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Everything posted by PozSlime

  1. I'm a FFer and love getting FF at the baths. This works fine for taking many cocks too. https://breeding.zone/topic/31625-a-bunghole-so-clean-it-will-gleam/?hl=bung
  2. Warm water in the palm of your cupped hand. Gently splash the warm water onto your nose or dip nose into cupped hand. Do this a few times with more warm water. Then gently use the fingers to wipe your wet nose a few times. Rinse with more warm water. Ive found this can usually prevent popper nose even on the piggiest of nights when you're really using them hard. Avoid contact with bottle lip to your nose if possible, as others have said here. When at a bath or party, I'll take breaks about once an hour or so and wash my face and nose because of popper use. Or anytime I feel like the bottle lip touched my nose, then go wash nose immediately. Apply a good lotion if you have available. A thin layer of lotion will dry and disappear almost immediately so it won't look weird. Use a good quality organic chem-free facial skin lotion after the wash if you can. For general nose skin health, apply lotion to the nose daily after showers etc. The key to avoiding popper nose is to avoid contact with bottle lip or to wash nose skin immediately if you think you've made contact. This method has worked well for me for years..
  3. "Take my death-cum, boy. I'm about to blow my poison deep in your guts. I'm going to take you to hell with me." Those words will forever haunt me and give me major fucking wood every time I replay that hot encounter in my mind. That was several years ago. His essence continues to 'haunt' my blood to this day. Oink.
  4. Please, please, purty please make this BZ theme song! From comedy satire hair metal band Steel Panther.. "I don't wanna know, who's suckin my cock tonight. I'm going to the gloryhole, gonna fuck it with all my might." "Fill some one with goo at the gloryhole" Fucking hilarous lyrics and vid. The cumfest at the end is a riot. Oink!
  5. after the recent tragedy in Orlando. Most gay clubs have some kind of door security staff but not all. I know it can be expensive to have a security staff and many gay clubs are struggling nowadays.. I just wanted to write this op about the measures that SW in Chi goes to when member check in. They're quite strict about who they let in. No obvious drunks etc. They will kick anyone out at the door that even looks the most remotely suspicious. They work behind a thick steel and glass protected entry desk. That is where members enter, or can be denied and kicked out. I've seen SW staff kick many people out at this entry desk. They control the door into the main club from behind the desk. IOW, Steamworks goes to great lengths to ensure the safety of its members. I've always appreciated that they are kinda strict at the doorway, almost everyone that gets denied at the door likely deserves it. SW feels like a very safe place in part because of their strict door entry. After the horrible tragedy at Pulse in Orlando, it really made me think about the possibility of that happening anywhere else, like the bars and baths that I go to here in Chi or whereever the clubs are that you may go to. Do all gay clubs have to tighten their door security now since the tragedy? I try to remain sympathetic to these gay club owners, securing the place isn't always an easy or affordable task but there has to be a solution. Do the clubs you go to feel safe? What can gay clubs do to better their security? I think the gay community needs a good dialogue on this.
  6. Very well said. Sad but it's true.
  7. Those he shot were very likely Democrats. How many gay bars do you know of that have guns on the premises? What kind of insanity is that? I know of NO gay bar that would ever want or allow guns in a bar where people are consuming alchohol. In America, guns are everywhere. So are shootings. Do you not see this? Guns enable crimes that I can't even fathom. Guns are the enablers of some of humankinds worse atrocities including this. And yet you still support guns?
