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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. If you have to use a telescope to find something to be offended about, I think I’ve identified your problem. In fact, given that the action may not be discernible without the aid of a telescope, the reporting neighbors may themselves be in violation of the Florida Voyeurism Statute, §810.14(1), if the action were taking place beneath an umbrella and a jury were to take a broad interpretation of the term “structure”. An interesting analysis of the Florida statute can be found here: [think before following links] https://www.floridabar.org/the-florida-bar-journal/ill-be-watching-you-the-florida-voyeurism-offense/ In other jurisdictions where the reasonable expectation that one will not be surveilled is less stringently defined, an even stronger case might be made. Is this the police? I wish to report two men performing sexual acts in the open in the dunes near my home. I see. And where were you when you observed this, sir? In my living room at home. I could see them through my telescope as plain as I can see the rings of Saturn! I see. And for what reason, sir, were you observing the activity of men in a known gay area with your telescope rather than observing the rings of Saturn? I frequently use my telescope to watch what goes on down there. I’ve taken long-range photos, too, if you need proof. I see. We’ll be stopping by, sir, to ask you some more questions.
  2. You probably made your post hoping for enthusiastic statements by men proclaiming their cumdump pedigrees as a celebration of sluttery. Apologies in advance. I don’t think you can read too much into the fact that as a child you took pleasure in anal stimulation. Anal stimulation is pleasurable by biological design in all humans - if it were not, it would be a disincentive to defecate, and that’s something we must do. In the wild, in some species mother animals will lick the anus of their young to stimulate defecation until the young learn to self-regulate. That doesn’t mean that you weren’t born to be a cumdump. The question of whether any of us is born predestined to become anything is a matter of philosophy and begs the question of free will and the existence of a higher power with intent toward us individually. Which, if it were true, further begs the question of why a higher intent would select an individual to have a role on Earth as a cumdump. The more you brain over it, the more difficult it becomes to rationally justify a claim that one is born for the purpose of being a cumdump. I work very hard on adhering to rational thinking. Which is why it is somewhat frustrating that I am fairly well convinced that I was born to be a cumdump. The problem is, I am one, and having tried alternatives, appear suited for nothing else. Add to this that, by all of the feedback given to me by men who have used me, my ass is exceptionally good for the purpose - and there has been no commentary to the contrary to counterbalance this. In addition, in the course of my six years of training fir sexual service, I proved particularly susceptible to suggestion that I should serve in the way I do. I have to also apply the rational why to these facts as well; why was I born with a good ass for cumdumping? Why was I born with a disposition so sexually submissive that Topping is unfeasible? Why does it feel simply right and proper to sexually submit to other males? I cannot ignore the possibility that I may not have been born with some of these traits, that nurture rather than nature could be involved. But I can point to no childhood trauma, no abuse, no molestation, indeed no sexual encounter of any kind that would have altered the course of my development, so I am forced to turn back toward innate tendency. Reason suggests that the fact that I happen to possess exactly the set of ideal traits for service as a submissive cumdump points to intent - the more such ideal traits for the purpose I have, the less the probability is that it is simply due to chance. If I dismiss the notion of predestination and intent altogether, then I must simply accept that chance is the factor, and I am a winner of the Cumdump Lottery. But two things get in the way of that simple, rational explanation for me. First, it’s true that I don’t have to do this. Its not an implacable destiny, it’s a choice. But I don’t really have an alternate choice because of how my sexuality is wired. Second, I can say to myself, You are a faggot cumdump for men. You have a cunt and your duty is to provide breeding service to every man who desires it. And my heat will answer, Yes I am. Because it is true. I cannot remember a time when it has not been true, and my heart believes it absolutely. (My heart and my rational mind don’t get along, by the way. At all.)
