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Everything posted by ScorpionFF

  1. Thank you for the handful of complimenTs since chapTer 18 got it's airing. I believe it is important as a writer here on BZ to appreciate praise, whether that be via kind words, or 'likes/votes' on chapters (which most certainly gives much encouragement to keep any given story running, as long as it still has mileage in it, of course), and to enjoy (which I DO) a two way interaction, sometimes, with the audience. It certainly gives me pleasure knowing that my audience are enjoying the ride! Stay piggy, PiGs 🐷
  2. @raw773 ~ Firstly, I am deeply saddened at your hostile reaction to myself and the other user you have quoted. This is certainly how it is coming across to myself. It does not make me feel very good, at all. Kindness really is effortless. The 'Gel like matrix' I referred to earlier, is scientifically known as a 'Biofilm'. If you feel I am lying and not telling the truth about this, please go an do some research on 'Biofilms', whether that be in a viral, bacterial, fungal, parasite, or a combination of the aforementioned, sense. There are literally 1000's upon 1000's of articles out there (including many scientific publications). When Biofilms are destroyed a patient can become very sick as suddenly the immune system can mount an attack on pathogens it can now 'see' due to the loss of their 'hideout'. I have myself experienced this many times myself, and know of many who have too; This is known as 'Die-off', or a 'jarisch-herxheimer reaction'. [think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21458997 ☮️
  3. Viruses and Bacteria, etc, communicate with each other, and most definitely DO affect how we behave, in many a way, including sex, appetite, emotions, etc. They are extremely smart, and can be found hiding behind a gel like matrix as to avoid immune system detection, and medication(s). There are strategies to get around this obstacle of course. Just like us, for them, it is all about survival! ☣️
  4. Approaching this topic from the species that we are, with our biochemical and genetic makeup in mind, I believe that 'Man' deep down (even if unaware) is unable to be Monogamous (on a sexual level). - We are programmed to procreate. - We are full of fluctuating hormones (that cause us to behave in certain ways, ranging from sex, appetite, emotion, and so on). - We react and ACT upon the smell of others (pheromones). Although Humans rely much more on visual, my personal anecdotes certainly do include attraction via smell, most definitely. Man's natural odour is sadly all too often masked by unnatural man-made smells such as deodorant and perfume (that I myself find extremely unpleasant). I have over the decades 'TRIED' to be monogamous with my various partners. But why? To foolishly try and fit in with 'social norms', that we are 'taught'. They are not inbuilt. Maybe we can be committed to one person on an emotional level. But on a sexual level, no, I truly don't think that really is possible. #SpreadThatSeed 🐽
  5. Chapter 18; *Getting to know Edward* Ramon's mustached Daddy, Edward, looked up from reading his newspaper, took off his reading glasses, and put his normal glasses on, at which poinT Ramon swiveled me around so the loud and clear message written on my back would be just that! He abruptly pulled down my trackie bottoms to show off to his boyfriend what was on offer. Edward was diagnosed HIV+ when he was 32 years of age in 1993, and had been on and off treatment over the years. More recently his treatment wasn't working properly. For several months he was getting detectable levels around the fifteen thousand mark, with his CD4 dropping very slightly. He was offered a new treatment, but decided he would have an extended sabbatical from all treatment to give his body a rest from it all. He had agreed with his Doctor yesterday that he would start a new treatment for which was laying on the coffee table, and had decided he would start on Monday in a few days time. All prompted by his VL continually to sharply rise, now standing at an enticing 2.1 Million! 😛 When he first found out that he was detectable once again, he and Ramon began to use condoms. But, there was conflict between the two. Edward wanted to use them to protect his love, however, Ramon was a bug chaser and desperately wanted to become infecTed. They had many calm and frank discussions about this situation that they were in together. Their monogamous relationship of two years was still a happy loving one, but, both were not getting the sex they wanted, and needed. In fact, neither had any sex for 3 weeks now. Ramon masturbated multiple times a day, being a horny young fucker, but Edward had not even cum in that entire time. And, to make matters even more intense, he suffered from hyperspermia with external influences affecting his usual rampant high sex drive. His balls must be ready to explode like some rumbling active volcano ready to spew it's bubbling spitting contents. And the sight of me seemed to now cause an unstoppable reaction that would see Edward's inner volcano erupt very soon indeed. He stood up, and walked over to me, and inserted two fingers into my cum loaded sloppy cunT. - Fuck, our new neighbour clearly has an ASS full of cum. Get him in the playroom Darling. These are very expensive rugs. And get those trackie bottoms off of his body entirely. - Yes Daddy. Ramon took me to their spare bedroom that they had converted into a fully functional playroom. There was a mirrored ceiling, a wall with a huge multi layered long shelf unit with all kinds of Leather / Rubber, and play gear all organised neatly, wooden floorboards that were covered with vinyl play-sheets that could easily be picked up and washed. And, the most important item of all; The Sling! Daddy Edward entered the play-room. He crossed his arms, and just watched me for a few minutes, as though he was sizing up a potential new prey. I could feel cum constantly slowly drizzle out of my gaping cunT-hole, and down my legs. I then coughed which saw a huge blob of anonymous t☢️xic filth drop out of me and onto the vinyl play-sheet beneath me. This seemed to turn Edward on as he began to rub his crotch through his cammo shorts. I could definitely see a growing bulge. He in his deep authoritative voice (which never deviated each time he spoke), he calmly gave me a command; - Lick that up. - Yes Sir. I knelt on the floor, and eagerly lapped up the p☣️z cum that had just dropped out of my cunT. I felt like such a cheap nasTy WH☢️RE, and I fucking loved it. Edward pulled down his cammo shorts to reveal a white jockstrap with the jock piece clearly becoming wet where the tip of his Dick lay, and now grew. - Sniff my crotch. - Yes Sir. I crawled up towards him, grabbed hold the back of his thighs, and started sniffing. As soon as I did his Dick seemed to suddenly stiffen, with the Glans head popping out from the top of his jock, and heavily dribbling precum down over his jock. I so far had only been permitted to sniff, and desperately wanted to lap up his sweet smelling precum. He started, firmly, yet with a gentle edge to tousle with my boyish hair as his rough looking weathered bull face looked down upon me; - So new neighbour, what is your name? - It's Steven, Sir. - Welcome to the block Steven. I'm Edward. But, Sir is fine for the time being. And I know you are dying to drink my precum. I can see the hunger in your eyes. It's yours for the taking. With that he pulled down his jock down to his lower legs, to reveal his beautiful Dick. It wasn't long, standing at around 6" erect, but, he had