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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. The thing is, as often as not the guy who pulls the OMW trick is one who let me know he needed discretion and wanted assurance that it would be one-on-one. A lot of the time guys want to know if I’m alone before they say they’re headed my way. So for a lot of them, they would have the opposite expectation than assuming someone else would come and I wouldn’t know the difference.
  2. His interest is obviously in telepathy. I like to watch movies, eat out, and walk on the beach - essentially, live life on vacation, and you’re paying.
  3. But none of it excuses the behavior, which is thoughtless, inconsiderate and shitty. I have zero tolerance for notions that guys get a pass because they’re young and stupid. All that tells us is that they need to get older and wiser before they can claim to be men.
  4. I think you may be getting at the heart of it here, especially the first two. So many times someone will message me, I’ll reply within seconds, and then I hear nothing for half an hour if ever - and I just know they instantly jumped to another profile and completely forgot the ever sent me a message. I don’t suffer fools well.
  5. Note that using “hypno” as a search term on xhamster gets you little or nothing. The way I recommend you find similar ones is follow the link I supplied to that video, then scroll beneath it to the ‘Related Videos’ section. Their algorithm for grouping similar materials seems pretty good for this. Most of that guy’s material is basically the same style, with the same voice.
  6. I hosted again in Louisville last night, having discovered serendipitously on my last visit to town that Sunday nights are apparently neither remembered as the Sabbath nor kept holy among the man-fuckers in Louisville. The trip was reasonably successful, with seven loads and six men serviced. Well - seven, sort of. He was the third to come along. He hit me up on Sniffies, and at first he said he wished he could fuck me but he had no car (cue sound of violins), so I cut the conversation short. Not long after, he messaged back to say maybe he could get himself there. Nice looking young guy, bit stoner-y, great legs. The first thing he says is, “I’ve been walking around all day, would you mind if I rinsed off in your shower? Red Flag 🚩 #1 Sure, go ahead. I mean, some guys are funny about wanting to be garden-fresh for sex, and that’s fine. He took a shower like he hadn’t washed in a week. He comes back out and asks me to suck him to get him hard. ”I’m a grower,” he said, “but I’m a little high.” Red Flag 🚩 #2 The oral isn’t working. He lies down for it. Still nothing. He asks if I have a cock ring; I lend him a neoprene one. Still no wood. He wants to know if my ass is loose enough to take a soft cock (! !!) because he might get hard that way. N-ope. At last, he figures it mist have something to do with all the G he did before he came, apologized, flopped down on the bed and asked if he could charge his phone on my charging cable. Red Flag 🚩 #3 I don’t want this limp-dicked, patially-G-hawed dude hanging around my hotel room, regardless of how clean he is (and he damn well better be since he used all the towels) for who knows how long to charge his phone. But I have a solution: I have an extra portable power supply, one of the small cylinder-shaped ones, fully charged, and I tell him he can have it since it works with his cable. At that point my daughter calls unexpectedly and I tell the guy I have to take the call. He says, somewhat reluctantly, “I guess you’d like me to leave, then.” Red Flag 🚩 #4 “If you don’t mind.” He walks out, then back in again, seeming to look atound for something, and I herd him back out the door. About an hour later, he messages me again on Sniffies, wondering if I could do him a big favor. The truth is, he’s just gotten out of jail and rehab and detox, and has nowhere to go to sleep and hasn’t slept in several days, and could I help him out with a room to sleep in for the night? God. damn. It. If you read my first blog entry about no good deed going unpunished, you will not fail to see certain parallels here. I did, by God, and told him that the last time I did something like that it went very, very badly, and I was not putting myself in the same position again. He said he understood, but could he charge his phone because the portable charger was almost out of power. ! !! ”You have to plug the charger in to power it back up. It’s like a rechargeable battery.” He said he understood. In a minute: ”What about if I got the room in my name?” ”I cannot afford to get you a hotel room. Sorry, but I can’t help you.” At least he didn’t call me an asshole. Oh, and by the way, remember my No Good Deed Vol. 2 entry about the guy who fucked me then stole my dildo? The guy after this guy fucked me then stole my poppers. History doesn’t repeat itself so much as sodomizes you repeatedly up the cunt with a cactus. But only if you do something nice.
