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Everything posted by ScorpionFF

  1. I concur rawsatyr; I NEVER use condoms whatsoever! 🚫 .... As for condom porn, it can be a really hot scene with two or more really hot actors, once I see a condom, that's it, that window is shut. Complete turn off.
  2. Fucking Hot. Would have loved to have had a go 'after' the 4th guy! And you just cannot beat a sweet blown-out wet messy cunt 🐷 Hope you are getting plenty of Dick and cum on the outside 😈
  3. Chapter 32; *Todd possessed Part 1* Todd looked intently deep into my eyes for my response to his suggestion of inviting evil Demons into my home to fuck me. He could see that I was so exhausted and weary from my lack of sleep and strong seroconversion that I was unable to process the concept properly, so, already being in control of the situation he continued to take the lead. He instructed me to go from my kneeling position to being sat on the floor with my legs as a Buddha would. He got his rucksack which was basically his bag of tricks, and placed it next to me, and the first item he took out from it were several black candles with a reversed pentagram near the bottom of each on. He placed them around the room lighting each one. He then sat in the same position right in front of me, and removed his 6mm PA from his Dick. Next item from his bag of tricks was a small plastic bag with a stainless steel ring and 6 separate pieces that were very sharp pointed spikes. He inserted the ring into his PA piercing, then one by one carefully screwed in each spike into the steel ring. - That would completely tear me to pieces, Sir. He said nothing, just simply looked at me giving me an intense depraved smirk. Next from the bag was a red marker pen, and he got me to write on his body, starting from his chest down to his stomach the following; Give Me Your Cunt! - If a Demon does present himself to you, you WILL surrender your cunt for his pleasure. This message on my body is a clear reminder for you to do this, because Todd won't be here in this realm to tell you what to do. Finally from his bag he took out a book which looked extremely old, was very tatty, and had a picture of a Baphomet on the cover. Placing it in front of him he opened it, and using one hand kept the pages open, and his other hand on the seroconversion rash on my chest. With Ramon's red lamps that were still on and the candles I could just make out the style of the written words in the book. I couldn't help but feel they were not from a modern day language, but more that of an ancient language. THEN ... ... Reading from the book Todd began to chant. Yes, that certainly was something that was spoken tens of thousands of years ago. How was he managing to understand it, let alone read it? And speak it!?!? Immediately the room became very cold with my nipples responding by standing to stiff to attention. My skin remained red hot from my fever, but the resulting conversion sweat on my skin suddenly turned ice cold. He hadn't been chanting long when he turned the book around so the pages were facing me. I looked and thought; 'what on earth is that language I am seeing'. - PiG, place your right hand on the right hand page, and repeat 3 times; 'I welcome S6AT6A6N into my home, my cunt, and my life'. I put my hand on the page, and as soon as I did I felt this very strange energy surge through my entire body. As I stared at the written language I could not in away way shape of form comprehend I trembled; - PiG, look at me [ I looked up from the book to his eyes ] ... Good boy PiG. Now say that sentence 3 times. Say it. SAY IT! As he said that his jaundiced eyes and contorting mouth gave an intense look of depravity. I trembled again. I looked back down at the book; 'I welcome S6AT6A6N into my home, my cunt, and my life'. No sooner had the words fell from my mouth my living room windows blew open, even though there was not even as much of a gentle breeze outside. The candles flickered, and I heard Todd begin to make really strange sounds. I looked up at his face again, and his eyes has literally rolled into the back of his head. They were now just a pure cream colour. His hands lay on his thighs as his head swung from side to side, mouth contorting as these primitive noises came from his throat. I uttered for the second time; 'I welcome S6AT6A6N into my home, my cunt, and my life'. Having said it for the second time Todd's primitive noises became louder and more wild, AND ... I now began to feel multiple pairs of ice cold hands molest my fevered body. But, there was no one present that I could see. I suddenly heard a voice demanding I repeat for the third and final time, and its demands were repetitive, and each time became more and more authoritative with their tone. I took a deep breath; 'I welcome S6AT6A6N into my home, my cunt, and my life'. Todd let out an almighty primitive shriek, then went completely silent. I immediately began to feel quite a bit better, with strength returning within seconds, with my instinct seeing me return to my kneeling position. I looked at Todd. His eyes had returned to normal position so once again his pupils and Iris' were visible. However, his expression was completely and utterly dead. Nothing! - Todd? [ I said meekly ] His eyes then animated, but, they were not of Todd. This HIV-Gono-Hep C stud was possessed! By what I do not know. My attention was brought down to his Dick which was most definitely now at least 5" inches longer than his normal size, and triple his normal girth. The veins in his Dick also seemed to be bulging so much I thought they were about to burst. The Gono flow, well that was now flowing out in a continuous steady stream, trickling down his throbbing demon-possessed shaft. And the 6 extremely sharp looking spikes to his temporary PA glistened in the fire-glow red lamps / candle lit darkened living room. Again I looked to his face. He snarled which frightened me, which caused me to instinctively place my hands behind me, and begin to crawl backwards. He jumped to his feet in less than a blink of an eye. Suddenly he seemed to have become super agile. I continued to crawl backwards, and as I did he slowly followed me, with his brand new demon Dick throbbing and heavily spilling out pus, whilst snarling all the while. This continued until we had gone from the living room and I was at the foot of my bed, with no where else to go. What was he going to do to me?
  4. I don't think I have said this for a while, but, many thanks for all the 'likes' and 'upvotes' on each chapter, it really is much appreciated to know that my depraved creations are appreciated, and the appreciation you show keeps me pumped up to deliver m☢️re revolting filth. (Another chapter coming in mere moments, with maybe another one tonight too) Thank you my wonderful fellow BZ PiGs! 🐖 🐖 🐖 H-A-I-L 👺 6-6-6
  5. You absolute filthy PiG @seattlebbbtm ... Haven't you had enough STI's in this story? No, me neither! 😈
  6. @takingdeepanal, @TTFN and @pozpopperpig have spoken ~ Stevie-boy has M☢️RE work to do tonight! 👺🐷
  7. Non negotiable!


    1. Rbbrpisspup


      The only way and best way. 