a thick meaty girth. And unusually uncut too. My second uncut Dick I knowingly encountered since my arrival. I flicked my tongue over his piss slit, causing him to grunt and groan. I flicked over and over at a fast rate, and very soon he squirted out a huge load of precum, which by many standards could have passed off as an actual orgasm. It flowed out and over down his shaft which I greedily gobbled up. He grabbed my hair and slid his curving downwards Dick into my mouth, and slowly began to face fuck me. I hadn't realised properly until now that I had an absolutely excellent gag reflex as his gorgeous Dick seemed to glide right to the back of my throat with ease. And he kept on squirting these huge loads of precum that I was now feeling flowing down my Oesophagus and into my stomach. - We had better stop this, else I am gonna shoot. Get into the sling, 'boy'. - Yes Sir. I hopped in like a Duck to water, and lay there watching him completely remove his shorts, jockstrap, and remove his tank top. And there he stood, naked, except for his woolen socks. P☣️z and Proud! Hix crix belly and gym trained chest, shoulders, arms, and legs were thick in fine black hair. He walked over and slipped in 3 fingers into my cunT, and started to kiss me passionately as he fingered away, and within a short few minutes without either of us realising, he was inside my cunT just past his wrist! Having suddenly realised he wasn't just merely using a few fingers now, his body came back upright, and in inspected his current 'handy' work! 😈 Ramon was enjoying what his 'Daddy' was doing to me, sat on a Leather Bean-Bag, slowly edging, and fingering his own cunT! - Fucking hell, you're an experienced bottom. - Actually Sir, until lastnight I was a 100% Dom Top, and Anal-Virgin. - Oh were you now. How did you get to become so sloppy so quickly? - I performed at 'Aiden's club' lastnight as the Dancer for a private function, and ended up getting brutally gang-fucked, and fisTed towards the end of it all, too. - I see. That would explain the several fresh track marks I see. You seem to be very high on meTh right now. - I am Sir. And am aching for much M☢️RE cum to be deposited into my hungry boi-cunt. I also received some broTherhood shoTs. - Okay. Do you know from who? - I think three different guys. I can only remember two names. Chad, and Todd I think. Despite being wired, tired, and flying high off of my nut, I seemed to be managing a flowing conversation with this weathered bull-stud! He had this natural ability to centre you. - A broTherhood shoT from our lovely Chad. If it is the Chad I know, then you are completely fucked, 'boy'. God how I ached for Edward to fucking FL☢️☢️D my sloppy cunT with his 3 weeks worth of a hyperspermia load!! 🐷
  6. Chapter 17: *Going home to meet the neighbours* Ian who was at the main parTy, and the after-parTy came into where I lay restrained, high, STILL very much horny, and completely drenched inside and out with t☢️xic cum, piss, and Gono- pus. I overnight had become a breeding ground of nasTy-bugs. He unrestrained me, and told me to get up, and just like earlier my legs buckled with he catching my fall. He carried me to my Dance-stage and left from the side, as though he were to be going to ''Boss Aiden's'' work apartment. One of the barmen came over with an Orange Juice, and put his arm around me; - Here, drink this. You need it. You have had one full on relentless night. I'm Andrew. But, you can call me Andy as the closest to me in my life do. He looked at me, and smiled. I could feel his physical and spiritual tenderness, and I suppose I could be doing with a bit of that now, even though all I could think of and crave was M☢️RE Dick & Cum. He kissed me softly on my cheek. - I ... I ... I'm Steven. - Nice to meet you Steven. I understand you have just arrived in the country. I have instructed my colleague over there to put my personal details card in with the envelope of $'s due to you. Call me yeah. I cannot stay talking as much as I'd loved to, I have to help clear up. - Yeah, sure. Thank you. We exchanged smiles, with his smile saying ''I have your back''. He kissed me tenderly on my cheek again, and went to help his colleague clear up and generally sort everything out. His colleague was counting out one $ bills from a jar on the bar that was labelled 'CUNT'. What could that mean? He counted out $160, and put that with the $200 that the ''Boss'' promised me for my 1 hour dancing, and popped it in an envelope with Andy's card of personal details, sealed it, and handed it to me. Ian and the ''Boss'' soon appeared; - Right Stevie-boy, time to take you home. I shall drive you. We can't have you on public transport in this horned up state now can we. How much was in the CUNT jar Tim? The other barman responded; - I counted out $160 dollars ''Boss''. - 160 loads!? ~ Impressive!! Ian picked me up, and carried me to the ''Boss'' car. There was a towel already layed out in the passengers seat, because it was obvious I was going to be leaking heavily on the short drive home. Shortly after we took off, the ''Boss'' started talking to me; - Well Stevie-boy, you have been a very busy boy haven't you. That envelope you hold contains the $200 dancing money owed to you, plus $160. Each Man who came inside your what was a NEG cunT had to put in $1. So, 160 loads huh. Fuck Stevie-boy, you are one heck of a PiG with stamina. You'll have to dance for me again sometime. I couldn't believe it. How on earth did I take so many loads in one night!? And the crazy thing is, it wasn't nearly enough. Once we arrived outside my block, the 'Boss'' ordered me to lift my ASS off of the car seat so he could slide the towel out from underneath me. He threw my trackie bottoms at me and told me to put them on before I started leaking cum over his car seat. - For fuck sake Stevie-boy, look at all this cum you have leaked out. You are a real fucking nasTy-WHORE! And as he said that he lunged over and rubbed the towel firmly into my face, smearing the cum my cunT had dripped out during the journey home all over my sweet English boy features. When he took the towel away there was so much cum he had just thrown in my face that it was hanging off of my face in long drips, that stayed attached, showing off what a real cum-loving PiG I had turned into overnight. He threw me my Tee which I tucked into the sides of my trackie bottoms, and gave me my small bag of personal items; Keys, phone, etc. Then, those stainless steel nipple clamps were finally taken off of me. The skin had broken and my tits now wept. They were super sore, and VERY big! - Those belong to the club. You can wear them again when you dance next ... C'mon Stevie boy, hurry up, I cannot park here. I quickly got out, and hurried topless into my building. And I ran up the several flights of stairs (I don't know how I done it), because I did not want any of my neighbours to see me. I got to the top, my floor, and was about to unlock my door when I heard a ... 'Hey'. I looked behind me, and it was one of my neighbours who lived next door. He was this super cute 23 year old Hispanic guy called Ramon with the most to die for high Bubble-Butt 'NEG' ass. Fuck, I would so tap that. Maybe during my inevitable sero conversion!? 