  7. There are several by this creator on xhamster: xhamster.com/videos/gay-faggot-training-11337893 They’re videos, and are best with the visuals, but I’ve also just listened to the audio. They definitely have a binaural component. The insidious thing about them is that I can’t tell whether I simply agree with what they’re telling me, or if they’re actually reshaping my self-perception.
  8. I’m hosting in Louisville tonight, and have so far had three (3) men say either “On my way” or OMW and then not show up. In two of the three cases I could watch the locator distance sit at precisely the same number, meaning they didn’t even budge. Why, why, why the fuck do men do this? It absolutely baffles me, yet it’s become so common it’s epidemic. It’s as though somehow “on my way” has taken on the meaning of “not on my way”. The trouble is, some people do use it the original way, which means now the term is useless because you can’t know which it means at any given time. Men - for the live of all that’s cock-shaped, QUIT SAYING ‘ON MY WAY’ IF YOU’RE NOT COMING. IT’S A DICK MOVE.
  9. See, now, given the peculiar arrangements of this forum, I can’t be sure you didn’t just say that the Alaskan Republican vote might have consolidated around the devil. Not that there’s a significant distinction.
  10. This. ^ Aside from not going out and fucking guys when you're sick being the sensible thing to do, if you suspect there's a possibility that you have a high viral load, you have an ethical responsibility to ensure you don't expose another person—notwithstanding the bugchasing fantasy nonsense you hear on this site—until you've gotten tested to determine if it's true. Here's a breakdown of the symptoms normally associated with a progression to seroconversion, from Aidsmap: [think before following links] https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/what-are-symptoms-seroconversion Also, here is a page on the symptoms of Post-COVID Syndrome, AKA Long Covid, from the Mayo Clinic: [think before following links] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-long-term-effects/art-20490351 You might take a look down these and see if either of them better fits your profile so you can have a more informed conversation when you see your doctor.
  11. No, a test for COVID will not reveal an HIV infection. Fatigue and a mild cough could suggest any number of ailments, but if I understand you correctly, you say that you contracted COVID right after you attended a Pride festival five weeks ago. That suggests you assume you’ve fully recovered, but the first thing that comes to my mind is that you may be experiencing lingering symptoms, are going to be one of the people who unfortunately has to cope with the effects of Long Covid, or you could even have been reinfected with a COVID variant. Since you’re sexually active and play unprotected, you absolutely should get yourself tested for HIV (now and regularly), but I wouldn’t jump to a conclusion of seroconversion on the basis of these symptoms in these circumstances.
  12. That can easily go the other way, though, depending on the individual. If the bottom has a period immediately post-orgasm that his body or mind isn’t sexually receptive or ready, if a Top forces the fuck to quickly or has already started, the bottom may involuntarily tighten up the whole pelvic area. I’ve had that happen before and when it does I have to concentrate hard at that point on consciously relaxing and keeping myself from locking up and stiffening up.
  13. They’re thieves and drug dealers, not prostitutes. What gives you the idea they would have any interest in suddenly turning into sex workers? Obviously fencing stolen shit and pushing dope pays better for less work, and they don’t get gono doing it. They might, however, be tempted to go to a private room with you so they can drug you, rob you, and leave you unfucked while they go sell your things, because they’re criminals. Even if they did fuck you they’d probably rob you too. Been there, done that. But yeah, yet another “should I” question posed for no purpose other than to suggest a titillating scene. Color me not titillated.
  14. Is it possible that your app is actually refreshing perfectly - but they’ve finally upgraded the algorithm to block all the profiles of fakes, flakes, time-wasters and pic collectors, and now there are no profiles left to show you? We can dream…
  15. Amen to that. To the OP: Have you checked to make sure you’re running the latest version of the app from the App Store? Many times I find that if an app is having a connectivity or refreshing problem it’s because I’m a version behind, and getting the update clears the issue. If you’re running through a troubleshooting protocol that’s probably the first thing they suggested, but I thought I’d mention it.
