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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. “Suitors”. So that’s what all those guys who rutted my slit in the steam room were... suitors. Now the whole experience feels less like a mini-gangbang and more like afternoon tea on the verandah! 🤔
  2. Even here in our rural state, all restaurants, bars, etc. have now been closed except for delivery service. Now we can get our COVID-19 delivered straight to our door as one infected person coughs in the face of the pizza guy, infects him, and then he goes from door to door handing out boxes he’s touched and breathing on people. And if any of you guys have a fantasy about fucking the pizza guy - maybe put that off for a bit. At the grocery today, in the toilet tissue aisle, sure enough: not a single roll remained. But - there were still full shelves of kleenex boxes untouched. Think it through.
  3. What prevents the steel mesh from abrading the cock as well? I’m no Top, but as a cock owner, that looks like a solid Nope to me... o.0
  4. Real-time update: The March CumUnion in Indianapolis was a ghost town. Attendance compared to previous events was sparse. Part of this may also have to do with the fact that it snowed all day, but it didn’t cause any serious travel issues. Could be a fuckless few weeks...
  5. @Britnonchaser - Please take note of the area of the forum this post is in: General Discussion. The practice under discussion is intended specifically to facilitate givers infecting chasers with HIV, and the thread is not about fantasy, but about the actual means to do this in real life. For those who find the idea titillating, the site owner has provided an area in the backrooms where such things can be discussed among those of like mind. That place is not here. Here on this part of the site you will encounter many members who consider the idea of trying to catch HIV sheer idiocy, and the idea of consciously inflicting it on another human being abhorrent. This isn’t just a case of “your kink is not my kink” - the lives and well-being of real people are at stake. We’re not just trying to throw shade on someone’s fantasy - we actually care what happens to people. My own reply was based on two things, my experience with an anal fissure that required surgery to repair, and with AIDS, which came very, very close to killing me in 2014. You don’t get why I would try to talk the OP out of it? It’s because I’ve lived through the potential consequences. Have you? Or is your argument simply that it’s your fantasy too? If members want to broach such topics without having a bucket of cold reality emptied over them, I recommend posting in the appropriate area of the Backrooms. Up here in front, we call ‘em like we see ‘em.
  6. Thank you for the correct information. It just demonstrates how difficult it is to winnow the wheat from the chaff in the current information environment surrounding the virus. I will try to track down my original source and challenge it using your data. I nevertheless believe the information I found regarding the immune stimulating properties of steam rooms is correct, but I will confirm that also.
  7. It irks me because I don’t have a league. My ass belongs to any man - any man - who lays claim to it. Whatever its quality may actually be, anyone can swing his bat at me. I guess their inference that some men, by virtue of appearance, aren’t entitled to good sex runs contrary to everything I believe.
  8. I keep running across the phrase “Bat in your league” in men’s profiles, usually those of athletic or muscular men looking for equally athletic or muscular men their own age or a little younger. The inference is “I am elite, and unless you are also elite, you’re not worthy to speak to me, let alone take my cock.” I find this really irritating when I see it, mainly because I find self-important narcissists annoying, but also because of the presumption. No, I don’t have a physique to meet his standards, but what I do have, by all accounts, is a fantastic ass - what, then, makes him think he would be deserving of that? What makes him think he could bat in my league?
  9. The guy who just left my hotel room inspired me to come up with a new term for what happens when a Top runs his fingers up and down your crack and over your hole with one hand while masturbating with the other and then points the end of his cock right over - but not in - your hole when he shoots. His fingers reminded me of the little x-wings and tie-fighters that zoomed through the slot canyons of the Death Star, and his orgasm was Red Leader saying, “Negative. Negative. It didn’t go in. It just impacted on the surface.” So from now on any time a guy cums on my hole instead of in it, he’s done a Red Leader.
  10. One thing to note about bathhouses - the temperatures reached in a steamroom, combined with the humidity, likely provide conditions hostile enough to kill the virus, according to sources I researched. In addition, the “heat shock” the body undergoes in the steam room promotes the formation of white blood cells, stimulating immune response. The dry sauna, not so much apparently. Avoid that. But the inside of the steam room might be one of the safer places around. Just don’t touch your face. Or... well, anything really. Guys have been sitting ass-naked on that.