  3. Now that’s fascinating. So this isn’t a trend so much as a coalescing of a new definition of a gay position/role preference that has always existed but for which, until now, there has been no term. These men are neither Tops nor bottoms nor anything in between along that vertical spectrum - they’re Sides - literally off to the side of the vertical spectrum. This adds a new dimension to the way we define sex role, which is why it’s been so difficult to reconcile with the conventional paradigm - it’s like a person living in a two-dimensional world trying to measure something in three dimensions. This goes a great way toward explaining the cuddle parties’ strongly exclusionary reaction toward penetrators. A penetrator is a lion attempting to mingle in a herd of antelope. You’re quite right, that was a very poor choice of expression to mean ‘oddly uncommon’. I retract the phrase, particularly in light of the above. Again, given the ‘Sides’ explanation, I may have been off the mark with this speculation; in the case of Sides as defined as men who eschew any kind of anal penetration, clearly there’s a good reason dildo, plugs and fists aren’t employed. I would, however, not entirely dismiss it as a potential explanation in select cases. Just because two bottoms end up together doesn’t automatically mean one is going to penetrate the other with a cock alternative - that is still a form of Topping, and some total bottoms (like myself) have neither the interest nor the inclination to perform any such act on anyone. Put two of us in a room together naked and it’s highly unlikely anyone is going to get penetrated. When I host I make it absolutely plain that I do not service bottoms in any way.
  4. Cuddle parties, now? What freakish trend is this? As @hntnhole notes, strangers do not cuddle, so this sounds uncomfortably in-crowd. I wonder, though, if it might be an outgrowth (one is tempted to call it an ingrowth like a toenail can be ingrown) of the egregious preponderance of bottoms. Having insufficient Tops available, yet wanting physical contact with another male but neither being versatile enough to want to service the other’s sexual tastes as a bottom, I can see a gruesome sort of compromise settling in whereby both get contact but neither has to exert sexually. Or to put it in other terms, perhaps this is what happens when non-verse bottoms can’t find Tops and resort to bottom-cannibalism. Or they could just want someone to hold, as you say, but turning to strangers for that is a little bit tragic.
  5. I’ll mark you down as a lumper, not a splitter. 😉
  6. *shudder* 🤖 DANGER, WILL ROBINSON This is a red flag 🚩 if I ever saw one. If you speak to such a person, try asking “Do you spoon?” I’m willing to bet the reply will be, “Yes! Yes I do! I could spoon with you all night long and fall asleep in your arms.” I have visions of myself pinned for an entire night under the weight of a 250 lb. Man who falls asleep halfway on top of me, sleeps like the dead, and snores like a hive of bees.
  7. Whatever it’s intended to mean, its immediate effect on me is a spontaneous Nope. Cuddling is generally defined in terms of holding someone closely, a long , affectionate hug, nestling, spooning, extended close contact for purposes of comfort. Therefore ‘power cuddling’ sounds basically like a trap to me.
  8. Some toys can be very difficult to thoroughly sanitize, particularly ones made with any kind of porous material. Even dildoes that would otherwise seem quite smooth and solid may have minute voids in the surface left over from bubbles that formed during molding, and these voids may trap and hold material that you may have to carefully remove. For toys/equipment for use in play that requires sterility - for instance, sounds to be inserted into the urethra, simple soap and water aren’t sufficient. You need to use some method to absolutely ensure hygiene, such as boiling, steaming, or other methods that assure complete microbial eradication. Some might decide that such measures are overkill, but the bottom line is that you’re rolling the dice on infection.
  9. Not at all. I merely find the term more fitting in the sense that my sexual interactions with other people are social in nature rather than personal and intimate. One of the interesting things about sociosexual types is that they have been found to be predominantly extroverts; I’m an introvert by most any measure except when I’m engaged in sexual interaction and the pursuit thereof. My tendency to behave in a mote extroverted way sexually, for me, is another reason the term seems to have some utility. I’m not attempting to find a word to mean “I’ll do anyone who wants it”. For my purposes cumdump is perfectly adequate for that. I’m looking at this term mote as an alternative to the gay/bi lexicon, which has always seemed unnecessarily laden to me, focusing as it does on preference. I have no particular preference. But I do like sex. Sometimes when I hear someone express uncertainty about whether to say they’re gay, bi or something else, my advice is just to say, “I’m sexy.” I like this term because it ignores those distinctions. I’m by no means suggesting that this term replace terms already in use that fit individual situations better. I’m just proposing that this one may be a useful addition for some people if they find it describes them better.
