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JakeTurner last won the day on November 2 2016

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About JakeTurner

  • Birthday 12/08/1967

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    New York Area
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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    Finally taking the steps to get pozzed. Hope to be a gifter in the near future.
  • Looking For
    Poz tops and neg bottoms who aren't on meds

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  1. I'll be in Mexico City for a week in January (4th to 11th). Wanna take loads. Which bathhouses/saunas/clubs/backrooms will be best for a 50-something gringo daddy? (And advice on best times?)
  2. My totals so far this year… Asses Fucked: 9 Load Given: 4 Dicks Taken: 19 Loads Received: 15 (+2 from condoms) (Asses and dicks can count more than once if not in the same fuck session) I'd like to get my totals this year up to 50 loads given and 200 loads received. I'm not too far off that so far, so just need to keep at it.
  3. 10 loads up my ass (including 2 from condoms I pushed up there) and one given. Now to keep it up.
  4. My load count for the past few years has been really horrible. Sadly it’s been single digits (per year!) since 2018. 2015-2018 it was triple digits. The past 3 years I can kinda blame on COVID, but it’s more than that. Fall if 2017 I did the week in Key West where I left my Truvada in NYC (intentionally) and took as many loads as possible. That started a “am I sure I want to be doing this?” phase which lasted a while. Then COVID happened. Needless to say I want to get back up to triple digits. Problem was my year started with a lot of family stuff. But I was hoping things would change when I went to SF and stayed with some piggy friends. But then I was reading that the SF bars don’t have much sex going on. First night out at Powerhouse was a bust. I just wasn’t attracting anyone I was remotely interested in and not all that much was going on. Second night was a Castro bar crawl. I don’t think any of the bars had stuff going on though. But 3rd time is a charm. The last. Igor we went to the Eagle and they had a dark room set up. For the first hour (plus) that we were there no one was doing much of anything in the back room but then there was a burst of activity and I was in the right place at the right time. The first guy to fuck me was this (~) late 20s guy with bleach blond hair who looked a bit LA. Not completely my type, but definitely good enough. He blew a load in my ass. Then a title holder from a small(ish) gay bar (not in SF) fucked me, but didn’t breed me. I noticed I was REALLy sloppy afterwards which means the first guy blew a nice big load 😁 A really cute guy wanted to fuck me but he was walking around with a condom on, so I said no. There was a lull in activity in the back room so I took a break. When I returned a little later some guys were fucking so I jacked my dick watching them and then let a cocksucker blow me. I got hard and wanted to fuck, but the bottom was busy with other tops. Then the first guy who fucked me started fucking me again which put me in bottom mode and my dick went soft. A couple of bottoms wanted me to fuck them but I wasn’t hard enough. I did rim 2-3 guys. Unfortunately none of them seemed to have loads in them. At that point I went into bottom mode and was sucking whatever random dick was shoved in my face while guys fucked me. Some other guy I can’t remember (cause I didn’t really see much of him since I was bent over sucking random cocks) fucked me, but didn’t cum Then another cock was shoved in my ass and after a bit it was pretty clear he blew his load while he was in me. When he pulled out I noticed he had a condom on with a big load in it, so I pulled off the condom. I was trying to get the load out of the condom and up my ass when the next guy wanted to fuck, so I bent over and took his dick. He then blew his load and again I found he was wearing a condom. I started to pull his condom off and he didn’t understand why. The other condom top told him I was collecting loads so he gave me the condom. At which point I pushed both loads up my ass. Then there was this guy with a gorgeous dick with a mushroom head. Thankfully he fucked me raw but he didn’t cum. When he pulled out a hot, 30-something slightly muscled bear (with tattoos) started fucking me. After a bit he asked if he could come in me and I said “please do!” and he proceeded to blow his load. Then the first guy fucked me a second time. It wasn’t long before I could feel his dick pulsing as he shot his load up my ass. So that’s 3 proper loads, plus two “indirect” condom loads, plus 2 guys who didn’t cum. Needless to say I was on cloud nine. It felt SO GOOD to get back to being a cumdump. The best part is none of that made me think I should be taking PrEP. I’m now completely comfortable with the risk. In fact it would make me really happy if I got pozzed in a scene like that.
