, but his legs stayed relaxed and open. The General smoked another bowl—when he gave the boy another load of chempiss it was going to burn—and then he kept pushing. He wasn’t rough but he wasn’t gentle either. He’d paid to use a whore and he was going to use a whore. The General slowed down again, getting the last bit for the first time required a deft touch if you didn’t want to put someone in the hospital. And the General wanted to use this little blonde slut for many hours—and years—to come. While Luke couldn’t form a coherent though, he was starting to understand what a giant of a man the General was. The ecstasy was in full force, and the Tina told Luke he needed to the big man to fill him. But the General was so, so deep, deeper than any fist had been before. Luke struggled and moaned, but he tried hard to submit. Luke wasnt really thinking, but somewhere in his hindbrain he had the sense that if he that if he didn’t try to give his hole up the General would find a way to take his entire colon anyway. And so over about fourty-five minutes the giant black man’s arm drove deeper and deeper into the hot depths of the blonde twinks stretched-out hole. The General wasn’t satisfied until his nearly hairless armpit was buried in the sluts hole. And then he began to work and work and he deep fisted the boy for three hours straight, going harder and harder. The boy thrilled to be so open for the godlike stud, and he rode the big man’s arm with gusto. From time to time the General would dump another pile of Tina onto his arm and slam it deep in the boy while he smoked his own pipe. Finally he pulled out until just his fist was inside the boy and slid his massive cock in, semihard as always. He filled the boy with chempiss then began fisting again in earnest. His big bicep kept all the piss in as Luke’s body soaked up moisture and drugs in equal measure. Both men went completely mad after that, and the General would deep fist the hole, pulling out and driving in to his armpit, over and over, then he’d pull out and attack first the boys inner hole then punch and punch the boys sloppy outer hole. Luke experienced rolling assgasm, the General relentlessly punching him throughout them, drawing the boys inner hole closer and closer into an addictive sexual relationship with himself. The General knew that, after he’d used the boy a few more times, the boy would only be able to orgasm through his little boy balls only by fantasizing about the General controlling him. He’d done it hundreds of times and looked forward to doing it again. And so he got back to the work at hand: destroying the boy cunt laid out before him.
  15. Luke’s First Speedball Fistfuck Luke tried very, very hard to keep the huge mouthful of piss in his mouth. It was rank, and so potent he could feel the chems start to burn through the thin membranes of his mouth, and his desire to be filled began to build. As his master inserted his huge cock, semihard, into Luke, Luke’s hole suckled around the dick, hungry for the fuck. The General laughed, “Hungry pink whore pussy.” The General waited until he felt Luke’s hole gobble and accommodate his cock—probably only 10 inches now—and then when he felt his was deep in the boy, he began to piss. And piss. And piss. When Luke was already showing signs he was starting to fly, moving and bucking and begging, the General pulled out and pissed a huge load into the boys first chamber. The General knew from decades of experience that he’d just given the boy the equivalent of a large, deep, chempiss enema. Enough liquid that the boy’s hole was being stretched as if he’d been giving an extra large, stretching enema. But this enema was warm, and filled with pent up hours of Tina recycled through the big man’s body. He also knew that Luke was fundamentally, at his core, dehydrated—when boys served the General, the only fluids they ever received were from his cock—piss and cum in one hole or the other—and Luke’s hole would desperately try to suck the water up and that within say twenty minutes the hole would be nearly dry. So the General needed to move quickly to make the liquid stretch the boys hole more—and also, he needed the boy to fail in his task of holding the piss in his mouth. The General needed to punish the boy again before stretching that ass to oblivion. And so the General, who never played fair anyway with his slaves, decided to show Luke just how unfair he could be. He walked over to his large duffle and pulled out a relatively innocuous looking toy. It was only about six inches in length, with a series of ribs going up to a small accordion ball, with a series of small rubber nibs. The size was deceptive—at full inflation, the entire toy including the ball at the end was 14 gut-swelling inches. But the part that the General loved the most was the ball at the end. When fully inflated it was a screaming-stretch for any pig, just a little smaller than a volleyball at 21 inches of circumference. He had never brought it to its full size in a man’s second hole, but he had a few times made it that large in an experienced sluts first hole—most recently an older fistpig in a Berlin dungeon. But the beauty of the toy was its outrageous size when fully