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Everything posted by ScorpionFF

  1. I do believe the younger me would have required a 'vetting' procedure. The older me; 'Anyone'. For me now that makes it even more hotter still - Anonymous Load(s)
  2. hehe, the last part to your comment made me smile and give a warm chuckle. Sweet indeed! 😊 And damn hot too. Of course they are not mutually exclusive. They can be exclusive, depending on the situation and timing, but also as you say, also mix/overlap. Thank you for starting this topic. I genuinely find topics like this fascinating, being a man who is interested in human behaviour, and how the mind works from man to man.
  3. There are 'Tops' out there that would be okay with you being a complete slut of a cum dump ... daaah daaah 😉 If I was in a relationship, and my boy came home opened up, and full of cum, well, more fun to be had! 🐽
  4. Well @takingdeepanal, option #3 would certainly fit in with my belief system 👅
  5. Sa-tan can always give you everything you so desire @TTFN, which Santa cannot. Santa really should take the 'n' from the middle of his name, and put it at the end. Then he could really deliver the gifTs that some out there crave! 😈 ☣️
  6. Are you ready for a handful of more chapters before Santa empties his sack up your chimney on Wednesday? Unfortunately, this story has not got off to a quick start as I would have hoped, due to chronic health issues really knocking me sideways of recent months. However, I do now have some more chapters ready to share with my fellow BZ PiGs nonetheless. There are many more ideas too to develop the story further, so, there is still MUCH more to CuM for Thomas, and family! 🐽
  7. Are you ready for a handful of more chapters before Santa empties his sack up your chimney on Wednesday, giving you that very special gifT that just keeps on giving? 🎁 Unfortunately the flow of writing has slowed down greatly due to becoming rather debilitated of recent times with chronic complicated gastric issues. However, there are some more chapters ready to share with my fellow BZ PiGs nonetheless. Are you ready for the eternal gifT? ☣️
  8. Thank you @bbbrat for such high praise indeed. It pleases me if I am able to satisfy my audience, especially if it makes them CuM! 💦 I hope Santa gives you all the gifTs you so desire! 😈
  9. Being a big romantic at heart I do find the idea of a relationship very appealing. However, with several relationships spanning a few decades now behind me, my vast experience has taught me that man really is unable to be monogamous. And I say that with the view of not just my own experiences, but taking into consideration the experience of others too. And of course, it is in our genetic blueprint to procreate. One cannot help but feel that monogamy is something that has been pushed onto society for some insane reason. That primal primitive beast is within us all, whether he wants to rut, or get rutted. Let him play out in the wild, for there will always be that cosy den for him to return to. Do I think sex with others outside of a solid loving relationship built on trust can co exist? Absolutely! And if the situation of a loving trusting open relationship presented itself to me with 'Mr Right', as opposed to 'Mr Right Away', then hey, why not. 💕 Love is Love -- Sex is Sex 💦
  10. The appreciation shown to your story is very much deserved ~ Extremely well written and wonderfully crafted! Would love another chapter with the NEG chaser taking centre stage. 👅
  11. Absolutely. Do tell us the rest of your story, boy. Hot as fuck, and have been stroking since part 3. Keep going PiG.
  12. General Election UK 2019 has arrived ~ Time to vote.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ScorpionFF


      @jamie6369, none of the main parties are democratic, including the Liberal UNdemocrats as I now call them (and I have always voted for them), not anymore! 

      Your comment of 'I'd like to see a "none of the above" on the ballot.' I think sums it up very well the state of Great Britain's political system. Quite frankly, it has been destroyed, as has our trust! 

      I share your cynical perspective. The media are so bias, and the polling companies are owned by interested parties, that I don't believe a single thing I read, and in most cases, hear. I delve deeper than that, do my research.

      Very unfortunate that not all parties are standing everywhere. This has led to many feeling disenfranchised. Shame!

      Party leaders are very much guilty of deflecting. Why won't you just answer, what do you have to hide?

      I have voted, and my mindset is; Change Politics For Good!

    3. Barebackerscot


      Up here in Scotland we have a different perspective to look at with the SNP looking to gain. I have voted but with the day Friday 13th upon us, we know what that means.

    4. ScorpionFF


      Great to hear you voted @Barebackerscot. Good man. Extremely important to vote.

      Fascinating result too. I sincerely do hope that this is the beginning of a healthy new direction for Great Britain.

