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Everything posted by MuscledHorse

  1. It hasn't been filmed but I've had several attendees tell me I need to film it or do it as a book.
  2. I didn't see where it specifically say if you are sexually open or not. If not, you both really should be. The Judeo-Christian heritage of tying sexual monogamy to Love is both scientifically incorrect and adds layers of unnecessary fear and jealousy to the relationship. My husband and are have been open since day 1. We will snuggle and kiss some and be physical in that way but we rarely have sex with each other, but we're both mainly fisting bottoms into taking huge stuff. We go to events like Fist Fest together and enjoy play with other guys separately and occasionally together. But, at the end of the day we are together. Sex is pleasure sport to us and in that view jealousy doesn't exist in the relationship because there's nothing to worry over--is he seeing someone else? Is he going to dump me for someone else?--so we can focus on each other and the actual relationship. So, something to consider.
  3. A sexless world is a toxic and unhappy world. Any doubts? Look no further than the American Bible Belt where males are raised to be ashamed of their genitals and guilty about their libido. Being told a natural biological drive is sinful and wrong makes the male hate himself and see himself as a failure every time he gives in and indulges in masturbation or worse, sex with another person outside of marriage. This repeated reinforcement about sex and sexuality damages the male psyche deeply. You can see how this manifests in the number of people who need alcohol or drugs to "let their guard down," "lose their inhibitions," or "be themselves." It's even worse in the gay world where guys are coping with the religious and social programming about sex and then have the religious and social programming about homo-sex piled on top. It's no accident that the drug and alcohol use is so much higher and you can trace it back to this toxic view of sex created by Western religious dogma. I give a whole academic seminar on this called The power and Philosophy of Promiscuous Living which i have presented at CLAW (and will again this year) and at Wipburn. I'm always looking for new places to present as well so guys can hear the Gospel of Lust and know it's OK to be the sexual animals we are. I am a lifelong promiscuous male and proud of it. I a m blessed to have a husband who encourages and enables my promiscuity as I do his and we have a jealousy free household so our relationship can actually thrive and grow since there is no concept of "cheating" in it
  4. Depending how often you douche and how deep each time, you can through that natural flora off in the same way antibiotics can do it to natural intestinal bacteria since they can't distinguish between good bacteria and infectious bacteria. THere are ways to put some of that back in, including probiotics and yogurt with live culture (like Activia).
  5. I am that rarer pig that hoses out everyday. I have a permanent shower shot installed in the shower with an 18 inch (maybe 20) hose. This daily need comes from both bringg very loose (and training to get even looser) and the fact I have my big toys and plugs up me several times a week as well as plenty of 1-on-1 play, fisting/sex parties and events and so on,..so it's as much a precaution as it is being constantly ready. I can't comment on "unintended consequences" since you never defined what those are. I can say that because of my hosed out power bottom living, I haven't taken a "normal shit" in years, but I can't say that I miss it and all the toilet paper and stuff trying to clean up after with half my hand going up my ass as i try to wipe....hosing is way better. My body is so trained that when it feels the hose water it knows the drill. I only have to do a deep clean a couple times a week. The rest of the time it's essentially a touch up just to be sure.
  6. nothing is more personal or intimate that another male can share then his sperm load. Getting to anally take his cum or taste his warm essence on your tongue before you swallow him down is an unmatched mental high
  7. Yes, I was devastated when Bryan passed. We had just spent five days bumming around NYC together, which we always did on visits to NYC and he would stay with us part of the time when He would be in Atlanta. He was actually supposed to be in Atlanta two weeks after his passing and we had been planning what all we would go do while he was visiting this trip (On previous trips I learned things like there is a Walmart in Atlanta with a crypt in the corner of the parking, which we went and visited as well as normal touristy stuff like hiking to the top of Stone Mountain). He was a dear friend and a sweet man. I was his first on screen fisting experience because I was loose enough to take his giant paws. My husband and I attended his memorial service a month later and the turnout for it was so big it became SRO. He had a truly positive and profound impact on the lives he touched. Over a year later I still harbor a massive amount of anger over what happened because it was *completely* avoidable--yet another failure of the medical themed banking we call "American health care." His doctor has retired and at the corporate run practice Bryan was seeing a revolving door of nurse practitioners and physicians assistants (i.e. no consistent person providing care) who only 10 days before the heart attack told him his blood work was fine and he was in great health. This was compounded by the corporation migrating to a new computer system and all of Bryan's family history dropped form the system in the migration, so no one in the practice knew of the familial heart issues and in their rush to meet the patient metrics of a a new patient every 15 minutes, apparently none of them thought to ever review it or ask about it. (My husband and I had already fired to corporate bought out practices we had been going to and we pay to have a concierge doctor now--I highly recommend them--so when I go to the doctor I see a medical school graduate and one that doesn't have metrics made up by medically untrained idiots with MBA's sop it's for longer than 15 minutes.) I mourn him everyday when I walk my dog down by the lake in the woods behind our house, which Bryan would go with me to when he visited-- Buddy (my bog dog) and I would also video call him from one of the docks on the lake just to say "hi."
