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Posts posted by Kayne

  1. Another thing that annoys the living fuck out of me is seeing video equipment in the shot. Now I know that everything filmed has this potential, but it just ruins it for me. 

    And  what is up with watersports porn where the bottom is spitting the piss out while the top is feeding him?  Golden Shower are one thing,  but if you're meant to be drinking, then DRINK DAMN IT!

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  2. I'm gonna add my voice to the chorus. 

    I literally grew up during the "Bad old days" Many people in my life that still should be in my life are gone, and much too soon because they got 'the package"  not everyone got it through sex. Some were addicts. some had poor health care. Of those who did get it through sex, some were tricked. Either way  it wasn't pretty.

    With 50 years since the pandemic began in sight,  The "gift" is manageable. If one stays on preventative maintenance,  or once obtained,, has  strict after exposure careGoing full blown is a choice. Chasing is a choice Barebacking is a choice,  and so is getting high.

     I'm not going to lay a guilt trip on you about all the people that died so that you can make those choices. I'm not going to preach about just how reckless it is, or how you should value  the state of your health now. I'm not going tosit and jaw on about the isolation or the stigma that "Gifted" people still go through. or how shit like Covid is/was so much more dangerous and intense for those that are are "gifted" I'm not going ro lecture you about the judgment or scorn that you'll get from.medical professionals. 

    Others have discussed the financial burden. I can say that in the USA,the state in which you reside can make things easier, or harder. 

    What I will say is that there is a cost to join us in the Bareback Brotherhood.  The price of admission is quite high, and it doesn't end wit Just HIV. There is a litany  of other things one can walk away with., things that PrEP or PEP do not guard against.  I'm not judging,  I just want you to walk into this decision with open eyes.

    The adage of "Play Stupid Games. Win Stupid Prizes"  applies here. End of the day, you have to ask yourself whether given what you know now (from the men that have given their experience and POV) The moments of pleasure you'll undoubtedly receive from taking the plunge, will be worth everything you are signing up for. 

    Because there is no going back.

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  3. Okay, So I'm A straight up Pig.   I Love Men The more Masculine, the better. even if he is submissive.

    Now I Respect Crossdressers.I like Drag And count s few queens as friends or people I'd like to know. but im not sexually attracted to them. I prefer  Jocks, Himbos,  Rednecks. I love zduited dudes  Military and Uniformed men. Clothes make the man so Suits. Uniforms Streetwear Leather Jockstraps all get me hot.

    But there is one thing I that I have found that I do find hot... Dudes with muscled legs and thighs in sheer stockings. Especially when they are wearing Jocks and riding my cock. I'm not especially into feet, but sheer dress socks or nylon / silk stockings Fuuuuck that's hot.

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  4. As disgusting as it is, there are medical professionals that will look the other way  and who participate. I know this from personal experience and it is a major reason I avoid dentists at all costs. 

    I was lucky in my way. I didn't catch anything until I was 21  but I know I was flirting with danger and the problem with Russian Roulette is when you win, there is no going back. 


  5. 39 minutes ago, rock-cock-jock said:

    Meh, shit happens. 1) Most straight guys dont know how to do douche but they're so hot to top. 2) And what about spontaneous sex where there hasn't been time to clean up beforehand? Like waking up in the morning next to a lover with morning glory or unexpectedly making eye contact with some stranger at an event u werent planning to have sex at. 3) or how about camping? the outdoors where no facilities are available. Are u just gonna not have sex and miss out cuz it's messy? pssh, it's not the end of the world, it's just organic matter, nbd. As long as you avoid the riding position, dont go crazy with the fucking and make sure your cock stays inside with your strokes, the mess will be pretty minimal and mostly confined. After cumming, just wipe and clean up after, easy peasy, no big deal

    And also, honestly, I mean this sincerely and not as a criticism, when you stop being so judgemental and fussy about stuff like this, whether it's in your attitude or your profile or whatever, ppl will respond to that and I find more and hotter guys will be attracted to you

    I get how you feel. You have a point I've had enough random encountersto see the wisdom there. I do think it shows a la know care about your potential partner when o e goes into a situation Expection sex. Like Heading to the local cruisy park intent on sex or to a bathhouse or to a hook up without cleaning up.

    this goes double if you're going in without a jacket. - which no one here is willing to do 

    I know it poses difficulty for me because I am Into ripe manly smelling men. no Shatner deodorant or cologne is preferred.  However doucbing cleans away the scent. but at the end of the day I'd rather have a prepped ass over one filled with anything other than another man's cum.


