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Part 14 - End Game Connor struggled against the arms holding his neck and body still, forced to watch Gregor and his utter delight at the panic Connor was displaying. The all too familiar feeling of a coldness began entering his body from Finlay, the more he struggled the quicker his body slowly cooled down. “Stop this!” Connor pleaded with his voice straining to get across, “It is me you want.” Gregor smiled displaying his fangs “Are you offering yourself to me?” he asked. Christian made eye contact with Connor and shook his head “Don’t do it Connor” he cried out. Christian still had the use of his hands and was scratching furiously at his other arm. It was then intense prickliness of his skin that he had felt before when Gregor was so close to him and again it was surfacing. This time it felt worse and was raging all over his body. Despite the evident chill from his head to toes his blood felt like it was boiling, a tiredness was creeping over him as the rapid cooling of his body. Gregor could sense the change with his arms and he smiled again looking at Connor, his fangs stretched out from his upper lip. The look in Gregor's eyes told Connor that he was about to do this and enjoy watching Connor whilst he took his lovers life. Deliberately watching Connor he lowered his mouth and lightly ran his fangs over Christian’s neck. Drowsy but aware Christian shrugged trying to pull away against the tickling of the fangs then the lips kissing his neck. The way his fangs teased over his neck taking his time before he struck. Gregor was watching and loving the panic on Connor's face as he pleaded over and over for him not to do this. Christian's body was now itching like crazy and it was driving him made, with no idea why his body was reacting this way. Each time Gregor kissed his neck it got worse like his blood was fizzling in a way acid reacted when coming in to contact with something. He could feel the coldness of Gregor's hold yet his body was now strangely warm. Connor watched as time seemed to slow down and Gregor smiled opening his mouth. His tongue slowly protruded and licked over the spot, all the time his eyes glued on to Connor. Gregor smiled opening his mouth then quickly pushed his fangs into Christian's neck. A gurgling scream filled the air and Christian’s arms flailed around momentarily, a tear fell from his eye as he stared at Connor mouthing the words, I love you before his eyes closed. His fangs pierced through with minimal effort sinking deep in to the tender young skin and striking directly at the artery tearing in to it. Christian’s body shuddered and Gregor kept his eyes focused on Connor with an unmistakable smile. Christian opened his eyes and cried out again the moment his artery was breached, he felt the sharp fangs embedded in his neck, powerless yet he felt no instinct to resist and his eyes met with Connor's again. Weirdly Christian smiled then opened his mouth moaning as he felt the first draw of his blood being sucked out by Gregor and leaving his body. A long painful suction that drew almost a pint of blood from his body so quickly that Christian almost passed out. Connor watched on struggling against Finlay holding him. Suddenly Christian raised his arm grabbing Gregor's head and holding him against his neck. Christian raspy voice filled the air “The cursed and purity of blood shall combine in one of neither, taking of this blood will bring their demise and lift the shadow of the cursed one and free the land of his reign.” Gregor stopped and tried to pull his head away but Christian held with such strength that he knew something was wrong. Gregor began trying to pull his fangs away but they were stuck fast in his neck and the arm now preventing his head moving. He let go of Christian but his mouth was joined at the neck, no matter what Gregor did his could not detach himself. The blood continued to flow in to his mouth and he swallowed over and over unable to stop. A vibration rattled across the floor then up the walls then a force suddenly erupted around them, Finlay's body was flung across the floor as it reached them. It took a moment for Connor to realise he was unaffected and saw Gregor's body finally detaching and flung in the opposite direction crashing in to the wall. Scrambling to his feet he ran over to Christian watching the bite healing itself leaving no marks, Connor reached and grabbed Christian's body just as he was about to fall back. He smiled up at Connor closing his eyes, he could hear Connor shouting and crying in desperation as he slipped unconscious. Ivan crashed open the bathroom door falling inside, straight away he saw Joshua curled up in a ball on the floor motionless. He moved over quickly and was about to pick Joshua up from the when the bright white flash passed through them all and the walls. Joshua sat up and gasped for breath grabbing hold of Ivan and looking at him. It took a few moments for him to breathe normally. "Are you okay?" Ivan asked, "Did they recite anything over your body before biting you?". Joshua shook his head "No, but he is coming back for me". "Gregor?" Ivan asked. "No. The other one, Finlay" Joshua replied then smiling, "Sexy Finlay" he added. Ivan picked him up "I think you may have some curse in you drawing you to him" he told him. Joshua put his arm around Ivan's neck "No, I love him" he said yawning and closing his eyes. Ivan ignored the remark and carried him out to the staircase, he could hear the commotion going on down the two flights of stairs but he couldn't risk leaving Joshua alone, he had to protect him as a Berkhoff. In the entrance hall Maksim, Evan and Edward had collared James and were constantly throwing holy water and garlic dust at him to prevent him moving escaping them. They heard a strange noise then a bright light flashed through them all. James fell to the floor rolling around in agony for several seconds and Evan held his arm out to stop Maksim and Edward throwing more dust. James rolled on to his back opening his eyes then sat up looking at them all, he was disorientated for a moment then looked at the strange people and Edward. "What the hell am I doing here?" James asked looking confused. Evan turned to Maksim "It is over" he said feeling the energy force leaving the building. "Are you sure, what happened?" Maksim asked. Evan shrugged "I have no idea, maybe Connor's blood was too much for Kovalek" he suggested. "Who are you?" James asked standing up and looking at them before moving towards Edward. "James?" Edward asked looking at him, "Is that you?". "Sir Eddie what is going on?" James asked again. Edward smiled "Only the James I know calls me Sir Eddie" he said looking to Evan and Maksim. James looked and stared at Maksim "You look like Connor" he remarked, "Where is he?". Evan walked over "Do you serve Kovalek?" he asked again putting his hand in front of Edward. "Who?" James asked scratching his head, "I remember Christian coming to the manor" he said. "You do?" Edward asked, "Who was with him?" he questioned. "Some guy called Tomas" James replied going serious, "Something about a vampire after Connor". Edward handed him a crucifix "Put this on" he said, “Don’t argue” he added before he cold speak. James nodded placing it over his head and resting it on his chest, the three nodded and told him he needed to rest so Edward took James outside trying to explain before handing him over to Jane and Maria. Outside of the mansion in the SUV he sat up quickly knowing this curse had left his body. Tomas was confused and slightly dazed looking around and wondering how he had come to be inside the vehicle. Opening the door he climbed out and looked at Maria who came over to him quickly. "Stay inside for your protection" Maria called out approaching him. "My curse has gone" Tomas said, "Kovalek's hold has been broken" he added seeing James with Jane. "His curse has broken as well" Maria said. Tomas walked over to James who looked at him with a weird vibe. A vibe that was more of relief in them both as they hugged quickly. Connor wiped his eyes and stood looking at Gregor and the green hue now surrounding him that gradually grew brighter and brighter, his eyes changing from icy blue to brown as the green light began turning white then pulsing out in every direction. Finlay let out an agonising cry and his body shook uncontrollably the he went quiet. Gregor stumbled on his feet for a moment as he felt his body wash clean of the curse that had been inside him since that day in the forest over a hundred years ago. His head clearing and his thoughts returning of that day clearly now, he also knew that he had very little time left as his age would begin to realise. Gregor looked at his hands "Thank you" he said sincerely, "It has been lifted, I do not have long". Connor walked over to him "What happened Gregor?" he asked tentatively stepping towards him. Gregor spoke in latin "execrabilem et purum sanguinem mixtum ad perfectionem". Connor looked at the smile that appeared almost genuine "I don't understand". "Time comes quickly" Gregor said stepping forward feeling the onset of his demise, "I am free". "Is that it?" Connor asked looking confused as Gregor reached around his neck handing him a key. Connor looked at it "The safe in the bedroom" Gregor said his voice shaking as he began ageing before his eyes. He took the key "What about it?" Connor asked beginning to feel upset watching him. Gregor smiled "Marcin took care of it" he said hoarsely, "You are the only one, the true one". "Gregor you are not making any sense" Connor exclaimed as a tear rolled down his cheek. "My life never made any sense" Gregor replied gasping for breath, "My legacy belongs to you". Gregor looked one more time at Connor and he could see the agony in Gregor's eyes as his body began to shrivel and wrinkle, the skin sinking in began disintegrating, a strange puffing sound filled the air and Gregor was reduced to a pile of dust hidden in his clothes. He stood there looking at his remains, he might have been out to destroy them all yet he knew the decent thing to do was give him a proper fitting burial. Right now though he had to be with Christian, he wiped his tear soaked eyes and in his soul he actually felt the loss of Gregor. He stumbled on his feet and placed a hand on the wall to steady himself closing his eyes. Opening them again he knew that the strange power that had grown over the weeks was gone. Connor quickly walked over and knelt down, he was relieved to find that Christian was still breathing but looking pale. "Christian!" Connor said softly, "Christian can you hear me?" he asked. His eyes fluttered and opened slowly "Connor" he managed to say closing his eyes again. "Christian wake up" Connor said beginning to panic. He opened his eyes again "Tired Connor" he said but he managed to sit up a little more alert. "You can rest in a while but I need to get you out of here" Connor said. "Is he gone?" Christian asked looking at Connor. Connor nodded "I believe so" he replied, "You destroyed him Christian" he said holding his hand. Christian smiled and closed his eyes falling asleep just as Evan and Maksim appeared at the door and came rushing in checking the two were okay. Evan looked around at Finlay laying unconscious and a heap of clothes on the floor that unmistakably belonged to Gregor. "Is this him?" Evan asked getting Connor's attention. "Yes" Connor said walking over and putting his arm around him, "He is gone" he added sadly. Evan looked at him "I saw the real Gregor before he died" Connor explained. Evan nodded and kissed him on the cheek "You are so brave Connor" Maksim said walking to them. "It was Christian. Gregor drank his blood" Connor said hugging his father. "Christian did it?" Evan asked looking confused at how that was possible. Connor nodded "Gregor said something weird in latin. Err... Excrab purum sang, or similar". "Execrabilem et purum sanguinem mixtum ad perfectionem?" Maksim asked and he nodded. "What does that mean?" Evan asked. Maksim smiled "The cursed and pure blood mixed to form perfection in a body that was meant for neither is how it translates". Connor looked at them "Somehow your blood mixed with Gregor's inside Christian" Maksim explained. "So Christian's blood ended up being purer than purity?" Evan asked and Maksim nodded. Christian smiled "He took Christian's blood by force bringing down his demise" he said. "What about Finlay?" Christian now asked, "We can't just leave him here". "Indeed not, we will take him back to the manor house until he is fit to leave" Maksim told him. They took the two bodies up to the entrance hall where everyone else was standing wondering what was going on and if they curse really was broken. The sight of Connor brought them all over and relief clearly written on all their faces. "James!" Connor shouted running across to the doors, "You alright?" he asked sounding concerned. "Yeah, sort of." James replied hugging him, "I have no idea what I am doing here". "Best to forget if you want my opinion" Connor said hugging him again. "Well maybe you can explain some of it to me later" James suggested. "Only if you are sure" Evan said standing behind him, "You might freak out a bit". James nodded "I want to know" he said. "I need to go find the safe in the bedroom" Connor said looking to his two fathers. "Oh it is behind the painting above the bed" James said automatically, "How do I know that?". Everyone laughed with nervous relief and Evan explained that he may remember some bits that are relatable. Connor lead the way upstairs in the now very quiet mansion, they entered the bedroom still rather tentatively and checking it was clear. Connor got on the bed and lifted the painting off the hanging and handed it to Maksim, retrieving the key he unlocked the safe and pulled out a large heavy folder then climbed off the bed and sat on it. Inside the folder he saw numerous deeds to properties, pages of writing neatly sorted in to date order and an envelope that was addressed to Connor Barton. He handed the deeds to Maksim and the pages of writing to Edward and was left holding the envelope. "Are you going to read it?" Maksim asked sitting beside him to the left. Connor looked at the envelope again "Part of me doesn't want to know what is inside" he replied. Edward sat down on the right "Well it is addressed to you" he said patting his knee. "When I saw the real Gregor he told me his legacy belongs to me" Connor told them. "Strange thing to say for someone who tried to kill us all" Maksim said glancing at Edward. "I want you both to help Christian and me write about Kovalek" Connor said. Edward nodded "Some of these date back to 1865" he said leafing through the pages. Connor opened the envelope and both his fathers watched as he retrieved two letters, one was dated 1870 and the other just a few days ago. Connor picked the older letter first and began reading "My dearest Maksim. If you are reading this letter then you have been born and we have met. It also means I didn't get my way and you prevailed removing this dark curse that took my life so many years past. As the middle of three sons you have carried the mark of purity that will fade away at my end. If I did not get the chance to thank you then I do it now, thank you. My faithful servant Marcin took care of all my estate and legal matters to ensure it ended up in the right place. No doubt you arrived in the village without any idea of what was to happen. Even though you will be born and given the name Connor Barton you will always be a Berkhoff, Lettie Arno Borsch predicted your birth and name and how you would be hidden from me. A great woman with great powers who saw everything but scared to write it all down. You may not be of mind to remember me, but I was once young and spirited, full of adventure and exploring. Alas this lead to my cursing. My gratitude again for freeing me and winning. Fondest regards Gregor Dimitri Kovalek". Connor put the page down and wiped his eyes full of emotion. "He knew all along who I was" Connor said with a sad look in his eyes, "Even my bloody name!". "I often wondered if he knew it all" Maksim said hugging his son. Connor took his trainer and sock off and the mark was gone "I no longer have it" he said. "Then your destiny is complete" Maksim said, "We can all live a normal life now". Connor sniffed "What do I do with two sets of parents?" he asked looking at them and laughing. "Have both of sets in your life if you wish" Edward explained. Connor nodded "Read the other letter" Maksim suggested. Connor opened the newer letter "My dear Maksim. Now you know that our meeting was never to be amicable nor friendly, for the curse I bear is of the darkest depths of ancient Romania. The curse lives, not the person bearing it. You have no control or feeling for others as it seeks to move from darkness to light. Many centuries of unfortunates being cursed who could never uncover the pure blood that exists once every hundred years. That day you arrived in the ancient village of Travenni I could sense your existence for miles around. Whilst our paths crossed I got to see in your head, hence why I am here in Chalfont Fortis. I saw your love for those who were close, most of all your heart’s desire who you should love and comfort and be happy with. I only hope your powers and abilities will allow you to break this curse from my body and set me free to be with my beloved family. There are moments of normality, like now whilst I write this. Unfortunately the curse surfaces with strength and anger when night falls and this is where I am at my most dangerous to anyone who surrounds you. I only write this now as a way to amend my bad doings and prey you understand. Breaking the curse in my body will break a chain of cursed night dwellers that exist here and Romania. I only hope you are as strong as Lettie predicted. Fondest regards Gregor". Joshua and Benedict appeared at the door to the bedroom looking in "Come in" Connor said. "Wasn't sure if we should" Benedict said still looking a little frail and tired. "How are you both feeling?" Connor asked standing up. They both shrugged "Normal" Joshua said unconvincingly making Connor laugh. Connor handed them the letters "You need to read the letters from Gregor" he said. Connor went over and picked up the other document that was with the letters "Is this a will?" Edward took it "It is indeed, Gregor Kovalek's will actually" he said handing it back. Benedict walked over "How interesting, are you allowed to read it?" he asked. "I guess" Connor replied, "It was left with all this and the letters". Joshua looked up "If it was addressed to you then it was meant for you" he said. Connor nodded opening the document fully "Buckfields Court Chambers, London Solicitors" he said reading the name of the law firm, "Endorsed and ratified by the law firm appointed by Gregor Dimitri Kovalek's estate as to the last Will and Testament of said person". Connor paused then looked at them "It is rather short for a will of someone of his age" he remarked before continuing, "At the request of the estate executor the titles and deeds of all properties held under the estate trust along with the effects and personal wealth are left to Connor Barton (Registered birth name Maksim Berkhoff) of Chalfont Manor in Chalfont Fortis. On instruction and verified identity of the named person the estate and contents will be transferred to his ownership". Connor handed the document over to his father Edward. "Short and sweet" Maksim said, "That is how they do these things in Romania". Connor stood up and hugged both his fathers "Can we go back home please?" he asked. Edward nodded "We will need to come back in the morning collect their ashes or dust" Connor said. "You want to come back here?" Maksim questioned looking over at Edward. He smiled "In spite of it all Gregor was family. It is only right he is buried" Connor told them. Edward put his arm around Connor and Maksim smiled "You raised him well Edward" he said. Connor and Edward closed all the front doors, the storm was still raging over them as they made their way back to the manor house. Jane and Maria made hot drinks for everyone whilst Edward went and checked on Finlay who laying on the sofa in the library slowly regaining consciousness. Joshua stood watching from the door then jumped slightly as Benedict put his arm on his shoulder. "You like him?" Benedict asked, "In fact I know and can see you like him". Joshua turned his head and gave an ironic smile "Still got some of your powers?" he asked. "Nada" Benedict replied slipping in to Spanish, "You?" he asked. Joshua smiled "What am I supposed to see now the vampires have gone" he replied laughing quietly. The brothers turned and joined the others in the kitchen, Connor had his arm around a sleepy Christian who rested his head on his shoulder, too tired to even speak from losing quite a lot of blood. Evan and Tomas helped Connor carry Christian up to Connor's room to let him rest, everyone else was far too excited from all the evenings events to even want to sleep at the moment. Edward returned to the kitchen and Joshua stood up. "Is he alright?" Joshua asked first. "I believe so" Edward replied, "He hasn't regained all his memory, doesn't know who he is". Jane gave Edward a large mug of tea "You could take him to Chalfont police station in the morning". "Yes, I think that is what we should do" Edward agreed. "Does he remember anything?" Evan asked looking up from the table. "Not that he has said, he seems confused as to why he is here" Edward replied. Joshua slipped out and across to the library, there was no sign of Finlay inside. He walked over to the window and saw his figure standing outside with his shirt off in the pouring rain, his arms folded almost hugging himself. Finlay had waited for the man to leave him alone when he then quietly went outside and stood in the rain, he was beginning to remember the estate house that he could see in the distance. There was one image that kept coming to his head and he could still feel it running raw through his body that he bit someone to drink their blood. Joshua went to the front door stepping outside, he had no plan or even thought this out but he walked over to where the lonely figure stood. "Finlay" Joshua said softly. He turned and looked at Joshua like he recognised him "Are you my boyfriend?" he asked. Joshua looked surprised "Well no" he replied then unsure what to say. Finlay raised a finger touching Joshua's neck at the bite mark "I did that to you". Joshua nodded, his body electrified by his touch "I am sorry" Finlay said softly. "What do you remember?" Joshua asked coming to his senses. "We had sex" Finlay replied then looked confused, "Joshua" he said remembering him. Joshua smiled desperately wanting to kiss him "I love you Finlay" he blurted out. Finlay looked at him "I know what I did to you, it was out of lust and love" he admitted. Finlay dropped to the floor holding his head "Why can't I remember anything" he cried out. Joshua dropped down and hugged him "Your memory will return in time" he said comforting him. "I fell in love with you when I first saw you Joshua" Finlay said holding on to him. Joshua stroked his head "That is why I can remember you" Finlay added, "My heart yearns for you". "The danger I was in yet I only saw you, wanted you" Joshua said moving his head and kissing him. They both got to their feet and kissed passionately as the rain fell on their faces, they both knew this was somehow meant to be. Benedict watched from the window of the library and smiled turning around as Connor walked in. Benedict beckoned him over and they giggled at the two wet bodies locked together kissing. Connor stood with his father Maksim and brothers under the ancient oak tree that stood proud in the Chalfont Weir estate grounds he slowly scattered the ashes of Gregor and Marcin in to the hole then placed a red rose bush on top and placed the soil around. Evan, Ivan, Tomas and Jacob came over to say goodbye as they were flying back to Romania. Promises that they would keep in touch and see each other on the anniversary of Gregor's demise here at the estate. Connor had handed over the Vadimov estate to the four of them, Jacob already insisting they were going to run it as a hotel in order to pay for the upkeep. The guest house that Marcin had been running for Gregor as a sourcing ground was to be knocked down and replaced by gardens in honour of the Berkhoff and Kovalek families. His Berkhoff parents moved to Chalfont Weir estate that had been left to Connor so that he could be close to both sets of parents. Finlay regained most of his memory and went home to see his parents briefly, he had no recollection of his friend coming with him to the estate. He did however, remember a lot of his time under the curse and the freakish way the curse broke in his body. He would eventually understand that whilst he held Connor their minds had entwined that blocked the wiping of his memory in full. Finlay kept in touch with his parents and the following morning Joshua and he departed on their own life adventure heading to Australia. Connor's gift to them was a hefty sum of money to set them up for life, after all Connor didn't know what he was going to do with all the money Gregor had left him. The strangest thing of all was James and Benedict who found they both had very similar characters and likes and had hit it off becoming friends. Benedict preferring his known name of Rafael reverted to this and along with James were also given sizeable amounts of money. They were both adventurous by nature and they embarked on a massive world tour, Rafael finally stretching his horizon beyond Argentina now he had James accompanying him. Their first stop of course was Argentina where James stayed with Rafael's family and saw much of the country before heading off. They became incredibly close friends and would eventually spend their time between Argentina, England and Australia, never more than a week would go by without them being together. It was all very quiet that Sunday evening as they sat in the garden of Fortis Manor enjoying the fair weather. Christian resting his head on Connor's lap, he still couldn't believe that he had been the one who brought down Gregor. His body no longer itched and he felt like he was back to normal, sometimes he had to pinch himself to believe what they had been through. The one thing Connor did was make sure that everyone who was in their circle was taken care of financially including the families of those closest. "What are you going to do with all that money?" Christian asked lazily. Connor looked down at him "I have no idea" he replied, "Can we live here?" he asked. "Anywhere as long as it is with you" Christian said looking up, "Plenty of room on the estate". Connor chuckled "Build our own little house close to this side of the estate?" he asked. Christian nodded "Can we splurge and build a pool as well?" he asked smiling. Connor laughed "We can have as many pools as you want" he replied stroking his head. Christian smiled "£600 million is a flipping lot of money" he said in bewilderment. "I wonder if Gregor knew what would happen" Connor said thinking aloud. "Maybe, but then who would have thought you would be with me, nerd boy" Christian responded. Connor smiled "Different is good, and you keep me on my toes" he replied, "I love you nerd". "I love you brainy" Christian said giggling. A few months later their house was starting to take shape from the pictures sent to them by Maksim and Edward, both his mother's had hard hats on and were inspecting the ground works for the pool. Christian laughed leaning on the railings overlooking the water of the harbour and the bridge. The Sydney opera house behind them. Joshua called over that it was time to go, they turned watching Joshua and Finlay walking towards them holding hands. James and Benedict heading towards them from the other direction. Connor checked his phone noticing they had a few minutes before they were to call home. The six of them headed back to the hotel, six very ordinary looking young men from the outside, yet they held a dark secret that could never really be spoken of, no one would ever believe them and call them mad if they ever spoke of it. After all, vampires do not exist. They knew different and Finlay was the only surviving one who could even recall some aspects, Finlay though could no longer stomach anything raw and his steak always had to be well done.
Hey, sorry I forgot, life has got in the way plus holidays 🙂 Will post it in the morning.
