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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. There are still two or three of those in the area - if you want to pay outrageously marked-up prices. None of them seem to have caught on to the fact that you can get it all on the internet cheaper, in greater variety, often at higher quality, in the privacy of your home, shipped discreetly. How they stay in business is beyond me. Having a place in the back where people can actually connect is the thing they can’t get shipped discreetly to their door.
  2. Amazing is relative. It’s easy to rate as amazing when there’s nothing for comparison. It wasn’t all that, to be honest, but it was all we had. Frankly, it’s a miracle it lasted all the years it was there. Some of the local church-goin’ types were in a constant state of outrage over it. When I was there once I discovered some old granny had parked herself in a chair facing down the row of gloryholes, with a Bible in her lap and a scowl that would have curdled new milk. It was situated in the middle of an outlet mall, and back when it first moved in, all the other businesses made an exodus, not wanting to be associated with it. Ever since, it was the only business in the entire deserted outlet mall. That’s part of what kept it going - it wasn’t near anything that authorities could point at like a church or a school. And it was all legal in the strict sense. The news report on the closure said one of the reasons cited was the sale of poppers, but isobutyl poppers are still not illegal here, and in my experience that’s all they sold.
  3. They finally got ‘em - the authorities have forced the closure of the ABS in Horse Cave, KY, the only place for that kind of activity between Louisville and Nashville with the exception of a very dubious and out-of-the-way emporium near Fort Knox. They charged them with running a house of abatement - essentially a house of prostitution, or a place that facilitates sexual activity - in part on the basis of the “back rooms” containing gloryholes, and the sale of poppers. They cited several people for indecent exposure in these “back rooms”. What tipped the scales, apparently, was two deaths that took place there this last week, cause not specified, I’m guessing drug-related. The owners agreed to permanently close and sell the property with a deed restriction prohibiting any future sale of sexually-related materials on the premises. This has been a long-time goal of the county powers-that-be, who have always seen the adult store as a nuisance they couldn’t legally do anything about. I suspect this closure was achieved by strong-arming the owners with the threat of legal liability over the deaths on the premises. They folded sudden quick, and I’m guessing it was to avoid a threat of charges, but that’s just speculation. In any case, there is now no establishment with gloryholes in any direction from Central Kentucky for men to meet without driving an hour or more. Yes, Virginia, Hell is a real place.
  4. @BareLover666 - You definitely get your pat on the back from me now - the additional information you provided puts your experience in quite a different light. I had been under the impression that it was a male of roughly the same age. The age and gender difference removes all question of motive. This wasn’t innocent curiosity, even if she hadn’t yet turned 18. This was aware, and intentional, and consciously leading you toward a very specific goal. I’m sorry that happened to you, doubly sorry that it was a sibling.
  5. The only reason I didn’t say anything was that I didn’t feel qualified. I had zero encounters of a sexual nature as a child, for which I am very grateful, because I had absolutely no way of coping with such a thing, or even comprehending it back then, and that state of innocence followed me well into high school. I thought about your experience, as one between children, albeit with one child clearly with a higher degree of body awareness and possibly sexual curiosity than the other. The fact that it may not carry the stain it might have had it been an adult acting on a corrupting prurient interest doesn’t change the transformative effect it had on you. You’ll always be left with unanswerable questions about what your life would have been like had not that boy forced your eyes open to a world you hadn’t perceived, and might not have been fully prepared to perceive. I can, and often do, wonder about what trajectory my life would have taken if some other make had burst my protective bubble and made me a sexual being early, but because it didn’t happen I don’t have to think about it. It did happen to you, and that memory lingers with you; you can only imagine what it would have been like if it hadn’t.
  6. I should hasten to make clear, given that this thread is asking for accounts of having been raped as a child, that what I mentioned above happened to me not in childhood, but as an adult. I was just responding specifically to your comment about how our bodies can behave contrary to the way we’re feeling in such situations. I’ve actually spoken of that adverse encounter in greater depth elsewhere in the forum.
  7. There are, and it’s legitimate for members to relate true accounts of their own childhood experience, just as you have done, even if they now look consider those assaults as a positive influence on their lives. What the site management has expressly disallowed, however, is relating those accounts in ways that glorify child sexual assault or otherwise cater to a pedophilic interest. We’re not wild about encouraging actual rape at any age, in fact. I would add that the fact that you find the memory of it stimulating is not a negative reflection on you - each person copes with trauma in an individual way. Some do so negatively, some positively. The key either way is not to let the coping strategy perpetuate the causes of the original trauma.