  8. I've had several, most notably the late great Bryan Knight, who was 6'6" with big fat meat hooks for paws. I was his first on screen fisting because I could actually take his hand fully in me. Another notable experience was at CLAW '24 on the last night. I had bene in the sling taking cock and was getting fisted by a hot red head bear. It was about 1:00am in the morning and one of the dozen people watching me getting used was a Hispanic guy with a thick powerlifter type build. At one pint he help up his hand and said in his thick accent "you should try my hand." I was feeling VERY good and the poppers were keeping me in piggy headspace and I said "sure!!," so the bear stepped aside. This huys hands were massive and when he popped in me the first time the onlookers applauded while I writhed in the ecstasy of sensory over load. He pulled his fat paw out and then back in and out and in and out. When he was finished using me and pulled out the last time I instantly began pissing all over myself and couldn't stop. When I got back to my room at 2:30 am I took a selfie pic of my super gaped hole and was shocked to discover I was actually bruised from the experience. It didn't hurt and my hole was a massive gape, but it really added to the battered appearance of my hole. I have had other huge hand experiences but these are two standouts for my sloppy ass.
  9. Inflatbles are a good budget stretch. If you are looking for a variety of way to incrementally stretch your anus and rectum with consistent sizes, Topped Toys has some excellent lines that do just that. Instead of just the big jumps form small to medium to large to extra large, theses toys move in smaller increments. I use their Grip (traditional plug shape), Gape Keeper (egg shaped), Mare Maker (Deeper ovals shaped stretch) and Deep Space (looks like an old school bomb with the fatter part being up top and the slimmer part at the bottom for a deeper stretch) With the S, M, L, XL type toys the jump from one to the other might be so much that it's impossible even begin to try taking the new size. With the incremental ones, the jump is enough you can take all or most of the new size and still challenge your hole and accomplish stretching it to the next level. For instance, I recently conquered my new size up Grip 134,, which stretches the anus and rectum to 13.4 inches (34 cm) circumference at its widest point before hitting the plug neck, which keeps the anal sphincter dilated to 10 inches (25.4 cm) circumference. Previously I had taken and mastered the Grip 126, which was 12.6 inches (32 cm) circumference at its widest point and 9.6 inches (24.3 cm) circumference on the neck. It doesn't sound like a huge jump but your hole can sure feel the difference of that added stretch it's being asked to accomplish. (This i snot an ad for Topped Toys, they happen to be the brand on incrementals I use. Other companies, such as Square Peg, make incremental lines too.
  10. I have a very sloppy hole and it's getting sloppier as I move up in sizes. For fantasy toys I have a pile of L and XL Bad-Dragon toys (L and XL Chance the stallion, L and XL Rex the German shepherd, XL David the werewolf, XL Fenrir wolf, L Sleipnir the Mythic stallion, and plenty more). I also own and enjoy the Asmodeum and Orobas ones from Twisted Beast. Yes the Bad-Dragon toys are pricy, especially when you get into the L and XL sizes, but the quality and textures and durability are worth the $$$. I just got XL Sveinn the buck as one of my size up challenge toys for Yule. It's 15 inches of soft thick penis starting at 10.5 inches circumference at the top of the toy and increasing to 13.75 at the base. I can take already take 12 of the 15 inch length and as my inner sphincter continues to give out I know the remaining three will soon follow.
  11. In some instances, like HorseMarket I enjoy it because all us mares are blindfolded and being sued like sexual livestock by the stallions and it's a headspace I can happily inhabit. That said, do enjoy being able to see my top so I can see the expression of Lust and sexual ecstasy in his eyes as he uses me for our mutual sexual stimulation and Pleasure.
