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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. AKA the worst idea ever Now, if it were a universal XXX app…
  2. The selections in the poll seem somewhat limiting. The options reflect the OP’s bias in favor of gloryholes, but the majority of the bathhouses I’ve been to lack gloryholes that would permit actual breeding. The choice of “out in the open” is a bit nonspecific - some men wouldn’t care to breed in a common area but love to go at it in the steam room, or the dry sauna, or, as mentioned above, the sling/fuck bench room. All these are public spaces, but they’re also enclosed spaces, so it’s hard to know what’s meant by “out in the open”. Likewise, darkrooms are separated out, but a darkroom would clearly be an “out in the open” space if the light was on. As one of the said cumdumps, I have no answer for the poll, but based on the patterns of how men use me, I can see some not finding their answer among the options provided.
  3. I think @BootmanLA’s suggestions point to the key issue - the lack of intel. The less information you have on the approach, the greater the risk. I should think the absolute least you should establish before you set up an exploratory get-together is whether he is, in fact, gay or bisexual. If he isn’t, you will not only waste your time, you will risk an awkward encounter that may result in him putting distance between you. If you determine that he is, realize that it’s a significant step from “he’s gay” to “threesome”. I’m extremely hesitant to be the third in a threesome involving two partners, because I’ve seen it go badly in more than one way. I’ve seen one partner get jealous or hurt because he perceives his partner has focused too much on me, I have found myself in situations where one partner was clearly less comfortable with the threesome than the other, and I have found myself basically ignored while the two partners got totally into one another, having used me essentially as a marital aid to spice up their encounter. You’re already describing what could potentially be an uneven or lopsided experience where someone might not be comfortable playing safe or unsafe, someone might not be able to physically accommodate the other, and you already have loaded your expectations onto the encounter when you don’t even know if he Tops or bottoms. In short, I think you’re getting way too far ahead if yourself to just jump in and make a direct ask. It might work - but it sounds unnecessarily risky too me. A number of suggestions have been made above indicating ways to ferret out the information you want from him. Some of those ways strike me as rather direct and manipulative. I would counsel you to take a subtle approach, and ask what seem to be more innocuous questions from which you can derive or deduce the information, at least until you have enough confidence that you can ask bolder, more leading questions.
  4. The scenario you describe sounds far-fetched at best. You’re describing a society that doesn’t allow persons afflicted with a lethal illness to seek treatment - that would be a direct assault on basic human rights. Civil society would have to devolve into a totalitarian hellscape for its laws to prohibit its citizens from seeking life-saving care. Yes, societies can fall that far, but the thrust of your question is essentially saying that chasers should reconsider because someday medical treatment may not be available. This seems like an extremely speculative scenario. There are plenty of excellent reasons why intentionally infecting oneself with HIV is a ridiculously bad idea, but you don’t have to dig this deep to find them. I feel obliged to add that you have posed your question in a public discussion forum, and while you may not desire political expressions as part of the replies, you are in no position to dictate what anyone who responds is “allowed” to say on an open board. If any restriction is to be applied, that discretion belongs solely to the moderators. You may request that other members honor your wishes, but you may not demand that they comply.
  5. …has anyone heard where he stands on posting adult content? His stated intention to make the platform more open for free expression doesn’t necessarily (in my view) mean he’s going to equally endorse content he doesn’t personally find acceptable, and if he doesn’t like porn - or thinks it hurts his bottom line - I can imagine a significant impact due to the Golden Rule - He who has the gold makes the rules.
  6. Here’s another peeve - Tops who start asking a bottom questions while they’re spitroasting him. You like that cock, boy? Mphmm You’re a dirty cumslut, aren’t you? Mfhmh You want my load, faggot? Ogmomhf Tell me you’re a cockwhore. M-m-o-or What do they expect him to do with his mouth stuffed full of cock, for God’s sake? Related, Tops who insist on trying to make a bottom perform oral while he’s being rough-fucked so hard it makes his head jerk around.
