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  1. 8" feeder here When I want my cock sucked, it's less about the feeling and more about degrading the cocksucker. With that in mind I don't like when they're too eager. I like to initiate by pushing you down and I prefer some slight resistance when I do. Start on the head and only begin going deep-throat when I make you do it. If I'm feeling like it I might fuck your face, watch your god-dammed teeth. I'll likely only fuck your face if I expect you'll have trouble taking it tho, so if you're too eager it's probably not going to happen. Don't touch your useless dick, preferably you should keep your clothes on. My favourite is when I can completely ignore the cocksucker and do something else like play video-games or even watch porn. That's not possible if you're trying to pull out all the tricks to get attention so if I'm doing something else when your blowing me then just keep my dick in your mouth and appreciate that privilege. reaching up and rubbing/worshipping my chest and torso is allowed and sometimes even enjoyed. I like having my balls licked while I jack myself and more than likely that's how you will eventually get my cum if you earn it. I'll either cum across your face or shove in your throat at the last moment, whichever one I think you expect least. Do not expect or ask for a kiss at any point, stay away from my face all together.
  2. This one's a bit more capital R... “No, my boyfrie–" Prey I was freaking out because we just arrived at the bar and I already lost my wallet. My boyfriend went in without me and I’m outside panicking looking for it. I was excited to wear my Spiderman costume to the bar, my butt looked amazing in it. The lack of pockets was my downfall though, especially where I had already had a few drinks. A seemingly nice man dressed as a roman soldier came to me and offered to help search. I was in such a panic I barely looked at him, I didn’t notice right away how much of a stud he was. He suggested I retrace my steps back home, and I agreed it was a good idea. While walking home looking, he walked behind me, I started to wonder if he was looking for my wallet, or just looking at my ass. I don’t normally show off, but after putting on a lycra costume I felt more bold, so I made a point to stick my butt out while I walked and teased him. I’m sure my boyfriend wouldn’t mind if I’m just teasing. We made it all the way back to our apartment complex and still no wallet in sight. The panic started setting back in and the man put his hand on my shoulder and reassured me, it’s probably inside. This is when I noticed him. His arms were huge, his pecs were like pillows, and face rugged and handsome. I got butterflies in my stomach and suddenly became shy. When he suggested we go inside to look for it there, I didn’t even think about why he was inviting himself into my apartment. I just wanted to not seem dumb in front of such a hot guy. I opened the door and he came inside without asking, before I could even say anything. “Where’s your bathroom?” I told him where to find the washroom as I checked the likely spots for my wallet. I was surprised when he came back from the washroom with my wallet. How did it end up there? I thanked him and he put his big arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close to say. “I think I know how you can pay me back for helping you” “What!? No, I have a boyfriend.” “Relax kid that’s not what I meant, I just thought you could offer me a drink is all.” “Of course” I said blushing, the vodka was out on the counter so I mixed him and myself a vodka cranberry. He took his drink but didn’t drink it. He started walking around the apartment. “This is a pretty crappy place, do you share this little apartment with your roommate?” “My Boyfriend, and yes he lives here too.” “You’re bed is so small, I guess your buddy must be a pretty small” “What? Yeah we’re both… omg” The man sat on my bed and spread his legs, I could see his huge cock hanging there and my mind went blank. A devious smile crossed his face as I stared. “Go on touch it, you deserve to feel a real cock.” “I.. I.. I don’t know…” but he reached over and grabbed my wrist and pulled it onto his shaft. I couldn’t think my palm closed around it by reflex. I