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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Looked at in this way, it could be argued that even posting here on this board, as the OP has, his clear plan and intent to expose the other guy to his “very toxic” semen, is in itself a risky thing to do. Such a post could end up in front of a jury just the same as a video. I don’t know to what degree RawTOP shields the backrooms - or any of these boards - from Google searches, but any of you who are contemplating actually intentionally infecting other people with HIV should realize that what often gets talked about and treated on here in terms of fetish and fantasy is taken very seriously by the world outside, and there isn’t anywhere that what you’re planning to do is okay from the point of view of civil authorities. By stating what you plan to do here, you are in effect declaring your intent to commit a criminal act with forethought. That you and the other guy consented to the pozzing - that he actually begged you for it - is immaterial. Just food for thought - you may want to be circumspect about what you write. I haven’t heard that any authorities have been doing undercover sting operations on BZ or anything, but posts on the net live a loooooooooong time...
  2. I don’t know about the law where you are, but In many jurisdictions, what you are contemplating doing is deemed a felony. From the point of view of the state, a person cannot give you permission to cause him permanent bodily harm (intentional infection with an incurable and potentially deadly disease) any more than he could give you permission to murder him. Therefore any video of the act becomes Exhibit A for the prosecution. Even more so if this other guy, upon discovering that the fantasy of getting infected with the virus, and then living with the goddamn thing for the rest of his foreshortened life, are two totally different things, decides to go after you for “manipulating” him into his own horrible decision. Don’t get me twisted here, I’m not against recording one’s sexual exploits - I bring a camera every time I host in the hope that some Top will want to get every thrust of my breeding captured for viewing (no such luck yet, blast it...). But in this particular case, I would suggest that it’s unwise.
  3. Is this a cumdump party you’ve advertised, and have 25+ guys responding that they’ll attend? If so, the conventional wisdom and common experience of bottoms reporting on similar events on this site suggests that you should realistically expect your actual turnout to be between 25%-40% of those responding. If you want to maximize turnout, you would do well to send out reminder notes to respondents a day prior. That said, if this is your first time attempting to serially service multiple men, and especially if you do not have previous experience with that kind of use, 25 men is a lot. My second- and third-best one-day tallies were 24 and 23, respectively, and although I’m seasoned to it, those experiences still put my slutty ass through its paces. Maybe it would be better not to send out those reminders this first time, and just see how it goes. All it takes is for one guy to tear your ass up early on, and then the rest can be pure torture til the others are satisfied. Plus, if it’s just you hosting 25 guys at once, without anyone else to keep things under control, once the fucking starts you won’t be in control, and things can go pear-shaped with that many people. Not trying to discourage, and again, you almost certainly will only get a fraction of those who respond, but a positive experience depends on you having realistic expectations and being prepared. And a deep-cleaned hole with lots of lube. Never skimp on the lube.
  4. Guys have photographed and videoed me being fucked by them - I can usually tell because the light from their phone cam casts an odd glow around the room. It’s always been from behind, though; nobody’s ever tried to vid me while they were taking me missionary. It’s probably because I have a face made for radio, lol, but I’ve never been in a position where I was really open to clear facial identification. Not that I have any reason to think there’s anything of me floating around the net I’m unaware of - from time to time I’ll do a Google image search using a couple of my pics, and I have never yet come across anyone else having appropriated or reposted anything of mine. (Frankly, I don’t know whether to feel relieved or insulted...)