  10. I just recently came across the term sociosexual as meaning a person inclined to non-committal, no-strings sexual contacts with other people, as opposed to relationship-oriented or monogamist sexual attachment. Sociosexual people are the promiscuous ones, the ones who end up being looked on as sluts, whores, people of loose morals and poor discrimination, yet simply take what I would consider a more open and less constrained view of sexual behavior. I’m starting to think that I like sociosexual as a term for my sexual orientation far better than bisexual or gay, which both impose constraints of their own and neither of which conveys any sense of my open attitude toward the use of my body for sex. Currently sociosexual is a term largely confined to studies of human sexuality and social behavior, but I can see a place for it in the way we talk about how we identify ourselves. What do you all think?
  11. This is an important distinction for how you read the forum - while only a portion of the accounts of real-life experience are true, or at least unexaggerated, you can probably rely on most of it being a true reflection of the feelings and desires of those posting. Not every man who posts his fantasy has the ability - or the courage - to live it out, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t sincere when he expresses the fantasy, and by that you can know that the world is populated by men who think this way. What this forum is a less reliable reflection of is the level to which the world is populated by men who act this way, but there are enough true narratives here to prove that, to a gratifying extent, sexually adventurous men dwell among us.
  12. I was physically owned and experimentally trained for six years by a sadist. Before that, I was handled by a series of Dominants, each with his own particular taste in bringing torment to submissive flesh. I do not enjoy pain for its own sake, do not seek it, and will not tolerate it beyond a certain level. But I have experienced sexual pain in many, many, many forms, and is embedded now in my psyche as a feature of my sexuality, as a result of the desires of the kinds of men who have used me. I would be dishonest if I said that I did not take greater satisfaction from servicing a brutal Top than a gentle one. I now associate physical distress on my part with satisfaction and pleasure on the Top’s part - the rougher the fuck, the more certain I am that I have given pleasure, and therefore, the greater satisfaction I get. So for me, satisfaction comes at the cost of pain. There are limits - he must be pleasuring himself sexually at my expense, not simply bullying me it abusing me. If he punches me, my martial arts skills will take over from my bottoming skills. But as long as I see the fire of lust in his eyes, and sense his will to Dominate my body, then I will endure much pain from him, for him.
  13. The possibilities are endless. Enter a room and the only way out is to obtain a key hanging from a cord high out of reach - in order to lower the key to reach it, you have to repeatedly impale yourself balls-deep on a massive dildo, and each time you bottom out, the key lowers an inch. Or the key is inside a glass case that will only open when you have successfully completed a peg bench that requires you to impale your ass on a series of twelve upright pegs of gradually increasing length and girth. (This is an extension of the well-known ‘peg race’ in which two submissive men are placed on two identical benches and made to see which of them can complete the course first.) Or an electro challenge that only disengages a door lock when you have withstood electricity through your cock and balls at a set level for a set time period. Or a maze that has to be navigated crawling on hands and knees while dragging a 10lb weight by your testicles. For an intellectual challenge, solve a brain-teaser while tied to a table before time elapses and the stopper blocking the tube inserted up your ass is removed and allows the box of ants at the other end to go exploring. Endless…
  14. I suspect the reason this isn’t widely practiced has to do with the fact that the nasal passage, unlike the mouth, is exclusively an airway, and the risk of aspirating something coming down the nose is higher. Because of this, most people are more sensitive to fluids entering the nose retrograde, and may have autonomic response like sneezing or a strong urge to blow outward or cough. Personally, I absolutely cannot stand getting water up my nose, so this would be a non-starter. Plus, think about it: Do you like having your sinuses stuffed with snot when you’re ill? Cumming into someone’s nose would essentially be a snot enema, and an instant stuffy nose with somebody else’s mucus (mucus is a significant component of semen). Thank you, no thank you.
  15. I’m going to have to disagree on this one. I think orgasm is a very flexible term that applies equally well whether the waves of pleasure originate from cock, anus, prostate, nipples, or elsewhere. I’ve only taken a fist once and didn’t cum from it, so I can’t fully contribute to that context of the conversation, but I’m very much multi-orgasmic, from multiple sources, and it doesn’t take a lot to trigger me. I’ve had electostim-generated orgasms that have gone on continuously, nonstop, for several minutes at a time. Regularly, Tops eating my ass will bring me to shuddering climaxes with nothing but their tongues, and men who fuck me in long, drawn-out breedings invariably put me over multiple times just with cockwork. My former Master trained me to orgasm whenever he commanded me “Cum!” - no ejaculation, just rolling waves of orgasm that I couldn’t prevent. Normally my nipples are way too pain-intolerant for orgasm-inducing play, but at IML a Too very much surprised me by bringing me to orgasm twice just with nipple work. In all of these experiences, I readily call the overwhelming mental/physical sensation I feel orgasm. There are words that pretty much belong exclusively to ejaculatory orgasm, like ejaculation, and shooting, but I pretty much equate orgasm with climax, and you can reach that over and over and over again.
