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Everything posted by Twochipigs

  1. I asked specifically what freedoms had been taken away from YOU, not other people. You seem so aggrieved that it should be easy for you.
  2. Enlighten us. What specific freedoms have liberals taken away from you?
  3. I’m old enough to remember the 70s, and Carter inherited a US economy with both high inflation AND high unemployment. The whole country was dispirited due to Nixon’s crimes, US embassy employees in Saigon evacuating from the rooftop via helicopter, and a series of energy crises induced by OPEC. Carter appointed Paul Volcker Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, and the Fed cranked interest rates up to a 21% prime rate that broke the back of inflation and brought on a major slowdown. Carter took the heat for that and even without the Iran hostage situation his re-election was doomed. In comes Reagan who cranked up the deficit to juice the economy. Before that he’d done a backdoor arms for hostages deal with the Iranians to keep up his cowboy image. The Republicans ran deficits for 12 years including Bush I’s term. Only under Clinton was the national debt reduced. The idea that Republicans are fiscally responsible is complete myth. Put them in the White House and they’re as profligate as a drunk teen with daddy’s black Amex. Carter was probably the most guileless person to ever serve as President. A little ruthlessness might have served him well.
  4. Damn, that is one fine ass!
  5. Sex washes off. Love doesn’t.
  6. You can’t be bored unless you are boring.
  7. Even rarer and hotter is when the top’s pucker is oozing cum while he’s breeding a bottom.
  8. What felt terrible about this? Why do you feel awkward?
  9. You write the hottest stories. Not a one has left me without a boner.
  10. Do you mind sharing what medication finally worked for him? Thanks.
  11. One of my all-time favorites.
  12. I'm not certain what sources you researched, but you have received erroneous information. The US Centers for Disease Control says it takes temperatures over 140° F (60° C) to kill the norovirus: [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/norovirus/index.html The CDC says it take 167° F (75° C) to kill the influenza virus: [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/flu/resource-center/images/multi-language-pdfs/contamination_cleaning_english_508.pdf It is unlikely the COVID-19 virus requires anything less. Steam sterilization, such as in an autoclave, occurs at 250-270° F (121-132° C): [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/guidelines/disinfection/sterilization/steam.html According to one large sauna/steam room manufacturer, steam rooms operate between temperatures of 110-114° F (43-46° C), well below the temperatures to kill viruses. One could make a case that a steam room's warmth and humidity are a perfect medium for bacteria and viruses. Saunas operate at a temperature range of 180-195°F (78-90°C). The CDC recommends 30-45 minutes exposure at 250-270° F (121-132° C) to kill pathogens, more than most people can handle in one sauna sitting. [think before following links] https://www.cedarbrooksauna.com/differences-between-saunas-and-steam-rooms.html
  13. The reason the UK is exempt is because Trump has a golf resort in Scotland.
  14. Definition of too much sex = more than the critic is getting.
  15. Please provide examples of Trump “cleaning up corruption, the money laundering from our past,” citing your sources. Trump has surrounded himself with sycophants who are crooked, incompetent or both. As for your claim that Obama cost you “over 500,000 in the eight years he held office,” according to Forbes magazine (hardly a lefty publication) the stock market was up 235% during Obama’s time in office. If you lost 500,000 while Obama was in office you must have made some remarkably unwise investment decisions.
  16. The economy will eventually go into another recession, and Trump’s fiscal fuckups have left the US virtually no tools to recover. Budget deficits are already over a trillion dollars a year thanks to the GOP’s tax cuts for the 1%, so the federal government won’t be able to restore the economy via fiscal stimulus. Trump threatens Powell if the Federal Reserve Bank doesn’t keep rates artificially low so Trump can get re-elected. Big banks have loaned trillions for sketchy corporate “financial engineering” at the behest of Trump’s bank regulators. If you net out this questionably collectible debt and federal deficits, the US economy has had negative GDP growth during Trump’s tenure. Only the uninformed or ill-informed think Trump’s house of cards is producing actual growth.
  17. Love seeing a versatile guy's well-used asshole drooling jizz as he's topping another guy. It's hot in porn, but if it's in real life my dick can't resist stretching the pucker of the guy, using the cum in his hole for lube.
  18. We think this sounds like fun. Which campground was it?
  19. If you take out Trump’s billion dollar deficit and the trillions in shaky buyout loans big banks have made since Trump took office, the US has had negative GDP growth. Trump is a snake oil salesman and only the uninformed think he is anything else. MAGA = Manipulating America’s Gullible Assholes
  20. For the record, I’ve known a number of American Muslims and never has one tried to convert me to their religion. Can’t say the same about your “harmless little Christians,” whose right-wing factions operate as America’s Taliban. These people like Trump because he is stacking the American federal judiciary with lifetime judges whose sole qualification is their desire to impose right-wing Christian Sharia law upon the rest of us. Harmless Christians your ass.
  21. They are into efficiency.
  22. I've been following this topic for a while, but just tonight it struck me as funny that a query on dildo disposal methods can be considered "non-[banned word]." Only on BZ. 🤨
  23. Daily I read both The NY Times and the Wall Street Journal to get both sides. I don’t watch cable news. I go to source documents if they’re available. Since you claim to be well informed, why don’t you share your news sources with us?
  24. Speaking of gaslighting, if you really were a “gun shot victim actor;” You should be able to furnish us date, time, and place so we can confirm what you tell us. And don’t forget to tell us who paid you for it.
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