  11. Since all the medical experts keep saying that immune compromised people are at serious risk, I consulted my HIV doctor yesterday to find out just how screwed I am having fought my way back from a CD4 count of 49 to my last count of 439 last October. She said at this level my numbers are good and I would react like a member of the general population, and to just wash hands often and refrain from touching my face. That last bit is going to be the hard part - whenever I read something in the news about Trump I automatically *facepalm*.
  12. That’s an excellent point. I imagine that the video would become more dangerous as corroboration that the events discussed in the messaging logs, and other information, did in fact occur. I’m just speculating about all of this. The OP presents an interesting question, and if I were in his situation it would exceed my risk threshold.
  13. I wonder about this as well. Anal constriction is usually an involuntary reaction during orgasm in males. It took me years to reach the point where I can stop myself from doing it. I tend to orgasm violently and I have clamped down so hard before that I have forcibly ejected a cock with a determined Top’s full weight behind it (fortunately it just made him decide to “teach me a lesson”... 🙂). Forcing a guy’s balls through what would then be a verrrrrrry small opening, with that kind of force...😬
  14. I have come across references here to Tops actually working their balls into a bottom’s hole along with their cock. In all the hundreds of fucks I’ve taken, I have never experienced this. Does this really happen? How common is it? How is it achieved? Does the bottom have to be particularly loose? Does the Top have to be particularly low-hung? (I would imagine the answer to both questions is probably ‘yes’, but I could be wrong. What does this feel like, from both a Top and a bottom perspective?
  15. I stand corrected, for which I thank you (I also am just some jackass on the internet). It appears “everywhere” was incorrect. In barbarous, uncivilized places like Russia you may apparently poz anyone you want with impunity (but they’re capricious, and they have gulags), and in Thailand any applicable law would be very weak. Elsewhere, it does appear that consent may offer a means of defense, but In every jurisdiction I read about the law also addressed the infliction of “grievous bodily harm” on another person, including infection with disease. I still maintain that an individual cannot consent to grievous bodily harm, and even if you went to the extents to prove consent that @BreedingCameraman suggests, the bottom could still claim to have been coerced into doing it. I am not, however, an attorney. To be safest, the OP should find a lawyer and ask this question. But I know some lawyers, and the way they think, and I can pretty much predict that a lawyer’s counsel is going to be don’t.
  16. @Dumbsadcumholeuk - Your narrative makes it sound as though this change in you happened relatively rapidly. A person doesn’t change his nature so radically without cause - are you able to identify the reason you began to behave and feel differently? Might it have been some event, or major realization or epiphany you had? Whatever it was, the change is clearly a source of distress for you, I’m assuming a clash between your original mindset and your new one. A visit to a therapist to help you reconcile the incongruous parts of your nature might be beneficial.
  17. @BreedingCameraman - The reason making a video record of a Top intentionally infecting a bottom with HIV is mot a good idea is that it is evidence of a crime. And it’s not just a civil offense for which the other person could sue for damages (though that could happen too) - it’s a crime against the state. The state has a vested interest in the defense of its citizens, the keeping of good order, the prevention of the spread of disease in the community, and so on. That’s why if you were to commit suicide by hiring Big Louie to slit your throat, Big Louie is still going up for murder regardless of the contract you signed giving him permission to do it. An individual cannot waive a law passed by the state to protect him; the law is the law. In the case at hand, I am not aware of any jurisdiction in which it is legal to knowingly poz someone, giver/chaser desires notwithstanding. The degree to which it is condemned may vary - felony in some places, misdemeanor in others - but society as a whole prohibits it everywhere.
  18. Ethics aside, doing a hotel scene blindfolded with your iPad propped up on a shelf is an excellent way to lose an iPad.
  19. The solution is to meet at the local Starbucks and fuck there. The only downside is that you would have to be quick and you’d probably only be able to do it once...
  20. I might add as well that even though sex addiction may stem at least in part from natural biological and psychological processes, it is not normal. Natural ≠ normal here. No addiction is a normal mental state.
