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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. As I have expressed many times in this forum, my personal understanding and acceptance of my sexual role is to accept the fuck, on demand, of any man who wants to use me. ‘Any’ means exactly that. It is not for me to filter and exclude men on the basis of any factor, including their sexual health. But given that any every man has the right to fuck me, every man also bears the responsibility to ensure that he is not going to transmit an STD, or if he is aware that he is infected, to inform me beforehand. To knowingly transmit disease through intercourse to an unaware partner is considered a form of sexual assault in many jurisdictions. If a Top knows he has HepC and says, “I want your hole. Now.” he’s going to get my hole. But he had by God better tell me first, because he’s going to be using a condom when he fucks me.
  2. I have to ask, since you mention elsewhere that you’ve had to move back for the time being to live with your parents and siblings - do you worry about the risk of getting infected with Covid from a hookup and bringing it back home?
  3. I got my fucking machine going and let it pound my ass for a straight half-hour, nonstop. As it worked me over, I watched porn of sluts like me getting fucked mercilessly, I used my poppers as if there were a real cock inside me, and I practiced opening myself up inside so the machine could reach as deeply as possible. And it wasn’t even close to satisfying. Before this, I had been reliable in offering my service, to the point that Men had begun to contact me and ask when I would be hosting again. I had regulars who had enjoyed the use of my body, in some cases several times. If it ends up being months before I’m able to host this way again, all of those connections will disappear. But what’s worse is that I was trained for this role, and my sexual need is only met when I am used. Masturbation is worse than useless because it simply emphasizes the fact that no one is using me. Likewise with porn. I end up feeling useless, because it doesn’t matter how good your ass feels inside if no cock can get into it. What’s the point of keeping my cunt in prime fucking form if it can’t be used? If it takes until this time next year for a vaccine to make it safe enough for me to host, that means I would have to quarantine myself for two weeks after every session to avoid putting my family at risk. And that also assumes I don’t actually catch the damn thing and die. Think about it - there are some men, even among us here, who are hooking up at the height of the crisis in spite of lockdown orders. When things ease up, those same men, who may now be disease vectors, will join right in among the rest of us who have endured the wait for safety’s sake, and hike up the risk to all of us, and those around us. I would be a lot more comfortable offering service if I knew that my Tops had all been sheltering in place and social distancing and not sneaking around bumping uglies during an outbreak. But there’s no way I can know that. And if those guys are willing to risk bringing Covid home to the people they love for the sake of a quick fuck, there’s no way in hell they’re going to give a damn about the risk to some faggot cunt with his ass up in a hotel room. I’m used to Tops calling me ‘worthless’, but at least they do it while they’re railing my slit. The kind of worthless I’m starting to feel now is very different...
  4. What a good question. I have often wondered myself about the risk that a Top will be annoyed versus stimulated. I’ve been particularly hesitant to offer up “breed me” unless the Top has used the term first, because I don’t know how Tops generally feel about the idea that they’re “breeding” the bottom if they’re just fucking the hole to get off. For me, it ramps up the intensity of my service to the next level if the Top adopts an attitude of breeding - my whole body reacts differently, becomes more fully receptive, takes deeper penetration, and I think Tops usually come away more satisfied with their fuck. But for me to be the first to suggest “breed me” never seems quite right... I’m very interested in hearing what Tops have to say on this.
  5. Apologies - I was extrapolating on your comment to further address FaceLoad’s assertions regarding same-sex coitus as being biologically “wrong” and thus meriting the use of “faggot” as a derogatory. I was expanding upon your point that a man and a woman are required for reproduction by adding that homosexuals are produced naturally by the same “preferred” heterosexual sex FaceLoad seems to endorse. I’m sorry for any confusion.
  6. The corollary to this is that if all homosexuals practiced 100% homosexuality for their entire lives, the world would eventually have no homosexuals at all. Yet this is untrue - I am the product of two unquestionably heterosexual parents, therefore, evidently, (hetero) x 2 = homo. Sometimes. Whether he ends up being a faggot is up to him.
  7. I believe the professional associations for both psychiatry and psychology would beg to differ with your assessment, as homosexuality was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of psychiatric conditions in 1973. The World Health Organization followed in 1990 by removing homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases. The result of these decisions by the medical/psychiatric community that there is nothing wrong, medically or mentally, with being gay has been a gradual societal shift toward acceptance - including, perhaps, a general recognition that it isn’t okay to call a gay man a “faggot”. Unless he wants you to...