  8. @NatureBoy ... If Stevie-boy's boyfriend Lew comes to the States, there is no way he would come out of this unscathed either! 😈💉☢️ ... After-all , Chad 's legacy has been passed on! ☠️
  9. Thank you for the follow PiG ~ Fantastic ASS. I'd be up your cunt in a heartbeat, sharing with you all I have to gifT. ☣️

    1. barebackboy23


      Hot. Thanks. I'd love to take your toxic bugs. 

  10. What do my fellow fucked up BZ PiGs think that Todd should do right now; Let Stevie-boy sleep in his current sleep deprived sero-converting state, OR, take the current scene up several notches several times over? ☣️🐷👺
  11. Chapter 31; *Should I invite evil Demons?* - Without losing our focus of each others eyes via the mirror, I want you to take that broken condom you are holding, and place the end between your top and bottom front teeth, bite down and hold it in that position. His bony hands suddenly gripped hold of my hips very tightly, with his long fingernails digging in, and he commenced a wild animalistic brutal fast super hard fuck, showing absolutely no mercy. It took all my energy to stay sat upright, and to hold the used broken condom between my teeth, with my neighbours cum still dangling from my face and running down my torso. We fucked like this for a continual twenty minutes (with our mutual gaze not averting) until the time came for him to unleash his revolting toxic seed up my cunT. I don't know how someone so thin could have such stamina, but, he did. His look into my eyes intensified, glazing over with a demonic look, and I knew he was now very close to blowing his lot; - Fuck YES. Fuck YES. Take it you fucking nasTy PiG. He took one final powerful thrust deep inside my cunT, threw his head upwards facing my ceiling, and began to grunt, and roar. He was cumming. As he grunts and roars filled the room he uttered; - I shall bring him to you soon my Master. As soon as he said that the light bulb lighting the room made a loud bang, shattering, plunging us all into darkness. The loud bang startled Ramon, who soon left with Edward to go next door. A few moments later Ramon came back with a load of candles, lit them, placing them all over the room with the majority on my large coffee table. Plus he also brought over a few small lamps with Fire-Glow red light bulbs. My dark living room was now dimly lit with this intoxicating red glowing colour. Todd's grip on my hips had loosened, but he was still holding onto them as he continued to fuck me very very slowly. I looked into the floor standing mirror that we were facing at an angle to. Seeing my young firm flesh being taken by a very thin, jaundiced, sunken faced, twisTed poz fucker with our bodies being lit by dim red lighting really was an extreme visual to see. He let go of my hips and going underneath my arms wrapped his arms around my body and leaned on my back, still slowly rutting away. I felt and heard his shallow breath on my neck, and then he broke the silence; - My Master is here. And he wants to fuck you PiG. But, he realizes you are sick, so, it won't be tonight. But, it will be very soon. Don't you worry. Ramon came to my head with a glass of water with a straw, and a couple to Tylenol, which he basically spoon fed me. - Here, take these, let's get that Fever down, make you a bit more comfortable. Todd finally withdrew his Dick, but now came to the front of me, and stood right before me, with his PA-Gono Dick right in my face. I looked up at him, and what I saw now for the first time in this man was someone really sick. Maybe it was the lighting. His leather executioner hood and dim red lighting were both together now making his jaundiced eyes and sunken cheeks that much more pronounced. It literally looked like death was staring down at me. He stared at me with his typical piggy lust; - Lick my Dick clean PiG. C'mon, don't send me home with a dirty Dick. Clean it up for Uncle Todd. I grabbed hold of his spindly legs for support as I felt so weak, looked up at him, and began to lick my my cunt blood and his cum (both now extremely highly charged) off of his Dick. He groaned, grunted and tilted his head back up towards the ceiling; - Oh FUCK YEAH PiG, lick it up. I bet you can feel all that HIV virus and HEP C virus replicating in your veins at an alarming rate. You must have a HIV viral load by now in the millions. Fucking BEAUTIFUL. ☣️ He looked down at me and began to laugh arrogantly ... - I think you have done a good enough job there ... Ramon cutie, you go home, I shall stay with him tonight, make sure he is okay. Leave the door on the latch and come first thing if you wish. - Okay Uncle Todd. Ramon left, and Todd helped me to bed, and joined me, laying next to me and behind me, underneath the bed covers. And he could not resist, back in went his toxic dick into my newly infecTed poz cunt, and remained there for much of the night. Like lastnight I was very restless, waking every 30 minutes or so, with heavy night sweats drenching the sheets. Several times during the course of the night I would wake to Todd fucking me, or once I woke thrashing about that would disturb him and he'd start grinding into me again. However, there was one point in the night, I think it was about 2.30am and I had about 3 hours of broken sleep at this poinT where Todd forced me to get up, and resume the position I was in earlier when in my living room. Again he stood right in front of my as I knelt with his dick of violent destruction was back in my face again. It seemed the night was not finished with just yet; - Now BEG! - Beg for what, Sir? - BEG for me to Fuck you again. BEG for me to recharge you with my virus. [ I feebly responded ] - Please Sir, Fuck me. I need you to fuck the hell into me. Please I BEG you to give me MORE of your dirty virus. Please Sir, fuck me into hell. I don't know what it is I just said, but his facial expression suddenly became exceptionally animated like I had not witnessed before. - Ever been fucked by a Demon, PiG? - No Sir. Do they exist? - Oh YES, they DO!! I can make that happen for you now if you want. But, you must welcome negative energy and evil spirits into your home by an out aloud verbal request. It is up to you. It might make you feel better.
