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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. You could do a little market research (as it were) by posting a poll on here asking Tops if they would use such an app to schedule a cumdump fuck, and see what kind of response you get. The level of positive or negative reply should give you a sense of what kind of reception you might get in the real world.
  2. No, it’s inadvisable for a virgin hole. There are too many variables for which you are unprepared. @backdoorjimmy’s caution is sound - there is real risk of the experience being one you could regret, and this being your introductory experience, it will likely significantly influence the direction you take going forward. Assuming you encounter an anonymous Top, that Top is going to make certain assumptions based on the fact that he’s found you willingly exposing yourself for use in a darkened cruising place. He’s going to assume that you’re not a virgin, that you’ve taken plenty of cocks before, that you’re loose enough to accommodate his length and girth (regardless of the dimensions), and that he’s free to use you in whatever style of fucking he fancies. He may also view you as more of an object than a person, or as a lesser class of person who deserves no consideration, or even who deserves abusive treatment, and fucks you with intent to cause you humiation and/or pain. If you place yourself in such a position, you must be prepared for the harshest possible outcome. A hole that has never been fucked is not prepared. In any way.
  3. I understand why you would want to do this, but I can see a critical flaw in such a scheduling strategy, based on the known no-show rate of Tops to other scheduled cumdump opportunities, which can generally be expected in the range of 70%-80% (an abysmal figure). Let’s say you break your 23 hours into half-hour appointments. That would give 46 potential fuck-chances. That means that if someone signed up for every single one of the available slots, you could realistically expect only 8-14 actual Tops to show. And for every one that ghosts you, that’s a slot that’s been locked out and unavailable to another Top who would have fucked you, because the Top who ghosted sure as hell isn’t going to go back and clear out his appointment in the app. You’ll just end up with zero flexibility. And saying that walk-ins are welcome too defeats the whole purpose, because why bother with an appointment if you don’t need one? Plus, the guys who need discretion won’t make the appointment if a guy could walk in at any time. Add to this the fact that some guys are done in five minutes, and some need an hour. Are you going to stop a Top who’s plowing you deep and say, “I’m afraid your half hour is up”? I wouldn’t recommend it. But you’re not going to get every slot filled, or even close to it, because getting a Top to come to you is always a negotiation, and you always have to close the deal. They want to know if you check their boxes, if you’re preloaded, they want pics of your ass, your face, or both. And letting Guys sign up blind without consultation is like, as we say here in Kentucky, buying a pig in a poke - you have no idea what you’re going to get. I understand what you mean when you say that a cumdump shouldn’t be arranging the next hookup while getting fucked - as soon as a Top hits my door I put my phone away and ignore it until he’s gone. But in the time between fucks, cumdumping is hard work. You’ve got to actively market yourself, because the competition is fierce. You’ve got to be hands-on with it because you have to persuade, and you have to weed out the undesirables like other bottoms who want you to fuck them, or Tops who only want oral if you’re looking to fuck. You just can’t shortcut it. Lastly, sexual impulse isn’t something you plan and schedule. You strike while the iron is hot. In my experience, any time a Top says he’s going to come at a given time, I can count on never seeing him. His urge will have passed. Nice idea, but no.
  4. Are you saying that in Canada the Canadian Supreme Court has ruled that the standard of ‘no realistic possibility’ of transmission requires the use of a condom regardless of how low the viral load is? Because the currently accepted medical consensus is that a person with a durably undetectable viral load - that is, a viral load below 20 - is not capable of transmitting the virus to another person even without a condom. Therefore, if the Canadian standard requires a condom to achieve ‘no realistic possibility’, it is at odds with accepted science.
