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Posts posted by BB4fking

  1. 4 months ago on  Grindr hookup at a hotel. The guy messaged me “how about waiting for me blindfolded, naked and ready to be fucked. No kissing. Just me coming in and plowing your hole”. I responded yes please! I’d never done this before but had fantasised. I hadn’t thought to bring a blindfold but with his agreement had my head in a pillow case. I never saw him but I asked about his cock which he said was 19 cm (almost 8”) and it certainly felt like it, though he kindly handed me his poppers under the pillowcase to help accommodate his deep thrusts. He used a condom, although I told him raw was fine, and grabbed the used rubber from the trash after he left and discovered a huge load. The whole thing was so hot I was planning to try again but the lockdown has prevented me so far.


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  2. On 4/16/2020 at 5:29 PM, Rubberbanned said:

    I wonder how bathhouses are strategizing on a business perspective, given the COVID-19 pandemic. Gyms are now offering online classes, restaurants are selling their raw ingredients, etc. --- but how about bathhouses? Makes me wonder.

    That’s a good question. Maybe after lockdown but before full reopening they could allow couples in - only a few at a time to ensure proper distancing  - to make homemade porn videos in a real bathhouse setting. 

  3. 4 hours ago, cumtaker77 said:

    In the US the membership is the key to making the sex part legal.  I can promise you though that if there before a way to track what members are in attendance on what day,I will not step foot in another bathhouse or restaurant.

    I’m not saying it’s unproblematic but In answer to the post’s question about “how” to reopen a bathhouse during or following a pandemic I’d expect a public health approach to require some methodology to assist with contact tracing. A refusal to attend a bathhouse because there’s a membership register ignores the fact that, as you say, it’s an existing US practice. To use the restaurant example, it is not dissimilar to a reservation system. The real difference would be compulsion on businesses to maintain a register (although it appears that this may be an existing legal requirement in the US) and to have it available if needed following an outbreak traced to someone who attended the bathhouse. If this system were implemented it would be desirable to have strong privacy and public health laws in place to ensure the information is protected and only used for the public health purpose of contact tracing. In the absence of legal protection a strong policy by the bathhouse business of confidentiality, except where needed for public health tracing, may suffice.

    There may be better, more privacy-protective, approaches possible but the register is a low tech, practical and traditional approach.

    Of course, unfortunately, my guess is that it is likely that bathhouses would be one of the last sort of businesses to get public health approval to reopen. Not for any reasons of morality but because of the necessary close bodily proximity of numerous strangers. I suspect they may have to wait until the virus is well under control - at least in those places where authorities are prioritising public health concerns over the desire of businesses to quickly reopen. Regrettably this may mean a comparatively long period of closure, which may be the death knell for some of our gay bathhouses. Maybe implementing credible processes to trace if needed will convince some authorities to permit earlier reopening.

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  4. For most of my life my frequent casual fucking, top and bottom, was with condoms. So much so I can remember the few times in the 1990s and early 2000s when I went raw.

    Topping I rarely went raw until the last 5 years. However, I did lapse once in a bathhouse about 15 years ago and it was so out of character I don’t really understand my actions. I hooked up in an open area with a young Asian guy. I seem to recall kissing, already out of character for me, and groping. He was just my type, boyish, hairless, slim, small, probably Japanese. I guided him into a room, got him on the bed on his back, took a hit of poppers and started rimming him something I hardly ever did then. Then I entered his ass with my cock, fucked and, surprising myself, did not pull out when I came. It was great but I felt terribly guilty although the guy didn’t mind, and he waved at me 20 minutes later when he left the bathhouse. I think the poppers lowered my inhibitions and his bubble butt and cute asshole just set me off.

    Bottoming, I remember visiting Sydney and the old King Steam and hooking up with a young guy in a room who kept losing his hard on with a condom. We tried and tried and eventually I let him fuck me raw, but not cum in me. Later we went to my hotel and he stayed overnight and fucked me a couple of times. He produced a pipe and wanted to smoke some pot which was a problem as it was a non-smoking room bar that’s a bit off point. Several years later I recall lying naked ass up in a cruise club room waiting for a top and attracting a good looking Arab guy. I proffered a condom but he sweetly persuaded me to let him bareback me, he had such a big cock I didn’t want to miss out. It wasn’t long after that I started BBing full time on PrEP.

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  5. I guess one step that may be required is a system for identifying and contacting customers that attend on a particular day to assist with contact tracing in the event of someone later testing positive. This will be expected even for restaurants etc. when my country gets out of lockdown. I suppose this will dovetail with the “membership” requirements for many US bathhouses so may not be hard to implement. I’ve always thought that those memberships were a scam to get more fees and since I only ever visit US cities for a few days at a time can rack up the cost. Membership and ID requirements rarer at bathhouses outside the US.

  6. Visited London a number of times but only discovered Vault 139 on my last visit in 2019. Really hot really sleazy, wonderful. My best memory was a young guy who was being vigorously kissed by two other hot guys beckoning for me to come over and fuck him. I did so while the other guys kept kissing and dropped a load in him.