  12. Chapter 30; *Uncle Todd & neighbour Edward USE me as I run a high Fever* - C'mon, let's get you to your lounge. - I just want to clean me teeth first, my mouth feels super dry. - Okay, but don't be long. He left me where I cleaned my teeth which was now being a monumental task. Then without thinking I in a slightly confused state left the bathroom and instinctively went to my bedroom where I fell on to the bed face down, on top of the bed sheets, and passed out. Having been asleep for several minutes Todd came looking for me. Once he saw where I was he took one look at one of my bedside cabinets that had a pile of condoms and the PEP medication that the clinic gave to me last week, climbed onto the bed, stuck his dry Dick inside of me, lay on top of me, and began to fuck! He'd been fucking me for a few minutes before I even began to wake, and when I did start to rouse I was immediately hearing; - Wake up faGGot ... wakey wakey PiG. - Eh, wha, where am I, what's happening? - You didn't come to your lounge as you were meant to. C'mon, I'll take you there now. He got off me and helped me up and off the bed. I walked very slowly and feebly behind him, still feeling freezing, still profusely sweating, aching, and hunched over. We got to my living room where Ramon was using the internet on his phone, Edward was still reading, and I was now made to kneel in a certain spot in the middle of the room on the vinyl play sheet, surrounded by strategically placed mirrors. A tall floor standing mirror I was at an angle to, half way in between facing it head on and being parallel to it, so great for seeing what is going on in front, and from behind. Todd then swiftly went into the direction of my bathroom/bedroom, soon returning with his rucksack, plus his hands full of my stash of condoms and PEP, throwing them in front of me so they were directly below my line of vision. He got me to pick up one of the condoms, open it, and roll it on his now fully erect Dick. Why was he making me do this. We both knew it was way too late for that. From his rucksack he brought out a couple of wooden clothes pegs, and clipped them to my nipples, then came behind me, ordered me to sit upright with bum on heels, placed his Dick on my sweaty anus, pulled the condom as tight as he could over his un-lubed shaft, then slammed inside, HARD, and without pause took to fucking me at a quick pace. Ramon took the thermometer and placed it in my mouth again. He waited for the beeping sound. As the beeping sound came it signaled I was still with a Fever. He took it from my mouth and looked at the LCD screen; - Fuck, still high Steven, a little higher than earlier, now at 39.9°C. I wasn't surprised it was that high. I really felt horrific. He went back to my couch to surf the net on his phone. By now my weathered crix bellied hyperspermia bull Edward's interest had piqued, hurriedly getting naked he stood in front of me, and began an aggressive skull fuck. Here I am at the beginning of seroconverting with the HIV virus replicating inside of my body at a VERY fast rate, feeling extremely awful as a result of the following Fever, and I was being USED by two unmedicated studs. I don't know if it was because there was no lube, or because there was a condom in play, but Todd was hurting me, and I had to take it. Take it like the good little obedient piece of fuck-meat that I now was. Edward was obviously needing a release as he didn't last long. After a few minutes of a skull fuck of hate he held my head tight into his pubic region, I felt his Dick throb, and then the first large squirts of cum hit the back of my throat. Being a carrier of the hyperspermia badge he would now be shooting his toxic filth in and over me for the next few minutes non stop. I managed to swallow all he gave me for several seconds, but then I began to cough and splutter, so he withdrew his tasty Dick, and continued to cum, heavily drenching my face, and my body that was already drenched in conversion sweat! - Hey, Edward buddy, stick your Dick back in his mouth, but not to the the back, just mid way, and hold it there for several seconds, enough to fill his mouth .... And you PiG, once your mouth is full of cum, you will keep your mouth shut and hold that precious cum right there, no swallowing. My bull promptly and very quickly filled my mouth, then spent at least another full minute completely drenching my face and torso. When he was spent Edward went and sat next to his sexy NEG Ramon. - So, you want to play with the big boys and become a poz sluT like this nasTy PiG here? - Yes Daddy. You know I really really want that. - I just don't want you to become infected. I love you dearly. As they chatted Uncle Todd withdrew his Dick, and stood in front of me. He must have pulled on the condom very tightly before entering me, as the tip was now broken! - Oh Stevie-boy, then sure don't make condoms like they used to, huh. 😈 He took it off, and got me to hold it, and once again came behind me, and resumed our fuck, with fast hard thrusts, which was making holding the mouthful of cum that much more difficult. I was lapsing into becoming hunched over; - Sit up straight, and open that nasTy mouth of yours, and as you do, I want you to look into my eyes via the reflection in the mirror. I opened my mouth, and Edwards HIV loaded sperm drooled from my lips, and dangled from my chin with the rest of the cum on my face that dangled. I looked at Todd into his eyes as he had requested, and he looked possessed. Was he?
  13. Chapter 29; *Uncle Todd inspects the Sero-converting English PiG!* I figured I could drag myself to the local convenience store and stock up on stuff like; Ginger, Lemon, Honey, and to make myself more comfortable some Tylenol. I crawled out of bed, barely able to move, burning up, sweating profusely, and forced myself to get dressed. I threw on my trackie bottoms and a tee, and left my apartment. And who was sitting outside his front door reading? Ramon! - Fucking hell Steven, you look terrible. - I feel like death. I am off to get some Flu remedy supplies in [I said as my hoarse voice croaked] - You will do no such thing. I'll get what you need. Tell me what you want and you go back to bed. And leave your door off the latch so I can come in without you having to get up. I went back inside, but I didn't go back to bed. Instead, I cranked up the central heating full blast, stayed fully clothed, and wrapped myself in a blanket wearing it like a cloak, and shivered on the floor sat right next to a radiator. Ramon came in a while later with a few bags of shopping. He'd bought some Flu remedy ingredients and medication, broth, etc. He went into my kitchen and put stuff away, and prepared a hot Flu remedy drink to take with some Tylenol. But, before I took a sip into my mouth went a thermometer; - FUCK, you have a Fever alright, of 39.8°C no less. Obviously your body is fighting what I myself crave, and when you are better, you are so gonna stick it to me. Ramon spent the day going between our two homes, looking after me, and doing his house boy-husband duties at his too. Evening soon came, and I had