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Johnjohn last won the day on July 11 2023

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About Johnjohn

  • Birthday March 18

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    UK. South West
  • Interests
    Leather, bikers, piss, breeding, taking poz loads,
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    5'11", 165lbs. Heavily tattooed on back, chest and sleeves, with 00 gauge PA. Sleazy poz pig bottom into anything raunchy. No limits and no morals. Sweat, piss, manstink, smeg, verbal, 666 are all big turn ons. I've got a cum hungry hole that needs filling with poz loads. I need to be fucked bareback and loaded with cum.
  • Porn Experience
    None - so far
  • Looking For
    Poz pig tops to seed and breed my fuckhole.

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  1. Sometimes a well stained jock, but otherwise commando.
  2. I was 13 at the time. Very, very painful. But I came back for more.
  3. Apart from a few years during the AIDS crisis it's always been Level 6 and will continue to be so.
  4. Initially schoolmates but when I started cruising public toilets they tended to be older men. Looking back, they probably weren't much above 40 but from a 16 year old's perspective they were old.
  5. Apart from some time out during the AIDS crisis I have always barebacked since a teenager. It's what I grew up with; it's the natural way to have sex, skin on skin and hopefully a gut full of seed. I can see no reason to do otherwise.
  6. I always make in clear in advance that I ONLY play bareback. If the top doesn't like it, tough.
  7. I'm very verbal when I've got a cock inside me. I've got a foul mouth and I expect the top to have one too. By being verbal I want him to know how much pleasure he is giving me. Likewise, as he fucks me I want him to tell me exactly what he is experiencing in the filthiest terms possible. Then, when he about to explode and ready to fill me with his seed I want to sense the build-up in the loudest way so that I can do everything in my power to make his orgasm as powerful as possible.
  8. I used to know a guy, a real pig, who was very into all sorts of piss play and in particular piss fucking. After a night of breeding and seeding, I would wake up in the morning feeling his hard dick sliding into my sloppy hole. Shortly after, my guts would be flooded by a warm wet stream of early morning piss. It was an amazing sensation.
  9. At school in the toilets at age 14 with a schoolmate. We fucked each other raw and came inside each other because I don't think at that age, either of knew what a condom was, what to do with one or where to get one. I've never seen any reason to do otherwise.
  10. Hot, hot, hot. Believe it or not, I used to be a skinhead with a skinhead mate who used to breed me very hard. We always played in gear and I've still got my Docs, MA1 jacket and bleachers. It was very hot sex.
  11. I've been with BBRT for a number of years but I've never had much luck. It seems that if you are older than 40 and not gifted with extreme good looks and a sculpted body then you don't stand a cat in hell's chance of hooking up with anyone.
  12. Apart from schoolmates mainly older men I met while out cruising. It wasn't until I reached 18 or thereabouts that I started looking for the 'type' that turned me on. Up until then it been a cock is a cock is a cock.
  13. It's got to be my ass. That's what my hole is for. I want breeding and seeding. Seed spurting down my throat or over my face is a waste.
  14. Beautiful lips. Crying out for a mouth, a cock and a fist.
  15. It was at school in a toilet and the boy who penetrated me had, for his age, 14, a very big uncut cock. It was painful but I came back for more.
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