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Posts posted by Kayne

  1. I have a fuck ton of kinks, but I gotta say my greatest fantasy involves getting tricked into getting high and to Fuck/ be fucked. I also have major uniform, Dumb jock/Himbo, ManScent Rape and PoZ fetishes/ Fantasies

    But above all else, I love Locker room sex. 

  2. I can only think of one practical use for wrapping my cock up, and that' somyou dont get shit all over your dick. I mean when you're cruising a train station, wooded park area, or whatever... you're not going to find shit free holes to plow.

    When I was in my 20's I used to be serious about condoms.  Despite the loads imgave and recieved  when I was in my teens. Honestly though putting them on my cock keeps me limp as fuck. And i hate trh way they deel in my hole.

    I remember the last time I even carried one in my pocket. I Was cursing in a park, stroking with a guy i had played with before, when several undercover cops busted us. The cop that grabbed me took the condom in my wallet out and threw it in the dirt. Stepped on it. Later that day infound out my "buddy" had AIDS.  Remembering that makes my Dick so Hard. 

  3. New York's are usually held at a place called "Paddles" a no alcohol venue. it's pretty racially segregated.  body elitist and age sensitive. bever really see much bare backing to be honest. my experience was a lot of feeling guys up. far more fucking at a bar theme night with a back room or black out curtains.

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  4. On 10/17/2019 at 3:15 PM, tallslenderguy said:

    Hey, thank you for your continued perspective.  i'm largely thinking outlaid as i write this stuff, i don't suppose to have it all figured out, and discussion with others is part of the process for me.

    One of the reasons i am grateful for being gay is because it's helped change my perspective some from my privileged roots.  i've been arrested for being a faggot and was charged with a felony using a 100 year old 'sodomy' law.  It was 1998, but in VA and even then VA still had 'vice' cops pretending to be gay and cruising at cruising sites to entrap gays.  The guy was cute, did the usual gay cruising stuff and when i asked him if he wanted to fuck me, he arrested me. The attorney general at the time (Bob McDonnell) was a rabid homophobe and was out for blood.  For me it was a good experience and example of how, even in a liberal era,  there are people in power who want to punish and abuse different people. 

    i can hide the fact that i am gay if i want at this point. I.e., i don't 'look gay.'  People of color don't have that luxury, so your perspective is different from mine. i can listen and understand cerebrally, even feel rotten for you, but i cannot  fully relate to your perspective. i think you raise a great point about fear and power.  Some poiice  have a history of power abuse towards gays, so i wonder if gays who have police fetish are aroused by that abuse? 

    Do you think the fetish is 'okay?'  You have the perspective of someone who has experienced being abused by authority, not as a fetish you sought out. There's a difference when you have a choice. I.e., most guys can choose to pursue this fetish, it isn't forced on them outside their volition. 

    If the appeal is "power and fear,"  what is the difference  between  someone who chooses this fetish as a lifestyle and those who experience the power and fear as outside of having a fetish for it? How would a Jewish or Black Man experience nazis as a fetish given the real, non role play history of nazism? 

    For me? its power and agency,

    I've been in many situations where I was powerless

    even if it's for a while, in my headspace being able to choose to take power or to surrender it is very potent and arousing to me

    that's how I can experience these fetishes and not feel abused. 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, tallslenderguy said:

    i appreciate your focused answer.  i think you are right that both power and fear play a big part, and may be foundational? 

    i don't think we can group nazi's in general with other "Uniformed individuals such as Police and other Military personnel from around the world" with out qualifying the unique evil intent of nazis.  nazis and their ss police force were a law unto themselves. One of their primary intents was to be cruel and terrorize. 

    i think one of the missing links between nazi fetishism and what and who the nazis were is their intent and purpose to iradicate 'inferiors', not just use them for their pleasure (which seems to be a driving force with the fetish?).

     i think a lot of guys who want to be forced to do erotic things want to experience the desire and need of the guy forcing them to do those things. i think that is missing with the reality of nazism.  They didn't want to connect and use 'subs', they wanted to identify and destroy groups of people.

    nazis weren't going after people who had a fetsh for them.