Part 13 - Demons And Angels In his unconscious state he relived through numerous dreams the act of having sex with the guy called Finlay. His cock would grow erect stretching out from the cage followed by a small stream of urine before shrinking back. Over and over the dream went, sex with the vampire, his body would shake erotically each time he imagined feeling the sharp pain inflicted by those fangs biting deep into his neck. The images so real in his head the cordial removing his own ability to control his thoughts, yet his head telling him this is where his life had meant him to be. Benedict sat outside in the garden nursing a cup of warm coffee and watching the sun slowly rising over the distant hills and forest. He longed to be back home in Argentina, surrounded by familiar things and faces. Even trying to untangle how events in his life had turned out over these past few days was a puzzle in itself. He smiled to himself thinking of Christian and how he was such a book nerd that was crazily in love with his brother. The guy had such a charismatic charm about him that you forgot he was a little nerdy when you really got to know him. Benedict chuckled as the sun appeared over the trees. They had survived the night yet lost a brother to Kovalek, he was itching to get up to the estate mansion and rescue him, but he was also aware of the curses that lay around inside the building that could trap you there until darkness fell. He knew he could manifest himself there and free his brother but he was heeding the warning not to despite feeling helpless right now. One thing Benedict did feel this morning was that his gift felt stronger and easier to summon which only meant one thing. Connor sat there watching as the island disappeared and they headed over the ocean, leaving the safety of the land of perpetual daylight. The atmosphere on board the private jet was tense as everyone knew that when darkness fell tonight destiny would come to a head. It was going one way or another and for the moment everyone just seemed to want to be alone with their thoughts. Tomas and Jacob sat together holding hands as Jacob refused outright to be left alone in Svalbard and wanted to fight with them. Reflecting on last night’s conversations it was evident that none of them really knew how they were to defeat him if Connor failed, so much rested on his shoulders as he would be the only one who could get close enough to Kovalek. Somehow he had to get Kovalek to take his blood without consent and he was clueless how to do it. Why could they not just drag Kovalek out in to the sunshine before nightfall he had asked them. It was Maksim his father who explained that the crypt would not have any daylight and Kovalek would wake and destroy them all before they could get near to the coffin. The jet climbed higher and a ray of sun streaked through the window catching Connor in the eye just as he was thinking of Christian. A strong image flashed through his head of Christian walking outside carrying a cup of coffee towards his brother Benedict who looked worried. He smiled seeing Christian and stood up to hug him in a reassuring way. Suddenly Benedict looked over in his direction and he closed his eyes holding Christian's hand. The image of the three of them standing in a circle appeared in their heads that confused Christian. "I feel you here Connor" Benedict said. Connor looked at them both "I am on the jet with everyone" he said, "We arrive in three hours". Maksim and Maria looked over hearing Connor talk "Their powers are very strong" Maksim said. "Then tonight it must be done" Evan said hearing him and they all nodded now watching Connor. "I miss you Connor" Christian said wondering if he could indeed hear him. Connor smiled "I miss you as well Christian. I need your love" he replied. A tear trickled down Christian's cheek "Together we do this, survive or die, together" he said. Connor looked at them both and opened his eyes "Are you okay?" Maria asked sitting next to him. Connor nodded and held her hand, "I am ready to face him" he said with a determined look. "I still find this hard" Maria said, "I knew this time would come" she added going quiet. "Joshua is fine" Connor said, "We will be together. I have seen it". Maria looked at him "Maksim, do not rely too heavily on your visions they could defy you". Nodding, Connor looked at her "I know. We do this as family and friends" he said. She held his hands "Destroying him will free your friend James" Maria informed him. Connor smiled and fastened his seat belt and his mother did the same. It was strange seeing the countryside as the jet touched down, it felt like ages since he had been home and he was looking forward to seeing his parents. Connor and his brothers did not mind having two set of parents, it set them apart and gave them two different perspectives on life. At the airport Maksim met with a smartly dressed man who handed over a folder that looked full of documents and that he put away in his small suitcase out of view. He looked at Maria and nodded as they got in to the fleet of cars to take them to Chalfont Fortis. Christian sat up from writing in his pad, he was still documenting everything that went on. He couldn't fathom out why but his body tingled and he looked worried. It was the same strange feeling he got when Kovalek was close. Yet it was slightly different and he stood up and walked outside being following by Benedict. Standing there at the gate was Connor and Christian ran down the path in to his arms hugging and kissing him madly. As quick as their appearance was they had work to do and retrieving Joshua had to be done before sunset. Evan stood in the church looking at the vicar then Edward, he was slightly confused why they wanted such a blessing on the water in the font. But he trusted Edward and performed the ceremony then allowed them to take the water in to five small bottles and blessed each bottle. They returned to the cars waiting outside then drove up to the estate parking outside the gates. Christian got out of the car first and felt the warm breeze on his face, the afternoon was perfect for an English summer day. Maksim walked over to Connor "You must wait here Connor" he said. "No!" Connor immediately replied refusing not to be part of the rescue. "Stop being a hero" Christian said taking his hand, "Wait here let us get Joshua". Connor looked at him and nodded "You will falter if you see James" Maksim said. "Your mothers will keep an eye on you" Edward said trying to keep it light hearted. Maksim looked at Christian "You are to wait here as well Christian" he told him. He nodded "I understand" Christian replied almost breathing a sigh of relief. The four of them watched the others going through the gates and up the driveway. Evan opened the door that creaked loudly putting his arm out to stop Maksim from entering, he looked at him and took one of the bottles opening it then allowing a few drops to fall on to the tiled floor. The holy water causing a green flash where the drops fell then it spread across the entrance floor as the curse was broken. They all nervously looked at each other as they stepped inside, it all seemed so peaceful with no direct sunlight shining in the entrance hall it was dim but with enough light to move around. Benedict, Maksim and Ivan were tasked with going to the second floor bathroom to rescue Joshua whilst Evan, Tomas, Jacob and Edward would keep watch looking for Marcin and James. Evan handed Ivan a bottle of the holy water to break the seal on the cage reminding them to allow a couple of drops on the floor as they went in case of any additional curses. The four headed up the staircase and Evan looked around. "Should we go and find his crypt?" Edward asked. "No, it will be in the basement. We need to check the rooms down here though" Evan replied. "On it" Tomas replied dragging Jacob with him. Jacob turned to Tomas "What do we do if we find the servants?" he asked. "Keep them distracted and do not drink anything" Tomas warned. They tried several doors before finding the bathroom and Joshua, working quickly they brought the cage down and opened the seals with the holy water that worked like magic. "Are you okay?" Benedict asked looking relieved. Nodding Joshua tried to stand up but his legs were weak "I need help" he admitted. Ivan and Benedict helped him up "You will need a few hours to recover" Ivan said. Gregor woke summoning Marcin and James. Finlay woke and rose from Gregor's side sniffing the air and licking his lips. The four headed out of the crypt and along the passageway up the stairs, Gregor vanished in to his dense mist and reappeared telling Marcin and James to seal the dining room doors when the two men walked in. Tomas and Jacob came out of the lounge and moved along towards the dining room with its large wooden doors open. Tomas let a few drops of holy water fall to the floor but nothing happened indicating it was curse free. They stepped inside and Tomas noticed two doors at the far end and instructed Jacob to check the one on the left whilst he did the one on the right. They got halfway down before hearing the doors closing with a loud bang and locking. Marcin and James stood there facing Tomas and Jacob. Evan and Edward ran over to the doors trying to get them open but they were locked and closed firmly. A breeze suddenly wafted over Jacob then felt the arms closing around him. Tomas panicked running around toward him before he felt himself pulled back quickly and pushed in to the guest chair and the iron restraints snapping shut and securing him to the chair. Tomas shouted for Evan then Gregor appeared in front of him then his chair was turned to face Jacob being held by Finlay. Gregor gave a menacing laugh and told Finlay to feed. Jacob struggled but Finlay was so strong and he spun Jacob around to face him, he had no time to think as Finlay struck so quickly. His hands punched Finlay's shoulders a couple of times before his body relaxed, he moaned softly feeling his blood being pulled from his body. He could do nothing as he got lost in such a weird sensation. Tomas cried out begging for him to stop. "Enough my boy" Gregor said and Finlay pulled away sealing up the bite. "He tasted so good master" Finlay said smiling and letting go, Jacob fell to the floor. Gregor laughed "James take him to the crypt and chain him up for later" he instructed. James nodded "Yes master" he said dragging the unconscious Jacob through a secret panel. Gregor turned to Tomas "The protector with no protection" he said softly then laughed. Tomas struggled against the restraints as Gregor stretched his neck then licked his lips moving closer to him. Tomas looked him in the eye and Gregor sniffed then smiled as his fangs extended down. He struggled again but Gregor was in no mood to play, he struck down hard feeling Tomas's body convulse and struggle to escape. Gregor locked his lips over the bite and sucked hard, Tomas cried out as he felt his blood surging rapidly up to his neck. A tranquillity washed over him and he closed his eyes losing consciousness. Gregor released him and told Marcin to take him down to join the other one. Stumbling down the stairs trying to prop Joshua up they noticed Evan and Edward banging on the doors. Ivan let go of Joshua and ran down the last few stairs asking where Tomas was. "They are trapped inside" Evan said desperately trying to open the doors. Abruptly the doors opened and Evan fell inside the dining room "Tomas, Jacob!" he shouted. "It is empty" Edward said standing behind him, "Gregor Kovalek!" he suddenly said. Evan stood "It was foolish of you all to come here" Gregor said walking around the table. Maksim appeared at the door "Kovalek!" he said. "Maksim Berkhoff" Gregor said smiling, "Where have you been hiding all these years?" he asked. He shook his head slowly "A place where you would never find us" he replied. Gregor smiled "Have you come to meet the same destiny as your other siblings?" he asked. Maksim walked towards him "You may have killed my family but now it is your turn" he replied. "Come closer Maksim, allow me to let you join them" Gregor said trying to get eye contact. Maksim stopped shaking his head "You will all join me or meet your eventual demise" Gregor said. "Our blood grows strong Kovalek, today brings an end to the Kovalek family" Maksim replied. They began edging out of the dining room and Gregor followed "Leave your son behind" he warned. Maksim stood up to Gregor "No. You will not take any more of our family". Gregor smiled "So brave and so foolish" he said, "Now hand me your son and save yourselves". Evan grabbed Maksim "Come on" he said as Edward placed a crucifix around Joshua. Gregor stormed over to Edward "Remove it!" he demanded, "You have crossed me too many times". Edward reached in to his pocket grabbing a handful of powdered garlic and blew it at Gregor. Gregor screamed in anger and disappeared seeking his crypt and the soil of his home ground. "Oldest trick in the book" Edward said looking at Evan, "Garlic dust sends them to their soil". Evan scratched his head looking at him "Can we get more?" he asked. Edward nodded "I have been preparing a whole bag of it since Tomas first came here" he replied. Maksim looked at Evan what about "Tomas and Jacob?" he asked. "It is too dangerous to find them now" Evan said looking upset now. Benedict opened his eyes "They are alive" he said, "In the crypt chained close to the coffin". "He will keep them alive to feed on" Maksim said. Evan looked at them all "We come just before sunset and finish this" he confirmed. They helped Joshua out of the mansion and the doors closed behind them with a heavy bang. They rescued one but lost two in the process and they headed back to the manor house to regroup and plan for their next assault. The Berkhoff family must contain Gregor whilst they rescue Tomas and Jacob and lock Marcin and James away somehow. They would use whatever means available to them to keep the second vampire away. No one could face any food as they sat there waiting for the sun to lower in the sky. Connor went up to his bedroom and Christian found him sitting on the bed looking worried. "Can I come in?" Christian asked. He looked up and smiled "Of course you can" he replied, "Trying not to think about it". Christian closed the door and sat next to him "We will either come out battered but winning". "Or all die" Connor finished off for him, "My body feels so different today" he quietly said. Christian kissed him "Just in case I want to feel you one last time" he said softly. Connor took his shirt off and kissed Christian passionately as they undressed. A sad desperation between them with a need to be close if for the last time. In truth Connor had missed him badly and soon had his lover on the bed naked under him. Christian raised his head and turning it slightly about to speak only to be met by Connor's lips rubbing against his until they parted and kissed. The longer they kissed the harder Connor ground his hips against Christian's arse, he could feel the excitement and arousal between Connor's legs rubbing in longer strokes up against his hole. He knew what was coming and bit down hard on the pillow under him feeling the cock working towards his hole. Connor kissed the back of his neck and pushed down gently feeling the resistance at first that gave way with his precum moistening the hole allowing the head of his cock to prise it open. He could felt Christian tense up and moan in to the pillow before relaxing, taking his time he slowly eased his cock inside. Christian moved his hand finding Connor's thigh that he stroked lightly and ran his fingers along to the buttocks, getting excited every time he felt the arse muscles tighten pushing down more. The long slow journey being explored between them until Christian raised his head feeling the pubic hair rub against his hole. He felt no pain just a lust and desire to be one with him, locked together in a deep sexual plateau. Connor rested on top of him kissing his neck delicately and around to his mouth, their eyes locked on to each other in a display of love and affection. His hips slowly and reassuringly moving in deep caressing strokes, he was in no rush and wanted Christian to enjoy every moment. The eyes looking back at him so seductively and full of desire like they were sealing their love once and for all. Their hot bodies riding against each other, the pants and sensual moans softened in the still afternoon air. Without even needing to speed up or hit home harder Connor naturally pushed his hips up against Christian's arse feeling his balls tingle momentarily as he reached orgasm. Christian kissed him quickly with their lips touching seductively as Christian let out a moan then kissed him deeper releasing the love from his balls in quick pulsing successions. Christian half closed his eyes moaning quietly feeling ever part of Connor's orgasm. They kissed for a long time as Connor wrapped his arms under Christian's body holding him close. Christian moved rolling Connor over on to his side and grabbing his hand guiding it to his cock. Connor ground his still erect cock deeper inside Christian as he rubbed his cock several times before Christian orgasmed shooting a hefty load. Connor wrapped his arms tightly around him, holding him in a safe and happy place for now. Happy to be alone and enjoy a moment of love in private. It was strange when they all arrived at the estate mansion, quiet and nothing out of the ordinary happening. A few flashes of lightning and a rumble of thunder filled the early evening air, even the breeze had gone and nothing was moving. Connor looked at the storm clouds looming closer over the trees in the distance, he turned to them commenting that this was typical and adding to the suspense. They all nervously laughed whilst Maria and Jane made sure that those who could wear protection had it secured around their necks. Their plan was actual simple, the four Berkhoff men was stand in the entrance hall in different corners apart from Connor who would summon Gregor Kovalek. Edward, Evan, Ivan and Christian were to go to the basement and rescue Tomas and Jacob. Evan handed out bottles of holy water to each of them and Edward hand put garlic dust in their pockets which he explained would only give them a few seconds respite from any of the cursed men inside. Evan stopped them all reminding them one last time not to make eye contact with Kovalek, especially when in the circle as he could break the unity of the family. Christian gripped Connor's hand "What is this goes horribly wrong?" he asked him quietly. Connor looked at him "I guess we won't know any difference" he replied then stared at the door. "You mean we will all die and not know" Christian said in a matter of fact way and distracted. Connor noticed he was scratching his arm "What is wrong?" he asked. He shrugged "I feel itchy like I did when Kovalek was near, only it is worse" Christian replied. Connor hugged him closely "Maybe he still has a hold on me somehow" Christian added. "Ready?" Evan called out, "Remember what to do and do not hesitate" he said. "Alright for you lot that have protection" Christian exclaimed and giggling nervously. They all nodded and stepped forward, Maria and Jane stayed outside whilst the others went inside. As soon as Christian stepped over the threshold the doors closed locking them all inside. Edward quickly sprinkled garlic dust at the bottom of the door effectively preventing Kovalek from leaving this way. Quickly the Berkhoff family moved to the corners of the room and Connor stood almost in the centre. The other four stood at the entrance to the basement waiting for Gregor to appear before moving down to the crypt. Connor closed his eyes briefly taking a deep breath then felt a breeze, opening them he saw the dark mist descend from nowhere then swirl inwards and Gregor stood there. His appearance was the cue for the four to slip into the basement to do their part. The family members began moving forward whilst Edward began sprinkling a circle of garlic dust around the entrance hall as a double barrier to prevent Kovalek from escaping. Gregor laughed at their stupid antics turning on the spot and looking at each one of the Berkhoff family waiting for one of them to look at him but they all looked down at his feet, all except Connor who looked him in the face. Gregor could feel a strange energy force closing in and being emitted from the Berkhoff's that made him laugh even more. He knew what they were up to as they circled around him, keeping at arm’s length they now joined hands forming a ring around him. His eyes though were focused on Connor and making eye contact he began attempting to infiltrate his head to break the circle. Connor blanked his mind and breathed steadily, he could feel the pain in his head from Gregor's attempts to get in to his head that he was successfully blocking so far. Gregor blinked breaking contact and Connor immediately felt the release in his head. "You grow stronger pure blood" Gregor remarked, "Your powers will die tonight". Connor nodded his head once acknowledging him "By then you will be gone" he replied. "We shall see" Gregor responded turning to Benedict who was looking at Connor. Even now the air around him had never smelt so fresh and tantalising, and the pure blood smelt even stronger factoring in the three brothers standing well. It was like he knew Benedict was going to look at him. It was a fleeting movement of his eyes that Gregor latched on to, in his head Benedict heard the shouts not to look at him but it was too late, Gregor was in his head. A wave of nausea surfaced and Benedict could no longer see his brothers or father, forcing him to shut them out Benedict saw only Gregor and himself standing together in the room. The icy blue eyes confusing his thoughts, telling him to run to save his own life. He could feel Connor and Joshua gripping his hands tighter, he was feeling uncomfortably warm and beads of sweat began appearing on his face. Connor looked at his brother who was transfixed, like he was devoid of any life and cognitive behaviour. Connor tried shaking his brother’s arm to disrupt him but it was not working, he went for a different tact and used his power to enter his thoughts. Inside Benedict’s head he could see images of Gregor Kovalek and Connor standing face to face trying to push the other one out. His body felt even hotter and he was quickly bathed in sweat, his hands began loosening their grip. Gregor was deep in his head and the fight between him and Connor resulted in his body shaking. Connor saw the image of Gregor holding Benedict's head in his hands as he crushed it inwards. Benedict let out a howling scream that echoed around the entrance hall. The pain of sharp pin pricks stabbing in his head shutting down any thoughts or comprehension of what was going on. Connor felt Gregor moving towards him using the link and their hand bonding to gain access into his head. The closer he saw Gregor moving to him meant he was gaining entry in to his head. He was beginning to feel a confusion in part of his brain, he had to shut him out and cut the link. He squinted his eyes tighter putting a block between them. Gregor's image rapidly fell away from his imagination. The process caused a strong pulse that passed between them all. It was Benedict who caught the brunt as Gregor was still in his head. His eyes glazed over and his body dropped to the floor, his hands fell free of Connor and Joshua. Breaking the circle of unity the energy force dispersed immediately. Gregor felt the energy force drop and broke eye contact then like lightning he sped across the room knocking Joshua and Benedict to the ground, in the process their crucifixes where snapped from around their necks. Their bodies sliding on the floor dislodging the powdered garlic opening a space for him to escape. His arm grabbed Connor feeling the coldness of his touch, he was dragged clear as his body moved rapidly outside the circle with Gregor. Shouting ensued as Gregor laughed and disappeared in to his dense mist taking Connor with him. In the basement Edward and Evan blew garlic dust in the faces of Marcin and James who rubbed their faces falling the floor. Ivan and Christian tipped holy water over the restraints holding Tomas and Jacob freeing them. Their bodies were weak but alive and they carried them out of the basement up to the entrance hall as the shouting ensued around them. Christian ran across the entrance hall seeing Gregor grabbing Connor but they were gone, Gregor had taken his man. Maksim immediately telling them all to spread out and search for Connor in groups. Joshua got up off the floor but his vision distorted by a dense mist appearing in front of him. Finlay appeared and grabbed him then disappeared almost as quickly as he arrived taking Joshua with him. Confusion reigned at the rapid pace of which Connor and Joshua were taken and who they should rescue first, Evan made it clear that Connor is the priority. The blurring dim light stopped spinning and Joshua got to his knees finding he was back in the bathroom, scrambling to his feet he looked around then jumped in terror as Finlay stood in front of him. His icy blue eyes looked deep in to his soul and his arms went around his body. He let out a strange moan at the cold touch of Finlay that enveloped around him, he couldn’t stop looking in his eyes that were full of desire and love. Finlay noticed this and got distracted feeling a bond between their bodies that was so surreal, he moved his head closer and kissed Joshua tenderly on the lips. "Master wants me to take you" Finlay said feeling the erotic state when close to Joshua. Joshua took a step back "I am no good for you" he replied with his hands fumbling for his pocket. Finlay grabbed his hand tutting "No you don't" he said pulling him close and kissing him again. Joshua tried to fight him off but the power of Finlay's sexual desire has transferred in to his body and he was unable to resist, fighting between desire and the coldness now spreading throughout his body. Finlay smiled and moved his head round to Joshua's neck, a smooth flowing movement he bit down and moaned softly feeling his fangs sink deep. His cheeks shrunk in as he sucked the first stream of blood out of Joshua's body. Joshua gulped catching his breath, his hands moved up holding on to Finlay's arms and his body heaved forward in a desperation to be close to him. His whole body tingled at the sensation of his blood being pulled from his neck and the bite, his cock was also painfully hard and his eyes rolled as he let out a huge long moan. Finlay pulled his fangs out and licked delicately over the spot until the bite sealed over. He smiled at the man who was completely seduced in his arms, desperately he wanted to stay and feel the pleasure of sex with him but he had to help his master. He let go of Joshua who slumped to the floor in a heap. Finlay smiled looking down "I will return to finish you. Be good and stay here" he laughed. Joshua reached up grabbing Finlay to stop him leaving "Stay" he said feebly. "I will ask my master if you can join me" Finlay said softly, "I do not want to kill you". He knelt down and kissed Joshua lovingly and licked his lips before disappearing in to his mist. Joshua laid there unable to move, his body cold and sleepy and he closed his eyes falling in to a sleep as his body partly shut down trying to adjust to the blood loss. Connor fell to the floor in a heap completely disorientated, the floor smelt musky and damp and he knew they were in the basement of the mansion and Gregor's crypt. He could hear the anger in Gregor's voice summoning Marcin and James to explain what happened to their two guests. Connor finally got himself orientated and lifted his head. His body was suddenly hauled up to his feet and he was struck hard by Gregor who then grabbed hold of his neck, face to face with Gregor and staring in to his eyes there was a savageness he had never seen before and he knew Gregor was angry. "Save yourself pure blood" Gregor said in an angry tone, "Then it ends quickly" he added. Connor held on to Gregor then vomited and retched before looking up "Never" he replied. Gregor lifted him by the neck clean in to air "Say it pure blood or I will snap your neck". Footsteps getting closer alerted Gregor to people approaching, he looked to the door and saw Benedict walk inside then stopped. Quickly Gregor cursed the crypt door to close trapping Benedict inside with them. Without thinking he ran to Gregor shouting who dropped Connor on the floor. Gregor swiftly moved towards him, Benedict tried to swerve but Gregor grabbed his arm swinging him around and towards him, the arms closed and he struck with deadly accuracy at his neck. Benedict whimpered feeling the fangs rip in to his neck, he could see Connor struggling to get his breath and getting to his feet. He felt his body tingle as it cooled down then the surge of his blood moving quickly, he cried out as he now found his heart began beating fast and pumping harder. He could do nothing as he felt the rapidness at which his blood was being extracted through his neck. His arms flopped by his side and his body went limp loosing consciousness. Connor blew the garlic dust at him and he screeched disappearing in to his dense mist as the crypt door opened with Evan and Ivan entering, Ivan quickly got the holy water and tipped it over the bite on Benedict's neck. Connor leant over and checked on Benedict, he was beginning to see a common theme after being bitten where the body needed rest. Right now he knew that his two brothers were now incapacitated and their numbers dwindling bringing chances of their survival down. Marcin and James suddenly appeared, Connor looked over conflicted at seeing James but this was not the James he grew up with. They lured Evan and Christian away in a game of hide and seek, their purpose to separate Christian leaving him exposed and vulnerable. Ivan set off with Maksim in search of Joshua. Connor looked at his father Edward who was replacing Benedict's crucifix then sprinkled him in garlic dust. He told Connor to go and he would take Benedict upstairs protecting him. Connor nodded and ran out of the crypt up the stairs in to entrance hall. Evan was taking a battering from James and he kept throwing garlic dust at him giving him a few seconds to regain some form of control, but the man was quick and kept striking at him when he least expected it. Marcin had Christian cornered by the staircase who tried to reach in his pocket but Marcin moved over ripping the pocket open spewing the garlic dust on the floor. He grabbed Christian hard by the arm and yanked him across the floor. Christian panicked and got the vial of holy water and tipped it in to his mouth, the taste was foul and he swallowed a little of it. Marcin loomed over and Christian looked up in his icy blue eyes pulling him down. Marcin had tasted the fruit of this man before and was distracted, he moved down to kiss him. Christian pulled Marcin and rolled him on to his back then kissed him allowing the holy water to pass in to Marcin's mouth. Confused he tried to force Christian off him but he had his arms around his neck holding his mouth against Marcin's forcing him to swallow the holy water. The rage grew and he threw Christian off him, the force pushing him high in the air where he landed with a thud some ten feet away. His body began convulsing and twisting, the holy water broke the curse on him. Christian crawled over towards him curiously and saw his skin turning greyish and rapidly shrivelling up as his real age began to materialise. He watched him take his last breath then his skin cracked as it dried and fell away from the bones on his hand that began turning to dust. Connor's arrival in the entrance hall saw James dragging Evan by his legs towards Christian. The dense mist of Gregor descended in the middle of the floor knocking James and Evan flying in different directions. He looked at Connor and smirked then looked at Christian kneeling over the remains of Marcin. He roared shattering the chandelier and windows all around them, he sped across in Christian's direction, Connor ran but the dense mist was already swirling as Gregor reached Christian grabbing him by the neck. The mist dispersed with no sign of Gregor or Christian. In that same instance Connor was knocked sideways and spun around seeing a flash of Finlay who held him tight, for the second time he felt a bang in his head and the room disappear through a thick mist. Edward carried Benedict up from the crypt and managed to open the front doors using holy water to break the seal, he passed Benedict over to Jane and Maria. They placed him in the back of the SUV as a loud clap of thunder roared over them followed by some spots of rain before the deluge happened. The wind blew up out of nowhere driving the rain, thunder crashing and lightning flashing all around them as the storm quickly moved in. The SUV had been vampire proofed earlier so they knew he would be safe for now. Connor stood up realising they were back in the basement crypt with Finlay holding him with incredible strength in his arms to stop him moving, all he wanted to do was vomit but the intense coldness of the arms tight around his body was preventing him from doing so. In front of him Gregor held an almost unconscious Christian around the neck with his arm. Finlay pushed Connor forward then stepped back. Gregor nodded his head "Well done Finlay, you please master so much" he said. Finlay smiled bowing his head "Let me rip his neck open" he said looking at Christian. Gregor laughed "Patience my boy, there are plenty upstairs you can tear open". "Get away from him you freak!" Connor shouted angrily then receiving a painful slap from Finlay. "Do not speak to master like that" Finlay said digging his nails hard in to Connor's arm. "Stop!" Gregor commanded and Finlay let go of him, "This one is special to the pure blood". Finlay walked to Christian "He destroyed Marcin" he said, "Let me cut him open and let him bleed". Gregor laughed again "You are a dangerous vampire, such a special creation I made" he said. Finlay smiled bowing his head pulling Connor forward "Face your master" he said to Connor. "What do you do pure blood?" Gregor teased, "Save him or give yourself to me willingly?". Connor stared as Gregor licked Christian's neck and kissed it "So young and tender" Gregor said. "Stop" Connor pleaded as he stepped forward, "Please let him go" he pleaded. "No" Gregor replied, "You are not in a position to negotiate. He can replace Marcin". Connor shook his head "Let him leave and I will offer myself" he said. "No!" Christian manged to say forcing Gregor to hold him even tighter, "Don't please". Connor now stood in front of them "I am sorry Christian" he said looking him in the eye. He looked at Gregor "Are you ready to accept your destiny willingly?" Gregor asked. Connor nodded "I willingly offer you my blood" he said quietly staring Gregor in the eye. "No!" Christian cried, "Connor no!" he said again as Gregor pushed Christian in to Finlay’s arms. "Finlay. Take this young man and hold him so he can watch me destroy the Berkhoff's one by one". "My pleasure master" Finlay replied grabbing hold of Christian even harder the Gregor did. Gregor smiled "He will take Marcin's place" he added to Finlay. Connor was in Gregor's arms ready to accept what was going to happen but Gregor had not bitten him yet, instead he began reciting "From you cometh the purity to move in light and shade. Sacrificing your blood to the darkness willingly brings light to one who move in shadows. Bonded through blood lines I take your life force of blood and purity, for your master will now rule in day and night" he said softly. He knew it was time and Connor closed his eyes hearing Christian shouting in the background, he felt the fangs strike and embed deep in to his neck. Slow tender sucking motion at the bite yet he felt nothing, he stared blankly ahead, his body cooling down. Gregor kissed his neck and smiled feeling the purity of the blood spreading through his body, he couldn't wait until the sun rose to see if the blood was indeed pure enough to enable him to roam during daylight. "Pure and so fresh" Gregor said, "Now offer your life to me" he said looking at down at Connor. Connor smiled "Fuck you!" he said falling to his knees feeling light headed, "Never". "Then I take your lover and you can watch his body shrivel away" Gregor said moving over to Christian. "Get off me!" Christian shouted being pushed towards Gregor as Finlay went over to Connor. Connor sat up and Finlay held his neck making him look "Watch pure blood" Finlay said laughing. Gregor kissed Christian's neck "I am going to drink all his blood until nothing is left" he said. Finlay laughed "Do it master, dink him dry" he encouraged, "He is worthless to you". Gregor roared with laughter tightening his hold of Christian with Connor pleading him not to do this.