  5. Well, I'm still testing neg (last test was 3 weeks ago) - not that I've been taking all that many loads. My main concern lately is that I've had a bunch of trips this year. There was one around July 1st, then another early August, then one in early October, and then over Thanksgiving. And coming up there's a 2 week trip around New Year's / early January. So, doing the math… if I got pozzed fuck flu could have messed up one of the trips. I'm just too much of a control freak to let that happen. BUT, after the trip in early January there's nothing until probably April, so my New Year's resolution is to take a lot of loads starting around New Years and focus on situations and people where I'm most likely to get pozzed. The January trip is to California - so should have some decent opportunities to get take some poz loads to get the ball rolling. There is one top here in NYC who apparently is toxic and wants to poz me, but he's also into other STIs. I just wanna get pozzed. The other stuff is a major turn-off. The other complication has been work and other "life" stuff keeping me busy. Not to mention at the end of the day I'm more likely to want to have a drink and take it easy than go out. Part of that is pandemic habits which I need to break, but the other part is just growing older and not having unlimited energy for sex. But mentally I'm definitely "there". I want this and and I want it bad and basically have zero reservations about it. I've worked through whether this is some form of self harm that I should be worried about, or whether it's due to depression or something - it's not. The risk of becoming poz has turned me on for nearly 30 years. And about 10 years ago I had come to the conclusion to just let it happen – but then PrEP came out and I figured it would be easier / less complicated to stay neg. That didn't last long though - a few years later I started gradually taking less and less of my PrEP until I finally stopped. Then there were a couple years of not much sex as I examined what in the hell I was doing, and then just when I was getting ready to take real risk the pandemic hit. So now the desire to be poz has grown and it needs to happen. So much so I might even let the toxic top here in NYC breed me - even if it involves other STIs… The next few weeks I'll probably focus on topping, but once I'm on the trip to CA I'm gonna need poz cock and loads in my ass!
  6. As others said, there is no cure. But there are meds that will reduce the frequency of outbreaks (if taken daily), or shorten the period of symptoms. My physician has me take 2 grams (2 x 1000 mg) of Valacyclovir twice a day when I have an outbreak. I do that for 2-3 days and I'm over it. My outbreaks are pretty rare, so it doesn't make sense for me to take it daily (if I did it would be 1 gram a day).
  7. Unfortunately, it's probably MPOX. There are a fair number of breakthrough cases. The fact that you're vaccinated will most likely make it a mild case. Let us know how it progresses…
  8. @Kinkybreed - Having had MPX, it looks like it to me. Make sure you keep everything very sterile. The really bad shit happens when the lesions get a bacterial infection. The other issue is pain management. If it gets bad, contact a doctor or clinic for pain meds. You may also want to look into getting on Techovirimat - the antiviral for MPX.
  9. Just wondering if any of you can give good pointers for where a beefy white American daddy like me can get loads in Madrid? I'll be going there in early October. I posted the question on the Bare Spain Telegram group and so far have been told… STRONG (especially on a night when it's got an Odarko party) The Cage The Meat Rack I'm traveling with my husband who's not nearly as big of a pig as I am. So places that appeal to both pigs and more vanilla guys are a plus. STRONG gives him the ability to dance while I'm taking loads, so that's a big plus. The Cage is probably only an option on Fridays since other nights require you to get naked, or be into fisting, or whatever and he may not be in the mood. These also look interesting… Boyberry Hot (a bear bar with a dark room) Those are bars open earlier where I can go off to a back room and take a load or two while my husband's having a drink. Then we can have a late dinner (I don't like to eat when I'm going to a sex club, but if I've already gotten a load or two, then dinner is a possibility.) Am I missing other "sex bars" (bars with backrooms)? I mean there are regular bars I want to try (El Bulldog, Bears Bar, Pub Gris) but I don't think any of those have backrooms. There are also saunas/bathhouses/sex clubs, but not sure what to think of them - which ones are best for loads, etc… Sauna Center - must have a bar since I see promos where admission includes a drink Sauna Paraiso - has a pool, not particularly close to our hotel Sauna Octopus (same owner as Paraiso) - has a pool and a bar, advertises as being bear friendly, but also not all that close to the hotel Centerbeach Sauna (formerly Principe? same owner as other two?) - I think this was supposed to be a big deal but Google Maps is showing it as "temporarily closed" - not sure if covid killed it, but the last updates on their website seem to be late July. Sauna Lavapiés - all I see in the reviews is that it's huge - not sure what to think of this one. Attack Fetish Club There are a lot of options (plus ones I don't know about), so need some advice…