  16. I actually agree with you on this point, and confess that I have never quite understood the thinking behind it. The policies may have a rationally considered basis, but that basis is either poorly communicated or not at all, and ends up coming across as arbitrary and capricious when it comes down to enforcing regulations. Most people are willing to comply with reasonable controls when they are clearly explained and they can understand why they’re needed. Not that many people, particularly adults, react well to “Do as you’re told” without any reason. In my view, some disquiet might be avoided with greater clarity, but that assumes there’s actually a logical reason for the contradictions you point out. It could be that the censorship appears piecemeal because the preference is not to limit content, but a certain amount of blockage is dictated by the legal constraints the site owner must comply with to ensure the site is not targeted by the authorities or other groups intent on silencing all such discussion online. The censorship of terms and discussions related to sex with males not yet of the age of maturity (note the circuitous reference) is very intentionally because such content being found on the site by internet searches would be an express ticket to this place getting put under a microscope by law enforcement, and likely closed. We probably skate pretty close to the edge of the ice as it is. The point where your view on this an mine probably diverges is that while we would both like to see an end to the apparent contradictory philosophy and policies where they concern potentially harmful practices, I would prefer to see the site err on the side of protecting people from harm rather than throwing open the floodgates to every corrupt, debased thought and practice possible and leave every person to sort it out for himself. Not everyone has the same level of maturity, sophistication, experience, common sense, or self control. Some children should not be turned loose in a candy store. That’s why Moderators are necessary. Augustus Gloop and Veruca Salt are why Moderating isn’t easy.
  17. It wasn’t a personal attack. I don’t know the man, so I don’t know what he’s actually like. I don’t dislike him, such that I would attack him. What I contest is his rhetoric. My point, if you read more carefully, is that the persona that he chooses to display through his posts and his username is unlikely to give him much credibility as someone who is a defender against bullies. I might add, however, that when a debater employs a tactic intended to foil counterargument by preemptively discrediting anyone who might speak against him - in this case classing all such persons as “mod suck ups” - he can hardly complain when his own objectivity and credibility is equally placed under scrutiny.
  18. Dude. This is a privately owned website that you’re using for free. It’s not a fucking democracy. It’s not even a republic. The owner gets to make whatever rules he wants in his own house. While you’re in his house, you observe his rules. If you don’t like his rules, you leave his house. Simple. Yes, I’m going to speak up for the Moderators, not because I suck up to them (why would I need to?) but because I do the same thankless job elsewhere on the web, and it ain’t easy trying to keep the tent from flying off a three-ring circus full of loudmouthed ass-clowns who want to put on a show. “Calling out” a Moderator will accomplish absolutely nothing except getting you banned quicker. You have no power or authority to do anything but show your ass. It took you time and effort to write this screed, but they can blink it out of existence in a tiny fraction of that time - and probably will - and probably should. Because the truth is, this isn’t about integrity, or calling someone to account - this is about you venting your spleen because someone had the nerve to talk back to you. You seriously expect sympathy from the readers of this forum when someone who calls himself ‘BoyStrangler’ cries “bully”? A bully is usually the first one to stand up and holler “bully” when things don’t go his way, and every syllable you’ve ever posted on this forum, sir, screams “bully”. That’s not me characterizing you - that’s the brand you market for yourself. By all means aggravate the Moderators. While you’re at it, why not get in some practice by going to the zoo, climbing in the tiger cage and poking the tiger with a stick? Same thing, basically.
  19. Given that the fatality rate of smallpox was around 30%, I should think decidedly preferable.
  20. I very much doubt that a vaccine given on a Tuesday is going to offer you any significant defense by Saturday. It’s not a condom. The vaccine itself doesn’t make you immune; the contents of the vaccine trigger an immune response in your body to develop antibodies specific to the pathogen so that if you come into contact with it your immune system can deal with it. Developing that specific immune response, and ramping it up to an effective level in the body, takes time. You weren’t “good to go” the moment you got the jab, and you probably won’t be for several days.
  21. As far as I have been able to discern, the difference, in terms of what the symbols convey to the recipient, is either a sense of simply “agree” for upvote versus like expressing more enthusiasm. Or it could be as basic as like/really like. Or, since ‘like’ contains a heart, it could be construed to be best reserved for posts you think deserve extra love. I tend not to use them at all. If I’m going to react, I use words.
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