could barely get my hand around it and it was growing in my hand, I could feel the blood pumping into it. I’ve never felt a dick this big, why was it slick? “My boyfriend” “He’s not here, it’s okay to be a bit bad, plus you’re not actually doing anything, just holding it.” He gave a thrust into my hand and a bit of precum dripped out and rubbed onto my wrist. My wrist, his cock was as fat as my wrist. “Keep that up though and I’m going to have to thank you.” He thrust again his dick was fully hard by this point and a big glob of pre smeared on my palm. He grabbed my wrist and pulled it away from his dick, stood up and pushed my palm into my face. It smelled so strong. I don’t know why but I opened my mouth and tasted it. I’ve never tasted cum before, I thought it was gross. He reached behind me and pulled down the zipper on my costume. “my boyfriend” “Relax, I just want to see your twink back” He turned me around and ran his hands down my shoulders and arms, peeling down my costume as he went. He kept my wrists in the sleeves, restricting my movement and raised his hands back up tracing his hands along the sides of my back, grabbed me by my armpits and raised me a foot off the ground. The feeling of being lifted like this was scary and comforting. I felt I was losing control of the situation, but I also felt a thrill. I felt special that such a strong man was interested in me. “You’re so light, I could have a lot of fun with you.” “Can you put me down please?” I sounded a bit uncertain, because I did like the feeling of being lifted by this man. “I can, do whatever I want with you, that’s the point” That made me nervous, “Please put me down now” “I will if you say “Please Sir”” “Please Sir, Put my me down. My boyfri…” Before I could finish he had me flipped and pinned to the bed. He grabbed both my wrists and pinned them behind my back with one hand and used the other to rip my costume down and expose my bare ass. “I don’t want to hear about your wimpy boyfriend anymore.” I felt him press his hard cock into my buttcrack “you’re mine right now” “Please Sir, I don’t want this to go further, we’ve been saving ourselves.” “You’ve been saving yourself for me, you just didn’t know it until now.” he pulled his hips back and I thought for a moment he was going to let me go but I quickly realised he was lining up to push into my virgin hole. “You’re not even wearing a condom!” “That’s right I’m going feel your virgin cherry pop.” He pushed in, just the tip, but it hurt so much. "Lucky for you my dick is still lubed from the last guy." The last guy!? How many men has he been inside tonight? He pushed in further, sinking deep into my backside. I’m not a virgin anymore, I can’t give it to my boyfriend like we planned. I started to cry. “Don’t cry baby, this is what you’re for, and you’re so good at it.” by now he was thrusting into me, the pain had subsided, the whole experience was so confusing, because it started to feel good, like it did when he was lifting me. I felt humiliated, but also protected, and the feeling in my ass when he pumped in was like heaven. “You like that don’t you slut, I’m going cum inside your tight slutty hole.” “No, my boyfrie–” He thrust so fast and hard using his whole cock and started pounding me, the pain was back, but I also felt the pleasure” “I TOLD YOU DUMB SLUT I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THAT STUPID WIMP. Your boyfriend didn’t help you find your wallet and he’s not going to help you now, he’s just going to stand in the door and watch and touch his little prick while I flood you.” He was pounding me so hard now I couldn’t respond, I could barely see straight, did he say my boyfriend was watching? The hard pounding seemed to go on forever but I think it was just a few minutes. Felt myself cumming against the mattress, and I had started crying again, I could hear someone grunt across the room. Then I felt the man thrust deep in me and hold it there, his huge cock throbbed and throbbed. He was cumming so much inside me. I turned my head and saw my boyfriend trying to avoid eye contact with me, his hand on his spent little limp prick. The man, what’s his name? Stood up, grabbed his drink from the bedside table, chugged it and left, pushing my wimpy roommate aside as he left.