inflated. And since the General mostly loved to stretch and use holes on younger men, the experience for them was that the General had the ability to stretch and push them indefinitely, that the General could stretch their hole forever. And so the General slipped the ball into Luke’s already full first chamber. The boys body had already absorbed some but not all of the moisture from the piss, as General could hear it slosh around. Then the General started to pump the toy. For quite a while Luke was very into the stretch, moaning and gurgling around his huge mouthful of the General’s piss. After the thing got to be the size of a golf ball, it lodged itself at Luke’s anus, and the General tugged it tight, partially plugging the boys hole. Soon enough Luke’s ass was high in the air, his back arched up trying to accommodate the stretch. Now that he really had the little whore’s attention the General slowed everything down, using languid pushes to pump air slowly into the rubber nibbed ball. When he got the ball to 7 inch’s in circumference, the thing pushing liquid deeper into Luke’s gut while stretching his little ass ring unforgivingly, Luke’s lost control, and piss bubbled out of his lips while he tried to swallow. The General just smiled, “I can’t wait to punish you for that,” and then he pumped two full hard pumps. Now Luke howled, “Fuck, master, please sir, it’s too much.” But the General wasn’t done. He kept slowly inflating the toy, as Luke struggled. Finally the General gave Luke a bottle of poppers. And while this allowed Luke to accommodate the tough stretch, it also meant the General could do even more boypussy stretching. The General stopped by about an inch and half short—at 8.5 inches around—of the huge 10-13 inch diameter Annihilator dildo Luke had begged Jason and Enrique to use. The General wanted to be sure to save some room for a later session—either later that night or another time. Once the General was satisfied that 8.5 was a good size for now, he began to push the big ball into Luke’s second ring. He had no intention of actually doing it without deflating the thing, but he was sure going to enjoy trying. At first Luke clearly felt a little panic—he’d taken larger fists and arms through that hole hours ago, not to mention the General’s monster cock—but the taut little ribbed rubber stretchy ball was a difficult shape. But then he decided—as much as his over-served brain could decide anything—to make the best of it and kept himself high on the poppers. Luke was at this point an extremely hot-looking, hot mess. His body definition was out of this world due to the abuse his body had been put through, and he was drenched in sweat. He was probably the highest he had been yet, his eyes coal black with need and desire. And his ass? His ass was on fire and belonged entirely to the General. The General kept a firm, strong push going on the ball, using the little ribs for purchase, slowly pushing forward with an insistent rhythm. Luke’s inner hole flexed and bowed, but it wouldn’t let the ball in. So then the General started to let tiny amounts of air out, making the ball ever so slowly smaller. Slowly the ball became a size where it could start to slip into the second hole, and so the General slowed down until the ball was just small enough that it popped in. At the penetration Luke jumped a little with a little scream, then he moaned with pleasure, “Oh sir, please, sir, need deep stretch.” The General just smiled his cold smile and gave the ball two pumps. “Make me proud and push that out.” So Luke’s pushed and pushed, sweat dripping from his hair, and then finally he succeeded and the thing came flying out with a shout. The played this game for a while. The General would push the toy in, give a pump or two, then wait patiently while Luke pushed and moaned it out. Then the toy went back in—with no loss of air—the General pushing firmly and insistently while Luke puffed on his poppers, shouting again as the ball went in. Finally, it got to the point where, even after 15 minutes of trying, the ball wouldn’t come out. So the General began to pump. As he pumped Luke started a kind of low, almost song like groan, as he started to get desperate the General paused, scooped a big bump of Tina up and put it into his upper palm and closed his hand into the first fisting shape, the bird. The big bird went flying into Luke’s hole straight through to the inner passage where he slowly pushed the ball a little deeper. Luke was totally rigid now as the big man plastered Tina on the back side of the ball and then dumped the rest into Luke’s hole. Luke gave a little cry at the burn, then as the General folded his hand and pulled out, Luke gave a small scream as his hole connected with the bigger pile on the back of the ball. The new, extra dose of Tina made Luke forget, again, his need for self-preservation and so the General pumped, slowly, some more. After a few pumps he reached around and felt the bulge of the rubber ball through in Luke’s fat-free abs. It was probably an inch smaller than it had been in Luke’s outer hole—a good place to leave it. But Luke’s hole didn’t want to leave it, and soon his colon was insulating, pushing the toy ever so slightly