  8. The reason you aren’t seeing that discussed here is likely that anyone replying in the affirmative would be admitting to a criminal sexual act against a minor. That shit doesn’t need to be glorified here under the apologetic that someone found it pleasurable. Relating your experience is one thing, but when you start fishing for accounts of men sexually assaulting children as “returning a favor” that skates very close to a prohibited line here.
  9. The man who I absolutely did not want touching me nonetheless stimulated my cock to the point that he forced me to have an orgasm and ejaculate. It wasn’t pleasurable. I didn’t want to do it, and I tried to resist cumming, but he made my body react in spite of me. I felt sick and soiled, and the leer on his face didn’t help.
  10. I can’t speak to that, because I get the circle you’re talking about no matter what brand I use. Curiously, though, the circle isn’t always the same color. I imagine the circle is actually a visual artifact produced by the way the blood vessels in the eye respond to dilation. For me, at least, I’ve always seen that circle as a confirmation of what I’m for, and what’s about to happen to me, because the circle I see looks exactly like an anus with a slight gape to it.
  11. To add to the explanations above, AIDS, or “full-blown” HIV infection, is considered ‘late stage’ HIV infection. You can consider that in a similar light as “late stage” cancer - one doesn’t start out with stage 4 lung cancer, the disease process progresses to that state. The same is true with untreated HIV infection. The disease process gradually erodes and destroys the immune system until it reaches a state in which it is no longer capable of resisting certain opportunistic infections. At that point, one is then diagnosed with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. You don’t get AIDS the moment you get HIV, you have to progress to it. And the HIV doesn’t kill you directly, by the way - it just opens the door for the killers to get into your body and makes sure you can’t resist them.
  12. I wouldn’t say useless - over a thousand men have found a use for me, and some have used me very…thoroughly. I just focus on doing one thing and doing it very, very well.
  13. Actually, that’s not a service I offer, but for the guy who wrote that profile, it would be a good test response. So, when you say you like to eat out - I’ve got an all-you-can-eat buffet.
  14. I find plot in porn to be a dicey proposition - if the plot were good, plausible, quick-paced, foreshadowing the action to come, then I could enjoy the sex the more for it. But the moment the dialogue goes cheesy, or some double-entendre makes my eyes roll, or some plot device becomes so totally improbable or illogical that I can’t overlook it, I end up so disconnected from the whole thing that the sex seems just as fake. Which, of course, it actually is, given what’s involved in making porn for the camera. Amateur footage usually has a better sense of verisimilitude, I think, though I’ll admit I’m not much of a porn aficionado. I would call my use of it more utilitarian than recreational, so I tend not to risk the time it takes to get involved in a plot that might not work for me, snd go straight to a compilation of Dominant breeding.
  15. I’d recommend not. These cans of ‘air duster’ usually contain hydyflourocarbons (i.e. refrigerants) and propane or butane - yes, like in your gas grill or cigarette lighter. Whiffing this stuff might make you feel a little less inhibited for a few minutes because it impairs your judgment, but you can also get frostbite on your fucking nose and, oh yeah, die. In fact, there’s a long list of fairly shitty things that happen when you start abusing this stuff - check it out: [think before following links] https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/air-duster-abuse/side-effects/ And no, you’re not somehow magically immune to these effects, like so many seem to think they are.
  16. Actually, they pretty much are. Most poppers are produced by a small handful of companies that run the bottles out on the same production line and just put different labels on to promote sales. That bottle of Jungle Juice Black Label you pay extra bank for actually contains exactly the same substance as a bottle of regular Jungle Juice - you’re just paying extra for the label and the fantasy. Plus, it also contains the same stuff that’s in the bottle of Rush, or Pig Sweat, or Iron Horse, and may have even been poured out of the same batch. In the United States, essentially all poppers produced and sold are made with isobutyl nitrite. Some brands like Double Scorpio may include additives like fragrances, but isobutyl is isobutyl is isobutyl - you can’t make it ‘stronger’. A bottle of poppers can, however, seem ‘weaker’, because poppers are highly volatile (or they wouldn’t go up our noses) and the active ingredient evaporates readily. If a bottle is not sealed tightly, it will lose its potency, not because the poppers are weaker, but because there’s not as much of the active chemical left in the bottle. Overseas, poppers are still sometimes made with other members of the alkyl nitrite group, and you may be able to obtain them over the internet. But they’re still all made the same way, and behave the same way. The apparent wide variety of poppers on the market is pure marketing, and we are happily sniffing their scam straight up our noses and out of our wallets.
