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Posts posted by Kayne

  1. I think my dad Had a bigger part in shaping the pick would become. I know there is porn of me out there from when i was a kid.

    Porn certainly shaped my taste in men and emboldened me as a teen.

    I know my breeding and being bred had little to do with the filthy pics I saw, but it did expand my access to older grown men. Porn taught me what to look for in termd of getting what I wanted.

    Reading the Sean platter "Demonic Sex" Series fueld my already raging in my obsession with demons, and made me feel okay with my growing depravity.


    Overall, i['d say hell yeah porn was like Kerosene on an already out of control fire for me. But even without it, I'd be just as sleazy 

  2. Thing for me is, I view love in a vastly different way than I view sex. The older I get, the more perverted slutty and piggy I get, and I want the companionship and lovenof friends. I asomwant the passion and fun i get from men i maynor may not be bonded , but not committed to. 



    Imalsomhave a realmcucholdimg fetish on all sides. Mymdickmis just as hard if I'm am an anon / random bull. The guy being "cheated" on or the cheater.   


    Inlookmback on whomImwas when Inwas younger and how unwanted monogamy, and how broken inwas when Inwas cheated on... I realize now unhappy the loss od freedom in relationships made me. Now, insane that laoyaty for friends... if any of the above makes sense.

  3. As a Jockstrap Fetishist, that is my go to. But personally, I hate it when my bottom doesn't like his own dick played with.  Now this could be because I'm not a pure top, and that i feel like even the most Submissive dude should be cock proud (unless he has a tiny useless cock). I Fucking love fresh cum and Breeding a hole and having a fresh load delivered to my tonsils is the best of both possible outcomes for me.


    But FUCK yeah. Jocks are my drug

  4. 2 hours ago, LittleCumSewer said:

    hot! I love getting bred in apt stairwells.i even get naked if the guy wants. usually they fuck me there cause they can't take me to their apartment cause someone else is there (boyfriend,girlfriend,wife,roommate,parents) or cause they don't want to bring a community cumdump to their apartment either ways don't care.i just care about taking loads.plus guys usually breed me fast so I can go to the next cock. when I was a preteen cocksucker I used to lure older boys to the top floor of the apartment stairs then get them to let me suck their cocks.


  5. On 2/11/2019 at 7:41 AM, NJshorebear said:

    I really found SAA helpful in introducing harm reduction strategies in how I approach sex. Kayne’s “don’t lose perespective” is spot on. At a moment when your urges seemed satisfied take some time to identify what’s important to you and what limits you’re willing to put in place to make sure your desires don’t Negatively impact your life. 

    When I worked a nine to five, one of my strategies was partying only started Friday evening and ended in time for me to go to church Sunday mornings. Did I show up at church high AF? Yes but god didn’t care, and the readings music and homilies usually helped me chill. Afterward I’d eat a big breakfast, put in a load of laundry, and spend Sunday on couch or in bed.

    I clearly remember standing in a group circling a fuckbud who had a traffic cone in his ass waiting for our chempiss and my dick was not cooperating. I noted the time and was like, “sorry this isn’t happening this session, I gotta pull it together to get to church”. One of the other piss givers was like “is that an after hours party”? Our hosting piss bottom removed his ball gag and loudly said, “no he’s actually going to church to pray for us sinners”.

    The “stop in time for church” strategy allowed me to function for work, and also stopped me from that cycle of seeking the next high or next awesome sexual experience. (Know when to hold them, know when to fold them)

    I fuckin love that story. Truthfully, I have someone that I love that quite literally depends on me for daily life. Would I like to be a tatted Roid Muscle Tina Cigar Switch Daddy with a stable of boiz I converted with my own cock? Fuck yeah

    But my other life is very important. so I know when to calm my beasts. It's a skill and like any other skill,  it is learned and practiced. 

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  6. won't say how young I was, but I miss the days when I could walk up to a grown man and KNOW I could get his cock any way I wanted it. Often got it deep I. my hole with a well earned load.

    Stairwells, Basements, Store Stockrooms, Men's Rooms, on Buses, Trains, Abandoned buildings,  He'll, in Alleys and on streets hidden by bushes or car!

    I miss the Dominican Dudes at my brand's favorite cab stand that used to feed me piss and cum in the dispatch office ormin the ba k seat of their cabs.

    I miss the purple headed cock s that used to cum deep in my boi hole at the corner Bodega. 

    Fuck! to be that young again!

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  7. I was infected 17 years ago in a hospital

    False negatives and bad medical record keeping kept my bare breeding ass ignorant of the fact until 2 months ago.  A full Blown diagnosis, 84 TCells later and a 250-300k VL gave me no chance to revel in the new possibilities my new knowledge gave me. 

    Does thinking about it get my hot? yes. do I have regrets yes and no.  I've had a fucked up life. So I try to live without regrets. my only true regret is that this truth hurts the most important person in my world. My mother, who lost her closest friends and a lover to the early days. 

    Nothing is worth that, yet its reality. and one man's story 

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  8. On 12/8/2018 at 1:53 PM, Pozlover1 said:

    AIDS is just a “syndrome” caused by the HIV virus. The definition always was “CD4 <200 or two or more Opportunistic Infections. 

    It’s only the Viral Load that makes a person more likely to give it to you. 

    My paperwork now reads “HIV symptomatic” and as far as I know no medical people still use the term “AIDS”.

    Here to tell you, doctors still do. my doctor does.

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