    But if the dude is fucking hot, all bets are off

  6. 1 hour ago, JimInWisc said:

    I don't know if there is some sort of official abuse scale.  But it seems clear you were significantly abused @Kayne.  I have spoken with others who carried on a sexual relationship with their dad (only) from a young age  (not as young as you); who seem to have appreciated that experience and grown from it.  But then that wasn't the sort of systematic abuse you endured.  

    Thanks for your post.  It sounds like you are finding your way out of that rocky start.  



    Thanks Jim. in the end I think we are all just finding our way. we can only do our best. Certain things may shape us. it doesn't follow that we allow them to define us. 

  7. I don't know whether talking about my experience is gonna add fuel to this fire, but this subject touches me, so I am gonna say my piece. 

    I've described in other threads what I went through as a child. It was horrific. there were years of fear, secrecy and pain. at 6 I should have been a care free child playing with toys and learning about the world. instead, I modeled the psychotic and self destructive behavior of my abuser... My dad. This was going on while I was still being abused by my "God parents" My Mom had to shut me away in a psychiatric children's hospital, where I was raped by a teenager also in the facility. I spent years 7- 10 in another facility where the abuse continued. 

    I say this because it really fucked up my ability to trust. It fucked up my ability to be comfortable around others. It made me paranoid. It totally destroyed my ability to ask for help,  It is a good thing to teach a child that nothing in life is "Free"  but teaching them that everything has a proce in the manner that I was taught does irreversible damage.

    Mental Health facilities are like prisons in their way . I was on my own an surviving meant I had to learn to use my body to get what I needed or wanted. extra food, protection and the like. Surviving meant I couldn't appear weak or defenseless. Surviving meant I had to learn to act like and identify with those with the power. by the time I was 10, Iwss a predator. 

    I bounced from underage hyper sexual predator targeting older men and boys to  creepy teen babysitter.  I went from Fine to suicidal.  Im amazed that though I fantasized about drugs I never did any or got hooked. even as a bartender. I didn't start drinking again until I was 25. (there was much earlier experience with alcohol).

    I Did gamble, I did shop. Hell!i became a stripper. To this day my mind goes to very dark, very dangerous places. many of them I have been able to keep away fromby the grace of some higher power. The post orgasam guilt and disgust I feel can be crippling. at times. And still I have self destructive behaviors like bug chasing despite being Poz. 

    Mentally "re-writing" history to give me agency and power has helped me cope and its gotten my rocks off. but being able to step outside myself to be both victim.and aggressor scares the shit out of me some days.

    Having someone depend on me is a healthy deterrent to indulging indulging in things best not discussed or disclosed.

    At the end of the day I don't believe anyone who says he or she was nod adversely affected by sex too early. I also don't believe that society's idea ofva "magic" number be it 16, 18, 21, or whatever, makes a person ready or mature enough to handle sexual situations.  I do think today's kids are worse off than their forebears when you consider that people had whole families at what we call the age of consent today less than 200 yars ago.  

    But times change.  I dont believe the issue is as black or white as its been made to be. I do know that despite living in a world of gray, is hard and many people prefer the simplicity of black or white. 

  8. 20 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

     Not saying it's in any way smart or wise, but I can easily understand why people avoid finding out. It's the same reasons some people don't like to go to the doctor, period; the reasons so many don't want to go to the dentist.

    First is fear: as long as you don't KNOW something is wrong, you can pretend, in your head, that nothing IS wrong. Finding out may alleviate your fears, but only temporarily.

    Second is cost: for a long time, PrEP wasn't covered by most insurance and lots more people were uninsured anyway. For some people weighing "You might have a disease, but you don't know for sure" vs. "You have a disease and you're going to be spending $2,500 a month for the rest of your life to stay alive", the former is a more comfortable position to be in. 

    You're right! A good portion of what you just said was my mindset for years. I went to one clinic for something unrelated and had a nurse out right tell me when I refused a hiv test  " you already know its true, just get it over with" 

    but yeah  I know I went through what you described

  9. My story Is long a itvplays like a ga.e or Russian Roulette. If q ythu g, I should have been pozzed way before my 18th birthday. I know how I think I was Pozzed, but increasingly unlikely.

    I'm uncut tad while I have sucked cock practically all my life, I've been exclusively a Top since I was 20  (Not by choice)


    I went through years of false positives only to be proven Neg with more detailed tests until the day I decided that DADT was right for me and that I didn't care.

    part of me didn't want to know. 

    But If I did get it from topping and not in the hospital as is my belief, I'd like to think that it was the time I hooked up with a College  Prof. and his Dealer

    We Dbl Fucked him for hours. I know he bled. After a shower, I saw a note on the mirror said "Welcome to the brotherhood" I found his empty AZT bottle. The prof grinned and told me" you gotta assume Everyone's charged. 

    I stopped testing after that. It's been 6 years since its been official

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