momentarily felt a little better a few times when the Tylenol and kicked in, but, it would soon wear off after a time. I wasn't due for another dose of my Fever reducing medication just yet so Ramon was now keeping me cooler with cold wet flannels. His boyfriend Edward, my Hyperspermia weathered bull came in and sat with us, opposite me on the armchair, and read his paper. Three Men in one room. One HIV Neg, Another HIV Poz (and unmedicated). And the other, me, well, I guess I was now going through seroconversion!?!? It had been a good hour now with the three of us in my living room, when Todd let himself into my home (my door being purposefully left open) and in he walked into my living room, with a small rucksack. - Hey Uncle Todd. - Hey Ramon cutie. Edward didn't even look up as he was deeply engrossed in his newspaper. - I heard you were running a Fever. I can see. You look like total shit. Now get up ... And Ramon, strip him naked, it's time for an inspection ... And once you are naked PiG, you will stand up straight. As I got stripped naked, Todd himself stripped naked, to once again reveal his skinny jaundiced frame with a 6mm PA pierced Gono-pus leaking Dick. It was difficult for me to stand up straight, as I ached badly all over, but, I knew I had to do as I was told. The crumpling sound of a newspaper arose; - Hey Todd. What brings you here? You are not upto more naughty mischief are you? They looked at each other with knowing dirty smirks. No words were needed, their expressions answered. My naked visitor as he stood with his swinging pierced pus leaking Dick opened his rucksack, pulled out his executioner hood that he wore at my dancing gig, and on his head it went, and then he walked right upto me with both of his yellow bony freezing cold hands placed upon my heavily sweating burning up skin to my chest where they rubbed back and forth over both pecs, as his right cheek rose with his lips contorting in an expression of nasty pig lust; - FUCK YEAH, beautiful chest rash PiG. You are well on your way now to officially being part of our brotherhood. Like some sick depraved pervert he went onto rub all over my body, with each part of my wet red hot skin on my body meeting with his ice cold hands, with plenty of name calling like 'faGGot', 'nasTy PiG', and 'filthy sluT', alongside plenty of very hard spanking of my meaty ass cheeks. This all culminated as he came behind me, and tightly wrapped his arms around me pulling my burning up fevered body into his multiple viral ravaged DNA mutated body. He whispered into my ear; - Your body is clearly fighting against the HIV, HEP C, and Syphilis. Let go, and embrace it all, you fucked up whore. As his sentence finished I felt a short breath of his hit my neck. The sound he made with that breath told me he was getting a twisted kick out of my body being in the throes of seroconversion, and that even though no test could pick up on my infections just yet, ..... I was no longer NEG! - It's time to PrEP you PiG-boy ... Ramon, that vinyl play sheet in the corner over there, lay it out in the middle of this room will you, and find all the large mirrors you can find, and place them strategically around this room so we can see reflections from ground level upwards. Good boy. Todd grabbed his rucksack and marched me to my bathroom. I could barely walk. - I see, you already have your own douche. Well then, the one in my bag can stay where it is. He got me into the shower, and proceeded to douche me out. It was clear he was planning to use my cunT, and I obviously I was not feeling like it, but, I'm a poz-faGGot in the presence of an Alpha, what he says goes. I was grateful for the temperature of the water which was hot, soothing my current freezing cold conscious metabolic state. Once he was done in PrEP'ing me he dried my body, then walked to the bathroom door;
  14. Chapter 28; *Fuck Flu ~ The beginning of my Sero-conversion* From tomorrow (Wednesday) until Tuesday the following week my life was pretty uneventful. As said, I put my head down and focused on my new job, new home, and in general my new life. The mundane part to it anyway. Having worked just one day on the Wednesday and finding throughout the day my ability to urinate was becoming more and more increasingly difficult with pain present. It felt like I was pissing glass. Then, later that evening at home my urethra abruptly started to heavily leak Gono-pus. Fuck. I had never seen that. I got Jeff's card and put his number into my phone, which soon showed him as having the chat App I use. I went online to tell him what was happening, as he had told me to. I saw my boyfriend Lew was online, but, he was now not a priority; - Hey Uncle Jeff, it's Steven, from the Sauna, the English guy. [My message was opened promptly] - Oh, it's the English PiG with the sexy ass. How is Boston treating you? - Er, yeah, fine I guess. Listen, my Dick has been hurting all day to pee, and now a thick discharge has just started. I guess I had better go to the clinic and have it looked at. Is it open on a Saturday? I don't think I can take much more time off work, especially as I have only just started. - Oh FUCK YEAH. The English PiG has my Gono leaking from his piss-slit. Hot! 😈 I want to come around to see it, so, put a visit to the clinic on hold. I think I am free to come over on Monday. - Is it okay to wait until then. It hurts too. - Oh you will be okay, don't worry. And the pain, you will get used to it. It is just a minor irritation. Try playing with yourself. Get yourself hard. Play with that pus. Embrace it. Fast forward five days, and it was now Monday evening, and Jeff said he was unable to make it this evening having said he thought he could, and that he should be able to come Friday evening instead, telling me I could go to the clinic on Saturday. So here I am, Monday night, with an active Gono infection, and Jeff's words from last week rang through my ears, and so I put on some porn, and began to allow myself to become aroused, and play with myself. As my erection grew and as I tugged, the pain increased. I stopped tugging and began to slowly scoop up the pus that had already dribbled out and smear it over the tip (Glans) to my Dick. I let out a grunt as I really began to now get lost in the moment and embrace this new part of me. I suddenly had a flashback of Uncle Todd milking his perineum, so, I began to do the same, and before long a huge amount of Gono-pus gushed out from my piss slit, causing me to roar in pain. Scooping it all up I lubed up my Dick, and took to having a wank. With sticky fingers I messaged Uncle Jeff; - I'm having a wank using the pus as lube. It's painful, yet, I am finding myself really liking it. - FUCK YEAH. What a nasTy PiG. Put your video cam on. Let me see. I put the video cam on, and he watched me wank, and was shouting words of encouragement as I got heavier into it, and closer to cumming. - Go on PiG. Shoot your filth. Finger that pus into your cunT, and as you cum I want to hear you scream; ''I am a nasTy CRF19 faGGot''. As I was part between laying down and sat upright I did as instructed and fingered my NEG cunT