back and forth. So the General pumped again, going and going until finally it was too much, and Luke was rigid and panting. “Who owns that hole?” the General demanded. “You do, sir, it’s all yours sir,” Luke managed, voice ragged with pain. And so the General gave two more pumps until Luke began a low keening, and the General left it in place and went to gather a whip and some more supplies to punish and fist the boys hole. The General gathered his heavily-laced fisting lube, another pair of tit clamps, and a small box which contained the crushed remains of several opium suppositories. Holding this all in one giant hand, he grabbed his single-tail whip with the other. As he strode over he grinned—fuck this whore made him happy—because Luke had clearly gotten used to and started loving the stretch. He was still dripping sweat and moaning, but now with pleasure as he undulated his ass and torso around the big ball. Deciding the boy could use the hydration, the General gently lifted Like by his shoulder until his ass rested on his ankles. The big ball shifted down, putting pressure on his colon, and Luke panted. The General paused, fascinated to watch the bulge descend down Luke’s abs until it must have lodged again his second hole. The General lifted Luke’s now jet-black eyes to his own, “You thirsty, pigwhore?” Luke paused, as if thinking about something other than the fiery need in his ass was somehow novel, and said, “Yes, sir.” “Drink me, then, drink from the lord of your body,” the General commanded. And so Luke guzzled the foul chempiss to quench his thirst. After that, they played the push the ball out game for about one half hours with Like struggling fruitlessly to expel the big ball. And then the ball got small enough that it didn’t expel all the way, but instead got lodged right in the middle of Luke’s second ring. Seeing this has a sign from the universe, the General then proceeded to very determinedly stretch that second ring. It only took a few pumps for the toy to start to really stretch the boys deep ring. Luke huffed and puffed on his poppers and did pretty well at first. But as intended, he soon began to suffer. He had his chest pressed flat against the floor, his ass reared up, and he would grown and moan as he tried to take the pain. Luke begged, “Please, sir, give me a minute to get used to it, please sir.” So the General complied. Giving Luke exactly one minute and Luke would groan and then the Tina would kick in and he would indeed relax. Then the second the minute ended, the General would give two big quick pumps and start again. The General did this over and over until the toy was just about the size of the annihilator’s head—he’d slipped his hand inside the boys hole and felt the thing— and then he stopped. Luke was groaning continuously and shaking like a leaf, so great was the shock of the stretch. The General stroked his big cock and watched one of his favorite sights in the world, an already-destroyed twink being pushed to their limits, as Luke’s face cycled through feelings of pain, then shock as some part of him registered the giant ball, then lust as the Tina made him crave it more, then shame that he could continue to desire his own destruction. The General then prepared Luke’s first speedball as he combined a several big scoops of the crushed opium and a big pile of Tina. He then walked his box of opium over to his bag and dropped it in. He knew to only give a boy a dose once, because the opium stayed in his system longer, so it couldn’t be microdosed or given multiple times in a way that would work. He then divided the two doses up, and then mixed quite a bit more Tina with one pile. He scooped up the first, more balanced opium-Tina pile, slid it in his palm and closed his fist around it. “I am about to fuck you up, boy,” the General said, as he slid his balled fist into the boys second chamber. He opened his hand and began pressuring the combined drug mixture against the boys cunt walls. Delivery into the bloodstream through the thin flesh was quick, and burning, and Luke whimpered. Then he felt the strange high of the combination and his hole loosened and so the General stretched his inner hole steadily. By the time the boy was rigid again—the relaxant could only do so much—the toy was approaching the 13 inch’s around of the anihilators shaft. The boy was gone, riding imaginary clouds of bliss from the opium while the Tina kept a steady beat, demanding that his hole be used. The General kept him here for a couple of minutes then quickly deflated the toy and pulled it out. He got Luke up on his hands and knees, ass raised, and whispered, “Punishment time.” Luke nodded, gone to the world. The General stood to the side and lashed a perfect single strait welt across the middle of Luke’s ass. Luke cried out, “Fuuuuuck,” and his body levitated up and then down and he collapsed. The General reached down and grabbed Luke by the hair and put him in position on his hands and knees, back arched to present his ass and head up to increase the line of his back. “Now that I’ve got your attention, this is your position. You will get out of position because this single-tail hurts like a motherfucker but you will try to stay