  8. When a North Carolina state Republican senator took the floor of the North Carolina Senate and proclaimed that he will fight "to keep North Carolina STRAIGHT" which pretty much describes the anti-gay mood of Republicans. Republicans represent the Christian right-wing in America. The ultra-gay-hating , keep America straight reich-wing, cut from the same cloth as Hitler. Hitler identified gays at concentration camps by forcing them to wear a pink triangle on their prison uniforms. That same triangle became a symbol of the gay pride movement following the Stonewall Riots, decades later. 7 - the nazi coded number given to gays before they were executed for being gay at a concentration camp ....................................... Islam is just another right-wing man-made religion of hatred and oppression of women and gay people. Islam is doing its all out best to rival Christianity in the realm of gay oppression and violence against gay people ALL OVER THE GLOBE. In many Muslim countries it is common for them to throw gay people off the tops of tall buildings to kill them. ............................................. When will this shit end in America? When will this blatant bigotry against gay people end? When we start locking up homophobes for very long sentences the way they lock their asses up in the UK and other CIVILIZED countries. These random acts of terror will only get worse until we adopt proactive laws that prevent said acts by locking up the individuals that perpetuate homophobic bigotry. These laws have had an important impact in the UK, where acts of violence against gays have seen a bigtime drop in the numbers of incidences. Tough anti-bigotry laws work, if only America had the guts to enact them. The shooter at the Florida gay bar was well-known as a homophobic bigot among his family and friends. Had they informed authorities, this tragedy could have been avoided. His own father admitted that he was concerned that his son would commit an act of violence. Had he spoke up.. In my opinion, his family that knew this about him should also be indicted for not notifying authorities.
  9. Horrifying, tragic victims of religious hate. Clearly targeted for being gay. The shooter enraged by seeing 2 men kiss. This is why it is time to BAN these man-made fake religions. America has long been a festering shithole of religious oppression and it will only get worse. The only prayer you'll ever hear this Atheist say.. "Oh Lord, protect us from your followers."
  10. It closed about Sept 2006, almost ten years ago now. It was located about 1.5 blocks south of Man's Country on Clark St. Man's World was a smaller bath but still sizeable enough to make for a pretty hot bathhouse. it had about 30 private rooms for rent and lockers. A couple of things that made MW a unique experience in Chicago, home to Steamworks and MC, two gigantic baths compared to MW... 1. MW smaller size condensed all the men into either the huge darkroom or the sauna area and made for some hot public orgy action, almost always all bareback. 2. What Man's World was truly known for: Catering to the bear, chub, daddy crowd and what a hot, rough, and horny crew they/we were. Pig-sex everywhere. Or I would cruise the hallways of rooms where guys would leave their doors open, ass up in the air, hole winking at passersby.. It was pig sex heaven in Chicago's lesser known bath. SW and MC get all the attention but this place was almost as hot as the other two despite being 1/3 the size, quite small for a bath. If other BZers ever went to MW, its possible that we hooked up there! Anyone from this site ever go to Man's World in Chicago before it closed in 2006? Sadly near the end, the last couple years the place really fell into disrepair as the original gay owner had passed away and willed it to his straight brother who had no clue how to operate a bathhouse. Prior to that, this place was a hotspot for nasty pig sex. A real den of sleazy gay sex, in a hot way.
  11. LGBTQ. 3% of the human population? LOL, LMAO, ROFL That number invokes hysterical laughter in me to the point I have to break out a video game reference.. ROFLCOPTERDOWNSENDMEDICS Shit, on a hot night at Steamworks, I swear I see 3% of the population just using SW's giant 3rd floor suckroom/GH area.. Seriously though, It is my belief, based on what my own eyes have seen in this wonderful thing that we call life, that a FUCK of A LOT MORE than 3% of the human population are ACTUALLY LGBTQ. Many 'straight' people refuse to identify as Bi or Gay, but in actuality, they take cock like the greedy bottom that steels all the tops at your local fave tub. Or they like to fuck ass as much as the next fag.. Straight? again ROFLCOPTERDOWNSENDMEDICS BZ is the perfect proving ground for my theory.. How many 'straight' guys show up here, led here by their own human desires, their sexual desires, led around by their penises. Led by their penises so much so that they will go against what they believed themselves to be, straight. So turned on by fucking ass or getting fucked that they will turn to gay sex, revealing their true selves in the process. Bisexuality or in some cases totally gay, they never go back to women. I welcome these straight-but-experimenting guys into the fold with open arms. I AM NOT TRYING TO MAKE FUN OF THEM IN ANY WAY, nor am I trying to ridicule someone who is struggling with sexual identity. The opposite in fact. My doctor is a pro at dealing with guys who struggle with identity. That struggle can be depressing and can turn a person's world on its head. I would suggest to anyone who is struggling with gay or bi identity to seek help. You're not alone and there are caring professionals who can greatly help. Ask here or seek out your local gay orgs and they will steer you to a gay-friendly doc or other professional that can help. I'm thinking that we have alot of people here on BZ that are dealing with the identity struggle. Many 'straight' guys post questions about their curiosities here on this site. I read it across many different forum topics. In 1849, the California/ San Fran gold rush began. Hundreds of thousands of workers, nearly all men, headed to the northern California/SF area looking for mining jobs.. Men outnumbered women 100 to 1. Why do we think SF became one of the gay capitals of the world? Because almost all humans are at least bisexual by nature and there are many more gay people than our so-called 'experts' are willing to admit. LGBTQ. 3%? ROFLCOPTERDOWNSENDMEDICS.
