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Everything posted by slavemtl

  1. oh please where is chapter 2, this is so hot
  2. One of the best story I ever read , I wish to be used this way forever
  3. here is my twitter : @Sophiel48284215
  4. one of the best ever that I read here , I want to meet this Daddy and let him be his salveslut
  5. very nice story , it remind me some good night at the gijoe and one master there who had me being his slut using gatorade ... so nice and vive montréal .
  6. oh please think of me if you need a slut to poz 

    Photo le 2020-10-25 à 10.31.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. slavemtl


      Hello Ronnie 

      watch my album I have listen to your request , xxxx Sophie

      sissy boobs .jpg

    3. ronnie4u


      Oh Mercy Yes !   HOT and Delicious - more - more - Please !

    4. ronnie4u


      I have this Girl Whore within me comes out every now and then - being Poz Whores !   

  7. High , the first part was so great that maybe like a good wine the wait will make it even better !
  8. why you never finish the first part of this story ?

  9. dear sir I agreed , this city is full of bottom or those who jerk online reading porn , or those shy pervert that gave meeting and never show ... sadly if you come back here lets meet at least I can try to give a better reputation for this dead town xxxxx
  10. I love to travel to Florida and california to be use as a cumdump 

  11. help keep this exposure alive and post nasty comment on pics :) have fun with my pics 


  12. oh thank you to follow me 

  13. This sissy love to be trap and see pics of her expose as the true faggot cunt she naturally lived



    look at me , and comment and propose pics you wish to see I love men to stroke and my filth


  14. let me put my hand on your cock please
  15. Dear Sir 


    anytime you need me I wish to get breed by a man like you , and you do whatever you wish with me , my purpose in life is to be at full service for Superior Black Man , I am your slave and fuckholes living to serve you and to obey your very need .3181080443.jpg.273c898ae4f3dbf481ed7e7942a113ba.jpg

    1. ronnie4u


      Simply HOT , Beautiful and Delicious looking !  :)

  16. this story is what I become , seemen of Superiour Black Man is so addictive that ever since I got rape by BBC and now I can't get hard and beg any Black to use me anywhere
  17. never and need more dick to crash my holes
  18. at first i was gaging but after a while and lots of long BBC i now can take it
  19. Yes their is , i have a good friend he is 65 but huge stamina and nice cock but in early days of aids his regular lover got it and dies, so he had see what it was in the worst condition long before modern-therapy and prep for me he have very good argument .
  20. A canadian point of view , if I may one of the problem with information in general is that to survived they take part in the debate as a participant , Media are and should be a link for public to get the story . Since those all-news station the problem is to get fact and to get second sources to validates the info then and only then you can relay the news as verified. When reporter got pressure from editorial to get the news faster then competition we all loose , mostly because the work of accuracy lack of professionalism. But reporter are far from alone in this , when corporation get in trouble they hired "media specialist " those spin doctor have no professional obligation toward public , their only loyalty is to the one who pay his invoice . Canada is lets say 10 years behind the usa in social current but it start to grow here too , the medias crisis hit us hard too but since cultural difference between us are true it saved some medias from bankrupt. But their finance is weaker so it is tempting to relay on new financing and if a new friend offer to help ... it become tricky to do a story on this new friend unethical practice . I dont what to convince anyone but just think of it in a world where the sources of info is getting polarise by 2 mainstream party ! xxxx