  3. This is really good. I love a tops perspective of stealthing dumb twunks.
  4. Chapter Three Firehose The Stud I love Halloween. Drunk sluts go out with easy access costumes. I chose my costume with one goal in mind, breeding some dumb twunk. I chose a gladiator costume this year because it shows off my pecs, and is perfect to freeball in. When I showed up at the bar I was pleased with all the potential targets to fill. First I noticed a sailor, at least that’s what I assume he was going for with just a sailor's hat and a speedo. Next I saw a devil wearing… devils horns and a black speedo. I love basic bitches. My target's fate was sealed when I saw the fireman, in a firefights cap and.. You guessed it, a speedo. He filled the back of his speedo very well, he had one extra thing though: a fanny pack full of condoms he was handing out to strangers. This fucker doesn’t realize how much he’s begging for me to breed him. I keep an eye on him but I don’t go right for him yet. I make conversation with some guys at the bar, and I notice a few of my past conquests around. That guy I bred on the couch dressed as Woody from Toy Story. He’s too easy now and I let my fellow top friends fill him. As the night goes on the dance floor is starting to get packed which is perfect for my plan. I noticed the fireman dancing in the corner, I guess he didn’t make a lot of friends handing out rubbers. I make my way over there without being too direct and start to show him some attention. I can tell he’s already pretty drunk, which makes my job easier. As we dance, I get closer and closer to him and soon his hands are all over me. It doesn’t take him long to realise that behind the loose leather straps of my roman soldier costume I have an eight inch unsheathed/uncut tool. I love seeing the way his face lights up when he finds it, when he realises he has his hand on my bare cock. The moment doesn’t last long though because he quickly realises he’s in a crowd and gets nervous looking around to see if anyone noticed what he found. Nobody can see us though, the crowd is too tight and the bar is too dark. I’m still worried he might get nerves and run off though so I wrap my arm around him and pull him in tight. I speak into his ear “don’t worry no one can see down there, it’s our little secret”. He starts to relax, my big arms and thick chest usually has that effect on prey. “You have a really big sword in your belt, sir” His words signal that I have him just where I need him. I don’t want to have a conversation though so I shut him up with a kiss on the mouth while I slide my hand down his back and into his trunks. His ass feels great and he clearly loves the attention. I found his hole quickly and rubbed it. I pulled him off my mouth, turned him around and pressed my raging meat against his ass, over the fabric. We “danced '' like this for a minute or two, really just him grinding into my cock until my hands wandered again to the back of his waistband. I pulled it down and brought his sweet ass out for my cock to probe. We danced some more like this, and he pushed his hole against my cock. I decided it was finally the right time to get in, I spit lubed my dick, lined it up, and pushed the head in. I did it just as the music was particularly loud, so no one noticed him yelp in surprise… and probably some pain. He pulled off fast though, I guess it wasn’t going to be that easy. I leaned over to check in, apologize if he seemed upset but instead before I spoke he handed me one of his stupid condoms. “That’s perfect” I said, “I love wearing condoms to fuck”. This is not a lie. I love pounding my cock into a tight ass with a broken condom bunched up at the base. I took it from him, opened the package, and rolled it onto my cock. It’s too small of course, but that’s even better. It’s loud in the club so he doesn’t hear me rip the tip before I apply more spit and push back into him. This time I shove in pushing the condom back as I go deeper. The music is raging and everyone around us is oblivious, dancing their drunk asses off. I pump into him with the beat so he moans to the music. I speak into his ear while I fuck him and tell him how good his ass feels through the condom. I thank him for being prepared, and announce that he’s going to make me cum inside his… condom. I feel his ass clench when I say this and I can tell he’s about to stain the front of his trunks with jizz. That’s my cue and and pump in hard five more times, ignoring the beat of the music, our neighbours on the dance floor finally noticed and stopped dancing to stare. Obviously excited by what they see. I shout as I unload into him, as usual I have a lot of cum for an unsuspecting prey and my cock pumps him full. As I pull out I slide the condom off and toss it on the floor. The patrons that saw us fuck started clapping and I pushed my prey just enough that he stumbled into some of them, ass still out. While he found his balance and pulled up his trunks I slipped away. He’s been hunted and bred now, I don’t have any more use for him. I step outside into the cold October night and there’s a twink dressed as Spiderman panicking that he can’t find his wallet. I’m a nice guy so I offer to help. I ask him if he remembers using it after arriving at the bar and he says he’s not sure. Well I find it quickly behind a tree but I slip it in my belt