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    Looking for fun and friends. Gusy who are easy going, drama free. No PNP.

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  1. I agree completely. We want equality and acceptance from other communities but we are so harsh towards each other. So many gazzillions requirements and judgemental attitude to build any form of relationship ( hookups, date, friends, etc.).
  2. Sorry you had bad experience at justusboys.com. Sometimes homos are extremely judgemental and harsh towards each other. If you don't like to suck a dick then its fine. there is nothing wrong with that. I'm total bottom and i don't get much enjoyment from being sucked. They know I'm total bottom and keep asking me if i will flip. Some guys just don't get it. You can't force someone to do something they don't want to do.
  3. I'm in minority but most time when guys cum inside me i don't feel that sensation. For me getting fucked is more important. Want top to fuck the cum out of me. There is nothing like hard cock fucking me non stop for hours. Want to feel his power, energy, his cock balls slamming my ass thighs non stop deep and hard. I love it when he put his weight on me and just go at it.
  4. I'm searching on drug resistance topic, and found that if patient interrupt or completely stop the treatment then they can develop the drug resistance. I wonder about the timeline. How many days, months you have to go off treatment for drug to become resistance to virus?
  5. I forgot to take a pill last two nights and missed one dose about 2 weeks ago. My last encounter with my regular buddy was on March 26. I read it online that says even if you take truvade 4 times per week it still 96% effective. I'm just little freaking out. I would like to know how does drug resistance occurs?
  6. Is there According to avert.org, in USA most HIV patients have HIV-1, Group M, Subtype B strain. Gilead should do more R&D and find out which strains Truvada immune to.
  7. I live in a small town and have seen most gay/bi guys (who are on gay app) at public places. Last week I was at restaurant, having buffet and one married dude with kid sat right across from my table. We have chatted online few times but never met. I think he knew who I was. When he was coming out of men's room he looked at me and said "Hi." I returned the greeting and that was it. Nothing awkward at all. I also saw a bi-guy at Walmart who fucked me few times. We both looked at each other and went our separate ways.
  8. Eat plenty green leafy vegetable and fruits, nuts, seeds as they are good sources of fiber. Its good idea to take fiber supplements at night before bed. Avoid junk, sugary, fried foods. Drink plenty water. Stop eating at least two hours before sex. If you know abt meeting in advance, then take proper time to douche. Sometimes few flushes are not enough. Douche again after 15-20 min. And always remember, even after going thru all the troubles, accident "DO" happens. What can you do? that's the way nature has created us. Just do your best and have happy fucking
  9. Anyone here self employed and on PrEP? Just wondering if your insurance has gone thru the roof because of truvada and regular lab work?
  10. Anyone had issue with fatigue, lower back pain since got on PrEP?
  11. you got that right
  12. Great, Have done bareback in the past few times. Can't wait to feel that skin to skin sensation:)
  13. I have chatted with many guys on grindr but so far zero hookup. For most guys it's now or never. and lots of attitude and gazillion requirements. Most apps are time waster.
  14. Most apps are nothing but waste of time. Too much drama, game playing, back and forth, etc. So far, I have good success with bookstores. Next time when i go to big city, i want to visit bathhouse and get loaded.
  15. Finally took my first pill this morning. I want to know how many pills you have to take before you do BB?? I read somewhere that you have to take it at least for a week before going off condom. Is it true?
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