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Everything posted by ScorpionFF

  1. [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59dc8c2e36a03

    One of my all time favourites!

    The contrast from boxers to a bare badly wasted ass, and seeing that badly wasted ass with lipodystrophy legs as the clearly visible perineal-pelvic muscles propel that death-seed into the cunT it is buried in is SUPER SUPER hoT! 🔥💦💦💦🔥

    1. tandersonxxx


      Good thing his cock is still big to breed neg bottoms holes good

  2. Did you notice BZ down lastnight? I thought the world had ended 👺 🔥

    1. RawUK


      Thought it was just me - couple of reboots and still nada. Have just switched on my laptop this morning and phew back to normal but yes was worried last night that I wouldn't be able to amongst others read your next instalment of Temporary overseas job! Keep up the good work S6AT6A6N and on another note I hope you're back on the road to being able to return to action soon.

    2. TTFN


      Yes I did, was reading your story and could not give reactions or change page.

  3. Firstly @NatureBoy many thanks for the high praise and your very kind words. Very much appreciated. So, thank you. Yes, indeed, writing does take a lot of time, and checking as you say. It is satisfying for me as the author to hear that you can visualize yourself there, watching ... You PiG! And yes, drugs strip away those silly inhibitions, to bring about what we deep down truly crave ~ And NEED! 😈💦☣️👊🐷☣️🍆😈
  4. Messages piling up in my inbox here on BZ, and elsewhere on the world wide web too. Not ignoring you. Nor you. Nor you for that matter. Hold on ... S6AT6A6N will be with you as soon as possible. 

    1. ScorpionFF


      @jackdaw ... I just had to delete those images you posted to my BZ wall ~ Too garish (bright) for my eyes. As you will have hopefully read, my profile clearly states I am out of action for the foreseeable future. 3 others from GB ~ Sounds like you have more than enough to keep you occupied. Good luck ☺️

    2. jackdaw


      Hi & thanks for the update. I knew you were ailing, but not to what extent it knocked you out of action. Since I posted, I (UNBELIEVEABLY) think I found a Boston guy that's into Pig Pozzing neg holes! Christ, I hope so!

      As for the pictures, sorry the were too bright. You have liked my previous picture postings. I hope this new one is OK.

      Stay well, Brother!