  5. HIV risk is not a “game”. It’s a serious hazard inherent to bareback sexual intercourse, and although the majority of cases are among men who have sex with men, approximately 20% of HIV+ persons are female. Women can both contract and spread HIV. A bisexual man’s ethical responsibility toward a woman he fucks bareback is - or ought to be - precisely the same as that toward any man he fucks bareback: That is, to ensure that the partner is fully aware of his status and the risk involved, an to ensure that he has taken every measure that he can take to prevent himself from spreading the disease. The gender is immaterial - you’re dealing with another human life. What this basically says is, ‘Who gives a shit about the ethics - they’re women.’ How does this address the OP’s question about the ethics of putting a woman at risk of HIV? (Hint: It doesn’t.)
  6. I have to drive 3 hours to get to the nearest decent bathhouse. You bet I’m staying for the duration of my time, and I’m not only taking a 12-hour room, I’m adding on the extra five hours for CumUnion when that expires. Yes, there are going to be swaths of that time when I’m lying ass-up in a room when the rest of the facility is uncrowded and I get to listen to the same tired old music over the speakers over and over again, but I never know when I’m suddenly going to feel fingers testing my cunt, and when they do, it resets the timer, every time. I have also always held out the duration of my planned stay when hotel hosting, because I don’t have money to burn and I have to wring the most opportunity out of every dollar I invest in a chance to sexually serve. Always, that is, until my last trip to Louisville, when I realized the new hotel I tried was in a hopelessly bad place and the chances that I would be utterly wasting the next seven hours waiting for men who were never going to come was very high. I cut my losses and bailed at 2am and went home. An ABS is a different matter. When the ABS at Horse Cave was still open, almost every time I went there I mound myself asking myself if it was worth spending anymore time at it. I would usually give myself another 15 minutes; wait until the end of the currently playing porn scene; or wait for the next man to pass through; and if nothing happened by then, I would leave. I usually did.
  7. There is currently some controversy concerning whether digital rectal examination (DRE) fir prostate screening should be performed, and the American Association of Family Physicians has taken a stance against it. For more detail on the arguments: [think before following links] https://www.renalandurologynews.com/home/news/urology/prostate-cancer/eliminate-digital-rectal-examination-prostate-cancer-screening/
  8. Generally speaking? 😉 I think it would be more accurate to say there are exceptions and variations to any general trend, though we find a great deal of commonality in the behavior of certain groups of Tops and bottoms, such that we can, at least loosely, group them. We aren’t snowflakes, which, it should be pointed out, are at one level all exactly the same thing, and only differ in detail.
  9. Two things would make this even better: If someone would get an actual live bottom (as opposed to a digitally synthesized computer voice like this) who actually believes the words, to read the script; and to have the words appear on the screen along with the narration.
  10. I don’t put my cunt into service until it’s clean inside. Doing otherwise is out of the question. Yes, washing out my insides is an unpleasant chore and involves not always eating when I want, but that’s the price of keeping a cunt ready for use. And Tops both notice and appreciate it - the three most common praises I get from Tops are that they love the way my ass feels, that I know how to take cock, and that I’m always clean.
  11. Exactly my point. It goes into my cunt at every opportunity. 🙂
  12. I believe it tops out at 14, the ‘Grand Master’ level. Although there’s no scepter (just as well, we’d just shove it up our asses anyway) the symbol for the ranking does in fact show a little crown, with three points. If it went any higher, it would have to have four points, and that could easily be mistaken for a fool’s cap. Which, in my case, would probably be appropriate.
  13. If it’s all right with you, I’ll take my advice on the prevalence of the effects of sexual abuse from mental health professionals, social scientists, and other researchers in the field who know what they’re talking about and have something a bit more enlightened to offer than ‘let them feel the way they want to’. There are whole organizations and working groups whose purpose is to help people deal with the consequences of having been sexually victimized. Why? Because it usually negatively impacts people at some level, your ‘numerous’ examples notwithstanding. What about a person who is dealing with trauma by adopting a maladaptive denial strategy in which he tells himself and everyone else he’s fine in order to avoid having to cope with the fact that he very much isn’t, and is in fact struggling with feelings of shame, doubt, and loss of self-esteem? Are you saying no one should even suggest to him that he might want to talk about any negative feelings he may have as a result of what happened to him? No mental health professional would agree with you. By your metric, anyone who feels traumatized should shut up about it lest by ‘projecting’ he make someone who isn’t think that he ought to be. There may indeed be people not badly traumatized by abuse, assault or rape, but the consequences for those who are can be profound and life-altering. Your prescription of not talking about trauma sounds a lot like it would contribute to the stigma that already surrounds the issue and prevents many who could benefit from help from seeking it. Besides, a person whose psyche and personality are stable and healthy is not going to become traumatized by the suggestion of trauma if they experienced none to begin with. Your argument against ‘messing with their heads’ is the same as that heard frequently among anti-psychiatry zealots.