  16. That was weirdly like watching myself get fucked. That might as well have been footage of me - it was absolutely typical of so many of my hotel breedings, and pretty much how a lot of men use me.
  17. Start with the science - the average human ejaculation produces 1.25 to 5 milliliters of semen. That’s from one-fourth of a teaspoon to a full teaspoon. Teaspoons. Not tablespoons, not cups, pints, liters or gallons. Be realistic. The phrase “He came buckets” isn’t misleading, it’s absurd. Yes, we’ve all seen video of guys gushing cum, but there’s a rare condition known as hyperspermia that results in semen production of abnormal quantity. I imagine such men are highly valued in the porn industry. There’s also the reality that fake cum is readily used to give the illusion of massive loads - yet another way porn has completely warped our understanding of what it means to be sexually human. There are a number of things you can do to vary the quantity of your loads if that concerns you. Many are addressed in this article: [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-far-can-a-man-shoot There are also factors you can’t change, such as your genetic predisposition and your age. I’m 55. Sometimes I shoot a small amount that mostly oozes out. Other times I hit myself in the forehead with it and I need paper towels. Highly variable, and I’m well past peak age. I understand feeling that you’d like to produce more, but also realize that from the perspective of some bottoms, a load is a priceless gift from a Top just by its nature - the amount isn’t important, the breeding is.
  18. You indicate that this isn’t the first time he’s taken cock - he’s not an anal virgin, having been fucked with a condom at least five times prior. This is only to be his first time bare. A lot of the advice above has been angled from a perspective if how to approach someone unfamiliar with taking cock, but this isn’t exactly this kid’s first ride on the mechanical bull. So let me make this suggestion re: the poppers. Start by planning to go forward without them, but if you reach a point where his tightness either on entry or internally begins to present resistance or discomfort and you sense distress building in him, back off. At that point acknowledge that you sense the difficulty he’s experiencing, and reassure him that it’s very common. Tell him you have something that you sometimes use in these cases to help ease things along. Offer the poppers as an aid, not as an enhancement. Tell him to take a light whiff - not a deep draw - to begin with. This is important. If he has had no previous exposure to poppers, a light whiff may be all that is required for sufficient reduction in muscular tension, and you won’t risk disorientation or blackout. If more is necessary, increment very gradually. It’s entirely possible he knows all about them and will start snorting like a seal the minute you produce a bottle, but if he doesn’t, you might get best mileage treating them as a fallback strategy.
  19. Caution. People’s reaction yo poppers varies widely, especially if they’ve never been exposed before. My first introduction to poppers was at the hands of a Top who had me sniff them before I even knew what poppers were. The third time he put them to my nose I briefly blacked out. Fortunately, I was bound on a St. Andrew’s cross, so I couldn’t fall, but I came to very disoriented and alarmed. There’s a potential for your guy to have an unpleasant first experience with poppers that could shut down not only your session, but future action as well if he becomes frightened by it. Don’t automatically assume that he will enjoy his head spinning - some people don’t like a sense of loss of control. I would advise you to be very judicious if you use poppers, and take the time ti explain what they’re for, what they do, and how he can expect to feel.
  20. Confession is good for the soul. But note that telling that one has committed wrongdoing is only one definition of confess. It can also mean to reluctantly acknowledge something that makes on ashamed or embarrassed, even if there’s nothing actually wrong about it; doing so can make it possible to reach a healthy level of self-acceptance. Also, confess can simply mean to declare one’s faith - and in this case, the declaration may simply be a belief in the glory of barebacking.