  5. Chapter 11; *Gono Stud starts the HIV conversion* As we rocked together he spoke in a quiet, controlled, and authoritative tone; - That's your cunt's virginity gone then PiG. - Oh Fuck Yeah. Oh Fuck Yeah. You feel so fucking GREAT inside me. Oh Fuck. I NEED your cum! GIVE it to me. - Now LISTEN to me VERY carefully PiG-boi. You are now being fucked by somebody who has AIDS with an extremely high Viral-Load of 6.6 Million copies of the HIV virus. I am HIGHLY infectious. Gonnorhoea which you have seen I have, and many of my friends who are here tonight do too, dramatically increases the risk of HIV transmission to that of a pretty much guaranteed certainty. PLUS, your NEG cunt is already bleeding, and it is only the beginning of the night. The open wounds already inside your beautiful soft velvet boi-cunt that feels so fucking GREAT wrapped tightly around my AIDS Dick will give instant access to your system. If I came inside you now with my nasTy diseased cum, you'd be infecTed immediately for sure with my HIV and Hep C viruses. Is that what you really want you nasty sluT? As he finished speaking he growled into my ear. Was he saying all of this as a last moment warning; That we could stop fucking now if I wanted to? Not at all. He was merely enjoying getting off on his power over me. His diseased Dick was impaled inside of me as deep as it could be, and I now badly wanted his death-seed to infecT me. He knew that! He would NOT be pulling out until he was finished with flooding my NEG guts. His nasty power tripping talk had turned me on so much that it actually took my breath away to the poinT of being forced to take in short breaths and pant shallow grunts out to get any air, so I couldn't even speak a reply. [ Is that what you really want you nasty sluT? ] My fasT evolving inner greedy PiG answered for me, with my cunt muscles involuntarily massaging his HIGHLY charged Death-Dick as I lay into his shoulder, eyes shut, mouth open, groaning, with my Meth/GHB sweat continuing to make my body wet and slippery. - I see. Your cunT had told me all I need to know. You fucking PiG. SPEAK to me you sluT. - Yes Sir. I was so extremely intoxicated on my drug high, being impaled on precum/gono leaking diseased Death-dick, and having my gaunt yellow eyed wasted stud repeatedly grunt as he perversely groped my slippery sweaty torso, hands grabbing and sliding, that a 'Yes Sir' or 'No Sir' was all I could muster at this precise moment. This PiG was deep in his clutches! - Are you ready right now to accept HIV into your system. Once it is there, it's there for life! - Yes Sir. - Fuck YEAH. Good boy ... And you want to go home after this parTy HIV Neg? - No Sir. - Oh FUCK YES! You are such a fucking sluT. You are going to get infecTed right now!! Remain kneeling, and push your arms out in front of you facing down on the stage as far as they will go. With my arms now stretched out in front of me the top of my head was forced into the position of resting in a pool of piss on the stage floor as my Gono-AIDS stud took a firm grip of my hips, and began to assault my cunt with a rough fast fuck. It didn't take long as after a few short minutes I could hear his breathing becoming erratic and feel his grip on my hips become tighter. He took one final hard stroke, a short grunt, tensed up, and fell still and silent. I could actually feel his diseased Dick inside me pulsating. - Fuck YEAH, look at Todd's AIDS anus twitch each time he squirts his deadly-dirTy cum inside that nasty PiG. - Fucking HOT mate! He'll be getting my unmedicated load tonight too, don't you worry. For the first several seconds of his ejaculation, Todd, aka; Gono-stud, was silent, as though he was trying to hold in a noise he didn't want to make, and then out it came. He grunted and growled like a wild beast. Maybe the drugs were playing tricks on my ears, but it didn't sound very human like. Once he was completely spent he told me to come back into the upright kneeling position how I was earlier when we were rocking in unison, to which we now returned, but this time my bleeding cunt was full of t☢️xic and fast replicating virus! 😈 My FIRST ever Fuck, and it was extremely high risk; Firstly, cuts were made earlier around my anus. Then my cunt flesh was brushed with a toothbrush twice until it bled. Several guys dug their sharp jagged fingernails into my cunt flesh. And then Barebacked by an AIDS stud with an Active Gono infection, and a HIV viral load of 6.6 Million copies. Still impaled deep inside of me Todd spoke again in his quiet, controlled, and authoritative tone; - You're a nasTy Whore! Leaning back into his shoulder, groaning, feeling extremely turned on, yet feeling confused I uttered; - I love how your toxic cum burns my cunT, S6AT6A6N. He looked up at the 'Silent Stranger', and chuckled. as though the pair of them knew something that no one else in the room did. - Oh Stevie-boy, what is your altered state making you pick up on hey. I think it is high time you cleaned me up. He finally withdrew his PA pierced Dick which was heavily coated with my NEG cunt blood, and came to join me on the stage. But before he even reached me, there was someone else already fucking me. - Look what you have done to my Dick. It's drenched in your bloody-cunt juice. Lick it up faGGot. I tried my best to lick him clean, but it proved to be difficult as the new guy fucking me was aggressive with my cunT which kept jolting me forwards. After he shot his load I took the opportunity to try and clean up my bloodied mess, and managed to successfully lick my Gono-Stud's Dick for about 10 seconds when once again I was being jolted forwards. Guy number two was also showing no mercy. - Nevermind PiG. Leave that for now. Open your mouth as wide as you can, and look up at me. As I looked up, I was hit in the face by Todd's hot steaming piss. He was aiming for my mouth, and was a pretty good aim, as most of it went into my mouth, and I done my very best to drink as much of it as I could. That is another thing I had never done until tonight; Drink piss! After a few gulps I felt the second guy who had just cum slap my ass cheek, and in went guy number three, who without lube nor pause began to aggressively pound away at my cunT that was on it's way to becoming very sloppy by the end of the night. Three loads of HIV cum buried deep inside ~ Already a VERY good start! 🐷
  6. Chapter 10; *The Silent Stranger* - What's p☣️z-cum mean? *Goodness, now naive was I* - Cum loaded with the HIV virus PiG. And mine has PLENTY. Viral-load 6.6 million copies as of 6 days ago. As said, the thought of this situation had always scared me to the poinT of always overly protecting myself. And the horny t☢️xic potenT Men involved I would ALWAYS AVOID! My brain processed his question and his answer to my question, then, something very strange happened ~ A switch inside me had just flicked. There was a new Steven in charge. I arched my firm, round, NEG and very well PrEP'ed ASS out to this wonderful extremely toxic stud; - I am ready Sir. - Ready for what? - Ready for your poz-cum, Sir. - You have to be more explicit than that if you want what is good for you, Fag-boi. And if you are as ready as you say you are, you will BEG! He knew how to play this new PiG in town, teasing me, working me up into a slutty-pig-frenzy, to a point where I would be completely begging for it. No one else was touching me at this poinT. Just enjoying watching on as they stroked their slabs of t☢️xic meaT. I now was really NEEDING, and desperately, to get my Virgin NEG-Ass fucked; - PLEASE Fuck me Sir with your BARE Dick, and fill me up with your p☣️z-cum. Load my cunt up with your nasTy diseased viral filth. I NEED a damn good hard fucking pounding! All the while during our dialogue he wasn't looking at me, his head was bowed down as he rubbed over and over my cunT-hole with his Gonnorhea pus laden Dick Glans / PA. I was so turned on in my deep pig-pit, that I uttered a phrase I never thought I would, which was followed with jeering encouragement from other parTy goers; - InfecT me with your HIV ~ Give it to ME .... Sir! - Yeah go on, stick it to the PiG. He has ASKED for it. - Fuck yeah, it's time this FaG got fucked up real GOOD ~ FUCK him!! - Yeah go on Todd, give that nasTy PiG EVERYTHING that you have got buddy. All these jeers filled me with excitement, and even more depraved sick lust. Everyone in this room seemed to want the same thing, including me. It was completely twisTed, and totally fucked up. As I continued to sweaT and breathe heavily, groan very loudly, and get completely lost in the moment, I suddenly felt this dark energy come close to me. It was then that missing Dick number 100 made it's presence known. The individual got onto the stage, stood with their back against the wall so we could see who it was. Well, almost. The new arrival had a very broad and muscular physique, with beautiful Arabian looking skin. I looked downwards and was stunned by the sheer size of his Dick. I have never seen anything like it, in real life or on porn. I would later on here in my stay in Boston come to learn that it measured in at a whopping 13" in length, and 9" in girth. It was literally just Ginormous!! His upper body shape, skin colour, and ridiculous Dick size seemed to fit in with the description of my daytime boss 'Ayan'. But was it him? I am certain it was, but I could not tell because two features I'd usually check out were covered. I couldn't see his face as he was wearing a rubber hood. There were several very small perforated holes where each eye was, so he could see out, yet at the same time still keep his identity a mystery. I couldn't see his hands as they were covered with tight fitting rubber gloves that went up to just past the elbow. These gloves had deep red shiny metal studs all over that looked exactly like sharp Rose-Thorns. He was also wearing Leather chaps, and German army boots. His heavily worked out chest sported a big, bright brown and green with red specks Scorpion tattoos, one on each pec. His nipples were under large suction cups. He stood eerily still. No movement. No sound. I would for now know him as the 'Silent Stranger'. My Gono stud continued his mission. He reached for the toothbrush he had inside his sock and slid it back inside my 'aching for t☢️xic-Dick NEG-cunt', and it got another firm brushing. I could feel it doing it's job, and like those digging in with their jagged nails I pushed back, and down. He took the brush out; - Oh fuck yeah, what a beautiful load of NEG cunt blood we have here Stevie-boy. Here, look at this. He pushed his arm forward towards my eye view. FUCK ... Much more blood now compared to when ''Boss'' gave me a brushing earlier. Did it scare me? No. If anything it turned me on even more. Knowing that all these twisted horny t☢️xic fuckers were getting to permanently infecT this piece of uncontaminated fresh meat, as they USED and abused me in the process to meet all of their exact sick and depraved needs. The toothbrush went back inside his sock, and he positioned his SUPER-toxic Dick at my cunt entrance. A small push, and IN went the PA and Glans part to his Dick. My entire body shuddered in a combination of euphoria, lust, and my sixth sense knowing that after this moment, my life would completely change! - FUCK, YES Sir, Fuck me, PLEASE FUCK me. He wasn't going to argue, and in one very hard stroke (without the use of any lube, not even any spit) he impaled his HIGHLY-contagious Dick balls deep, slamming DEEP inside my guts. I grunted as I jolted forward with every single nerve in my entire body repetitively firing off tiny little electric shocks. He slowly withdrew all the way right to the poinT where only half the Glans part of his Dick was inside me, then, he SLAMMED inside me again. He repeated this several times, then told me to go from the all fours position I was in, to kneeling straight up. His body was now close to mine, and his lips were right by my ear. We fucked in perfect unison as my hips rocked very slowly up and down and his hips rocked very slowly in and out. Very small rocking movements, so his Dick was basically fully impaled the entire time, yet still managing to be fucking.