      So much I can say on the matter, but, not the time nor the place.

  13. Chapter 38; *Becoming closer with Uncle Chad* I was now watching both of them from to the side of their bodies. The stark contrast of a chubby Black body against an emaciated white jaundiced frail body was just so damn fucking hot to see. I grabbed hold of my Gono leaking dick, and moments later Joe started to slide his sweet NEG ass down on Uncle Chad's dangerous fuck weapon with his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he rode on that sweeT AIDS Death-dick! Chad after a while stopped staying still, wrapping his arms around Joe and began to take control of the fucking, and very soon was at a reasonable steady pace. Fuck, I could not not join in. I knelt behind my Daddy of death, and slid my own dick up his diseased cunT, and fucked him with the three of us in nasty-PiG unison. The man in the middle started to cough, which sounded like it was a really bad chest infection. But, that did not stop him enjoying defiling this piece of fresh meat. He then began to fuck much faster than he had been and was getting breathless very quickly. He began to shudder, with a raspy cough ensuing. Fuck, this really was a fuck of death if I had ever seen one. He took one last thrust, took one big grunT, then fell silent as his highly charged seed began to spew into Joe's NEG guts. And I knew Uncle Chad was now cumming as each rope of very dirty cum his perineal muscles were propelling into this willing PiG, I would feel his own cunT muscles clamp onto and massage my dick. - Oh FUCK Uncle Chad, your cunT feels so fucking great. My daddy of death once fully spent went to go and lie down. That fuck had taken it all out of him. And here I was to carry on his legacy, and, why not show him here and now that he can be proud of me, so I slid my aching dick into Joe and began to fuck him with long hard slow strokes, with CRF19 poz loaded cum as the absolute perfect lube. I had been fucking this fresh PiG for a while, with Uncle Chad's dirty cum sloshing and squelching about inside, when we suddenly heard a voice; - FUCK YEAH, it's Aiden's dancing PiG. It was the tattooed septum pierced skinhead, who was the last guy to fuck me at the afTer-parTy the night of my dancing gig 3 weeks ago. He stepped into the private cabin and got himself in between my legs and just shoved his toxic dick up my cunT. No spit no nothing, just rammed it in. Time for a recharge it seems. - Definitely not as sloppy as the first time I banged your cunT faGGot, but it still feels great. Wonder if any of those loads that night took!? - I just had a severe flu. I think it must have been a seroconversion. - And what about this chubby fucker here; Poz? - No, NEG apparently. - Oh FUCK YEEEEEAH, breed that hole. Share your toxic seed and spread the gifT. FUCK YEEEEEAH, stick it to the whore. The thought of me as someone new to the brotherhood seeding a NEG hole seemed to overly excite him, and he busted his filth up my cunT within minutes of ramming into me. He climbed off of me, and went to the front, barking at Joe to clean his dick up. As the skinhead and I had our dicks serviced we looked at each other; I lusting after him as he was so sexy and rough, and he smirking at me as though to say; 'welcome to your freedom as a fully charged-up poz PiG'. Getting lost in his alpha essence I partly forgot I had a cunT on the end of my dick, and, then it was too late to hold back ... And my toxic seed erupted inside of Joe's guts, as the skinhead's toxic seed at the same time dribbled out of my sweet ass. ☢️ Once I was done my rough skinhead and I swapped positions, and he slopped about with Uncle Chad and I's cum being churned up with his rough fucking. And the lucky chubby PiG got to clean up my dick too. Soon it was just Uncle Chad and I alone again, and I could have gone playing around, but, I wanted to spend some quality time with this wise man. I ended up going back to his place. Everything was so clean, and neat, and he was totally prepared in mind and practically to go into the hospice tomorrow. - Fancy a pure blood blood slam sweet Stevie-boy? - Not a broTherhood shoT? - No, just pure blood. - I would LOVE that. Have More of you inside me, integrating with my DNA, and becoming as one. I want you to be a part of me forever Uncle Chad. He smiled, looking at me fondly. He put a tourniquet onto an arm on both of us, and before I knew it, I had my first ever pure blood slam with a viral load of 59 million from my donor. - Fuck it, let's do some meTh too [ My Daddy of death exclaimed ]. We both had a few shoTs each, and fucked each other for several hours. Not manic crazy fucking, but long, slow, unhurried, man on man, feral RAW poz fucking. We both came inside of each other several times, and kissed passionately a lot too. Even though he was deathly thin, I found him super sexy. and licking on his AIDS wasted cunT hole was sheer pure heaven. The following morning came, and I awoke being spooned by Uncle Chad. In that moment I could have died with him and joined him for an eternity of more of what we shared lastnight after we got back to his. I went with him to the hospice which was a Saturday, and told him I'd try and come by later in the week next week. I kissed him softly on his lips, and went on my way, feeling his virulent poz DNA course through my veins. ☣️ That night my boyfriend Lew and I had our planned video chat. It was becoming really awkward now our talks. Could it be we both had plenty to hide. Maybe we would both find out all in good time. He did seem concerned for my appearance. Apparently I looked like I had lost weight, and was looking pretty pale, in his words. If only he knew! 