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Everything posted by ruralguy7326

  1. I'd say it's part habit and part preference. I myself prefer a very wet hole.
  2. What a bastard. Having said that I do agree with "barebacksaunaslut" in that you must accept personal responsibility for your own health. Mate dont believe everything some guy says to you. If you are going to take more raw loads up your shit shute accept the risks and stop whinging.
  3. When I am in a relationship I am always monogamous, now I'm single so I will fuck with who ever is around.
  4. These days I get all that sorted before a fuck even starts. If a guy wants my cock he gets it raw and also gets my load.
  5. Just love a piss shower, drinking some of it, and taking it up my ass, then pissing in my partners ass as well.
  6. It's a deal breaker, I only go raw all the way.
  7. If he's clean yup I love growling out ass.
  8. Oh man that just sounds so wrong. Cant stand brown either the sight or smell of it is really disgusting. I'm a versatile dude and if my partners totaly clean after weve fucked each other it's always hot to suck the cum of our cocks.
  9. Totaly love spit and all body fluids. I can blow almost too quickly when my partner and I spit at each other while fucking.
  10. Oh man are you for real ?. Just incase you were not aware HIV is transmitted through body fluids. That includes pre-cum, sperm, spit need I go on. If you are going to BB you also need to know all the risks to yourself and your boyfriend both physical and legal. The chances of you staying neg while having multiple raw loads shot up your shit shute are very slim. Also your are exposing yourself to a mirriad of other things such as herpes, syph, gono, warts the list goes on. I don't want to seem like too much of a wet blanket, but ask yourself just how will all this BB fucking affect your relationship ?. At some point you will have to either stop or tell your boyfriend. Mate BB is fuckin hot and the feel of a raw dick is great. But please do get your head out of the sand and just be fully aware of the risks, go and ask your G.P if you don't believe me.
  11. Ass for me has alway's got be clean and no trace of brown anywhere. Sweat and mustiness is a real turn on, even better if there is a load already up there.
  12. "hungry-hole" I strongly dissagree with you. With age also comes a stronger masculinity. Not everyone wants to fuck young guy's. I am middle aged and I have always prefered and still do prefer guy's who are older than myself, preferably a good 10yrs older than myself. But then I have always had a thing for Daddies. Dont talk yourself into believing it's all about to end. Far from it. It's more a state of mind and your own inner happiness and confidence.
  13. Bottoms not only need to be upfront before anything happens, they also need to learn and understand fully how HIV is transmitted. Dont they realise that HIV is in all body fluids including pre cum as well as the seed. Total IGNORANCE and STUPIDITY is bliss I guess. As a versatile guy who prefers topping I would be totaly pissed off to be told "please dont cum inside me" by some ignorant bitch. At that stage guys it would be far too late for any bottom to avoid my HIV and every thing that goes with it, as HIV IS IN PRE CUM TOO. Get real and fuckin wake up bottoms get an education, if you guys want it RAW fuckin grow some, and be a man, and just get on with it, and service the top properly. At least then my time isn't wasted and I can go find me a real cum bum.
  14. Yeh me again and I will try to be serious this time. To guy's like "leantop" you are a very lucky man to have the chance to seed on a regular basis. To "MAIKOL20" I am not making excuses but I will tell you now that I would just love a few pushy and demanding bottoms craving my attention and seed. Hint hint. And I agree that far too much cum is wasted, however country men working the land like me don't have much choice. And remember that city folk do have to eat. To "slut4anyload" you have some very sound advice for bottoms, perhaps you could talk to some other bottoms and try to organise a collective for bottoms who are able to travel to regional areas on "mission" just like the Mormons do, but their job would be to save wasted county seed. I would welcome those kind of vistors any day. To "rawTOP" man you are quite right when you say convenience is an issue. In a big city it's easy to find a hungry and willing slut. But in my situation the chance alone would be a fine thing. To bottoms every where bemoaning lost or wasted loads TAKE NOTE. Get off your asses, stop complaining and do what your meant to do and come help out us lonley action starved country dudes. Remember we grow the stuff you guys eat. Some genuine thoughts from the bush.
  15. This post is just too funny for words and I for one can't take this seriously. If I did I would end up with BLUE BALLS. As I live in a country area, finding gay men who BB to begin with isn't easy. Basically I don't know any, period! Most men who do play are bi or married and are pretty boring to say the least so I can't be bothered with those. I have no choice but to wait till I get to the big smoke and then let rip. In the meantime it's just me and Mrs Palmer and her five daughters. LOL
  16. I agree totally rawTOP and WCCOCKPIT. I have never fetishized violence in any form, and I will never understand or accept it. Yet I do realise and accept there are many in all walks of life who do. Amongst understanding and consenting parties this is fine. Each to their own. However when there is no consent on the part of the one who is victimised or pozed the questions are quite different. To give an example, a friend of mine was raped many times over several years when he was very young and the experience still hants him to this very day. He has all his life found it very difficult to maintain and enjoy relationships, and sex which for most of us is enjoyable for him is more like an unpleasant chore which he does only out of a sense of duty when he actually does manage to date a guy. The sad reality is that a huge and very important and rewarding part of his life is forever ruined because of a criminal and despicable desire on the part of his rapist. His relationsip troubles and his unhappiness truly anger me when I see how it has effected him. As for you "stealth-boys" (Gay and Bi) you really do need to think carefully of the legal consequences of your actions. Think about it. If you rape or poz someone male or female without their full consent and desire you risk being arrested and doing time, losing your family and friends and forever ruining your own life in the process. Not to mention ruining another life as well. Keep your sick fantasy to being only a fantasy and never act it out. Rapists as rawTOP, and stealth-boyz especially as WCCOCKPIT pointed out, deserve to feel the full wrath of the victim, and the victims family as well as to feel the full weight of the law. I'm versatile and poz, and when I'm on top I always respect the limits and wishes of my partner. Why ? Because I want him to get off as well and more importantly come back for more. If on the other hand what he wants does not suit me then there is no sex. No one gets hurt. We all need to think about the end results of what we do and the effects both good and bad on other peoples lifes.
  17. No thankfully not at all. I have always personaly believed that no one should be forced to do anything they do not want to, and that no one should ever be hurt. I feel so much shame for the gay comunity when gay men out and closested do these kinds of despicable things. Like all rapists it's trash like these that give the whole world wide gay comunity a bad name. Those kind of acts are just plain fuckin EVIL.
  18. No way man. Far back as I can remember condoms have always been a total turn off. Hate seing good sperm go to waste.
  19. I'm not too fussy so long as it's in my ass or my mouth.
  20. Dear Breeder Man your posts are prety hot and I was kinda thinking I'd get a hard on as per normal. I'm not sure what I'd make of this one if I was in your place. I thought I had been around the block, and seen all I wanted to see. Any way each to his own. Keep up the hot writing.
  21. I agree with you Yorkshirelad. Given lag times between tests, and the window period for HIV to become detectable this guy has no idea about the true status of loads. Oh well he will learn one day.
  22. I would respect the bottoms choice but there would not be any sex ! I would end it there. Just remember that HIV can still be transmitted through pre-cum. If you want it raw there is always a risk.
  23. I personally could not get hard with a eunuch. I'm versatile guy and I love all aspects of sex oral, anal, piss, BB rim, felching where do I stop. Any way I admire masculinity in my men whether top or bottom. But it is your life just remember no more orgasms once your nuts have gone.
  24. Oh fuck yeh. I have always hated rubbers and just loved going raw. If a guy wants to rubber up then he has to be very, very good looking for me to want to go through with it.
  25. I have only once seen a ghost. I was not scared but just more suprised.
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