Part 12 - The Brother Gregor fell to the floor bringing the body with him. The force of energy he had to use bringing the entity over had left him weak but he had succeeded in capturing what he knew was a true relative to the pure blood. Joshua laid there cold as ice, confused and unsure what had happened. All he did know was that he was no longer in the safe house, everything looked different. Finlay leant over and touched him "He is cold" he remarked, "James put him in the bed" he said. James picked up the cold body placing him in the bed "Who is he?" James asked. "No idea" Finlay replied, "Sexy young man though" he said leaning down to take a bite and taste him. "No!" Gregor said sitting up, "Don't bite him, it might destroy you" he said standing up. "Who is he?" Finlay asked walking over to help Gregor. "He is a Berkhoff, related to the pure blood" Gregor replied, "Now I know they will come with him here". "Such a shame" Finlay said stroking Joshua's arm, "Can I play and torture him?" he asked. Gregor laughed as Marcin appeared "You are more dangerous than I imagined" he replied. Finlay smiled up at Gregor "Is that a yes then?" he questioned. Gregor nodded "Yes but do not damage or bite him. We need him alive" he told Finlay. Finlay looked down at Joshua "He is handsome, I will use him for sex" he said more to himself. Gregor walked over and slapped Joshua across the face rousing him "What is your name?" he asked. Joshua opened his eyes shivering "Adam" he said, "Adam Calder from Australia" he mumbled. Gregor leaned closer "You lie" he said softly, "You are a Berkhoff, now tell me who you are". Joshua slowly regained his memory and smiled sticking a finger up "Screw you!" he said then giggled. "A spell in the cage will help you speak the truth" Gregor said making a small slit on his arm. "Ouch!" Joshua cried out noticing Gregor had some of his blood on his finger. Gregor sniffed then tasted it "Yes, you are a Berkhoff and almost a pure blood". Joshua smiled closing his eyes "We will destroy you Gregor, we are coming for you" he said. "How many of you are there?" Gregor asked slapping his face to keep him awake. Joshua chuckled "More than you can handle" he said softly. Gregor smirked and looked at Marcin and James "Put him in the cage and cleanse him". Finlay crawled over to Joshua "Can I bite him now?" he asked looking up Gregor. Gregor laughed pulling Finlay away "Have patience my little vampire, I need to drink your blood". Finlay smiled and kneeled up exposing his neck for Gregor who softly bit down drinking his own creations blood to recharge his body. Finlay let his hand wander down inside Gregor's trousers grabbing his cock gently. Gregor chuckled and stopped drinking then kissed Finlay pushing him down on to his back and telling him to stop getting so aroused when he was bitten. Finlay though whipped off his trousers and underwear holding his legs up and exposing his hole. He smiled up at Gregor and fingered his hole remarking that it was all his doing in the first place. Gregor laughed and pulled his trousers and underwear down then slipped between his legs penetrating him in one slick movement. Finlay moaned and wriggled his body in an erotic dance, staring up at Gregor he bored into his head for the first time. Gregor allowed him in as his hips thrusted hard desperate to copulate with his new found love of men. His head started to hurt so he slapped Finlay gently breaking the connection, he was loving how his creation was starting to uncover his own powers and they showing signs of being just as strong as his. Around them Marcin and James lifted Joshua off the bed and carried him away to the bathroom leaving their master and his boy to finish having sex. It never usually took long since Finlay was always so aroused and Gregor responded very efficiently to him. Joshua's body was warming up and he was starting to feel normal but was in discomfort being dragged by his legs along a dimly lit hallway then in to a bathroom. He sat up hearing the bathroom door being closed and the two bodies that appeared over him began removing his clothes. "Get off of me!" Joshua complained trying to shrug them off in his weak state. James held him still whilst Marcin removed his trainers "Behave and no harm will come" he said. "Who are you?" Joshua asked as James's kneeled on his shoulders painfully to keep him down. Marcin looked at him smiled "We serve our master" he replied, "You are in his home". "What?" Joshua said trying to prise James off, "Let me go!" he shouted but James slapped him hard. "No marks on him James" Marcin warned and he nodded as Marcin looked at his foot, "Pure blood mark". "What is that?" James asked curiously at his remark. "He has a feint mark of a pure blood" Marcin replied, "Definitely a relative of the pure blood". Joshua felt his body being lifted and carried across the bathroom before being lowered, he suddenly felt the cold starkness of metal touching his back then his arms and legs as he was moved in to position inside the cage. He began to struggle and move his arms that were painfully forced back in to place as the top part of the cage was placed over him squeezing him inside it, then terror in his eyes hearing the clasps closing sealing him within it. "Please let me out of here" Joshua pleaded weakly unable to move any part of his body. James stood up and smiled "Just relax and enjoy yourself" he said kicking the cage and laughing. Marcin knelt down with a rubber tube in his hand "Open his mouth a little" he told James. Joshua tried to keep his mouth closed but soon found the rubber tube being forced in his mouth and hitting the back of his throat making him gag. He could see Marcin opening the bottle and attaching a small funnel to the tube, he then poured the dark thick cordial that trickled slowly down the tube and in to his mouth. Joshua panicked but he knew there was nothing he could do as he began feeling the thick liquid running down in to his stomach, he gagged and gagged at the tube down his throat until Marcin pulled it out. His eyes full of panic wondering what he had been given, now the sound of a chain and pulley in motion freaked him out even more. The cage slowly began moving in to an upright position then he cried out feeling it rising off the floor and his body weight taking the force of his suspension inside the cage. Higher it went then he was pushed over the bath, all the time he was pleading to be released. Suddenly he stopped shouting as he began to feel the effects of the herbs. His body relaxed and his eyes closed falling in to a deep sleep, his cock suddenly released and long stream of urine as his bladder muscles failed to control their contents. Marcin chuckled at how quickly this strong batch of cordial got to work in its victim. Benedict slowly opened his eyes staring up the ceiling and the numerous people looking down at him. He sat up in horror looking around for his brother. "Joshua!" Benedict cried out, "Kovalek has him, he knew we were there" he said grabbing his father. Connor touched Benedict and saw everything "He broke their bond and pulled Joshua over" he said. Evan looked at Maksim who stood up "We go tomorrow morning" Maksim said, "This has to end". "I agree" Evan said, "Kovalek will be able to find out everything now he has Joshua". "My brother is not a snitch" Connor said turning on him and pushing Evan in anger. Christian stepped in "Stop it!" He shouted to Connor, "He will be under Kovalek's control". Connor looked at Christian then Evan "I am sorry Evan. I am finding this hard to deal with now". Evan nodded "Connor, you have to understand this is going to get bad before it gets better". "Evan" Connor said hugging him, "The prophecy of destroying those close to me is coming true". Benedict stood and walked over to Connor holding his hands out "You need to see" he said. Connor looked around the room then nodded, he still really didn't have much comprehension of how to do this but Evan told him to clear his head and visualise Joshua. Connor nodded taking Benedict's hands, a warmth reached up his arms from Benedict and his thoughts cleared and he saw Joshua suspended in a cage above a very antique looking bath. In his head he zoomed closer noticing that apart from a small mark on his arm his brother looked to be untouched, his eyes closed and his cock dripping urine in to the bath below. They released their hands and Connor opened his eyes telling them what they had seen. "Then we have until tomorrow night to get there" Evan said, "Before darkness falls". "How many can I move there?" Benedict now asked looking at his father. Maksim looked at Evan unsure what to say "I have no idea, but unless they return you can't". "Try me" Christian said stepping forward, "Take me to Connor's parents’ house" he suggested. "Benedict" Evan said, "You will not be able to return unless the one you take comes back with you". "Who made up these gifts!" Benedict said sounding annoyed, "So I can't come back?" he asked. "That is correct" Maksim replied, "No Connor you are not going" he added seeing his look. "Do we try to rescue Joshua?" Benedict asked looking at Evan and his father. "Not during darkness" Evan warned, "Wait until daylight, but remember he has two servants now". Maria got off the phone "We have a chartered plane arriving at 6am to fly us out" she said. Connor walked over to Christian "Don't do anything stupid until we arrive" he said kissing him. "I will try not to" Christian replied almost welling up, "I want to marry you after all of this". Connor smiled and kissed him again "Then keep safe and you have a deal" he replied. "I will have to buy a hat then" Maria said smiling at her son. "Right I will call my parents and let them know you are coming" Connor said getting his phone out. Benedict walked up to Christian "Ready?" he asked. "I hope you know what you are doing!" Christian said smirking and taking his hands. "Just don't blame me if we end up in South America" he replied looking serious then laughing. Christian squeezed his hands tightly "Very funny" he said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Oi!" Connor shouted to Christian and Benedict, "Hands off my brother" he said. Maksim walked over to them both "Do not go to the mansion in darkness!" he warned them again. Benedict nodded to Christian and they closed their eyes, slowly their thoughts cleared and Benedict saw an image of a manor house and Christian squeezed his hand. A white light filled the room and they both vanished. Christian saw blackness then a swirl of the pretty gardens lit by moonlight, he fell to his knees and vomited several times uncontrollably whilst Benedict stood over him having had no side effect from the transference of their bodies, he looked around to make sure no one had seen them. Edward saw the white light appear in the garden and ran outside. "Christian!" Edward called out appearing down the path, "Quickly in the house both of you" he said. Christian got his feet "Are you okay?" Edward asked and stopped staring at Benedict. Benedict smiled holding a hand out "Rafael err... Benedict Berkhoff" he said introducing himself. "My god!" Edward exclaimed quietly stumped, "You look like Connor" he said shaking his hand. They walked inside the manor house "Christian!" Jane said coming over and hugging him. "Hello" Christian replied, "So good to see you both again, this is Connor's brother Benedict". Jane nodded "We have strict instructions not to let you out until daylight" she said. "There is something, police are searching here for two missing men" Edward told them. "Yes. And now James is at the mansion" Jane added, "Said he is working and staying there". Christian nodded "He is under Kovalek's control" he informed them, "Have you seen James?". "No. That is his parents did today, but only briefly" Edward replied, "Told them he was okay and working". There was a knock at the door and they looked each other suspiciously "I will go" Edward said. Christian walked with him and stood out of sight "Good evening officer" Edward said politely. "Good evening Sir, PC Simon Valent from Chalfont station" Simon said introducing himself. Simon Valent was pretty new to the police force having only completed training four months ago and this was his first missing person search. Two officers were in the village and split up to complete the door to door questioning as quickly as possible. Simon was a very young naive looking 22 year old who seemed a little weary having been wandering around the village all day. He stood an impressive six feet tall and certainly not shy of muscle. Fair haired and light brown eyes he was certainly cute looking and already had a boyfriend of two years who he met in police training school. Edward nodded "How can I help you officer?" Edward asked. Simon got the photos out "We are looking for two young men have you seen either of them?". Edward looked at the photos "I am sorry no" he replied, "Definitely not local here" he added. Simon smiled "That's okay Sir, we are going door to door in the village here". "What have they done or can't you say?" Edward asked looking up at Simon. "They went missing a few days back from Chalfont" Simon said, "Disappeared with no trace". "I see" Edward responded, "You not having much luck I guess?" he asked. "Not yet" Simon replied going upbeat seeing Christian appear which he noticed. "What is going on?" Christian asked smiling at him, "Are we in trouble officer?" he asked grinning. Simon chuckled "No" he replied showing him the pictures, "Have you seen either of these people?". Christian shook his head "No sorry" he replied handing the pictures back to Simon. "If you do see them please call the station. Sorry to disturb you" Simon said stepping away. "Wait!" Christian shouted and Edward turned to look at him, "Have you been the estate house?". "Not yet. Is something wrong?" Simon asked. "No" Christian quickly replied, "It is just the owner is hardly there almost deserted". Simon looked curiously at him "Okay I will bear that in mind" he said bidding them good night. Walking out of the manor house grounds Simon was not convinced and suspected that the sexy young man had not told him everything. He was going to leave visiting the estate until the morning but he was now intrigued as headed up the lane towards the bridge. He looked to the pub on the opposite side and then along the lane to the estate house, he could definitely see a dim light glowing from one of the windows on the top floor. Despite his feet aching he began to walk along the road towards the estate house. Gregor stepped outside of the mansion and looked across the vast grounds and fields down to the manor house. He could sense his presence, it was nowhere near as strong as before so something must have happened. But yes, it was definitely him, he had arrived back in the village. The dark dense mist swirled around him and he vanished speeding across the fields towards the manor house. From the bedroom window he could just about see towards the bridge crossing the small stream. The lonely figure of the policeman stopped then began walking up towards the estate and Christian knew there was a chance this would not end well. He ran down the stairs bumping into Edward and Benedict who stood talking. "Christian what are doing?" Edward asked looking sternly at him. "He is going towards the estate house" Christian said looking worried. Benedict put the book down he was holding "We need to stop him" he said. "I am sorry. Strict instructions not to let you out this evening" Edward told them. "We can't let him go there Edward" Christian replied, "Who knows what will happen". "And if you go who knows what will happen to you both" Edward said trying to make them see sense. Benedict nodded "He already has my brother" he said in a tone agreeing with Edward. Christian suddenly had a strange feeling run through his body, he walked slowly over to the window at the side of the front door and looked down the path to the gate. There stood the tall figure of Kovalek looking directly at him. He raised his finger beckoning Christian to come to him. Christian blinked and turned away from the window his complexion going pale, Benedict and Edward stood looking at him. "He is outside" Christian said with a nausea feeling coursing through his body. Benedict pulled Christian aside and looked at the window and saw him "My god it is him" he said. Christian looked worried "He can still smell my presence" he said. Gregor looked Benedict directly in the eye. In a fit of anger Benedict opened the door and went storming down the path oblivious to Christian and Edward shouting at him to come back. Gregor looked at the young land rushing towards him, his nostrils flared sniffing the air then he smiled widely and laughed causing Benedict to stop in his tracks a few meters from the gate. "What the hell are you laughing at?" Benedict said staring at him. Gregor moved closer the gate "Benedict Berkhoff brother to Joshua and Maksim" he said. Benedict stood there unsure what to say "Hello Christian" Gregor said over Benedict's shoulder. Edward now appeared with a cross and bible in hand "What do you want Kovalek?" Christian asked. Gregor smiled "Come to me Christian" he said staring in to his eyes. "Where is my brother?" Benedict asked distracting Gregor from seducing Christian. Gregor looked at him and smiled "Next time you enter my home I will kill you" he replied. "Next time you will be destroyed" Benedict said standing up to him, "Just like your tomb". Gregor laughed "That is the power of the brothers, yet you dwindle in numbers now" he replied. Benedict felt a rage surge suddenly in his body, an anger towards this man like he had never felt before. He lunged forward punching Gregor in the face with all his strength. Gregor didn't flinch or move and instead he smiled urging him to throw harder punches and let his rage and anger spill out. He had Benedict's attention then grabbed his arm pulling his body over the gate and out of the protective grounds of the manor. "Stop it!" Christian shouted as Gregor laughed looking at Christian mocking him. Benedict suddenly felt his body going cold "You are mine Benedict Berkhoff" Gregor said softly. Christian got to the gate "Get your hands off him!" he shouted at Gregor. Gregor looked at him again and smiled "Come to me Christian. You belong with me" he cooed. Christian felt his eyes locking on to Gregor's stare "Christian!" Edward shouted pulling him back. "No please" Benedict pleaded unable to move as his head felt like it was beginning to freeze. "Your end comes" Gregor said softly, "Your brain will shut down then die and your gift with it". Benedict sank to his knees crying in pain, his head began to hurt and his brain began to rapidly cool down. He had no thoughts, his vision began faltering even though he knew not what he was seeing as his brain could no longer process images. Christian couldn't let this happen and ran forward jumping over the gate crashing in to Gregor knocking him on to his back. Gregor looked in to his eyes and wrapped his arms around Christian's body tightly. A black mist began swirling around them then Gregor let out an agonising cry and Christian fell on to the road as Gregor vanished. Edward stood over him with the crucifix and bible in his hand. He put the crucifix on Benedict's chest then picked Christian up and put him to safety inside the gate then collected Benedict who held his head in agony, unable to see anything and no idea what was going on. His vision slowly returned as the warm blood began circulating again through his brain, the pain began dissipating and his memory returned. "Are you okay?" Edward asked as Jane brought a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel for his head. Benedict stared at him then nodded "I think so" he said sitting up, "Christian?" he asked loudly. "I am here" Christian said closing the door and walking over to him. "That was a lucky escape you two" Edward said, "He was about to take you Christian". Christian nodded "I saw panic in his eyes. I felt that he is afraid of what is coming" he said. "What about that policeman?" Jane asked looking at them all. "It is too dangerous to do anything about it" Christian said seeing sense at the situation. "Did he go for your head because of your bilocation gift?" Edward asked looking at Benedict. "Yes" Benedict replied nervously, "I never realised how dangerous this person is" he admitted. Simon arrived at the gates and looked up the driveway to the mansion, the gate opened and he walked up the driveway. Everything seemed so quiet he thought to himself, the crunch of his footsteps on the gravel driveway was all he could hear moving closer to the large double front doors. Simon reached up and knocked on the door then stepped back waiting. The door creaked open like a suspense moment in a horror movie yet there stood an attractive dark haired man with the brightest blue eyes he had ever seen. "Good evening. I am sorry to disturb you but we are doing door to door enquiries" Simon said. Marcin looked him up and down "For what?" he asked. "Oh sorry" Simon said getting the photos out, "Have you seen either of these young men?" he asked. Marcin looked at the photos then up at the policeman "You better come in" he said opening the door. "You have seen them then?" Simon asked refusing to go inside for now. Marcin nodded "This one is here staying for a few days" he said pointing to Finlay's photo. Simon stepped forward "Could you please bring him here?" he asked. "Yes of course" Marcin replied, "Come in and I will fetch him for you" he offered again. Simon didn't sense any danger so he accepted stepping foot inside the entrance hall and Marcin told him to wait there. The doors to the left opened and Finlay appeared and walked across the hallway to where Simon stood looking at the photos. He looked up and immediately noticed that the photo matched the person there but the eyes were a different colour and similar to those of the young man who let him in. "Can I help you?" Finlay asked stopping in front of him. "I need to radio in that I have found you" Simon said nervously picking up his microphone. Finlay grabbed it and crushed it to pieces in his hand "There is no need" he said smiling at him. Simon stepped back feeling very uncomfortable then found his legs would no longer move, the room began spinning and he fell down to his knees in a confused state. Marcin and James walked over placing restraints on him then dragged him in to the dining room putting him in to the special chair with the iron restraints. Marcin tapped him on the shoulder releasing the curse from his body and he immediately began fighting and struggling against the restraints. The three of them stood laughing at his stupid attempts. "You are not going anywhere so you may as well stop" Finlay said admiring him and taking control. Marcin smirked "We can't kill him here" James said standing by his side, "They will look for him". Finlay nodded moving closer to him and sniffing "Oh yes, clean blood" he said licking his neck. Simon cried out unsure what was happening "What are you doing to me?". "Go carefully and do not take too much" Marcin said. Finlay smiled pushing Simon's neck over to one side. He moaned erotically feeling his fangs extending out. Simon struggled against the restraints as Finlay lunged his head forward striking deep into his carotid artery. He let out a gurgling scream at the pain then went silent staring up at the ornate ceiling as his body filled with a sensual comfort. Finlay sucked slowly and gently taking just enough blood to satisfy him. He licked his lips then over the spot where his fangs had speared in to the soft flesh. "You showed great resistance Finlay, I am pleased" Gregor said standing there. Finlay stood upright with a small trickle of blood on his chin "Master he tastes amazing" he said. "We must get rid of him" James said looking at Gregor, "Others will come seeking him". Gregor nodded "We will wipe his memory of this first" he said walking over to Simon. "Then what?" Marcin asked holding Simon's head straight for Gregor. Gregor smiled "Make him fall in to the stream like you did with the owner" he suggested. Marcin nodded and Gregor stared boring in to Simon's eyes wiping the memory of him coming to the mansion. Marcin undid the restraints and with James they carried him out towards the stream. Edward handed the binoculars to Christian as they watched the mansion from the first floor of the manor house. They didn't know for sure if the young policeman was inside or not but they kept watch in any case. Christian suddenly sat up "They have him. But they are carrying him out of the estate grounds". Edward looked out of the window and could just make them out "Yes I see them". "Is he dead?" Christian asked unsure then seeing him stand, "No he isn't. Why have they stopped?". Edward took the binoculars "The stream" he said, "That is what happened to the owner". Christian look at him "He drowned in the stream didn't he?" he asked and Edward nodded. Benedict stood over their shoulders "I could get him" he said looking at them. "Go there and wait until they leave" Christian said. Benedict stood in the middle of the room and closed his eyes, almost immediately his entity appeared at the stream. His power had become incredibly strong in the last few hours and he could feel it in his body as well. He waited and watched as the policeman's body tumbled down the bank of the stream falling face first in to the shallow water. Benedict knew he had to wait until the two men turned away, yet he also knew time was of the essence. Back in the manor house a glow erupted around Benedict’s physical body then it vanished. He rushed over to Simon and pulled his face out of the water, closing his eyes again he felt the power surge between their bodies and opened his eyes back in the bedroom of the manor house with Simon. The spark of light made them turn around wondering what it was, James and Marcin looked at each other for a moment then carried on walking back up the driveway to the estate mansion. Oblivious to the young policeman being rescued. Simon sat up coughing and holding on to Benedict almost pulling him to the floor, fear in his eyes as all he could remember was the cold water hitting his face and filling his mouth. He was cold and wet clinging on to Benedict that he somehow knew had rescued him. Jane appeared with some dry clothes as they got about getting him out of the wet ones and drying him off. Simon sat there in silence trying to recount what had happened to him, it was like parts of his memory had been wiped and this is what terrified him the most. A couple of times his hand went up to his neck and the spot when Finlay had bitten him, it was a little tender and sore and he assumed it was from when he fell down in to the stream. He stumbled to his feet going over to the dressing table mirror and looked at his neck. "Insect bite" Christian said trying to think quickly on his feet. Simon turned to look at him "Did I see him?" he asked quietly, "The young man in the photo". Edward put a hand on Christian's shoulder stopping him "What young man?" he asked. Simon shook his head "I don't know" he replied, "It feels like bits are missing in my head". "You had a fall at the stream" Christian told him stepping forward as Simon sat back down. Simon looked confusingly at him then rubbed his neck again "I feel so tired" he said. Slowly he eyes closed and Simon fell asleep in the chair "Did they take much?" Benedict asked. "It doesn't look like it" Christian replied knowing what he meant. "What do we do with him now?" Benedict asked looking around the room, "We can't just leave him". Edward nodded "It appears his memory has been wiped from being at the estate house" he said. "Evan would know what to do" Christian said, "Can we keep him here until tomorrow?" he asked. "His colleagues will come looking for him" Jane said, "With no memory we have to chance it". The spent a few more minutes discussing what to do with him then eventually they called an ambulance explaining that Benedict found him face down in the stream and brought him back to the manor house. With the police turning up a few moments after they gave their statement and hoped that was that as they seemed satisfied. Well they thought that as Simon showed no memory of what had happened between leaving the manor and being found in the stream. Finlay sat on the floor of the bathroom looking up at the young sexy man suspended in the cage. He looked so peaceful and angelic sleeping. The odd sporadic stream of urine dribbling out of his perfect looking cock that made Finlay chuckle. Staring at him he saw Joshua slowly open his eyes and he smiled up at him. Joshua panicked feeling his body constrained within the iron bars of the cage, he as unable to move his body. With no idea of the time or how long he had been like this he looked down at the young man who stood up and walked over to the cage. "I wouldn't struggle" Finlay said placing a finger on his toe, "You will hurt yourself". "We are coming" Joshua said hoarsely from a dry throat, "All of you will be killed". Finlay smiled up at him "Join us and we can be together" he said toying with his toe again. "You have to be kidding me!" Joshua replied, "Capturing me was a big mistake". Finlay looked up then squeezed his toe painfully causing him to cry out "Join us" he repeated. "What are you doing Finlay?" Gregor asked walking in to the bathroom. "I want him" Finlay replied, "Please let me have sex with him" he pleaded. Gregor looked at Joshua who was staring with anger in his eyes "Fine" he said softly, "Do not damage him though". Gregor kissed Finlay then Marcin and James appeared releasing Joshua who instantly tried to fight them before he was put in restraints and dragged the bedroom down the hallway and secured to the bed. Finlay slowly undressed in front of Joshua who was finding it hard to resist, despite knowing the danger he was in it was strangely arousing being restrained to the bed naked and watching the young man strip. His cock began growing the more he watched and Finlay smiled as he climbed on to the bed kneeling between Joshua's legs. His hand moved up along the inside of Joshua's thigh causing him to moan softly, he couldn't fight the urge now coursing in his body that was devoid of sexual attention. It was being offered to him on a plate and he needed this, if we was going to die tonight he wanted to at least go out with a smile of sexual satisfaction on his face. He suddenly moaned louder as the cold fingers of Finlay's hand ran over his balls then along his shaft, his back and hips rose up rattling the chains that restrained his legs and arms to the bed. Closing his eyes momentarily and breathing out hard allowing another soft moan escape his lips. Opening them he found the young man staring down in to his eyes, his face moved closer until their lips touched in the most sensual way. His cock bounced as they briefly kissed. Joshua still felt drowsy but his body was functioning perfectly in the sex department. "You taste so good" Finlay whispered softly brushing his lips over Joshua's again. Joshua pushed his tongue in to Finlay's mouth "Kiss me" he said softly closing his eyes. Finlay moaned moving closer locking their mouths together in a long slow sensual kiss, he had every intention of fucking Joshua yet he was getting drawn more and more up along his body. Finlay moaned again as his arse was now sitting over the warmth of Joshua's cock, his hips pushing up enticing Finlay to take it. And so he did, he moved his arse forward gradually moving the cock into position. Finlay lifted his head and looked at the restrained hands as he pushed his arse back. He moaned loudly feeling his hole open. Joshua pushed his hips up feeling his cock being engulfed by a strange coldness that was making him harder. Finlay sat up spearing himself on the warm cock, in that moment he forgot that he was no longer normal and began riding him slowly. Each time he pushed down he was met with the force of Joshua thrusting up. His wild moans filled the air around them, he was so aroused that his fangs appeared and he bit his lower lip tasting his own blood. Harder and harder Joshua thrusted up as he took control of the sex between them, Finlay revelled in the sheer pleasure he was feeling. He snapped back and looked down at Joshua feeling a slight burning in his arse from the pre cum oozing out of Joshua's cock. Confused at this his body still sought sex and he began bouncing himself up and down of the cock faster. Joshua suddenly lifted his hips up and cried out, his orgasm came hard shooting a heft load of cum directly inside Finlay's body. Finlay unable to stop still rode harder until he orgasmed shooting his load across Joshua's chest and stomach. No sooner had he finished his orgasm he began to feel his arse burn. Finlay pulled out and rolled on to the floor howling in agony for a moment until is subsided. Marcin and James ran into the bedroom to make sure everything was okay. Gregor appeared at the door and rolled his eyes laughing then walked over to Finlay helping him up. "You let me cum in you didn't you?" Gregor asked. Finlay nodded "Yes" he replied panting and scratching his hole, "Is his blood bad as it is burning me inside?". "No it is not bad" Gregor replied smiling at him, "He is almost of the purest blood". Finlay looked at Joshua "I do not understand that master" he said, "But I like him" "You have a lot to learn Finlay" Gregor said smiling, "Go and bite him, get his blood in you". Finlay nodded and climbed on the bed straddling across Joshua who now began panicking hearing Gregor mutter those words. Finlay smiled down at him then lowered his head and tried to kiss him on the lips. Joshua turned his head away. "I promise I will not hurt you" Finlay said kindly, "Just for a second then you will enjoy it". Joshua turned his head and looked up at him "Please don't do this to me" he pleaded. Finlay smiled stroking his face "I have to brother of the pure blood" he replied, "You will be mine eventually". Joshua struggled but Finlay had such strength his body that he overpowered him with so much ease. He tried rolling his head from side to side to stop Finlay yet he struck with deadly accuracy, the chains rattled furiously as he fought against it. Finlay moaned erotically feeling the blood gushing out in to his mouth before the word enough came from Gregor. He licked away at the bite marks until they sealed over then forced Joshua to kiss him. Finlay now looked down "You will join us, you will be mine" he said softly kissing him on the lips again. "Put him back in the cage" Gregor said pulling Finlay off the bed, "Give him more cordial". "Yes master" Marcin and James replied. Joshua found himself being dragged by the legs back down the hall to the bathroom and put back in the iron cage, he struggled and fought as much as possible but the power to these two men was just too much. Secured inside the rubber tube was forced in to his mouth and throat for the second time and the thick blackish looking liquid poured in to the small funnel and down the tube in to his stomach.