😈 I hadn't lost my inner Dom-Top! He clocked the 'NEG PIG' / 'POZ ME' message that was still on my back as I looked at him with the many many loads of anonymous t☢️xic cum dangling from my face, put his grocery shopping down, and strutted his own cute little NEG Ass over to me. I would soon learn that he is a complete bottom, but for now he was having devious thoughts race through his mind. He slipped his hand down my trackie bottoms, and slipped in a few fingers. - Fuck, you are fucking loose Man, and dripping heavily. Where have you been? Now there is an introduction if I ever saw one! https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png - Dancing at Aiden's. A knowing smile came over his face. He told me to put my stuff in my apartment, then I must come over immediately for a proper introduction. I went inside, threw my stuff on the hall table, and stood there for a few moments to process all what had gone on, and continuing. Should I really go to my neighbours now. Would he think me rude if I didn't. I took my keys, left, locked up, and took the few strides to my new neighbours home. The door was ajar. I went to knock, when it then fully opened. Ramon ushered me in, grabbed me by the hand, and frog marched me into the living room, where his 58 year old boyfriend was relaxing on the couch. He was dressed in a tight fitting navy blue tank top that hugged at his big crix belly, cammo shorts, with thick woolen socks. His arms, legs, and face had lipodystrophy, yet he was nicely tanned and muscular, sporting a mustache. - Daddy, look what I found for you. Our new neighbour, from England. Was I about to enjoy afternoon Tea & Cake with the new neighbours? 😈
  7. Well, I will say only this much @TTFN, everybody needs good neighbours! 😈
  8. Chapter 16; *The after-parTy* He plunged his Dick back into my cunT, held himself still, and took to concentrating on the job in hand. The two shoTs plunged into my left arm 💉💉. Out with the needles, and he pressed down firmly with some gauze. - You ready for your broTherhood shoTs now, PiG? - Yes Sir. I am MORE than ready to be pumped with yours and Uncle Chad's multiple strains of multiple viruses into my veins. SLAM it into me! - Oh FUCK YEAH, You have to be the nasTiest sluT of a PiG I have ever had the pleasure to come across. What a nasTy WH☢️RE! And without further delay, I received my broTherhood shoTs 💉💉 (I was already rushing on the first two). Again he held with gauze for a little while, and then, he held onto the sling chains and immediately started to fuck me fasT and hard, showing no mercy, using me as the piece of filthy t☣️xic MeaT that I clearly now was. It hadn't even been a few minutes when he was only seconds away from nutting another HIGHLY-Charged load up my (still NEG for now) cunT; - FUCK YEAH, I'm cumming ... I'm cumming ... READY for another dose of HIV, PiG? - Yes Sir, blasT your t☢️xic seed deep inside my guts. I am open, and ready to accept more of your dirTy-DNA. Give this nasTy PiG what you have got. STICK IT TO ME!!! He began to repetitively grunT as his perineal muscles propelled another 6.6 Million HIV viral load of p☣️z cum, spraying it deep inside of my battered and swollen loose cunT. As he did his deed I looked into his Leather executioner hood clad yellow eyed gaunt face, moaning in ecstasy as I accepted more of his wonderful gifT. It was now 7.30am, and it was the official start of the after-parTy, which I knew nothing about, but, I would very soon! 😈 My latest sperm donor's semi erect Dick flopped out, and he fetched a stool, placing it right in front of the sling, so he would be at fisT height and distance from my cunT. And this is where I discovered the joys of being fisTed for the firsT time! 👊👊 He generously lubed up his hand with Crisco, and as I had taken so much Dick, and was so High & Horny, he went up straight to his wrist with no effort needed. It was now 8am, and two faces I did not recognise walked in, swigging on their Beers. They saw I was very much in use, and promptly left. By now Todd had achieved getting up to halfway up his forearm, but, it only felt like his hand! I grunTed and groaned in a euphoric pleasure I had not felt before, as he slowly now opened up my cunT properly ~ All that t☢️xic filth that my guts and been filled with (and gladly accepTed) during the last 8+ hours being pushed in deeper into my cunT of many open wounds!! 😈☣️🐷 It was now 8.45am, and the place was filling up, with several guys at a time frequently coming in to 'Sling Room No.2' to see Todd STILL fisTing me, and 3/4 the way up his forearm. He knew he had to wrap up soon, as there was a long line of guys wanting to fuck their nasTy t☢️xic DNA into me. He would now abruptly ramp up his work by continuously punch fisTing me for 15 minutes until 9am, where he would do 10 x punches followed by getting me to push ouT my cunT; - 1, 👊2, 👊3, 👊4, 👊5, 👊6, 👊7, 👊8, 👊9, 👊10, 👊 ... YEAH go on, push ouT that cunT PiG, push it ouT, go on, there you go, OH FUCK YEAH ~ Oh look at thaT rose. FUCK! 🌹 He would play with my now brand new small yet ever growing prolapse, and push it back in ready for another 10 punches. Each time I bloomed, I would bloom a bit wider. The last time I bloomed, he went through the painful process of milking out his Gono pus, and spread it all over my fresh brand NEW delicate rose 🌹. Then, he pushed it back in again, and headed for the entrance to take him back to the main part of the club. He took a pager out of his sock, and let the ''Boss'' know I was ready; - Show time PiG ... ENJ☢️Y! He disappeared, and a few moments later the 'Boss'' plunged me into pitch black Darkness. I could not see a thing. The club had received all 47 of it's after-parTy guests. EVERY single one of them HIV p☣️z and unmedicated to boot! No sooner had I been plunged into darkness I could hear footsteps, and general movement. Multiple pairs of hands began to grope me, and within seconds a diseased Dick entered me, fucking me hard and fasT with no introduction or build up. It would be from now that for the next 2.5 hours I would aside from a few seconds in between of Dicks exchanging, be fucked aggressively. CONSTANTLY!! No mercy whatsoever!! And there was no talking whatsoever. Just the sling chains rattling. My cunT and mouth squelching and slurping, roars of Gono pain and and ejaculaTing grunTs from my 47 studs (some from the original parTy too). The entire time my mouth would be fucked too. Many guys would be pissing down my throat as I got fucked, and several guys most certainly had very active Gono infections as I felt, smelt, and tasted their disgusting pus be smeared on my lips to then also be dripped (with those roars of pain) and fucked into my mouth. Again, I had become a meTh'd up cum-dump. A human urinal. A piece of fully restrained and defenseless nasTy fuck-meaT. 👦🐷🍆💦💦 The lights came on as the last guy was fucking me. He was a topless handsome looking skinhead with a septum piercing, loads of tattoos, and red rubber braces attached to his bleacher jeans. He saw my face and liked what he saw. His face was already contorted, and to show his appreciation for my looks he spat in my face, and then the silence was broken; - FUCK YEAH, what a cute nasTy faGGot. You want my t☣️xic load boy? I could barely speak ... - YES, Sir. - Open that faGGot mouth wide, boy. I opened wide, he leaned in, and began to repeatedly spit in my mouth, and then he forced his tongue down my throat kissing me deeply as he continued his assault on my NEG cunt. Although, not sure you could call it NEG anymore. In limbo land it had to be. I could feel his lean body on top of me begin to tense up which forced his wonderful kissing to an abrupt halt as he pulled his face a few inches from mine, and the grunTing commenced, his face contorting in unison with his eyes that were full of greedy lust for the PiG he was impaled deep inside as he unloaded his unmedicated sperm deep into my guts. Once he finished shooting his HIV loaded cum he began to kiss me deeply again. I felt a real connecTion with this handsome toxic skinhead stud. I would love to see him again. - Thanks faGGot. That was hoT. Might see you around sometime. Oh YES PLEASE. He withdrew his Dick, zipped up his jeans, turned, walked out. And there I was, left alone with another 47 t☢️xic loads swimming insude my guts. This PiG 🐷was dripping precious t☢️xic cum onto the Darkroom floor, and was covered from head to toe in sweaT & Piss, with Gono pus smeared all over it's filthy faGGot face too. My body trembled as I groaned in pleasure, as it remained completely restrained. It was time for me to go home. BUT, would I be getting rest once I got there? 😈