  14. You would have us believe that the great majority of persons subjected to sexual abuse, assault and rape don’t actually experience trauma from it? Not buying it. My own experience was mild by comparison to some, but the trauma was real, and I didn’t have to be told I was supposed to feel that way. The way you say abuse is a subjective label sounds like an apologist argument in defense of abusers. Individual reaction to personal violation certainly varies, but I think there comes a point at which we have to say abuse is abuse. People shouldn’t “mess with their heads”? We’ll revisit this discussion when you’ve completed your degree in psychiatry.
  15. I don’t insist, but I am always quite straightforward that bare is preferred. I stopped carrying condoms with me long ago so that I can honestly say no when asked (very rarely anymore) if I have them. But I’m a service bottom. I was trained that I have a duty to take the cock when requested, and not to resist it. It is the prerogative of the Top to fuck as he pleases. In addition, I would never pressure a Top to play unsafe if he wished to safeguard his health - I applaud anyone who takes responsibility for his own actions.
  16. Let’s dispense with this idea that a rape ceases to be a rape if the victim fantasizes about it or even masturbates to the thought of it after the fact. How a victim reacts to an assault, what psychological mechanisms he develops to enable him to cope with the effects of that assault, does not change the fact that a nonconsensual act was perpetrated on him. He doesn’t consent after-the-fact. Certainly, it may be confusing to the victim to have experienced the negative effects of the trauma in the moment, and then find that feelings in the aftermath may become mixed with unexpectedly conflicting emotions, given the intimate nature of the violation. But the victim does not forfeit his claim to having been raped simply because something about the experience later excites him sexually. It can be argued that for a person to be sexually excited by thoughts of trauma as a result of having experienced such trauma is nothing less than an ongoing effect of the original trauma.
  17. If you believe he’s “all grown up”, I have to assume that you have not actually raised a child to adulthood and helped that young person navigate the threshold between legal adulthood and actual maturity. The two are absolutely not the same thing. I’ve ushered two through this stage for the last five years. It’s been a rough row to hoe, and they’re both good kids, but neither was ready to meet the world head-on at 19. I also watched my nephew follow a somewhat similar trajectory that the OP describes from his late teen years, through coming out in a rural Southern community, getting into drugs, and trying to transplant to an urban setting - it didn’t go well - to put it mildly - so I know what can happen if the situation isn’t handled with great care and sensitivity. My ex teaches undergraduates at one of the state universities and tells me that what they’re finding is that, consistently, the incoming generation coming in at 19 is not ready. Yes, the colloquialism does mean something different, and no, it does not necessarily imply a minor. It refers to taking holistic responsibility for ensuring another person’s wellbeing, becoming personally involved in that person’s life. Just giving the kid a place to crash while he’s left to sort the rest out for himself in an environment unlike anything he’s ever known without the knowledge, skills, or street sense to succeed isn’t just unwise - it courts calamity.
  18. I assume your question is directed at HIV-positive men rather than men taking PrEP for prevention, because the answer is not going to be the same for both. If this is incorrect, you may wish to clarify. I cannot address your question directly, as I am not only still on my ART, I have missed exactly two doses of it in eight years. So definitely not the person you’re asking about. I can tell you, however, that no one who has the Enemy Virus in his body who discontinues his antiretroviral therapy is fine. As soon as the medicine stops, the virus picks right back up where it left off destroying the immune system, and the person who stops is on a one-way, downhill slide that only ultimately ends one place if left untreated. I went there. Almost became a permanent resident. Just because an untreated person feels fine doesn’t mean he is fine. His system is being silently destroyed from within. Taking meds once you’re positive isn’t a personal lifestyle choice like choosing a haircut - not if you want to live. That’s the thing you need to understand about all these guys who strut around on here going on about how they’re toxic and not on meds and proud of it - they’re dead men walking, and they don’t even know it.