with my Gono-pus, courtesy of Jeff, as I wanked vigorously with Gono-pus lube, and very quickly getting to the poinT of no return... - Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck, Oh FuuUUUUHHH ... ''I am a nasTy CRF19 faGGot''. I shot a MASSIVE load all over my belly, chest, and chin, which Jeff made me eat. And when I say eat, he made sure I ate the LOT! I was feeling unusually tired, so went to bed earlier than usual. The next day (Tuesday) brought us to it being 11 days since my dancing gig at Aiden's club. I had just finished work and was beginning to feel a bit odd, out of sorts from my usual self. I went home, and was beginning to feel very cold, achy, and stiff, thus didn't have the inspiration to make dinner, so, again it was a delivered take-away. And soon it became very apparent something was really not right as I was now off of my food too. I only managed a few mouthfuls when I gave up trying to eat anymore. I was quickly going downhill, so I obviously was coming down with a flu of some kind. I just didn't know which kind exactly. I forced myself to clean my teeth, and went to bed. By now my throat was beginning to feel sore. Taking my clothes off felt like climbing a mountain, and even though it was the summer I was feeling FREEZING! I soon drifted off between the sheets. But then, it was not long before I soon woke up, probably only a few hours after I had dropped off. I was now experiencing a symptom I had never had before; Heavy night sweats! Every muscle and joint ached, my throat was extremely sore now, it felt like I had swallowed a spiked ball or something. My sheets were drenched, I was wet, skin burning up, yet, I continued to feel ice cold right through to my bones. I tried to sleep again, but was waking every 30 minutes or so, thus, an extremely disrupted sleep. When it came to the time I had to get up to go to work, I knew I was not able to go in, I felt absolutely horrific as a raging Fever tore through me, slamming me around the throes of a full on Fuck-Flu. I called my boss Ayan who could hear how awful I was, and told me to as a minimum take the rest of the week off. All this time I was taking off of work. What a very generous boss I had. Or, was he just very subtly orchestrating taking me to a certain very unique event of that filled with dark forces!? 👺
  15. Chapter 27; *An☢️ther invite* HAIL p☣️z Brothers Good day to you my fellow fucked up nasTy fuckers, and fellow PiGs. We have a brand new date for an upcoming parTy. It will be held as usual on a Friday on <date inserted> from the usual midnight start to midday finish, at the usual disused warehouse that we all call our second home. On this occasion, the star PiG of the night is someone who was as recently as yesterday diagnosed as HIV-, but, on the actual day of the parTy he WILL without doubt be receiving a positive diagnosis for HIV+, and MUCH MORE, as a filthy hot consequence to his extremely high risk whore behaviour he participated in last Friday night through to Saturday afternoon, including receiving 💉broTherhood shoTs 💉 from many, including our very own CRF19 stud, Chad. ☠️ Dress code: Gas masks mandatory!! Waders optional. Aside from the aforementioned, it will be NUDE as usual. Respond by midnight Tuesday next week confirming your reservations. 6-6-6
  16. Chapter 26; - Oh for fuck sake, would you look at my new neighbour, what a fucking whore! Jeff finally took his Dick out, and ordered me to clean him up as Todd moved his wasted AIDS ass away from my face. As I licked Jeff's cum coated fuck tool Edward knelt behind me, and stuck a few fingers inside of me; - Oh for fuck sake man, how much cum do you have inside of you. I want you to push out some of that poz cum. When I want you to push it out I will firmly slap your right ass cheek once. He positioned his mouth by my slowly dripping gaping cunT, tongue out, and firmly slapped my right ass cheek giving the signal to push. All the while I cleaned up Jeff I was constantly pushing out poz seed from my cunT, which Edward was collecting in his mouth. With a mouthful of dirty seed he got up, came to my face, with Jeff coming back to my cunT and fucking me as Edward and I would kiss, swapping the multiple loads of poz cum from my cunT between our mouths, which would eventually lead to me swallowing the entire lot. Edward and Jeff several times switched positions so I was either continually having to clean up Jeff's Dick, or snowball with Edward! Eventually my snowballing companion called a night on proceedings, and said it was time for us to go home. But, before we left the cabin, Jeff gave me his card; - When that pointless Dick of yours begins leaking my Gono juice, you give me a message, PiG. - Yeah, sure Sir. As Edward drove us home, I saw on my phone the missed video calls from my boyfriend at home, Lew. FUCK, we were meant to be speaking tonight. There were also lots of text messages from him, becoming increasingly worried about me, and saying things like I was acting very much out of character. I messaged him, apologising, making up the excuse that I had fallen asleep, and maybe we could chat the same time as originally arranged tomorrow night. Once home I was finally alone, yet, still high and horny, so, spent some hours riding the large dildo Edward and Ramon had given me as part of my welcome to the neighbourhood present, until I passed out. I awoke late on the Tuesday in a panic. ''Shit. I'm late for work.'' As I rushed around getting ready I messaged my boss Ayan, apologising frantically. He reminded me that he had given me the day off today. So, I relaxed. And not just for the day, but from now into my new way of life. My Lew and I finally had a video call that Tuesday evening, but, it seemed odd. My head was in a different space, and, he was picking up on that. He kept asking me if everything was okay. From this point standard daily messages petered out to about once every 10 days, with a video call once every few weeks. We were drifting apart. It would take a dramatic grand gesture from one of us to get things moving again. After today I kept my head down and focused on my new job at work, and settling into my new home and new country of residence. Wednesday next week would mark me being here for two weeks. And 12 days since my initial dancing gig at Aiden's club. As I relaxed at home before I went back to work tomorrow Ayan was messaging me having only spoken to him earlier. He was asking me about how it went with the clinic yesterday. Then early evening as I was unpacking, and shopping online to make my home more homely for me, there was a knock at the door. It was Todd; - Oh, hey, Todd, wasn't expecting to see you so soon. - Just popped around to see Edward, but wanted to speak to you about something first. Can I come in? - Er, yeah, sure. Once inside and sat on my couch I offered him a drink. But, he declined, saying he had to be with Edward in a few minutes time. He wanted to know exactly when my follow up appointment(s) were at the clinic, if any had been booked that is. - Er, let me check my diary. Er ... yeah, here are the dates. My appointment to have all the