😉 I FINALLY went back to work on Monday, and worked the full week, and really enjoyed it, and was now feeling myself become that much more settled. The weekend came and I spent it on properly getting in groceries to make my own meals, and some furniture to suit my own taste. There was no talking with Lew, and I didn't get time to go and see Uncle Chad. I would go and see him on Monday, as Ayan had given me that day off as I was going to the clinic for my PEP treatment follow up, and blood work. What would the Doctor say! 😈
  14. Moi, evil mind? Never, I am an angel 👼 .... of darkness! lol Glad you are enjoying it my fellow friend. Just off for something to eat, then back in a short while to publish another chapter ready to go out. I seem to be on a roll with this story at the moment.
  15. Chapter 37; *broTherhood shoT for Joe* 💉 We all made some small talk for a bit, then Chad piped up; - You seem a bit on edge Joe, fancy some meTh? - I have never had it. But I hear it is great for releasing your inhibitions. Do you inject it? - I do yes. - That's the thing, I am scared of needles. - Well, you don't have to look. If you close your eyes now, and keep them shut until I have dosed you up, then you will be fine. - Okay, why not. He closed his eyes, and Uncle Chad set about giving this stud a fuck he'd never forget. I helped put a tourniquet on my unforgettable CRF19 donor who then put in a needle into his own arm, and drew out some super charged up toxic blood into a syringe full of meTh. Then, a tourniquet went on our guest; - Now keep still, just a quick short sharp scratch. In went the needle, and I watched Uncle Chad depress the plunger, injecting in meTh, and his blood of death. The illusive and very special broTherhood shoT. Out with the needle and arm into position to stop any potential bleeding. He started to both sweat and breath heavily, then kept on repeatedly saying whilst feverishly playing with his limp dick; - Fuck Yeah. Fuck Yeah. Fuck Yeah. I was laying against one of the cabin walls and was needing my poz-Gono dick cleaning up from my anonymous steam room fuck; - Suck my dick slut, c'mon, show me what you are made of. He got on all fours in front of me, and started sucking me like a true champ. He must have had plenty of practice with his lover come ex brother in law. I milked my perineum to get out extra Gono-pus from my dick, as a side serving to go with the the steam room cunt juice he was cleaning up. And just like Todd I'd roar in pain when the Gono flowed out heavily via its provocation. Uncle Chad got behind him and began to rim and finger alternating between the two, slowly opening up this recently divorced meTh PiG's virgin cunt. With his now ex brother in law he was the 'Top'. My CRF19 stud once he had opened up the new PiG spat on his dick for what would be one of his last ever fucks, and slid in. Only half way in, and Joe gasped; - Oh fuck. I wasn't expecting that. Shit man, that feels fucking good. - Good. Now come up to the seated position. I LOVE to fuck that way. Nice and intimate. The meTh'd up PiG responded duly with Uncle Chad slowly rocking his hips back and forth, sliding his deathly fuck meat in and out, in and out. Then he leaned in to whisper; - Did you enjoy your broTherhood shoT sluT? - What is a broTherhood shoT? - A combination of meTh, and HIV infecTed blood, which I just gave to you. - Where did you get the blood? - From a vein in my arm. But you didn't see that as your eyes were shut as you are apparently squeamish with needles. ... there was a small pause ... - So you are HIV positive? - Yes, I have the virus, which has now progressed onto AIDS! Whilst we are here having this conversation, what is your status? - I am HIV negative. Uncle Chad and I looked at each other as though to say ''That broTherhood shoT you just took has probably just changed that situation for you entirely". He stopped fucking Joe, but remained HARD and remained DEEP inside. And now to put his expert hands to good use. They sure knew how to touch you in all the right places with the exact pressure required to have you begging for his super charged up filth. He commenced stroking Joe in his meTh'd up state with a combination of soft and firm strokes all over his body; His neck, his legs, his arms, his back, and the sides to his trunk ~ Soft. Firm Slow! All the while Joe was moaning, and with each stroke his moans got louder, and louder, and louder. As this AIDS stud worked his latest project up into a frenzy he also took to some nasty poz verbal speaking quietly yet firmly in this meTh'd up PiG's ear; - You like the feel of RAW dick up your cunT do you, you nasty sluT? - Fuck Yeah, it feels so fucking great. Feels so smooth and natural. - Well, if you want to continue feeling my HIV infecTed dick slide in and out of your big beefy black ass, then you are going to have to do some of the work here. Show me that you really want my dirty cum spewed into your piggy guts!