and pretend to keep looking. I tell him we’ll have to retrace his steps back to his home because he probably dropped it on the way, and he agrees. I follow him up the street, pretending to look for his wallet, locked onto a new prey. The Prey I was new to town, just starting uni after a taking gap year I spent in Europe and I needed to make friends so I joined the universities gay straight alliance. I made a few people this way but after two months I still didn’t have anything more than some friendly acquaintances. I was feeling lonely but I soldered on. There was a Halloween party coming up at a local gay bar near campus and our group had decided we should send a member to provide free condoms to advertise our organization while promoting safe sex. I volunteered because I saw it as an opportunity to accomplish several things at once, socialize with locals, and promote a cause I care about. I’ve always practiced safe sex, and I’ve heard some gay men have been less careful in recent years. The more people who do it, the easier it will be to ask for it, that’s how I see it. So I went in a sexy fireman costume… well all I could find was a cheap fireman hat so I wore it with a pair of swim trunks. That counts as a costume right? When I arrived at the bar there was a good crowd, and I was excited to mingle. No one else seemed to feel the same about me though. I tried approaching people, giving them condoms, and making conversation, but they just got quiet and awkward once I handed the condom to them. One guy I started talking to refused, he said it was too late, he took a load up his ass before coming to the bar. I thought that was gross and just left the conversation there. All the while I was drinking more and more hoping that the booze would loosen me up enough to push through awkward convos but I wasn’t having any luck. By the time I had the courage to dance alone I was pretty drunk. The dance floor gradually got more and more crowded and I didn’t notice right away that a man near me was actually giving me some attention. I was grateful to have a friend and turned to him. I was shocked at how handsome he was. Dressed as a roman soldier with just a few straps of brown leather covering his body, and what a body. The chest was carved out of marble, his arms looked like they were stuffed with baseballs. I was completely entranced. As I traced my hands down his abs, I got bold and put my hand down between his legs, expecting to grope him through his underwear.. But I was shocked to find a fat cock freely hanging behind the flimsy straps of his costume. For a moment I forgot where I was and held it, it even flexed in my hand. When I realised someone could see me I pulled back and looked around, lucky no one seemed to have noticed. I was going to back away but he put a strong arm around me and pulled me in close. He said something into my ear, “.. our little secret” I couldn’t listen, not because of the noise but because I was distracted by his body pressed against me. His grip was so firm and comforting. I made a lame joke about his sword. I wanted him more than anything at this point. I was hoping he would take me home with him tonight. He slid his hand down the back of my swimsuit and pressed my hole. I was so worked up at this point, I needed him inside me. He seemed to read my mind and turn me around so he could press his now hard meat against my ass. I’ve never been more annoyed at a thin piece of lycra that covered my ass. Eventually he decided the same and pulled the back of my swimsuit down. I could feel his bare cock on my ass. I wasn’t expecting him to shove it in when he did and I gave a shout, the whole bar was shouting along with the music and no one realised I was shouting about something different. I was amazed that surrounded by people unaware I could feel his bare cock in me, bare, wait! I managed to pull myself off of him and grabbed one of my condoms and handed it to him. He told me he loved condoms which is good news because he has to use it. A moment later and he was back in me, but now it wasn’t just the tip. He sunk his huge cock deep into me, deeper than I thought I could ever take. He pumped into me roughly, it hurt, but I needed him more. As he fucked me surrounded by strangers he told me how much he loved the condom. It seemed strange how much he was turned on by the condom but it was also really reassuring. I could feel myself getting close and suddenly he started pounding me with no mercy, There’s no way people are noticing this. I came in the front of my trunks and moments later I heard him howl as he came while inside me. I heard him because there was a quiet part in the music. When he pulled out, I tripped and fell into the crowd. It felt like everyone was staring at me at that moment. A lot of people were. When I got back up he was gone. People were clapping though, for me? The attention was embarrassing, but also flattering. I went looking for the man, but he was gone. Thank god I made him wear a condom. I went to the bar and sat on a stool only to realise I sat in something wet and sticky, gross. I guess that’s my cue to go home before I make a bigger embarrassment of myself. I wonder what was on that stool, there’s so much of it on my butt, nasty. Somehow there’s more there after I left the bar, I could feel it running down my leg as I walked home.
