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Everything posted by Phallarchist

  1. It's not a suggestion or a request. It's the Law.
  2. If it's nothing but a faggot and it spends its whole life head down, cunt up in a sex club, half-conscious on some substance, then I agree that there's not much there to rape. It might as well be a Fleshlight. But if you administer the drug, say to a random boy from the club, and you carry him home and ream his cunt inside out while he's unresponsive, that's definitely a full-fledged sex attack. Now, it's possible that if he's a sick bitch, as so many faggots are, that he would thank you for the experience afterwards. I do think a surprising proportion of faggots regard being raped as a rite of passage and a source of erotic inspiration. But it's still rape, just that it's rewarded instead of prosecuted.
  3. I think there is truth to this observation for a lot of porn. As far back as the 1980s in my recollection, I noticed that some standards were only applied to white performers. They didn't seem care about the faces of the black men hired and sometimes not even their bodies. It was all about the "Interracial!" taboo and big dick. It often seemed like they had just gone to a random street where there were lots of black men and took the first few who said yes. Some looked like they had rough lives. Some were OK. Few would I have categorized as cute or handsome. The good news is that it's never been cheaper to make porn, so anyone with concerns about representation can meet them head on with productions that reflect the faces, bodies, dicks, and themes that he wants to portray as the alternative.
  4. Actually, we do: "big white cock" in Google returns about 25 million results. It's a relatively recent (last 10 years?) sort of reaction to "BBC". I have never understood the particular obsession with "big black", but I've come to accept that there are probably more black men at the extreme end of the scale size-wise. I don't know how else to interpret the abundant visual evidence and the many testimonials I've heard from people who aren't generally given to exaggeration or crude bias. This clustering at the top end of "endowment" would naturally lead to a disproportionate representation in size-focused productions. However, the existence of this minority does not necessarily make the average penis size among black men any larger than the general population. We also know for sure that penis size is at least partially determined by genes, so I wouldn't discount the possibility that there are sub-populations with widely divergent average sizes among men with significant genetic African heritage, given the large genetic diversity within Africa.
  5. Yes, "cunt" can be just its function, and avoiding the association with digestion is welcome. Nevertheless, I consider the masculinity of the fucked faggot null and forfeit for at least the duration of penetration. Just as it's cunt because a man is fucking it, a fag who's getting fucked is the female and should embrace this function in mechanical and reproductive terms. A man is right to negate, scorn, and correct a faggot's pretension to maleness while it's crammed full of his dick.
  6. I wish there were an ethical and legal way to rape. I would never want to actually damage someone (permanently), but the act itself would be amazing to perpetrate or witness. Perhaps some form of virtual reality or some sex android will give us this supreme pleasure in the future.
  7. But why do men still need to be directed this way? So many times, I had to take men's wrists and place their hands on my head and demonstrate grabbing a fistful of my own hair before they started to get the idea that I was practically begging for some sign of aggression. It was always disappointing that they didn't try to use force unless prompted. I suspect that normal men are better in this regard, both by nature and because the erotic misogyny of straight porn, with its often vigorous forced throatfucking, teaches them to exploit sluts thoroughly. They might not be able to abuse their girlfriends that way, but a random faggot has much lower status than a porn whore.
  8. Stand over or sit on the toilet and try to get your piss flowing while remaining hard. It will probably be easier there. Once it starts, stop the flow and squeeze your glans so that your urethra is closed off. Then, back to your boy's cunt for re-penetration and delivery.
  9. In these days of male legal liability, the complete inability to conceive can be an attractive feature to many men. It's one of the few advantages of male cunt. But the best apes are still gunning for the womb.
  10. You have correctly identified the primal female motive for sex. But while the man is fulfilling her desires, he is also dominating her. The bodily invasion he perpetrates is unambiguous. Further, the burden of bearing of his children, the future of his genes, falls almost entirely on the female. Impregnation is the ne plus ultra of dominant male behavior.
  11. Yes, many men are oddly incompetent with regard to this simple delivery of seed. They don't seem to have the wherewithal to take proper aim in good time. Small variations in the trajectory of ejaculate and the orientation of the penis can thus lead to haphazard placement. If I intend to befoul a kneeling boy's face, I immobilise his head by taking firm hold of his hair or his forehead and then aim directly at my target from as close a distance as possible. It's really just a matter of having the intent and putting a little thought into how to achieve the goal. But some men might not intend to hit your mouth, preferring to see as much of it dripping off the rest of your face as possible. It depends on whether their need to defile you or to breed you is stronger. If I'm not on a mission to plant all of my seed, I prefer some of each, with the at least one spurt in the mouth and the rest directed to the middle of the face and the forehead. Then back into the throat for last drops and cleaning.