  17. This is untrue. Poppers are exclusively chemicals in the alkyl nitrite group. The only variation is the number of carbon atoms that makes the difference in whether you’re dealing with amyl, isobutyl, isopropyl, or one of the other nitrites in the group. The effects between members in the group vary slightly, but the principle action is the same. Any other substance is NOT poppers, and this very emphatically includes ‘Maximum Impact’, which is a completely different chemical, does something completely different to the body (it works as a general anesthetic) and can be deadly. It is very important that in your search for something to take the place of poppers you fully investigate every potential substance before trying it on your body. Some can be very hazardous, and some - like poppers and viagra - are potentially deadly in combination. Your body is not a chemistry set. If you treat it like one, things can go very wrong very quickly.
  18. It depends on what you mean by “loosened up and receptive”. If you mean mentally, or in terms of general physical relaxation and reduction of inhibition, that’s not what poppers do, and if that’s what you were hoping for, it’s no wonder you were disappointed. If, on the other hand, you meant specifically loosening up the ass for receiving a cock, then that is the principal benefit of poppers for gay sex, because they act on the body by relaxing soft muscle tissue and expanding blood vessels. We use them for this because there isn’t something else that does the same thing. There may be substances that make one generally more relaxed (or more out of it), or less able to feel the pain or discomfort of penetration (not really an advisable tactic), but nothing gets an ass ready to take a cock quite like poppers. If there were something, there would be whole threads devoted to it here by now.
  19. It’s as I feared, then. They’re just selfish, inconsiderate assholes, thoughtlessly deceiving another person just for a thrill, giving no consideration to the value of the other person’s time, or his feelings. What’s more, they’re liars and frauds, because they agree to something they know they’re not going to do. There is no excuse for it. The irony is, they derive their thrill from the idea that someone wants them, but they don’t think about it enough to realize that once they’ve done it, that guy isn’t going to want to touch them with a ten-foot pole - the very act makes them undesirable.
  20. You’re nothing but a disgusting cunt-whore! Well, yes - but do you want to fuck? … Yes, please, very much.
  21. On Grindr, since you can change your display name at will, when I host, one I take my first load my display name becomes ‘OneLoadIn’. Then, ‘TwoLoadsIn’, and so on. Last time, I ended up on Grindr under the name ‘SevenLoadsIn’. It’s funny to watch how the number of guys viewing the profile picks up speed the higher the number goes. That being said, last time I tallied 132 views on Grindr - and I think only one of them actually fucked me. That may just be Louisville for you - I’ve had similar results before - but it does beg the question of whether I’m hurting my chances by essentially documenting my increasing sluttiness in real time. By far, most men who walk through my hotel or bathhouse door are likely to call me a slut or a whore, and it’s obvious that that doesn’t bother them one bit - in fact, they enjoy it. It seems to give them license to use me harder, or with less restraint; since I’m a whore, the sex, they figure, is what I’m for. Given the situation, I can’t argue with that. So if someone looks at me in judgment over my promiscuity, it just indicates to me that they don’t understand what the whole thing’s about. They have a very limited view of what sexual contact ought to be, and if it doesn’t fit into their framework they don’t want it. There’s not much you can do with that. I understand a considered decision not to engage with promiscuous sexual partners on the basis of STD risk, but at the same time I actually feel sorry for a man who denies himself the use of me because he has a preconceived notion of what I am (note I do not say who I am, as sluts are objectified). He is a man who fucks ass; my ass is available to him; the ass is of good quality; but he goes without. It’s a shame. I’m always fascinated by the sounds men make when they orgasm inside me - they make sounds men don’t make in any other context, sounds that rise up from the very root of them and reveal a vulnerable side, even the most hardened, aggressive Dominant. I sometimes wonder if those who shun sluts are in fact simply afraid of their own vulnerability.
  22. Soooo…what happened while you didn’t have lights in the kitchen?
  23. Another variation on this is the in-the-morning guys. I’ve been hosting for years now, and most every time I host, someone will ask me when I have to leave in the morning because he plans to hit me on his way to work. There are similarly guys who come to fuck me, very much enjoyed what they got, and tell me they plan to tap mr again in the morning. Not a single one - not one - has ever shown up the next morning. I think sleep renders all stated intentions null and void - that, and taking a shower.
  24. Why do I get the impression that you’re speaking from experience? Is there something you’d like to share with the group? 😃
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