  7. Chapter 9: *My taste for Gono pus* The skinny guy got up onto the stage, maneuvered himself so he was stood in front of me. He was wearing a long sleeved unbutton chequered shirt with knee length cammo shorts. I looked up at his face, now able to get a proper closer look. I could see from behind his Leather executioner hood that the whites of his eyes were yellow, and that his face was gaunt and tired looking! He looked right into my eyes, and kept his focus fixed. My focus on his eyes would soon be distracted as he undressed. First off came his shirt to reveal a jaundiced, KS lesion splattered, crix bellied torso. I had for a few days been fantasizing for my boss 'Ayan' to take my anal virginity, but, maybe this real deal stud was what I really needed. He had clearly spent years working on his nipples as they were obscenely HUGE. I had a strong desire to get up and chew on them, but, I couldn't, as it would have been rude to the current guy eating out my wet and twitching NEG-Virgin-Ass. There wasn't a single guy who ate me out who was hogging me making others wait. In fact, each guy would only spend a few minutes spanking my firm Ass cheeks, rimming and fingering me before letting the next t☢️xic fucker have a go. No one seemed to be fucking me yet, just rimming and fingering. Some guys really did know how to use their fingers, carefully locating my prostate and rubbing it with great expertise, making me pant and moan like a nasty little p☣️z-Dick loving cum-sluT that I was about to evolve into. Some guys also had sharp jagged finger nails, and they would purposefully dig in as hard as they could, and pull. Despite my Meth/GHB high I could feel these scratches, and I just rocked my pelvis into them even deeper! Lots of little open wounds being created to allow instant easy access for HIV & HEP C to sneak past and enter into my bloodstream. 😈 And with 23 Gono fuckers in the house tonight (with Gono greatly increasing the risk of transmitting HIV), there was no way I was going to walk out this building NEG. And the crowd knew it! ☢️ As I got rimmed and fingered I was also being kept nice and warm intermittently by one or more guys to the side(s) of me pissing all over my back, which would run down my back and down my arms and legs. My hands that were on the stage floor supporting my weight were very soon slopping about in warm salty piss. The crix bellied stud unbuckled his belt and lowered his shorts to reveal a white jockstrap that was no longer white. It was heavily stained, and very wet with piss, and pus. He pulled my face into his crotch so my nose and lips went from being clean to being covered with his t☣️xic nasTy filth. He raised his arms above his head crossing his wrists, exposing his wasted body, like only a true alpha could. I again looked up at his yellow eyes gaunt face, and without any prompting I licked his urine pus stained jock over and over. He threw his head back grunting and groaning; - Oh Fuck Yeah. You don't training. You are a natural slutty-PiG. Fuck Yeeeaaaah. I couldn't wait to see what was underneath his jock, so, I took my right hand off the stage floor, reached up, and bit by bit pulled his jock down. And right there, before my eyes, literally, was his thick girth'ed HIGHLY-charged Fuck-weapon, with a 6mm PA glistening in Gono pus! Again I looked up at him, and he was staring at me, seeing what mischief I was getting upto. Once again I kept my eyes focused on his, and poked my tongue out licking around and lapping up the partly solidified pus from his PA, Glans, and the tip of his slightly discharging urethral tip. He smirked down at me; - Aaaaaahhhh, I see what it is you want. Well there is plenty more of that from where that comes from. Stick that tongue out as far as it will go, and keep it like that. Fuck, there was no way I was going to not do that. Not for what I had a hunger for. With one hand he held the back of my head, and his other hand massaged his perineum area towards his balls, milking out more thick pus for the hungry PiG that was kneeling before him. After a few minutes he began to wince in pain as the first lot oozed down his urethra inside his Dick. Once it began to ooze out from his inflammed urethra his face contorted as he roared in pain. I saw the initial discharge collect up and begin to slowly dribble down the ring. He continued to massage, and after a short while he began to wince again, so I knew more was coming. Meanwhile, behind me a guy had uncut jagged fingernails had a few fingers inside me, and was digging them in, and pulling, becoming more aggressive each time he dug in. My crix bellied Gono stud again began to roar, and this time he screamed the place down, as a massive amount of discharge now flowed out and over the ring, and dropped onto my tongue. I brought my tongue into my mouth, and swallowed his t☢️xic filth, then immediately leaned in to lick his Glans and PA of any remaining pus, and as I did, the current guy fingering me gave one last deep dig into my NEG boi-cunt; - Fucking bleed you nasTy PiG. We're gonna fucking knock you up tonight, don't you worry about that! I rocked my hips and pushed down so his nails would go in deeper, and wriggled from side to side. Two more guys, on either side of me began to piss over my back that was now heavily sweating as was the rest of my body from my GHB/Meth intoxication, and my ever growing wild lust to be completely USED and abused! Having given me a generous dose of Gono pus to enjoy, and fuck, it was lovely, my yellow eyed, gaunt faced, wasted stud turned around, and there it was, his badly AIDS wasted Ass. His ass cheeks were gone, showing off his exposed cunt hole. My instincts knew what this meant, and he was the kinda guy I ALWAYS avoided at ALL costs. I would not even have spoken to him through my fear. However, I was super high so any of my many inhibitions I usually had, had for now vanished. And I seemed to have very fasT become a PiG. Well, very willing to learn, at least - Lick my AIDS cunt-hole, boy. I licked over his hole, and he moaned loudly in deep pleasure. That was only the first lick! After a good while of licking over and over, and darting my tongue in and out with his grunts and groans becoming more intense, he kept on straining, and then, I saw something that I had never seen in real life, only by accident in porn, and I hadn't liked it, was the beginnings of his prolapse. There might have been a time that turned me off, but now ... I WANT!! 🐷🌹 I licked, nibbled, and chewed on it, which only served for him to push out a little bit more. As I was really getting into it he abruptly stood up straight and turned around. - NO, this is not about me PiG. This is your 'Special' night. He took the toothbrush that was tucked in his sock that ''Boss-Aiden'' had used on me earlier whilst he removed his shorts and jockstrap, then returned it to his sock for whenever he felt like he wanted to use it. 😈 He took his heavily soiled jockstrap, and placed the two elastic straps over my head and around my neck, so the soiled jock piece was under my chin; A constant stream of his foul stench. The PiG in me LOVED it! He got off the stage, and ushered the current guy who was rimming me to move along. Again he was between my legs, and this time, there was no fooling about. - You ready for my p☣️z cum faGGot?
  8. Chapter 8: *My conversion orgy commences* As I went to follow my nighttime Boss in response to his ''C'mon Stevie-boy'' out of his apartment he stopped in his tracks. - Wait! Hang on, Nezzie said you had your last very small dose at 8.05pm. Yeah, I think it is safe to give you some more. He went to his kitchen, coming back with two colas. One laced with more GHB, and a chaser. I necked those quickly - YES, now we're in business. We promptly left for the walk down the staircase towards the back of the building which only he had access too. Well, I would now be arriving on stage wet, with a Meth/GHB sweat! 🐷 We entered into the main part of the building where I was hit with the sound of pumping techno music. My body immediately moved with the beat as I followed behind, making our way to the side of the stage. And here we were; - Okay Stevie-boy .... Show time!! You go and do what you love doing, that Dancing that you are so great at. And you work that sweet ASS Pig-boy. As he was finishing his sentence he slapped my neoprene covered Ass, ushering me towards where I had to be. I danced from the sidelines and onto the centre of the small stage, and immediately began entertaining my audience. Amidst my 'intense in my own world Meth/GHB high', and dancing, I wasn't making any eye contact, but I sensed out the layout of what was in front of me, aside from 100 HORNY, and potentially dangerous Dicks! The room was basically a very large bar, with many tables and chairs in the centre, and a bar either side. Some guys were drinking spirits, but this crowd were mainly swilling back Beer. I was feeling so many things; High. Horny. Exhilarated. Euphoric. Sexy. And completely invincible. I was about to experience the best night of my life, and there was now nothing that was going to get in the way of that! I took my first of many dance turns where I would have my back to my audience, and the crowd all cheered in a pack mentality crowd. Of course, I did not know that I had 'NEG PIG' and 'POZ ME' with an arrow pointing downwards on my back. 😈 I'd now been dancing for a good 15 minutes and was now absolutely drenched in -Dance-GHB-Meth- sweat. My soft skin glistened which must have been giving off the scent to mate, as I began to glimpse 99 single hands stroking through their denims and shorts 99 stiffening Dicks. (One Dick missing, but that will come later). I did not know this at the time, but each and EVERY single one of those Dicks were filling up with HIV infected blood, helping that Dick get hard as it's depraved owner became aroused ~ 99 Power-Pistons to inject p☣️z cum deep into my NEG-Virgin Ass. My Boss who had gone upto his apartment upstairs had upto date stats on all his customers via questionnaires. He knew that of the 100 that were HIV+, ONLY 6 were medicated! One party goer was known to even have the CRF19 strain! 13 had various geno-types of Hep C. 17 had Syphilis. And 23 had active Gono infections in their Dicks! ☢️☢️☢️☢️ I had been dancing for another 15 minutes or so when I unbeknownst to me I were to be taking my final turn and back to the audience dance move, grinding my hips and wiggling my butt cheeks. I would not be dancing my fully intended full hour! I hadn't realised, but 98 of the 99 Men who had been dressed in their normal daytime/evening attire were all now completely naked, only leaving their footwear/socks on. I turned around placing my hands on the ceiling facing my horned up audience who were all but two members stroking their BARE pieces of toxic Fuck-Meat as I continued my sultry routine. Did I know what I was teasing and dealing with? Charged-up infectious DANGER that could strike at any time! Although I could not yet fully comprehend, I could sense and smell this danger in the main room to what basically was part of a sex club, and I was loving the feeling it gave me. I found in intoxicating and immensely erotic. The one guy who had remained clothed was wearing a Leather executioner hood. I could tell he was very skinny as his clothes seemed to just hang off of him, like a skeleton. 💀 And now, my dance came to a premature end, as this skinny guy and one of the many naked guys casually walked up to me. The clothed guy pushed my left hip so I naturally in response turned around. He pushed firmly on my round ass cheeks which made me bend over. He then unzipped the zip on my neoprene shorts, and shoved his face between my sweet Ass-cheeks, probing my clean shaven (open wounds included) NEG-Virgin cunt-hole with his eager tongue. I gasped in sheer piggy delight. Fuck, it felt so good. Not only had I never been fucked, I had never been fingered (apart from my own finger in the shower lastnight), nor had I been ever rimmed. My ass had always been off limits, and I was now finding out that it had been left unattended for far too long. The naked guy that had also walked up got up on the small stage with me, and shoved his Dick in my mouth. Having my 'increasing in its appetite for Dick' cunt-hole eaten out, and sucking Dick at the same time was hardly a current representation of the Dom Top I had always been. However, when I first met my daytime boss Ayan a few days ago, he awoke something that had laid dormant inside of me for all these years. All of a sudden a strong urge that I could not resist overcame me, an insatiable hungry NEED to be used like a piece of nasTy Fuck-Meat, and I sure had the right crowd for it! A large crowd that could share me ~ And generally do what they want with me! 🐷👅 The dressed skinny guy came up from eating out my cunt, pulled my neoprene shorts down to my ankles, and made me place my hands on the wall to the back of the small stage, encouraging me to really arch my ass out. As I began to snog the guy I had been sucking off my skinny stud wasted no time in diving right back in, enjoying my hungry-boi-cunt-hole as a sweet snack before it became a main course ~ For EVERYONE! ☢️😈 It was not long before I felt two more pairs of hands grope my back, legs and ass-cheeks, who very quickly had me back to being bent right over as they swapped places of the guys who had just been using me a moment ago. Their turn to eat my hungry-boi-cunt-hole out, and get serviced by my warm wet mouth. And then, ANOTHER pair of hands moved in, slapping my ass cheeks which groped me all over from behind. It was beginning to get 'BUSY' around me, and I was only moments away from being completely surrounded. My fully dressed skinny stud in his Leather executioner hood continued taking the lead of the crowd told me I now had to go from my current bent over position, to kneeling on the low height stage with my knees at such a position so that my feet dangled over the edge. It was at that moment my NEG cunt-hole became extremely vulnerable as the entire crowd like a tidal wave abruptly moved in, swarming around me. I was now at the complete mercy to my super t☣️xic charged-up environment. If my boyfriend Lew could see me now. 🤫
  9. Great to see my latest offering proving to be very popular. Thank you for all your support! https://assets.s3xstatic.com/bz/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png Their should be with luck a few more chapters coming this evening 👅 And thanks to all those who 'upvote' and/or 'like' each chapter that they appreciate / enjoy ~ Spurs me on to keep M☢️re CUMMING! See you later you mucky BZ PiGs! 🐷🍆💦
  10. Essential PrEP with a toothbrush. Love how the bristles of the brush change colour as the video progresses! 😈