  12. While the conquest of the pelvic cunt is essential and generally superior to that of the esophageal cunt, the latter is often more dominant, degrading, and personal since it typically involves standing over the bitch, breath control, and the forced ingestion of ejaculate and other fluids. In the context of rectal copulation, re-taking the throat at the time of orgasm is a master-stroke of sexual ownership. As always, the man's instincts will direct him, either toward reproduction or domination. His will be done.
  13. If a man fucks it, it's cunt. Penises only work one way. The orgasmic mechanism is the same whether the cunt is a throat or vagina or rectum. "Pussy" means "soft", which is why it has traditionally referred to both cats and vaginas. It's definitely a more feminine term, so it's useful when penetration starts for putting the faggot in his place (female and subordinate) and reinforcing the power of the male. "Cunt" is a much harsher word that is appropriate to the more violent phases of copulation, when the man is vigorously thrusting to glory, stretching the anus and bruising the rectum in the process. Once it's seeded, gaping, and sore, it's just a used cunt. Of course, vaginas do a much better job on the whole, but most faggots can't seem to comprehend what a compliment it is to have their fuck holes associated with the real female passage.
  14. Raw breeding induces bonding so that the male and female will be more inclined to cooperate in the care of the resulting child. It would be strange if it didn't promote attachment.
  15. It's somewhat unusual behavior for a gloryhole cocksucker, and you are selfish, but you do have the moral right to dismiss lesser males with contempt. It's in fact good that you remind them of their inadequacy. They have no business waving their sad little clits around. The only way they should have orgasms is 1. vaginally, when actual men fuck them or 2. shamefully masturbating in the dark. Thank you for doing your part to reinforce the natural male dominance hierarchy. It's all too easy for inferior specimens to believe the lie of equality between men and forget their place.
  16. Heading where?
  17. I want full access. If the boy doesn't have the sense to offer me her throat, I will force her to her knees and shove it in. She will also get a mouthful of greasy rectal fuck filth when I'm finished and I need to clean my dick. Bitches need to learn.
  18. Your penis disagrees. I've never met your penis, but I know it's the end result of millions of years of co-evolution with vaginas. There's no good reason to expect it to work with anything else. That it might work in a mouth or rectum at all is a lucky happenstance based on rough anatomical similarities. I don't have a solution for you, and I'm not suggesting that you stop trying, but you might as well start dealing with the basic mismatch between your mind and your body while you're young. Performance problems only get worse with the ravages of aging.
  19. For reference, the statement from Tumblr is at https://staff.tumblr.com/post/180758987165/a-better-more-positive-tumblr Also, https://tumblr.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/231885248-Adult-content They claim that content will be set to private and only be visible to the owner. I would not count on this arrangement in the long term. I think owners should save the content they want to keep under the assumption that adult blogs will eventually be removed completely.
  20. It sounds to me like you think you deserve dick on demand and are complaining because random faggots are passing you by. You have to earn the privilege of penetration. No one owes it to you. Most faggots know that, are grateful for what they get, and know whom to blame when they are left unfucked.
  21. You profoundly misunderstand faggot nature, probably because of the euphemistic nonsense of the terms "top" and "bottom". Adopted from the rarefied, formalized realm of BD/SM contracts as a sop to insecure receptive homosexuals who insist, for reasons beyond my ken, that they are just like normal men, they are woefully inadequate. Unlike the average, possibly confused homosexual, a pure faggot is straightforwardly female for all sexual purposes and does not have the psychological wherewithal to think of itself as the man, much less to penetrate anyone. Its penis can give it pleasure, but is indistinguishable from a clitoris in this function.
  22. Nice. Thirty minutes is a long time to endure. I salute your dedication and wish I had been there to witness your self-sacrifice.
  23. I imagine the shame of failing a man this way was intense. Did you consider gritting your teeth and waiting for him to finish?
  24. Promiscuity and the rectum is easily broken. That's why HIV was overwhelmingly a gay disease outside of Africa.
  25. Refusing penetration to an actual man who is clearly superior to you is both deeply immoral and wholly unnatural, but technically you can. I tend to think that establishing an incontrovertible right of worthy dominant males to cunt on demand would lead to a more honest and harmonious social order.
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