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Status Updates posted by Rawdawg13

  1. IMG_2801.JPG.84ba3963c81a7178bbe938c0ce54322c.JPGHottie from class photo update:  I caught him in the act!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. NLbear


      Bummer! Love to see more of him

    3. Rawdawg13


      He open the door for me going into class today and called me Sir (i am 30 years his senior) and I think I came a little bit....

    4. NLbear


      I don't think I could concentrate on class if I saw him sitting there adjusting his crotch all the time :P

  2. ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM!  I recently was introduced to zoom, its nucking futs and crazy hot.  But apparently there are many "rooms" but you need to know the "room" number?  Anybody got any good zoom numbers??

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Guest


      Thanks but i'm in europe & i'm more in to real time hook up's.

    3. Rawdawg13


      Well hell Dm, who isn't??  I'm just saying this is just another way to kill time online....just like we're doing right now..and just like we're gonna do tomorrow.  But being in Europe as you stated probably means there is absolutely no way possible to access it anyway, so whats the diff, right?

    4. bipigboy05


      New Challenger Approaches - "Reality"

  3. Immunity: myth or real?   I didn't know where to shove this, so I'll shove it right in here. (..hehe, that what he said!  shut-up...you were thinking it too!)  So I've been thinking a lot lately...not the usual, you know dicks, boys, cum, speed, etc...in my 45 years I really don't think that I've EVER used a condom.  I just fucking hate them.  Almost as much as I hate the term necessary evil.   I think I tried one on one time but I wasn't even having sex, I was just a stupid kid who had found a condom.  Thank dog it had been used or it would have been really gross.  But it made my dick look like...well it didn't even look like a dick anymore nor did it feel like my dick.  And I've certainly never had one up my ass- not even once.  Is there anyone out there who should without any doubt be positive by now?  Anyone?  With all the cocks I've had it makes no logical sense.  I'm not necessarily a chaser either, what happens happens....its just odd.  I was wondering if anyone else out there has the same story.  Like I said, this should probably be posted somewhere else on here so if you think you know where let me know.  

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rawdawg13


      it didn't last long....I'm back home in New Orleans...as of last night!

    3. nesexslut


      much better place to be all in all

    4. nesexslut


      interesting, now that i'm looking at them, how your interests and mine seem to be so totally in sync!

  4. I'm in  Biology lecture and all the biology I can think about is taking a DNA sample across the face from this hot, mother fucking little baseball player!!  Fuck this lecture, I want that boys cum!

    IMG_2268 copy.JPG

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. toad2



    3. Fistulike666
    4. toad2



  5. When I say he plays ball, I don't just mean baseball.  This boy adjusts his nuts more than anyone I've ever seen.  If he touched himself anymore, it would be masterbation.  Which I am totally not against...fucking hot!

    FullSizeRender-2 copy.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rawdawg13


      How am I expected to listen to a lecture about plants when Ive got this next to me..??

    3. NLbear


      He can nut in me anytime.........

    4. Fistulike666


      Plants need fertilising ... just tell him you can show him how its done

  6. Not that it makes a shit, but I've changed my "screen name" from kimhore (long story...) to my actual, god given christian screen name...Rawdawg13.  

    1. NLbear


      Now I am curious why. But maybe you better confess to him...


    2. Rawdawg13


      Looks like I already have!


  7. Hey its me, how are things going?  Any improvements?


    1. bigdick4you


      No nothing....although I have been away for work for 2 weeks now

  8. I have this disease called 'noassatall', it runs in my family!  If I'm standing up, my ass is literally concave. So thank you for being the first person ever to compliment my ass.  Besides, like grandma used to say 'Its not whats on the outside that counts, its what on the inside"....and inside my ass is fantastic I've been told.  They always come back for more.....and thank you again, that made my day!

  9. Just took load number three of the week.  One of my regulars.  He doesn't have  the biggest dick but that mother fucker knows how to eat ass and fuck with what he has got.  Everybody is always chasing behind the biggest one they can find...and while that is great when the planets align and its good dick....you gonna fuck around and pass up the better dick in the meantime.   

  10. Just plugged the biggest hit of dope i've ever done and I can feel waves of pleasure emanating from my hole....

  11. another cummy pic from this morning


  12. got an anon five minutes out!!

  13. You sound like youd be fun...i'm in midcity...where do you stay?


  14. You have the most original name I've ever seen..love it.

  15. Three loads from a hot fucking  real Ozark hillbilly with the bezt hillbilly dope.....fire, straight fire!

  16. When I woke up this morning I realized several things.  One thing I realized is that I don't really live in Little Rock.  Thats a long story, even for here.  I also realized that I have the best friend on the planet.  I hate the term BF because...well we aren't in high school.  And he hates the term partners because...well we aren't lawyers in a firm, nor do we heard cattle in the old west.  But friend....best of the bestest...who happens to be engaged...that term I love.  Not as much as the boy though.  I love him.  Now stop being so fucking serious and go out and find some big, nasty cock to sit on for christ sake!!

  17. Thank you for the info!  Where do you live?  I'm not gonna come to your house! lol  Just curious.

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