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Posts posted by Kayne

  1. Okay so... much of what I wanted to say has been covered. There are some super insightful people here.

    I'm going to approach this my way though.

    Are you Doomed? in a word, yes.

    You are playing with fire and to quote Madonna "Once you put your hand in the flame, it can never be the same."

     You've been aware of the rules. You were conditioned to understand that "The only purpose for sex is  the biological procreation of heterosexual couples.  HIV had been around sicsvthe 1920's. that's100 years ago, but as we march into 2023, "Gay Cancer" is just 40 years old.

    Whether you're old enough to have lived through the horror of the 80's the indifference that turned into awareness of the 90's or the innovations of the modern age, you know how to stay safe.

    And HIV isn't the only danger out there for a gay man.

    But, the thing is... you don't want safety, not really.  You like the Danger and that spells DOOM for your perception of yourself. You have to come to terms with the thick hard facts that are drilling you deep. The person you struggled to see yourself as isn't who you are. 

    Only you can Decide this Only you can Choose the risks.  Just remember, you can't choose the consequences. those you have to take as you find them 


    So annoying exploring the self you've been suppressing or not 

    "Either way, its o.k., you wake up with yourself." - Billy Joel 

    • Like 1
  2. Oh I would FUCK ME, I'd FUCK ME so HARD.

    I've fantasized about my reflection coming through the glass. I've dreamed about Pozzing myself. I've thought about time travel and breeding older and younger versions of myself  [nothing illegal]

    I've wished Cloning were a thing, like in the "6th day" (Schwarzenegger Flick) I have wished for a twin or a genie to give me one.  I've dreamed of so many ways to breed myself... 

    if only...

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, pussyboy82 said:

    This administrator is clearly a narcissist. Removed my upvote from his earlier post. So much for the GDPR policy here.....

    Just thought I'd share. No doubt I'll be edited or deleted for speaking the truth just like if posted things in Twitter around October 24th 2020!

    Dude!  Deapite what the records say, I have been here for literal years. Have I always agreed with policy? no. Have I been censored or admonished? yes,. Did I feel it was unwarranted?  also yes. But the thing is. I'm still fucking here!  rawTop pays the bills. He hosts the service and he's left it open and free for anyone that is a part of his community, Our community to have a safe space to express what polite society - and even BDSM /Fetish Comminity not only decrys, but outright shuns. Especially when it comes to Bug Chasing and Gift Giving. 

    He doesn't have to do this. 

    He could charge people for the privilege of wasting their time on his patch of cyberspace, He doesn't. 

    As @ErosWiredroswired said,  "Its his house"  and while as Owner, He doesn't need the likes of me to defend him, I'm pissed off the idea of you disrespecting the man in his own house. That ain't cool and it won't fly.

    As for Twitter. Twitter has always been a dumpster fire. its only ever been good for porn and spreading devisive tinfoilhat theories and "alternative facts" . Best thing they ever did was ban toxic people supplying misinformation 

    Perhaps its current iteration will go the way of myspace. Perhaps you can do the same. 

    • Like 3
  4. Interesting, though I think it moved too fast for me.  I think you telegraphed the big reveal. 

    I'd like to see you outline and draft a bit. Also, run your text through an editor. This is a major flaw I oft struggle with,  only catching errors after publishing, so I understand the struggle is real, but I encourage you to try. 

    soft its a 6 out of 10. I am confident you can do better once your ideas mature. keep going!

    • Like 1
  5. I cant quitensaynthwrebwas a " Raunchiest" moment. I remember being caught sniffing my oldest cousin's rank janitorial coveralls. Had my dick in my hand and my nose in the stale, rank pits. I'd say more but Its "problematic" for the site.  

    my Work as a go-go boy in the late 90's is similarly "problematic" but sex work plays a major role. 

    I've had sex with serious bums a d miss that level of raunchy but bareback banging bums inthe bushes of new york city parks isn't all that raunchy or oncoming. and its been years since I have had the pleasure.

  6. On 11/20/2022 at 6:08 PM, ErosWired said:

    It sounds like the first time you may have had some poppers that were flat and had lost their effectiveness, and the second time you got a fresh, fully potent bottle. You can always tell when they’re fresh - it doesn’t take much.

    Yeah, I don't know. I remember my first time.was RUSH he broke the seal It was then when I learned that I did not like being a fisting bottom.  To be honest, the smell of poppers makes me mildly nauseated. so I'm gonna just assume that poppers are not for me


  7. 24 minutes ago, Close2MyBro said:

    I have shown up for hookups wearing a suit. Also had a guy who was into dress socks.

    While I'm not into full on cross dressers (don't have anything against em, they just don't chub me up) Dudes in Suits wearing Stockings,  or Sheer Dress socks , especially with sweaty feet can get my super hot. super fast. 

    Something about a guy's cock hangin through the fly of a nice pair of slacks. bonus if he's uncut and white.wearing a dark suit, or black wearing a Ligh gray Suit. And I love banging out bubble asses younger men in well tailored suits 

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