  16. Chapter 36; *Reuniting with Chad* I arrived at the sauna, threw all my stuff in the locker, and went to the shower area, where only nearly 3 weeks earlier I had neighbour Edward fucking me with my face pushed into the ground next to my disintegrating PEP pill, when I was being the total piggy bottom. I took a quick shower then headed for the spa. I got in, and sat in a pool of horny men. But no one was speaking or touching, just cruising one another. Three guys were all immediately vying for my attention. The one that I particularly liked was this Black dude called Joseph, also known as Joe, who had a broad in shape physique as a keen rugby player. He had good muscle tone, but he was also sexily chubby with it. I would later learn that this was his first time here as he had just divorced his wife of 11 years having gotten married to her when he was just 22. They separated because she caught him in bed fooling around with her brother who he had been having an affair with for several months. Some of the guys in the spa were playing footise with a strong sexual energy brewing. Having sat there for just a few minutes I left, as I needed to fuck a cunt right NOW! As I got up to go Joe did too, and followed me. He had a nice big dick, but, it was his typical African-American round beefy ass that I was keen on ploughing! I made my way to the steam room, but just before getting there Joe sat down in a seating area. He was too nervous to follow me in. It was very crowded, and I fumbled my way through many bodies to find a vacant ass available for me to fill, and it didn't take long. I lubed up with my Gono-juice, and shoved it into the anonymous hole. There was no build up, I got to a fast fuck straight away. I hadn't fucked in ages, and certainly not fucked an ass since becoming poz. Even though I still had no diagnosis I knew I was, and my desire to share was strong. And of course, having just gone through a major seroconversion illness my viral load was now going to be extremely high. I repetitively slapped the cheeks of the ass I was pumping away at, and was already close. My first load post seroconversion illness bubbling to explode. - Take my dirty unmedicated poz load you nasty slut. - Oh fuck yeah, infect my NEG hole. Knock me up stud. Well, how was I to know he was neg. I didn't even know what he looked like 😈. But that was all I needed to hear, and I immediately quickened my pace and before I knew it I was unleashing my first poz load, grunting like a wild boar. Suddenly, some of the steam room crowd began to jeer; - Fuck yeah, knock up that fucked up faGGot. - Yeah, go on, impregnate the NEG bitch. As soon as I was spent I slapped his ass, then left. Good old fashioned piggy breeding. No questions. No names. No drama. Just dump and go! I passed the seating area, and the Black guy Joe was still sitting there, who immediately got up and followed me again. I'd just cum, but I was ready to go again, I needed to release some serious amount of death-seed from my aching balls. I thought, I'll take him to the cabin area. I was searching for a public cabin when I saw a figure from behind that I most definitely recognised who was about to go into his private cabin, alone. I placed my hand on his bony shoulder, and he turned; - Oh my Stevie-boy, how wonderful to see you. How are you doing my sweet sexy boy? - Uncle Chad, great to see you too, stud. I flung my arms around him for a real loving embrace. I could tell he needed it, and, I wanted to share some love with him. His DNA was now part of mine, and because of that we had an unbreakable eternal bond. But, it was also beyond that too. - Come into my cabin if you'd like, let's catch up. - YES, I'd love that. I looked at his face, and he looked ridiculously unwell. I felt in my soul he did not have long left, and I had to stop myself bursting into tears. He left the cabin door open, and Joe kept passing by and looking in from afar as Uncle Chad and I got upto speed on each others lives. I explained that I had barely worked since arriving here, and that I was 99.9% sure that the five day illness I just went through was me seroconverting. He seemed to be 100% sure, what with all the timings of everything. His news was not so good. Only a few days ago he got his latest results. In 1 month his HIV viral load had leapt from 33 million to 59 million, and his CD4 had dropped from 47 to 9. ☢️ AIDS! ☢️ - I'm going into a hospice tomorrow my dear Stevie-boy. I know I don't have long left. So here I am, having some last moment life FUN. Because that is what life is for. That was it, I was gone, and a million emotions gushed up into my throat, and I started bawling. Chad hugged me. - Now now sweet boy, don't cry for me hey. I want you to enjoy your life, and live it to the fullest. And don't take any crap from anyone. And thank you for bringing me some wonderful joy in my last part of my life, albeit fleeting. We then shared a passionate kiss as we stroked each others faces, body's, and toxic dicks. He was extremely thin and gaunt. To many he might seem unattractive, but to me he was beautiful. Then came a knock on the open door and a clearance of someones throat. It was Joe. His presence made Uncle Chad's face light up; - Hope I am not disturbing anything. May I come in. - Sure, come in. Plenty of room in my private cabin for fine young men. What had Joe let himself into? 😈
