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Everything posted by spoonboy44

  1. I enjoyed this one: [think before following links] https://gay.bingo/video/156759141
  2. Hey guys, Does anyone happen to know who this athlete is? He's really hot and I'm a little jealous of Eric in this scene. 😉 I'm curious to find out not exactly who he is (respect that he wants to be discreet) but what sport he plays. . Thanks for your help! [think before following links] https://men.treasureislandmedia.com/men/35644
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  3. What a great first chapter! Thank you for writing it and looking forward to more!
  4. Thank you for the great story! I would love to read some of your other ones, is there a way to find you?
  5. Just in case you never found it...I'm pretty sure these are the guys you are looking for https://www.seancody.com/tour/movie/1747/noel-stu-bareback/trailer/
  6. Hot cock.  Wish we could have a long session together

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spoonboy44


      If I ever find myself in the UK...

    3. mjkuhl


      That cock would be worth a special trip

    4. ronnie4u


      Oh My God !   Extremely HOT and Beautiful - beginning of a serious Relationship for sure - being your Bitch - Obeying your needs !

  7. fuckin hot profile, dude.  would love to get bred by that cock

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ALPHAboy


      Ive got some DNA juice inside those nuts. Damn Id love to penetrate that hole and let you feel my meat pole. Make you feel every inch and every vein. 

    3. spoonboy44


      Let me lay there with my muscular legs in the air while you work over my wet hole. or even lie there while I bounce myself up and down, milking those babies out of you. i need all the DNA you can give me

    4. ALPHAboy


      Wanna see you with your big legs wide open. Let me work your hole and inject you all of my ball slime. Or let you ride my pole while you pleasure it with your moist anus ring and make my babies come out

  8. Thought you should know, reading your profile is making me hard :P

  9. Your ass is fucking hot... Would love to get kinky with you

    1. DeleteMe


      Sounds like fun. You look fuckin sexy. Love kink with a hot dad or big bro.

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