Part 11 - The Three Brothers Earlier that afternoon James took the selfie with Marcin who still shook his head in disbelief that he could send this to Connor within seconds. Marcin put his arm around James's shoulder and stared intently at the phone, James chuckled at the picture seeing the look of pure menace in Marcin's eyes but also that he had won a prize, the mansion behind them giving a clear indication of where James was. In the message James typed "Hey, met Marcin today who is grounds keeper of the Chalfont Weir estate. You will like him, he is full of crazy stories and I am invited for dinner tonight with the new owner, Gregor". They both looked at each other and laughed, James held the phone and told Marcin to press the blue button. James nodded telling Marcin the message has been delivered and he turned the phone to silent mode and got to work around the grounds of the estate. All eyes went to Connor who cried out the stood up shouting that Marcin had got to James. Connor frantically called but there was no answer, he began typing message after message trying to get hold of James. Only now was it becoming clear to him that Marcin must have him prisoner to await nightfall. Beside himself with worry he tried calling again and walking outside holding back tears. Maksim walked outside to a frantic Connor "Don't do anything rash Connor" he said. "He is my friend father. I have to go to Chalfont Weir now" Connor replied sounding angry. "And do what?" Maksim asked grabbing his arm, "Walk right in to a trap?" he asked. Connor shook his head "This has to end. And end it will!" he said with a determined look. Evan walked over to them "If anyone has to go it will be Ivan and Tomas" he said. "No!" Connor replied turning to him, "My friend, I will rescue him, it is my fault he is there". Evan looked at Maksim then Connor "By the time you get there it will be too late Connor" he said. Maksim looked at Evan "There is only one way but it is dangerous to try" he said. "Absolutely not!" Evan responded, "Who knows where he will end up or even survive it". "Shut up!" Connor shouted looking at them both, "Tell me what you are talking about?" he asked. Maksim looked at Connor "There is one who has the power to move" he said. "Maksim please do not say any more" Evan said shaking his head. "Wait a minute" Connor said calming down, "Explain this" he said looking at them both. "He doesn't know?" Maksim asked Evan who took a few steps back, "Evan!" he said staring at him. "Please Maksim, Connor. It is not my place to say anything" Evan said looking apologetically. Connor stepped towards Evan "These visions I get in my head" he said, "Do I have some sort of gift?". Maksim looked at Evan who nodded as if he was giving Maksim permission to talk. Maksim put a reassuring hand on Evan's arm then turned to Connor "What I am going to tell you Connor has been held secret from everyone" he said and Connor nodded waiting patiently. "When I was a child I was visited by an old Romanian woman dressed like a gypsy in the woods not far from the Vadimov estate. She knew who I was and told me I would bring three boys in to the world, as a ten year old boy I was frightened by her presence. She placed her hand on my head and muttered three separate verses in a language I could not understand. I remember waking up on the woodland floor an hour later and ran home frightened by what had happened. The woman turned out to be Evan's great grandmother. Only after her death when I was 15 did I found out who she was and I went to see Evan's grandmother who stood at door of the house surrounded by fields of garlic, like she was expecting me to arrive that day. She was a powerful seer of the past, present and future and there she told me that my three boys would be born with a gift that would only surface when the time was right and then disappear", Maksim stopped and looked over at Evan again who nodded. "My first born son with the gift of dermo-optical perception, my second son will have the gift of precognition, my third son the gift of materialization through bilocation" he finished and looked at Connor. "So what does that really mean?" Connor asked looking confused and Maksim looked at Evan. "Joshua can see and feel things we can't" Evan said, "Like when Kovalek is not in human form". "Okay, so he can see or feel him when he is invisible to us?" Connor checked and Evan nodded. "Benedict can be in two places at once and also move between his two locations" Evan added. Connor looked shocked "So he can move someone between here and my home?" he asked and Evan nodded. "You Connor, have the ability to perceive or gain knowledge about future events" Evan told him. Connor nodded slowly "So I am not imagining things when I see them in my head?" he asked. "Correct" Evan confirmed, "We know the time is now since your gift has surfaced strongly". "So when I saw a vision of Christian and I in Argentina and Australia means what?" Connor asked. Evan held his hand "It means you saw what you perceived to be the future. Important things". "Right" Connor responded, "So I getting in to your head was no accident?" he asked Evan. Evan smiled "I didn't know how strong your gift was until you went straight in to my head". "Sorry about that Evan" Connor apologised sheepishly, "You need to help me control it". "You see why it is important that you don't do anything rash Connor" Maksim said to him. "But I have to try and rescue James" Connor said going back to panic mode. Evan held out his hand looking at Connor and he nodded holding his hand out palm down. Evan sucked the air in through his teeth and his head rolled back softly "He is no longer his entity, Kovalek controls him and he lives to serve and protect for eternity. He will use his connection to the pure blood to bring him to the feet of his master. The metal cage confines the pure blood, hidden from the world until he pleads for Kovalek to take his blood and be one with him. For the pure blood will be cursed and drink the blood of his heart's desire until a shadow of the body remains curled up and lifeless". Evan quickly pulled his hand away looking at Connor who was staring at him. "I kill Christian?" Connor questioned stepping back shaking his head, "This can't be" he said. Maksim grabbed hold of Connor "You have the power to change the future Connor" he reminded him. "But Christian?" Connor asked looking terrified. "I am sorry Maksim I couldn't stop, the power of his gift is so strong now" Evan apologised. "It is okay Evan" Maksim said, "He had to know in order to prevent him running to James". "Tonight I will call James" Connor said, "Sorry but I need to be alone and think right now". Evan and Maksim watched as Connor put his hands in his pockets and walked up along the hill. Then Evan turned to Maksim and nodded. It was now that Maksim had to get Joshua and Benedict to go after Connor. The hope was that the three of them alone would surface the subconscious knowledge of what to do. Christian came out with Benedict and Joshua who now went after Connor, they were just as confused as Connor was but went after him whilst Maksim and Evan took Christian for a walk to explain what was going on. Connor stopped at the top of the hill looking out at the view, he could see for miles across the barren landscape of Svalbard. A wind suddenly whipped up and dark almost black clouds appeared from over the mountains behind him. The temperature dropping quickly and the wind now had a chilling bite to it. Connor turned about to walk back down when he saw Benedict and Joshua walking towards him. "What are you both doing here?" Connor asked smiling as the came to a stop. Connor hugged them both "Came to see you stupid" Benedict replied. "Yeah like we have nothing better to do dingo" Joshua added in his heavy Australian accent. Hugging his two brothers and having them so close Connor rubbed their shoulders then suddenly the image of them standing facing each other holding hands in a ring at this very spot told him what had to be done. Connor held his hands out and they took one each, then almost like they were drawn together Joshua and Benedict held each other’s hands. They stood and looked at each other as snow began falling heavily around them, a loud booming clap of thunder right over their heads echoed down the hillside. The three brothers closed their eyes holding on to each other tightly, Connor could see Joshua's gift then Benedict's gift came to him. The weirdness overcoming all of them but their hands could not break free as the connection grew stronger and stronger. A bolt of lightning hitting the centre of their circle. Terrified and feeling the hot energy bursting from bolt entering their bodies, their hands locked together whilst their legs trembled in uncertainty. The wind dropped and the snow gently fell around them, the three brothers opened their eyes and looked down at the rock split in half by the bolt of lightning. Darkness was just falling in Chalfont Weir when Marcin heard the shattering noise that rumbled through the mansion. Kovalek woke pushing the large granite block off him and Finlay that had fallen inside the large stone coffin. He knew something had happened as the lid to his coffin had cracked in half, whatever it was it was a powerful force to reach him here. Marcin came running in with James. Master what has happened?" Marcin asked helping them both out of the coffin. "Something powerful happened Marcin" Gregor said looking slightly worried. Marcin bowed his head "I feel the time is coming when the pure blood accepts his destiny" he said. Gregor looked at Marcin "The brothers bond is strong they will soon come". The three brothers stood in their circle looking down at the cracked rock beneath them. Confused and unsure what had just happened. All they did know was that a force so powerful had run through their bodies enforced by them holding hands. The three brothers looked at each other "His tomb is broken" Connor said. Benedict looked at his brothers "Did we just do that?" he asked looking confused. Connor looked at him "Go and see" he suggested but Benedict laughed, "Visualise his tomb". Benedict looked at him for a moment before something surfaced inside his body that told him he had the power and knowledge to do it, he closed his eyes. He tried to visualise the estate mansion from Connor's description then suddenly it became so clear then he was in the crypt where the coffin was situated. He saw the cracked granite lid. Benedict raised his hands and his brothers took hold and instantly they saw the image in their heads. Standing there was Gregor Kovalek looking angry, by his side another young lad of the night and his friend James and Marcin who both bowed and left the tomb then the image faded. Benedict let go of their hands shaking his head from a headache caused by the unusual power. "I was there" Benedict said looking scared, "I mean I was actually there". Connor nodded "You have bilocation" he told him, "Joshua you have dermo-optical perception". "Who. What. Where?" Joshua asked. Connor closed his eyes and an image of them all sat around the table where Maksim was reading from the old parchment appeared in his head. Connor suggested they go back to the house as it was getting colder and the snow falling heavier. On the walk down he explained everything he had been told by Evan and their father but there was more to come and he could feel it. Finlay followed Kovalek like a lost puppy that constantly needed approval from his master. He had no recollection of anything previous to him being bitten by Kovalek, no idea who he really was or where he came from. His existence in the real world had ceased and vanished with no trace. The police from Chalfont were moving through all outlying villages now as the search began to expand out trying to find some indication of where the two young men had gone after leaving the nightclub. Kovalek paced around the bedroom looking anxious. "My master what disturbs you?" Finlay asked causing Gregor to stop. He smiled at Finlay "I need the pure blood, that is all" Gregor replied. Finlay walked up to him "My master needs a distraction" he said softly touching Gregor's face. Gregor looked at him for a moment then took him in his arms, his body began surging with a passion that he was getting used to having found sex with men so fascinating and satisfying. Finlay saw a dark mist appear then everything going black until it cleared. He was now lying on the bed slightly disorientated from what had just happened. It quickly cleared finding Gregor kissing him with an incredible intensity that caused his body to arch up, needing to be close to his master his arms pulling Gregor down. The kissing and nipping exciting them both as they began shedding their clothes until naked. Their cold skin rubbing against each other, Gregor already between his legs and Finlay sighed loudly feeling his master's raging hard cock that was ready to take him. Finlay slowly used his legs to caress the legs of his master, moving them upwards and as he did so Gregor lifted his hips until his cock nudged against his hole. Pushing constantly as it slipped lower finding the thin welcoming lips then opened allowing him to penetrate in a smooth glide until he was deep inside Finlay. He looked up smiling and stroking Gregor's back. Two vampires locked in copulation with Gregor's body heaving forward over Finlay then back again, long exquisite strokes and Finlay moved his head to the side exposing his neck. Gregor kissed him tenderly several times before biting down in to Finlay's artery. His body surging upwards at the erotic sensation filling his body, his legs tightened around Gregor's waist and his arse muscles twitched pulling his cock in deeper. Gently and slowly he sucked so that he didn't extract too much blood, it was just enough for Finlay to climax. He gasped scratching down Gregor's back who in turn gave several rapid hard thrusts as his body began to stir into orgasm. He removed his fangs and watched as Finlay's artery quickly sealed on its own Raising his body up he thrusted down hard, his ball sack tightened as he began expelling his seed inseminating his boy. He looked down at the mess Finlay had made from his orgasm, he was panting hard and his fangs were out as his body went through a cycle of sensual feelings. Gregor smiled and lowered himself on top of his boy, he kissed him running his tongue over his fangs then moved his head exposing his neck to Finlay. Without thinking Finlay bit down softly and began extracting Gregor's blood, after two mouthfuls he extracted his fangs and kissed Gregor deeply. After the third time inseminating his boy Gregor finally pulled out his cock and sitting on his knees he looked down at Finlay with a smug smile on his face. Gregor smiled "You please me so much Finlay" he said softly. Finlay leaned up and kissed him "I only serve to make you happy master" he replied. "Let us dress and join the others" Gregor said getting off the bed. The sun was beginning to sink lower in the sky today than it had for days, Maksim stood outside the safe house talking with his wife. Maria patted his arm both knowing that things were coming to a head, the reading of the parchment had to be done and her insistence that everyone involved must hear what was written over one hundred years ago. Entering the house the large dining table busy with family, protectors and friends. Evan looked up at Maksim and smiled nodding his head as the table went quiet. Walking over to the table with the briefcase Maksim sat down with Maria by his side and retrieving the parchment. "So what is going on?" Christian asked seeing the serious looks and getting his notepad out. "The prophecy, the unseen scripture is on the parchment" Connor replied looking at Maksim. Maksim looked at him and nodded "How did you know it was unseen?" Tomas asked looking at at him. "I have seen this image of us at the table" Connor replied, "My visions are getting stronger". "Then we know it is time" Evan said, "The hidden prophecy must be read" he added. "Is this by the same person" Christian asked going through his notes, "Lettie Arno Borsch?". Evan smiled "You are on form Christian" he replied, "Please do not write it down though". "I promise I won't" Christian said, "I am documenting what we are doing". "There are two parts" Evan said, "This part was given to the Berkhoff's for safe keeping". "What is written here must never be told to anyone outside this circle" Maksim told them. They all nodded turning to Maksim who opened the parchment looking slightly nervous then began reading "At his appearance in front of the pure blood he will inflict a bite of no blood. It will stir the pure blood's dormant protection increasing day by day. Then Kovalek must take it before maturation completes and the pure blood reaches his strongest and then reigns as his equal. The protected ones from birth will meet and bond in a circle bringing forth their gifts and the power to vanquish the dark force. He will take vengeance on those who let their guard down and destroy them to prevent the circle completing. He shalt not act this on his own and is joined by one other with equal destructive force. At this time he will be served by two protectors to clear the path to the pure blood with no mercy or remorse. The pure blood must never be taken for if his blood is cleansed Kovalek will no longer need his offering or have reason to keep him alive, yet he shall reap the reward and cast the darkest shadow across the land. Those who stand with the pure blood will be hunted and must prepare to face what destiny holds". Maksim closed the parchment and placed it back in the briefcase. "Well that sounds jolly" Christian said what all the others were thinking. Joshua was by far the one looking most anxious "Excuse me a moment" he said getting up. Connor looked around and stood up "I should talk to him" he said following Joshua outside. "You look how I feel" Connor said taking his hand and holding it firmly. Joshua breathed deeply then looked at him "How did you take all this when you found out?" he asked. Connor shrugged "Didn't believe it at first" he replied, "Then all the pieces fell in to place". "And now you believe all this?" Joshua asked and he nodded, "We must have defective genes" he added. "What makes you say that?" Connor asked surprised by his remark. Joshua looked around "You and me" he said quietly, "We are more alike than others know". "How?" Connor asked putting his arm around his shoulder in a brotherly way. He sighed putting his arm around Connor's waist "You being open about your life" Joshua replied. "Oh!" Connor said looking at him, "You mean my sexuality?" he asked. "Yes. I have leanings towards men" Joshua said looking nervous. Connor chuckled "Nothing to with genes bro" he said, "It is how I feel. Men make me happy". Joshua gave a nervous giggle "I am not out to my parents. I keep it hidden" he told him. "You can't help who or what you become" Connor said turning and hugging him, "Boyfriend?" he asked. Joshua shook his head "Random encounters only. But very sparse and very random" he replied. Connor took Joshua by the hand away from the house "You may be right about the gene though". Joshua now laughed "Is there a defective one with have inherited then?" he asked. Connor stopped "Kovalek had sex with Christian" he now said in a very quiet tone, "Twice". Joshua gawped "Once through me when he took over my body" Connor informed him. "He took over your body?" Joshua asked and Connor nodded, "And... And the other?" he asked. Connor squeezed his hand "He had control of Christian in a very bad way, almost took him". Joshua nodded his head slowly "So he can control people?" he asked. "Of course" Connor replied, "Christian had cursed blood in him. Tomas managed to save him". "Right, so was that the night Tomas lost his protection?" Joshua asked piecing things together. "Yes. Kovalek was angry and about to curse Tomas when my father arrived" Connor explained. A brotherly understanding took place between them where Connor would not reveal about Joshua and allow him to tell everyone when he was ready. Connor looked at his watch knowing it would already be dark in England and the village. They walked back to the safe house where Maksim stood with Benedict. "What is going on now?" Connor asked almost looking exasperated as each time something happens. "Joshua I need you to go with Benedict to see what is going on" Maksim advised. "No, let me go" Connor said butting in. "Absolutely not Connor" Maksim said cutting him down, "Let your brothers do it" he added. "Is it dangerous?" Joshua asked looking at Maksim and Benedict. "I really don't know Joshua and that is the truth" Maksim replied, "This is all unknown to us". Benedict looked at Joshua and nodded "We need to see what is going on in Chalfont Fortis" he said. Joshua nodded "Okay then, let's get this done and over with" he said putting on a brave face. "Will he know?" Connor asked directing his question to Evan who stood behind them all. Evan stepped forward "He may be able to sense them there, but I read nothing from Benedict". Connor looked at his brothers "Find out what has happened to James" he said and they nodded. Joshua and Benedict walked in to the middle of the lounge and held hands looking at each other. Joshua smiled asking if he knew what to do and Benedict rolled his eyes smiling and telling him to concentrate on their task. It took a few moments for Benedict to summon his gift, his head felt soft and floaty and he pictured the tomb where they had last been. Joshua closed his eyes and began to see the blurred vision of the broken tomb stone. Benedict in his vision turned and saw Joshua by his side. In the safe house the brothers were motionless staring in to each other's eyes, neither one blinked of made any noise. No longer present in the real world they had transcended to the mansion as spiritual entities devoid of body or life. They could smell and sense everything as if they were actually there, holding hands they turned around inspecting the room and floating over to the tomb. It was empty signifying that darkness had fallen and he was awake. Joshua almost laughed at how strangely they moved without moving their legs. They floated up the staircase and through the closed door where everything went black until they appeared in the main entrance hall. Below their sight the marble stone floor was giving off a bright green hue, they looked at each other then Benedict transferred what they had seen to his motionless body. In the safe house Christian was poised with his notepad as they anxiously waited. Suddenly Benedict's mouth opened and the words floating out that the tomb was empty and the entrance hall floor shines green. Evan telling Christian to note that the entrance hall floor is cursed. The hall was quiet and no nobody seemed to be around, Joshua pointed to a door where a dim amber glow could be seen coming from underneath. Their entities floated over and through the door to find a dining room with a chair at one end with iron restraints, other than that there was nothing untoward so they floated out through a different door finding themselves in the kitchen. Their entities stopped seeing a person crushing herbs and boiling them down with blackcurrants. Benedict transferred these sights to his body where Christian scribbled them down frantically. Their presence undetected they returned through the dining room and entrance hall and looked up the large staircase. Floating up they arrived on the first floor and saw the open doors to a bedroom that was dimly lit. Along the landing where Benedict was describing their journey back to the group they stopped at the entrance of the bedroom. On the bed kneeling facing each other were two young men. Benedict described one who had a sporty muscular build with brown hair. The other was slender with brown hair and icy blue eyes. Connor knew the first one was James and he stepped forward asking questions until Evan touches his arm telling him they would not be able to hear. The brothers watched as the slender one ran his hand over the muscular body, Joshua paid more attention to the slender one who seemed to be in control. He was very plain yet he had a subtle attractiveness about him, in fact he looked so ordinary that Joshua was finding him more and more appealing to watch. Suddenly Finlay looked around the bedroom like he knew someone was there but his attention quickly went back to James. They moved closer to each other and muscular one tilted his neck to the side whilst the slender one leaned over and licked then raised his head exposing his fangs briefly before his bit down. The muscular lad's body shook in spasm for a second then relaxed, the brothers looked on horrified as they both watched a vampire bite and drink blood. It lasted only half a minute before he raised his head and sealed the artery over then the two kissed like lovers. Benedict was struggling to put in to words what they had witnessed and Connor sank to his knees overcome with emotional grief hearing what is life long friend was being subjected to. Suddenly they heard a door open that lead off from the bedroom and the tall imposing figure of Gregor Kovalek appeared. They knew it was Gregor since his appearance was similar to their own, he had stopped and started to look around the bedroom slowly. Immediately entering the bedroom Gregor had picked up the presence of a large spiritual force that was out of character with anything he knew. Marcin entered the bedroom behind Gregor and he turned speaking quietly to him in Romanian. "I fear we are not alone" Gregor said, "A white force is here. Go get some strong cordial". Marcin nodded "Yes master" he replied bowing his head, "Has it begun, is he coming?". "I am not sure Marcin, it could be" Gregor said and Marcin left the bedroom quickly. Finlay got to his knees and stroked James's head "Master what bothers you?" he asked. Gregor stared in to his eyes and Finlay nodded "Yes master" he said. The brothers watched unsure what was going on, Benedict recited back that Kovalek had entered the bedroom and looked suspiciously around the room. The brothers looked at other and knew it was time to back out and end their trip here. When they looked back at the bedroom a dark swirling mist surrounded Gregor. Benedict could no longer see him but Joshua saw his figure move quickly out of the mist in their direction. Joshua looked at Benedict with panic in his eyes then looked back to find himself staring straight in to Kovalek's eyes. In his invisible form he could now clearly see the two forces floating just off the ground and that one of them could see him. Gregor looked at them both and in an instant he grabbed the taller one who could see him by the neck. In the lounge they heard Joshua gasp for breath and breaking his hold with Benedict with one hand, it went up grabbing at something they could not see that appeared to be holding his neck. There was no second guessing and they knew that Kovalek must have known of their presence. His body moved forward and their hands that were still joined began jolting down hard. Evan knew that their connection was trying to be broken and somehow he had to get them back in the room. Evan moved in and put his hand on Benedict's shoulder, as soon as he touched him his body flew back several feet and he landed on his back blacking out. Gregor pulled the taller one forward again and used his other arm to try and break their connection that was strong and sealing them together. He squeezed the neck harder lifting Joshua higher in the air and bored in to his eyes. Gregor smirked seeing in to his thoughts and uncovering who the two forces are, he laughed in a menacing way and blocked their connection by disrupting Joshua's thought process and leaving Benedict alone cut off from his brother. Joshua managed to blink but the damage was done he could see a dark swirl of mist beginning to shroud his vision, his entity was being surrounded by dark forces and he felt his hand slipping away from Benedict's. He struggled trying to clasp harder and Benedict found the power holding on to his brother too much to bear. It was starting to draw the energy from his own entity forcing him to release his hold on Joshua as his hand froze. Gregor felt the force break and now he pulled the entity clear of the second one. Connor and Christian looked on completely bewildered by it all whilst Tomas tried to revive Evan. Maksim and Ivan trying to coerce the brothers back using holy water. The room suddenly filled with a bright green flash, Connor rubbed his eye and cried out as Benedict slumped to the floor gasping for breath, his body weak and unable to stand he passed out. Christian cried out causing everyone to look. Joshua's body was being shrouded by a dark black mist that was appearing from within his body, it rapidly got dense and covered his entire body then it began dispersing leaving nothing behind. Joshua's body had vanished before their eyes.