tests are 4 weeks from yesterday, then, I go for results on the same week on the Friday, so 4 weeks from this coming Friday. - Great. Now, that Friday you will keep that day, and night, and the following day completely free. Understood!? - Yes. But why? He gave an all knowing look of nasTy lust; - Oh don't you worry. You will find out all in good time. You nasTy PiG! After he left he went and spent some pre arranged time with Ramon & Edward, and, then once he got home, he got to working on a very special invite. A bit like the one Aiden sent out for my dancing gig, BUT, this one was to be for a parTy on a much grander scale. First and foremost, this event for which I were to be the main attraction would take place 2-3 times a year at a disused warehouse in the middle of nowhere, for an extremely specific underground crowd of very nasTy fuckers, and their fellow PiGs! The crowd were specifically into mass gang bangs with a dangerous edge. Absolutely ZERO tolerance for condoms, 🚫 NO CONDOMS ALLOWED 🚫 Everybody was p☣️z, and all were completely unmedicated!! That was the premise for this underground crowd; To SPREAD your toxic filth. There were currently 706 members from the East to West coasts, including Todd, and Ayan, with everyone else the following morning receiving the latest invite;
  17. Chapter 25; Jeff took me to his private cabin, where once inside he locked the door, just for my initiation to his way of doing things. He had me on my knees with my arse cheeks resting on my heels, and onto my head went this rubber hood. It had perspex eye pieces so I could see out, and under the nose piece was a built in urinal bowl for men to PISS into, with an inner ring gag going into my mouth so one could drink the incoming piss. He grabbed a small amber coloured dropper bottle from the ledge in his cabin, knelt before me, unscrewed the dropper, inserted it into my urethra, and squeezed the rubber tip so the contents of the dropper were pushed deep inside my piss slit. I didn't know what it was, but it was tingling. Then, he stood up, took a giant piss into the urinal bowl, to which I found myself quickly drinking his salty Golden-Piss as it gushed through the inner ring gag and directly into my mouth and down my throat. He got me to shuffle on my knees so I was now facing the locked door to his cabin, where he unlocked and threw open the door, leaving it wide open so that any passers by who wanted a piss could use me as their very own personal human urinal. I was on all fours at this point, where I was soon penetrated by Jeff's vintage Gono-HIV+ Dick, and as soon as he entered me he instructed me to get into the upright seated position, and completely relax onto his diseased-fuck-piston. For the next few hours he would fuck me, but very very slowly, taking his time savouring every part of me unlike my manic fast paced one man after another after another at my conversion gang-bang from three nights ago. As his toxic Dick moved slowly inside of my warm wet cunT his hands constantly wandered, pushing my shoulders downwards, rubbing the sides of my torso, back, and front. Pulling on my tits until the scabs fell off when they inevitably began weeping again. And regularly slapping my firm round ass cheeks. A pair of very experienced hands 40 years my senior taking their turn and time in enjoying a piece of fresh meat! During these few hours where Jeff was balls deep inside of me the entire time, several guys pissed in the urinal bowl part of my rubber hood, giving instant access to my throat and down to my stomach. The unattractive aggressive PiG who fucked me outside of the steam room had taken to taking an utterly HUGE piss in my urinal bowl. It seemed to go on for eternity! As he pissed, and pissed, and pissed some more whilst continuing to drink his Beer, Jeff reached up to the ledge in his cabin and brought down the small amber dropper bottle again, and again sliding it in deep, and *squeeze* ... Another load of tingle-juice entered. We had been playing like this for a few hours when Todd's pale-yellow gaunt face appeared, hands holding onto the cabin door frame; - Hey Jeff. How are you getting on with this new PiG in town? - Oh, hey Todd. Fucking great. He is a complete natural at clamping down on my poz Dick and massaging it with his inner cunT muscles. Jeff removed my rubber urinal hood, grabbed tightly onto my smooth round firm hips, and for the first time since he penetrated me a few hours ago began to fuck me properly, gradually picking up a steady pace. Todd saw the amber bottle dropper bottle on the ledge and took hold of it; - A-ha, up to your classic Gono-squirt trick I see Jeff. You and Chad are some of the nastiest PiGs in this City, it has to be said. He unscrewed the dropper bottle, and squirted what I now knew to be Gono-pus up his AIDS wasted cunT, followed by a few more squirts until the bottle was empty. He climbed into the cabin with us, turned around so he faced away, and commenced fingering Jeff's Gono-juice inside his hole, but not in to deep. He wanted me to be able to reach it. He raised his arms up, held onto the cabin door frame, spread his legs, and backed into my face; - Go on, eat that pus you nasTy PiG. Fucking EAT it! I grabbed hold of his thin legs, and stuck my tongue inside of his AIDS hole, and eagerly lapped up Jeff's filthy pus. As I enjoyed my meal the main man had very quickly picked up a fast speed of fucking, so I was now finding it increasingly difficult to keep still to keep eating Todd out. But that did not matter for long as Jeff pulled me back, swiveled me around, and had me lying flat on my front, followed by laying his total body weight on top of me, arms wrapped around my upper chest, with his Gono-HIV+ Dick sliding in and out of my super cum filled cunt-hole. I wasn't prepared to wait long to have this stud's virus sprayed deep into my guts, even though I had already received plenty of anonymous viral-charged seed since arriving here at the sauna; - Cum in me, PLEASE [I whimpered] He fucked me with steady rhythmic thrusts for a few short minutes, when I soon felt his pace change from a steady rhythm to stronger, harder, slower thrusts. And in this new position I had not tried before as a bottom I was also able to feel his cock swell; ☣️- Oh Yeah. Oh Yeah. Here comes my charged up viral load boy. ☣️ He took one last deep hard thrust inwards, grunted, and held that position spraying his filthy high viral load deep into my guts, as I felt every twitch of his Dick share with me his dirty seed, which I was actually also feeling coat the deep recesses of my cunT. - You got my charged up viral load boy? YEAH, you have got it now!!! Once his orgasm was finished he pulled me up onto my knees again. Remaining HARD and remaining inside of me he grabbed firmly onto my hips and carried on fucking me. Just slowly this time, slow strokes as my cum filled cunT opened up in my new kneeling position, and squelched as Jeff's Gono-HIV+ Dick and my nasTy cunT bathed in several loads of anonymous sauna stud-seed. Uncle Todd backed his AIDS ass smeared with Jeff's Gono-pus back onto my face, and I resumed my delicious meal. I was sandwiched in this position for several minutes, my cunT squelching, my mouth slurping, (all three holes; Urethra, Throat, and cunT incubating new infections with no interruptions from anyone else) as I fell in deeper into my new role as a sexually active poz-pig. Then, neighbour Edward came by;