  5. Chapter Two Snap The Stud I was laying on my friend's couch waiting to sober up enough until I could drive home when I logged into grindr. A guy I’ve been talking to recently is close by and reached out. Clearly he’s pretty drunk and he sends me a picture of his slutty bar outfit. When I tell him I’m spending the night on a couch he invited me to share his bed. It’s within walking distance and the offer is tempting not just for the comfort of a real mattress, but also for a hole to fill. He lets me in, hands me pyjama pants then and gets into bed..oh he actually meant sleeping in his bed. I’m hard as fuck though and so I made a point of reaching over him to put my phone on the far bedside table so that my package pressed against his hand. I love the moment when men realise what I have. His motives changed immediately, I could tell he was entranced by my cock. He played with it some with a dumb look on his face so I pulled it out. He knew exactly what to do with it to earn some precum, he pulled the foreskin back and rubbed under the head. This is the point when my instinct to breed really kicked in. I still didn’t know the full power of this instinct, but once it has a target, he’s as good a bred. I lifted his legs and pulled up his sweats in one motion and pressed myself against his ass. “I’m going to fuck you”. I wasn’t asking. The fucker reached for the bedside table and pulled out a condom. Now I know by this point that condoms are the worst, but I hadn’t yet fully accepted my role as a breeding bull is to get around, through or off them at all costs. I agreed to wear it, because that was the “right” thing to do. My night was going to be ruined because of this gross piece of latex. I put it on with significant effort, they weren’t exactly magnums and so they only reached half way down my hard cock. I lubed a little, because I knew it would be impossible without, due to the balloon on my dick. I shoved in hard and I could tell it hurt him, which he deserved. I felt almost nothing on my cock so I tried pounding as hard and rough as possible still but nothing. He didn’t seem to be having much fun either, not that I cared at this point. I could tell it was painful for him which was his own fault so I didn’t show him any pity. Suddenly something changed though I didn’t realize exactly what yet, but I could actually feel him. I pounded his ass faster and sure enough, I felt I could actually cum like this. I was pleased and figured maybe condoms aren’t as bad as I thought. I was getting closer and he was making noises of both pain and pleasure now. As I reached climax I shoved in deep and groaned. Even with a condom on I can’t ever pull out. Fuck I came so much, I pulsed and pulsed into him. Usually I cum more when I know I’m filling a guy, so I was surprised I came so much just to fill a rubber. Once my orgasm ended I noticed he covered himself in his own jiz. I pulled out of him and suddenly everything made sense. The condom snapped and my body knew, even if my brain didn’t. I showed him it broke and he looked nervous... but also apologized to me! Clearly this is a mistake I will have to make again. the prey Since I broke up I haven’t been very social. I knew I had to get out of my rut so when a friend told me the bar had a short-shorts theme I figured this was a good excuse. I prefer to top, but I have an ass that swallows shorts and I figure my self esteem would benefit by catching people looking. We went to the bar and had a lot of fun dancing, even if I didn’t get all the attention I hoped for. As the night dragged on though, I started feeling down again. I don’t actually want to hook up, I just wanted to be held. My friend noticed my mood spiralling and swooped in with drinks and compliments, and more drinks. I was feeling better, and back to my horny self, but I could tell I was in a state to make bad decisions, and decided to leave. On the walk home I logged into grindr, out of curiosity only, I wasn’t feeling right for a hookup. A handsome man I had been talking to recently was almost right next to me, he’s usually almost off my grid. I sent him a message and he replied quickly to ask what I’m doing. I sent him a picture I took in my shorts that I took at the start of the night and was immediately embarrassed by it. I apologized and told him I was drunk. He told me he was sleeping on a friend's couch and without even thinking I told him to come sleep in my bed. What was I saying, I don’t want to hook up, even though he is really handsome. He has big arms, and a strong hairy chest, this could be the cuddle I’ve been craving all night. Well I already invited him so I gave him my address. I barely made it home before he did but I had time to change into comfy sweats. He came inside my apartment and his presence felt warm. I felt drawn to him and just wanted to lay my head on his pecs and smell the warm manly scent coming off him. I contained myself and showed him to my bed, we climbed in, and I turned out the light. If I keep everything above belt, maybe this can stay PG. No luck though, he shifted to reach over me to put something on the bedside table and his monster cock pressed against my hand. I had to hold it even just out of curiosity, I could not believe it was so fat, and long, and hard. He pulled it out of his