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Everything posted by Phallarchist

  1. Breeding is the culmination of the male reproductive act, by which he injects his semen into his chosen target. It doesn't matter if he's blasting his seed onto an actual cervix or in a greasy rectum or even making a beautiful boy choke it down.
  2. Yes! And please let us know in no uncertain terms that you are the man. You are looking down on us for a reason. Do not think of us as your equal, even for a moment. Our comfort and desires become irrelevant the moment you get an erection. Your only concern need be how you can best exploit us for your pleasure and satisfaction. Let the raw force of your masculinity drive every thrust. Take what you want without hesitation. Revel in your power. Your aggression will be rewarded with our worship, and we will thank you profusely for the privilege of being temporarily useful to you.
  3. Too bad, if you treated faggots that way we'd fall in love with you. Anyway, I'm glad you got your way.
  4. Few things make me as hard as seeing and hearing a boy suffer from a man's fuck. I wish porn would pay more boys enough to grit their teeth and endure prolonged rough penetration, with hefty bonuses for tears, blood, and passing out.
  5. Painful and bloody is a great way to start. How else will fags learn that they exist to suffer for male pleasure?
  6. Mine is just big, not huge, but several boys refused to take it past the inner sphincter. They had all claimed they wanted to be fucked hard by me, but they weren't even willing to take the time to adjust to a slow entry. I was disgusted by their hypocrisy and lack of reverence for my manhood and phallic power. My frustration naturally inspired in me a pornographic taste for force, violation, and male supremacy. On reflection, I probably should have jammed those boys to the hilt on the first thrust. At least I would have had the satisfaction of seeing them cry. These incidents left me with contempt for homosexuals who use men as dildos and fail to subordinate themselves to male demands. Faggots need to provide total cunt service. Since the anorectal passage didn't evolve to take a penis, penetration will often hurt. They must embrace the pain of intercourse with gratitude. Coitus interruptus is disgraceful.
  7. Use BBRT or even Grindr. Craigslist has been a pit for years.
  8. Thank you, sir! If I am with a man, he is naturally entitled to penetrate me whenever he has the slightest urge. I would like nothing more than for my body to be sexually useful to a man while I am unconscious. I dream of waking up with aching guts and his stud seed and spots of blood oozing out of my gaping cunt onto the sheets. Meanwhile, he is at work or maybe out bashing the fresh cunt of some boy who happens to be alert (for variety). But he has left me a photograph of his proud, greasy erection pushing into my sleeping body and I feel a rush of love for him. Or better yet, I wake up to him jabbing my insides as deeply as he can at his moment of victory. I scream in pain and lust while he curses and grunts his potent wad into my bruised colon. I would be disappointed in the extreme if my man didn't at the very least have the urge to take advantage of my helplessness for his own satisfaction. I need a man who is profoundly selfish about using me for his own pleasure and is perverted enough to enjoy exploiting me. Above all, he must have the towering, phallic arrogance to believe that he has every right to enjoy himself at my expense and wipe the mess on my face afterwards. It's true that such arrangements do not entirely fit the standard model of consent, but what do you do with the fact that so many faggots desperately want to experience this kind of "assault"? Maybe the same model doesn't work well for everyone. I'm not suggesting a change to any legal standards, but personally, I would beg for such "abuse" and try to convince the man that I would never resent or blame him. Even with the risks, I think a man who has the right ego and who understands my needs might agree to it. At least, such is my fervent hope. I mean, if I can go to a sex club, put on a blindfold, put my legs in the air, and let completely unknown men fill me with diseases, why can't I let a man I know and want fuck me in my sleep?
  9. I would have loved to choke on your manhood.
  10. It should begin when the boy realizes that he needs to be penetrated. It's the most basic and important life skill for a homosexual. He should learn how to beg other boys for the privilege of having his mouth used as a substitute for a vagina.
  11. Bigger is generally better for me, but a man has more than one way to rule. His dominance, strength, arrogance, and use of force could convince me to do just about anything he wants.
  12. I am happy to read it. It's important for the devirginizer to teach the young homosexual that truly satisfying a man is often painful and difficult. Faggots must forced into masochism if they aren't born to it. How fulfilling it must have been for him to see your virgin cunt bleed! His enjoyment of your defloration would have been incomplete without the bright red evidence of your murdered innocence glistening on his thrusting weapon.
  13. I much prefer to fuck a smaller boy. A little body is easier to manipulate and I love seeing the contrast between my big dick and his small hands and holes. I can strike deeper into his guts. I like to visualize my cock pushing past the point that corresponds to his navel and really impaling him to the core.
