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About bboy25

  • Birthday 07/08/1976

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Raw dick in my hole, being used as a cum dump, no choice breeding
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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  1. Fuckin' Oink~! Welcum to BZ~! Pervs like you make visiting BZ fun. Please share your pix & adventures with us. Wood love to swap ? Cumholez too. Thanks for following me too. X☣️X

  2. Hi Pup, just wanted to say I'm really enjoying this story! You have really created a very hot tale and I look very forward to reading future instalments! I hope we haven't seen the last of Mr. Ali and his brother Ahmed and their little enterprise! You really created an interesting, very hot scenario around them and I enjoyed the "danger" aspect that part of the story built up and offered. Of course, if Pup (the character) isn't going down that route with Mr. Ali, , maybe Mr. C. and Jax, through the pizza place, can bring other bright-eyed employees to meet Dr. Brad and Mr. Ali! Maybe that's a hot sequel story on it's own! :) Thanks again Pup for a great story!
  3. thnx for the follow :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. bboy25


      We Canadian boys can hold our own! Sounds like we are both due for a trip. :)

    3. BBJONNY


      for sure dude. we can have some fun

      thnx for the reps. am outta them.

    4. bboy25


      Most welcum!

  4. have a great w/end xx:drool::*xx

  5. You are most welcum for the follow. Thanks for the follow back!

  6. Hiya .. thanks for the follow. Like your attitude ... "raw dick ... no choice breeding". Nice! xx:*xx

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