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Everything posted by Twochipigs

  1. You really need to stop watching Fox “News.”
  2. In the upper right of most BZ pages, you’ll see a button titled “ Unread Content.” Click on it and any new posts or updates are listed there. Works great to stay updated.
  3. Right... That's why the Liberty Counsel and Tony Perkins are celebrating the new rule.
  4. Using my tax dollars to support someone’s religious bigotry is not “Freedom of Religion”, it is an establishment of government religion prohibited by the Constitution. The state of Virginia claimed in 1967 that its anti-miscegenation law was just the majority expressing their freedom of religion. Religion is largely sanctimonious delusions applied as a cudgel to those outside the cult.
  5. So you like him because he’s uninformed and incompetent, as well as the fact that he intentionally antagonizes citizens he swore to protect. Doesn’t say much for your character, does it?
  6. Bet you look quite studly in your tinfoil hat. Also, only morons think climate change is a hoax. The world population has more than doubled in the last 50 years, and it uses far more energy per person as the population becomes more affluent. To say that isn't affecting the climate is willful ignorance.
  7. Be specific. Don’t just mindlessly parrot the twaddle you hear on Fox News.
  8. Trump has done FAR more damage to this country than ten socialists could. A socialist president would be constrained by Congress. Trump isn’t, due to spineless Republicans who support him in the Senate. Besides, socialists are all about redistributing wealth. Trump’s tax law redistributed $1 trillion in deficit from future generations to his 1% buddies today. The current Republican Party is socialist. It just takes money from the middle class and gives it to billionaires. Hell, voting for Marianne Williamson would be an improvement.
  9. And precisely what parts of the Constitution do you think Trump and Pence are “defending”?
  10. Evidently, the irony of your statement escapes you.
  11. You must be confused. Evidently you mean the 51% in the Fox News poll that want Trump impeached and removed from office. What percent of the electorate wanted Obama impeached and removed from office?
  12. What he states is not false, so why don’t YOU cite facts or stfu. Like most Trump fans, you are a perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. MAGA = Manipulating America’s Gullible Assholes.
  13. Dirtyarizona, a few questions: 1) How many Republicans objected to the internment of citizens and non-citizens of Japanese descent during World War II? 2) The Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, signed by Lyndon Johnson, represented a shift from high-rise subsidized living to low-rise garden type apartments. What exactly did Republicans do to eliminate substandard housing? 3) As for gay marriage, how many Republicans came out publicly for it when the Clintons and Obamas stated their reservations?
  14. KYRiley, which of your expectations did Trump exceed?
  15. Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger.
  16. Yes, he is deranged.
  17. First, if you pull out the increased deficit spending from Trump’s tax bill plus Trump’s lax regulation that has permitted big banks to make risky corporate loans certain to tank in the next downturn, US GDP has actually shrunk since Trump came into office. Second the USMCA NAFTA-replacement you tout has NOT been ratified by the legislatures of the three signatories, so it is as legally binding as Charmin, something you’re certain not to hear on Fox News. As with all his ventures, his purported financial genius in government is just debt and bullshit to fool the rubes. I’m by no means a socialist and have been a financial institution exec for decades. I’m a big believer in responsible capitalism, but Trump is motivated solely by what will feed his ego with narcissistic supply and get him re-elected, no matter how much long-term damage it does to the country he and his supporters supposedly love. Outside the billionaires who actually benefited from his tax bill, support for Trump is the Dunning-Kruger effect at work.
  18. You seem to forget there are 50 OTHER constitutions at work, those of the states, who license all those things you mentioned. Just because the US Constitution doesn’t mention those power for the federal government doesn’t mean the states don’t have those powers.
  19. Individuals have the right to choose those with whom they associate. Corporations and LLCs exist to shelter owners from personal liability, shelter that exists solely because it is granted by the state. Businesses are also granted licenses by the state to operate in a particular jurisdiction. If businesses want all the rights afforded by legislation, I.e. incorporation, they cannot refuse responsibilities imposed by legislation, I.e. non discrimination laws. When one goes into business offering goods or services, one accepts those rights and responsibilities. To say the ownership of businesses that are subject to laws is not private property is simply incorrect.
  20. I've always said there are no total tops. Only versatile guys who don't yet know they are.
  21. Back before there were hookup apps, there were always guys who hung out in locker rooms, sauna, whirlpool, etc. hard cruising anything that walked by, but they never managed to find the weight room. I came to call their activity "steam queening."
  22. My partner and I always play as a team, but back when I was single, I loved playing the third for established couples. One thing I realized when playing the third is that, even though both halves of a couple may be hot men, almost invariably I'd find yourself attracted more to one partner than the other. To compensate for that, I'd always make a conscious effort to pay more attention to the partner to whom I was less attracted. That way, it offset any subconscious bias I'd have to focus more on the hotter (to me) partner. It must have worked, because I always got invited back. Always. Have fun.
  23. Being in the middle is great! Especially when the guys in front and back know what they're doing. Unlike in porn videos, it usually doesn't work well when the man on the back starts fucking the middle guy. That just gives the front guy a vague sense of something going on behind him, but no real stimulation. The right way to do it is for the guys in front and back to space out JUST right, so the guy in the middle is doing the driving. The man on the back is pretty much a dildo with a pulse at this point, but his position is also hot because his dick is being devoured by the pucker of the man in the middle when the middleman is backstroking out of the bottom in front. With this arrangement, the middleman can get maximum stimulation from the pucker impaled on his dick, and he can also work the angle so that his prostate is being clipped by the cock in his own asshole. Only problem is that the sensory intensity makes it really hard to hold off when you're in the middle. If you have three truly versatile guys in the mix, the best thing to do when the guy in the middle gets too close is for the guy in front to pull off his cock and run around back to plug into the former caboose. Edge like this for awhile and you'll be amazed at the size of your load when it's oozing out of the hole you bred.
  24. Partner and I have been getting interested in playing with some masculine, furry bears or cubs. As our schedules are tight for playtime, we figure Steamwork's BB&B last Saturday of the month might be a good place to leave some seed in hairy holes and vice versa. We prefer stocky and beefy; firm bellies are hot for us. Sloppy chubbiness not so much our thing. If you've been to Chicago Steamworks BB&B, we'd love to hear your reviews of the action, especially how much of the fucking is raw versus the condom nazis prevailing. Thanks.
  25. Thanks for the posts, guys. It was great to hear your thoughts.
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