  18. Chapter 4; I sent the video to Sir via WhatsApp, and went to sleep. I awoke the following morning having slept an extra hour than usual, and felt refreshed, and exhilarated. I checked my WhatsApp messages. Sir had seen the video, but had not responded. I wonder what he thought of it. I had breakfast, then went and done some gymnastics training, then late afternoon Peter and I went fishing, which we would do from time to time. We would sit there on the river bank, sometimes in complete silence, sometimes having a full on conversation. We had sat there in silence for about an hour, and all I could think about was not only what happened with Sir yesterday at school, but lastnight too. The video he made me make, and his request for the new video I were to make tomorrow night. I was bursting to let all what was bubbling up inside me out, so, out it came, and I told my twin brother literally everything. And even showed him the video I had made. When I showed him the video he squirmed like he did in the car yesterday when I was telling him what had happened. Watching me finger my cunt seemed to be arousing him! - Well I think I should be holding the camera and filming you when you do the video tomorrow night that Mr Jackson wants you to do. - Are you comfortable watching me masturbate, and saying what he wants me to say? He initially answered via a look. Looking deep into my eyes. A look that said; ''I want to FUCK you brother''. - Yeah, why not. We do everything else together. Despite being a nerdy kind of a geek guy, my twin loved dancing and dance music, and tonight he was for the first time going to a dance club in town. It was straight but that didn't bother me, so I joined too. It was a great night, two fresh 18 years old twins (one geek and one gymnast) dancing all night long, and getting drunk. Towards the end of the night Peter started snogging this girl on the dance floor. A 19 year old girl called Amy who for the next few weeks he would go on many dates with until they officially became boyfriend and girlfriend. As they snogged on the dance floor I headed for the toilets as I was busting to go. I had a huge wee in the urinal, washed my hands, then went to exit the toilet area when one of the bouncers walked in; - Sir, we suspect that you have been dealing drugs in here tonight. I need to do a search on you in this cubicle here, this way please. - But, but ... I, I don't use or sell drugs, honestly, I ... - I still need to search you Sir. Who was I to argue. I was drunk, and this guy was a big burly hulk of a man. I went into the cubicle where he ordered me to my knees. He unzipped and pulled out a soft yet very fat and veiny dick, with a set of big balls that were smooth, obviously shaven. - Make me hard. Lick my balls, faGGot. Satisfy me and we won't take this drug thing any further. Drug thing? That was just one big ruse to use my mouth for his pleasure. I licked his big balls slowly, over and over for ages as he stroked his dick until it was fully erect. Once at full mast I was made to continue to lick his balls as he continued stroking, with his head resting against the door as his head tilted upwards with his eyes shut. And only after a few short minutes he was leaking a lot of pre-cum. There happened to be a waist height glory hole between the cubicle I was in, and the next, where a cocky fit skinhead in his mid 20s was fucking a similar aged lass with huge fake tits. She was moaning very loudly with her screams mixing in with the dance music from the other side of the toilet doors. My bouncer spoke; - Yeah, that's it, FUCK her. FUCK her! - Is that you Bob? [ The skinhead questioned ] - Jason? [ Bouncer Bob quizzed ] - Yeah ... Just fucking a bird with huge knockers. - I can hear. Found myself a fresh faGGot ... Oi, fag, look through the hole, tell me what you can see. - I just see Jason's ass darting in and out, he has his back to us. - I see. Climb on the toilet, and look over the partition. Watch and learn. I did as ordered, as any good little sub would, and the woman getting fucked looked up at me and smiled. She said; - We have an audience. Jason turned his head and looked up at me. He then turned the woman who he was fucking around so they were side facing to me, and he continued to stare at me, smirking, as he continued to fuck. - Oi, faGGot, time you came down and finished me off. Get down here and lick up my pre cum. I got off the toilet and back onto my knees, and began to slurp up the huge amount of pre cum that was oozing from his fat dick. Once I had cleaned him up he shoved his meaty tool to the back of my throat, pulled my head in tightly, skull fucked me for a short 30 seconds or so, then grunted, held my head in tight to his pubic area, and ejaculated straight down my throat, grunting continually. He pulled out, spat on my face, then left the cubicle with his dick still erect and hanging out. He knocked on the door to the next cubicle; - Jason, it's Bob, let me in. The skinhead stopped fucking, opened the door, came out, and Bob took his place, and having just blown his hot salty load down my throat was now fucking a woman. Before I could even process my next thought skinhead Jason marched into my cubicle where I was still on my knees, and shoved his dick to the back of my throat, and, skull fuck number two commenced. Again, a short 30 seconds and I was taking another load down my throat. My first sexual experience with Mr Jackson yesterday, and now two loads of cum swallowed in quick succession on a night out with my twin brother. I never knew how much fun being 18 years old could be! ... I very much looked forward to learning, and exploring my inner PiG! 🐽
  19. Chapter 3; Once Sir had his initial warm up fun with me, he dried and dressed himself, then as he was about to leave the changing room he gave me my first job to carry out; - I see you have your first Smartphone there Thomas. Finally upgraded from your retro handset you used to have for all those years. - Yes Sir. My brother and I both got one for our 18th birthdays earlier in the week. - Good. Now tonight you will make a short video of yourself fingering your cunt whilst on all fours facing away from camera, during which time you will give a speech on why I should take ownership of you. You will then send me the video via WhatsApp. Here is my card with my number. I expect this task to be completed by 10.30pm. - Yes Sir. After he left the changing room I was left there sat on the benches, naked, and feeling really excited about what had just happened, and what might happen with Mr Jackson. And him referring to my ass as my cunt really fueled my desire to submit to this sexy stud, and for him to take complete possession of me. I messaged my brother to come and fetch me, then got dressed and waited by the school gates. Brother Peter and