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Everything posted by misneach

  1. let me know if you start to use the site again
  2. thank you for the endorsements bro.. appreciated always

  3. I guess this comment will annoy many. As a mostly bottom for fucking man I am fascinated by how much control many bottoms tend to impose or expect. I did that for too long and once I stopped setting agendas, more sex and more fun and less annoyance with checklist sessions. Passive is so rarely true in many bottoms. Demanding and lazy are as common as power bottoms and holes that grind hard as much as the top pounds.
  4. Why stress about stuff from people on these sites. Ignore it and it soon stops
  5. Horus is inspiring horny relentless and fruitful and I salute his lust so openly described and shared. Boner every time I read or hear his take on describing his purpose and I am imagining the reality rather a lot


  6. misneach


    I think the basement is a pleaser always. Great mix and low on attitude
  7. Thanks for Taking time to reply and while i might be frustrated by tech that is not intuitive, I don’t have ire as such. Certainly I can’t have ire with @Rawtop and his colleagues who run a very strong network at no cost to us in finance terms and under laws that are often whacky. My difficulty is simply that it’s cumbersome and when asked to use a URL source, I might as well be back in first year Ancient Greek. I asked Apple last year to consider asking people to test products who are non expert users. People who design often forget that some of us prefer books to e readers and fountain pens to disposable pens and paper to write letters and notes. A few years ago I was visiting a friend who asked me to look up a book reference so I took out the iPhone and another person present who was 53 years old asked me how I “could have a computer in a telephone”. Thanks for a good explanation which I appreciate.
  8. Why is it so cumbersome to post pics. I have given up and this is the only site that is so tricky to post pics. I can’t be the only one
  9. well imagine you know exactly where it is too.. shocked I am
  10. ah in Brighton.. i was in london recently foor the first time since the pandemic.. Brighton was always good fun but I neveer heard of Duke's Mound and know I passed it often
  11. what is Duke's mound? and where
  12. celbridge
  13. i like this man's interests 


    1. skinster


      Thank you. It takes one to find one.

  14. noting all this down
  15. reports suggest the action is quieter but happening... I am going next weekend and shall do a full search.. hopefully fetish weeek willl be its usual self in oct
  16. one of the best venues too... great shame it has gone
  17. New York is a great city to visit and yes it can be full of super picky people but it is one of the friendliest too. I have been to more apartments for sex than clubs. Get an airbnb in Brooklyn or Harlem as an alternative... you wont need to leave your residence...
  18. what a great piece of writing... i agree, if i do not assume responsibility I cannot blame anyone else for also failing to assume responsibility. we fuck bb with eyes wide open and that means to the risks as well as the possibilities... otherwise why do it and deliberately take meds or not take meds.
  19. hot is not the word... 

  20. it has happened me few times but usually after discussion and they have always lost the condom at some point in a fuck, Once, and just once when away from home and a hook up from Bareback R T site arrived ready for action and announced that he had condoms in case I had none. I was surprised and when it was obviously serious and the decider for him, I made the decision to say no. I felt deceived and i was annoyed. I missed out on his 'very big cock' and I do reckon if he had been honest and straight up about his preference, I would have accomodated it until, as always happens, it gets lost ....
  21. thanks for posting the  likes to the messages earlier Sleazebugga!

    1. sleazebugga


      Cheers. Always like a good nasty post!!

  22. I just bone hard every time I see Poz, Not on Meds in a profile. I used to feel shame at the thought. What made me feel badly was the shame and not the reaction I had at a sexual or human level of pleasure or excitement. That realisation began a change in me that eventually realised that shame is something I have only ever felt when I erred against a rule imposed or taught by religion or state education systems. These all combine so that parents, friends from the street where you played as a child, others all know and speak a message that puts some things into the 'one of us/just like us' group and the process of 'othering' what is not accceptable does its work. Shame has no place in the life of any one. It achieves nothing except a self-loathing that is destructive and silencing. It makes for addictions that consume and for a social disconnection that leads to chaos. If you ever felt shame for a sin, and realised how ridiculous it is and overcome it so that wanking becomes a thing you do sometimes or often just because you are horny and need to shoot a load. There is a difference to how that makes you feel about yourself compared with the sin creating shame kids  of my generation carried through their lives and probably still do in some places. This BZ forum is a place where people can speak and experiment with their thinking on matters poz related. It is fairly important to safeguard it so that there is challenge and acceptance in a safe place where nobody is here for idle reasons. I had just about given up on BZ as a place where a connection can be made but I discovered yesterday that it works and I want to say thank you to BZ for the chance that gives me in my journey where there was awful shame once over what made me horny and now a total pleasure in the attraction which has broken so many of my limits from the past. I am not poz but am definitely a step closer to it now. I have  noticed, over the last months, huge increase in the energy for this lust. I have randomly met and talked with guys feeling it and the fact is we are more connected than I realised. I still have no idea how to post a pic or file on this platform....

    1. Greim


      Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for your post, @misneach. I totally understand what you’re talking about with regard to shame. I wish you well on your journey and I hope that you feel free to chat with me and others. 

    2. misneach


      thanks man.... that shame is well gone and so much other shit went with it.. 

  23. and that look of well fucked man,,, we love it
  24. you speak good sense. I do have some sympathy with the site managers because they do not want to be sued, chased in courts and so on which still happens for the daftest of reasons. but where will it end? I think that because the web is so vast it is impossibly difficult to police it effectively and there are certain things discussed here that can be discussed in few places. People who blame contracting any transmissible disease on the person who infected are also responsible for deciding on raw sex and not taking steps to use prep or pep. Even when i used a condom I knew i wanted to bb but I was not ready to take that responsibliity for my decision. I get very confused about the rules on this site. I was censured for reasons that made no sense to me until explained but I still wonder about a site that is about breeding excercising censure and censorship so widely. My heart sank when I saw the decision tree which may be illustrative but soon a site for pleasure and perusal will become hard work and so will not survive. That would be a huge pity because it is used for what we like and little else creates that chance. I think your idea about advisors is good. I would go further and ask if it is considered that it is also international because the cultural nuances of language among english speakers is so vast that it is easy to misinterpret or be misinterpreted. I think it must be a minefield for those who are not native english speakers. I know the admins work hard and are tireless in the task which is not a paid site but there has to be an easier way because the risk of killing the site we love is real
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