    No, Nazi's weren't going after people with fetishes for them. You're right there.

    As for grouping. I believe we can. It's about perception. A previous poster spoke about the fear of police where he stays in Latin America. I'm a Black Man living in the U.S. I know the fear that this man spoke of.  I've had police bust into my house in the middle of the night, at gunpoint. I've been. "Stopped and Frisked" I've been arrested for being a "faggot" 

    A large part is perception, A large part is action and a large part is real world practice.

  6. Wading in here.

    I am not going to get into the socio-political aspects of Naziisim, Nor am I going to get into the Historical Realities of The Nazi Regime, beyond saying that it was a horriffic time in human history, one that if we are not careful, can and will happen again. 

    The question is "what is the appeal?"

    The answer in my limited view boils down to three words. POWER AND FEAR.

    Some people are more sexually aroused in situations that present danger or risk. Others are attracted to power, either being powerful, or having a lack of it.

    It is undeniable that smartly tailored, leather clad Nazi officers were powerful and dangerous. This also applies to other Uniformed individuals such as Police and other Military personel from around the world. 

    It is not the only reason. Honestly my attraction to Sailors was born out of Spite against my old man, whom was a Marine. 


    Now I am sure there are other points of view. I am sure that I am going to be dragged for stating what I think. But, this is my opinion. 


  7. Well, for me, it was an acquired taste. My old man started me young, (nevermind how young) and while I often took a mouth full as a yung'un, I really didn't get a taste for cum until my early 20's thanks to a series of events which started with a long distance boyfriend, and video chat. 

    That was about 20 years ago.

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  8. I grew up on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.  Since my school days I could list places from rooftops, Stairwells, abandoned buildings, Subway tunnels, Trains, Parks, saunas/steam rooms, parks, churches, movie theaters and arcades. Hell, the only place I don't really have sex is at home.

    Gotta say I miss banging at the boys club long before girls were allowed.

  9.  Not all sociopaths, or people with ASPD are criminals. 

    Many not them are quite successful, are "valued" members of their respective communities, and don't have criminal records. Won't be Idea that Sociopathy is rare. Is laughable. If you look behind bars or use that as a yard stick to measure who is and who is not Yor results are going to be wrong. 


    I'm not asking anyone to accept my case. Its my view and I stated it. Ultimatelynwe're all adults here. If you choose the behavior (barebacking) knowing the risks either as a top or.bottom, you choose the consequences. Poor impulse control and self destructive behavior are indicators of sociopathy (ASPD) saynwhat you like, those things do not  change. As for me, I'm done with the conversation.  This is my last word on this subject 

  10. 8 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    With respect, the words from your mouth are those above. By their plain language, they convey the opinion that every person who takes anon loads is a sociopath. If this was not your intent, I invite you to rephrase; otherwise I stand by my common-sense rebuttal, as you are clearly incorrect.

    I stand by my view. That's my opinion based upon the evidence and my own experience. It's a view filtered through my experiences. 

    That said, we are all entitled to our views.  We ate free to disagree and I neither expect nor require anyone to change their view or behavior based upon my reading of the evidence.

    If the shoemfits , wear it. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, POZitiveBoyZ said:

    Oh, gosh. This is a really typical behavior of hypocrites who is prefer to Guslighting and putting their fault and their issues to others. Classic psychology treatment method. Also, did some of you met this guy in person? Or, maybe, some of you has some of his medical documentation? Somebody has a special Masters Degree of psychology or psychiatry? I guess you know that spreading such jokes and gossips will help some of you to go to the jail, isn't?   

    I know I shouldn't feed the trolls but...

    There is nomdocumentation necessary.  My opinins are my own, and I don't need your validation, thank you.

    Next this isn't a joke, or gossip I have no idea where that comes from. 

    Lastly, I'm not judging anyone nor am I a hypocrite.  So... Yeah. That.