  9. Chapter 15; *The rest, and pre 'after-parTy' PrEP!* The main parTy was now over! Todd took me upto ''Boss Aiden's'' apartment upstairs. It seems they knew each other too! - How did your dancing go Stevie-boy? You were gone a lot longer than 1 hour. - I've just been brutally gang-fucked, and am now a nasTy p☣️z-PiG, Boss. - I see. I did wonder about that monogamous relationship of yours. Then you had better sit on the couch with your legs in the air, like when I was shaving you earlier. Let us see what you have been upto. He gave Todd an all knowing depraved smirk. I lay on my back, legs spread and in the air, with my nighttime Boss kneeling before me to take a closer inspection, or should that be perv. 😈 He with great ease slipped in 3 fingers and had a wiggle about, took them out, and gave them a good sniff; - Oh Stevie-boy, what have you been upto eh? I smell multiple different smells of cum, I see blood which by the looks of things is your cunt blood, and the blood of others. You really are a nasTy WHORE aren't you Stevie-boy? - Yes Boss. - Well, I am going to have to give you something to prevent further cunT-play temptation. And with that he again with great ease slid in a deflated inflatable dildo, which was the shape of a rocket (poinTy at the end, and growing fatter as it went down, with the base going inwards as to create an 'open gape' once it was all inside). He gave it a few pumps, which felt fine. Then a few more. I still couldn't feel much. Then four more pumps. Okay, I could feel myself becoming stretched now. Then a couple more ... *Pump Pump* 🍆🐽 The ''Boss'' was very kind, and sensible, giving my some light snacks, and plenty of electrolyte fluids to keep me stable. Todd was with us and took the opportunity to also resT. Chad having been a very loyal customer over the years was having a resT downstairs in the staff sleeping quarters with the 2 barmen who were taking a very well earned 90 minute break before the 4 hour 'after-parTy' kicked off. I eventually curled up on my side on the couch (with a towel underneath me) and resTed too. Although, I was of course still flying high and feeling super horny from my G&T cocktail, which would explain why I kept on rocking my hips. It was evident I was aching for cock. And a lot M☢️RE of it. Aiden & Todd kicked back, relaxing, talking amongst themselves, with the latter being completely comfortable remaining naked. I lay there, hips rocking, body profusely sweating, flying high yet drifting. I'd say in a vulnerable state, but, I at least I was in safe hands! 😈 During the next 45 minutes the Boss would come over and give the Dildo a few more pumps, until the poinT it was very uncomfortable, yet, very pleasurable at the same time. Getting a good stretching, whilst keeping all those nasTy t☢️xic loads inside, with nowhere to leak out from, just ABSORB! 🐷 After 45 minutes of resting Todd went to Aiden's kitchen (he seemed very familiar with the place), and came back with a tub of crisco. He came over to me, and deflated the dildo, removing it to leave a wide open gape. In went a Butt-plug to prevent any of my precious t☢️xic cargo I was holding to leak out; - Right, it's time I PrEP'ed you for the after-parTy, PiG. Get up, and let's go. C'mon. See ya later Aiden. - Have fun with the new PiG Toddie. I followed Todd down the staircase, with great difficulty with a Butt-plug wedged inside my death-seed incubating cunT. We entered into the main bar / stage area. It was empty. It felt odd having seen it so full earlier of horny t☢️xic studs. We walked through, and walked right past 'Sling Room No.1', and into 'Sling Room No.2'. I was prompted to get into the new sling; - Hop in PiG. after-parTy commences in half an hour. So, we had better get you ready hey. He restrained my again by my wrists and ankles, and walked out, and didn't come back for about 10 minutes. When he did, he was holding 4 more syringes, and some gauze pads. He placed them resting on my chesT, put a tourniquet on each arm, and again like earlier began to milk his perineum area towards his balls to charm out that pus. His wincing soon ensued, so I looked down at the urethral opening to his Dick in anticipation to see his Gono flow, and I didn't have to wait long as he began to roar in pain when the thick yellow pus began to leak out and over his 6mm PA, and before any of it could drop onto the floor, he plunged his diseased Dick deep back inside into my cunT. - Someone is getting a bit of a sloppy cunT. You were lovely and tight earlier. But, I cannot deny, I also do love a sloppy p☣️z-hole too. Now, it's time for some more shoTs. I know you like getting them, don'T you, PiG!? - Yes Sir. - Good boy. This time we have two plain shoTs, and two broTherhood shoTs, this time one from me, and another one from Uncle Chad. FUCK, a double dose of HIV and Hep C being about to be pumped into my veins. The thought of it turned my on, and although now loose, my cunT clamped down around Todd's Gono leaking Dick. - Aaaaaaahhh, so you really want it. You nasTy sluT. Right, I need you to hold still. The two needles to the plain shoTs went into my left arm, and the two needles to the broTherhood shoTs went into my right arm. Todd slopped his Dick out of my cunT, and stood back to admire the nasTy sluT of a WH☢️RE that lay before him. - Oh FUCK YEAH, would you look at that. One fucked up, meTh'd out of his tree, nasTy p☣️z-PiG. It's time he got M☢️RE of what he fucking well deserves. 💉💉
  10. It goes without saying, I much prefer my load to be absorbed by the cunt I have just fucked. Don't forget, there are a few reasons why God invented Butt-Plugs! 🤭 (To be worn until the following day to allow for maximum absorption). 💦😈💦
  11. You dirty little piggy! 🐷 ... I'd love to watch you in your 'once in a while' moment, do that! 😈
  12. This is the BEST thing I have read here hands down. Absolutely no contest. I was there in the hospice room with Ken and the narrator. I was there in the sling room with Ken and the greedy marine guy. Captivated! The entire story structured to an exceptional level writing skill. As 'ejaculaTe' said; [ But there's a sensuality and tenderness between Ken and the narrator that takes the story beyond mere bug-chasing porn. ] And as 'Monster5-8gPA' said; [ ... to show they are worthy of love and kindness it at times the best thing you can do for another human being ] Those comments resonate with me. Yes, we are all horny fuckers, yet, at the end of the long hard day, we are human beings, with feelings. I have never read anything on here until now where my heartstrings were tugged, and, emotions bubbled to the surface. Then, the narrator manages to yank me from that place with; ''Until Mark.'', which caused a loud audible laughter. And that in my book is a sign of tremendous talent and creativity, managing to take someone on a journey where the story flicks their emotions from one emotion to another in a split second. Thank you VERY much 'Spermpig' 😎