  12. I have been to weekend long sex parties before. A couple guys in NC used to host them when I lived there. I would routinely fall asleep at like4 in the morning still being fucked and wake up with a guy fondling or sucking on my morning wood. How long i was used after I fell asleep can't say and don't care--a party like that was a place where I knew I would be safe being sexually used whether I was conscious or not. I naked around other sex centered males. I was happy.
  13. And even Pig Week has changed post covid. I am not sure what happened at Covid but I went from getting fucked mostly and fisted once in a while to getting fisted all the time and only occasionally fucked/guys jerking off inside me. Not that I'm complaining because I'm a huge fist pig.
  14. I would sign up instantly to undergo those treatments and permanently gape and ruin my hole...not that i am doing bad on my own as loose and used as my rectum stays but I'd love that level of power bottom those guys achieve in the story, especially Dylan. I would love to live his experience.
  15. My personal single day record is 43 guys. I go to a lot of sex centered group use events like Pig Week (10 days of sex parties) and Fist Fest (5 days of open fisting) where i really drive up the partner numbers over multiple days of heavy use. I am blessed to have a husband who encourages and enables m promiscuity.
  16. I've been fisted and double fisted by FTM guys. In fact, two of them were in me multiple times during the last Pig Week.
  17. You are going to love the journey dude. The sexual euphoria of being filled with fists, plugs and over size toys and the feel of your blown out rectum hanging open after a good heavy use will never get old. The experiences will leave you hungering for more. My hole is so loose it's a long gash at rest so it's obvious even to the casual observer how stretched and loose I am...and I couldn't be more proud, even as I train my hole to stretch out and accommodate even bigger. (p.s if you want to see just how loose I am besides my profile pic, I have clips on X and BlueSky under JaredEriksonXXX)
  18. Bespoke Surgical on 12th street in NYC. The doctor also has a book out called "Butt Seriously" that gets into the medical side of anal play and care.
  19. slowly adding my content. I'm JaredEriksonXXX on there too
  20. My husband and i are both promiscuous--me far more so than him. Sex is our pleasure sport and we understand that every sport has its hazards. For sport sex it's STI's. They have happened, we get treated and go on. I am tested monthly because I am in group use settings at least 4 days a month and my friends and husband are used to seeing me with my pants down or in a jock strap taking hands and fists in the bars play areas while guys watch. We attach no meaning beyond STI's any more than we do a cold or the flu; they just happen and you have to deal with them.
  21. oh it was! We filmed it late Saturday afternoon. I had been getting fisted since mid-day Wednesday. I was poppered to the gills and passed around. guys were going in me double and my rectum and anus were so gone you can see in the video that i just hang open--my hole doesn't even try to tighten up.
  22. On my X/Twitter JaredEriksonXXX you can see a lot of my loose slop hole getting stuffed, including one video where I am on a lazy Susan at Fist Fest and passed around by 10 guys for 8 full rounds.
  23. I absolutely agree. I have had so many mutual huffing experiences, at least one of them is on film. But to have a guy with part his arm buried in me and is leaning over me in the sling and we are huffing from the same popper bottle at the same time as he uses me and explores my sloppy guts. The mere scent of poppers gets me ragingly sex hungry
  24. Poppers* are what we used to treat angina before nitroglycerin. As highs go they are among the safest out there. The limitations being those on blood pressure meds have to be careful hat it doesn't lower the blood pressure too much and you cannot use Viagra/Levitra/Cialis or other nitrate based drugs like Isosorbide with them. I huff them daily as part of my masturbation and big toy/plug training and always have them handy when enjoying fists in my hungry buttCunt. I find a lot of the guys who look down on them do so because poppers aren't a "Oh look! I'm such a bad ass" hard drug like T, G, or K. Yet for my heavily fisted ass that's never used any of those letter drugs, the poppers rush and high never gets old. I regard them as coffee for sex pigs and sluts. *nitrate based brown bottle poppers, not the dangerous ethyl chloride spray inhalants that are often wrongly called poppers
  25. I answer "neither, or we've got this whole gay thing wrong." There is no corresponding template to the hetero arrangement. My husband and I are both versabottoms though I am way more promiscuous than he is. We've fisted each other. We each do our own laundry. He cooks (he's a foodie and i'm a culinary philistine that just wants his chicken breast, pasta and baked potato/brown rice) but I do the cleaning. He's also the gear head of the household and I've helped him do the brakes on his pick-up truck. We both own motorcycles. There is just no equivalent that divides up the house into those 1950's stereotyped roles for the husband and wife.
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