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. neg4pozBB


      Wanting to convert before the end of the year. This will have to help. Just ordered some firm bristle toothbrushes. I am feeling much better about my odds for success. Thanks for the post @S6AT6A6N

  11. - Look, it's 10.25pm, time to make our way to the stage entrance. My customers do not like to be kept waiting. C'mon Stevie-boy. Are you ready for Chapter 8 you filThy PiGs? 🐷 😈 Showtime ~ The c☣️nversion gang-bang ☣️rgy will be with you shortly! ☢️
  12. Chapter 7: *Showtime PrEP continues* First out came the hair clippers. He switched them on and removed all my Ass hair down to stubble, during which time I continued to fly into the next universe. Continuing to be an actual PiG in heat, frequently grunting in euphoric pleasure. - You keep yourself nice and clean down there Stevie. Good a boy should look after himself. And I fully intend to make sure you are very well looked after tonight. - Uh huh. Out came a standard beard razor. He spat a few times on his fingers and smeared his spit around and onto my now VERY eager cunt-hole. I screamed in ecstasy as my entire body physically shuddered, as did my inner being. The Boss chuckled to himself. He knew exactly how this night was going to pan out. He carefully shaved my boi-cunt until it was now properly smooth. I was 'almost' ready for the crowd I would be dancing for tonight. He leaned in and slowly began to very slowly lick me. Sweet mother of fucking Jesus. Those first few licks sent me into the next universe where I was pinging at an intense speed from star to star, for what felt like eternity. I was SCREAMING the fucking place down. If I was single, and met this man in a bar, I would not have given him a second thought, nor chance. So not my type. Yet, here I was! He came back up, and told me pull my own butt cheeks apart and keep holding them until he said otherwise. I again did as I was told, and looked down at his face as he continued to get me ready, just perfectly so. He placed the razor very close to my anus, when an aggressive expression took hold of his face, and he dug the razor in, purposefully cutting me. He repeated this process on the other side of my anus. Two cuts enough to cause some mild bleeding. - That feels a bit sore Boss. What happened down there. - Oh, just some stubborn hairs that wouldn't shift Stevie-boy. Don't worry. You are beautifully smooth down there now. That wasn't the real reason. He was making sure I was going onto stage thoroughly PrEP'ed. 😈 He took out a toothbrush from his bag, and started to brush it very softly over my now completely hairless NEG-Virgin Ass. OH FUCK ... That was feeling too GOOD! Once again I was in that next universe pinging from star to star as I continued my piggy 🐷 grunts of intense euphoria. He only done that for about 1 minute as he still had quite a bit to do to get me ready. - C'mon Stevie, get up, time to get you showered. Follow me. I got up, and as I walked behind him I felt like I was literally floating on air. I could not wait to DANCE! He turned on the shower and in I hopped. As the water hit my skin I was pinging from star to star again. It felt incredibly amazing. Water hitting my skin had never felt like this before. My nighttime Boss put a bucket in the shower, and grabbed hold of the douche. It was time to make sure there was absolutely no barrier between dirTy t☢️xic filThy DNA, and my unprotected cunt flesh. - Right Stevie, I am going to squirt some water up your ass now, and when I do, I want you to hold it for a few seconds, then sit on the bucket, and let it go. Okay!? - Yes Boss. We repeated this action a few times until my soft velvety NEG-Virgin insides were clean as a whistle, and ready to be contaminated with what was best for me, if I knew what was right for me. He poured the bucket contents down the toilet, gave my boi-cunt hole a quick wash and rinse, and threw me a towel. - Dry yourself up Steve-boy, and come to the living room where I and your custom made outfit will be waiting for you. - Yes Boss. As I was left alone, and dried myself, I actually now discovered that all my senses were super heightened. I felt fucking invincible and was ready to Dance ALL night. As the towel brushed over my nipples I noticed that they were rock hard, and poking right out, as though it was freezing cold or something. But I was nice and warm. My entire body was clearly ON-HEAT! I went into Aiden's living room, where I was thrown my custom made shorts especially for this event. They were exactly like the ones he had me try on a few nights ago; Still neoprene, still had the backside that unzipped for easy access. However, these were a different colour; completely black, and across the front part of the waist-band spelled out 'Stevie-boy' in a bright Orange. I felt excited. A thoughtful gifT! I tried them on, and they fit perfectly. They framed my pert round peachy ASS wonderfully! 🍑 - Thank you Boss. I Love them. - You are welcome Stevie. A little memento for you to keep for always, as a small reminder of your first night dancing here, where you potentially might become a regular feature during your stay. Now stand up, I need to put these on you. I stood up, and he attached to my brand new standing to attention nipples a set of stainless steel nipple clamps. He stood back to admire me. - Oh yes. My customers are going to have a very enjoyable evening. OK, two more things to do, and you'll be ready for showtime. He got a RED permanent marker pen and wrote on my back. Starting between my shoulder blades he wrote; NEG PIG. Then in the centre of my back he wrote; POZ ME! Underneath he drew an arrow to my coccyx. A very simple message for the private party goers downstairs, who were by now drinking Beer as they waited for the young NEG Englishman to come down so they could do what PIGGY acts they wanted to with him. 🍆💦👊💦 - Okay. One final touch. Lie on your back on the couch Stevie, legs in the air, and SPREAD them! He knelt before me again, unzipped my brand new custom made shorts, picked up the toothbrush that he was softly brushing over my anus earlier, and slid it inside my ass. He spent a good 5 minutes giving my soft velvety insides a good firm brushing. When he was done he zipped me up, got me to stand up, and MADE me look at the toothbrush. It was bloodied. - Why did you do that Boss? - Just want to make sure you are super ready for your Dance performance. God, how damn naive was I. It had nothing to do with my Dancing! I wasn't even here to dance, was I. That was all just one big ruse. He popped the handle of the bloodied toothbrush between my skin and waist-band to my neoprene dance shorts. Well, really they were quite simply neoprene FUCK-shorts. I clearly had a lot to learn!
  13. Chapter 6: *Preparing for Showtime* I crawled over to him, very slowly as I was now feeling super sexy and extremely horny. I was now flying! I wanted that crawl to last as long as I could make it last. Once I arrived to my destination I grabbed hold of his Dick and eagerly licked up the remnants of his creamy salty spunk. As I did, my boyfriend Lew was trying to call me. I knew it was him as I recognised the video-call tone, and he was the only one I video-chatted with. My reaction was to simply look up at Nesto's cocky satisfied smile as I enjoyed my cleaning work. - Right. We have to leave in 10 buddy. Bring anything you need, and lets go. I scurried around in my high state getting what I needed. The obvious things; Phone. Wallet. Keys. Oh, and toothbrush in case for whatever reason I didn't get home before bed time. I like to have clean teeth. A few minutes to 9 and off we set to my first GoGo Boi gig here in Boston. We arrived a few minutes early, and rotund club owner Aiden buzzed us both in. - Good to see you here on time Stevie. You are looking pretty sweaty. Did you run? *He asked jokingly* - No, well, Nesto here gave me a hiT of GHB. - Aaaaahhhh, did he now. I cannot have you go on stage covered in sweaT. We'll need to get you showered. - I knew I could rely on you Nezzie. What time did he receive the dose I instructed you to give him? Did you bring my stuff. - 8.05pm! Yeah, here you go bro. Listen, I gotta run, shit to do. - See you at the After Party later Nezzie-boy. So they DID know each other. How naive was I to this entire situation. And now, it was all set up perfectly, in time for some last moment preparations for the piece of nasTy Fuck-Meat in waiting. Aiden was a real jolly chap, nicknaming everyone he came across with a cute shortened version. Stevie. Nezzie. - Okay. Now we need to prepare you for your stage outfit, so, I am going to need you to strip naked, and sit on the couch here. - Yes Boss. - Good boy. You remember your place. I stripped naked, and my reserved nature from a few days ago had completely dissipated. I sat on the couch as told to, and waited to see what my new nighttime Boss would do next. He examined his array of packages he had just received, and pulled out a syringe. He reached for a tourniquet that was lying on his coffee table and he wrapped it around my upper arm, with a cushion underneath to support that arm, telling me to squeeze my hand. He tapped a vein and directed the needle. - What are you giving me? I don't like needles! I might have been high, but my phobia of needles was still there. - Awwwwwwwweeee. Don't worry Stevie. Just a tiny scratch and