  19. Had that happened to me, I don’t think I could have refrained from taking the opportunity to make it a “teachable moment” and educate the fool on exactly why that was a wildly inappropriate thing to ask. Where are these people raised that they think this is acceptable behavior? Was he high? I can only assume he did it in some fever-mad state of mind that couldn’t figure out where his fantasies end and real life with real people in it begins.
  20. You sound as though you imagine that lots of guys on here have jumped on this internet-fad-induced ritual and take it seriously. Somewhere on the forum, from last year I think, is a whole thread of discussion about ‘No-Nut November’ or some such, which I seem to think drew a fair share of scoffing. And why would it not? That, not unlike this, being a discussion of monthlong abstinence on a site dedicated to promoting bareback sexual intercourse. You might do a search for it.
  21. One thing I will say about the notion of transplanting the young man: The OP gives no detail about the type of community the boy lives in except that it’s in the rural Deep South, nor about his own, except that it’s an urban area 900 miles away (this would put it in the latitude of New England, Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis - in short, the territory of the damn yankees from the cultural perspective of a rural southerner. Add to that the culture shock of going from a very rural locale to immersion in an urban milieu, and the necessary amount of coping needed just to adjust to those changes may be a lot to expect given everything that’s currently on his plate. That’s not to say he might not thrive in such a new environment. Some rise to the occasion. Others don’t. The OP likely knows him well enough to guess how well he might adapt to a radical change of lifestyle 900 miles away from any friends he has. It’s a bit of a risk because the brain of a young person does not fully develop its full logical, rational, risk-assessing capacity until around the mid-20s, and faced with a set of crisis points and a range of new and unfamiliar options that may include avenues for exploring sex, drugs and other undesirable coping mechanisms that were not available to him in his rural setting, transplanting him might put him in a position to make choices that worsen his condition rather than improve it. I don’t see how the OP could ‘take him under his wing’ at this juncture without, as we in the South say, ‘taking him to raise’. He may be legally an adult, but he’s not fully cooked yet. If the OP takes him in 900 miles away from all his other possible connections, it seems to me that the OP then takes on a Duty of Care that may or may not be more of a responsibility than he intends to take on.
  22. Precarious. He’s 19, the perfect age for making godawful life decisions based on no wisdom, not enough knowledge, and a sense of personal immortality. He’s already jumped in the water over his head with A) a vehicle he has no business owning at his age; B) drugs and alcohol in excess; and C) coming out in an situation that he had to know would not be receptive - he’s got to be treading water. One thing you can be sure of: He does not know what to do. He hasn’t got enough life under his belt to know how to begin to cope with all this. You, on the other hand, are somewhat more seasoned. If you’ve dealt with personal trauma, you’re considerably more seasoned. He needs good advice in a Come-To-Jesus sort of way, and he’s not going to get it from his dad. He’s eventually going to listen to somebody, because he’s going to need guidance, and the person he turns to may or may not have his best interests at heart, especially if he ends up on the street (I presume there’s an issue with remaining with the grandparents). You also don’t mention what stance your parents are taking on all this aside from taking the young man in. It might help us better advise you if you could elaborate on this. It would also help if you could describe your relationship with your brother, which would give us a better handle on how he might react to perceived interference/intervention/buttinskyism on your part. Certainly the young man should have a phone that isn’t under his father’s surveillance. He’s legally an adult and his father has no business monitoring his interactions with other people.