in position. If you collapse again or don’t immediately return to position, that’s an extra lash. I am pleased you’ve already earned one extra lash.” Luke kept his position but groaned. And so Luke got three more stripes on his ass, then two to form an ‘x’ on his back. Each time he shouted or keened, but then the drugs would kick in and he’d moan and get himself ready for more. When the General stood at each of Luke’s sides, and delivered a lash from the right and then another from the left that started in the middle of his back and then reached around and struck his abdomen, Luke screamed and cried, almost completely loosing it before regaining control. After delivering two final, full arm strength burning welts to Luke’s ass the General tossed aside his whip. He quickly dumped the rest of the snow ball—this one with twice the meth of the first dose—into a lube tube and filled it with fresh chempiss and fisting powder. The General pushed Luke’s head down, “Chest flat to ground, ass up and cheeks open, make your back a straight line.” Luke complied, holding his asscheeks wide. His hole was like a living thing, winking and flexing. “Hungry boywhore,” the General said, sliding the tube into the boy. He kept sliding and Luke was so high he didn’t even notice how deep it was. Once the hose was buried, the General quickly dumped the entire huge load of Tina and opium in the boys ass. The burn was the most intense Luke had felt, and he started yelling. The General slid the tube out, balled up his fist and gently slipped it inside the boy. Then in a show of raw animal strength he grabbed Luke by the throat and in one motion picked the boy up by the fist speared in his ass and by his throat. He held the boy up by his throat and spun him to face him. The boy was scrambling, trying to hold on and he grabbed the General’s huge shoulders. Overwhelmed by sensations, Luke’s eyes were wide, as he slid down until the big fist was at his second door. The General reached forward and wrapped his big hand around the boy’s much smaller throat and he squeezed, cutting of Luke’s air supply. Luke panicked and his arms went to his throat, his eyes begging the General, and as he did so the new dose of opium and Tina kicked fully in and his second hole opened and the big fist went into the hole in little fits and starts. When the fist was lodged fully into that second ring, stretching at the widest part across the huge knuckles, the General released his death grip, and grabbed Luke by the top of his hair and held him in place. Luke was swimming in sensations, lust and euphoria from what was essentially a Tina slam deep in his guts, relaxation and yet more euphoria from the opium, and all of these were overriding any pain message he body should have been sending. Luke was aware of the stretch, but his body only told him that he needed more. The General walked him the few steps over and gently put him into the sling, fist still lodged at its widest point in the second hole. The whole process of huge drug dose to massive penetration took mere seconds, but in those seconds the General altered the sexual wiring of little Luke. Luke looked at him with total adoration, fueled yes by the drugs, but also for the way the General represented the apex of the masochistic desires the men had been bringing out over several days. The General handed the boy poppers and began to fist. He worked slowly and methodically, leaving his big balled fist in the middle of the boys second hole, as he slowly and gently began twisting and turning the boys inner ring. He wanted to make sure Luke could stilll register pain so he slowly expanded the shape of his hand. Luke grunted, “Fucking big fist.” Good the General thought, the dosage was perfect. Enough to allow the General to do outrageous things to the boys hole but not sure much that he couldn’t see feedback from the boy and prevent permanent damage. The General was gentle, and first he worked the boys hole from the first ring to the second ring. After about half an hour, the boy was loose enough that he could begin punching fucking the boy gently. He slowly sped up as the hole loosened, churning the boys guts by twisting and turning as he went in and out, until after about another 1/2 hour he was delivering five short brutal closed fist punches followed by four slightly deeper ones knocking on the boys second ring. Luke was enthusiastic about it all, emitting a kind of sing song keening moan of pleasure. The General was careful to only occasionally allow his fist to tease the boys second hole. Soon, though, the fire the General had banked deep inside the boy began to blaze and Luke became dissatisfied with the relatively shallow fisting and began to beg, “Deeper, please master, fist me deeper,” desperation growing in his voice as the General ignored him. Finally, when Luke’s second hole began to push back and Luke kept trying to capture the big fist, the General smoothly pushed his balled fist inside the boys second ring. Luke sighed and groaned, despite his desires it was still a big stretch. The General then set up to systematically destroy the boy’s inner ring just as he had his first hole.
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