it will be all over in a second. You can close your eyes if you think it will help you. I did just that. I didn't want to look. He was right, just a quick tiny scratch sensation, and it was over. In went the mystery drug. I took a short sharp gasp, my eyes opened quickly and wide, my heart raced, I was breathing heavily, I was sweating heavily, and fuck, I felt on top of this world, like I was flying into the next universe. Aiden watched on as I writhed about on his couch rubbing myself all over in a piggy frenzy. Still an anal virgin I suddenly felt an intense urge to get fucked. How could this be. I am a Top! Maybe by the end of the night that would read as; 'I was a Top'. I wriggled myself to the edge of the couch, and lay back flinging my legs in the air, keeping them in the air as I held onto behind my thighs for support. - And that is the joys of meTh Stevie. It brings out the real you. And you happen to have one very hairy cunt-hole. We need to get that sorted out before you go on stage. - But I thought you had designated an outfit for me!? - You do have an outfit. But, I like my Dancers to go out looking and feeling their very best. Know what I mean Stevie-boy!? - Uh huh. Where are the other Dancers? - Oh, last minute change to schedule. It's just you tonight. But don't worry, you still only have to do just the hour, and I'll still pay you $200 as promised. I'll be right back. Stay in that position. I know I had been very firm with my nighttime Boss telling him that the audience were not to touch me, but fucking hell, I was out of my head, and badly needed to get a damn good fucking. Now I WOULD allow my audience to do what they want with me. Maybe the Boss would find that unprofessional of me!? After-all, I am new. Maybe I might just after my show go over to the most handsome Man in the crowd, and get him to take me home where he could literally fuck my brains out. The Boss came back with a small bag, and knelt by my hairy-NEG-Virgin Ass.
  14. Chapter Five: ~ *I cheated on my Lew* Friday had arrived. What would this entire day bring? I set about my new daily routine; Get ready for work, go to work, come home. I was home for 7pm. Only 1 Hour before Nesto would be arriving with my assistance for the evening. I quickly had my shower, then hurriedly ate my take away that I grabbed on the way home (I only ate a little of it), alongside getting some convenience provisions from a mini-store. 7.55pm! Only 5 minutes to spare! I sat on my couch, feeling nervous. All these new things were happening, and I was completely out of my comfort zone. I sat there, heart racing, palms sweating, and generally fidgeting. *BUZZ* ~ Nesto had arrived. I let him in via the intercom. - Come on up. The door will be open, let yourself in. I sat down on my couch, and continued my nervous wait. I heard footsteps, and the closing of my door. He walked into my living room confidently, looked at me and gave me an arrogant and unnerving smirk, and strutted to my kitchen. Not a word was spoken. Fuck. A strange man in my home wandering about not saying anything, my GoGo Boi gig later; I was suddenly overcome with mixed emotions, and my nervousness was becoming worse. I wanted to cancel, but I didn't want to let down Aiden, and it would be nice to make some new friends via fellow dancers in my new temporary city of residence. Nesto walked into my living room with two glassed of cola; - Drink this. Down it in one. I necked it quickly. It tasted salty. He handed me the second glass. - Now drink this. Down in one again. This time is tasted just like regular cola. - Good boy. Have you ever taken GHB before? - No. No. Can't say I have. - The first drink had it in it. The second one was simply to chase it down with. He sat in the opposite corner of the room in the armchair, lit up a joinT, and began smoking. We chatted, and chatted, all the while he was rubbing his crotch. After about 15 minutes after my hiT of GHB I started to fly. Oh wowzers! 🤪 I instinctively stood up quickly, and felt a bit dizzy ... - Kneel on the floor until it fully kicks in PiG-boy. I did as he said. I guess he must know best. He stood up himself, walked to where I was kneeling. There was a round wet patch in his on his light coloured tracksuit bottoms in the crotch area. He pulled them down to reveal a fully erect, heavily pre-cumming uncut Dick. - Now suck it. - But ... - But what? - I'm in a long term trusting monogamous relationship. I can't. Sorry. As I was coming up on the drugs, I was fighting hard to hold onto my usual morals, and was only just managing to remain faithful to my Lew back home. This rough looking Puerto Rican fucker commanded I kneel up straight, and clasp my hands behind my back. Then, I was ordered to open my mouth as wide as I could, and keep it like that. With his beautiful Dick bouncing around (which I had to resist) he bent down grabbing hold of my chin, looking me directly into my eyes. - You have to pay for what I just gave you somehow. I cannot go on giving everything away. Then how would I eat!? As he finished speaking he laughed arrogantly, spitting inside of my mouth a few times. He stood up, pushed the base of his throbbing erect Dick so it was pointing directly towards my mouth, then in it went, almost all the way, with my mouth still very much wide open. - Close your mouth, PiG. 🐷 It closed, with my lips 👄 wrapping around his warm throbbing shaft. It felt great, and now my GHB hiT was getting harder resulting in me now feeling completely relaxed, and, becoming sexually aroused, too. He held the back of my head with both hands, and began pumping his thick solid Dick. First slowly, gradually building up into a steady decent paced rhythm. I know he had been fucking my face for a while, as I was drooling all over the rug. He abruptly withdrew, and stood back, looking at me, laughing. - If you want more of that, you have to BEG! - Please let me suck on your Dick again. Please. - That did not sound like you really want it. - PLEEEEEASE. PLEEEEEASE. I beg you. I want to suck your Dick again. PLEEEEEEEEEASE. I want you to fuck my face just how you were a moment ago. - Oh no. No, the pace has changed PiG-boi. And he was being serious. He slammed back into my mouth, and there was no steady face-fuck, this was now a full on aggressive face fuck, pounding to the back of my throat. Each time after about 20 of his merciless power-thrusts I would be coughing and spluttering, spewing more of my saliva onto the rug. I'd only just moved in! He pounded away like this for several minutes until he was ready to shoot his dirTy load down my gullet. His final leg of power thrusts ended after about 10 short sharp thrusts. He held on tight to the back of my head, THEN ... *SQUIRT* 💦💦💦💦 I felt his Dick twitch inside my mouth, and the first squirt of his hot salty sperm hit the back of my throat. And that was the beginning of his ejaculation which went on for quite a while. After the first several rounds of his semen were shot directly down my throat I had to breath, and again found myself coughing and spluttering, so the remainder of his load got pumped into my mouth. He ordered me to keep my mouth shut, and to swallow ALL he was kindly giving me. Once unloaded and done he shuffled (tracksuit around his ankles) over to where he was sitting a moment ago, and sat down. - I think it is time that PiG-faGGot that has a belly full of my high quality Puerto Rican sperm came over and licked my Dick clean. NOW CRAWL!
  15. Part 45; - What is it you want from me Charlie? - I want you to Fuck me. I looked at my face in the mirror, with tears, yet, expressionless. My loose and battered piece of very well used meaty boy-cunt still had some more immediate work to be done, - You want what? - PLEASE Fuck me Doctor. PLEASE. Do with me what you must. I am a nasTy faGGot-PiG that needs to learn how to please my superiors, and satisfy their needs before my own. As I uttered those words he stuck 4 fingers from each of his hands into my mouth merely to use it as a support, USING my inner cheeks so he could now pick up his pace of fucking and pound into me with pure EVIL HATRED! - Not only do you need to learn to completely submit to your superiors, you also need to LEARN to do exactly what is asked of you. Last night I told you to not move from the spot in the Medical Chamber, and, you disobeyed me. And now you need to be punished. His fingers gripped on super tight, pulling my jaw down. His head tilted towards the ceiling where he now let out his demonic laughing, and proceeded to violently fuck me. I was sore all over, inside and out, exhausted, but indeed, I did need to become completely aware of my position in life, and give full respect. Doctor Spike after a few minutes took one final HARD thrust and stopped, keeping himself impaled. Then, those silver spikes flared out a little, just enough to dig into my cunt flesh. He completely let go of my so that now I was being held up in mid air by his Demon-Dick. He turned away from the free standing mirror, walked over (with me beautifully IMPALED) over to my fire place, with the painting of me from a few years ago, and made me look at it as he continued his violent fuck. I looked at how I used to look. My wonderful golden locks. Smiling. A good colour to my skin. I didn't recognise who it was, even though I knew it was me. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, I felt a surge of feeling super horny again and no longer was needing that rest I was whinging for a moment ago. My NEG Dick bounced to a full on erection, and I grabbed on my tits, pulling and twisting, pulling and twisting. Doctor Spike knew the sudden change of my direction and energy, and swiveled me around so I was still impaled on his Demon-Dick but now facing him. I was face to face with his dark soulless eyes, gaunt pale face, and his slicked back black hair. As I twisted on my tits harder and harder, my mouth remained open wide, contorting with a depraved fuck-piggy 🐷 lust, with Doctor Spike's serpent tongue slithering out, and down to the bottom of my throat and into my stomach, flicking around and probing. It was sending tapping signals to my prostate, which caused me to become aroused so much that I brought my lips to his, spread my thighs as wide as they would go, linked my ankles and pulled them tight into his back, and found myself communicating with him like a Demon. I spoke with my mind into his dark-soulless eyes, begging for him to flare out his spikes. Only a moment ago I had had enough, and now, I wanted MORE! He heard my silent begging. His serpent tongue retreated, and keeping me impaled on his Demon-Dick he threw me on my back onto my bed. Using his partially flared spikes, he again pulled my fucked up prolapse all the way out. He became completely silent and still, and his soulless demon eyes bored into my soul. Once again without talking I begged him to flare those spikes out as far as they could go. His lifeless expression slowly built up in a look of intense ANGER. Inside his demon body his anger grew on a parallel with my tit twisting, and it didn't take long for me to see his anger build to his look of pure EVIL akin to our Dark-Lord. 👺 I knew I would soon be getting what I had been asking and begging for. I knew the pain that would be inflicted, yet, I was now craving it. I had to feel that pain NOW. I exclaimed in a hungry and eager fuck-pig tone; - C'mon Doctor, GIVE me what I deserve. Fuck up this nasTy soon to be p☣️z faGGot. Simultaneously he snarled at his intense anger from his gaunt expressionless face as he once again flared those spikes through my meaty boy-cunt prolapse. Again I felt that intense pain rip right through me, as I twisted even harder on my now weeping tits. And when the pain reached it's peak I shot another huge NEG load without even touching myself. From that point on I did not remember anymore from that night. Apparently as soon as I shot that last load, I passed out. But, when I did pass out to sleep, it didn't stop, as I immediately fell into an abyss of nightmares; The same nightmare every night, which would last 13 days and nights (whenever I slept). In the nightmare I would find myself running from my Master's mansion in a dramatic thunderstorm with torrential rain, to the spot of where a permanent reverse pentagram was branded into the ground (just like it was on the top of my head). The reverse pentagram branded into the ground was surrounded by flames, and inside of it the ground was completely dry. I was wearing my metallic red jockstrap, with huge suction cups drawing out my nipples. Each time I had the nightmare, the D-E-V-I-L would keep on TRYING to claim my soul, but somehow, my boyfriend Richard kept on preventing this from happening. Having angered the D-E-V-I-L my boyfriend would see a curse fall upon his shoulders. Mixed within this nightmare were very quick flashes of me in an immortal form. Only to those that knew beyond this realm knew it was me. I had lost my small frame and was broad and muscular like Sir. My voice was different, as was my face. And I no longer possessed male genitalia. If you were of the human realm, and you looked very closely, and deep into my eyes, and really connected with me, then, you would know it was me. ************************ Boyfriend Richard was on his way. Would he regret his actions? 🐺
  16. Part 44; Doctor Spike started to laugh demonically, as Friedrich suddenly took hold of my neck, squeezing it tight, and began to power rut me. It really hurt, causing me to clamp down on his purple veined Werewolf shaft, yet my meTh high saw to it that I bloomed like a fragrant summer rose. Clamp-Bloom-Clamp-Bloom-Clamp-Bloom 🍆🌹 I suddenly heard an almighty crash, like huge steel gates opening, and that is when any order of me being USED was lost. It was now a free for all!! Within a split second I could not hear the Doctor, nor myself. My head was filled with noises of howling, snarling, growling, and crackling flames as the eight eager demons known to me, that I saw only moments ago race into the Medical Chamber, along with another 37 Demons of unknown origin. I was now surrounded by a total of 47 Demons. And as I said, there now was no order, and I was immediately yanked off from the Demon-Wolf dick that was buried deep inside of me, only to be aggressively penetrated by a thick slippery EEL Dick. I could not see, so had no idea if it was my Master, or one of his fellow Goat-Beast Friends. As I got fucked my body was being tugged, pushed, pulled, scratched, in the quest to be the one banging my human boy-cunt, with various demon fluids being sprayed over me; Sperm. Saliva, with lots of Demon sweat. Demon sperm was on multiple times EACH minute of the next 4 hours being blasted deep inside my accommodating juicy-meaty prolapse, and deep down my welcoming Oesophagus. I had in an instant been turned into a stinking cesspit of Demon-filTh. Defiled for their selfish pleasure, and to teach me where I lay in the packing order; At the BOTTOM! After a few hours of being aggressively fucked, in my cunt, and down my throat, with absolutely no mercy, no mercy at all, I felt I needed a break. I tried to motion to stop, but there was never enough time to express with a limb that I needed to stop for a bit, due to the constant tugging, pushing, and pulling. And, I could not communicate with my eyes, nor my mouth. It was now my sole duty to give all present what they WANTED! During the last few hours my body on several occasions would shut down, and I would apparently black out, go limp, as the defiling pleasure continued. I was about to blank out for the final time when; - CLOSING the Gates of HELL. The 4 hours were up. I was immediately let go, with each and every Demon currently present, leaving, with the exception of Doctor Spike, and Sir. The Gates slammed shut, and I lay on a heap on the floor. Scratched to pieces. Shaking. And absolutely drenched INSIDE and out with Demon-DNA. Doctor Spike addressed the Medical Chamber computer; - NATAS, unlock the Medical chamber. - Unlocking Medical chamber. The door clicked, and again, the door was ajar. - 'L', take this nasTy FaGGot-PiG to his room, and lay him on the floor in front of the full length free standing mirror. And stand guard. He is not to move. - Yes Doctor. My sight and speech were still impaired as the red rubber hood was still firmly in place, still zipped up. Sir carried my drained body to my room, and lay me down, and stood guard. I felt wired, yet, I had a major urge to have a big sleep. I was now exhausted. After a while, I heard footsteps, and in walked my medical captor. - L, take his hood off. - Yes Doctor. - Get up PiG, and face the mirror, hold onto it's frame either side, standing a few paces back so your body is bent at an angle. I was too feeble now to respond audibly. In fact, I could not get up. So Sir had to help me up. As I stood, I shook, and used all I had in me to hold onto either side of the mirror as instructed to. I looked at my reflection. I was drenched in Demon-Sperm, scratched to pieces, my face looked grey, and my long flowing golden curly hair was no more. I did not recognise myself. Who was this looking back at me? Doctor Spike now naked, and in his skinny, pale, sinister looking human form, grabbed hold of my hips, and plunged his Demon Dick DEEP inside. I whimpered; - Please, no. I need to rest. I had to learn, that, I would be allowed to rest when it was decided for me. With his jet black Dick once again deeply impaled, I felt those silver spikes slightly flare, and dig into me. I flinched. He took one step back, and then two, and then a third, and with each step commanded that I push out, push out my cunt. On his third step my human boy-cunt come prolapse was entirely flopped out. - You will rest when I decide it is time for you to rest. - Can I just take a few minutes. Please. He stood very still, and silent, and allowed those silver spikes of his to flare out that little bit more, then a little bit more again. I began to wince. - You WILL now BEG me to Fuck you. Now BEG. I hesitated. I knew I had to go with it, but, I was so damn tired. I guess I was now in full flow of my training to just accept ALL of my journey, even if I really did need to lay my head on a soft plump pillow. - Doctor, can we just please take a shor ... It was time I had to LEARN. Doctor Spike flared out those silver spikes to a long length, again piercing right through my Meaty-boy-Cunt. I let out an almighty loud scream, and tears began to stream down my face. I looked at my tired pale reflection, and felt myself resign, and submit. My feeble voice trembled; - PLEASE Fuck me. His silver spikes retracted and he slid back in, Demon balls deep, and began to fuck me, with a hateful aggression.