  17. Chapter 35; *Delirious* Ramon found me apparently in a heap in front of the mirror in a delirious state, naked and shivering with my body still burning up with HIV fever. I would remain totally delirious for the next five days bringing us to Monday night. Ayan had given me the rest of the week off, but now it was the beginning of the following working week. But, he was in the loop about all that was going on. He wasn't going to do or say anything to affect the project. During the five days I was totally delirious my sleep was highly disturbed and I was hallucinating a great deal, not to mentioned Ramon was needing to change my sheets twice a day as I was soaking them in sweat; He nursed me through this very difficult time. How could I ever repay him? 😈☣️ After these five days my body took this relentless onslaught Tuesday morning came, and I awoke feeling much much better. My temperature although still technically a fever had dropped to 37.9c. Of course I was also feeling very weak, and had lost quite a bit of weight, but I could tell I was on the mend, not to mention I was insanely ravenous. For today and tomorrow I had complete bed rest with Ramon bringing me lots of high calorie nutritious food. Then on Thursday through to Sunday I ate with him and Edward at theirs next door. On my second day of complete bed rest Ayan came over; - I am so sorry Ayan that I am missing all this time from work. If you wish to release me from my contract and send me back home I'll completely understand. He wasn't about to let me go now. Oh no. The wheels were now truly in motion. He undone a couple buttons to the top of his shirt, and slightly opened it a bit on one side, which showed a tiny bit of one of the scorpion tattoos on his chest that I have course saw in all their glory at my dancing gig. I couldn't make them out only seeing such a small section. He was clearly teasing me, drawing me in like a moth to a flame. He took my hand and inserted it inside his shirt placing it on his hard warm pec, and guiding my thumb and index finger towards his nipple. - Go on, have a play with my tit. Tweak it. Good boy ... Now, don't be so silly. We are a tolerant company and realise you are very sick at the moment, and you are a valuable asset to us, so it's fine. I am happy for you to have the rest of this week off, so no need to come in until next Monday. He took my other hand and placed it on his huge bulge of a crotch. With his hand on top of mine he guided me in rubbing over his ginormous dick. I'd so love to see it in the flesh. Or had I already and not known about it. - I saw you eyeing me up down in this area on your first day. You want me to fuck you, don't you Steven. - Erm, well I uh ... He made me nervous. He was strikingly handsome, and also exuded such powerful alpha confidence. - Now, there is no need to be nervous of me. I'm just Ayan, the kind and understanding boss from work. So, you want my dick ripping apart your cunt? I was taken aback by his directness. I gulped, and found myself unable to answer verbally, so, just nodded eagerly. - I can see you are getting tired, and lots to do in the office, so I shall go. Rest well sexy boy. - Thank you Ayan. As he walked out of my bedroom I clocked his huge Arabian high tight bubble ass. I wouldn't mind tapping that. The 'Top' within was still there. After two days complete bed rest and and a further two days after that I was feeling much better, much more my old usual self. So, now it was Friday evening, I had just had my third meal of the day with my neighbours Ramon & Edward, and went home bounding with energy. In fact, a new kind of energy since seroconverting. And now I was feeling super horny again for the first time since my time in a delirious state. I was in my bathroom cleaning my teeth, feeling bored, and thinking of calling it a very early night when I caught a look in my eyes I had not seen before. I stood there staring at my reflection. And there it was, a strong desire to go out and spread my seed far and wide. I knew deep down that I was now poz, and, I wanted to share that wonderful gifT. Recharge my brothers, and any willing NEG PiGs. Fuck this, I am off to the sauna I thought to myself. But this time I am in charge! A message then came through from my boyfriend back at home, Lew, wanting to know if I was free for a video chat; - I'd love to babe, but I am just about to go out the door and meet some workmates for drinks. Shall we video chat tomorrow evening, at say 11pm my time? - Okay. I look forward to it. I miss you sweetheart. And I Love you too. - I miss you too sexy. Listen, I gotta scoot. Enjoy your evening ... xxx He'd of course be hanging on for a 'I Love you' in return, but, y'know, my mind was on the imminent priority for this evening. Even though I was in a complete 'Top' mood I done a quick clean out, just in case I saw someone I really did want to 'Bottom' for. I mean lets face it, my cunt was well trained now! 🐖 Once dressed I got my bits together, and left, locking the door so none of the usual neighbours just walking in when they felt like it.