  13. Well, what you are looking forward to is inevitable @TTFN. But when? Something tells me that Stevie-boy might just be taking a whole lot more p☣️z-Dick, and MORE, before he reaches that particular poinT. 😈
  14. Thank you for your compliment. And, Great to hear this story has been satisfying you @domesir ~ The whole poinT, really! 🐷
  15. Oooops ~ I lisTed ChapTer 14 as ChapTer 15 (and now cannot ediT it) ... You get the idea. Fixed it for you
  16. Chapter 14 *Chad fucks me one more time* I then noticed a figure standing right in from of me. It was the 'Silent Stranger'. He was now fully erecT, and now had a thick rope of precum dangling from his Monster-Dick. Fuck, I wanted to hold and stroke that huge fucker. I reached out to touch, and he stood back. NO! Everything would be on this stranger's terms. When he knew I realised I wasn't allowed to touch him he stood forward again, this time stepping on my hands to remove any temptation to touch. The precum that was dangling grew longer and longer, and closer to my face. As Chad continued to slowly fuck me I held out my tongue in the HOPE I could catch some of this intoxicating powerful stud's precum. Then it fell onto my tongue which I pulled in, swirling it around my mouth. It tasted exceptionally bitter. It made me wince. But, it was his, so, I LOVED it. I looked up at him to see another rope of precum dangling, only this time it was thicker than last time. My tongue instinctively poked out to catch it for when it did fall. I looked at his huge chest with those big, bright brown and green with red specks Scorpion tattoos, which he had one off each on each pec. Was I going into another G hallucination; They both began to dance 🦂🦂 on his chest which I was seeing in 3D. They would flick their tails which would see their venom squirt out and rain down on me, hitting me on my back. My back was stinging. I began to hyperventilate, and shudder as the scorpions danced faster, their tails flick more frequently, with the shower of venom raining down heavier, with the stinging on my back intensifying. The thick rope of precum had grown thicker, but had only come down a few more inches to now about 3 inches above my tongue. Chad leaned in to my ear and whispered; - I can feel my virus replicating inside you already at a very fasT rate. ☣️☣️☣️ As he said that the 'Silent Stranger's' thick rope of precum suddenly dropped into my mouth. FUCK, it was even more bitter than last time. I now retched as I tried to swallow it, which I only just managed. He stood off my hands, and against the wall again, where his Monster cunT wrecker died down, and he was back in observation mode. My shoulders were tugged on to motion me to go from kneeling on all fours, to being in a kneeling upright position. When I got into this position Chad wrapped his arms around my chest (underneath my arms and each of his hands resting on opposite shoulders). We rocked in unison with his deadly Dick impaled deep inside of me, just like I did with my Gono-stud earlier. Now it was his turn to get off on nasTy talk. As he did, and in-between my responses, and with my responses I continually breathed heavily, moaned, and shook, with my eyes shut and mouth wide open in my lost AIDS abandonment; - You want my cum heavily loaded with the HIV virus sprayed inside your cunT, you nasTy PiG? - Oh m..my ... g... god ... Fuck ... Ye ... Yeah.- You sure you want it PiG, because I have a rare aggressive strain. You'll go on to develop AIDS MUCH quicker than mosT! Do you fucking want it, you fucking nasTy WHORE? - Oh sh ... shi ... shit ... Oh ... fu ... fuck ... SUDDENLY, I got my firsT Hard-On of the night. No one had touched my poinTless Dick all evening, yet, Chad just did with what he just uttered. - Ye .. YES ... Sq ... Squi ... Squirt your agg ... aggre ... aggressive p☣️z-seed in m... ME!! - Just as well you want it, because I already gave you a load of my super-CHARGED t☢️xic cum in the sling back there ... ☢️☣️☢️ - Gi .. Giv ... Give m ... me ... Mo ... MORE!! My NEG Dick started to leak heavily with precum. - Guess what PiG. - Wh ... wha ... What? - Before ALL of us gang-fucked you, you got two broTherhood shoTs. One of those shoTs contained MY blood. That's right, my aggressive strain of HIV is already circulating in your system, and replicating very fasT. As I hold you I can feel it multiplying. My DNA is taking control of your DNA, until they become one. Well that was all I needed to hear, and with that I shoT what would be my lasT NEG load right across the stage, with our worked up audience cheering me on. As I came my cunT then naturally began to massage Chad's aching deaTh-meaT. His arms wrapped around me squeezing my young plump flesh tighter, with his breathing becoming heavy and shallow. I could literally feel him swell up inside of me. I knew he was getting very close to nutting in me for a second time. - When I begin to cum, I wanT you to oink like the fucking nasTy pig that you are. And then ... grunT 💦 grunT 💦 grunT 💦 He began to rhythmically grunT in synergy with each pulsation of his deadly Dick as his perineal muscles propelled his super-CHARGED ☢️☢️☢️ deaTh-seed into my VERY willing cunT! I began to oink, and I was so lost in this magical AIDS momenT that I began to oink frantically, louder and louder ... grunT 💦grunT 💦 grunT 💦 Oink 🐽 Oink 🐽 Oink 🐽 Oink ... 🐖 He took his last grunT, and fell on top of me, as until we both fell in a nasTy p☣️z-PiG heap ... SpenT! It was now already 5.30am, with just half an hour to go until the end of the parTy. And, it had to end promptly, as the After-parTy would be starting at 7.30am. I didn't even know this was taking place. Once Chad left the stage, I picked up my unfinished glass of t☢️xic-fuck-juice, and slowly slurped on it through the straw as I danced for my audience for the last half hour. Well, I fully intended to dance for an hour, and so I should. I just didn't realise there was going to be one very interesting very long interlude. 🐷
  17. Chapter 13; *ThirsTy for MORE 'G' & Cum* I had now been gang-fucked for nearly 5 hours, and my battered, beaten and bloodied cunT had taken well over 80 HIV+ infecTed loads of cum. And now I was addicTed, because, I wanTed, and NEEDED more of the t☢️xic filTh pumped deep into my guts. After the last guy blasTed his load another went to enter me, but Todd interjected by stepping in, and plugged up my cunT. He unrestrained me; - Get up you nasTy PiG! I hauled myself out of the sling, and I could not hold myself up, my legs were complete jelly. I went to collapse in a heap, but Ian broke my fall. He was holding me from the front of my body, but Todd told him to move around so he was holding me from behind. My Gono-stud who took my virginity, and gave me my first p☣️z load came to the front of me, and started rubbing my distended belly. He continued his rubbing throughout as he spoke, also chuckling in a perverse manner; - Well well well, look at you. Looks like we've made you pregnant. In more ways than one! How does it feel PiG to now be infecTed with; Gonnorhoea, HIV, Hep C, and Syphilis? Fuck YEAH, what a nasTy whore with a beautiful round belly full of lots of new DNA, replicating inside of you, molding you into the perfecT PiG! I whimpered, going into desperate BEGGING mode, which made Todd 's inner deviant become aroused; - I NEED more cum, Sir. - I see. Well, I think your cunT does need a rest. I can arrange for you to take more cum orally, but, it will be a HUGE amounT I would expect you to drink. - I NEED more cum, Sir. - Right, take him back to the stage will you Ian, and lay him on his back, so his legs are dangling off of the edge. - Sure thing