  21. There are multiple related studies out there on this, and I was only reviewing the abstracts on most of them, which were frustratingly short on detail about exactly what male features seem to signal sociosexuality. Most of them simply expressed that masculine facial structures appeared to be key. More detail may be available in the full texts if you have access to them. A Google search on “sociosexuality men’s faces” should pull up several links. Here’s one full-text study; not a lot of specific detail, but there are figures: [think before following links] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259456248_Men's_but_not_Women's_Sociosexual_Orientation_Predicts_Couples'_Perceptions_of_Sexually_Dimorphic_Cues_in_Own-Sex_Faces
  22. Then let me ask you, as one writer to another: When you indulge a pozzing fantasy and glorify that fantasy in fiction, do you always include in that tale the educational component you say is so important? Or do you simply stoke the desire? Does your story, on balance, leave the reader more, or less, inclined to actually go out and become infected with a life-altering and potentially deadly disease? (It’s only the developed world that truly benefits from the miracle of ART and PrEP, but the internet is more global.) Because if your writing fully embraces the fantasy, glorifies the disease, and fails to educate, you bear the weight of responsibility for the lives damaged by the influence of the power of your words. Don’t ever suggest that your stories are nothing more than harmless fantasy and that they couldn’t possibly influence anyone to make a bad decision. You have the means to sue anyone who suspects you if infecting them and defend yourself from any issue - on the basis if the fact that you write these fantasies down as fiction? Good man, for a prosecutor, all you’re doing is providing evidence of intent and state of mind. What you claim is fiction, he’ll call autobiography. You might say, “Please. I’m a writer of fiction.” But the first rule of the successful writer is Write What You Know. Serophobic propaganda must end, you say. I agree. But looking the other way while part of our community is cultivating a hothouse for the spread of the disease and saying, “that’s their choice, not our business” is not the way you end it. Of course it’s our business, every mother’s son of us. If we all knuckled down and seriously worked to eradicate this disease instead of some of us wallowing in it, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. There would be no stigma to discuss. And the gifters and chasers would find a different fantasy to fap to. And fomenting reverse-stigma as the OP has done here is 180 degrees in the wrong direction. How can we expect the world to develop compassion and understanding for the victims of a disease when many of them celebrate actively spreading it in the name of hedonism? By the way, I come from a long BDSM background and I am no stranger to, shall we say, alternative fantasies. I’ve had things done to me by people for whom “twisted” didn’t begin to describe their fantasies, and I take that as it comes. But in the BDSM lifestyle, as twisted as it gets, the overriding principle is Safe, Sane, and Consensual. The fantasy we’re describing here is not safe, and to most rational thinkers, it is not sane. Even in those BDSM practitioners who adopt instead the RACK principle - Risk-Aware Consensual Kink - the universal understanding is that while the risk is an inherent possibility, the goal is avoidance. In the fantasy - and, regrettably, practice at issue here, the opposite is true. So I’m no one to cast shade on people’s kinky fantasies as a rule, but this…this is something altogether other. I am a living (barely) example of the end result.
  23. Not so. At least as a Floridian you can go swim in the surf and hope the sharks get you before the Monkeypox does. As a Kentuckian, I can’t even do that.
  24. Sir, your post content around the site makes it clear that you’re an advocate of HIV gifter/chaser culture. You make references to “poz loading” people. Given this, it’s pretty clear that what you mean by this post is that you’re sick of “Undetectable” because it’s interfering with the culture of spreading HIV. Let me remind you that this is the General discussion area of the forum, not the bugchasing wasteland in the Backroom, and your gifter/chaser propaganda is misplaced here. I suggest you take it where you will find readers who will appreciate it. Here, it reads as bullshit. You’re sick of our ability - at long, long fucking last - to know that the Enemy Virus in our bodies is not a goddamn death sentence? Have you been within an hour of death from your HIV? I have. I had a viral load of 85,000 that came that close to ending me, and now, after almost eight years as an AIDS survivor, I have fought - fought - my way back to some kind of health, and stayed durably Undetectable. Yes, sir, Undetectable. Not just so I can stay alive, but so I can make damn sure I’m never responsible for destroying someone else’s life and health for a fuck. Your pusillanimous complaint is an insult to every AIDS survivor drawing breath.
  25. Out of curiosity, do you in fact wear a cock cage? Because that would have been my instant assumption based on the name alone, and a whole raft of other assumptions would tag right along with that. I imagine guys make judgments about your sex role preference, level of submissiveness, level of self-esteem, level of kink experience, etc. without ever glancing at your profile, and may get you completely wrong. Do you find this a problem, or does the username pretty well cover all your bases the way you want them covered? I ask just because it’s a pretty loaded term in this context.
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