  18. Chapter 34; *Todd possessed Part 3* I stared up at him in his dominant arms open wide / hands in a claw like posture, with his possessed demon snarling, and all I did in response was moan, groan and grunt in a heavy drenching seroconverting hypnotic euphoric spellbound trance as I smiled at his demonic leather executioner hood clad gaunt jaundiced contorting face. Several minutes had passed so my torso was now well and truly soaked; 💦 An undercoat of conversion sweat followed by a thick slime pus topping. 💦 I took my gaze away from his face and looked at my slutty body, and using both hands I began to scoop up the Gono-juice from my body and with one hand feed and finger it into my cunt, and the other hand smear it all over my face AND rub it over the tip of my dick, adding to the Gono infection that uncle Jeff had already given me. Demon Todd was currently standing with his back to my floor standing mirror, and as I played with his nasty pus I would every now and then catch a glimpse of his AIDS wasted ass and see his cunt hole twitch each time he sprayed his Gono-slime all over me. It had now been around 15 minutes since my demon began his squirting spree, so I now got up on my knees, swiveled around and positioned myself onto all fours, so now my back got its turn in getting a generous drenching. I allowed this to go on for about 10 minutes so I was now entirely soaked neck to waist in Gono-slime. I didn't know how much longer he'd be squirting out and I was now thirsty for his rotten filth, so, I knelt right in front of him, took hold of his demon-dick, and aimed it at my face, where my face got a generous Gono-drenching for a couple of minutes. I then decided it was time for a drink. I with ease slid his dirty-demon-dick to the back of my throat where he would squirt and I would swallow in complete unison. *Gulp 💦 Gulp 💦 Gulp 💦 Gulp* The flow stopped after at least a good few minutes of enjoying my delicious creamy pus-shake. I continued to hold him in that position for a while longer, then having removed his demon dick I once again looked up at his intoxicating face of death. I smiled in my hypnotic spellbound state, licked my lips, then swiveled around facing away from him positioning myself onto all fours, then I turned my head to look behind and up at those demonic eyes; - Come on then, FUCK me! Do what you gotta do. I'm a dirty fucked up freshly made poz pig in heaT ... Come on, stick it to me. DESTROY my innards. Before I had a chance to turn my head back around he lunged forward and slammed that super toxic demon-Todd Dick into me. But unlike in the bedroom there was no feral fucking. He just held that position as our mutual gaze was locked, with his snarling now intermittent, and pelvis continually pushing in seeing that his Dick inched in deeper and deeper, with those PA spikes eventually hooking into my cunt flesh once he could anatomically go no further. He again leapt to his feet, and had us facing the mirror head on, grabbing very tightly onto my nipples pulling extremely hard on them (the wooden pegs had fallen off with all the rough play). All that was now holding me up in mid air was my nipples being savagely tightly gripped, and my cunt deeply impaled on Todd's demon spiked death shaft. And now came a very slow fuck, demon-dick sliding half way down my poz cunt and all the way in again, those PA spikes digging in on every outward and inward stroke as my head flopped from side to side through partly closed eyes, moans and groans, and heavy seroconverting sweating as I fell deeper into my hypnotic euphoric trance. Suddenly Ramon appeared; - Steven I think I left my cell phone on your coffee ta ... Oh my God, not the demons Uncle Todd. No, not as he has only just started an aggressive seroconverting reaction. Demon-Todd looked over at him and just snarled as I continued to receive a slow demon fuck. Ramon tried to communicate with me, but, I was not fully conscious in my euphoric hypnotic state. He took my temperature again, and the only way he could keep my mouth from being open in its response to my greedy piggy lust was to physically hold my mouth shut, with one hand underneath my jaw, and a finger holding the top lip shut ... *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* The thermometer was indicating a temperature. Well, obviously. - Fuck Steven, it's gone up again to 40.2c. It should be coming down with the medication. I'm going to get Edward to come over. This development brought my inner conscious to the forefront. I suddenly came to and grabbed Ramon's wrist to prevent him from bringing anyone else in, disturbing the