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Everything posted by dadecounty

  1. was tested recently. ALL NEG.
  2. Oh, i know! I used to live in LA. It was never hard to find a group of horny dudes.
  3. i haven't seen the video. sorry. I think there are only 2 scenes. If that's the case, then i am the hairy bottom, which would be scene 2.
  4. what more would you like to know?
  5. I've had big and small, long and short, thick and thin dicks. And what it ultimately comes down to is HARDNESS. If you can get hard and stay hard through the fucking, then I couldn't care less about the size of your dick. FYI, as a bottom, I can tell you that many size queens out there are like that because so many tops lie about size. If you're 6 inches, don't claim that it's 7 or 8. Believe me, a bottom can tell. How? because the slutty ones like myself, probably just got finished taking a real 8 inch dick 60 minutes before you. It's always interesting that when white guys assess their own dicks (7 inches), that they claim HUGE. And black men typically claim huge only if it's about 9+ inches. Just a general observation. It has been my experience that the more sexy/beautiful a top is, the more fussy, arrogant and lackluster he is at sex. Lowering your expectations will open a world of sex for you. I'd rather a decent guy who is struggling to show abs than a polished sexy guy who makes me feel like he's doing me a favor by fucking me.
  6. I woke up at 3am last night with vomiting and soft stool. But that's it. I wonder if more is to come. I will be testing at the end of this month.
  7. I've never felt the cum, but I have felt when the dick inside me had a fit and was in the process of cumming. Just never felt the cum itself.
  8. if it's any consolation, i drove almost 20 miles to spend a weekend with a hot guy. met him and he was nice and hot and all, then we fucked. Literally, in about 30 seconds he came, then claimed his family came up unexpectedly and I had to leave. Boy was I pissed. I blocked him and never saw him again.
  9. just got fucked at the gym and then at a public storage unit

  10. feeling lazy. horny. etc.

  11. Seattle cumslut here in Seattle. hit me up. fuck me. breed me. ALL ON CAMERA. YOU CAN POST MY NAME AND PH# TOO. 253-470-8603
  12. Okay, but here's what I don't get: If the hiv+ top has a Truvada-resistent strain, and most likely he's fucking other dudes who are on Truvada, then how come there is only one instance of PrEP failing? It just doesn't add up. This top should be pozzing a bunch of dudes on PrEP. We should be seeing a pocket of PrEP men becoming infected, right?
  13. 20 minutes ago. got fucked for about 30 minutes. felt amazing. huge load spilled out my ass.
  14. Did I miss something? It seemed to me that "joe" was on PrEP but not Truvada, since Canada didn't approve Truvada until after his conversion. So, what was he on to begin with? And if it wasn't Truvada, there still hasn't been one diagnosed case of conversion of someone who follows Truvada daily. Did I miss something?
  15. I did a scene for Knightbreeders. "Creature From The Sperm Lagoon" Dec 2014
  16. is a pierced nose (pin head style) too feminine? I like the look and find it sexy, but not at the risk of it being feminine.

  17. Has anyone taken Korean Red Pana Ginseng? Supposedly, it's a natural way to get hard. I haven't taken it, but heard about it as a healthy alternative to meds. Just wondered if it really worked or not.
  18. still testing out PrEP. i might give it up in the summer. not sure.

    1. Guest


      Would be hot if you gave it up, just chased the loads w/o protection

  19. What an idiot! I've always assumed guys are poz, regardless of what they say. People can lie. Which is why I always practiced safe sex, until a couple years ago. I got on PrEP and sort of went hog wild. I got educated about HIV. And from then till now, (and in the future), my health will always be my responsibility--not someone else's.
  20. took 4 loads from a POZ top (not on meds)

    1. Toxicwanted
    2. dadecounty


      i would have taken more from him today but he was working.

    3. Guest


      Nice work. Still testing out your prep, or give that up?

  21. You are absolutely correct. That's why I'm not going to be doing this again anytime soon. As far as catching stds, I didn't really care and expected it. But I am going to stick with my regular fuck buds for a while.
  22. Dade (253)470-8603 texts preferred Location: YOUR PLACE, Seattle 98121 (etc) Times not available: after 9:30PM Times available: 9AM-9:30PM Age: 29 Height: 5'5'' Weight: 155lbs Ethnicity: White mixed Do Not Disturb: Do not contact me unless you can stay hard long enough to penetrate me and breed me. Don't waste our time. Position: Total powerbottom Status: Neg so far
  23. True, it was 5 loads. But I didn't put all that work into this for 5 damn loads. WTF?! Especially, when I can go through my rolodex on a Saturday morning and round up 4-6 guys that wanna breed. It may require me to drive and park a few times in and around Cap Hill, but damn, that's a helluva lot easier than getting a hotel, planning, emailing, texting, advertising, (and all the other bullshit) for 5 measly loads. How can gay men be so damn horny and yet flake the most?! Am I missing something?
  24. UPDATE: Yesterday's epic gang bang with 76 confirmed tops was A FLOP! MAYBE 12 guys showed up. mostly limp. took 5 measly loads. what a joke! I guess Seattle is full of all talk and no action. I gotta get the hell out of seattle.
  25. The first time I found out I had an std i was freaked out, grossed out, and said to myself, I'm never having sex again. Fast forward 2 weeks and I was back to having sex. Personally, catching an std/sti is just part of barebacking. It's like getting in the car. You know you're going to hit a red light as some point. You stop, deal with it and move on. i decided to get back on PrEP. I missed one day--yesterday. I want to see how PrEP holds up to this much cum. Plus, my ass is going to be wrecked! I don't care either way if I am pozzed. I say that now. But we will see what happens in the next few weeks after my anon breeding session tomorrow.
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