  8. For goodness’ sake. Really? How many times have we had to scream it from the rooftops to make the rest of humanity understand? Being gay is. not. a. choice. If it were optional, “conversion therapy” might work, instead of being a cruel, counterproductive and ethically indefensible form of psychological torture. In this, at least, you are in accord with the actress Mrs. Patrick Campbell, who famously quipped, “Does it really matter what these affectionate people do — so long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses!“
  9. Harsh... Not to distract from the OP’s original question, but it does seem like some definition of the term is in order. Strictly speaking, the lowest form of life are single-celled prokaryotes, and the lowest form of animal life are considered to be (ironically, and in context perhaps appropriately) the sponges. Would it be correct to assume that you mean that a “faggot” is the type of man lowest in the human sexual hierarchy? Or do you actually mean that such a person is at the bottom of all human hierarchies because of his licentious submissive same-sex behavior? Even among cumdumps there may be stratification - some, for instance, might do anything another man wants, but draw the line at sex where they are penetrated by a female, and find that this is not held against them in the gay world. I, however, have been pegged (vigorously) by a woman, and though I would not seek to do it again, neither would I reject it were I asked for the service. Similarly, those cumdumps who occasionally fuck other bottoms may be seen to rise to a higher level than me, who does not fuck anyone, but can be fucked even by other cumdumps at will. So could you elaborate on your statement, as to whether you think “faggot” is acceptable in sexual hierarchical terms, or do you actually believe our behavior devolves us to the lowest form of human life, all other traits notwithstanding?
  10. I have thought long about this since the topic was started, because I am conflicted, and because I dislike being told that I meant something I didn’t mean by the words I chose to use. I grew up in a time and place where I heard the word “fag” being said to and about me before I had any idea what it meant - and it was not a good thing then, and there, to be a “fag”. It made you a target for the societal haves in school to persecute because they could, and for the have-nots to persecute because there was no one else within reach. And I was a really late bloomer and didn’t even have a sexuality yet. So for me, fag is a non-starter regardless of circumstance or identity of speaker. Faggot, however, strangely does not conjure the same overwhelming negativity in my mind, perhaps because it was not used nearly as often as a cudgel. I have heard gay men refer to each other as “faggot” in friendly, jocular terms, and it doesn’t bother me. As a public sexual submissive and cumdump, I do sometimes get Tops who call me “faggot”, but that also doesn’t bother me, as the word seems to have taken on a specialized sub-meaning as it relates to men like me who will allow themselves to be bred by anyone. I am a no-cock-refused cumdump, therefore if that means I am also a faggot, then I own that. It’s the definition of me. If the Top were to call me a “fag”, that would be another matter, and would put a stop to the proceedings until we addressed the issue. I actually have no idea if any of the Tops who call me “faggot” are openly gay themselves, or whether it’s just the married “straights” or the closeted self-deniers. Regardless, I think we should not be overeager to revive common use of a stereotyping and largely denigrating term even amongst ourselves, lest others feel emboldened to return us to a time when words were cudgels. People of African ancestry are still sharply stung by the use of the N-word by others even if they have reclaimed it for themselves, and autistics face a seemingly endless battle against the use of “retard” and “tard” (for the love of God, just don’t). Frankly, I’d prefer not to label myself at all, but if I didn’t I’d never get fucked.
  11. “Your hole will not reject” - lol - I have yet to meet an eager Top with a solid erection that could not penetrate my hole whether my hole wanted it or not. Once inside, though, and surrounded by the muscles in my ass, my hole has been known to eject a cock - if it makes me cum hard enough... 🙂
  12. I’ve only had two Tops try to DP me once, and it was problematic because neither was very long and one wasn’t fully hard. I got the impression that a successful DP is something like trying to launch a space shuttle - everything has to be optimal. I have, however, had a number of Tops - and recently more of them for some reason - DP me with their cock plus a dildo. One chose to do it with a glass dildo with a big, bulbous end for prostate stimulation, and fuck did I feel that! In general, though, for me I would say the result is more the sense of something accomplished rather than any feeling of enhanced pleasure. I’ve never been fisted, but I’ve also never had a cock I couldn’t take, so I’ve been very conscious of the way my hole has been stretched to accommodate these double penetrations. I’ve actually been surprised that I can take them fairly easily with little discomfort. I know, however, that that wouldn’t be so in all cases. The oh-my-god-thickest cock I took last year would have allowed no room for a DP...
  13. I’d say 80% of the men who fuck me are anonymous, and the rest are repeat visitors - but except for a couple of them I still have no idea what their actual names are. There’s a unique feeling I get, that nothing else provides, when an anonymous man enters a room, fucks me, and leaves - especially if he’s one that made no contact first, just came in response to the ad and walks in, and especially if I don’t get a glimpse of him (which often happens). Once the door closes and he’s gone, the reality hits me that a man just performed the most intimate act on me - was inside me, and left his reproductive fluid there - and I have no possible way of ever knowing who it was. That realization powerfully reinforces my understanding that my entire sexual purpose is for exactly this, a public-service cumdump. It makes me even more eager to improve my service for the next unknown men who come to rut me. Fifteen anonymous men fucked me at March CumUnion in Indy, just days before everything shut down.
  14. It’s getting harder and harder by the day. My entire sexual self is defined by giving my body to men for their pleasure - it’s my purpose. Now that I can’t, what use am I? Mu sexual gratification comes from feeling another Man have his orgasm inside me. Now there’s nothing - porn doesn’t compare to the real thing, chat and cam lack any warmth or touch, masturbating gets me off in the wrong way entirely, and all of it just leaves me more and more desperate to ram his cock up my wet slit and fuck me like a bitch in heat. My next move is going to be to see if I can get any relief using the fucking machine I built. It’s a little hard to use solo, but something’s got to give...