  7. This topic keeps surfacing from time to time. I frankly don't understand why anyone would expect someone else to mail him free loads, given than sending anything by any form of post costs the sender money, and sending anything by next-day post costs the sender significant bank. Unless you're talking about buying the stuff, it's hard to see many guys having an incentive to shell out in order for you to get free loads at their expense. But, assuming that there are those who have the disposable income and somehow get their rocks off sending semen off to strangers, it bears pointing out that there are hurdles to sending liquids through most mail and courier services. Taking the U.S. Postal Service, for example, yes, you can send your cum by mail...if you comply with USPS regulations as outlined in Publication 52—Hazardous, Restricted and Perishable Mail, Section 4—Restricted Matter, Subsection 45—Other Restricted Materials, Items 451.1,451.2, and 451.3. These state, in part, that you can mail such things, but only if you clearly mark the outer container of the mailpiece containing the liquid to indicate the nature of the contents (no discreet shipping), and there are specific packaging requirements. Among these, if you ship more than 4 fluid ounces (the equivalent of approximately 33 loads), you have to triple-pack it, include enough absorbent material to absorb the entire contents, and seal it in a leakproof secondary container. Knowing failure to do any of the above when depositing such an item in the mail is considered a crime punishable by fine, imprisonment, and/or other penalty. (Regulations prohibit mailing anything odorous, by the way, so if you pack your cumloads poorly and your package starts reeking of cum, it becomes an unmailable item.) So in addition to the monetary cost, sending some bottom loads of cum by mail is also a pain in the ass because of the time, effort and materials needed just to wrap it all up for shipment. Note: If you're thinking you can ship your toxic load and 'gift' someone by mail, forget it—HIV loses 90-99% of its ability to infect within hours even at levels much higher than those found in bodily fluids. You might as well be sending them PrEP. None of the other mainstream STDs survive more than a couple of hours outside the host, either.
  8. Two questions: What is meant by ‘techno’ in this context; and in a given year, do you actually limit yourself to 120 days? One gets the impression you might not. 🙂
  9. Having taken a large icicle up my cunt before, I can say that that cannot have been a pleasant few minutes. I’ve taken a decent sized devil’s dick, too, and although they tend to liquify much more rapidly than solid water ice, that still had ro be a rough ride. Respect for that bottom.
  10. ErosWired


    The pic in the header, by the way, is one he took during the session.
  11. The purpose of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is to stop the ability of the virus to replicate itself. It is the damage done to immune system-relevant cells in this reproductive process that cripples the immune system and if not halted ultimately causes its failure. The medication is highly effective, but not totally effective; even Undetectable persons continue to have a vestigial viral load, which will continue to attempt to do what its nature demands - co-opt the immune system to serve itself. It never stops trying. The moment a person stops his meds, the virus resumes its work full tilt. The virus may not be pounding away at the immune system at the same debilitating rate, but it’s always trying to.
  12. I would presume that would be due to a tendency toward a fading of immune response in an individual over time and/or a building of resistance to the body’s native defense by the resident virus (devious bastards). I suppose the effect of AIDS is the equivalent of making it as though the individual never had chicken pox at all. I have, indeed, now been vaccinated for shingles. Once was quite enough, thank you.
  13. ErosWired


    I think fisting is a slightly different paradigm - I would expect a fisting session to be time-consuming. My sense is that with fisting the pleasure is as much in the journey as in the destination, and the ride perhaps not as turbulent, at least in the early stages. But I’ve only had the opportunity ti take one so far, regrettably, so I can’t speak with any authority. There’s also a difference in physical dynamic - three hours of jabbing, thrusting friction takes a toll quite different from protracted stretching.