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  22. this is my ultimate fantasy of being arrested for say prostitution and when they caught me i am all dress make-up etc and they find lots of meth on me so they incarcerate me and sent to jail ... the rest is easy to imagine !
  23. Yes it have too and for any order master ask
  24. This isn't mine, but wanted to share it and please if you know who produce this text let me know so i will put her proper credit , xxx This is a guide for Superior Black Men that want to usurp their rights over crossdressing white boys. I will tell you the weaknesses and inner desires of white boys, so that you may more easily enslave and own them. If you want an obedient and addicted white boy, read on. 1) Getting a real meeting with a boy is the most crucial part of beginning the white boy emasculation. The rest comes easy and naturally for the sissy boy. Most fantasize about being forced into it. They like the risks and are completely aware that it is a slippery slope. Blackmail and Domination is part of what they want. On some level, they want and feel they deserve to lose their identity as a man and to serve Superior Men. More than anything in the world. Any kind of resistance is just part of what the fantasy; white sissy boys have a desire to be freed from their choice. Younger and not married are more desirable. Degrade and humiliate him in your emails. Ask him how small his little pee pee is. Tell him how you will slap his face with Your Superior Cock. You will put him on a leash. Sissy 's like to hear confirmation they are not real men. Call them a girl. Tell him he has a girly ass. Or if he is skinny, call him petite and effeminate. Ask him if he likes looking at a picture of Your Cock. Give him a female name as a reminder. On the reverse, make him call you Daddy (this is the absolute most humiliating name you can use, but Sir or Master work well too). If he doesn't, tell him you will punish him. Try and get a phone number or address before he can back out. Always push to meet sooner. 2) Establishing follow up sessions. This is where most sissy boys get away. My greatest advice here is to ask the sissy if you can record and take pictures of him for your personal collection. In the moment, they will tend to say yes and do it. A simple picture of him on his knees sucking your cock could well be the key to his entire enslavement. You only need suggestively say you like the picture and want to send it to his friends if he is reluctant to meet. Record him every time after. Chastity is another way. This is better longterm and for training. Just like other males, white sissys have that moment of wake-up and sometimes regret when they finally cum. They will do anything before that moment, but can feel like they went to far once cum. Not allowing them to cum will keep them submissive, turned on, and obedient. You can do whatever you want for however long you want. They on some level, even like the denial. They feel trapped and needy to be nice to you. If they are resistant to this initially, you can keep pushing it, and just put it on them if you can convince them to be tied up. Forgiveness over permission. Use a device that cannot be removed without a key. During the first meeting, make them cum, be verbal, make them tell you what a bitch they are. Make them promise they will be your sextoym. Make them give you their word they will suck you next week. 3) Training will transform the white sissy into a total, obedient slut. You should not let them cum more than once a week. Suggest tying them up when you let them cum and you take off the device, so they have no say if it comes back on. Prolonging how long they cum will make it more intense and they will have much less chance of regret. You can anally train them to cum without stimulation from their little white penis and eventually to cum without being hard. Google sissy gasm. Teasing around their butt with your fingers will help. The goal is to have them only cum from anal stimulation. If you have to, make them wait another week if they can't do it without touching their tiny pee pee. Stroke them from behind like a bitch so their cock is pulled behind their legs. If they're really are unable to cum after two weeks. Also suggest stroking like this the first time you meet them until they cum. 4) After some time, you may introduce more changes to the white sissy. Changes that cross the "point of no return" will keep a white boy as a sissy longer than anything else. They may resist to these ideas, but you can keep pushing it on them, and on some level they want it more than anything in the world. Ultimately, it is their choice. Shaving smooth will make a huge difference in how girly the sissy looks. If you are keeping the sissy shaved,, You could eventually encourage the sissy to get laser hair removal. Another suggestion would be a tramp stamp or other tattoos. Perhaps "sissy slut", "Emily", "BBC Owned". You could have her do a trial with a Henna tattoo or just go all the way. Permanent makeup is another humiliating way to feminize the white sissy. The final step is the one white sissy boys think about the most. They feel it is their destiny and that is a final step to submitting and giving up their ego for humiliation. Hormones. Two types, anti-androgen and estrogen. Estrogen will have the most effects, such as face breasts, and submissive tendency. Anti androgen will make them more petite, less muscle, and make their tiny pee pees even smaller. You can find more online about it. Whatever you want of them, tell them they need to look pretty and pleasurable for Men. And that they are better off this way. Affirm it is who they are on the inside. 5) Enslaving the sissy is the goal. Establish Dominance and always push the little white boys to say they are inferior. Treat them like a sextoy. Text them you want blowjobs on random days. White sissies should be your on-call fk toy. Punish them when they are bad. Use chastity to control their rewards. You can do whatever you like, turn them into a live-in maid if you like or a discreet obedient sex slave.
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