  15. I try to make every fuck the best possible fuck for the Top that chooses my hole for his pleasure, no matter who is fucking me, and whether it’s his first time inside me or his tenth. So I understand what you mean when you say, if I didn’t do that, why would you fuck me more than once? But what I still would like to know is, do you, as a Top, feel that you have a right to take my ass that first time? Because of what I am, I absolutely believe that you do, you and every other man who might ever want to fuck ass. I can only speak for my own belief - which is why I started this thread - but I mainly hope to find out if there are in fact Tops who feel the sense of entitlement that I assume is theirs, and are as emboldened to act on it as I am to submit to their demand at any moment.
  16. Not only will bathhouses be strained on their margins by a percentage of their patrons opting to stay away, this will present a golden - if not irresistible - opportunity for moralistic elements to move to have them closed down by authorities as a menace to public health. Pray for a vaccine, if you’re the praying type. Otherwise, just wish really, really hard.
  17. I had heard that the last Navajo Twink Code Talker had passed away. The end of an era... —- I had also understood bareback to be Navy with white dots (Fucking with cum splattering everywhere, I suppose). I can’t imagine cream being the accepted color - it’s too easily mistaken for white (vanilla), especially where light conditions are not ideal. The only downside is that Navy with white dots is not that easy a pattern to find. I’ve tried. I did eventually locate some to make handkerchiefs, but it wasn’t easy. I also found a very nice bolt of it in silk... but it’s so hard to get cum stains out of silk...
  18. Taken that way, it’s really not even subtle, is it?
  19. I always wondered why it was called “seminary”...
  20. A Gates of Hell is intended as a chastity device, specifically made to prevent the one encased from enjoying the pleasures of his cock. While it allows engorgement, it strictly limits low large the cock can swell, and is meant to make ejaculation very difficult. One seller goes so far as to tell buyers not to try to use it for penetrative intercourse. Close examination of a well-made Gates makes the reason clear - while the passage of multiple rings through one’s cunt might be tempting, the passage of the leather retaining strip (either sewn or fixed with metal) would not be pleasant, and almost certainly damaging. Plus, some Gates are made with four strips instead of one, and may feature up to two padlocks to prevent removal. It would be a very strange and unusual scene, in my experience, for a Top in the discomfort of a Gates of Hell to attempt to fuck someone with it on. That said, I’m sure that some Sadist Dom, somewhere, has forced two men to enact it for his amusement. But I wouldn’t recommend it.
  21. Yeah, this ^, I regret to say. I find bona fide Alphas very hard to come by, but when found, there’s no question that that’s what they are. An Alpha doesn’t ask a lot of questions. He has no interest in the bottom’s opinions on what is about to transpire. An Alpha is direct, straightforward, aggressive, and efficient. He sees what he wants and takes it without hesitation, because it’s his to take. He perceives that he occupies, by natural right, a place of privilege above lesser men who exist to satisfy his wants and needs. An Alpha relishes this position and its power, because it infuses his entire being and he is at his best when giving full expression to his traits in sexual dominance of another man. The firm hand on my neck, the merciless cock rutting my slit, the hunger and pride in the eyes staring into mine - and I melt away. In that moment I am his, his very own.
  22. Perhaps you do, but not all of us look at them them that way. I see Tops as human beings with strong needs and desires, blessed with the traits of masculinity. I feel privileged to find myself in a position to satisfy those needs and desires. I treat every one of my Tops like a Man deserves - maybe that’s why they keep coming back. Or it could just be for the good ass. 😉
  23. There was a time when I would never consider eating my own cum. Then I met my former Master and right from the start he made it plain that it wasn’t going to be a matter of choice. Every time he forced a load out of me, he would say, “Clean up the mess.” Now I frequently eat my cum... just cleaning up. But there’s nothing hotter than a Top fucking cum out of me and then reaching around to make me lick my own fluid off his fingers.
  24. I can’t use Gun Oil and some other similar silicone-based lubes because I have a reaction to them and they burn horribly. The closest I ever came to telling a Top I couldn’t take it any more was a time when a Top used some hellacious silicone lube plus had a cock that felt like sandpaper. I get excellent results from vegetable oil-based lubrication. I’ll apply a base of solid oil like Crisco, then add a little coconut oil for glide. Just needs an occasional touch-up, endures heavy fucking, absorbs safely into the body, won’t perma-stain fabric, and doesn’t turn the floor into a falling hazard if the Top happens to spill it. And some guy always spills it. And it’s cheap, at your neighborhood grocery.
  25. Probably not so much. The only thing immunity certification would do is demonstrate that the certificate holder is likely to be safe from reinfection. That means absolutely nothing about the ability to transport virus from a contaminated area to an uncontaminated area by contact. An immune person may not be as liable to cough on a vulnerable person (including an immune person’s family, friends, or pet bengal tiger) but he can transmit virus in other ways just like everybody else.
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