  14. ErosWired


    I failed. The shame clings to me like a handful of Styrofoam peanuts after shuffling across a shag carpet. I failed the man who trained me, my duty, my determination, my identity. Three hours. The Top fucked me for three hours, interrupted only to tag-team with each of the other two Tops who came in while he worked. He had taken me before, the last time I was in Atlanta, back in 2021. Back then, he only fucked me for an hour and a half. But then he came back and did it again. Still, even though 1.5 + 1.5 = 3, it didn't really make three. I realize now that three is something completely different. It's not that I don't think I can handle three. That actually makes it worse. I know I can, properly prepared. If I had deep-lubed, if I had prepped with the right dildoes to really open myself up for a cock of that size and penetration at that range of angles and that determination of depth, I could have taken it. I could, and did, take all three Tops...but the other two were just a brief respite from his relentless assault. For three solid hours he turned me over, back to belly, to back again, like a rotisserie hen, continuously reaming, rutting, railing. By the second hour, my cunt was running liquid on his outstroke, sloshing on the in, poppers pointless because my insides had lost all tone where tone mattered. I had used all my tricks to modulate his impact, to guide his force, to tease him toward a climax—to no avail. He broke me down thrust by thrust, machinelike. Missionary was the worst, and ultimately, the cause of my failure. He wanted my ass elevated to him, and placed pillows beneath it so he could grip my hips just so as he slammed his rhythm to liquid notes. "Feels so fucking good," he said. "I could fuck you all night long." It was 11:00 p.m. In the end, I succumbed to the battering-ram on my bladder. I had to ask him to stop. No one, no one, no one had ever made me tap out before. It had been a point of pride. Now something I can no longer say. The shame. He let me recover for—perhaps?—three minutes. Then he said, "I'm getting close. I need to nut." He hauled me back into position by my legs and pounded my sore cunt with rising speed and force. I concentrated solely on trying to contract in rhythm with his outstroke, to bring him to the end, fighting through the pain. At last he groaned, and powerfully shuddered, and though I could not feel the pulses, I could sense the heat of his breeding of me. I can take some solace that at least I succeeded in taking him to completion. I did not fail him utterly, although he was quite serious about fucking me all night. He would have done. The third day after I returned home from Atlanta, he sent me an image on my phone: The moment I saw it I knew that I would have a chance to redeem myself, to clear this shame. No one had ever labeled me a Jack of Spades before. Though I have no race fetish or preference, I could see now that he had been pleased in spite of my failure. There will be another trip to Atlanta. Third time's the charm.
  15. Double monkeyed-up now. I consider myself lucky even though it was a 1.5 hour round-trip to get a jab that took five seconds. But my appreciation for vaccinations is bigger than just having access to something hard to get. Something we don’t ever really talk about around here is what happens to your immunity when your HIV progresses to AIDS - your immunity doesn’t just get weak, your body forgets it was ever immune at all. Your immunity to certain things can actually become extinct, such that there’s nothing left to recover. You aren’t born with immunity, you build it. Some you may get from your mother, but most of it you gain from fighting off the daily siege by microorganisms trying to break in, by surviving and hanging the invaders’ heads on your body’s trophy walk so you always remember how to fight them. The more you fight, the stronger you get. AIDS hits reset on all that. You have to start from the beginning on many immunities. I had chicken pox as a kid. My body forgot all about it, so the second year after I survived nearly dying from AIDS, I got shingles. Since then I’ve had to re-educate my immune system with a series of crash courses using vaccinations. If there’s one available, I’ll get it, because I can no longer take any immunity for granted. The best thing about this Monkeypox vaccine is that it’s a two-fer. You got something for me, Smallpox? If you’re feeling froggy, jump.
  16. Yes, you let him cry. You listen to whatever he needs to say, without judgment. If he seems to need a hug, you give him one. In Western societies, men tend to be taught that emotion equates to weakness, and vulnerability, especially around other men. This is, of course, nonsense, but it makes it difficult to process certain emotional states in a healthy manner. The fact that he reached out to you to communicate this issue this way indicates two things: 1) That the issue is serious and distressing enough to him that the need to express his emotions about it has overcome his conditioned reluctance; and 2) That he has developed enough familiarity and trust in you to expose his vulnerability to you. This does not mean his problem is for you to fix. It simply means that everyone needs a shoulder to lean on at some point, and not everyone has access to one. Perhaps he does not, and you, casual acquaintance as you are, may be the closest thing he has. I would suggest that you simply listen. Do not advise unless asked, but ask questions that lead him to expand on how he feels, in order to help him sort out his emotional disarray on his own. Be supportive, and be kind.