current FUN! With my other hand I lifted my thigh up, looked at demon-Todd with a knowing smile of 'let's work on this annoying interruption together', and said; - Release me from your grip, I know what to do. He lifted me off of his increased in size (due to Todd's possession) demon-dick until I was standing on my own two feet again. I knelt down in front of the mirror, reached behind and spread my ass cheeks apart, and looking back into my dirty demon's eyes I with firm conviction begged; - Now FUCK the hell into me. Tear up my insides. USE me how you so desire, and in S6AT6A6N's name just FUCK the living hell into me. My cunt is yours to take! He snarled, I let go of my ass cheeks, turned my head to facing forwards, grabbed hold of the legs to the floor standing mirror, looked up at Ramon, and smiled like the PiG in heaT that I now was, knowing that I was about to get a real good rough fucking, and here it came; Demon-Todd lunged forward again, slamming into me, and we were now locked in a wild brutal feral violent demon fuck. My focus on Ramon's face was jerked upwards, mouth open, with heavy grunts forced out of my chest with each aggressive thrust. He went home next door and climbed into bed with hubby Edward; - Uncle Todd is upto his demon tricks again. He is currently possessed, and fucking the life out of our new neighbour, whose temperature has gone up again. - Don't worry my darling boy, we'll keep a close eye on him. He'll be okay. Don't worry. - I hope he will be okay. Was he concerned for my welfare because he wanted me well purely for health sake, or, because he wanted me to be fit enough to give me the gifT he craved? 😈 They cuddled up together, sharing a gentle kiss, and fell asleep together. As they slept I was now enjoying an extremely violent brutal fuck which would last for three solid hours without even a break for a single second. The entire time I looked into the mirror, my mouth wide open, heavy grunts being forced from my chest, my eyes wide, and my skin drenched in conversion sweat which mingled in with the nasty Gono-sap that covered me all over my body. And then came the time for the demon to cum. His snarling intensified and from nowhere he grabbed me by my throat, squeezing hard as he took the final descent into fucking the hell into me. Then came the final powerful dark thrust that winded me to the point I passed out collapsing on the floor as I was loaded up with yet another filthy load. As I passed out all I could hear was the most almighty roar. I am sure the next block could have heard it. 👹
  19. Chapter 33; *Todd possessed Part 2* Todd's eyes were in a wild demonic glaze, snarling, with his new sized demon-dick continuing it's now constant flow of Gono-pus discharge. From being sat on the floor at the foot of the bed I hauled myself up onto my bed, and continued to crawl backwards until I was now at the headboard. Todd leapt up onto the bed just like he leapt to his feet in the living room a moment ago. Whatever was using his body had now made him very fast and nimble. He towered over me and I now had nowhere to run. I looked to my left and saw a framed picture of my Lew and I on the bedside cabinet. No sooner had I looked at it it came crashing to the floor breaking the glass. Oh lord, what did I do inviting demons into my home. I was now regretting it. My focus was taken to Todd's feet, and I slowly raised my vision going up his body, lower legs, thighs, pubic region, belly, chest. And there it was, the reminder in red marker ink that he made me write on him only a short while ago; Give me your cunt. What choice did I have. I turned over onto the doggy position, held onto the headboard, looked over my shoulder, and said; - Take me. Do what you have to do. I turned my head back around to face the headboard, closed my eyes, and gritted my teeth. The demon within gave a huge almighty snarl, and within a second he had dived forward taking a firm hold of my hips and had plunged that new sized monster demon dick inside my cunt at great force, immediately winding me. From the second he entered me a violent brutal fuck commenced. The demon was raping me, and the long sharp spikes to the temporary PA were tearing through my cunt to the poinT the pain was too much to take; - No, plea... pleas... no... sto... please sto... stop... oh no... please... no... 