Part 10 - Kovalek's Covern The sun was beating down on James who walked chatting casually with Marcin along the drive and to the front of the imposing mansion. Immediately he could see what Marcin meant when they spoke the previous day about it needing a lot of work done. From the gates it looked perfect but up close there was a lot of imperfections that had appeared over time and needed fixing. Marcin opened the large wooden doors letting light flood in to the grand entrance, stepping inside James stopped and muttered the word wow, his eyes drawn immediately to the large sweeping staircase that rose two floors above them. "Marcin this is amazing!" James enthused standing there and taking it all in. Marcin stood by him placing a hand on his shoulder "Wait until you see the rest of it" he said. James nodded "Thank you for letting me see inside here" he said reiterating his thanks. "Well you are the first person I have got to know here" Marcin replied like it was nothing. James glanced and smiled at him "So where do we start then?" he asked rubbing his hands together. Marcin chuckled "It is a hot day. Kitchen and we can have a soft drink, you like blackcurrant?". "Who doesn't, always drank it is a kid" James remarked following Marcin around the staircase. His eyes were trying to take it all in as they went through a door and down a long hallway and into the large kitchen. It never dawned on James how dark it was inside the mansion since he was too busy looking at everything and now he was inspecting the kitchen. "Do you cook as well?" James asked noticing the abundance of fresh vegetables and herbs. Marcin picked up two glasses "Yes I do. Mostly dinner for one, I like healthy foods" he replied. James nodded “Does the owner not stay here then?” he now asked curiously. “He comes and goes. Always busy so rarely here for meals” Marcin replied. During their conversation whilst James had his attention drawn elsewhere Marcin poured cordial from one bottle into a glass then poured a different cordial mixture in to the other glass and filled them up. Deliberately leaving his glass on the counter he walked over and handed the other one to James. "Homemade cordial" Marcin said, "I make my own from fresh blackcurrants" he added. James took a sip then looked at the glass "Does it have herbs in it?" he asked. Marcin wagged a finger at him laughing "I can't tell you, it is a family secret. But yes". James chuckled taking another sip "It is really refreshing and very fresh tasting" he said. Marcin picked up his glass and drank "Glad you like it. Maybe I will show you how to make it". "Thank you Marcin" James said smiling clinking his glass with Marcin's and drinking. "You are welcome to stay for dinner" Marcin said casually, "You look like you eat healthy food". James nodded "I do and I go to the gym a lot" he said, "I hate going out drinking alcohol". Marcin laughed and clinked his glass with him again "Bring your drink and we start on the boxes". James followed Marcin in to the large dining room just off the kitchen where numerous boxes were lined up on the table. Most of the boxes contained all sorts of tableware that with Marcin's help James unpacked and placed them in the allocated spaces in the large serving sideboard. Marcin opened the shutters and large doors that lead out to the rear of the estate letting in some much needed fresh air and light. James stopped and picked up his glass standing at the doors drinking, Marcin watched him like a hawk for a few moments then unpacked the last box. James bathed in the late afternoon sun enjoying the warmth and feeling like he had no care in the world, in fact he had never felt so good inside. Dressed only in his shorts now since taking his t-shirt off Marcin kept looking over admiring the young body that was very gym fit. He walked over to James "Maybe you should take me to where you get so fit" Marcin said. James smiled "Of course" he said in a very relaxed tone, "I run and have some weights at home". "I would love to get a body like yours" Marcin added whilst watching James's reactions. James giggled softly "I think I need to use the bathroom if I may" he said. Marcin smiled and looked down at the growing wet patch on James's shorts, he looked up at him and he was oblivious to the fact he was urinating already. The herbs in his body were working most efficiently he thought, the cordial was a different one with just enough mind confusing, blood cleansing and muscle relaxant. Not enough to incapacitate but just a hint to ensure his body would be fully relaxed for a few hours until darkness fell. James leaned back against the brick wall giggling like a silly child and felt the growing wet patch on his shorts, the shock bringing him back to some sense. "I am so sorry what have I done?" James asked looking down but still smiling. Marcin laughed "Probably not use to the herbs in the cordial" he responded. James leaned forward wobbling on his legs "I need the bathroom" he said holding on to Marcin. "Come on I will take you to the bathroom" Marcin said kindly. Climbing the stairs with James holding on they went up to the second floor and down the long hallway to the bathroom. Marcin didn't want to get one of the other bathrooms dirty and knew it was a gamble but he could easily overpower James if need be. Walking inside James was more focused on himself and ignored the fact that a human cage was suspended over the bath and it contained an unconscious young lad. James sat on the toilet pulling his shorts down, the smell of his concentrated urine hitting his nostrils making him gag. He had never smelt urine as strong as this and his white underwear was stained dark yellow. Marcin knelt in front and smiled apologising again about the herbs as he removed the underwear and let James sit there urinating in to the toilet. His eyes wondering over the human cage and he giggled pointing at it asking what it was. Marcin turned his head and looked and in a split decision he switched tactics. He stood and locked the bathroom door then walked over lowering the cage to the floor and opening it. He lifted the Finlay out laying him on the floor, quickly he retrieved the iron collar, cuffs and ankle restraints securing them on Finlay then lifted him placing him in the deep bath. Marcin walked over to James and removed his trainers, socks and t-shirt. He then grabbed James under his shoulders telling him to hold on, James giggled feeling himself being lifted and partly dragged across the bathroom. Marcin giggled along and chatted making it sound more like a game. In his slightly confused state James was ready and up for the challenge as he happily followed Marcin's instructions, placing his legs and arms in the correct parts. Marcin closed the front part of the cage and James watched, like magic each clasped closed at the same time. James looked up and somehow he knew this was no game and he began panicking. "Let me out!" James said looking at Marcin who just smiled at him, “Enough, please let me out”. Marcin tutted "I can't James, you know Connor and my master wants you" he replied standing up. James swore at him then shouted "Let me out or else!" his words making Marcin laugh. "Be a good boy and keep quiet or I force this down you" Marcin said waving a small bottle at him. "Marcin please let me out" James pleaded trying to be more reasonable. Marcin nodded "When it is time for dinner I will fetch you" he replied. James watched Marcin move then hear the chains on the pulley rattling away, his head halfway between panic and fun as he began to feel confused again. In his vision he began to see where the ceiling met the wall as the cage was hoisted to vertical, more and more of the wall then he felt his legs taking the weight of his suspension as the cage rose off the floor. The metal cage fitted so tightly that he had no room to move a single part of his body, the cold iron pressed against his cheeks across his upper lip and under his chin. Higher up he went until Marcin pushed the cage over the bath. "If you make any noise I will return" Marcin said looking up, "And trust me you don't want that". James struggled to speak "Marcin please don't do this" he managed to say as the cage slowly turned. Marcin unlocked the bathroom door and left leaving James alone suspended in the cage above Finlay and the bath. He tried to push his body forward using all his strength and could only manage to move his chest forward a tiny bit. The iron bars pressed tight up against his body in all directions, his arms and legs in their own cages that extended out from the body and head part. The cage turned slowly and with the dancing rays of sun that managed to enter the bathroom he caught sight of himself in the large mirror. He saw a crude yet effective cage encasing him, it was enough to make him panic in terror at the sight. A tear trickled down his face as fear now sank in amongst all his mildly confused thoughts, steady drops of urine escaping out of his cock, his bladder so relaxed from the herbs that he was unable to retain any control over it. The deathly silence of the darkened bathroom only added to the horror he was beginning to feel, his future hanging from the bathroom ceiling. He managed to cobble together some normal thoughts in his head and remembering Christian and Tomas warning to be careful. James realised that Marcin had only shown a lot more interest when he mentioned Connor. Small amber rays of light danced on the wall as the sun sank lower in the sky, he tried to fight it off but tiredness washed over him and he closed his eyes hoping that he would wake up and be in his bed at home as that this was all a nightmare. A lovely summer evening breeze was billowing against the linen window coverings in the dining room, Marcin was actually beginning to like it here as it seemed to peaceful. He finished polishing the table and laying it for dinner. The seat at the end by the door for the guest and the one at the opposite end by the window for his master. Marcin went to the guest seat and dabbed a little oil on the hinges of the wide iron restraints making sure they were in perfect working order. The doors to the dining room opened and Gregor stood there. "Marcin" Gregor said entering, "Is it me or do I sense two bodies in the house?" he asked. "Yes master" Marcin replied, "The boy and also James, the close friend of the pure blood". Gregor smiled "Then do not keep our guest waiting Marcin. Fetch and make him presentable". Marcin bowed "And what of the other, Finlay?" he asked. "You may bring him to my bedroom later" Gregor confirmed, "Tonight we gain new family members". Marcin bowed his head and left the dining room as Gregor picked up a gold wine goblet from the guests table setting, piercing his finger he filled the goblet with roughly two mouthfuls of his blood. He then sat in his seat looking at the guest seat down the opposite end and to wait for Marcin to return with James. He was unsure how long he had been here after falling asleep, darkness had fallen since the bathroom wall no longer showed the amber rays of the sun outside. He could hear strange murmurings under him which he knew belonged the young lad who was in the cage before he was put in it. His body ached and his legs and arms felt numb from their restricted movement as the bathroom door unlocked and Marcin walked in turning on the light that cast a very dim glow. James watched him hang black trousers and a white shirt of the back of the door then he moved across the room. James heard the chains moving and he felt the cage swinging over then being lowered to the floor, he felt some relief as the weight of his body suspended in this contraption eased. Marcin moved his hand over the part of the cage and the clasps began to spring open all around, his instinct was to survive now his thoughts had cleared but his body was too numb to make any surprise attack. "It is not worth trying to escape, you will not get past the doors" Marcin said smiling at him. James moaned and managed to lift his arm "What are you doing to me?" he asked looking frightened. "Our master is waiting. Shower then dress" Marcin demanded pulling him out of the cage. "Our master?" James questioned slightly slurring his words. Marcin smiled "Yes. Tonight you enter our family and exist to serve our master" he replied. Marcin partly dragged him to the shower cubicle pushing him inside then turning on the water. James suddenly began to feel stronger and managed to stand up letting the hot water run over his aching limbs. He kept thinking about what Marcin had told him, yet he was unsure what it actually meant. Marcin stood there watching him like a hawk then handed a towel to him when he had finished, never once did he move from the spot as he handed him the clothes. James put the silk shirt on that felt amazing against his skin. Satisfied with his appearance Marcin nodded "Follow me" he said walking towards the door. James followed and watch Marcin lock the door "I could easily out run you" he said feeling strong. Marcin turned his head and smiled "You would never be able to find the door" he said cryptically. James scoffed "So did you hide the door then?" he asked following Marcin to the staircase. Marcin laughed "There is no need for such measures" he replied, "But I would not try it as it would be unpleasant". They walked down the grand staircase and Marcin stepped on to the entrance hall floor, James stopped at the bottom step and looked at him. Marcin grinned telling him if he walked he would be fine, but to run his legs will become heavy and he will get disorientated quickly. James wondered for a moment if he was joking and he looked towards the front door that was still there. Marcin walked off towards the dining room doors and James glanced at the front door again then stepped on to the marble tiled floor. Nothing, he felt nothing and decided to quick step it to the front doors. He could hear Marcin laugh, James only managed three steps forward before he his legs began to feel heavy and he couldn't lift them. He giggled forgetting what he was doing then looked bewildered wondering where he was going, his head began hurting and filling with so many confused ideas that he just fell to his knees holding his head in pain. Marcin walked over and tapped him on the shoulder breaking the curse. "I did warn you" Marcin said helping him up to his feet, "Our master is waiting on your presence". Marcin opened the dining room doors and James walked inside "Who are you?" he asked sizing him up. Gregor stood "Welcome James, I am Gregor Kovalek" he replied. "Gregor Kovalek" James muttered then it hit him, "Oh shit!" he said hearing the doors close. "Not how I would have put it" Gregor said, "You are my guest so please sit down". Marcin held the chair out and James stood there "Sit now!" Marcin demanded. "No!" James responded as Gregor moved round the table towards him and catching his eyes. James nodded sitting "That's better" Gregor said as Marcin secured him to the seat. James shook his head "What do you want from me?" he asked sounding scared. Gregor sat staring at him then smiled "You are a very important link to someone I need" he replied. "Connor" James said softly and Gregor nodded, "I do not know where he is. So let me go". "I cannot do that" Gregor responded, "With you here I know Connor will come quickly". "I will not help you" James said in a very adamant tone, "I would rather die than help you". Gregor smiled "There is no need James. You will receive eternal life like Marcin here. Live to serve only me". James looked at Marcin who smiled "I am over 100 years old" he told him. "I will take my own life than help you" James said getting angry. Gregor laughed "Such brave words from a mere mortal who is weak" he said then smiled again at him. "Never" James replied staring at Gregor and his strange resemblance to Connor. "You are in no position to refuse James" Gregor told him, "You being here has already sealed your fate". Gregor looked over to Marcin who nodded "Now we can do this the easy or hard way" Gregor told him. James looked at Marcin picking up the gold goblet "You will drink and join us. Enjoy eternal life" Gregor said. James moved his head away "No!" he shouted closing his mouth whilst Gregor laughed. "Drink and it will be over with quickly" Gregor said moving around so he stood in front of him. James kept moving his head away pushing against the restraints holding him in the seat. Suddenly he felt Marcin gripping his chin squeezing his mouth open, his eyes full of terror knowing he could only resist so much before the inevitable happened. James fought against him but his head was pushed back. Marcin held the goblet over his mouth and Gregor leaned closer staring in his eyes until he found the path open in to his mind "From the ancient goblet of our forefathers the blood of your master pass your lips" Gregor said and Marcin tipped a few drops in to his open mouth that James could not fight the thoughts being burrowed in to his head telling him to swallow so he did. "A life of service is cursed in to your soul, for you shall no longer age and live an eternal life in service and protection to your master" Gregor said and looked at Marcin nodding. Marcin poured the blood from the goblet and James cried out seeing the bright red liquid fall into his mouth, he closed his eyes and the natural reaction to swallow happened. James coughed as more blood was poured into his mouth that he swallowed. Marcin released the painful grip on his chin and smiled down at him. "Well done James" Gregor said politely applauding him then returning to his seat. James moved his head forward gagging at the disgusting coppery taste "I will kill you" he said. Gregor and Marcin laughed "Do you feel me inside you James? Taking over your body and soul?" Gregor asked. James smirked about to answer then he felt the first excruciating pain in his stomach, he screamed as the pain intensified like long needles being pushed in to his stomach rapidly. James cried out over and over as it began spreading up through his body so quickly that his reactions were left behind. His body agitated and fighting against the restraints. He screams filled the air in the dining room as the pain intensified and began throbbing in his veins. In his neck he felt the throbbing pain of needles pricking him in a warm rush as Kovalek's blood moved upwards into his head seeping through to his brain. His body pushed up and he went silent, his head fell forward. His brown eyes turned black briefly before they began turning dark blue and getting lighter with his body transforming. His eyes now the familiar stark icy blue colour as the curse completed taking over his body. James moaned and Marcin lifted his head checking his eyes, he looked over to Gregor and nodded. "Who are you?" Gregor called out from the other end of the table. James lifted his head looking at Gregor "I am James" he replied in a delirious state. "Who am I?" Gregor now asked, "What am I to you?". "You are my master. I live to serve and protect you for eternity" James said. Gregor smiled and looked at Marcin "You can release him, take good care of him" he said. Marcin nodded "Of course master, I have longed so much for someone else to help me" he replied. Gregor stood "Put him to use and bring Finlay to me" he said. Marcin nodded as Gregor walked up to James and stared in to his eyes "I understand master". "James" Marcin called out and he turned to look at him, "Help me fetch the boy for our master". James nodded "Of course sir". "James you will let the boy drink your blood when he is ready" Gregor commanded. James bowed "As you wish master". Gregor smiled watching the two of them walking ahead of him up the stairs. He was pleased with Marcin getting James, now though he focused on Finlay who would be the start of his ring of night time protectors. His thought instantly going to Christian who was prime for the taking as well. Marcin and James walked in to the bathroom and could hear Finlay banging against the side of the bath and crying for help. He had no idea how he had ended up like this, the last thing he remembered was having sex with the tall stranger whilst Kirk watched on. When the dim light went on he pleaded for help hoping someone was coming to let him go. He looked up at the two young men recognising Marcin who reached down releasing him from his restraints. Finlay still felt like his memory was clouded and couldn’t make a lot of sense of things. "What is going on?" Finlay asked being helped to his feet by James, "Who are you?". James looked at him then Marcin "He is James, you like him?" Marcin asked. Finlay looked between them for a moment "Where is Kirk?" he asked, "Why am I tied up?". "Gregor did not want you to leave" Marcin replied, "He likes you". Finlay stepped out of the bath "But where is Kirk?" he asked again. "He went home" Marcin told him, "Shower and then we take you to Gregor" he said. Finlay under the confused effects of the cordial complied getting in the shower where James washed him down and Marcin dried him, all the time Finlay stayed quiet, he was trying to figure things out but found it was all jumbled in head. He couldn't put anything in order as he tried to remember coming here, he knew he had sex earlier and arrived with Kirk but he couldn't put it in the order of things happening. Finlay was taken down to the first floor and along the hallway "Is Gregor here?" he asked. "Yes" Marcin replied, "He is waiting for you. He was so pleased with you last time" he said. Finlay looked at Marcin with a bewildered look "I can't remember much. I must call my parents". "You can do that later" Marcin told him. "Where are my things?" Finlay asked. Marcin nodded the knocked on the door "Later Finlay" he said assuring him. James opened the door "Ah Finlay you are finally awake!" Gregor said smiling, "Come in". Finlay began to get things straight in his head and marched in to Gregor like he meant business. Gregor stared in to his eyes and his body relaxed. Finlay smiled and kissed him softly as Gregor wrapped his arms around him lifting him with such ease and strength. Forgetting everything since only Gregor mattered now he was taken over to the bed. Within minutes they were naked and Gregor was between his legs nudging his nine inch cock against Finlay’s arse until his hole stretched open allowing him inside. He moaned loudly holding on to Gregor, his body chilling in that familiar sensual way until Gregor had penetrated to him balls. With slow deliberate thrusts he began to copulate again with this young lad, only now he could smell traces of himself inside Finlay's body. Gregor lifted his head looking down at his enjoyment of copulating with him. Finlay's hands roamed all over Gregor's body and grabbing his arse cheeks pulling him deeper inside. Gregor smiled down "Tonight Finlay you will join me for eternity" he said in a seductive tone. Finlay moaned and leaned up to kiss him "I want to be with you forever" he responded between moans. Gregor kissed him "I will drink your blood then you will take mine” he said softly. “I understand” Finlay replied enticed and full seduced by him. “Good” Gregor said kissing him again, “Then you drink the blood of James to complete our joining" he said. Finlay nodded, his eyes staring up in to the icy blue of Gregor's. He could feel his orgasm already approaching and he lowered himself on top of Finlay wrapping his arms around his body, kissing him and moving slowly down to his chin, then under it and over to the left side of his neck. He could almost taste his blood already that was having a profound effect on his fangs and saliva that was oozing from the tips of them. He managed to kiss and lick at the spot directly over the artery, his balls tightened quickly and Gregor thrusted his hips down hard. Finlay cried out and his head raised up, Gregor threw his head forward hitting the spot directly, his fangs piercing through the young skin and sinking all the way through to his carotid artery. Finlay snapped his eyes open wide shrieking as he felt the sharp pain of the fangs sinking in to his neck, his hands went to punch Gregor's back instead they landed softly pulling him closer, his legs wrapped around Gregor's waist squeezing him hard. His body over flowed in the weirdest erotic sensation that he ejaculated twice in rapid succession. Gregor sucked then lifted his head running his tongue over the bite sealing the artery yet leaving the two red bite marks on his neck. Gregor looked down at Finlay who had a smile on his face, in a split second he began moaning softly, his whole body began sensitive to any touch . His journey to join Kovalek was now beginning to prepare his body. Finlay blinked "Do that again, it felt wonderful" he said softly reaching up to kiss him. Gregor laughed "We can do this for eternity do not worry" he said soothingly. Finlay smiled again looking completely content and highly aroused, Gregor's cock still impaled in to the young lads body he knelt up and slit the palm of his hand and stared in to Finlay's eyes until he had control of his mind then reciting the curse "Bad blood of Christ be gone with my blood" he said allowing his blood to drip into Finlay's mouth that he swallowed. "Drops of blood will bring darkness, and darkness shall then own your soul" he recited dripping more blood in to his mouth. "To be accursed stalking in darkness, afraid by your fellow man. Let the blood pass your lips and render you as thy servant and a servant of the night" he said squeezing his palm allowing a stream of blood to fall in to Finlay's open mouth that he swallowed. Gregor pulled his cock out gently and Finlay raised his head then bent over holding his stomach for a few moments gasping for breath. His body twisted then his agonising scream filled the room as Gregor watched smiling, he summoned James in to the room. James walked over to the bed looking at Finlay wondering what was happening to him. As quick as it started it finished and Finlay knelt up stretching his neck side to side and crying in pain, he felt terror at what happened as he looked at Gregor, his brown eyes now jet black began transitioning to a deep blue from the outer iris in, every few seconds the shade getting lighter and lighter until they changed to icy blue. Gregor stepped forward running his hand down Finlay's face "How do you feel?" he asked. Finlay looked at him "Amazing" he replied in a velvet soft tone. "You must drink some blood and complete your place at my side" Gregor said bringing James closer. James got on the bed and put his arms around Finlay moving his neck to the side. Without any hesitation Finlay moved his head over the exposed neck, strangely his senses changed and he could smell his blood. He whimpered feeling his canine teeth pushing out of his gums in to sharp pointed fangs. He lifted his head and they began shrinking back to normal, James moved his head upright looking at him and wondering what he was waiting for. Their eyes met and Finlay initiated a kiss with him, subtly he kissed his top lip then bottom. Inside James fought against it knowing he was straight yet there was nothing he could do to resist the urge. His arms tightened around Finlay's body pulling them chest to chest, now James returned the kiss going directly to the mouth and slipping a little tongue in the process. Finlay smiled and kissed him back as his hand slipped lower touching James's semi erection. James knew his duty tonight and pulled out of the kiss tilting his neck again to the side letting Finlay kiss across until his nose ran over the target. His nostrils flared and fangs extended out from under his top lip, he bit down hard striking James in the artery, they fell back on the bed where Finlay trapped James and began sucking harder and harder. Gregor moved over pulling Finlay off making him turn towards Gregor hissing at the interruption of his feeding. He stared hard in to Finlay's eyes and he eventually cowered off to the top of the bed looking ashamed. Gregor pulled James up and sealed his artery lapping up the spilt blood. Finlay rolled over collapsing on the bed with his chest heaving up and down in a possessed manner, his transformation moving in to the final stages was now complete. With no recollection of who he was or what his life had been, it was like he had just been born with a blank memory and ready to learn. He knew he had power and strength in his body like it had always been there for eternity. Marcin walked in and gave James a drink to speed up the replenishing of his blood. By 4am Gregor and Finlay retired to the basement sharing the crypt. Marcin and James would provide necessary feeding for Gregor and Finlay for a few days until they could find some victims for them both to consume. The following day James cleaned up the bathroom and the smell of the urine from himself and Finlay preparing it for their next victim who wouldn't be so lucky with two vampires to feed. Marcin entered the bathroom handing James his phone "Your calling machine made a noise" he said. James looked at it "I have a text from Connor" he said standing up. "Master will be very interested. What does the pure blood say?" Marcin asked. He watched James work the phone "Hi James, everything alright, are you keeping safe?" James said. "Inform him and ask where he is" Marcin said. James replied saying he was fine and staying inside during hours of darkness. In his reply he asked if Connor was safe and where he was hiding out and when he might return as he was worried. Connor sat there looking at the text smiling and replied that he was in Svalbard but not sure of when they would be leaving, he also said that he and Christian were sort of together now but he still goes on long afternoon walks with Tomas. James grinned and showed Connor's reply to Marcin. "Where is this?" Marcin asked. "An island in the far north off Norway" James replied, "They call it land of the midnight sun". Marcin looked at him "Is this the place of perpetual daylight?" he asked and James nodded. "We talk to Gregor tonight. The prophecy is coming true, he is chasing daylight" Marcin said. James looked at him "Is this dangerous to our master and us?" he asked. Marcin nodded "We must stop it and get the pure blood here" he replied looking worried. That evening Gregor and Finlay sat at the dining table listening to Marcin and James. After a lengthy discussion and explanation to Gregor what the machine was that James held in his hand it was Finlay who suggested James took a selfie with Marcin and send it to Connor. Gregor laughed and agreed knowing it would be enough to freak the pure blood out and bring him here. Yet he was completely intrigued how this small machine James held meant he could communicate with the pure blood in voice, writing and picture. Gregor appeared quite relaxed knowing that James had the means to get Connor here, he even showed Gregor that he could pin point Connor's location despite being so far away. Christian rolled over falling in to Connor's arms. The last few days their bond had grown stronger and Christian was just Christian, back to his normal nerd guy self that Connor had secretly fallen in love with. Connor kissed him lovingly and pushed a finger up his bum telling him it was time to get up. Christian moaned and groaned watching Connor go in to the bathroom and shower. When they walked downstairs they saw Ivan going through his phone as Maksim, Maria, Evan and Tomas sat there watching him. "What is going on?" Connor asked grabbing some cups for Christian and himself. Ivan looked up "Two young men have gone missing close to Chalfont Fortis" he said. Connor sat down "Kovalek?" he asked and Evan looked at him and nodded. "Disappeared with no trace, phones are dead" Ivan said putting his phone down. Evan sat back in his chair "This is how it starts, people disappear in to thin air" he said. "We need to go there and face up to him" Maksim said as Maria looked anxiously at him. Christian looked around the table "This is not good is it?" he asked. All eyes went to Connor "It is time to formulate a plan to bring his downfall" Evan now said. The morning suddenly took on a more serious note and with Joshua and Benedict coming down later as they still had the effects of jetlag. The bodies around the table were talking throwing ideas. Maksim opened a small briefcase and took out a solid silver dagger that was adorned with the Berkhoff family coat of arms. They all noticed one other item that was like parchment but very old and tattered around the edges. "Is that it?" Christian asked, "The way to destroy Kovalek?". Maksim nodded "It is one way, but you have to be so close to be able to get it deep into his heart". "I could do that" Christian replied looking at him, "I can probably get close to him". "No!" Evan said putting his hand up, "If you are still under any control we will lose you". Christian huffed and sat back in his chair letting them talk on and on. So busy in their planning that he got up and walked outside feeling a warmer breeze today. Benedict watched him then stood up and walked out after him. "You can't solve all the problems and be a hero you know" Benedict said catching him up. "I wasn't after being made a saint or anything" Christian replied, "I want to do my part". "I know you do" Benedict said putting his arm around him, "You staying safe for Connor is best". Christian looked at him "I won't sit by and do nothing" he said, "I have been under his control". Benedict nodded "That is what worries everyone Christian. You are vulnerable to his control". Christian stared at him then nodded slowly "I still want to help destroy him" he stated. "Let the Berkhoff's deal with him" Benedict said then laughed trying to misdirect Christian. "What do you mean?" Christian asked picking up on his comment. "Sorry Christian" Benedict said holding his hand, "Please forget I said that. Please". Christian stood there defiantly "I promise I will tell you before anything happens" Benedict said. "Okay" Christian finally replied, "I don't want to lose Connor or his brothers though". Benedict nodded "Christian. You of all people know how dangerous he is" he said looking at him. "When this is over what will happen to us all?" Christian asked then paused, "That is if...". Benedict stopped him "Only think of the positive Christian" he assured him. "Will you go back to Argentina?" Christian asked, "Will we ever see you again?". "My home is there so yes" Benedict replied truthfully, "This though has complicated matters". "You mean meeting your real family?" Christian asked and he nodded. Benedict turned and hugged him "We will see each other that is for sure" he confirmed. Christian smiled giving Benedict a hug and they walked back inside the house where everyone around the table was still in conversation. They took their seats at the table when Connor's phone went off and picked it up and looked at message from James, he shouted no and stood up with the colour draining from his face.