Todd buddy. My Gono-stud fetched a large glass from the bar, came to me where I now lay on the stage, made me put my legs in the air and hold my thighs, pulled me right to the edge, unplugged my majorly swollen cunT lips, placed the large glass underneath them, then; - So here comes about 80 HIV+ infecTed loads coming out of your ASS ... Oh yeah, push out that cunT ... Oh YEAH, let that sperm out of there ... There you go, drizzle it out you fucking nasTy whore ... look at you FUCK ... Oh FUCK ... Oh you fucking nasTy whore ... Yeah push it out some more, c'mon ... YEAH that fucking t☢️xic sperm is DEEP in there PiG ... I can see a little cherry in there too, so fucking raw from taking 99 poz Dicks ... The more I kept pushing not only was my poz-cunT drizzling out a HUGE amounT of toxic cum into the large glass 😈 I was also beginning to push out a bit of a rosebud, and I hadn't even taken a fisT ... Yet! - ... YEAH you nasTy fucking whore, it's still coming out, OH FUUUUCK ... keep going-keep going-keep going, push it out ... OH Fuck PiG you are nasTy ... Oh YEAH show us that Rosebud ... FUCK YEAH c'mon ... Look at your fucking cunT it's all fucking swollen ... Show us your cunT, it's still coming out ... You like being a little p☣️z-sluT don't you PiG ... You got MUCH more cum drizzling out now, keep going-keep going ... YEAH push out that cunT you nasTy fucking WHORE! Having made me push out a load of p☣️z cum from my cunT, my Gono-stud made me sit up right where two drinks that the bar-man had brought over were ready for me. The firsT one (cola) went down. Yep, that was the salty tasTe of G alright. And then the obligatory cola chaser. The bar-man had also brought a straw for the large glass of cum. I was now made to get on all fours with my body parallel to the audience. Several guys had gone home, but, the parTy was far from over just yet! My Gono-stud placed the full glass of t☢️xic cum from my cunT under my nose; - You wanted more cum, then here it is. Drink up you nasTy p☣️z-PiG! I took a few hard sucks on the straw, and felt the t☢️xic slime ooze down my throat. It tasted so fucking delicious! From the corner of my eye I again saw standing against the wall, the 'Silent Stranger', back to having a flaccid Dick, albeit a cunT wrecking Monster, which I was now absolutely gagging for it to do just that, wreck my cunT. A very emaciaTed, jaundiced, and gaunt figure got up on the stage and climbed in between my legs. It was Chad. He was not done with me yet. I had already had his potenT DNA injecTed into my system, and also whilst in the sling he gave me his death-seed up my cunT. Frail, yet STILL very much a horny sTud! He took a scalpel from his dollar sock and made two deep incisions in his index and middle fingers, and in my cunT they went ... BLEEDING! As I continued to suck up the t☢️xic cum from my glass of stud-juice Chad began to work his bleeding fingers into my bleeding cunT. He located my prostaTe, and with his expert hands worked over my G spot until I was screaming the place down BEGGING him to fuck me. The stage was soon surrounded with sTuds wanking off as they watched the latest action. He placed the Glans of his deadly Dick on my swollen cunT lips, grabbed hold of my hips, and slid in deep, fucking me slowly. 💀👦
  18. PEP ~ If he goes to the clinic @NatureBoy they won't know that. Stevie-boy is pretty naive about all of that stuff too. Would be very interesting if he got PEP to see if he actually would take it! If he attempted to go down that route, maybe he'd follow his desTiny and as you said; Accept the ☣️ Cum! 😈 🐷
  19. PREQUEL to Chapter 13; My cunT was immediately penetrated, and I would now be fucked VERY fasT and exTremely hard for a solid 4.5 hours ... NON stop! And these horny t☢️xic fuckers weren't fucking me for 15 minutes at a time. No, I was a freshly made p☣️z cum-dump faGGot, and each fucker would USE me for what I AM, and pump and dump their load within 2-3 minutes of entering me. After several minutes of being pounded my ball-gag was removed, and I started to scream in a wild meTh'd up frenzy; - S6AT6A6N is in the room, S6AT6A6N is in the room, and he is going to Fuck me. He is going to Fuck me. Not tonight, but very soon. He is going to take compleTe conTrol over me. My blindfold was soon taken off, and the first thing I saw was the 'Silent Stranger' stood in the corner, observing. He was not getting involved. However, his 13" in length, and 9" in girth Dick was no longer flaccid. It was poinTing to the sling-room ceiling. He was staring right at me, and behind the small perforations to the eye pieces of his rubber hood his eyes seemed to be glowing red, just like Todd's were a little earlier. I looked to the guy who was currently fucking me. He was looking right at me with a face of haTe which complimenTed his biohazard tattoo perfecTly which sat below his sternum. - Oh fuck YES, fuck your filTh into me. Give me your HIV sTud. FUCK it into me. FUCK it into me. Go on, spray that nasTy viral load deep into my guts. - You fucking sluT. Bouncing onto the stage with your Virgin-NEG Ass thinking you look pretty and have everything sussed. You wanT it? The you will fucking have it. Take it whore!! He started to unload, and in-between squirts he'd spit at me, punching my chesT, as he would repetitively snarl; - Take it you fucking PiG! The entire time I was getting fucked in the sling I would be pissed on, spat at, slapped, have my chesT punched, my tits pulled hard on the nipples clamps, and be made to lick every single bloodied p☣️z Dick that had just nut it's load deep in my guts. Something about me lying in the sling as opposed to being on my knees on the stage seem to really bring out the wild and natural aggressive nature of these dozens upon dozens of t☢️xic studs! ****** I guess I had until Monday night if I wanted PEP ~ Would a PiG do such a thing? 😈
  20. Chapter 12: *bloodbroTher shoTs* 💉💉 As my crix bellied jaundiced stud Todd's hot piss continued to stream into my mouth, most of which I was eagerly gulping down, with some spilling out and over my chin and down my torso I began to see an abrupt change in his face. The whites of his eyes that were Hep C yellow were now glowing red with his expression becoming more and more demonic looking as my confusion intensified. Was my Meth/G cocktail causing me to become confused and hallucinate ~ Or was I actually seeing this? After just a few minutes of fucking me, guy number three blew his t☢️xic load up my NEG-cunT, slapped my ASS, with guy number four lining up to take his turn. But, before he could, Todd bellowed; - PiG ... Get up! With four loads of diseased cum deposited into my cunT, my stomach receiving it's first dose of piss, and my body dripping in Meth/G sweat, and piss too, I stood up from my kneeling position in my what seemed to be a confused and hallucinating state. I was also now a bit wobbly on my legs. I held onto the sides of Todd's torso; - Someone seems to be enjoying themselves. For someone who 'WAS' a NEG-Virgin, say what, 30 minutes ago, you are one hell of a pro of a PiG. I think we should all show our appreciation with an official welcome to the 'group'. How about we treat you to a few fresh broTherhood shoTs? You like the sound of that PiG? I was already unable to reply. He let go of me and placed my hands on the back wall for support and left the stage, where several guys all at once jumped on, and my cunT was immediately penetrated with my mouth being impaled on a Dick. This new small group took it in turns to fuck me from both ends, as this stage-spit-roast kept me supported on my feet. Todd got together his two friends