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  7. I haven’t taken medical advice but I went off PrEP at least 3 weeks since last breeding and at least 10 days since any sex (it’s been a quiet period for me even without a lockdown). I think staying on PrEP for 28 days after last breeding may be a conservative approach as it doesn’t seem to square with the 2-1-1 model some guys follow (I’m on a daily regimen). 

    In my country the government has just restricted prescriptions to a month at a time to stop stockpiling of medications so going off PrEP while I’m without any sex probably going to delay the hassle of getting new prescriptions for a while, hopefully they will have dropped the temporary restriction by then. As it happens the pharmacy gave me a 3 months supply (without me asking) so I’m ok. I get my prescription at my doctor which is just as well as I heard that the sexual health clinic at the local hospital has temporarily closed. 

    My plan is not to have any sex before restarting PrEP otherwise a clear negative test before restarting is important.

  8. I can’t believe the year is already almost a quarter through and I’ve only taken 5 loads and deposited 4 loads, two each in mouth and ass. I have had only one fuck session this month, two weeks ago, no prospects for next month, and have cancelled several trips that had promised to boost my tally substantially. When things improve I’m going to work hard to get loaded but am unlikely to reach, much less better as I’d hoped, my last year’s totals of 53 loads taken and 28 given in ass and 6 oral loads given. I worry that my local cruise club may not even reopen. Still I have my memories to keep me going in lockdown!

  9. My country has just gone into lockdown with everyone home and no socialising. I won’t be having any sex for at least 4 weeks. So I thought I would stop taking my daily PrEP for three weeks and then restart. There’s about a 0% chance of sex in the meantime but if it was likely I could do the 2-1-1 or if necessary use a condom. It would mean I have a three week supply which would be handy if there are delays in getting prescription refilled. It might be good for my body to have a break from the drug perhaps. On the other hand some people seem to think PrEP may be helpful in countering the coronavirus, I think that unlikely but wondered what others were doing (maybe  others are still fucking around, that’s not the option I favour as my partner is vulnerable).


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  10. I worry that many of our sex venues which have struggled in the app age in recent years may not reopen. My city had 5 gay saunas 15 years ago and is down to two and the cruise club I use was not nearly as crowded in the last couple of years as it used to be.  While they might survive a black and white closure for, say, 6 weeks, I suspect there will be no ‘all clear’ signal to reopen and it will be murky for both businesses and clientele. I know that while I might be happy to attend the grand reopening of a gay bathhouse many will hold back, my own partner has been complaining about my fucking around and he worries I’ll infect him (I should say that there has been no reported community infection in my city as I write this so I think he’s being extra careful). I had planned to be responsible this Saturday and instead of going to a cruise club to have a one on one hookup and had arranged to meet a visiting fuckbuddy  I hadn’t seen for 7 months at his hotel tomorrow and had big plans for being fucked by him - only to receive a message this morning that he’s had to fly back to his country as the borders were closing. I suspect it’ll be only jerking off for me for months to come.

  11. Frustrated as I was to have been flown to Tokyo to speak at a symposium that got cancelled a few days before I was due to go. I was looking forward to several visits to‘24 Kaikan’ sauna in Shinjuku, which is one of the sexiest bathhouses I know with a lot of dormitory group sex, and was also already arranging BBRT hookups. A fear of coronavirus was the reason for the cancellation.

  12. I’ve been surprised a couple of times to find guys filming me while they fucked me. First time I helped the guy get some better angles and checked his phone afterwards to ensure my face wasn’t shown. Another time i was being fucked in a bush in a park a few metres from a public path and I was surprised the guy was able to operate the camera one handed or had the presence of mind to whip his phone out in a spontaneous and risky set up. The one time I’ve done an anonymous hotel hookup I was blindfolded but asked in advance when making the hookup if I could film and was firmly told no, I had planned to set up my iPad on a shelf before he arrived but I didn’t  do it since he said no. I presume he didn’t film me but I wouldn’t have minded if he had. I wondered later whether I should just have just not asked after all I was vulnerable with the room unlocked, me naked with ass in the air, blindfolded, all at the guy’s request. Having asked I felt ethically bound to respect his veto, but if I didn’t ask the ethical position would have been a bit more ambiguous. 

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  13. I started barebacking occasionally because guys I wanted to fuck me asked to go raw and sometimes because actually while fucking guys would slip the condom off and I was too far gone to actually want to stop. However my actual decision to bareback full time was prompted by a hot guy who I’d hooked up with refusing to meet a second time unless I agreed to go raw. Once I’d made that deliberate decision- rather than the spontaneous horny heat of the moment ones - there was no going back.