  17. The Russian Duma has, unanimously, voted to modify an existing law to now prohibit all Russians from praising or promoting homosexual relationships or publicly suggesting that they’re normal. Under the proposed new law, which still has to pass the upper house, the Federation Council, and Putin’s (homophopbic) signature, an individual would be liable for a fine of up to $6,500 US for an offense; legal entities, up to $81,400 US. Foreigners could enjoy 15 days in the comforts of a Russian cell. Because their sentencing is so just and consistent, isn’t that right, Ms. Griner? ”Our bill is not an act of censorship,” said the head of the Duma’s Information Policy Committee. Yeah, right comrade. The European Court of Human Rights already ruled that the original law violates the European Convention on Human Rights. Which is all very interesting as homosexuality has been legal in Russia since 1993. cnn.com/2022/10/27/europe/russia-gay-propaganda-law-toughened-intl/index.html
  18. I’m scheduled for my second dose tomorrow. But I’m still going to avoid the zoo until they come out with boosters to ward off baboons, gibbons and pygmy marmosets.
  19. As of Sunday, Oct 23, CNN reports 6. Two in NYC, two in Chicago, one in Nevada and one in Maryland.
  20. This is somewhat misleading. Yes, the cost of ART can be extremely high, but your out-of-pocket expense depends on your situation. In my case, my ART is covered in part by my insurance, and in part by the copay assistance program offered by the pharmaceutical company. Between the two of them, when I go to the drugstore to pick up my meds, I pay $0. Now, I have excellent (if pricey) insurance, and I qualify for the copay program; not everyone will check both boxes. But ART can be obtained with financial assistance. HIV + poor ≠ death.
  21. Do you also have fun playing Russian roulette with a loaded pistol? It’s not more “exciting”, it’s just more risky, and more foolhardy. The consequences can far, far outweigh any “fun” that might be had. To the OP: If you’re going to fuck bare, you will always be at risk of catching something. That’s the price of the ticket. You can reduce the risk, but you cannot eliminate it. Saying you want to bareback without risking an STD is like saying you want to go skydiving without jumping out of an airplane. If you aren’t willing to risk it, don’t do it. It’s as simple as that.
  22. Bear in mind that this estimate means that once you’ve taken bare cock up your ass 10,000 times, infection is a near certainty. So…pace yourself. Don’t do it all in a week.
  23. I have been bred by a woman using a strapon, and she railed me with as much gusto as any man. But it wasn’t the same experience (I’m not into FemDom for aa start) and I would generally not expect a male to use a strapon. The exception would be a Top suffering from an intractable form of erectile dysfunction who nonetheless wanted to feel the sexual satisfaction of intimacy in being able to fuck someone. Also, I can see a place for it as an augment to regular fucking. Recently my regular local Top, who has a quite serviceable cock of average dimensions, took one of my oversized dildoes, held it to his groin, and began fucking me with it as though it were a part of him. It took the fuck to a new level for both of us before he finished up with his own cock.
  24. When I was a teenager I was able, with some effort, to get my lips around the head of my cock. I have never felt anything that equals that sensation. Having someone else’s mouth on my cock isn’t the same - the combination of the scent, the taste, the touch of the lips, and the moist contact of my own tongue on my slit created a kind of sensory feedback loop that nothing else duplicates. Then, feeling the combined rush of my orgasm and the taste of my own semen coating my tongue was so heady that I naturally swallowed. I can’t do it now, of course, and the biggest reason, ironically, is likely because of how hard I tried to do it then - the strain I put on my back probably led to the back problems later in life that now make it impossible. Still, it’s an experience I wouldn’t trade.
  25. Because we aren’t high-end hookers, no matter how skilled we might be. Without going into it, it’s a question of perceived value. A person is much more likely to make an appointment, reservation, or get on a waiting list for any product or service that is perceived to be of high value and limited availability, because they don’t want to miss their chance at getting something particularly desirable or coveted. In the case of the services of a cumdump, the commodity is free and plentiful, and the quality is seldom assured, so perceived value is low. Additionally, some Tops inherently perceive cumdumps as lower value persons sexually, as mere sexual objects, or even as disposable - of no value whatever. When I was at IML, one Top started fucking me and said, “I have zero respect for you.” That man was not going to make, let alone honor, an appointment. He used me for flesh, plain and simple. Plus, most times when I’m hosting, the reality is that the Tops contacting me are actively shopping among several options, and are going to take the one that horns him the most - and he would do it even if he found the guy five seconds after making an appointment with me.
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