  5. In my experience, once the Top has established a rhythm, any creative movement on the bottom’s part stands a high risk of breaking that rhythm. Changes by the bottom should be introduced very carefully and tentatively, with constant sensitivity to the Top’s slightest immediate response. If the bottom feels that he either doesn’t have the fine control to finesse the change, or sufficient sensitivity to the Top currently being served, then it’s probably best not to make the attempt, and let the Top find his own path to pleasure - he knows his cock and his mind best, after all. I rarely do much to augment a fucking that seems to be going well, except that in some situations I will tighten up ever so slightly on his outthrust and relax on his inthrust - in rhythm with him - just enough so that his corona feels a tiny bit of extra friction on the way out. This usually brings out a long groan. I can’t always do it - if the Man’s penetration is shallow, or if his girth stretches me too much to give me any leeway to squeeze carefully (or at all o.0 ) I don’t make the attempt. Sometimes it’s all I can do just to follow instructions, like when a Top with a huge cock rams in up me until I have tears in my eyes and then says, “C’mon, open that shit up.” 😨
  6. As someone who has endured an anal fissure and the surgery needed to correct it, I cannot imagine how such a piercing could be performed safely, or tolerated for the length of time required for healing, which would be extensive - you’re basically talking about developing a long fistula between the rectum and the perineum. It would be prone to constant infection and be nearly impossible to keep clean of fecal material. Plus, every bowel movement would have the tendency to force the ring to rotate outward from the anus, having the effect of trying to pull the perineum end through the fistula. Also, bear in mind that the rectum is part of the colon, i.e., an organ - piercings are not meant to pass through the walls of organs. If a person were to present at a hospital with a puncture leading from a point along the perineum to an entry into the anorectal cavity such as we see here, I suspect it would be considered a bowel perforation. To be honest, the concept is so impractical that I have to question whether this isn’t just a really good photoshop job.
  7. Well. I tried an experiment this last weekend when I hotel hosted. Instead of waiting around to be asked how many loads I had in me, when I hit four loads I set my profile name on Grindr as “FourLoadsSoFar” and updated it every time I got another one - FiveLoadsSoFar, SixLoadsSoFar, etc. I can’t say with any certainty whether this tactic increased my tally for the trip (11), but it drew other bottoms like bugs out of the woodwork. I had two offers two come suck my cock (no thank you), two offers to come eat the loads I got out of my ass (um...no), one guy who wanted to come “help me” so I could “get him some Tops” (fuck off), a guy who wanted to watch (only if you bring the Top with you), one who wanted to chat on and on about advice for cumdumping, and three - three! - who messaged me purely to tell me that they were “jelly”. All three, same word. Now, for all you guys that turn to “jelly” at the idea of 11 loads in a night, here’s the backstory: Three of those loads were delivered by cocks under 4” that had difficulty staying inside me. Three of the loads were deposited on, rather than in, my hole, and had to be pushed in. One had to be taken by mouth, eaten off the Top’s belly. Four of them came from one man with a big cock that kept running over my prostate like a semi going back and forth over roadkill - he shot three, one after the other with no refractory period, then surprised me by coming back hours later for a fourth. Oh, and one of those men gave me a case of gono. Nothing to be jelly about, let me assure you.
  8. In that case, perhaps we should take this side-conversation to messaging. And not tangent further from the OP’s thread.
  9. When I get a slap afterward, it’s almost always from a Top that has also applied a very similar slap while he was inside me. I have always interpreted them as a Top expressing “You’re a whore and you’re my bitch tonight, and I can tell because your slut-hole is treating my cock well.“ I’ve always felt that the last slap simply punctuated the ones that came before it.
  10. I have Asperger’s, and that is NOT what goes on in our heads. I don’t know what you think you’re talking about, but that’s a load of rubbish. Without wishing to seem blunt/rude, did you ever consider that it might not be a good idea to make blanket statements about a group of “them” when you are not one of “them”?
  11. The touch of flesh to flesh is a notable experience; the touch of intimate flesh to intimate flesh is a potent one. Just as a glove on the hand prevents appreciation of the first, a condom stops the second. Yes, it feels better. But, like, an order of magnitude better. Yet how it feels physically to me actually is a less powerful influence on me than the idea that another man has made the choice to breed me with his bare penis, with his own pleasure being his foremost consideration. To me it demonstrates that he is a Man who understands that his cock is powerful, capable of influencing another man to obedience, capable of overwhelming him in the physical act of sex, and capable of making him accept the Top’s ultimate triumph of the action of reproduction in his body. That, and it feels better - why wouldn’t anybody bottom bareback?