  21. @tallslenderguy - I’m not sure I agree that the possibility of an actual addiction - in the strictest sense of the term - can be so easily dismissed as a cultural construct. The biochemistry of sex does very potent things with the reward system and pleasure centers in the brain, and has significant implications in terms of dopamine release, among other chemicals and neurotransmitters. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that some individuals begin to rely on sexual activity to trigger changes in brain chemistry in the same way another person might rely upon a drug - they are both a means to the same end. Likewise, just as a drug addict will become desensitized to the drug and require increasingly great doses to achieve the same effect, so too may a person who relies on sex discover that one hookup no longer satisfies, and he begins to need more and more to achieve the same mental effect...until it becomes impossible. I do not meet the criteria for sex addiction, but I have observed a marked change in my reaction to sexual encounters over time; where once a single fuck could content me for weeks, now I feel empty if I go home with fewer than ten, and always hope for another gangbang that could Fill my tank with 20+ loads again. And then I catch myself feeling wistful, wondering what it would be like to be full with 50. I’ve crossed the 20+ threshold three times now...and even that is starting to feel mundane. Fortunately, I live in the Ass-End of Nowhere and I only get to indulge on a monthly basis - that gives my brain time to reset a bit. If I lived in a city with a bathhouse and a sex club, I can see myself ending up in service three or four days a week, and I think changes would happen fast. But here’s the thing: Some people are more genetically prone to addiction than others. Experience has shown that I am not. So I think one of two things can happen. Either a guy who reaches the level of sexual activity that he simply begins to addictively self-destruct in the futile pursuit of what has become a dependency...or he realizes he’s gotten all he can get from it and out of boredom finds a new passion. The first guy is an addict. The second is not. They both had the same level of sexual activity, but the difference between them lies in their individual biochemistry, and has nothing to do with any moralist social agenda. That’s my hypothesis, anyway. I suspect that the powerful effects of sex on biochemistry and mental states make it a serious candidate for true addiction.
  22. What are you trying to tell us with this? You start out acknowledging that what you did was very wrong and that you broke trust with another person - then you turn right around and tell us how good it felt because it was so wrong, and crow about getting away with it. That doesn’t paint a handsome picture of you, my friend. Not at all.
  23. Au contraire, mon frére! Recent genetic studies have demonstrated that modern Homo sapiens received HPV from Neanderthal fuck-buddies between 30,000 and 60,000 years ago. For anatomically modern humans, that’s basically far enough back that we might as well think of it as the dawn of time as far as we’re concerned. For those of you more inclined toward scripture: And on the sixth day God made Man out of clay, and breathed life into him, and straightaway Man got a genital wart from his brother from another mother and God threw up his almighty Hands and saith, “THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS.” And it was evening, and morning on the seventh day, and God went to bed and did nothing about it and Man has his wart to this day, Amen. - Book of ErosWired (Apocrypha)
  24. Although Sex Addiction as a distinct diagnosis was not included in the current diagnostic manual for psychiatric disorders (DSM-V), psychiatric professionals sometimes still diagnose Sex Addiction under the "Not Otherwise Specified" category of behavioral disorders. The condition is the subject of professional debate, but the disagreement is not so much about whether Sex Addiction is real, but rather about its nature and causes. Some professionals prefer to think of it as Hypersexual Disorder, a condition for which formal diagnostic criteria are under development. Yes, Sex Addiction can be real. Like addiction to substances (there is reason to believe that brain chemicals play a part in this) or other risk behaviors (i.e., gambling), there are common factors that set the condition apart as an addition as opposed to simply a much enjoyed behavior. The most important criterion is that the person finds himself unable to stop engaging in the behavior. Other notable symptoms include: Frequently engaging in more sex and with more partners than intended. Being preoccupied with or persistently craving sex; wanting to cut down and unsuccessfully attempting to limit sexual activity. Thinking of sex to the detriment of other activities or continually engaging in excessive sexual practices despite a desire to stop. Spending considerable time in activities related to sex, such as cruising for partners or spending hours online visiting pornographic Web sites. Neglecting obligations such as work, school or family in pursuit of sex. Continually engaging in the sexual behavior despite negative consequences, such as broken relationships or potential health risks. Escalating scope or frequency of sexual activity to achieve the desired effect, such as more frequent visits to prostitutes or more sex partners. Feeling irritable when unable to engage