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About LetsPOZBreed

  • Birthday 08/16/1979

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  • Interests
    Poz cum; what else? :-)
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    I'll top once in a while, but prefer to be the one receiving and begging for dirty man juice.
  • Looking For
    Preferably, guys who are into hot poz dirty talk during sex. Just plain breeding is totally fine, thogh.

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  1. See, this is all it really takes. I'm in agreement that we dont' need to contrive some elaborate scenario every single time - some role play can be fun, but it's not the be all, end all. I read it in one guy's profile once - Relax, it's just sex 🙂
  2. My 2 pence... I LOVE giving a guy a blow job. For me, that's my moment to be in control - I get to determine the pace, the duration, the intensity, etc. This is a big reason that guys into "face fucking" aren't my thing. For fucking, yes, a top can do those similar moves in a broad sense - he controls the pace, duration, intensity, etc.; just from the other point of view in a tighter hole. My younger days, I'd prefer to finish off a guy with head and have him cum in my mouth, in the days before I was taking it raw in the ass; over time this has diminished in favour of me getting proverbially knocked up. It's similar in the sense that a dick is going into someone's oriface. But the intensity is different. It's not the same, but they are closely related incestuous cousins of one another 😄
  3. I'd say definitively, it's 5. 4 is a toss-up between an orgy and a simple foursome - all depends on how the guys know each other. If at least 2 of the 4 are in a proper relationship with one another, it's a foursome. 4 single guys, it's a small orgy.
  4. For anyone that's been, is there a best night to go? I'm thinking of heading there one day next week (possibly Thurs)
  5. Let it soak in and hope he goes for round 2 using it as lube. 🙂 I've never been a fan of pushing it out, nor am I into getting felched. I feel like I earned that cum, so keeping it in would be the respectable thing to do.
  6. I'm due for another visit for a drink at someone's tap 🙂 Maybe week after next. I wish the Tuesday evening sessions were still on - it was much easier for me to attend, since I usually have other stuff on Sunday. Anyone up for a BZ meet and greet on the 26th?
  7. How long is too long for how it might feel? - I would say that the top needs to keep things interesting if he's going to last a while; different positions, changing up the pace, something to keep you guessing (although I love tops who do this, regardless of how long they last). But another poster above said the other part best - if it's clear he's intentionally withholding his cum, then call it a day. It's fine if he holds back to make the experience last longer, but there has to be a point of release. If, on the other hand, he does fill you up and continues - I'd say for him to pull back on the pace for a bit. There's nothing hotter than a slow stroke of a cock that's just bred you.
  8. Was much easier to do when I was younger. I think my record in one session was me giving a guy 4 of mine during a group party. These days, I'm a one and done kind of guy. It's not so bad - the one tends to be super intense, so it's worth it.
  9. It's nothing to stress about. I don't think mine tastes that great compared to the men I've swallowed either. There might be some factors at play on the individual taste of it; however, I think there's also a menal aspect that means you just perceive your own as being somehow "different" or less than the fruits of another man.
  10. You raise an interesting point here. This used to happen much more often (or, at a minimum, guys would entertain the idea much more) when I was in my late teens and early 20's. Even my previous romantic partners were put off by the idea. Not sure what's changed in this regard. Is it an age thing, or is this something that's just broadly changed in our community.
  11. Verbal play (in any context) is always a bit tenuous. I like it, but there is a point where it's too little or too much. Whatever is said, and how much, should be purely situational. If you're the "top", it's about reading your "bottom" and getting to understand the optimal level at which things just work (I used quoted to denote "top" as the talker and "bottom" as the receiver, pretty ovbvious, but never hurts to clarify for some). In addition to the amount of talking, it's also about understanding what words and phrases are off limits good to have a discussion beforehand about trigger words, etc. More than a few times, I've been enjoying a man's dick, and the verbal just got annoying. I wanted to just pull off and shout "shut the fuck up" more than once.
  12. Being someone over 6 foot tall, I've found most venue's slings to be in an awkard positoin if I'm going to be topping. I'm constantly having to bend down a little bit, and it feels a bit awkward. I'm sure it would need to be set at somewhere near the average height of men, though. I'd rather have some flexibity - like my desk at work where I push a button and it adjusts up or down LOL.
  13. Lately, it's been more at the clubs. I find guys less inclined to meet up at one person's place nowadays (either because of roommates or some other reason). It's a double-edged sword. At the clubs, we know what we're there for, so we tend to get it. But at home (mine or his) I feel like I can really focus and give my partner the best expereince possible. Plus, there's more kinky/nasty/primal things that I'd rather do in private than out in the open.
  14. Two, actually (not saying names - I'm not THAT open about my escapades).
  15. Old bathhouse lore (what I was told by my best friend when I was younger) is that bottoms tend to stay in their rooms, ass up in the air, or hole otherwise exposed. Tops are more transient and walk around the venue looking for as many holes to fuck. A good jockstrap never hurts, and more recent trends in clothing (the "cum in me bro" t-shirt, "cumdump" socks, et al.) means you can practically spell it out as well; we didn't always have that option.
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