  10. Just an update… I had a mild case overall, and I'm grateful that was the case. BUT it just won't quite go away - which ie beyond frustrating. I started Techovirimat (aka TPOXX) on "Day 11" and just too my last pills this morning (Day 25). Things were going so well that I thought I'd stop the TPOXX early. But then a little over a week ago ("Day 17", day 6 of TPOXX) I took a pic to see how thing were going "down there" (I felt great) and I saw an unhealed lesion. At that point I figured I'd continue the TPOXX for the full 14 days. BUT it hasn't healed in that time. It's looked pretty much like this the entire time… So that little fucker is going to stop me from having fun this weekend (I'm going to Montréal for Pride). I just want it to heal so I can be done with everything. But the takeaway for guys who are trying to avoid getting MPX is that, if that sore were in my ass rather than just outside it, I would have no clue I still had a problem and I'd be at GI Joe this weekend taking loads - and infecting the tops who fucked me. So this is not a good situation for tops since you can't see the lesions that could infect you and the bottom may have no clue that they haven't healed.
  11. I had one shot as a kid AND the current vaccine a few days before exposure to MPX and I still got it. Mind you I think the two vaccines helped - my case was mild. You could argue the new vaccine didn't have time to work, but the shot I got as a kid was not sufficient to protect me from getting it.
  12. @Axel83 thanks for all those pics! If I had to guess you only had MP, not herpes. Most of those lesions look like classic MP lesions. Though they are in a group - which is typical of herpes. So who knows. [And, minus the lesions - nice hole!] And just an update on where things stand with me (Day 11 & 12)… Taking a crap was far less painful yesterday, and almost normal today. I'm still not back to normal down there, but making good progress. You can't really tell I had a sore on my dick anymore. That's pretty much completely healed and normal now. The ones near/on my taint are just slight red bumps. You can tell something happened there, but it doesn't look all that unusual. I got my Tecovirimat Rx last night. You take it twice a day, so I'm 2 doses into it. But I feel like even without it symptoms would have resolved in a few days (around the 2 week mark). So in a few days, once I know for sure my symptoms are gone, I'll contact the clinic that got the meds for me and ask whether I should stop after a week. The meds came in two bottles, so I could give one back, still sealed…
  13. My "white flat phase" came AFTER, not before, my pointy/pussy phase. But then again I only had 2-3 lesions on my skin (plus an unknown number in my ass).
  14. Shortly after I wrote the post above I got a call from the clinic that did the tests last week and I DO have Monkeypox! (I can stop taking Valtrex.) Since they couldn't pop a lesion to get puss I figured the test would come back negative. The good part about having a positive test is they're putting me on Tecovirimat (an experimental drug) which is supposed to help me get over things more quickly. Since most of my problem is in my ass, they don't want there to be scarring down there. If there had been a false negative I wouldn't be able to get the drug and recovery would have taken longer. I take the drug for two weeks. I'm hoping it doesn't take that long for symptoms to end.
  15. Just to follow up… Day 9 & 10 (yesterday & today: Incredibly painful to take a shit, but every day it's a small bit better. The sores on my dick and on my taint are healing. The one on my dick was creating little balls of dried puss which would move off the area of the sore and made me worry I had new sores - but they just wiped away when I touched them. I took heavy doses of Valtrex (2g, twice a day) for two days in case it was herpes, not Mpox. And now I'm taking half that - 1g, twice a day. With a normal herpes outbreak that usually makes things a lot better. Things are just marginally better - so I'm not sure what to think. I'm really hoping things clear up in a week or so, so they heal before I go to Montréal for Pride… 🤞
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