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  1. (BUMP) And if gay sex is not a cause of HIV/AIDS or other infected diseases, then how come it is more common among gay people than straight people? How come we see websites like this one where the gay community embrace the idea of skin to skin penetrational sex eventually and ultimately leading to getting infected as part as parcel of their sexual lifestyle? It almost seems like a package deal. You fuck another guy without protection, you will get HIV. It's like even the gay community know the consequences of their lifestyle. Do you see where I'm going with this? Men who hook up with other men fear the risk of transmitting diseases more than a guy hooking up with a pretty girl he met at college. The only thing the straight couple fear from unprotected sex is her getting pregnant whereas with the gay couple you always have to play it safe because you don't know what a guy has. Where does the root cause of HIV transmission go back to anyway? A bunch of loonies mixing their blood with monkey blood and deciding to spread their infections by way of sexual encounters or what? It would be nice to hear your answers to some if not all of these questions. Thank you.
  2. Let's face it. It is still argued that gay unprotected sex is a cause of HIV/AIDS regardless if both males are clean. So let's propose by way of question: Can penetrative sex between two ABSOLUTELY CLEAN males (let's pretend they are virgins) lead to HIV at all? And if so, how? Your input is appreciated. Thank you.
  3. Because of religion. The Republican party has a big influence amongst Christians.
  4. If more young people are engaging in "unwanted" sex then obviously it's not unwanted lmao.
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