briefs, and I pulled the foreskin back and played with the head. Immediately clear nectar appeared at the top. This is when he changed. The warm protector vibe was gone, he looked at me like I was his meal, grabbed my legs and pulled them up to reveal my ass. I was a little bit scared, but it was also really hot. He told me he was going to fuck me, he didn’t ask and he didn’t seem to care what I wanted. I knew I had to be assertive about one thing. I reached to the bedside table and grabbed a condom and gave it to him. I tried to match his forceful tone when I told him to put it on, but I think I just sounded whiney. He stared at me with a tense smile, opened it and started putting it on. I could tell he was mad, his eyes were burning right through me. Too bad buddy, I’m not going to meet someone and then take them raw on the same night. I was proud of myself for making him wear it, he was so hot, I easily could have wavered. Once he had it on it looked ridiculous though. It was practically a hat on his giant cock. He didn’t waste any time though and he pinned my legs up and shoved in with just a trace of lube. My ass was on fire and he didn’t even give me time to adjust. Like I said I usually top, I’m not by any means a pump and dump bottom, not until now. I want to impress him so I don’t tell him to stop or pull out, still I can’t hide my pain. He’s fucking so hard but looks bored and I feel awful, what’s wrong with me? On one particularly hard stroke he changed again though. His eyes lit up and he became both the warm protector and wild predator in one. He pumped into me wildly now with a rhythm that was going to make me cum. Suddenly He shoved balls deep into me and my prostate went wild. I came so much thinking of him coming in me. Thank god I made him wear a condom, there’s no way the animal in him would have pulled out. Once we both came out of our orgasm he pulled out and showed me the broken condom. I was shocked and I didn’t know what to say. Why did I just apologize? He laughed at that, wiped his dick off on my sheets, climbed to his side of the bed and left me there covered in/ filled with cum. I fell asleep that way and he was gone before I woke up.
  6. Chapter one Don’t cum inside me without a condom! The Stud Starting at the beginning when I first discovered dominating, barebacking, and breeding. For several years I had bad luck with sex, I knew I wasn’t a bttm early but no one could take my large dick. It turns out the size is less of an issue when you remove the rubber. So one night after the bar I was crashing on a friend's couch, a mutual friend crashed on the floor. Part way through the night I was cold so I picked him up and put him on the couch with me to cuddle. I’m pretty sure I didn't even wake him while doing so. I snuggled back and a while later I felt him rub his ass against me. I took it a step further and pulled his underwear down. I didn’t have condoms but I was so fucking horny I decided to tease his ass with my cock. I was surprised when my dick went in with a small shove, it had never been this easy to enter a guy with a condom on. He noticed though. It definitely woke him up. I pumped a few times in and out and he moaned with pleasure. —Side note I’m lucky he’s bi, I had no idea what his orientation was at the time.— This is the first time I was ever able to put my whole cock inside a man and feel his ass stroke me with every thrust. I knew right away condoms were my enemy. I was still fucking him slow, savouring the new feeling and assuming that this was temporary that it could all stop if I wasn’t careful. Then he gave me an idea that hadn’t even crossed my mind. The first and only thing he said to me was a meek whisper “please don’t cum inside me without a condom on”. A switch went off an I went from being afraid he would stop me to being determined to take him. I told him “yes baby” and started pounding him deep and fast and in less than a minute I was shooting a huge load right up his ass and watched his face shoved into the pillow contort with pleasure, fear and confusion. He asked why I came inside him when he told him not to and I pretended that I misheard him, but I didn’t apologise. He said he’s okay with what I did, but not to do it again. Hahaha, I've bred this guy so many times since then, more than he realizes. This night transformed me into a load giver. When I pick a guy to load he gets it deep every time, and I prefer a challenge. The Prey Saturday night and the weather's warming up. I needed to go out and drink. Some guys from my dorm are going out to the gay bar and I figured I’d join them. I’m bi but I haven’t done much with guys yet, it’s too risky. We had a fun night dancing and I had way too much to drink. I didn’t realize that at the time and so agreed to go to an afterparty in a house nearby. The after party turned out to be just a few people chilling out playing video games. Somehow I fell asleep on the floor by the couch and only noticed when someone picked me up and put me on the couch. It felt really nice to be handled this way, and I was pleased to realize he was joining me on the small couch. I felt him press up against my back with his hard cock my ass. --Wait! Why can I feel his skin? Where are my pants?!