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  14. Can’t say that the gyrating bottoms have caused me much grief, but I seem to have been doing a lot of fucking in recent years standing up and since I seem to be a little shorter than many of the guys I’m fucking it’s often me rather than the bottom that is in muscle straining positions - literally on tip toes almost! So I’ve found it frustrating when despite my efforts to bend them over they keep rising up and I lose my rhythm or my cock slips out. I’ve given up a number of times when the bottom has done this 2 or 3 times on me. 

  15. I was reminded of the first time I ever fucked by another thread on this forum and that involved slipping away from work. I was working in a law firm but completing some requirements at university before being fully qualified as a lawyer. Some evenings after work I’d cruise public toilets and one time I was passed a note under the stall saying ‘meet outside’, I did, and the guy gave me a phone number to ring if I wanted to meet and fuck. A week or so later I was at work and gave the excuse that I had to meet my university supervisor and instead went to this guy’s place. As my first time I was very nervous and it didn’t help that the guy had a woman there, a work colleague I think, who we had to wait to leave without really explaining why I was there. He laid out a rubber sheet on the carpet (yes, really!) and I fucked him. In an attempt to be polite he said it was fine but I know I came really fast. He was surprised I used a condom and would have preferred bare which was a bit surprising for 1986. A man ahead of his time or, regretfully, probably a man running out of time. Then back to work, or a quick dash to my dissertation supervisor, that bit I don’t remember.

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  16. Funny I have a clear recollection of first guy I fucked (he passed a note under a toilet stall wall and we met up a few days later) and first guy I fisted (hardly surprising it was only 6 months ago LOL). But I’m a bit hazy on who first fucked me.

    I remember several cases where guys tried but didn’t fuck me. When I was cruising in evening while I was on a university summer job down country and a guy rubbed his cock on my ass and asked and I coyly said I didn’t do that (In my regret went hunting for him a week later and never found him). I remover asking a near-boyfriend of a few months while we were in bed one afternoon to fuck me and he refused (he was a schoolteacher in a girls school, with a GF, then a real closet case while I’d been out for a month or two!). I remember  a hookup in San Francisco in the mid1980s, a few weeks after asking that other guy to fuck me, dropping me at my hotel and attempting to fuck me unsuccessfully due to my tight ass and inability to relax for him.

    i think my first time was a few months after that SF episode with my now partner of 30 or so years whom I met In London. Despite his long and very thick cock he managed to ‘deflower’ me by patience, gentleness, guidance and persistence, definitely persistence. I’m not 100% sure but think it may have been in a small tent on a trip to Brighton as while I remember sucking sessions in his car, no fucks. Later we got a tiny basement flat.

  17. I’m pretty happy to have taken the decision to bareback “full time” in December 2015, 4 years ago. I can be precise because I recall an ultimatum from a cute Chinese guy I’d hooked up on Grindr on a business trip to Macau refusing to come to my hotel a second time unless I barebacked. On his first visit we fucked with a condom for a while, he’d take it off and keep fucking me which I liked but I’d then put a new condom on him and restart. I had reflected on it after he left and decided as my ‘gift’ to him to let him bareback the next time. However, when I connected on Grindr on my last night in Macau he said he wasn’t available. I replied that I was disappointed as I wanted to surprise him by barebacking. Suddenly he was available and mentioned he simply wasn’t going to come over and use condoms. We had a great session that night and I decided to get on PrEP which I did on my return home.

    The timing was good for me. I didn’t start anal sex till after AIDS was known about so I used condoms from the get go, I didn’t miss what i’d not tried. I did have a great bareback night on a trip to Sydney with a guy I met in a sauna in the 1990s but otherwise didn’t ‘lapse’ from condom use until about the last 5 or 6 years. However, these lapses caused some worry which detracted from the enjoyment. However, the availability of PrEP changed all that. So I’ve now been on PrEP for 4 years and having plenty of raw sex. The time was right for me.

  18. Hit the cruise club last night. Went straight into a cubical which I usually do to let my eyes adjust to the dim light and to warm up with some glory hole sucking before heading into the maze, rooms and dark room for cruising and fucking. Started sucking a guy with a big cock, really thick. I could tell by some subtle thrusts he made after a while that he was up for some fucking (funny how attuned we become to body language when we’re horny). I had been fucked a couple of hours earlier by an Indian guy on a Grindr hookup with a smallish cock so was partly loosened up but it was still a stretch. he fucked me for quite a while with me letting out small groans of pain with most thrusts. My bent  legs were almost giving out with the awkward angle so I manoeuvred him cock to a higher gloryhole and continue until he came. I topped another guy later but things were pretty quiet so I went home.

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  19. On a Grindr hookup this afternoon the top messaged to say he’d run out of condoms and so we’d not be able to fuck. I wasn’t having that so I said I have some but we didn’t need them as I’m on PrEP. After a non-commital answer I rummaged around to find a condom and set out. I handed the condom over on arrival, said again he needn’t use it, and he put it next to the bed. After the preliminaries he entered me raw and fucked me bareback, no attempt to use the condom. Not sure what the deal was but it’s very rare these days that anyone asks me for a condom.

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