    • Like 1
  12. Thank you for you r astut

    12 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    Since you insist of doubling down on this absurd notion, let's take the time to be informed. The DSM-V actually currently doesn't have a separate listing for "sociopath", but sociopathy is diagnosed in the context of Antisocial Personality Disorder, the diagnostic features of which include:

    Significant impairments in personality functioning manifest by:

    • Ego-centrism
    • Self esteem derived from personal gain, power, or pleasure
    • Goal-setting based on personal gratification
    • Absence of prosocial internal standards
    • Failure to conform to lawful or culturally normative ethical behavior

    Impairments in Empathy and Intimacy:

    • Lack of concern for feelings, needs, or suffering of others
    • Lack of remorse after hurting or mistreating another
    • Incapable for mutually intimate relationships (exploitation is a primary means of relating to others, including by deceit and coercion)
    • Use of dominance or intimidation to control others

    Antagonism, characterized by:

    • Manipulation: Frequent use of subterfuge to influence, or control others; use of seduction, charm, glibness, or ingratiation to achieve one's ends.
    • Deceitfulness: Dishonesty and fraudulence; misrepresentations of self; embellishment or fabrication when relating events
    • Callousness; Lack of concern for feelings or problems of others; lack of guilt or remorse about the negative or harmful effects of one's own actions on others; aggression; sadism.
    • Hostility: Persistent or frequent angry feelings; anger or irritability in response to minor slights and insults; mean, nasty, or vengeful

    Disinhibition, characterized by:

    • Irresponsibility: Disregard for-and failure to honor-financial and other obligations or commitments; lack of respect for-and lack of follow through on-agreements and promises.
    • Impulsivity: Acting on the spur of the moment in response to immediate stimuli; acting on a momentary basis without a plan or consideration of outcomes; difficulty establishing and following plans.
    • Risk-taking: Engagement in dangerous, risky, and potentially self-damaging activities, unnecessarily and without regard for consequences; boredom proneness and thoughtless initiation of activities to counter boredom; lack of concern for one's limitations and denial of the reality of personal danger.


    You seem to be trying to make your case mainly on the argument of the traits of Impulsivity and Risk-Taking, but there's a great deal more to being a sociopath than that. Just because we take anon loads does not mean we are automatically cold, callous, unfeeling, remorseless liars and manipulators with thin skins who seek to control others by deceit and intimidation. Hardly.

    By this statement, do you mean that you have yourself been held in care because you were deemed to be a danger to yourself or others? Please do not feel under any obligation to answer that question; I only ask because it suggests the possibility that your view on this matter may be a case of self-projection onto others.

    Certainly we are all responsible for our own choices. I think you'll find, in reading the posts on these boards, that most men here accept responsibility for their choices without hesitation. The very fact that we do argues against sociopathy. Does impulsivity make someone a sociopath? Does risk-taking? Does self-destructive behavior? Absent the other factors, no. Just because someone has a tendency to make impulse purchases does not make him a sociopath. Just because a man jumps out of perfectly good airplanes with a parachute for fun does not make him a sociopath. And every person who drinks alcohol or eats red meat three times a week is doing something self-destructive, but they're not automatically sociopaths.

    I take anon loads. I'm responsible about it. I get tested beforehand to make sure I'm safe to play, and I get tested regularly to ensure I stay that way. If I catch something, I get it treated immediately and take myself out of circulation until I'm safe.  Like you, I am HIV+, and in fact am a 5-year AIDS survivor, durably Undetectable for three years. I very much care about the safety, health and well-being of the men I serve. I am honest, ethical, and my personal satisfaction comes from the pleasure I am able to provide to others. I am not a sociopath by any definition. Your hypothesis therefore fails the empirical test.

    First off, thank you for putting words in my mouth. I never called you, personally a Sociopath. I'd also like to thank you for assuming that. Because I said the behavior indicates sociopathy,  that I was painting everyone who takes a risk as a sociopath.

    I'd also really like to thank you breaking down for me what I spent 6 years studying professionally. 