  12. Ah. I hadn’t considered the possibility of competition from off-duty flight attendants. That could be a net negative. From your post it sounds like you’re a Top, and if your experience is that you can always find one or more of these ready and waiting in a hotel close to an airport, that suggests the need there is already covered.
  13. Bottoms who hotel host, and Tops who whore out - When choosing a hotel for a room, do you consider hotels/motels close to airports? Do you prefer them or not? Do you think they provide more traffic? I’m wondering if what you gain in traveling guys you might lose in local traffic, but I could be completely wrong. What’s been your experience?
  14. Cum by mouth is a mixed experience for me. At the instant the ejaculation hits the inside of my mouth, I often feel nauseated, but this usually passes quickly once the load starts filling my mouth. When it doesn’t, I just sort of encapsulate the load in my own saliva and swallow it down in a gulp. Note - I never, ever, ever spit it out unless I’m about to transfer it straight to my ass; to reject a Top’s gift like that is unconscionable, and would be a dereliction of my duty. The only problem is that the transfer by hand is very inefficient. I may get one of those lube shooters and try that. As to the actual taste of cum, I have only ever tasted one load that was so bitter it was unpalatable. Fortunately that was a sample of what was running down my leg after a fuck. I’m not big on bitter loads in general. [shakes a finger at all the smokers]
  15. @rawbro - Congratulations on both your acceptance and your perseverance! You say it took years of trying to be accepted - if you don’t mind my asking, why do you think it was so difficult to get a place as a mare, and what made the difference this time?
  16. Mine is even harsher. A single flake gets a guy blocked, and since he didn’t get a piece of my ass he may also get a piece of my mind before I block him. Ghosts can go haunt somebody else after a single offense. If a guy chats me up for half an hour with insinuations that he’s going to come over and then calls it off right at the end - blocked. If a guy says “on my way” and doesn’t actually come, that especially enrages me, and I would block him twice if I could. I am also considering additions to this list but haven’t implemented them yet: • Guys who say they’ll be here at a specific time after they get off work and take a shower, miss the time, then message in the morning with “Shit! I fell asleep!” • Any guy who comes under the pretext that he’s going to fuck me and intentionally uses me for head instead to completion. (I don’t mind taking a load by mouth, and yes, I always swallow - it’s the deception that will get the guy blocked.) • Anyone who identifies as ‘Bottom’ (not vers) whose first message is “How many loads?” • Anyone whose first message is just “pics” • Any idiot who asks if I, a practicing public cumdump, am “generous”. Stop the madness, fortheloveoffuck.
  17. Well, this ^ definitely. Sound relationships are built on a foundation of trust, without exception. In the grand scheme of things, strategically fibbing about your age on Grindr isn’t so horrendous. But in the absence of other information it could suggest that one of your personal traits is dishonesty. How honest or dishonest do you think you are? Do you have a walk-in skeleton closet? If you want this to succeed, be prepared to come clean about anything that could conceivably affect a relationship. As to the age difference, I concur with others here that if he balks at it, you’d be better off without him - he’s going to be judgmental in other areas as well. But you’re not old enough to be his father, and since the issue hasn’t actually come up, you haven’t positively lied to him about it. You have no way of knowing whether or not he took your age into account when agreeing to meet you. For all you know, the extra five years may be a plus for him. Take the bull by the horns and deal with the issue tonight. Just bringing it out will demonstrate that you have a conscience, and that’s no small thing.