  23. You were at swim practice. Was the guy shaved/hairless over most of his body other than his pubes? Swimmers will sometimes remove body hair in order to improve swim times by reducing the subtle drag caused by hair and streamlining the body through the water. The pubes wouldn’t necessarily need to go as they would be contained within the swimsuit. So would his ass, but it would likely be simpler and more intuitive to keep going over that if doing both legs and back. Another possibility: He might be into diving and may remove his hair to increase the ease of getting into and out of a dive suit.
  24. I take a slightly different view of this, from my personal perspective. To me, a Top’s load is a part of him, representative of all the qualities that make him a Top, that make him entitled to breed me, encoded in his DNA. He could choose to implant that marker of himself in any cunt, but he chose mine. I take that as an honor, and as a responsibility - his expressed desire was that his essence be inside my body, and I take seriously my duty to keep it there for as long as I can so some element of it, at least, mingles inextricably with my own flesh. At no point is his load ever “mine” - it remains his, but inside me, and thus he remains inside me. It’s not for me to decide whether his essence should be inside someone else; if he wanted it elsewhere he would have put it there. Also, I never consider myself to have “earned” a load in the sense that I am ever “owed” one - a Top’s load is always a gift, to be given or not given at his pleasure. It is a sign of his ecstasy, and if he pumps it into me, it isn’t a reward, it’s simply a sign that I have performed my duty successfully. That’s not to say I don’t place a great value on the load bred into my cunt; I very much do. Each load deposited is an act that cannot be undone, one that subtly changes me forever. Each time I’m cunted reinforces the way I’ve been trained to see myself and to perform - the load serves as a token, very much owned by him, that by fusing with me leaves me also feeling very much owned by him. One thing that did mess with my head a bit was a time when a Top had finished unloading into me, then reached underneath me and jacked me off until I came into his hand, then poured my own entire load into my ass. Even though the load came from me, he had made it his own to do with as he wanted (being a Top) and it became another token of his Top-ness.
  25. You’re being very kind, but I’m not so sure about that. In this particular case I’d tried a new hotel in a different part of town because this one guy who had fucked me before told me it was a much better location for cumdumps. He said he had just done another bottom he knew there who had taken several loads that night. “And you’ll get a lot because your ass is way better than his,” he said. I should have caught the logical flaw in that at once, of course - the quality of my ass isn’t a draw to someone who’s never fucked it. There’s no way to know how good it feels to fuck me without doing it. Even if there were somebody out there spreading the word that there was a spectacular piece of ass waiting at the hotel (he wasn’t) guys would still have to get over any initial skepticism to take the chance on finding out if it were true, because it would still just be hearsay. I assume that what you’re saying is that there are places - such as the place you live, presumably - where Men do tend to fuck more often than not. (Perhaps it’s because you live closer to Cape Canaveral than most, and guys are more accustomed to seeing NASA get things off the ground.) Perhaps I’ll just have to make my way down there sometime and have you show me around these dens of iniquity. You could judge for yourself how magnificent my contributions might be. Even if I lived in such a place, though, and even if I were in circulation long enough for “word on the street” to get around so that I might find some demand for my service, I expect that demand would last only until those who found me to be ‘their type’ had fucked me a couple of times, and then I would join the ranks of all the other been-there-fucked-that bottoms who are no longer fresh meat. Because that is what always happens in my experience. No matter how much a Top enjoys my ass, no matter how frequently or regularly he uses it, he eventually grows tired of it and moves on. They all do. And as there is a finite number of Tops in any given location who might conceivably be expected to find me fuckable, it stands to reason that it’s only ever a matter of time before they’ve all tried me, grown tired of the experience, and moved on. It’s the way of it. I suppose that’s why people cultivate long-term relationships based on things in addition to sex. It doesn’t really matter all that much. I’m not getting any younger, and time doesn’t favor me being able to serve in a meaningful way in any practical sense for very much longer. There will come a day in the not-too-distant future when my age will be too severe a deterrent to attracting Tops, no matter what my ass feels like. That’s okay. For everything there is a season. I just hope I go out with a (gang)bang and not a whimper.
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