-- I guess he could tell I liked it anyway. I felt him adjust so his head was at my hole. This is now the farthest I’ve ever gone with a guy. I’ve played with my own ass, but never had anyone this close. I wanted him to fuck me, but I didn’t have a condom so of course we can’t… Suddenly he pushed all the way in. I was shocked, it did hurt but I was still drunk enough to ignore the pain. He doesn’t have a condom on! He starts pumping his cock in and out in long strokes, every time he pulls back i panic about fucking bare, but as soon as he pumps in my brain goes blank with pleasure. I’ve never felt my prostate this much, his cock is warm and so incredibly deep. His thrusts are getting faster and his breathing is getting shorter. I know what this means and I really start to panic and tense up. I had enough wits about me to demand. “Please don’t cum inside without a condom on!” He gripped my torso hard and hissed “yes baby”. --good he heard me.-- Then he sped up more and pounded so hard it really started to hurt. I was about to tell him to stop, I’m not sure that he would have thought, when he thrust deep into me and his cock pulsed. I turned my head around to tell him to pull out! But he just covered my face with his hand and shoved me into the pillow. I couldn’t say anything, I tried to squirm free but I think that just milked his cock more. Finally after what felt like forever the pulsing stopped, he sighed and let me go. Immediately I demanded “Why did you cum in me when I told you not to!”. He smiled, winked and told me he thought I told him to cum inside. I guess that’s possible. I didn’t want to make a scene so I just said “whatever, now you know, don’t do it again.” He just replied with “yes baby”, pulled his shorts on and left. I passed out exhausted, still drunk, and apparently full of cum. Now it’s noon I’m hungover, walking back to my dorm wondering how I let last night happen and his huge load escapes with what I thought was going to be a small fart. People can see it, there’s no way they can’t. This is why they call it the walk of shame.
  7. The following stories are fictional. They depict sexual acts that can be hot to some in fantasy, but have horrifying consequences in real life. I will be telling the stories of a man becoming a predator for unwilling cumdumps. I will tell each story from the perspective of the load giver, and again from the tricked prey. These stories involve stealthing, without HIV, disease, or drugs (aside from liquor and poppers). If you enjoy my stories please comment and/or like them. I write these stories for myself and my own tastes, so if there's something here that isn't for you, then that's because it's not for you. Please enjoy some of the many other stories on this site.
  8. This story is perfect. You are a very good writer, i look forward to seeing more from you.
  9. Starting at the begining when I first discovered dominating, barebacking, and breeding. For several years I had bad luck with sex, I knew I wasn’t a bttm early but no one could take my large dick. It turns out the size is less of an issue when you remove the rubber. So one night after the bar I was crashing on a friends couch, a mutual friend crashed on the floor. Part way through the night I was cold so I picked him up and put him on the couch with me to cuddle. I’m pretty sure i didn’t even wake him while doing so. I snuggled back and a while later I felt him rub his ass against me. I took it a step further and pulled his underwear down. I didn’t have condoms but I was so fucking horny I decided to tease his ass with my cock. I was surprised when my dick went in with a small shove, it had never been this easy to enter a guy with a condom on. He notice though. It definitely woke him up. I pumped a few times in and out and he moaned with pleasure. —Side note I’m lucky he’s bi, I had no idea what his orientation was at the time.— This is the first time I was ever able to put my whole cock inside a man and feel his ass stroke me with every thrust. I knew right away condoms were my enemy. I was still fucking him slow, savouring the new feeling and assuming that this was temporary that it could all stop if I wasn’t careful. Then he gave me an idea that hadn’t even crossed my mind. The first and only thing he said to me was a meek whisper “please don’t cum inside me without a condom on”. A switch went off an I went from being afraid he would stop me to being determined to take him. I told him “yes baby” and started pounding him deep and fast and in less than a minute I was shooting a huge load right up his ass and watched his face shoved into the pillow contort with pleasure fear and confusion. He asked why I came in him when he told him not to and I pretended that I misheard him, but I didn’t apologize. He said he’s glad I did, but not to do it again. Hahaha, i’ve bred this guy so many times since then. This night transformed me into a load giver. When I pick a guy to load he gets it deep every time, and I prefer a challenge.
  10. I love when guys say this. It always puts me over the edge. I have many stories of naive twinks letting me in bare ‘just for a bit’ and then when I start fucking them hard and deep they realize I might cum in them. So they ask me not to, only to get my load 9” deep before they even finished their request.
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