I told each other everything with an unspoken sense of trust. As he drove us home I told him what had just happened, and he seemed to be showing much more of a keen interest in exactly what went on than I thought he would. And he seemed to be wriggling about in his driving seat. In fact, I got the strong sense he was turned on by it all. Actually, I know my twin like I know myself. I KNOW he was turned on by my tale. We had never discussed his sexuality, but I left it at that. There is always the right time for everything. I spent longer than usual with my family downstairs with our usual evening meal, and time spent in the lounge, so was a good hour late retiring to my bedroom than usual. Once there I installed WhatsApp and entered Mr Jackson's number into my new phone. I had him saved as Sir J. I maneuvered a chair and a box that I kept old vinyl records on top of the chair in front of my bed and placed my phone on top of it. I stripped naked, climbed on my bed getting on all fours, and proceeded to finger my asshole. Using voice recognition I commenced filming, then gave the speech that was requested of me as I continued to probe my hole; - Sir, good evening. I think you should take ownership of me because I am a true sub deep within my soul, and [ groan ] ... ''oh fuck'' [ groan ] ... ''oh yeah'' ... and I have a burning desire to serve and obey, with my body and mind. I need to be molded into what an owner exactly wants and [ groan ] ... ''oh fuck, fuck, oh god'' [ groan ] ... ''oh yeah, shit'' ... needs from me. To my owner I would be completely loyal and do all is required to please him in every which way. Thank you for considering me, Sir. Well, that was it, I was now so horned up and I needed a release. I stopped the filming, flipped over to lay on my back, took hold of my dick, and began to masturbate as I continued to finger my hole. I was fantasizing about Mr Jackson pounding me hard as he took my virginity. After a few minutes of tugging away I heard a *Scruff* message come through on my phone. Could it be Sir. The thought that it could be is only how I could stop playing with myself. Indeed, it was from him; - Where is my video I am expecting? I checked the time stamp. Ooooops, it was 10.57pm, so I had missed my deadline he had set. - Sorry Sir. I just finished it, and now I am masturbating, and am close to shooting a load. I will send it in a few minutes once I have cum. I put my new phone to the side and recommenced my tugging. A few more *Scruff* messages came through over the next few minutes as I finished myself off. Oh, maybe they are from others who have seen that I am now online. So, I continued my mission and soon was shooting a huge load onto my belly, chest, chin, and some even hit the headboard. I don't think I had ever cum so much. Mr Jackson's new presence in my life was really turning me on. And I was very much eager for this to develop. Covered in cum I checked my phone for the latest *Scruff* messages; - You had better be kidding me when you say you are masturbating. What did I say to you yesterday; You are not permitted to touch your dick. That meant for all time. You need to learn that your dick is no longer your sexual organ. Your primary and only sexual organ you possess is your cunt. And that is how you will refer to it from now on. Not your ass or asshole. It is 'your' cunt! - Oi, boy, answer me. - Okay, if you are not serious about being 'OWNED' then we'll leave this seedling right here and take it no further into the light. He sure knew how to draw me in ... - Sorry Sir. I'm here. I'm here. Sorry, yes, I did masturbate, and I did cum. It is all over my belly, chest, and chin still. I thought when you said I was not allowed to touch my dick, I thought you meant only before our meeting today. I saw he had read my message. But then 30 minutes had passed and he had said nothing even though he was still online. - Sir, I am really sorry. I did not realise you meant I was not allowed to touch my dick again. I now fully understand my cunt is now my only sexual organ I possess, and shall proceed as such. I am sorry Sir. *I waited for a few minutes, and then ... - I am pleased you now understand, boy. In two days time, at 11pm Sunday night you will for one final time masturbate, but you will not play with yourself until then. Once you have shot your load you will eat all the cum you have ejaculated over your body. You will film this, and as you are eating it you will look directly into camera and say; ''I am ready and willing to be a loyal, obedient, and subservient cum faGGot for you, Sir'' - You will say this each time you take a scoop of your final load into your mouth. - Yes Sir. I will obey your instructions. And I will now send you the video I made tonight for you. - Good boy.
  20. Spit, or if already pre-loaded with cum, then cum! Natural bodily fluids win hands down every time! 👅
  21. Are the filthiest, sleaziest, and nastiest BZ PiGs ready for several more chapters that are ready to put out? 🐷💦☣️☢️💦 Do you really want Stevie-boy to go down a much more corrupt darker path? 😈
  22. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/shoot-inside-32631482 FUCK ~ I so wish I was right there in that exact moment. I would have not hesitated to lube up my Dick (using my Dick only as to not waste any on my hands) with that wonderful load, then fuck it deep into the PiGs guts, in anticipation for my very own load, which I'd squirt with my Dick buried in balls deep. 🐷💦☣️💦
  23. Not adverse to a tight hole, not at all, however it has to be said, I do much prefer a sloppy cunt to fuck, and ffist too. Fucking a loose cunt after a decent ffisting session is such an erotic sweet experience. 👊 And as I just said on another post, fucking a loose-sloppy cunt pre loaded with cum, well, there is no sweeter sound than those delicious squelching sounds as I feel those other loads slopping around my Dick, fucking them deeper inside. 🐷💦💦
  24. No sweeter sound than a loose cunt heavily loaded with cum squelching as it gets pounded, cum being fucked in deeper and also some splattering outside during strokes, being prepared for another load to be pumped balls deep inside! 🐷
  25. A collection of interesting replies here. Going with the general consensus, I myself as a 100% Top have never been able to fathom why guys send me Dick pics. If they are Versatile I do not understand due to my various profiles being very clear and concise about what I am bringing to the table, and what I seek. If they are Bottom, okay, now you are just being daft, lol Seriously though, I just do not understand, and am pleased to learn it isn't just me. For those that have read my other comments on BZ over time, will know that for me personally being a Top goes way beyond anal intercourse; It is also about a state of mind, with a specific attitude, not just a physical manifestation ~ A Dom! I have ZERO interest in a guys Dick, absolutely none at all. There is one exception to the rule however with Dick pics; An image of a Dick that is caged / locked, a potential fit that can pique my interest.
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