  12. I'm an atheist so I just find it kinda hot in a fantasy sense. Besides, Sarah Palin gives us heavy metal and the pleasures of sinning. I live for sin because its so fucking hot.
  13. I'm a FF vers. Even after a heavy night of having an entire dudes arm up my hole, I've never had problems with a loose ass afterwords. Like Seaguy said, the sphincter recovers fast. A may suffer from loose morals afterwards, (or perhaps always) but Ive never had any loose sphincter problems. Oink!
  14. If it can get hard enough to penetrate my hole, it can own me, regardless of size. I heart smaller cocked tops as much as any cock size. I've had some giants over the years but some of my best fucks were small cocked tops.
  15. I should also add.. At the time of my move, I was flat-broke and struggling. I used the tools at my disposal(net) to find a cheap apt and find a job. It was moderately tough at first but I made do. I was that determined to make it work because I saw the beautiful gay scene in Chi stand out like a turd in a swimming pool. I was hooked on Chi from the getgo.
  16. I was in a similar situation. I lived in a small town in the upper midwest. No local gay scene or anything to do. One day I said fuck that shit... I moved to Chicago which has one of the best gay scenes on the planet and the rest is happy history. I wouldn't change a thing. I will die happy in Chicago. I still like to travel occasionally to other great gay city destinations but my heart will forever be in my home, Chicago. I'd say to anyone who hates where they live, lack of gay scene, too conservative, small town etc. Do yourself a favor and move to a known gay city. The weather may not be as nice in Chi as it is in the Caribean, but I'll take winter for the eternal smorgasbord of cock and ass at my disposal. I'll take that trade-off anyday. And I will never look back with any regrets. Best decision I've EVER made.
  17. 2-4 tablespoons of milled chia seed with 16 ounces of water daily will keep most guys asses sparkling.. for an even cleaner ass, flatter stomach, better overall health, alongside your daily chia regimen.. 1 tablespoon of psyllium fiber husk powder with 16 oz of water.(daily or every other day for this awesome colon cleaner) I've followed this regimen for the past 10 years and have perfected it in my own diet. I am a deep FFister and I demand my own ass be spotless. enemas are a quick breeze and I am clean for hours of deep FF/fuck action.
  18. I like to cover my shoulder with a towel at the baths. So I sling a towel over my shoulder while wearing nothing else. I'm shy about exposing my shoulder to other fags so I cover it. Oink!
  19. 5-7 is for twinks and posers.. live life on the edge and let him do you at least 8 times!! Oink!
  20. This recipe tastes really good. The lemon really adds that refreshing zing! I did it minus any sugar and it still tastes really good.
  21. There have been some threads about this topic recently so I thought I'd give it a bump. Interesting read.
  22. The problem is conservatives getting elected. The conservative endgame is to stomp out all things gay. We have the same bigots here in America. I call them Republicans. Fuck the RepubliKKKLANs and everything they stand for.
  23. Why do conservatives/Republicans hate gay people in America? I've heard conservative Americans actually admit they want to kill all gay people. Why do conservatives hate gay people worldwide. Conservative Brits can often be as anti-gay as Republican Americans. A conservative bigot is a conservative bigot, regardless of where they live. Why do American Republican politicians pass homophobic, anti-gay, bigoted laws aimed at destroying freedom of gay people. North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Arizona, South Carolina for example have recently passed some very alarming anti-gay bigoted laws against gay people. Anti-TG, anti marriage equality, anti gay employment. I'm hoping that some of our conservative posters can elaborate. Explain conservative Republican hatred for gay people. Hate is an AmeriCON 'value'.
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