  17. PREQUEL to Part 44; He removed the cannula and bandaged up my hand. Friedrich began to rut at my gaping swollen cunt, snarling and growling with his stinking saliva dripping down my right pec. Doctor Spike bent down, and repetitively scooped up the Werewolf cum-overflow, and smeared it all over my body, eventually resting his hands either side of my distended belly. With his pale gaunt face, and dark brown-black eyes, he stared into my eyes, with an unnerving sinister, sadistic glare, and a depraved EVIL smirk; - I happen to know Charlie, that your boyfriend Richard is planning to break in to your Master's grounds, and TRY to save you. He has to know that there is no place on or in your body for human sperm anymore. And let him come. He is more than welcome to. The Dark-Lord has plans for the pathetic mere mortal. - PLEASE Doctor, I don't want my Richard to get caught up in any of this. His path is with his saviour. Doctor Spike took his hands off of my distended abdomen, and zipped up the mouth and eye pieces to my red rubber hood. I now could not see nor speak. - Is it? If that is his chosen path, he had better not try and execute his plan to come and save you. His destiny will then CHANGE!! ... NATAS ---> OPEN the Gates of HELL! And close them in precisely 4 hours from now. - OPENING the Gates of HELL! 👺🔥💀🐐🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🐺🐺👹
  18. Part 43; I started to feel alongside my meTh high a deep submission before this wonderful Beast, and as a result I instinctively leaned back placing my hands on the ground behind me as I knelt, looking up at him in awe. His white purple veined knotted Werewolf Dick 🐺🍆 would repeatedly twitch at the base, and each time it did he would ejaculate a massive thick demon load 💦💦 (TWICE the huge amount my Master would unleash), with it spraying all over my body, onto my face, into my open mouth, and onto the dry soil that surrounded me. This went on for about quarter of an hour, Friedrich howling at the Moon 🌕 and seemingly completely unaware of me, as he continued to frequently ejaculate, DRENCHING me in his Werewolf-Demon seed. His howling eventually stopped as he took his loyal gaze from the moon and looked at me, growling, and snarling as thick smelly saliva dripped and swung from his ragged jaw. He picked up my heavily Werewolf-Demon sperm soaked body, stood me upright, spun me around, and slammed his veiny knotted shaft deep into my guts, pulling me in tightly with my soft firm human flesh against his rippling hairy Werewolf body, gripping onto me tightly with one hand around my waist, and the other around my throat. The knot was so wide that it was very uncomfortable, but before I could say anything he started to power rut me. It was too much. 🐺👦 - PLEASE stop. It's too much. I need a break. Ple ... Why would a super horny rabid Demon-Werewolf listen to this submissive Fuck-PiG. I had no say anymore. If someone or something wanted to use me for their sexual appetite however they wanted, it was their absolute right. He ignored me and kept his firm grip on me, rutting in the moon lit night. Every few minutes he would ejaculate a big load DEEP inside of me without even pausing for a second. Naturally after a while I soon became like I was with my Master, that being my abdomen once again becoming heavily distended as my guts had no choice but to accept the dirTy Demon sperm that was filling them way beyond their usual capacity. Soon not only was the knotted Dick hurting me as it impaled me, sliding it's full length repeatedly in and out of my battered boy-cunT, but I was also now full of Demon filTh to the point of discomfort. I had to take what was being given to me. After a long while of animalistic Werewolf rutting I heard Doctor Spike stood by the doorway to my Master's run down mansion call out. But I could not understand him, as he now spoke in Demon language; - Friedrich, you will bring to me little Charlie, and follow me. And KEEP your Dick impaled tight into his sweet and soft human boy-cunt. Keeping himself impaled he flew the short distance to where Doctor Spike stood, whose body was again in Lizard form, but his head was in his scary, sinister, pale and gaunt human form. He walked into the house, and down into the basement, as we followed. And here I was, once again, at the entrance to the medical chamber. The code was punched into the pad; SA66TA6N, and the door clicked open. We all entered, with my Demon-Wolf still impaled inside of me, still fucking me, and STILL frequently blasting his dirTy-Demon seed inside of me. I really could not anatomically accept much more of his filTh. Doctor Spike once again addressed the central Medical Chamber computer; - NATAS, lock the Medical-Chamber door, and bring the gates of HELL.- Locking Medical-Chamber door. Bringing the gates of HELL. Just like earlier the Medical Chamber fell into pitch darkness. I was STILL being fucked, and I was now so FULL of Werewolf-Demon sperm that the internal pressure inside my guts was now forcing my Demon's knotted Dick to partly push out, with his excess cum splattering onto the floor, 💦💦💦💦💦💦 even though he remained inside of me. Having Demon-Wolf cum being continually pumped inside of me ensured I remained HEAVILY distended. - NATAS, do you have Charlie's results. - Checking results. Affirmative. Results are as follows; HIV; Negative. Hep C; Negative. Syphilis; Negative. I wonder how much longer I would be getting a full set of negative results!? THEN ... Just like earlier, the wall to the entrance of the Chamber burst into a long wall of flames, from corner to corner of that wall, lighting up the entire room., and once again came the sounds, of beasts growling, lost souls wailing, flames crackling, and demons snarling. Soon I saw Sir (aka; 'L'), my Master and his 5 Goat-Beast Friends, and Friedrich's fellow Werewolf-Demon friend, Igor. Eight Demons eager and ready to use my NEG cunt, and soft plump human flesh for their dark-desires of the D-E-V-I-L. 👺I could see their intense hunger, and wondered if they would be joining the two demons I was already in the presence of. Doctor Spike had on his person the red rubber hood that I was wearing earlier, and, he put it on me, keeping the mouth and eye pieces zips opened, so I could still see and talk. He went over to the blood storage area, took a syringe full each of Igor & Friedrich's highly toxic HIV, Hep C and Syphilis blood, and walked back, over to where I was being fucked. And in his Demon language he spoke; - Stop fucking him. I need him to be still. My cannula port was opened up, and I took two big immediate blood-slams of blood that was so highly charged with wonderful nasTy diseased filTh, it was now absolutely certain I would convert; Multiple infections! -- Multiple strains! Doctor Spike flushed the toxic blood-slams with a sweeT big hiT of tina. The instant rush saw a storm of salty sweat rain down over me as I began to heavily perspire. It also made me grind my hips vigorously and push down my prolapse over the knotted Werewolf Dick that had its firm grip deep inside my human boy-guts. - Charlie, STAY still. - Sorry Doctor. - It's time your cannula came out, because, things are about to get VERY rough.
  19. I wonder who the luckiest boy might be @pozpopperpig ... Charlie, OR, Stevie? 🐽🐽
  20. Pleased you are enjoying it @Petereater. Yes, he might just be in for that ride of his life. Maybe!? Let's see what Friday night brings, eh 😈
  21. @NatureBoy ~ Maybe high off of his sweet lil Ass, with it being stuffed, pounded, and creamed all night long, possibly!? 🐽💦💦
  22. Chapter Four: ~ The INVITE As soon as I had left Aiden's sordid apartment, he got to sending out the invite via the electronic mailing list for Friday night's event. With his Stevie as the main attraction! 😈 It read as follows; <><><><><><><><> New arrival of our latest Friday night club Dancer. Here from Europe for several months for work, so, plenty of time to see this new boy in town. However, this Friday night will be your opportunity to see him, USE him, and corrupt him with your t☢️xic filTh, as he really is untouched. You don't want to miss this once in a life time opportunity to see him go from sweet young man, to a dirTy nasTy PiG! 