😧 Not really much point in trying to get a demon to stop fucking you. This was feral fucking at its finest! After several minutes of not stopping for a single second, he took one last thrust, and held his position, impaled deep inside my cunt. I could feel those spikes digging into me, and they had just torn me up real good. I was glad he stopped. I was still regretting allowing this to happen, and didn't really want to be fucked by a demon. And here I was, one was balls deep inside of me! For the next few minutes he just held completely still, snarling. Then, he leaned right over me wrapping his arms around me tightly, and stood up onto his feet on the bed. He turned, and leapt down, all the while those PA spikes deep inside my cunt remained in the same static position, digging in deeply. And here we were back in the living room. We were now facing head on my full length floor standing mirror, and taking hold of my wrists he extended my arms with his, so all that was holding me up were his hands firmly gripping my wrists, and his demon-dick. He started to slowly rut, and now it was sounding and feeling all sloppy inside my cunt. All that Gono-juice no doubt. I looked at my face which looked tense, and I began to whimper. Oh why did I put my hand on that book. And soon, as if my some bizarre way that demons can sense your emotions he slid me off of his brutalizing demon fuck-tool, and threw me to the floor. 'Ouch'. That landing hurt. He again towered over me as my body went into defensive mode. My legs were closed with knees side by side, my right hand was on my left shoulder, and my left hand was on my right hip. I again began to shiver. My cunt felt very sore, and I was now really just wanting to go to sleep. But then, my attitude was about to entirely change due to the demon possessing Todd and his devious ways. He leapt down onto his knees to the side of me and brought Todd's mouth to my ear; [ Unintelligible ancient language was now being whispered into my ear, penetrating my deep seated subconscious ] Two situations arose immediately. First off my seroconversion fever that seemed to have settled right down after the third and final time I uttered 'I welcome S6AT6A6N into my home, my cunt, and my life' returned with full raging force. Once again I began to ache all over, feel extremely weak, and sweat heavily. The rash on my chest seemed to suddenly be worsening now also. The second situation to arise as soon as the whispering of the ancient language commenced, was that I fell into some kind of hypnotic trance, like I was under some sort of spell, and with that came incredible euphoria and an extreme sexual arousal; I opened my arms up and lay them on the floor away from my body, and my legs fell open wide. The demon obviously knew exactly what to say to me. Again he leapt to his feet, and stood towering above me at my feet. Todd's Gono flow suddenly stopped abruptly which was followed by his dick in it's new demon size visibly throb including the veins visibly pulsating. As this happened he spread his arms open wide away from his body with his hands going into a claw like posture, and his snarling increased in frequency, volume, and intensity. I'm sure Edward & Ramon next door would hear him. The way he was being, they way he was stood, and what was happening with his demon dick I was certain he was about to ejaculate his dirty poz cum all over me. And then; 💦 Squirt 💦 Squirt 💦 Squirt .... I was correct in thinking he was going to squirt all over me, but incorrect with what fluid he was going to squirt. It wasn't his poz cum, although the volume he was releasing in each and every squirt was the equivalent to an entire normal cum-orgasm. No, he had can you believe started to squirt out large thick ropes of thick, creamy, foul smelling Gono-pus!! And I don't know where it all came from but he squirted out a massive load of the stuff every 5 seconds or so; And this went on for at least 30 minutes. That's right, 360 revolting doses as a bare minimum of rotten slimy pus propelled into the air, and landing on me! (Although the last 35+ or so doses wouldn't be on me, they'd be IN me). 👅
  20. Now wouldn't that be fucking h🔥T @takingdeepanal to make this story into porn ~ A film trilogy as a 'BARE' minimum! 👅🐖 As director I'd have to get hands on with the cast, you know, motivate them into giving it their very best ... Fucking oinK 🐽 ©️18.
  21. Are you ready PiGs to find out if Stevie-boy can escape the clutches of demon possessed Todd? Do you want M☢️re? ... And maybe we might see CRF19 stud Uncle Chad make a final appearance in the next handful of chapters 💀☣️
  22. H🔥t! ... Exactly how I much prefer a cunt to be👅
  23. Ugh @RawUK, that really is very annoying, the mislabelling .... WHY? Rhetorical. Ha. Think I have pretty much managed to filter out that annoyance from cropping up anymore.
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