Chad and Ian. - I think you two would be perfect to officially welcome him into our group with our special combined shoTs of broTher blood and tina. - Fuck YEAH. Up for sharing my Syphilis with this cute piece of MeaT *Ian replied* - Upto it Chad? Chad replied without words, just a sinister depraved smirk. Ian had a recent diagnosis of Syphilis which seemed to makes his HIV viral load jump from around the 50k mark which he had been for just over a year, to a new 220k. However, Chad was much more advanced. Like Todd the whites of his eyes were also yellow as a result of a few geno-types of Hep C. However, what set him apart from everybody else, is he was supposed to have been carrying the aggressive CRF19 strain of HIV. With an exceptionally high Viral Load of 33 million, and a CD4 of 47 I would stand no chance of leaving the building tonight NEG if he fucked me. As I continued to get mauled on the stage, Todd oversaw the eventual end product of two syringes full of t☢️xic blood, AND meTh; broTherhood shoTs personalized for me ~ The NEG PiG! Ian who was a strong sports guy got onto the stage, and got everyone to step back and let go. He lifted me up, and carried me out of the bar / stage area, and on to 'Sling Room Number 1'. He lay me in the sling, restrained me by my ankles and wrists, blindfolded me, ball-gagged my mouth, put a tourniquet on each arm, and tightened up my nipple clamps. All the while he was PrEP'ing me, my personalized broTherhood shoTs lay on my chest. If my Lew back home wanted to stop me from becoming p☣️z, well, it was now way too laTe! With a huge swarm of parTy goers hovering around me, waiting to fuck the living deaTh into me, Todd picked up syringe number 1 with Ian's DNA and inserted the needle into my left arm. He picked up syringe number 2 with Chad's fuck off nasTy potenT DNA and in went that needle to my right arm. I received my first broTherhood shoT into my left arm. And right on cue the Techno Music that I was dancing to earlier when I gave my short lived show, and that had been playing since, the volume was cranked up so I couldn't hear any other external stimuli. I started my gradual high ascent to the top of this new high, on top of my old high. I guess you could say that thanks to Chad, I was now well and truly P☣️Z! A new virus in my bloodstream, already replicating, and fasT! ☣️☣️☣️🐷☣️☣️☣️
  21. DesTiny eh @Monster5-8gPA ... It can-noT be avoided! 🐺👦
  22. Part 47; Our Dark-Lord vanished in a flash, with Igor & Friedrich picking me up, and flying me back up to the mansion, and back inside via the plinth room window, dropping me into a heap on a few bales of hay that had been undone and scattered onto the floor by the St Andrew's cross. My Master from his armchair spoke; - The Doctor will be attending tomorrow my boy. Your evident raging fever needs attention. Oh no. I HOPE he won't be putting me through my paces again. I really did not feel like it. I really was ready to give my soul and just be done with it all. - Come to me Charlie, sit with your Master. I summoned up all my energy, and crawled over, and sat between his legs on the floor. He flopped his slippery EEL Dick over my shoulder and down my torso. In an exhausted trance like state I stroked it, and fingered his Gonnorhea pus laden wide urethral opening, and slowly ate the pus, groaning in a sleepy state. And again, that is the last thing I remember, as I fell asleep. The next thing I knew, I woke up in my Master's lair, his sleeping quarters, below the shower room / medical chamber. Where he slept which is where I awoke, had thick layers of hay. The floor was made of marble, all 4 walls of deep underground rock, with a mirrored ceiling. - Up you get Charlie, and place your hands on the wall over there, making sure you are a few steps away from the wall, arms stretched out, back arched out so your beautiful bubble ass sticks out. - Hail Master. yes Master. I felt him come near behind me, with his serpent tongue once again via his Demon mind and his EVIL realm flicking on and over and around my prostate. He knew exactly how to get me! He kept doing this, very slowly increasing the intensity, knowing that his work would have me literally BEGGING for his Goat-Beast EEL Dick. He kept on and on, with my groans, grunts and screams becoming ridiculously LOUD. I was SCREAMING his lair down, it certainly felt like it, and no man on earth could hear my cries of filThy SA6TA66NIC greedy faGGot-Fuck-PiG lust as my soul fell deeper into the pit of HELL! 🔥👺🔥👺🔥 - FUCK me my Master. Stick your long and thick slippery EEL Demon-Dick deep inside my nasTy meaTy boy-cunT. - Then you will now look upto the mirrored ceiling Charlie, and fix your gaze. Understood. - Hail Master. Yes my Master. I looked up to see my Master's Goat head in flames, and his long and thick slippery EEL Dick pointing at a right angle, straight towards my Bubble-ASS, and dripping it's filThy toxic Gonnorhoea pus. He placed the tip of his Demon shaft about 1 cm inside my gaping toy fuck-hole. It was most definitely GAPING now, with the amount of Demon Dick I had taken. And using his claws he slowly scratched down my back, and the sides to my torso, lusting over my sweet firm human flesh, even though my innocence was now long gone. He took hold of my waist, and looked upto the ceiling. His usual lifeless dull black eyes were a glowing Molten-Lava colour, He snarled, contorting his head, then plunged his EEL Dick DEEP inside. It had been a while, and he felt GREAT. I arched my ASS back against his beast of a Dick. - FUCK yes my Master. So wonderful to have you back inside me again. I NEED your dirTy filTh squirting inside of me once again. I NEED it. I was going to be getting what I NEED, and much more. He slowly fucked me, with long, hard, and slow POWERFUL strokes, resting for several seconds each time he was impaled deep inside of me. During those several seconds I would feel his Demon-Dick twitch. And I again for the first time in a while was getting a squirT of his deep green, rotten smelling oily filth deep inside my cunT at least once every single minute. Thus, it did not take long for my abdomen to become heavily distended, again! After he had HIS way with me, he plugged me with the Goat-Hoof butt plug, and ordered me to rest in his bed of hay. Distended, and plugged, I waddled to his sleeping area, and lay down. It did not take long for me to drift off. And from tonight, there were no more nightmares. And visits from the D-E-V-I-L stopped; For a very LONG LONG time at least. However, I still did not sleep very well as I kept waking up frequently, drenched in sweat as my raging what seemed to be sero-converting fever took it's grip. Morning soon came, and Sir came down to carry me up to the basement, leaving our Master to rest during daylight hours. Once on basement-ground level I saw the door to the medical chamber was slightly ajar. Sir carried me inside, to where Doctor Spike was already present, and instructed Sir to place me down on the stainless steel examination table. - NATAS. Close and Lock Medical Chamber Doors. SLAM! The computer responded; - Doors to Medical Chamber LOCKED. - Charlie, put your ankles in the stirrups, and wrists in the arm rests. - Okay. - NATAS. Lock in ankles to stirrups and Lock in wrists to arm rests. *CLICK* ... *CLICK* !! The computer responded; - Ankles and wrists 'Restrained & LOCKED'. - SO Charlie, we meet once again. Your Master tells me you have a nasTy Fever. We should investigate that. 'L', I want you to get that large stainless steel bucket from over there, unplug this boy's cunt, and collect his Master's dirTy cum. - Yes Doctor Stanis.