Part 9 - The Pure Blood The truck pulled up outside the safe house after the short journey from the village. Inside was Maksim and Maria along with Joshua and Benedict who had flown in that morning. Plane tickets had arrived in Buenos Aires and Adelaide with specific instructions and references to the book they had been left with prior to their adoptions. Joshua’s adopted name of Adam Calder had lived a pretty perfect life in Australia and was the eldest son and brother to Connor. His adopted parents were known to his maternal mother through friends and the book had been kept under lock and key until Joshua was 16 years old, from then on he was told about his maternal family and that one day a time would come when he would be called upon when everything would become clear. Joshua had no hesitation since the intrigue around his ancestry had lots of holes that needed filling in. At 21 years old he was a stunning young man with a slender athletic build standing at five feet ten inches, the ancestral trade marks of black hair and blue eyes along with soft facial features closely resembled Connor. Working with his adopted father in the family construction company kept him physically fit along with his love of swimming of running. Benedict on the other hand was still somewhat in the dark to where he came from, he knew that the priest sanctioned his adoption and christened him with the name Rafael Fuente. He was the youngest brother to Joshua and Connor at 19 and carried the same Berkhoff black hair and blue eyes. Standing an impressive six feet with a muscular build and sporadic tattoos down his left arm. His facial features more chiselled but without a doubt he was a Berkhoff through and through. Despite his build he was a gentle and very loving young man who doted on his parents and never liked to be far away from them. It was through the knowledge of his adoption that he developed insecurity if he was away from his parents. All he knew was that he had been left in the church under the care of a priest who knew of the prophecy, until the priest found the right couple to adopt Benedict. Growing up he knew of the book and about some of the significance but was unaware it related to his real family. He was bewildered when the priest arrived with the ticket telling him he must go and recited part of the prophecy to him. Benedict had turned out to be quite the adventurer yet he only ventured around South America and never more than a week without seeing his parents and the comfort of home. His adopted parents had money and lived in a large sprawling mansion that overlooked the city where he was fortunate to have such a good upbringing and never went without anything, he knew early on that he was different since he looks were nothing like his parents. Joshua and Benedict first clapped eyes on each other in London when boarding the flight to Oslo, then again when they boarded the flight to Svalbard. The brothers looked at each during the flight unable to believe that they looked like each other in their hair, eyes and facial features. Benedict taller and muscular whereas Joshua was slightly shorter and slender. Joshua was itching to say something as the coincidence of them both on the same two flights was certainly not by chance, yet he had no idea how to even start such a conversation. Joshua was constantly looking two rows ahead of him where Benedict sat for the entire flight to Svalbard. It was an emotional reunion at the airport filled with sceptical looks of curiosity between them all. When they arrived Joshua had watched Benedict who looked a little lost when he stood in the small arrival hall. But then Joshua spotted the tall man who looked like him and realised who he was straight away, he then looked over at the young lad, it dawned on him that he must be his brother and he became very emotional and wondered if he knew. When he turned to look the young lad was already making his way toward to the tall man so Joshua did the same. The strangers all stood there looking at each other with Maksim shaking his head in disbelief at how the Berkhoff traits made the three of them stand out. Benedict was still a little cautious and nervous then when he saw Maria put her hand on the tall man’s shoulder he instantly knew in his heart that she was his maternal mother. Maksim suggested they go to the small café, there he began trying to explain about them and why for their safety they were adopted in different parts of the world. After spending an hour filling their sons in with everything that was going on, they were surprised how they both accepted they were of Berkhoff ancestry having been the same books as Connor. It was Joshua who told them that he would be summoned to his real family when the prophecy began to fulfil. As soon as Benedict heard Joshua talk about the prophecy he relaxed and understood more. They stepped out of the truck "Is he here?" Joshua asked looking at his parents. "Yes" Maksim replied, "He goes by the name Connor but his birth name is Maksim". Benedict looked over at Joshua "This could get very confusing" he said in his Spanish accent. Maria walked round to them "He does not know you are both here, so it might be awkward" she said. "Well what is one more awkward meeting today" Joshua replied, "I am just happy you summoned us". Benedict nodded "Strange that I always wondered why the priest took such an interest in me" he remarked. Connor noticed the truck parked up and the four people standing by it having a conversation, two of them he knew. Then it suddenly dawned on him that the two young lads who now looked at the house were his brothers, their jet black hair and clearly visible blue eyes. Connor quickly wiped his eyes overcome with emotion, he ran through the house bursting out of the door and standing there looking at them unsure what to do now. Maksim smiled and walked towards Connor where they hugged. "Connor meet your eldest brother Joshua and your younger brother Benedict" Maksim said. Connor nodded "I knew it when I saw them they were my brothers" he replied. Benedict rushed over hugging him hard "So you are the middle one of us three" he said. Joshua waited then hugged him "You drew the short straw then" he said in Australian twang. Maria smiled "Their adopted names are Adam and Rafael" she informed Connor. Connor nodded wiping his eyes "Well mine is Maksim but I am only use to Connor" he said. They stood outside chatting for several more minutes until Christian appeared along the dirt track with Tomas, returning from their daily walk and sanity check. Christian may have had a thing for Connor but when he saw Benedict and his muscular build he just couldn't stop flirting with the improved version of Connor. Evan and Maria prepared dinner whilst Maksim watched Christian who appeared half in and half out of what was going on, like he was scared or uncomfortable to even hear the name Kovalek mentioned. The two brothers were all ear wanting to hear all about this Kovalek and the entire prophecy. Christian felt trapped and unable to breathe as the memories flashed back, he could see those eyes and he stood up suddenly trying to remain calm and stepping outside. He wandered over to the bench away from the house trying to clear his head. Maksim saw the panic in his eyes as he left and followed him to find out what this young man was really all about. He saw Christian sat hunched over with his head in his hands. "Mind if I sit and join you?" Maksim asked taking Christian by surprise and he shook his head. Maksim sat down next to him "What burdens you Christian, what comes to you?" he asked. Christian slowly rubbed his hands down his face "Do you know what happened in England?" he asked. "A little" Maksim replied putting a hand on his knee, "I assume it was to do with him" he suggested. Christian nodded "I can not stop him" he said in a soft worried tone, "He knows I am weak". "No one is weak" Maksim responded, "Kovalek is a powerful dark force that knows no bounds". "He is in my head, my body. He owns me and I find myself going to him" Christian said sadly. Maksim looked at him "Then you must learn to fight off his power over you Christian" he replied. Christian shook his head "Is there a dummy’s guide to do that?" he asked glancing at Maksim. "If only it was that easy" Maksim replied, "You must find strength in your heart’s desire". Christian sat up "Where would I find my heart’s desire or even know that?" he questioned. Maksim smiled "You know where it lies, but you have to stop pretending it doesn't exist". "Now you are sounding like Evan and his mother" Christian said in an awkward tone. Maksim stood "Whatever the outcome love is one powerful force that can give you strength". Christian looked up at him "What if he doesn't desire me?" he asked quickly. "Connor is the one" Maksim said, "You are both blind to what is really between you". Christian stood up "I am in love with your son, hell knows why" he said sounding a little angry. "Then here is where you must be open with each other, before the first sunset" Maksim informed him. Christian nodded "That is what Grazie said. In the land of perpetual daylight your heart’s desire". Maksim chuckled "The Borsch family have a long history of having the gift of seeing". "Can I ask" Christian said pausing, "When you left Connor, did you really believe all this?". "Yes" Maksim replied, "When this is over I will share with you what the world does not know". "Dinner is ready!" Connor shouted appearing at the door. Maksim called on "On our way" then he turned to Christian, "Confess to him now" he said. Christian looked over at Connor who was watching them with his head slightly cocked to one side. Maksim walked away then turned to Christian telling him to do it right here, right now. He walked towards Connor getting closer and telling him to go talk to Christian. But the moment was lost as Christian breezed past them heading inside. All through dinner Connor kept glancing over to Christian who was more interested in chatting to Benedict and admiring his muscular build. As straight as Benedict was he clearly enjoyed the attention Christian was giving him. Joshua was talking to his brother and even he could sense Connor was distracted by Christian and only half in the conversation. With dinner over Benedict and Christian offered to clean up whilst the others went and sat in the lounge. Benedict handed him a plate to wipe "You know I am straight right?" he said. "Yes" Christian replied, "But you don't seem to mind me playing up to you" he said smiling. Benedict laughed "Quite like it. Giving my ego a nice boost" he responded handing him another plate. "What is Argentina like?" Christian asked drying the plate, "And did you always know?". Benedict stopped and looked at him "Why so many questions?" he asked. Christian shrugged looking apprehensive "I thought I could cope with this, now I am not sure". Benedict smiled “Argentina is lovely, like England” he said, “But I did not know fully about this”. Christian fiddled with the cloth in his hands "I met him you know" he said nervously. "I know" Benedict replied, "Tell me what it felt like when he err..." he started asking. "Bit me?" Christian finished for him, "I don't know Benedict, I was under his control" he replied. Benedict nodded "I can't pretend to understand what it was like" he responded. "I felt a sharp piercing in my neck then I got strangely aroused..." Christian said tailing off. He could see Christian thinking "You want a Benedict hug?" Benedict asked holding his arms open. Christian turned to him with his eyes full of tears nodding shyly. Benedict stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Christian hugging him tightly as Christian began sobbing on his shoulder. He tried to contain himself but Benedict had provided something Christian so desperately needed, literally a shoulder to cry on allowing him to release the stress that had been building since Chalfont Fortis. He may not understand what Christian had been through yet he had already grown fond of Christian, offering him this support was the least he could do. The stayed locked in their hug for quite a long time with Benedict comforting and telling him he would be here for him whenever he needed someone to talk to or just wanted a hug. Benedict looked up as Connor walked in looking at them "Hermano, brother" Benedict said. Christian let go of him wiping his eyes "Christian. Are you alright?" Connor asked softly. "Yes" Christian replied as Benedict kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you" he said. Benedict smiled hugging him again "I meant what I said" he said quietly to him. He walked up to Connor and smiled "My brother" he said running his hand down Connor's cheek. Connor chuckled "You are one suave young man" he said hugging him. Benedict laughed "I will leave you both to talk" he said winking to Connor and walking off. Silently Connor took Christian by the hand and walked outside towards the bench that overlooked the village. It had become apparent that everyone could see that Christian and he were meant to be together. Connor had grown tired of fighting it and coming up with excuses of using Kovalek as the reason, even when his father Maksim had told him that they were going to destroy each other if they don't talk he made up an excuse that Maksim waved off. They glanced awkwardly at each other "Your brothers are nice" Christian said. Connor smiled and shrugged "Hardly know them yet but they seem so" he replied stopping. "Why didn't you tell me?" Christian asked before realising Connor owed him no explanation. "I never knew they existed until the other day" Connor responded, "When I met my real parents". Christian nodded his head in an understanding way "So what happens now you know?" he asked. "Nothing" Connor replied looking at him, "My parents live in Chalfont Fortis". "I see" Christian said looking curiously at him, "But they are family, will you not see them?". Connor looked at the little town in silence for a moment "Probably" he said softly then shrugged. Christian shook his head bewilderingly "I don't get you at times" he said. "Our lives are all over the place right now Christian" Connor said putting an arm on his shoulder. Connor felt a jolt in his body and images flashed through his head of himself and Christian looking older and standing outside the Casa Rosa in Buenos Aires briefly, then another image as they looked out across Darling Harbour in Sydney. Christian turning to him smiling with a look of love in his eyes, Connor's heart filling with emotion before it all went black and he found himself watching the aircraft coming in to land. He was confused and unsure what had just happened, whatever it was it lasted only seconds and he lifted his hand off Christian's shoulder. Christian was resting his head on Connor's shoulder and again he felt his heart filling with emotions. Connor kissed him on the head "My little nerd" he said softly. Christian stayed resting on his shoulder "I am in love with you Connor" he said softly. Connor held him tighter "I know" he replied softly, "I am scared for us. I love you as well". Christian lifted his head and they kissed softly "My true heart’s desire" Connor said. "The prophecy" Christian remarked looking in to his eyes as Connor nodded. "However this plays out I want you know that I will always love you" Connor said kissing him again. Christian nodded but there was sadness in his eyes "I will protect you Christian" he said. They hugged "He is strong Connor, I feel different all the time now" Christian said worryingly. "Sleep with me tonight?" Connor asked stroking his head. Christian nodded "I would like that Connor" he replied. "One thing thought" Connor said looking at him, "Stop eyeing Benedict up!" he remarked smiling. Christian laughed "I can't, he is a like a hybrid model of you" he replied grinning. Taking his hand the two of them walked for over an hour mostly in silence that was occasionally interrupted by with a brief conversation. The reality was that Connor was just happy to have Christian back, his head and heart knew this was right and weirdly he felt they were destined to be together. It was not just some casual pick up that happened that day in the library. Arriving back to the safe house they walked up the stairs and in to Connor's bedroom. Christian smiled undressing before disappearing in to the bathroom taking a shower. Connor chuckled and began undressing waiting for his nerd to return. Christian walked in to the bedroom drying his hair and watching Connor slip off the bed walking toward him. Before Christian could say anything Connor spun him around and began kissing him, he stroked Christian's face then picked him up. They kissed as he carried him over to the bed. Christian's legs were wrapped around Connor's waist and without knowing it he was making little sounds of delight, everything about it felt so different. An exquisite strong emotional and loving bond was forming between their bodies with every second that passed. Holding him in his arms they reached the bed and Connor climbed up and laid him down. The kissing began to take a more sensual and erotic intensity. Christian's hands caressed every inch of the body above him, his cock was wanting to burst showering his love for Connor. He tried to gain some composure but his attempt was futile. Connor's cock leaking pre-cum like a dripping tap and nudging at the hole that waited for their love making to commence. Their eyes both wide open looking at each other as they kissed, yearning and desire was evident in the depth of their gaze. Christian softly moaned and his back gently arched every time he felt Connor's cock nudging that little more. His hole twitched as the pre-cum smeared around it. Christian moaned and winced slightly as he felt a weird burning and tingling sensation around his hole. Unknown to them Connor's blood of purity had become even more potent in purity, when Kovalek bit Connor it triggered the dormant cells in his blood to activate. His blood coursing through his veins had now become powerful with destructive cleansing properties. The discomfort Christian felt lasted a few seconds before he was lost staring up at Connor. Gradually the pressure from the cock against his hole increased, opening him up, his lust and love relinquished any resistance as his lover penetrated his body deep. Christian kissed him with more passion than ever as Connor teased his hole with slow tender thrusts. Holding Christian tightly in his arms whilst his legs moved all around Connor's waist caressing him and driving him to thrust deeper and quicker. Christian closed his eyes as again he felt the weird burning in his body and putting it down to his love for Connor. Their bodies locked together silently, his hips moving in quick undulations, their love making intensified holding each other even tighter, desperate to be closer to each other. Connor could not hold back any longer he had to have him, he gyrated his hips several times feeling his balls beginning to tingle. Christian moaned as a complete happiness took over his body with every thrust and movement from his lover. Connor raised his head a few inches away before whispering the words my love, he let out a loud moan and his cock swelled and pulsed. Christian knew they were about to seal their love for each other and he pulled Connor down desperate to kiss him but accidentally biting his lip drawing a little blood that got on his tongue and lips. Connor cried out as his hips pushed up hard against Christian forcing his cock as deep as he could get hitting his spot. Christian cried out his love and Connor growled feeling his semen pulsating up his shaft and entering Christian's body with love. He tightened his legs around Connor as he simultaneously began shooting from his cock between their stomachs. Panting and kissing as they both rode out their orgasms until Connor felt a strange warmth rising from Christian's body. Christian swallowed then coughed several times tasting blood and pushing Connor away from his mouth. He then became aware of an excruciating burning pain that flooded his body quickly. Connor quickly but carefully extracted his cock sitting back on his knees looking worried at Christian's behaviour and calling out his name. He felt the burning yet his whole body had suddenly become numb and incapable of moving. Connor calling out his name over and over trying to illicit a response from him. He could hear Connor's voice like it was calling from a long way off but he could not answer or look at him, his mouth was open and his body was burning in intense pain that he could not really feel. Connor jumped up off the bed panicking and ran naked down the hall bursting in to Evan and Ivan's room who both sat up looking shocked at the sudden intrusion. "Christian!" Connor said in a shouted whisper, "Something wrong" he added in a tone full of panic. Evan jumped out of bed putting on his shorts "What happened?" he asked. "I don't know. We had sex then he went all weird" Connor said rushing out of the room again. Evan followed Connor back to his room and went over to Christian feeling the heat radiating up from him, his body was red like sunburn. His blue eyes suddenly began growing darker then returning to their blue colour. Ivan came in closing the door and walking over putting a hand on Connor's shoulder. Again his eyes turned darker until they were black, his body began convulsing on the bed for several seconds then stopped. His eyes turned brown then black again. The three of them looked at each other completely bewildered with no clue what to do. Evan noticed that Christian's feet began turning back to a normal colour and pointed it out, gradually his legs and body began returning to a normal colour. Christian gasped taking a deep breath then breathed out, a black vapour rose from his mouth disappearing in to the air. His eyes began turning blue with each breath as more black vapour was released. None of them heard the door opening behind them as Maksim stood there watching the panicked look on all their faces. Christian's fingers twitched and his eyes closed as his breathing returned to normal. "Did Kovalek bite you Connor?" Maksim asked making the three of them jump. "Jesus you made us jump" Connor responded standing up straight, "Yes he did, but no blood". Maksim nodded slowly "Did you and Christian just err... You know?" he now asked awkwardly. "Yes we had sex" Connor replied then looked at Christian, "Was it because of that this happened?". Maksim walked inside the room "He was marked by Kovalek but your purity has now grown stronger" he told them. "What do you mean?" Evan asked looking at Maksim. "Kovalek's mistake was to bite Connor, he strengthened the purity of Connor's blood" Maksim replied. Christian suddenly sat up "What the hell are all you doing in here?" he asked looking around. Connor went over to him "We was worried about you?" he replied sitting on the bed. Connor looked at his neck "Your bite mark has gone" he remarked as Evan came over to look. "What bite mark?" Christian asked looking confused. Maksim walked over to Christian "What happened to you in England?" he asked. Christian looked at him "Went to see my parents with Tomas then came here" he replied. Maksim looked at Connor and Evan "You don't remember Kovalek biting you?" Evan asked. Christian laughed "I think I would remember if he did" he said looking astonished, "Wouldn't I?". Tomas now arrived at the door "Are you alright Christian?" he asked. Christian nodded "I was with you, we saw Connor's parents then..." he said rubbing his neck. "You remember?" Maksim asked walking over to him. "I can see bits but no. I can't remember it all" Christian replied. "The purity of Connor's blood has rid you of Kovalek and some memories" Maksim replied. Connor looked at Maksim "Does that mean he is no longer marked?" he asked. "I can't say for certain, only time will tell" Maksim responded, "There is also the chance that..." he was stopped by Evan. "Best not to say any more" Evan said holding Maksim's arm, "He might get some crazy idea" he add and Maksim nodded. "Well I feel normal, like myself" Christian said, "Before I was not me". "I think we should leave them alone to rest" Maksim said moving towards the door. Tomas held back "So I take it you two have worked it out?" he asked. Connor smiled knowing Christian was fine "Yes. I realised vampire or no vampire I love him". Tomas walked over kissing him on the cheek "I am happy for you both" he said smiling at them. "Hey!" Christian called to him, "Thank you Tomas. You are a great friend to me now you need to win Jacob". The evening had turned out to be one of the strangest things they had seen since coming face to face with Kovalek. New things were coming to light that no one could have predicated or foreseen and they were again going in to unchartered territory with no real explanation or indication of what was to play out. Tomas blushed a little as he turned walking out of the room and closing the door. He couldn't deny that he had feelings for Christian and also Jacob, but it was Christian who inside only had eyes for Connor. Tomas headed back to his room and on the way he peered out of the window noticing Jacob sitting outside on the bench near the edge of the hill top. He smiled remembering Christian's words and decided to go out and see what was troubling Jacob at this time of night and win him, after all he was the one Tomas had a desperate crush on. "Beautiful view from here" Tomas said reverting to his native Romanian language. Jacob smiled without looking at him "Strange how it is night but not dark" he replied. "May I sit with you?" Tomas asked and Jacob looked up at him and nodded. Jacob resumed looking at the view "So much is going on. How is Christian?" he asked. Tomas sat beside him "I think he is alright. He just needs to sort out things with Connor". Jacob nodded "Do you love him?" he now asked glancing at Tomas. "In way I do. But nothing would ever happen" Tomas replied then paused, "And Connor?" he asked. Jacob shrugged "He is nice but so English" he replied causing Tomas to laugh. "I like you Jacob and I want to get to know you more" Tomas said looking at him. Jacob turned on the seat to face him "Really?" he asked, "I mean I would like that". Tomas smiled and leaned forward kissing him softly on the lips several times. Jacob sighed softly with his eyes half closed and a light smile drawn across his mouth, it was like he had tasted something so delicious. Tomas stared at him for a moment then he kissed him hard on the mouth, their hands began fumbling over each other in a desperate move to touch. Tomas leaned back and nodded towards the house. They both stood and walked side by side inside and up to Tomas's bedroom, he closed the door to find Jacob already undressing and he did the same. Clothes strewn across the floor they stood naked madly kissing, Jacob now pinned against the wall feeling Tomas's body. His hands roamed down touching and caressing Jacob's ass, suddenly his body rose off the ground with ease. Jacob flung his legs around Tomas's hips, seamlessly carrying him over and climbing onto the bed he laid Jacob down on his back. He spat in to his hand and rubbed it against Jacob's exposed arse pushing one finger in to his hole, Jacob winced then softly closed his eyes moaning from how good it felt. Jacob moaned again feeling a second finger probing his hole and pushing in deep, his legs pinned up around Tomas's waist. Spitting into his hand Tomas rubbed it on his cock and leaned forward kissing Jacob again whilst his hand guided his cock up against the his hole rubbing it over several times. Jacob wriggled feeling the immense force against his hole as Tomas pushed prising his arse open, Tomas stared down in to eyes as he entered up to his balls, the body arching up off the bed the deeper he took Jacob. Slipping an arm around the back of Jacob's neck to hold him he pushed and simultaneously kissed Jacob hard. His mouth absorbed the guttural cries of Jacob. His hands pushing against Tomas's shoulders but they stayed firmly in place over him. Jacob relaxed and slowly his hands moved around the back of Tomas's neck holding him close, his body completely accepting that his arse was now distended around the shaft of Tomas's cock. They looked at each other and Jacob lifted his head kissing Tomas then pushing his tongue in his mouth that strangely seemed to be turning Tomas on even more. Jacob like to bottom a lot and was under no illusion that Tomas was in control of him, the gentle but firm thrusts generating from his hips down to his cock ensuring he knew his place. A trickle of saliva dribbled out the corner of his mouth and down his neck, his body pushing up the bed then back feeling every inch of Tomas inside him. Gently he increased the speed his hips worked against Jacob's arse, stopping occasionally holding his cock deep inside to give Jacob that taste of alluring pleasure. The move made Jacob wriggle almost on the verge of squirming in delight. As soon as he felt Jacob relax the fucking started again with renewed vigour and intensity. Jacob responding as if he was in tune with Tomas was enough for him to hold Jacob more tightly, breaking the kiss he looked down seductively at Jacob with his hips undulating in exaggerated movements. Jacob moaned softly licking his lips then smiling so bewitchingly up at Tomas that he melted his heart. Tomas pulled his cock out releasing his hold on Jacob who now looked up at him in desperation. His body suddenly flung on to his stomach. Jacob giggled nervously and lifted his head looking at the headboard and feeling the weight of Tomas easing over his body. He opened his eyes wide feeling his hole opening again as Tomas penetrated in one smooth gliding movement, his head dropped down in to the pillow to stifle his moan. The dead weight of him now firmly pinning him to the bed, his feet pushing their way under his ankles to hook his legs apart effectively immobilising his lower half. Jacob felt the warmth from his breath on his neck and lifted his head turning it to meet Tomas's lips where they kissed passionately. Losing all control of his body movements Jacob felt in pure sexual heaven from Tomas's domination of him. He gave several deep slow thrusts of his cock, Jacob now figured that Tomas's liked it when he wriggled and pretended to fight him off so he now began playing along. The more his body wriggled the deeper and harder Tomas fucked him. It wasn't long before Jacob began wriggling even more fighting against Tomas holding him down, between these bouts they kissed frantically as their desire for each other surfaced and grew stronger. Jacob began pushing his arse up to meet with Tomas's fucking and taking him as deep as he could go. Unable to stop himself the thrusting got faster, the sound of his balls hitting rapidly against Jacob's arse and his erotic moans and mumbling filled the air. Balls tightening Tomas growled and grunted like an animal, the sweat dripping on to Jacob underneath him. Pushing deep one last time Tomas moaned and tensed his body forcing his cock deep up to his balls inside Jacob. His cum firing on all cylinders out of his cock and in to Jacob, his arse muscles clenching tight to dig his cock in deeper as Jacob pushed his arse up again. Every contraction caused his body to tense up harder until he collapsed on top of Jacob grinding his cock away. Tomas slowly pulled his cock out and Jacob rolled on to his back with his cock hard as a rock, his hand going straight to it as he rubbed away quickly. Tomas moved up and pushed his cock in to his mouth. He could taste the cum on Tomas's cock and eagerly devoured it. Knowing his ass was full of Tomas's cum and tasting it on his cock Jacob pushed his hips up and began ejaculating a long ribbons of cum over his chest. Tomas wiped his forehead with his arm then pulled his cock out Jacob's mouth, he knelt forward and kissed him softly. Slowly working his way down Jacob's body licking up the cum he moved back to his mouth giving him a cummy kiss. Tomas laid down on the bed and pulled Jacob close in his arms where they both drifted off to sleep. Earlier that day and far south in the quaint English village of Chalfont Fortis a whole different series of events slowly began to take shape. It started off innocently enough as James walked along the country lane then stopped standing at the gates to the Chalfont Weir estate. Marcin was talking to the builders then walked down the driveway waving and smiling at James who had shown up dead on time. He did like punctuality and was excited to see him, the curiosity of the English to see inside the mansion was what Marcin knew would bring him back.