🐽💦 Some information of interest; He is a Top, and I have very good reason to believe his statement that he is Dom Top and thus has never ever been fucked. He has a boyfriend back home whom he is fiercely loyal to, and has made it clear he doesn't want anyone to touch him during or after his performance. We have a few strategies in place to ensure that when he begins his Dancing, he will be intoxicated, and his usual morals will not be present. Many of you I know will LOVE to hear he is also HIV Neg, and will love to be the one that knocks him up. As always, please remember private party rules that you must allow the performer to at least perform for 30 minutes, and, absolutely NO condoms are permitted. Reserve your tickets the usual way. Tickets available until midday on the day of performance. Fridays party will begin from 10pm until 6am, with performance beginning at 10.30pm. On this occasion there will also be an After-Party, from 7.30am until 11.30am, for which tickets will be available to reserve at the same time as main party tickets. A sluT in the making! (See photo attached of Friday night's naive performer). <><><><><><><><> As it turned out, I was BIG in demand. ALL tickets for the main event, and the After-Party had been snapped up by 1pm the following day (Thursday). A full house of 100 horny Men, plus their performer, and host; Aiden. Thursday soon came and went. It was an enjoyable day at work as I settled in, and met new people, and generally familiarized myself with my new work-home for the next half a year. That evening my boyfriend Lew and I again video chatted. I told him I had already found by chance ( or was it orchestrated fate 😈 ) a GoGo-Boi gig. I told him I had made it very clear where my loyalties lay, and he had nothing to worry about. I knew he would probably be worrying a little bit, especially as this was our first time apart in 4 years. After we spoke I got to thinking about my daytime boss 'Ayan', and how I yearned to have him fuck the life out of me, and spray his load deep in my guts. What was going on with me? Then I got to thinking about what that Puerto Rican guy Nesto had said to me about it being a tough crowd. Even though I did not know what that exactly meant, it put me on edge, and I began to get a little agitated, which is unlike me. I checked his number to see if he was on the chat App I use, and he was. I messaged him saying that I would like to take him up on his offer of having something to take the edge off; - Hey Nesto, it is Steven here. We met lastnight, I am over from England. I am beginning to feel nervous. What do you have that I can take? I saw he read my message immediately. But, he wasn't responding. I kept checking my phone every 30 seconds for about 10 minutes, and, nothing! I started to feel anxious, nauseous, and sweaty, so though, hey, let's take my evening shower. As I washed I instead of just washing my asshole, rinsing, and then be done with it, I washed, rinsed, then, probing commenced, with a finger finding its way inside. I gasped. Oh my goodness. It feels so GREAT. Why have I never done this to myself before. I was soon washed, dried, and in my sleep gear when I thought I would check my messages again. A couple from my man 'Lew', and several from 'Nesto'. My heart pounded. I headed straight for Nesto's set of messages; - Hey sluT. - Don't worry about what I will give you. It will help you put on a better show, and your audience to ENJOY you so MUCH M☢️RE! - Just make sure you have some fizzy pop in. And be ready to leave for your show before I arrive. - I will arrive at 8pm. You will need to leave at 9pm if you are to be there for 9.30pm. How did he know I had to be there for 9.30pm? He must know Aiden! 😈 - Give me your address PiG. - And sleep well. You will NEED your rest tonight! - N What did he mean by that. That I will need my rest tonight? I messaged my 'Lew', and soon was in bed, sleeping for the last working day of the week. My main job anyway Was I about to lose my virginity tomorrow night? My intuition told me that this was very much on the cards, yet, I found myself brushing it to one side, and to get on with the day on hand; Work during the day, and Dance for 1 hour at night. Surely that would be it. Right?
  23. Thank you my friend @Monster5-8gPA. I am pleased you are liking the beginning, and where it is going 😈
  24. PREQUEL to Chapter Four: - Hey Man. Are you one of the Dancers at this place. - Er, well, er, well sort of, I start on Friday. - I hear you are not from around these parts. Been here long buddy? - I arrived only yesterday. I am here for 6 months. - You start Friday night you say. That's the private function night. They're a tough crowd to please. You might want something to relax you. I can help you wit' that. Here, take my number. I can come over to your place before your shift, and give you somethin', make the evening go better. - Thank you. What is your name? - I'm Nesto. What's your's Man? - I am Steven. - I've got to split. Nice meeting you Steven. Call me. He gave me the 'call me' hand gesture, and no sooner had he appeared, he disappeared off into the night, and I luckily found the taxi place, and went home. What an INSANE first day. I went home, showered, had a quick app video chat with my Man, showered, had a few nibbles (I really must get some proper food in to cook myself), then completely crashed out. Tomorrow would be Thursday. My first full proper day at work, and the day before my first Dance gig here in Boston! And who was that Nesto fellow I wondered. Did he also know my *daytime & nighttime* Bosses Aiden & Ayan? .... Was I being set up to arrive loosened up in preparation to be 'L☢️☢️SENED up'? 😈
  25. Chapter Three: Once at Aiden's club, we entered via a side entrance, and went upto his little apartment come office above it. Bit of a sleazy bachelor pad really. However, his actual home was nearby to be in the well to-do area where I was now residing. This was his cesspit where he loved to earn his living, and be a dirTy fucker at the same time. He left me in the living area and after a few short minutes came back with a Leather Harness, and almost knee length neoprene shorts that had a zip at the back. He threw them over to me; - Here, get yourself completely naked, and then put these on Stevie. I want to see how you move in costume during your audition. Do you have what it takes to be one of Aiden's class acts. Even though drunk, I in that moment kinda sobered up a little, and clammed up. - Oh, don't worry Stevie-Boy, I have seen it all before. Relax! And that is exactly what I did, relax. Although, it wasn't all that difficult, being fueled with alcohol. At the poinT I was completely naked, and figuring out how to put the Harness on, untangling it, Aiden walked over, knelt behind me to the side, and started slapping both of my ass cheeks. I was aware what he was doing, but was kinda too engrossed in trying to untangle the Harness and get it the correct way up to put it on me. He began to rub his stubble on my ass cheek nearest to him, and grunted as he rubbed his crotch through his jeans ... Yes, I got it, now to put the harness on. As I was putting it on, my *night time* boss spoke through his grunts; - Fuck yeah Stevie. I know plenty of guys in this city that would LOVE to fuck this cute, firm, young and ripe piece of meat, and unload their SPECIAL fuck juice deep inside your cunt. - Well, as you know Aiden ... *He interrupted me* - Erm, if you want this gig, you will address me as 'Boss'. I was a bit taken a back by his authoritative manner, yet, something I had only felt inside of me for the first time today stirred again. His controlling manner was turning me on. But, I still had an answer for him nonetheless. - Well, as you know, 'Boss', I am in a happy monogamous relationship, so, there will be no Men in this city fucking me, or cumming inside of me. As I said that, I immediately thought of Ayas, my *daytime-boss*, feeling a deep desire for him to penetrate my Virgin-Ass, fuck me powerfully and passionately with his abnormally sized Arabian-Dick, and spray his load deep inside of me. BUT, I told myself, keep that on the fantasy shelf. You have your sexy and handsome 'Lew' at home who loves and adores you. I put the zip up neoprene shorts on as my *nighttime-boss* sorted out some sounds for me to move to. He kicked back on his couch, lit up a cigar, and went to give me the nod to begin, but, I was already moving to the beat. I gave him my best moves facing him, and facing away as I wiggled my bubble-butt that he seemed to pretty obsessed with. Some of my friends at home teased me at what I waste my Ass was, and I should try being a bottom for a night, or two. Not going to happen as far as I was concerned. I am as addicted to beautiful Ass as the next wonderful Top, although the last 4 years I had only been paying attention to one in particular. About half way through my audition when I had my back to him, Aiden got up, came over, and unzipped the neoprene shorts I was wearing, slipping his hand in, taking in a good grope. I swiftly moved his hand away. - No. I said ~ No touching .- As you say Stevie. I guess I was being given enough rope to eventually get tied right up! 😈 I danced for about half an hour as my audience sat there, rubbing their crotch, and even getting their Dick out to wank off. I was still a bit jet-lagged, plus very tired after my first day here, and drunk, that I just had to sit down. - Sorry 'Boss'. I'm exhausted. My flight, My first day at work. I am drunk. I need to sleep. I have work in the morning. - I understand Stevie-Boy. Well, I believe you have got what it takes. Can you start Friday night? - That is your private function night, isn't it? - Sure is. I can fit you in for the 10.30pm to 11.30pm slot. You can meet all you other fellow Dancers, but, I will need to go through a few things with you first, so, please get here for 9.30pm. Okay!? - Yes, 'Boss'. - Now, here is my cell number. Do you have a U.S sim yet? - Yes, a company one. - Come to the side entrance we entered into, and buzz the intercom, and I'll let you in. I took off my audition gear, got my clothes on, and left. What was I doing? I didn't need to be doing this. I had a well paid job after-all. And today was only my first day here, and Friday was only a mere two days away. Was everything happening too fast? It felt like it, but, I rolled with it. I left the building, and as soon as I did, this rough looking Puerto Rican skin fella leapt out at me, and began to follow me as I went to fetch myself a cab (I think I know where I was going).
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