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Everything posted by likaleather

  1. Where do you guys find the best poppers? what site?
  2. One problem is finding a top unexpectedly and you don't have a chance to properly clean out. I've found tops in the middle of the work day and there was no way I could really clean out before heading to their place.
  3. I used Aldara and followed the directions precisely and used the cream only on the warts.
  4. Where can I see some videos of this stuff? I find it interesting.
  5. The oxball pig hole but still haven't used it.
  6. Several years ago I had these warts show up on my anal region. Honestly I have no idea where I got them from. The boyfriend never had them. I began to notice them and thought there were skin tags. Worried me for a while and I finally went to doctor and he confirmed they were anal warts (HPV). I went through several treatments where he would freeze them off. But each time they would come right back within a few weeks. By the way, they tend to bleed very easily. After several treatments with them only coming back, I asked about the cream that could be used. I think it has about a 45% success rate. The stuff is very potent. You have to use it carefully and just on the warts themselves. Within a week or two they were all gone and have not reappeared at all. (Knock on wood). The cream is supposed to help your immune system take care of them and lucikly it worked.
  7. http://fraternityx.com
  8. I have one but havent used it yet.
  9. I agree with both comments. Listening to it made me realize how far from "mainstream" our desires and fantasies are. Also it was read for comedic effect but I'm not sure how funny any of that would be. I wonder if he even understood some of the stuff he was reading about. We all come to this website with a baseline of knowledge and understanding. When that is taken out of context it can be strange and highly odd.
  10. Kind of odd to hear him read one of my posts
  11. What is your source for poppers
  12. What is your source for the poppers?
  13. Typically once I cum, I can't handle much fucking after that. Sometimes I can but mostly not. Sounds like the guy fucking you is hitting your prostrate just right. Maybe it he doesn't fuck so deep at first it could help
  14. It takes time to get "used" to it. In your head over time the pain becomes pleasure and it is easier to start off. Before getting fucked I always clean out using a shower shot. I use lube and the tip of the shower shot opens you up a little. Once everything is clean and clear I stick my fingers in and place with my ass and this helps to get the excess water out. One reason cleaning out is important is because when someone is fucking a "dirty" ass the fecal matter can be a little abrasive making it a little more painful. A clean ass will avoid that. Also after I get the water out I re lube with some Preparation H. That helps to soothe my ass a little and helps me take it better. Sometimes I will put a butt plug in and wear it before getting fucked cause it just helps to open up the hole so that first insertion isn't painful at all because you have everything loosened up already. So prepartion can really help ease you taking a cock. But practicing at home helps a lot too. It is just a new sensation that you have to get ready for. A good lube is essential too. I've found JO Anal Lube to be my favorite but everyone will tell you something different.
  15. I'll recheck. Saw a post about him and saying how he resembled Ben Affleck. I didn't pick up on that until they had the pics side by side.
  16. Didn't see anything
  17. I would like to know more about him too. I love watching him get fucked by Brad. I found him cute and loved his verbal side as he is getting fucked and he obviously loves it. If he is in any other movies let me know.
  18. Anyone heard anything from Alan Gregory? Would love to see some recent films of his.
  19. I want to see some pics of you guys in these hot sounding cruising unforms.
  20. I love the one where you fuck Dawson wearing those neoprene shorts. Love the way you talk down to him. Saw you recently in a scene with Andre Barclay and found it out the way you were so verbal with him.

    1. seaguy


      Who are you referring too?

    2. likaleather
  21. I want to try Maximum Impact. Someone give me some step by step instructions. I don't want to use too much to cause me to pass out. I too have had the dot show up in my vision during a popper session.
  22. He just died this past week.
  23. I bought a Nasty Pig jock recently and really like it. It is doubled cloth up front and the colors look good together and I like the way they piece it all together. I have a leather jock with zip pouch which I like to wear when I'm topping and can unzip and pull my dick out. My top doesn't like me in anything though.
  24. Oddly enough, I ordered one of those today.
  25. MEO carries an item like a pear of anguish. Kind of like a lockable butt plug
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