Part 8 - The Chalfont Weir Estate The plane began the final descent in to Svalbard and Christian took hold of Tomas's hand like a scared child that was thankful of him being there. Even from the airport terminal as Ivan watched them disembarking the plane he could tell something was not right. Aside from them returning a day earlier than expected he saw that Christian looked terrified trying to hold it together. Christian walked out behind Tomas who Ivan kissed on the cheek. Ivan took it by the look he got from Tomas not to ask any questions for the moment. The short drive up to the safe house was very quiet and Ivan noticed that Christian was keeping his jumper up around his neck, it was enough for him to guess that they had come across Kovalek. As soon as the car stopped outside the house Christian jumped out and ran inside up to his bedroom. "Out with it" Ivan said getting out of the car, "What happened?" he asked. Tomas shut the door and looked at him "Kovalek is in England, in Connor's village" he replied. "He knows then" Ivan said shaking his head, "He must have read it from Connor that night". "Read what?" Connor asked walking up to them from his afternoon walk and looking at them both. Ivan looked at Tomas then at Connor "He has moved to your village in England" he said. "My parents!" Connor suddenly exclaimed panicking at the news. "They are fine Connor" Tomas assured him, "Although your father has seen him". Ivan walked around to Tomas "Where is your crucifix?" he asked fearing what he was about to say. Tomas lowered his eyes "We need to discuss with Evan here, things are moving way too quickly" he said. "Did Christian come back with you?" Connor asked looking around. "Yes, he has already gone inside" Tomas said avoiding eye contact. Connor nodded looking up at the rooms "I feel like we are drifting apart" he said softly. "You were never together" Ivan said looking at him, "That is the problem with you both". Tomas remained quiet and Connor walked over to him "Have you and he you know?" he asked. "Yes" Tomas replied, "I am not going to lie to you Connor, we have had sex several times". Connor looked Tomas up and down "Now I am really jealous that Christian bedded you". Tomas grabbed hold of Connor's arm "Don't be, he has only you in his heart" he said quietly. Connor laughed at the stupid remark "I am a little taken with Jacob" he replied. Ivan scoffed and they both looked at him "What?" he asked, "God can't you see Jacob fancies Tomas". For a moment they all laughed enjoying a happy moment that rarely seemed to happen now. They agreed to meet up before dinner to discuss everything that went on during their trip to England. James ran across the fields heading back towards the village after his run in the countryside, his route taking around what was crumbling wall to the north of the estate. The repaired walls catching his attention as he began turning to run along the east side, his eyes glimpsing a fit young man walking along inspecting the east wall. He looked up and made eye contact with James who promptly tripped tumbling over. Marcin came running to his rescue. "Are you alright?" Marcin asked helping him to his feet. James nodded "I think so" he replied standing up, "Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going". "Did I surprise you being here?" Marcin asked and James nodded. "Have you just moved in to the estate?" James asked brushing the dirt off him. "Well the owner has" Marcin replied smiling at him, "I am Marcin the estate manager". "Nice to meet you Marcin. I am James, from the village" James replied shaking his hand. Marcin noticed the blood on his knee "Come to the house and let me patch your knee up". James looked down "It is only a graze" he replied smiling, "You doing a lot of work?" he asked. "Yes" Marcin nodded, "Boundary walls first then the inside, it needs updating badly" he replied. "All my life I have lived here and never once been inside the gates" James remarked casually. "He was a very private man" Marcin said walking with James down to the country lane. James laughed softly "That he was. Friendly mind you, always chatted to Connor and I in the stream". "Connor?" Marcin questioned as an off the cuff remark, "Your brother?". "No. We grew up together, best friends so... Yeah he is sort of like a brother" James replied. Marcin nodded "Ah friendship, one of life’s most valuable things to have and cherish" he said. James smiled "Yeah, Connor is my closest friend" he said, "Just wish he was here now". Marcin played it cool "Did he move away then?" he asked. "No, he is travelling, went to Romania for research..." James said before stopping. He had suddenly remembered the words from this Tomas bloke who was with Christian, that he should not divulge anything about Connor to anyone who shows interest. Marcin was quick enough to pick up on his blatant hesitancy and changed the subject to avoid arousing any further suspicion. "It is the most charming little village here" Marcin now said. "Have you met many of the villagers yet?" James asked. "No, unfortunately only the builders" Marcin replied, "Still unpacking boxes, going to take me days". James stopped and looked through the gates and house "You know he died rather mysteriously". "Is that so?" Marcin responded hiding his grin, "Is any death really normal though?" he asked. "Never looked at it that way I guess" James replied still staring at the estate house. "If you are free tomorrow help me with unpacking boxes" Marcin said laughing, "I will give you a tour". James smiled looking at him "Really?" he exclaimed, "I would get a tour of the estate house?". Marcin nodded "Well I need to start getting to know people and you would be a good place to start". James laughed and shook his hand "Okay yes, I have nothing on tomorrow without Connor here" he replied. "Excellent, you may even get to meet the owner if he arrives, you will like him" Marcin told him. James checked his knee one last time and jogged along the lane down to the bridge crossing the stream by the church. His new friend invited him to the estate at 2pm, he was pretty excited since he was going to be the first person apart from the doctor to ever go inside the estate house. Marcin smiled and got the black limousine out of the garage and gave it another polish. He would be driving Gregor out to a larger town later that evening to source a victim. Evan looked at Ivan and Tomas, he was unsure if Jacob should be involved in their conversation. Tomas arguing that he might as well be since they were all in this together now. Evan wanted to get to the point and find out what actually happened so relented and they walked back inside where Connor and Jacob were sat chatting on the sofa. Evan looked at Tomas and nodded for him to go and get Christian from his room. "What is going on?" Connor asked looking at them. "Come and sit at the table the six of us need to talk" Evan said as Christian finally appeared. Evan walked over to him and held his hand "Are you alright Christian?" he asked quietly. Christian nodded "Yes, I feel really embarrassed about the whole thing though" he said nervously. Evan looked him in the eye "Don't be. It is what we are dealing with, albeit unexpectantly" he said. Christian sat around the table opposite Connor who was staring at him and his constant pulling up of his sweater to hide the marks on his neck. Tomas began talking about the trip seeing Christian's parents then going to Chalfont Fortis and meeting Connor's parents and James at the funeral of Gerald Smythe. So far nothing out of the ordinary until it was explained about the old man's demise and estate being left to an unknown person. Right up until the point where they went to bed but leaving out the raunchy stuff. "So my parents are okay?" Connor asked and Tomas nodded, "What about James?" he now asked. "Well I got the impression he was less convinced around the whole thing" Tomas replied. Connor nodded slowly "I will call him tomorrow, make sure he understands" he said. "Good" Evan said then looking at Christian, "Are you ready to tell us what happened?" he asked. Christian had a worried anxious look on his face and nodded "You want it all?" he responded. Evan nodded "We need to understand Christian. Close your eyes, breathe deeply then start". Christian nodded and sat up glancing at Connor briefly before closing his eyes and breathing deep, with his eyes closed he could strangely see blood in his vision pumping around veins with incredible speed. Slowly be began to "I was in bed asleep with Tomas next to me. I woke as my body began itching, it began driving me mad and I got out of bed walking over to the window. I felt someone or something was close. I remember looking along the road outside the coach house, my body itched furiously and I saw him standing in the road staring up at me. The icy blues eyes stared at me and I don't know what happened. I remember having no fear of him. My body felt amazing, made me feel good and that I was wanted, I had no fight or resistance even though I knew it was all wrong. I gasped then felt a whole new sensuality speeding through my body. I made him feel good and strong. He wants me to take his blood". His voiced trailed off and he opened his eyes with tears streaming down his cheeks and pulling his neck of his jumper down to reveal the bite marks. Everyone else was sat there looking at him quietly stunned except for Tomas who knew what had happened, and Connor who was looking down at the table with a feeling this was all his doing and responsibility. Christian had never felt this vulnerable as he did right now, it was hard to see that Connor couldn't even look at him right now. Christian wiped his eyes "He is in my body. He knows he owns me, and wants me". "How do you know this?" Connor asked finally looking up at him. "He was about to force Christian to drink his blood" Tomas replied. "So then he isn't a vampire yet?" Jacob asked looking around the table. "His blood is in Christian and Kovalek will seek him to complete the task" Evan told them. Christian looked at Evan "Takes Kovalek's blood" Tomas added looking at Evan, "He knows". Evan nodded "Unfortunately our encounter resulted in me losing my protection" Tomas told them. Connor looked down the table at Tomas "He attacked you?" he asked anxiously. "Yes" Tomas replied, "He cursed out my protection ingesting his blood". Christian couldn't take any more and he got to his feet running out of the house sobbing. Evan held out his hand to stop Tomas going after him whilst Connor sat there wiping his eyes. Evan walked outside and found Christian standing at the edge of the hill with his arms folded across his stomach. "Want to talk?" Evan asked, "Walk with me Christian" he said not waiting for him to answer. Christian followed him along the path getting distressed "Stop" he said standing still. Evan turned "When he comes near me I have no control over my actions" Christian said softly. "I fear he has marked you to join him" Evan said holding his hand, "He has never taken another". Christian looked curiously at him "What about that Marcin guy?" he asked. "He is cursed with eternal life to server but he is not a vampire like Kovalek is" Evan replied. "So why me then?" Christian asked seeking to uncover the truth. Evan squeezed his hand "I think your closeness to Connor has marked you out" he replied. Christian nodded "Getting me means he can get Connor to offer his blood?" he asked. "Yes" Evan said, "But it is James I am concerned about, if Kovalek knows he may go for you both". Christian stood there unable to speak any further and fear was clearly in his eyes. He held out his hand and Evan stepped forward taking it. They were silent for several minutes until he let go and instantly pulled Christian close hugging him hard. Evan had seen the whole episode through Christian's eyes, the face of Gregor looking down at him as he was fixed staring up in to his eyes yearning and opening himself for Gregor to take. It was worse than Evan feared, Christian was completely under Kovalek's control, he was embedded deep in his head that it only surfaced when they were close. Connor came walking up the path looking nervous, this afternoon had brought clarity to his head. He was scared of getting too involved since he had no idea how the future was going to really play out or if he would survive. Strange how nerd guy had suddenly become the only thing he really could think about and rely on, the subtle existence of a naughty sexy nerd had made such an impact that he now understood what heart’s desire was all about. The danger they were both facing was very real, but then who else could he talk to about this and not be judged as being mental and deranged. Evan turned and saw Connor approaching "Stay here and talk to Connor" he said hugging him. "Why?" Christian asked resting his head on his shoulder, "He couldn't even look at me inside". "Remember the prophecy, parts of it are fixed, you cannot change it" Evan said letting go. Christian watched as he walked away passing Connor "Christian" Connor said softly. He stopped a few meters away looking at him, they stood on the edge of the hill overlooking the tiny village, mountains and sea as a chilling breeze blew through them both. Connor walked up to Christian and took him in his arms, snow flurries began floating around them as they stood on the headland overlooking the the small town. "This is a right fine mess you have got me in" Christian said afraid to look at him. Connor nodded "I know now, you are what the prophecy spoke of. My one heart’s desire". Christian stared at him then shook his head "I am going to die Connor" he replied. He looked confusingly at Christian "What do you mean?" he asked. "My body knows Kovalek will take me. I will have no reflection" Christian replied. "Christian we will not let this happen" Connor expressed trying to assure him. Christian smiled "It is too late, he has won, my body is his" he said. "Do you love me?" Connor suddenly asked looking him in the eye. “There is no point for me loving anyone” Christian replied, “I cannot see any future with you”. "If you do why have never told me?" Connor asked. "Easier not to" Christian replied, "But you never showed any such affection to me". "It doesn't just grow over night" Connor responded, "But I see now that you and I...". "Stop!" Christian interrupted him, "This" he said pointing between them, "I can't deal with now". Christian turned abruptly and walked off leaving Connor standing there watching him hurry away. He was now unsure why Christian was scared to commit to his feelings. A sharp cold wind blew against his face that served as a reminder of Kovalek, he realised that Christian must be worried that if he really was to die and showed his affection, Connor would be left hurt and probably do the one thing he shouldn't to be with him. The black limousine pulled out of the Chalfont Weir estate, the blackened windows hiding the passenger in the rear seat. The only light from the headlights and moon that shone brightly as they drove to the nearest town. Slowly the limousine drove around until Marcin spotted a group of young lads going in an out of a club, they all looked in high spirits, laughing and joking, some holding hands. "Park round the corner" Gregor told Marcin who nodded, "I need to feed Marcin". "Of course master" Marcin replied turning off in to a back street and parking up. "Stay by the car with the door open" Gregor informed him and Marcin nodded. By the time he opened by the passenger door Gregor had already disappeared and he could smell his master passing by in a soft breeze that headed down to the corner of the road. In his current state entering the club was easy as he wafted past the doorman when the door was opened. Slipping in to a discreet hidden area the dark mist appeared and Gregor emerged in to the club. Fitting in as he was broadly their age and wearing black trousers and jumper. Walking around and smelling the air that was full of tainted blood, he was having to get close to each young man to detect the state of their blood. After a few minutes he began to pick up on guys who were drinking water from plastic bottles, he moved in focusing on those. Slowly and in no rush he was homing in on a group of three lads, standing there taking in the air he could sense clean blood in two of them. Gregor was not short of attention as guys would walk past him and smile indicating their interest in him. Finlay smiled at the handsome tall guy who looked immaculate and well kept, he couldn't stop looking at the weird colouring of his bright blue eyes in the dim light of the club. Gregor turned his head and looked at Finlay then smiled and turned away again, initiating the contact it was now just a waiting game to see if the young lad would take the bait. Finlay chuckled averting his eyes from the sexy man but Kirk, one of his friends standing by him noticed and looked over his shoulder at Gregor. His instant thought was the man looked arrogant and self-absorbed. Finlay was generally a timid guy standing only five feet seven inches, at 23 years old he was plain looking with a medium build, brown hair and eyes. He was very clean cut and friendly in nature. Kirk on the other hand was a complete opposite, he was 26 years old, five feet nine inches with a slim build, strawberry blond hair and brown eyes. Kirk was more streetwise and often getting in to fights and had a police record for aggravated assault, some would say he was entirely the opposite of what a gay man should be. At this time of night they generally drank water until the early hours when they would splash out paying for a beer or two before going home. Their other friend Eric had slipped off with another guy leaving the two of them alone. "You fancy shagging with him?" Kirk asked looking at Finlay. Finlay smiled and glanced over at the man "Wouldn't mind, he is very striking. His eyes, I mean wow". Kirk smirked "Looks a bit of a knob if you ask me" he said taking a gulp of water. Finlay laughed "So you wouldn't fancy a threesome with him then?" he asked. Kirk shrugged "If I get to fuck you I wouldn't mind" he replied glancing at him. "Might let you" Finlay said leaving it open. He was close enough to pick up on their conversation with his excellent hearing ability. Careful not to make too much eye contact he passed in front of them and smiled at Finlay before heading towards the private booths at the back of the club. They both watched him being approached by several men who he turned down. Finlay looked at Kirk who nodded "His clothes look like he has money" he said. "No Kirk!" Finlay said holding his arm, "No trouble please". "Listen if he has money then we see what we can get out of it" Kirk responded casually. Finlay rolled his eyes and followed Kirk who had started walking over to the private booths in a cocky manner. He looked at the young man and smirked nodding his head getting in to the booth as Finlay slowly followed on and stood pretending to be looking around. Gregor watch the cock guy sitting there tapping his water bottle and staring at him until he indicate for him to come and sit down. Gregor slid in to the booth sniffing silently and sensing the clean blood and smiling, the other guy then slid in sandwiching Gregor between them. Gregor sniffed in his direction and smiled, two in one night he thought. "What's your name?" Kirk asked. Gregor looked at him "Gregor" he replied in his velvet tone. "I'm Kirk and this is Finlay" Kirk responded, "So what do you want to do?" he asked straight up. Gregor sized him up for a second "Explain what you mean?" he replied slightly confused. Kirk smirked "You want a threesome with us?" he asked, "Sex with both of us?" he added. "I see" Gregor responded, "And what do I get in return?" he asked holding the trump card. Finlay chuckled "A night with us if you have a place to go" Kirk replied confidently. "Well I don't live around here" Gregor replied, "I live in Chalfont Fortis". "Ah country bumpkin" Kirk said laughing as Gregor stared in to his eyes in silence. Kirk nodded "We will meet you in your car in the side street in ten minutes" he said. Gregor smiled breaking eye contact "Please go easy, I have never had a threesome" he said. Kirk blinked "No worries, we will go easy at first" he replied smirking. "What did I miss?" Finlay suddenly asked and Gregor turned staring in to his eyes and he nodded. Finlay stepped out of the booth to allow Gregor to leave and within seconds they lost sight of him as he disappeared. Waiting for the door to open Gregor wafted out back towards the limousine and appearing once safely inside where he waited. Kirk tapped Finlay and they stood "Are you sure about this?" Finlay asked always being cautious. "Yes, he seems alright. Hopefully we hit the jackpot with this one" Kirk replied. "Please Kirk, no stealing from him. Let’s just have a nice evening of sex" Finlay pleaded. They walked to the door and outside in the warm night air then turning in to the deserted side street. They saw a limousine parked up with the headlights on and a driver standing by the passenger door. Kirk looked at Finlay and laughed mumbling they had hit the jackpot tonight. Marcin looked down the street hearing Gregor confirm this was the two young men, he nodded his head in their direction as they approached. "Gentlemen, if you please" Marcin said nodding his head again for them to get in. They both got in and the door closed "Kirk, Finlay" Gregor said acknowledging them. "So what gives?" Kirk asked looking around, "You rich or what?". Gregor smiled as the limousine pulled away "You don't mind coming to my country estate?" he asked. The lads looked at each other smiling then Kirk shuffled up close to Gregor "Big estate?" he asked. "Plenty of room to hideaway for peace and solitude, which is what I like" Gregor replied. Kirk nodded "I know of the estate from school" he said placing a hand on Gregor's leg. Gregor laughed removing his hand "Plenty of time for that when we are in private" he said. Kirk failed to notice how cold his hand was in comparison to his. Happily the three chatted away for the drive, Kirk clearly more interested in Gregor's wealth. The limousine came to a stop and they exited outside the front of the estate mansion. Kirk looked up at the sprawling building completely gob smacked at the size of the place then glancing at Finlay who had joined him by his side, the both smiled waiting for Gregor who arrived with Marcin who was opening the doors for them. Stepping inside Gregor turned to Marcin "Place some cordial in the master room" he said. "At one master" Marcin replied bowing his head. Finlay turned looking curiously at Gregor "Why does he call you master?" he asked. Initially caught off guard Gregor smiled "In my country that is customary address" he replied. Finlay turned around on the spot "Can we have a tour?" he asked looking at Gregor. "Yes of course" Gregor responded taking them on a quick tour of the downstairs grand rooms. Making their way up the ornate staircase to the first floor they walked down a long dimly lit corridor to the large double doors in to the master room. Gregor inviting them in and to make themselves comfortable. Kirk was first to strip and jump on to the bed that was generously large enough for four people to sleep in comfortably. Finlay stripped and joined Kirk on the bed as Gregor watched quietly amused, he was finding Finlay to be quite extraordinary compared to Kirk. Gregor now took his clothes off and climbed on the bed only to be attacked by both lads as they began kissing and touching him all over his body. Quickly Kirk turned his focus on Finlay and slipped up behind him whilst he was kissing Gregor, spitting in to his hand and smearing over his cock and Finlay's arse. Finlay felt the strange coldness from Gregor's touch, it was not uncomfortable, and instead it had a sublime sensual sensation to it that washed through his body. Kirk moved his seven inch rock hard cock in to position and slowly prised Finlay open slipping inside. Finlay rolled his head back feeling Kirk's arms going around his waist holding him as he began fucking. Gregor kissing Finlay moved one hand on to Kirk's shoulder, he initially looked up at him feeling the chill hitting his shoulder only to find the icy blue eyes staring at him and his thoughts turning in to erotic wild ones. Gregor broke from kissing Finlay and leaned over and began kissing Kirk who moaned wildly feeling an even more erotic state rising in his body. His hips began moving rapidly as he pounded Finlay hard and deep desperate to deposit his cum in his friend. Finlay moaned softly unaware of how hard he was being fucked, he felt so wonderful between these two bodies. Gregor returned to kissing Finlay who he arousing in many ways he had never felt before, he could feel Kirk's body changing under his touch and the blood pumping faster around his body as began reaching orgasm. Finlay sweated profusely from the attack behind, he was loving it and didn't want it to stop. The sweat from Kirk squishing against Finlay's back as he held him close. Kirk cried out a loud noise and thrusted his hips forward getting deeper in to Finlay as he finally felt the rush in his body and his cock firing his seed deep inside. He held still for a few moments before he gently undulated his hips kissing Finlay on his shoulder and neck catching his breath. Finally pulling out he let go of Finlay and fell on to his back moaning in delight. Finlay giggled looking over his shoulder at Kirk who was spent and looked completely exhausted staring up at nothing with smile on his face. He turned back to face Gregor kissing him again and feeling his body lifting up until he was laid down on his back. Gregor loomed over him and pulled his legs up around his waist. Finlay looked at his large beautiful cock that looked bigger than it was from this position. He looked up at Gregor's body and run his hand along his chest and over the dark hair, he certainly was one very incredibly stunning man he thought as Gregor leaned down to kiss him again. Finlay raised his hands grabbing Gregor's hips at the sudden intrusion but the pain just seemed to melt away. He was lost in the kiss, the strange coldness that had the most erotic feel. Gregor pushed in deep and slowly he began fucking him in a gentle way, glancing occasionally over at Kirk was watching with interest and occasionally running his hand over Gregor and kissing him. Gregor smiled telling Kirk he would experience something new with him. The words arousing Kirk who now laid there stroking his cock watching Gregor fucking Finlay. It seemed to go on for ages and Kirk was getting bored waiting until Gregor winked at him then pushed up roaring in delight. His body shook and thrusted forward planting his dark seed in to him then pulling out quickly after the last drop inseminated him. He had to be quick before his body reacted, reaching over for the cordial he chuckled holding it over Finlay's mouth. "Here you need a drink, you have perspired so much" Gregor said lovingly. Finlay sat up taking the glass and downing the drink "Wow that is nice" he said. "You have some for me?" Kirk asked as Finlay laid back down tasting bitterness. Gregor laughed "When I have copulated with you then you get rewarded" he replied jokingly. Kirk laughed “Copulated” he said rolling over on to his stomach, "Come and get me then!" he added teasingly. Gregor slid over climbing on top of Kirk "Are you ready for me then?" he asked kissing his neck. "Yeah!" Kirk responded, "Just go easy, you have quite a big cock!" he remarked. Gregor laughed and took his time allowing his cock to rest between Kirk's arse cheeks, all the time he watched Finlay whose mouth was open and his chest heaving up. Gregor smiled knowing that Marcin must have put a strong cordial by the bed. His body began going in to spasms, he could feel the burning pain like needles stabbing inside as his blood mutated. He stared up looking at nothing, he could not cry out now panic took over wondering what he had been given. Just as quickly a calmness washed over him as his muscles relaxed, Gregor waited until Finlay's whole body relaxed falling in to a deep sleep. Satisfied that Finlay was out he raised his hips and slowly sank his cock in to Kirk, his legs banging on the bed and squealing in delight, his foul mouth taking over urging Gregor to fuck his brains out in between swear words. Kirk found it strange hurting each time he pushed his cock deeper then the pain morphed to sensual feeling, he could feel this sexy man getting deep inside his arse. Gregor kissed him continuously on the back of his neck until he was all the way in. Gregor lifted Kirk on to his knees pulling him back and impaling him deep on this cock, his arms circled around Kirk's body pinning his arms by his side. Kirk pushing his arse back hard and grinding it on Gregor's cock. "Come on take me!" Kirk rasped wriggling his arse and beginning to feel so aroused. Gregor kissed him on the neck "Is that what you want. You want me to take you?" he asked. Kirk moaned nodding his head "You were going to let me experience something new then?" he asked. "Definitely" Gregor replied sucking on his neck, "Suck your body dry" he said giggling. Kirk laughed and moaned each time Gregor sucked "That I would like to see" he said sighing loudly. Gregor sniffed and fluttered his eyelids, his canine fangs protruded out under his top lip before he controlled himself. It was the least he could do giving Kirk a perfect copulation he thought, slowly he began moving his hips in precise strong undulations. Each time getting deeper inside. Kirk rolled his head back turning his neck to kiss Gregor when he felt the unusual coolness, he pulled his head away looking at Gregor. He saw a questioning look in Kirk's eyes so Gregor quickly moved his arms pinning Kirk's against his body as he circled them tightly around Kirk's body. His hips moved quick and hard in rapid thrusting. His hands began punching at Gregor's legs as he pleaded for him to go easy. He held Kirk's body so close to his that the coldness began passing in to Kirk, his hips showing no respite as he pushed Kirk way beyond his limits. His hand punching and gripping on to Kovalek’s legs which only seemed to increase the intensity of his body being assaulted. It took a few minutes before the coldness filtered through his body and he began calming down in a bewildering sensual state. Gregor bit his neck and sucked moaning as he pounded in to Kirk for several minutes, his fangs extending each time he ran his tongue over his neck. Gregor tightened his arms around the body and grunted loudly slamming his hips hard against Kirk's arse as he shot his second load that evening. Kirk felt like he was on cloud nine, feeling each raging pulse of the man's orgasm deep inside his body. Pushing his arse back and grinding away at Gregor's cock in gratitude, he shifted beginning to feel some discomfort but the arms held his body tight. A tingling in his arse that slowly began spreading upwards. Gregor sensed the change happening in the body, nudging Kirk's neck over to the right he quickly licked at the spot over his carotid artery where his senses picked up the pumping blood. His fangs extended out as he gave an evil chuckle, he lifted his head as the saliva dropped from the fangs then quickly lowering his head opening his mouth he pierced through to the artery with clean efficiency. Kirk screamed at the sharp intense pain in his neck, his hands slapping away at Gregor's leg for a couple of seconds before they stopped. Gregor sank his fangs in deeper until the body stopped resisting as the saliva got to work in his body. The young lad moaned softly and he began feeding and moaning himself since his cock was still moving gently inside Kirk and fully erect. His eyes were open wide, Kirk knew he had been bitten in the neck and now he could feel his heart pumping harder and faster pushing the blood quickly up to his neck. The pain in his chest grew as his heart began struggling to keep up with the speed at which Gregor was sucking him dry. His vision blurring and at the same time he had never felt so turned on, he was fully conscious and could feel his blood flowing out of his body. Gregor knew there was no rush so he slowed down his feeding, he felt the body in his arms jolt and noticed that Kirk's cock was rock hard and ejaculating. Even for Gregor this was a whole new experience and was almost sure that it would have been for Kirk feeling his blood draining away. He could feel Kirk's body getting colder with no warm blood circulating, the skin becoming slack as fed. Kirk lost consciousness, his cheeks shrunk in and his bones began protruding all over his body. In his arms he could feel the last beat of the heart with nothing left in the veins to pump as the last drops of blood were extracted out nourishing him, Gregor lifted his head licking his lips and letting go of the lifeless body that crumpled below him. He was unrecognisable as the young man who entered the bedroom, what laid there now was bones and shallow features with grey skin. Gregor got off the bed and pulled the chord summoning Marcin. Marcin immediately appeared and chuckled "You certainly were hungry master" he said. Gregor smiled "Incinerate it along with his belongings" he instructed him. Marcin nodded "Right away master" he replied dragging the body by the legs off the bed. "How strong was that cordial?" Gregor asked looking over at Finlay. Marcin smirked "Potently strong" he replied, "Should I cage him, he will be out for a day?". "Yes. But no more cordial" Gregor informed him, "Tomorrow he will join us" he said. Marcin looked at Gregor "A very good choice master" he said, "Tomorrow I will have another for you". Gregor looked at him "Already? Who is it?" he asked getting dressed. "A person called James, he grew up with the pure blood" Marcin informed him. Gregor smiled "Well done Marcin, you have excelled again" he said. "Thank you master. Hopefully with this James it will bring the pure blood to you finally". "Let us hope so Marcin, then I shall roam freely" Gregor said sounding happy. Marcin nodded and left the room dragging the body in an undignified manner along with both the young men’s belongings. Returning an hour later after incinerating everything he collected Finlay over his shoulder and took him to the bathroom. There he placed him in the cage sealing it up and hanging it over the bath to catch the urine that was already starting to escape the young lad.
