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  1. yeah its pretty active and pervy. You can def find dick there
  2. Fuck this story is so hot. Bet the two top pigs are at the bathhouse right now slamming and fucking some naive 18 year old.
  3. fuck this story is so hot read it all the time and shoot my load. wish I was bobby. pervpigbottom - [deleted]
  4. Fox News stories should be taken with a grain of salt. Bathhouses will not fade into obliviion. Businesses go through ups and downs. I am sure some nights its packed some nights its probably empty. Also have to look at the cost, how clean it is, how friendly the staff is. I hate the West Side and East Side clubs here in NYC. Prefer a true bathhouse with an outdoor area, pool, hot tub. I also prefer tvs in every room instead of watching porn in a group lol. I would rather spend $60 and go to a sleazy motel here in NYC then go to east side or west side club. happy hunting. shop local. save the bathhouses!
  5. love perv chat love corrupting scenes where young twinks get partied up maybe slammed and gangfucked by bunch of older hairy nasty brutal pig daddies also love yng, taboo, w/s, forced chems, forced sex, slings, restraints, and more telegram - nycstud
  6. Tried to find you on wickr but couldn't 

    hit me up - pervpigbottom 

    kik - pervpigboy 

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