  18. In other words, you want to have your cake, and eat it, too. Sorry, bud, but I don’t think anyone is going to be able to help you find a way to be a greedy bottom who wants all the loads and not be anxious that you’re going to miss one, because that’s an all-or-nothing mindset. And, you’re never going to “get all the loads” at a bathhouse anyway even if you were the only bottom there (as if) because you’re simply not going to be some men’s type. So, in order to rid yourself of the anxiety, the only thing you can do is decide to change the way you look at things. You can either a) decide that it’s okay if you don’t get all the loads (not a bad notion, because ‘greedy bottom’ is not a good look on anyone); b) decide that you value the fuck more than, or as much as, the load; or c) decide that meeting the Top’s need is more important than what he does to you. I’m absolutely a (c) kind of cumdump. I love taking loads, and I absolutely love a good long-duration fuck, but if the Top doesn’t leave happy and satisfied, none of it means anything for me. Seriously. As long as you allow yourself to be ‘greedy’, you will experience anxiety - that is the nature of greed, when a person wants all for himself. It’s so hard to achieve that it’s a recipe for frustration, and you don’t make many friends that way.
  19. I think another reason the term “Daddy” bothers me is because for some, it carries a negative connotation about body image. I don’t recall which site it was, but a while back I remember filling in profile details and was presented with options for ‘body type’. The choices were something like ‘Athletic’, ‘Muscle Boy’, ‘Gym Rat’, ‘Bear’, ‘Cub’, ‘Otter’, ‘Twink’, and ‘Daddy’. Two sets of stereotypical gay bias were immediately evident - the categories basically broke down into whether or not you were in shape, and how hairy you were. Analyzing this list, it became clear to me that ‘Daddy’ was the only choice available for men who were even somewhat out-of-shape (a repulsive term - think about it), not animal-hairy, and too old to be considered a twink. That dubious set of characteristics would therefore rope in the majority of men. Notice, by the way, that ‘Average’ was not among the choices. I can only assume the omission was intentional because ‘Average’ was too vague and nondescriptive alongside the other loaded terms on the list. I found myself highly annoyed at being forced, since I could not in good conscience choose another description, to select ‘Daddy’, and thereby accept the judgment of an entire site of users about my body type. It’s a shame we can’t be evaluated on more important metrics that can’t be seen, like how good a fuck a Top actually is, or the quality of a bottom’s ass. It would be nice it there was a system of accurate ratings - a Yelp for barebackers - but it would never work. Jealous bottoms would be constantly spamming each other with fake one-star reviews.
  20. I think it’s important that you start out with a personal definition of what 100% actually means for you. I largely agree with @DannyBoyCMH above, although there is a distinction between a Top that will insist that you push your limits and a Top who ties you down fucks you with a baseball bat that you’re not physically trained to take, in the name of not letting you back out. Your 100% may not be the same as his 100% - I cannot count the number of times a Top has wanted, and usually taken, 120% from me. Sometimes more, and those were neither fun nor fulfilling experiences. So a) figure out what letting go 100% would actually look like for you, then negotiate with a Top who will take you there with firmness and determination and won’t let you wuss out, but won’t take you farther than agreed. Of course, once you hit 100%, you will have crossed what’s known as the inhibitory threshold, and you’ll likely discover you have a new definition of what 100% would be...
  21. Men who relish fucking ass. If they’re aggressive and rough, so much the better. No other criteria - I almost just said ‘Men with a cock’ but there’s something special about serving Men who love what they’re doing.
  22. There are sex bars? Where may one find these sex bars you tantalizingly speak of? My ass is curious.
  23. Most definitely this, yet I am constantly surprised by the number of Tops who instantly make a beeline for the bathroom before I can even get turned around. Is it not commonly understood among Tops that this is part of the service?
  24. That is the first actually practical answer I’ve heard. I wish I had thought to put it in the poll.
  25. This gets to the heart of what I had hoped to say. I’m a published novelist, so when I refer to “hearing it in the words” of these men, I mean reading with a writer’s eye, that can sometimes see the telltale hints of fiction. I absolutely endorse that those who have experienced this should tell their tale in any way that brings them peace. The thing is, the great majority of those here who courageously share their experience (even if it doesn’t seem like that big a deal to them) don’t appear to over-eroticize. I can only imagine that the experience was, and perhaps remains, too real for them to want to create something merely sordid out of it.
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