  14. I love really hairy cunts, anal or vaginal. I only go for boys, but I'm totally pro-vagina. I wish every boy had one.
  15. I'm in San Francisco, but would love to be in Scotland. The men are awesome. Keep looking. You deserve a beautiful boy to skullfuck and gutfuck raw and rough. He will be grateful for your loads and your aggression.
  16. There are so many great answers from the men. Once a man is inside, the only morally acceptable reaction from his bitch is gratitude or silence.
  17. I can't get over the idea of a young Scottish stud gripping my skull in his powerful hands and forcing his erection into my throat. Congratulations on your natural ability to dominate and exploit. They are superb qualities for a ruler over fags.
  18. I find it hard to respect a man who doesn't force his erection down my throat. If he lacks the strength or will to dominate, then why is he inside me?
  19. I love it when a stud gets what he wants and takes advantage if necessary.
  20. Whether he said it out loud or not, I would feel inadequate if the man didn't at least think of my rectum as cunt (or pussy) while he was fucking me. Male-in-female reproduction is the sole foundation of all human sexual instinct and activity. The mechanics of the male orgasm especially are finely attuned by millions of years of evolution to vaginal penetration. I desperately want the man who has chosen to pump his seed into me to have sensations that are as similar as possible to real mating. I need to feel his raw, male, animal power and lust as his frantic thrusts transform my lower intestine into the cunt that his every instinct and nerve ending demand. At that moment, our total focus is on his cock and the cunt that he has just fucked into existence inside me. In terms of sexual mechanics and reproductive instinct, I am unequivocally the female to his male. Witnessing his ecstasy and receiving his ejaculation are privileges that I cannot claim to deserve, so I am deeply grateful for these gifts. In other words, a man pays me an enormous compliment when he considers my anorectal passageway worthy of his erection and his breeding instinct and names it correctly: "cunt." Cunt is what a man needs, fucks, and seeds. I have no particular feminine physical characteristics, but there is no doubt that a man's penetrative desire and sexual authority can make me female. In that moment, my desire is female and my sexual function is female. It's inconceivable to me that people who are dedicated to male reproductive instinct and physiology could be in denial about the absolutely primacy of male/female complementarity as the foundation of all phallic pleasure.
  21. There's never been a better argument for PreP and PEP than this gorgeous sociopath. He was inevitably going to slam his infectious load into lots of raw cunts. Part of me is aroused by his effortless, selfish cruelty, and I'm certainly not the only homosexual with such self-destructive instincts. Even if he had been honest and told his victims that he was removing the condom, probably 75% of them would have raised no objection at all in the heat of intercourse. Faggots are powerless against the combination of handsome face and hard dick. We will submit. He will get whatever he wants. If we don't want to contract a serious disease, we need to take our slut medicine. If we don't take it, then we need to get PEP immediately.
  22. If the man doesn't grab a fistful of my hair in one hand and tightly grip my neck with the other and use his superior strength to force his erection down my throat and smash my face into his pubes while he breeds and I struggle for air, then I am disappointed. Forcefully skull-breeding a worthless faggot should be pure instinct for a natural man. But I would also be perfectly fulfilled if he yanked my hair back so that my face was horizontal underneath him and then blasted his seed directly into it, up my nose, in my eyes, in my hair, and of course in my open mouth. I want him to do whatever gives him the most power, arrogance, and pleasure.
  23. Just keep at it. It's likely that he'll jab you in the right spot at some point. Anyway, you don't need to feel pleasure while he's inside you. You should feel fulfilled and complete because a man has chosen you and your cunt as the object of his aggression and the receptacle for his seed. If he permits you to masturbate while he's fucking you, do so quietly and without disturbing his thrusting. If not, you can do it later alone with your aching anus to remind you of the honor of the gut battering he gave you. If you can't subordinate yourself to his pleasure, then you have the wrong attitude. Sex is for men. Your obligation is to give them everything they demand and more and do it while being grateful to bask in their glory.
  24. Telling a man to stop because it hurts is just about a capital offense. There is no greater insult to his manhood than the ingratitude of a fag who thinks that its comfort is more important than the precious gift of penetration that he has lowered himself to bestow. And the rectal cunt is supposed to be in pain. Half the reason that a man fucks it is to hurt and damage the inferior faggot. He must satisfy his intrinsic male drives for violence and power and your lucky lower intestine is his punching bag.
  25. Good for him. A real man fucks your fraudulent male identity to death and wipes the bloody remains on your clean sheets. You are a sub-human quasi-female that he finds convenient to assault rectally. Paying tribute to his manhood and his mastery over cunt by having a vaginal orgasm is the least you can do to thank him for giving your life a glimmer of meaning.
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