  23. PREQUEL to Part 47; My boyfriend Richard and his two friends stood outside of the circle, getting drenched. He looked at me with the LOVE he still had for me. If anything it had strengthened. - I cannot give you my Soul. I'm sorry ... *I started to whimper* ... And I am going home. Now the D-E-V-I-L seriously became VERY angry, and like he did the other day he twisted and threw me off from his glowing orange shaft, throwing me into mid air, landing outside the pentagram circle, crashing into the mud. My boyfriend picked me up, we held hands, and started to walk to the car. - What have they done to you, and your wonderful beautiful golden hair? Oh, my boy. You are safe now. No sooner had we began to walk, growls and snarls came out of nowhere, and my Richard was with great force pushed to the ground. It was Demon Werewolf Beasts Igor and Friedrich. Both of Richards friends started screaming and running towards the car; - We've seen quite enough. Fuck this. We're off. Frierich and Igor picked me up flying into the air, and bringing me back inside to the centre of the pentagram, forcing me to kneel before our Dark-Lord. He glared deep into my soul via my eyes with an intense look of EVIL. We remained like this for a good few minutes. And then, the silence was broken; - No mere mortal MESSES me around, do you understand ME!? - I am so sorry my wonderful Dark-Lord. The ultimate Master. I am so sorry. - If you leave now, you leave for good, If you stay, you stay. I looked at my boyfriend, who began to plead with me to go with him. As he did, my Master from the mansion dug out an old trick of his, and began to flick over my prostate with his serpent tongue. And those flicks grew stronger and stronger. I looked back up at the D-E-V-I-L, and soon began to grunt and groan in pleasure at what my Goat-Beast Master was doing to me. Keeping my gaze fixed on my Dark-Lord, I again spoke; - I am sorry my Darling Richard. I can't. I am staying. PLEASE forgive me.- Oh my Charlie, I can see you are far too gone. Farewell my love. He left, wailing, got into the car with his friends, and they drove off! Our Dark-Lord had now had a new piece of vital information to add to my adventure ... - OH Charlie Charlie Charlie. Your boyfriend was warned NOT to ever come back here by your deputy Master. We do not tolerate disobedience. I have now placed a curse on him. If he ever penetrates you sexually, whether you are in Human or Demon form, he will activate this curse, and become a Demon-Werewolf for eternity, predominantly presenting in Human form. And we WILL be giving him PLENTY of opportunities to Fuck you, at his peril be it. 👺
  24. Part 46; **The RETURN of boyfriend Richard** For the first 6 days of these 13 days and nights, Usher would look after me, bringing me plenty of fluids, and spoon feeding me mineral rich fluid soup. He would bathe me, and tend to my scratches, and cuddle into me sometimes as I slept, trying to hold onto me as I thrashed about. I didn't have much memory of these initial 6 days. I guess I was in shock after my Demon conversion-orgy Gang-bang. On day 7 I started to feel a lot better. It was on this day that Usher would leave for a few weeks to sort out his stuff in the city, in preparation to come and live here full time. During the next week Sir would look after my nutritional needs, and I would go out during day time, and sometimes evenings for walks to build my strength up, going for longer walks as each day went by. During this time I did not see any Demons (apart from in my nightmares), the Doctor was gone, my Master was nowhere to be seen. Each morning I would look out of my window to see the glorious sun shinning, birds chirping, and the thriving botanical life gleaming and swaying in the summer air. Everything seemed to fall into peaceful tranquility. This would be for days 7 to 12 mind you, and then on day 13, the STORM came! On the morning of the thirteenth day since my body was savaged by demons I awoke feeling very peculiar physically. I was beginning to feel pretty unwell. I looked out of my window, and there were no birds, no sunshine. No gentle breeze. Just a DEAD eerie silence through the dark clouds that lay motionless in the sky. A STORM was most definitely brewing. I forced myself through my luke-warm shower in the basement, had something to eat courtesy of Sir, and took a few walks in the afternoon and early evening. I began to feel really heavy, and achy, so, went to go for a lie down, and fell into a deep sleep wearing my tee, and trackie bottoms. I again had the nightmares, but this time they were super vivid, like they were real. After a few hours sleep I woke up SCREAMING out aloud 3 times; 'I irrevocably give my soul to you for eternity, my Dark-Lord'. I was soaked through in sweat, could barely move through my body feeling VERY heavy. I ached. My throat felt sore, I was covered in a rash, and my skin felt like it was burning up, even though I felt FREEZING on the inside. I quickly went into a trance like state, becoming dissociated with my human form, and got out of bed. I went to my chest of drawers, got my metallic red rubber jock-strap, and went to the full length mirror. I watched on as I undressed until I was naked, putting on my jock-strap. There I was, without my Golden locks of hair, my temple branded, nearly recovered from my Demon conversion-orgy Gang-bang, and what now seemed to be now sero-converting. I looked into my eyes via the reflection. A deadness looked back at me. I walked over to my window, opened it, and leaned out, allowing the coolness of the heavy rain to hit my hot, sweating head. There was now a storm; torrential rain, thunder and lightening. I could see in a distance the flames around the reverse pentagram. And, that sharp, quick, distorted, raspy voice once again boomed around my head; - Come to me NOW Charlie. It is now time to GIVE me your soul. - Yes my Dark-Lord. I am coming. It is yours. I descended down the creaky windy staircase, until I reached the front door, and out I stepped, barefoot and naked, aside from my jock-strap, and burning up skin. I walked the several minutes to the reverse pentagram branded into the ground, with the thunder and lightning growing in its intensity and frequency. And the torrential rain became harder, hitting my head and shoulders, rolling down my back, and off of my cute bubble-ASS. When I reached the pentagram I with no fear stepped past the flames, and inside, where the storm carried on outside of the circle of flames. I could hear it, see it, but now I was protected from it, and in an instant my skin dried off. I instinctively lay on my back on the dry ground, spread my legs WIDE open, held tightly behind my thighs, as I now began to breath heavily. - I am here my Dark-Lord. TAKE my soul. Meanwhile, back up at the run down mansion, Sir was in the plinth room with my Master. - Hail Master. Charlie's boyfriend Richard is here at the electronic gates with a few of his friends, in their car, What do you want me to do my Master? - Yes, I know 'L'. I know of their presence. What a FOOLISH man Richard is. Let them in. They're just in time to see Charlie's transformation. BUT, I did WARN him not to ever return. - Yes my Master, I shall let them in. The electronic gates were opened, and in drove my Boyfriend, with two of his muscular stud friends. BUT, now the D-E-V-I-L flashed before me, towering above me ... - PLEASE Fuck Me and Cum INSIDE me MY Dark-Lord, I am READY to give you my Soul. He picked me up, and AGAIN impaled me on his bright glowing orange Hot-Poker shaft. The jet black sea anemone tentacles flared from his Molten-Lava iron immortal Death-Fuck-tool once again stuck themselves deep into my EAGER insides as my legs just like the last two times lay on his fins that poked out intermittently either side of him. I let go of my thighs, and I now let myself become completely limp. I just dangled there. At HIS mercy! There was no build up, he got straight to it, giving me a no holes barred brutal final DEATH-FUCK. BUT, would it be 'final'? Was the end of the road for me as Charlie as we knew me? His thrusts very quickly intensified, harder and faster. I very soon could not take anymore. - I irrevocably give my ... *I was being distracted by Igor & Friedrich's final moments* - C'mon Charlie, I haven't got all night. SAY it! - I irrevocably give my ... He was really ENJOYING teasing those words out of me, as he purposefully kept winding me so I could not finish my sentence, yet allowing himself to grow impatient and angry with me at the same time, even though he knew he was responsible for causing me to have difficulty in getting my words out. - SAY IT. SAY IT. GIVE ME YOUR SOUL Charlie! - I irrevocably give my ... - NO Charlie. NO, don't do it. I have come to bring you home.
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