    Have I ever been held in care? Yes. I was really fucked up for many years after the incest I went through as a boy.  And I Am Not Projectiing my own past or damage onto a group. I DO know that if a man walked into a facility of professionals and states that he takes anon loads. Chances are a 5150 will be taken on that man. 

    Oh, and while my examples were hyper focused, they still hit in the examples listed under categories under their Proper headings under ASPD.  Just saying.

    Oh and by the way

    Most CEO's Politicians and Actors are Sociopaths, without any criminal liability. 

    But that is the fun of opinions, they're like assholes. Everyone's got them. You're welcome to yours.  



  13. 14 minutes ago, ErosWired said:

    Nope. You don’t get to cherry-pick two or three characteristics of a mental disorder and then broad-brush a whole class of people with it. That’s ridiculous. Try using the DSM-V diagnostic criteria and seeing how that applies to all of us. (It doesn’t.)

    Besides, your “quote” is absurd on its face - what gives you the wrongheaded notion that everyone who takes an anon load has a weak conscience and impaired impulse control? And what standard of judgment are you pulling out of your own ass that you think we should all conform to your standards for our sexuality?

    I’ll take a hard pass on that, thanks.

    First off. When diagnosing a thing, yo u certainly must pick the characteristics that match, while weighing those matching characteristics against those that refute you r theory. SOCIOPATHY AND PSYCHOPATHY are two different things, but there is a very thin line between them. 

    Next, The primary reason one woukd be held in care is that they are a danger to themselves or others. I know, I've been there.

    Next, I am far from sitting in Judgement of ANYONE.  putting aside what got me to this place, I have made and continue to make conscious decisions for which I take responsibility for, but was it self destructive? Yes?  Does actively participating in activities which are detrimental to one's self and others at the very leas, irresponsible? Yes. Does it show poor impulse control, certainly it does.


    Is, it your ultimate decision to do so?  For sure,  

    If you disregard the. Consequences that may arise from your actions and you get bitten in the ass, is it your fault? Absolutely. 

    I say tnis being Poz. Knowing that I didnt get it through sex is irrelavant, especially when I still Bareback, and I almost exclusively fuck with POZ partners.


    It does not change the underlying facts 

    You are free to be  insulted and to disagree, but the choices made are self destructive 

  14. On 9/30/2019 at 8:12 PM, ErosWired said:

    I don't believe sociopath means what you think it means.

    Uh, I know exactly what im talking about.

    Three traits of Sociopaths are not respecting social norms, not having care for one's own personal safety, and not being able to make long term plans; Quote.

    "A sociopath typically has a conscience, but it’s weak. He may know that taking your money is wrong, and he might feel some guilt or remorse, but that won’t stop his behavior." 

    Not every Sociopath, manifests their antisocial behavior outwardly,  so, yeah... 

  15. 6 hours ago, S6AT6A6N said:

    Also, I realise that having been offline for almost 3 months, this story has been left on the shelf, with Charlie in mid examination ... Kind of me I guess to allow him all that extra time to keep hold onto his precious Golden locks 😈 ... 👦

    With that in mind, if you wish for this story to continue, show your eagerness with an 'upvote' or 'like', so I know if it is worth carrying on or not.

    For now, I am off to bed to sleep. Goodnight my fellow dirTy BZ fuckers! 😛 

    Formerly known as DaddysHand 😴

    Welcome Back Sir! I cannot wait to read the further Adventures of this Demon obsessed boy. I do love the mystery element involved

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  16. I don't know how different or unique my experience is. I was far too young to understand. My Father was a selfish, dangerous drunken fucker that got a taste for the fear anguish and pain he could freely inflict on a smaller weaker person during his time overseas as a Marine.

    Being used by people assosiated with nambla fucked me up for years.

    Even after he was dead, I wasn't free.  But I got older and the reds that were planted took root.

    For better or worse I like what I like.I make choices. I don't see being a Father in my future. But I do wish I had blood brothers. But then again, the concept of family is relative isn't it.


    For the record rewriting my history helped me cope. And incest is one of my biggest kinks more than 30 years later.  

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