in the desired behavior. Hetero statistics show that 38% of male and 43% of female sex addicts report having an STD. That can likely be extrapolated to Tops and bottoms, respectively, as the incidence is most likely attributable to sexual role. More in-depth information on Sex Addiction can be found here and here. I'm not a psychiatrist, I'm just a credentialed librarian. But to reply @CumDump15's question about whether sex addicts should be considered in need of psychological aid, the answer has to do with harm. Addictions are harmful to addicts because they interfere with other important aspects of life, may cause damage to a person's mental faculties, relationships with other people, may put the person at physical risk of harm or of harming others, and may gradually result in a desensitization that requires the person to continually seek more of the same stimulus to get the same effect, until the behavior consumes all the person's time, and ultimately the person reaches the point where relief from the craving cannot be obtained. A person under the influence of addiction cannot always recognize that he is in the grip of an addiction. Others may see it more clearly. Unless the addiction is treated and the person is released from it, negative outcomes are inevitable. Name an actual addiction that is harmless - don't bother, there isn't one. We're not supposed to be addicted to things. So I would say yes, people who are truly addicted to sex deserve help to be freed from their addiction, whether they realize it or not. Now, several replies in this thread have pointed out that there's nothing wrong with having a healthy (even unusually robust) sexual appetite. I agree. One can have that and not be actually addicted. I go to Louisville and to Indy each once a month and take as much cock as I can get - but I don't have to. I decided to lay off going to Indy for the winter because I knew I wouldn't have as much luck then, and it would be better to save up my travel money for warmer weather. The times some lovely fellow has given me an STD, I take myself out of circulation for as long as it takes to get clear. It's an annoyance, but necessary. The point is, even though I'm as high-volume a cumdump as I can manage, I don't have to be. It doesn't control me. @CumDump15 - again, I'm not a shrink, but from your post it sounds to me less like you're a sex addict and more like a man who has discovered he doesn't have to live under the repression of shame/guilt/self-loathing he has carried for years about his sexuality, and is looking for affirmation as he begins making up for lost time and enjoying his sex life to the fullest. Look over the resources I linked above, and decide for yourself if they apply to you, but I wouldn't be so quick to label yourself a Sex Addict. @DannyBoyCMH - You made an interesting statement in your reply above. From our conversations and other posts that you've made, you sound like a person with a balanced life who enjoys a very active sex life, albeit as a high proportion of your day, and not addicted to it. Yet in your statement above you say "I have to have sex every single day". Does this mean that circumstances beyond your control require you to have daily intercourse, or does this mean that you feel internally compelled to do so? What would happen if you didn't? If it's the first case, what would happen in the person or people obliging you to daily coitus one day didn't? Or didn't for a week? Or a month? The answer to these questions would point to whether there is an addiction at play (and the addiction might not be yours...).)
  25. @mml94 - I do not recommend Vaseline as a lube. Vaseline is petrolatum-based, which is not skin-friendly. It will cover the pores of the skin around your anal area, preventing the skin from absorbing moisture and remaining supple. It will also coat the inside of your rectum and lower colon, potentially interfering with water absorption. Vaseline also has a tendency to increase in stickiness with exposure to air, so you eventually end up with just a different kind of friction. Instead, go to the grocery and pick up two things, both under $5: One of the small (5” diameter) tubs of Crisco shortening, and a container of coconut oil - the solid kind, not the liquid kind. The Crisco is a natural, organic, vegetable oil with good staying power and glide, which will allow your anal skin to breathe and remain flexible (important to prevent injury). The coconut oil is solid at room temperature but liquid at body temperature, a little more viscous than most water-based lubes, and eventually is absorbed by your body. I usually apply a finger-load of Crisco as a base, making sure my chute is well greased, then follow that with a couple of generous dollops of coconut oil pressed into the hole. You have to act quickly, because the coconut oil will begin to liquify the moment it hits your ass - have a towel or someone’s tongue or something close and hand to catch any excess. You’ll want to repeat the procedure every so often, but the more cum you take, the less lube you’ll need. Others may disagree, but I advise avoiding silicon-based lubes if at all possible. They last, and they’re very slick, but they’re difficult to impossible to get out of textiles, spills create floor hazards, and some people (like me) are apparently allergic to them. If a Top uses a silicon-based lube before he enters me, the fuck turns into an ordeal of searing, burning torment.
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