Part 7 - The English Village He looked around the grand study of the Chalfont Weir mansion waiting for the solicitor to finish going through the details of the will line by line. Finally he handed over the keys and deeds to the mansion and grounds. "The body will be released tomorrow, you will be making the funeral arrangements?" Bodrick asked. Marcin nodded "Partly, could I ask you to help with them?" he asked. "Yes of course" Bodrick replied, "Gerald has a family plot in the Chalfont Fortis church yard". "That is fine then" Marcin confirmed, "I won't be attending as I have to go overseas". Bodrick looked up at him "I see. Whom shall I invite?" he asked. Marcin smiled "It is a village, the villagers will all turn up even if not invited" he replied. Marcin had identified the perfect location for where his master could rest peacefully during the day. The builders would be arriving tomorrow to start repairing the crumbling boundary walls then he would be heading back to Romania to move Gregor here. As of yet he was unsure what Gregor had planned but he was assuming it was start chipping away at the pure blood's family and friends. Marcin already knew that any Kovalek or Berkhoff descendants had to be removed and picked off individually and so far they had remained very well hidden, as to why that was the case he had no idea but assumed it was Gregor's way. For a summer day it was quite fascinating for Jacob who sat outside the safe house on the porch in the middle of a blizzard that had appeared out of nowhere. He was finding it hard being around Tomas knowing he was going away, despite nothing going on between them he had fallen head over heels in love with the man. He wasn’t sure how or why it happened, all the stolen glances and admiring him had left Jacob in a bit of a mess since he seemed more interested in Christian. The last couple of days had been pretty quiet and calm, Connor had been out walking for hours on his own each day. Evan and he had not spoken much about their visit to the Ulvan's, only that they would be in touch. Evan was leaving it down to Connor to tell Jacob and Christian about them since it was more of a personal matter. Tomas had his bag packed and arrangements made for their four day trip to England, apart from accompanying Christian to his parents they would also be heading Chalfont Fortis to stay with Connor's parents in the coach house. Connor had spoken to his parents explaining that Tomas and Christian would fill them in more of what was happening, his father though was quick to pick up that it had something to do with the book. Connor told his father that is no myth and he was part of it and to read a specific book held in the university that his history professor had. Christian was relieved to be going home, at least he would be able to get some clothes from his flat, see his parents before they went to Connor's village. The blizzard cleared as quickly as it arrived and Christian stood by the door waiting for Tomas as Connor came back from his walk. It wasn't only the snow that was cold as Christian watched him walking closer, Connor had never felt more distant from him and he wondered if his new intimate friendship with Jacob was the reason behind it. "Are you all set?" Connor asked approaching Christian in an awkward manner. "I think so" Christian replied looking apprehensive, "I can't help myself now with no protection". Connor felt the guilt again "You will be fine Christian, just stay close to Tomas" he said. Christian nodded and smiled "Whoever thought that a 19 year old would be hiding from a vampire". Connor laughed "We all are" he said thankful Christian was smiling, "I err..." he began saying before Tomas appeared. Tomas patted Christian on the shoulder "Right shall we get going?" he asked looking at him. Christian nodded "Take care of him Tomas" Connor said as Jacob walked in. Tomas grinned at Christian "Don't worry we will be back in four days" he assured them. Jacob came over to say good bye along with Evan, Ivan drove them down the hill to the airport for their flight to Bergen then on to London. Evan was pretty astute and picked up the weird vibe from Jacob, he put his arm around his shoulder telling him Tomas would be back in a few days. Jacob could not bring himself to look at Evan and just nodded. Their journey to Christian's home in Oxford was pretty quick and very uneventful, his parents were pleased to see him asking all about his research trip. In his head he had played over and over what to tell them, he played it down and stayed for dinner with Tomas. Unlike Connor, Christian was independent and had a room in the university dorm which meant him departing would not be seen as different. Although that night they stayed at his parents, then by morning they left with Tomas driving the rental car towards Chalfont Fortis. Seeing the signs Christian looked at him "Not far to go now" he said. "Do you know his parents and friend James?" Tomas asked turning off the main road. "I have seen a photo of his parents. You know his father is a famous historian" Christian told him. Tomas nodded "I heard he was in historical circles" he said, "What about James?". Christian shrugged "I know what he looks like but not really spoken much to him" he replied. They drove along the country roads and entered the village early afternoon approaching the church where the bridge crossed the stream. Christian noticed a large congregation in the graveyard all dressed in black and he spotted Connor's father amongst the gathering. He told Tomas to stop the car pointing out Connor's father and what must be his mother. They parked the car at the front of the church and got out, they walked slowly towards the gate, the closer they got the more Christian began feeling his body fighting and resisting stepping foot inside the church yard walls, it was pulling him back. "I can't" Christian suddenly said looking frightened, "My body knows not to stand on sacred ground". Tomas put his arm around him "Then we wait here" he said assuring him walking back to the car. "Nothing can protect me then" Christian said looking at him with a worried look, "It is worse than I thought". Tomas comforted him until he settled down and the congregation began dispersing, Christian caught sight of James leaving with his parents. As they waited by the car Edward looked over at the two strangers and nodded to his wife steering her over towards them. "Tomas, Christian?" Edward asked and they nodded, "Edward and my wife Jane" he said. "Pleased to meet you" Tomas said shaking hands with them followed by Christian. "You are reading history with Connor" Edward said shaking his hand. Christian nodded "Yes, we started working on this assignment together" he replied. Edward nodded "Some assignment that has turned out to be" he said looking at them both. "Apologies if we are interrupting your day" Tomas said looking over at the graveyard. Edward nodded "Not here, follow us back to the manor house" he told them. They followed their car across the bridge then down the country lane until they reached Fortis Manor. Christian looked at Tomas and joked that it looked even creepier than Vadimov mansion making Tomas chuckle. Exiting the car they followed on and noticed Edward looking in the glass of the door before inviting them in. "You checked didn't you?" Christian said entering behind Tomas as Edward closed the door. Edward smiled "Very observant of you. Yes I did, had to make sure you are who we are expecting". "Come in to the kitchen" Jane said taking her hat off, "I will make us some tea". Christian bravely pushed in front of Tomas "How much do you know?" he asked. Edward nodded and went to the library returning with the book placing it on the table "The book" he said. Tomas opened it and nodded "Evan's ancestors prophecy" he said to Christian looking at him. "Books like this don't appear on your doorstep for no reason" Edward said sitting down, "That much I know". "Have you known all along?" Christian asked going in to research mode. "No, I mean it took a few years until we figured it was to do with Connor's real parents" Edward replied. Christian looked at them both "But you believe this is no fairy tale?" he asked. They both nodded "Historian's keep an open mind, any kind of tale has some truth" Edward replied. Jane poured tea and sat down with them "But strange things have happened here" she said. Edward nodded and Christian was about to fire another question before Tomas put a hand on his shoulder letting Edward speak "A few days ago Gerald Smythe fell from the bank in to the stream, he banged his head and drowned in the shallow water, that is who was buried just now. He owned the Chalfont Weir estate up the road. What is strange is he never goes out a night, he is sort of a recluse and lived a solitude life. The man was nice and always chatted to Connor and James when they played in the stream by the bridge, but very much enjoyed his own company. That said he always attended church and talked to every one. What is so alarming is that he went out late at night and fell in to the stream, I mean he knows this area better than anyone. Literally the day after his death I found out that his estate and fortune had been left to some long lost relative. What is most fascinating is that I did ancestral research with Gerald a year or so back and I know there are no relatives living. Gerald was the last of the Smythe family". "So who is this so called relative?" Tomas asked looking at them both. "No one knows. He arrived back today and seen with builders inspecting the boundary walls" Jane said. "He seems to be more reclusive than Gerald was. Moved in very quickly as well" Edward informed them. Edward sat there looking at Tomas "How much danger is Connor in?" he asked tapping the book. Tomas looked at him "He is the pure blood that Kovalek seeks" he told them both. "Then we must destroy him" Jane responded, "And those around him?" she now asked. "I think you know" Tomas replied, "Kovalek will target them. For now we say no more, that way you stay safe". Edward nodded fully understanding what Tomas was saying "Then no more talk of it" he said. "Communicate by text messaging from now" Tomas added, "You know technology is beyond Kovalek". Both parents nodded "We do need to see James, Connor's friend" Tomas said. "He is coming over later, we spoke with him at the service" Jane said, "Is he safe?" she asked. “I don’t think any of us are” Christian replied straight away. Jane looked at Christian "Have you seen him Christian?" she asked, "Did he attack you?". Christian nodded "He visited us and I saw him in the street looking up at me. He wants to destroy me" he replied. Tomas looked at him waiting for more "The last time I don't want to talk about if you don't mind" Christian added. Tomas slipped a hand under the table and squeezed his leg gently, then he began reeling off the message on to Connor's parents, it was simple and direct telling them to read up on how to protect themselves and he was fine. When James came by he was surprised to see Christian and was completely confused by what he was being told to do and to wear a crucifix at all times that Tomas handed over to him. "Where is Connor now, is he in danger?" James asked looking around the table. "At the moment he is fine, I cannot tell you where he is" Tomas said. James looked at him "I want to help" he said with a defiant look. "James. Keep yourself safe and do not talk about him to anyone who asks" Christian said. James nodded "There is little you can do at the moment. You must keep yourself safe" Tomas told him. Edward stood up "The coach house has been made up for you both to stay the night" he said. The guests left and Connor's parents went back to the book reading up on Tomas's suggestion. The coach house stood at the bottom of the drive to the manor house and was comfortable for them. It had been a long day and they were both tired and needed some sleep now darkness had fallen. James walked back home to his parents forgetting all about the crucifix and still trying to fathom out everything that he had found out that day. Residing above the garage the coach house had everything they needed for the night. Tomas opening the bedroom window to let some fresh air in hoping it would cool the room down in the height of the summer evening that was warm and humid. By late evening Tomas was fast asleep but Christian woke up itching all over his body. He could hear a van of some description moving along the country lanes, he went over to the window and peered out at the distant Chalfont Weir estate house and the headlights turning out of the driveway. The itching in his body stopped and he watched the headlight heading over the bridge and out of the village. Christian jumped feeling the arms of Tomas wrap around him, he giggled as Tomas kissed the back of his neck slowly turning him around until their lips met. His kiss was instant taking Christian over and his body rose off the ground, wrapping his legs and arms around the muscular body as he kissed him deeply. He felt safe in those arms carrying him over to the bed and gently lowering him down on to his back. Christian moaned lovingly as Tomas began kissing him all over his body, his senses getting heightened and a craving taking over from each kiss. Slowly he began working back up his abdomen, taking his time then sucking on each nipple in turn. Every movement made had Christian moan louder and his body responded heaving up as his anticipation and excitement grew. The warmth of the air in the coach house and the heat in his body causing him to sweat filling the air with his scent that flowed out of the open window. His tongue ran up his chin then quickly sank in to his mouth in a long lingering kiss that seemed to go on for ever. Tomas lay between his legs and using his feet he caressed those muscular hairy legs. Slowly Tomas move one leg, then the other until he had Christian in position ready to penetrate and make love to. Tomas enjoyed sex and making love to Christian yet he felt it was not complete, hidden in his thoughts for some reason was Jacob. Staring down at Christian he slipped the head of his cock inside. Christian moaned and stared up with open eyes, his hands roaming over Tomas's back and lifting his head he kissed him before falling back feeling more of him entering in to his body. The subtle yet engaging way he penetrated up to his balls had Christian gripping on to him for life, his body craving the sex knowing how amazingly Tomas performed. Melding together as one, they kissed and his arms wrapped around Christian holding him close. His body shunting forward then back over Christian as he made love, over and over in a slow dance of sexual indulgence for them both. They had formed such a close bond through a mutual friendship and sex. Their bodies wet with sweat as the love making continued in a slow pace for nearly an hour, scared to let go of each other and only they mattered right now. Christian's scent concentrating in to water vapour and rising out through the open window filling the air around the coach house and wafting away on the warm night breeze. Tomas kissed his top lip making a low rising moan deep in his chest, his orgasm was beginning to surface. He looked down and kissed him hard moaning again and this time in to Christian's mouth. His arms tightened around Christian's beautiful body and neck holding him so close. Christian's cock trapped between their sweaty bodies began pulsing as soon as he felt Tomas reaching his sexual peak, he grabbed him around the neck pulling him closer as Tomas's climaxed, grunting loudly his body shunted up quickly and holding still. All movement stopped and Christian softly moaned feeling the rampant pulsing in his arse from Tomas ejaculating inside him, the odd jolt coming from Tomas's hips with his orgasm receding. Lifting his head he kissed Christian lovingly and staying locked in this position for several more minutes enjoying the feel of each other. Marcin stood in the entrance hall dimming the lights to a more tolerable level. He looked up at the staircase where Gregor stood before walking down and stretching his neck from the long sleep and journey to England by road. "The village?" Gregor asked walking down the last few steps. "Pretty and very English, not much in the way of non religious persons" Marcin replied. Gregor nodded "I feel a late night stroll" he said looking around the place then walking towards the doors. "The walls will be completed in a few days time" Marcin advised stepping outside with him. Gregor nodded then sniffed deeply and looked at Marcin "Master what have you picked up?" he asked. Gregor smirked "The one you marked is close by, did you not know?" he replied. "No master, I have not seen anyone around here" Marcin said looking perplexed. "Yes he is definitely here" Gregor said sniffing deeply again then smirking, "Be ready" he added Marcin bowed his head "Excellent work Marcin, yet again you please me" Gregor said. "Thank you master" Marcin said bowing his head, "The protectors are also in place at Vadimov". "Good. Tomorrow we need to find someone to meet my needs" Gregor advised him. "Of course master, I will do some research" Marcin said bowing his head again watching Gregor leave. Gliding down the long drive in the humid night air the village appeared peaceful and pleasant he thought as he got to the country lane. He sniffed turning right and walking towards the bridge. He stopped again sniffing deeply then looked down the lane, if his sense of smell was not deceiving him then the marked one was very close by now. His dark dense mist rapidly appeared and he disappeared out of sight moving rapidly down the country lane. Christian sat up having just got to sleep, his skin itching again and his body was still wet from their sex. He was wondering if he was dreaming as a shiver ran up his spine then a yearning hit his body drawing him over to the window, moving quietly so as not to disturb Tomas. He eyes focusing out in to the darkness darting left to right at the ground below the coach house. He could see the leaves on the tree moving quite elegantly in the warm night breeze. Christian felt a presence and looked over his shoulder at Tomas who was still sleeping, he looked back out of the window unsure what he was looking for. His body itched again and the yearning grew ever stronger, he was scared yet he knew Kovalek was very close. Unable to pull himself away from the window he stared long and hard in both directions long the lane that run past the coach house gates. A chill ran up his body and his eyes made contact, standing there looking up at him was Gregor Kovalek. Desperately he wanted to cry out and alert Tomas but he was unable to break away from those icy blue eyes that now had him locked in, his thoughts clouding over quickly that confused him until he saw clearly. Christian blinked and silently walked over to the stairs moving down them towards the door, his hand reached up unlocking then opening it he stepped outside. The warm air sucked in to the coach house flowing up the stairs causing Tomas to stir. He walked the few meters to the gates bare foot and naked. Gregor waited by the gate his eyes fixed on Christian, he knew that that the marked one had no way of escaping him now, Christian opened the gate stepping out of safety and the few steps until he stood face to face him. A powerful force driving him forward his head full of Kovalek’s thoughts that crushed his own burying them deep, Christian smiled and stepped closer kissing him on the mouth. Gregor fought his urge to just bite him and instead he responded slowly at first kissing him back. Christian's hands reached up resting around his neck. Gregor began to get excited, he could feel the love in this body for the pure blood and that he was now at his mercy. The words he spoke to the pure blood that night that he would take Christian first appeared to be coming true. At last he would know what it really felt like that night when he invaded Connor's head whilst they copulated, for he now had a desire to copulate with him. Gregor locked Christian in his arms wrapping them around the young man, he whimpered slightly feeling the coldness entering his back then spreading through his body. Gregor locked him in the kiss and began lowering him down on to the hard surface of the road. Christian felt body yearning again and heaved upwards wanting to feel the warmth but he was met with the icy chill that soothed his body relaxing him. Gregor kissed him deeply, his tongue tasting the young lad and the mark left in him by Marcin. Pulling his hefty cock out he lowered himself, Christian's legs rose around his waist as the tip of his cock met the warmth of his hole. Gregor raised his head at the strangest of sensations now running through his very sensitive body, his hips moved and the hole gave a little allowing him to enter his body. His cock now surrounded by warmth initiating their mating, quickly it turned cold numbing any pain that Christian might have felt. Pushing again it hit warmth then cold. Christian moaned softly pulling Gregor back down to kiss him, the stark coldness numbing any pain in his already cooling relaxed body. Readily he accepted him with his back held up by Gregor's arms, his cock gliding through impaling the young man on his nine inches of hard chilling cock. His hips began slowly undulating in waves. Gregor surprised by natural and exciting this felt, something he had not experienced for over a hundred years. The sexual feeling flowing between their bodies almost causing him to lose control of Christian, he stopped kissing him to look in his eyes but the young lad was so deeply in his control and responding to his sex. Gregor licked his lips as the intense surges of his sexual beast woke realising he was enjoying this greatly, in that flash of a moment he decided that Christian was way too valuable to destroy tonight. Instead he would keep him alive to be like him and be at his side. His thoughts returned to the matter at hand as he kissed and bit his lip drawing a little blood that he lapped up. The purity of the young man’s blood coursed through his body and he shuddered reaching orgasm and ejaculating his dark seed deep inside him. His roar from the orgasm filled the night air. The concentrated blood plasma in his semen began infiltrating rapidly in to Christian's blood stream, multiplying at speed. Already Gregor could smell his mark rising from Christian's body, looking down at the young lad watching the body and waiting for the reaction and sign that his plasma had reached the young lads heart. Tomas woke hearing the strange noise then felt the warm air and the door clanking against its hinges from the warm breeze. He woke and sat up looking around then panicked noticing Christian was gone, jumping out of bed and running over to the window seeing a tangling of bodies in the road. The dark coat and legs that were held up almost made him feel sick, he knew that Kovalek was inseminating Christian with his seed. Grabbing his bag getting the holy water and crucifix out he ran down the stairs. Christian screwed his eyes up feeling burning sensation spreading rapidly through his lower body to one side and rising upwards. He could feel his heart beginning to pound in his chest, he whimpered almost silently from the agony like he was being stabbed by sharp needles. His body shook and he began sweating profusely, the feeling now spread through every part of his body with his mutating blood being pumped out from his heard, the pure strain of Gregor's DNA reaching every blood vessel, destroying his own DNA. His body tensed then relaxed again and Gregor smiled stroking the side of his face. Slowly he was beginning to recover some control of his body and thoughts again. Gregor kissed him tenderly on the mouth "You will serve by my side, be one like me" he said seductively. Christian blinked looking up at him "What have you done to me?" he asked softly. Gregor smiled down at him "My blood is inside you now. You will never be free of me now". Tears trickled down the side of his face, he knew he didn't want this and he couldn't figure out how to fight it, his mental capacity was still blocked preventing him from resisting. This time it felt different as though he was not in his head messing with him, instead it was total control bringing them together. Gregor smiled and kissed his lower lip, his chin, under his chin. Christian moaning in pleasure as he kissed moving around and nudging his neck over to one side exposing the point where his carotid artery ran. His canine fangs quickly extended and with brutal efficiency he bit down. Christian gasped, his eyes opened wide and his body arched up going tense for a split second before it relaxed again in some floating erotic state. He knew this was bad yet he could not stop it from happening. The blood flowed easily and he sucked almost purring in delight as his body became nourished. The blood was so good and pure that he wanted to keep going, but he refrained and only took enough to keep him going and to keep the young man alive. Removing his fangs he licked the spot sealing the artery up but leaving two distinct vampire marks. Gregor smiled at how wonderfully pure the blood was and he could taste his own blood that now dominated the body, it was making him feel even stronger. With Christian's blood nourishing his body he smiled down ready to curse him to the darkness. He got to his knees kneeling over Christian and made a cut with his fingernail across the palm of his hand drawing blood, he wouldn't have long before it healed itself and all needed now was Christian to take his blood in its purest form. Tomas came tearing out shouting at Gregor who held Christian's mouth open. Gregor looked at Tomas and squeezed his palm forming a drop of blood and staring in to Christian's eyes. In his head he could hear Tomas's voice, yet he was powerless again as he stared in to those icy blue eyes with a desperate need to be with Gregor. Tomas panicked and threw the crucifix he was carrying at Gregor. It hit Gregor on the back putting him off just enough, the drop of blood landing on Christian's chin. His back burned and he stood up facing Tomas with menacing look realising the man coming to him was a protector from Romania and potentially dangerous. Tomas still half asleep didn't think of the consequences, he needed to stop Christian taking any blood. Gregor smirked opening his arms and he barraged fast towards Tomas taking him by surprise, he managed to smear his cursed blood across the protector’s lips as their bodies crashed together. Tomas spun around disorientated then found himself standing their staring in to the icy blue eyes. Tomas felt the full power of his gaze twisting the thoughts in his head as his body was now pulled forward uncontrollably. Unable to take his eyes off from their fixation on Gregor's he fell in to his arms that closed around him swiftly spinning him over on to his back landing on the road. With eye contact finally broken Tomas tried to reach for his crucifix but Gregor grabbed his arms holding them with one hand. Extending his fangs his jabbed the palm of his free hand then held it over Tomas's mouth. He closed his eyes to stop himself looking at him, his lips tightly closed as drops of blood landed on them, he could taste blood already seeping in to his mouth. He fought to keep his eyes closed for if he opened them he knew Gregor could get in his head then curse him to darkness. Gregor sat across Tomas pinning him down, he began freaking out hearing Gregor beginning to recite a curse above him "Bad blood of Christ be gone. The protector sins, drops of cursed blood now pass your lips. Your body to repel, thou shalt no longer bear his protection and be marked". Tomas pushed and heaved with all his might trying to push Gregor off, tasting yet even more blood passing his lips in to his mouth. No matter how much he tried not to swallow the blood trickled down in to his throat. Gregor stood laughing then turned his head as Edward came down the path holding the bible and cross aloft. He couldn't risk taking Christian now as the man got closer and closer and he could feel the heat radiating from the combined strength of the two religious artefacts beginning to affect him. Gregor launched himself towards Edward at speed. His hands went up holding his coat tail open as the dark swirls of mist filled the air and he disappeared. A rush of wind and dust blew Edward off his feet before a weird silence now hit the air around him, he stood and looked at Christian who lay still, Tomas writhing in pain holding his stomach as the effects of the blood and curse began to take hold of his body expelling his protection. Struggling to remove the crucifix around his neck as the pain grew in intensity inside his body. Edward ran over to help Tomas, he had no idea what he was doing and noticed that Tomas was struggling to get the crucifix away. Edward grabbed the chain and abruptly ripped it from Tomas's neck. He checked Tomas and he didn't appear to be showing any wounds so he went over to check on Christian. He had spats of blood on his chin and a bite mark on his neck, he was breathing and what looked like sleeping with a hint of a smile on his face. Tomas cried out in agony hunched up in a ball as the pain seared through his body, his muscles cramping and spasms jolting in his body. Suddenly Tomas went quiet and sat up then called over to Edward telling him to take Christian inside. He picked up a limp Christian then helped Tomas to his feet who again was letting out agonising cries and bending over as they stumbled up to the manor house. Jane came running out and took over helping Tomas and inside the safety of the manor house. Edward looked over to Jane "Kovalek is here in Chalfont Weir" he said looking worried. She nodded "He has come for Connor?" she asked in a hushed tone. Tomas sat up breathing hard "Yes, this place is not safe for you both" he said then cried out. "What can I do to help this?" Jane asked rushing over to Tomas. He cried out again "Noth... Nothing" he managed to say, "Blood... On Christian's chin wipe it away". Jane nodded understanding what he was saying and the urgency in his voice, she grabbed a cloth and went over to Christian wiping the blood off his chin and the drop on his cheek. Tomas bent over again going silent clenching his stomach and falling to his knees, he stayed in that position for several minutes before he straightened up looking ghostly white and dazed. "What happened?" Edward asked kneeling down in front of him. "He cursed me" Tomas replied through agonising breaths, "I will be alright" he said. Connor's parents looked at each other "What did the book say?" Jane asked her husband. Edward shook his head "There is no mention of curses of redactions for them" he replied. Tomas cried in agony again then looked at Edward "He was about to take Christian" he said. "Is he going to be alright?" Jane asked looking at Christian. Tomas nodded "It takes time for the bite effect in his body to wear off" he replied standing up. "And you?" Jane asked, "Are you going to be alright Tomas?" she sounded scared looking at him. "I took his blood. My protection is gone" Tomas said breathing hard, "Once it is done I will be fine". Tomas was now in the same position as Christian with no protection from Gregor. In effect he was now marked making them both easy targets for Gregor. It was a few hours before the curse and blood in Tomas had eased from gaining control of his body. His focus was now Christian and explaining to Connor's parents he would need to take Christian and himself off to Svalbard first thing in the morning. If not then Kovalek would return night after night until he succeeded. Christian opened his eyes and moaned trying to sit upright. He looked at the worried look on Tomas's and Connor's parents faces. "What happened?" Christian asked looking bewildered, "I feel so tired... So tired" he said. "Rest Christian" Tomas said easing him back down on the bed, "In the morning we leave". Christian felt his neck and the indentations "He got me didn't he?" he asked beginning to remember. Tomas nodded "I am so sorry Christian, I failed to keep you safe" he said visibly upset. Christian stroked his arm "It was not you" he said looking up at him, "He controls me". "I still failed Christian" Tomas said looking at him, "What do you mean controls you?" he asked. Christian gazed at him looking deathly white as his eyes closed and fell in to a deep sleep. Edward came over and picked him up and carried him to Connor's bedroom assuring Tomas he would be safe there. The pains in Tomas's body had now stopped, inside he was now having the strangest feeling that resonated to what Christian said after they rescued him. He followed Edward and laid on the bed next to him. His one job in life to protect and he felt like he had failed, how Kovalek over powered him with such ease and strength was mind boggling. Edward and Jane left them alone to get some sleep, they were both in shock at what had happened and sleep did not come easy for anyone in the manor except Christian. Edward was finding the whole thing surreal having seen a vampire in real life. Not even he could have imagined coming face to face with one despite lecturing about them years ago. In the early hours of the morning he watched the weird light in the sky lost in his own thoughts and unable to sleep. Connor got out of bed unable to sleep with worry since they had not heard from Tomas or Christian, opening the blackout shutters the dull light hitting him at this ridiculous time of 2am. He dressed and walked downstairs deciding to get some fresh air when he walked outside spotting Jacob sat there staring at the sky. "Can't sleep either?" Connor asked catching Jacob by surprise. "No" Jacob replied looking at him sitting next to him, "It is so weird how it never gets dark". Connor chuckled "Yeah, kind of breaks what is normal for us, but here it is normal" he said. Jacob nodded "Worried about them?" he asked glancing at Connor. "A bit but I am sure they are okay" Connor replied as Jacob held his hand. "Thank you for rescuing me" Jacob said kissing his hand, "I still can't remember much about it". Connor looked at him "How will things be normal after all of this?" Jacob asked. "No idea" Connor replied, "It will either end well or go horribly wrong" he said then laughed. Jacob glanced at him laughing then kissed him on the cheek. Connor looked at him momentarily then pulled him in kissing him frantically and hauling Jacob to his feet. Jacob grabbed his cock rubbing it and they stumbled back inside and moved quickly upstairs to Connor's bedroom. Clothes flew in the air, heated passion exuded all around them as they fell on to the bed locking their arms around each other. Jacob pulled away and turned around looking at Connor over his shoulder wriggling his arse and grinning. Connor rubbing his foreskin back growled shuffling up the bed, spitting at his hole then pushing his cock deep inside Jacob who cried loudly in to the pillow yet still pushing his arse back wanting more. Grabbing his hips and holding Jacob steady he began delivery long deep thrusts using the entire length of his cock from tip to base, over and over he did this and more and more Jacob pushed back every time he went balls deep. Connor grabbed him around the waist pulling him up until Jacob was sat astride on his cock, they kissed passionately for several minutes as Connor ground his cock in to him. His fingers playing with Jacob's nipples until his arms circled around his body holding him down firmly on his cock. A pure erotic smile appeared on Jacob's mouth as he felt the subtle movement of Connor's cock deep inside. His hips began moving slowly at first then gradually picked up speed, kissing between changes in tempo whilst Jacob played with his cock. He moaned feeling the tempo enter a steady rapid pace and Connor began to breathe erratically. Just those changes were enough to bring Jacob to orgasm, his head rolled back resting against Connor's neck. Shooting his load his arse pushed back harder and Connor responded going faster and faster until he peaked. His arms tightened their hold on Jacob and his hips thrusted up hard releasing days of back up seed in to Jacob. He waited until he felt Connor relax and he kissed him passionately holding his head close and feeling the warmth of their bodies together. Connor pulled Jacob back until he was sat impaled on his cock, both sighing happily. Connor moved his cock out and fell on to his back pulling Jacob with him "I needed that" he said. Jacob chuckled "Certainly seemed like it" he said playing with Connor's nipples. Connor smiled kissing him on the head "Is there something between you and Christian?" Jacob asked. "We are in the same lecture at university and did this research together" Connor replied. Jacob leaned up looking at him "That is how we have all ended up in this mess!" he remarked. "It was never supposed to be anything like this" Connor replied staring up at the ceiling. Jacob licked Connor's right nipple "I think you should talk to Christian, he likes you a lot". "Maybe" Connor said without commitment, "How about you sit on this and sort it out again?" he asked. "Happy to" Jacob replied climbing on top, "But talk to him Connor, don't lose what you could have". Connor smiled and moaned feeling Jacob's arse surrounding his cock, looking at Jacob only served to confirm that he was not in love with Jacob just yet. Maybe he was right and his heart’s desire does lie with Christian, but he couldn't deny that Jacob was ruling his heart right now though the pleasure he was providing. Tomas woke up and saw Christian sitting on the side of the bed looking out of the window at the changing colours of daylight and the sun rising over the hills. He sat up and put a hand on Christian's shoulder, he turned to look at Tomas with his face now etched in worry and fear. Silently Tomas slid over the bed and wrapped Christian in his arms holding him tight. “Why me?” Christian asked looking frightened more than ever, “Why is he picking on me?”. Tomas squeezed him in comfort “I think he knows of your hidden desire for Connor” he replied. Christian nodded “You mean by getting to me he will get to Connor” he now asked. Tomas nodded "I failed you last night" he said unable to hide his emotions in his voice. Christian stared out the window "He knows I am weak" he said after a pause, "I want me to join him". Tomas hugged him "I won't let it happen Christian" he said feeling him breaking down in his arms. Christian shook his head "I don't know how stop this from happening" he said wiping his eyes. "We will fight him off whatever it takes" Tomas said trying to reassure him. "It is no good" Christian said, "He has this control over my body, and he knew I was here". Edward knocked on the door "Guys Jane has done breakfast if you want to come down" he said. Christian turned and nodded "Thank you Edward" he said. After breakfast they set off for the airport with Edward and Jane refusing to lease Chalfont Fortis telling them they would be okay and someone needed to keep an eye on the Chalfont Weir estate if that is where they suspect Kovalek was residing. On the flight to Oslo Christian remained very quiet and subdued, he constantly pulled his jumper up to cover the bite mark on his neck. Tomas kept looking at him, he had a very loving fondness for Christian that kept drawing them to sex. Right now he needed to keep his head clear and focus on getting the job done.
Part 6 - Land Of Perpetual Daylight Hours had passed and finally Connor began to open his eyes, muttering jumbled words for another hour. During this time he stood up walked around the room and laid back down, repeating words that made no sense until he fell asleep again. He sat up quickly when he woke and saw Evan sitting on the bed watching him. "What are you doing?" Connor asked looking at him. "Watching you, making sure you don't go walking off" Evan replied looking annoyed. Connor sat up fully "Did I do something to upset you?" he asked noticing his look. "You don't remember?" Evan asked now looking worried. "No" Connor replied, "Wait, I went to the gate" he said then paused, "Crap. Did I really summon him?" he asked sounding surprised. Evan nodded “Yes” he replied paying closer attention "What did you talk about?" he asked. "I am not sure Evan. It is all scrambled at the moment" Connor replied, "Read me" he suggested. Connor held his hand up and Evan took it in his then closed his eyes "Nothing. It is jumbled" Evan said. He looked at Evan with a worried expression "It is like he has encrypted it" Evan added letting go. "Maybe I will remember soon" Connor said standing up. Evan stood "I wonder if you have a death wish" he said looking at him, "Seeking him like that". "I am sorry Evan. I don’t know what come over me” Connor said, “I had to know what happened to Christian". Evan walked round to him "Did he tell you?" he asked softly. "I think so. Yes" Connor replied, "But I can't remember the conversation, it is like it never happened". Evan hugged him seeing he was about to break down "It is okay Connor" he said assuring him. "It isn't though is it" Connor responded hugging him back, "Will I have to go to him to save you all". "No Connor" Evan said softly, "You must never offer yourself. If you do the prophecy comes trues and he will be unstoppable". Connor let go agreeing with Evan, yet inside he was still conflicted. They walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs to see Tomas and Christian, the stench hitting them full on as they opened the door. Christian laid there peacefully, Tomas looked up at them both telling them that he hasn't moved or shown any signs of regaining consciousness. With daylight appearing Tomas opened the windows fully to let some fresh air in and change the pads. The urinating appeared to have stopped and Connor climbed on the bed sitting by Christian's head and stroking it softly. "Come on nerd wake up" Connor said over and over and trying to refrain from breaking down. Tomas walked over to Evan and they kissed openly like a couple "Are you two an item?" Connor asked looking up. Tomas smiled "No. Evan and Ivan are together, we are just naturally very close" he replied as Jacob stood at the door looking tired. "How did I get here?" Jacob asked looking confused and weary. Tomas walked over to Jacob holding him up and took him outside to explain everything that happened and how they freed him from the mansion. He sat looking at Tomas finding it all hard to believe, memories were coming back and he began to recollect being held in a cage where he couldn't move his body and the face of a man who looked like Connor forcing a sweet substance down his throat. "I remember tasting blackcurrants" Jacob said looking at Tomas, "Being carried over a shoulder". Tomas nodded "You know where you were, how you got there?" he asked but Jacob shook his head. "I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye and a cold breath on my neck" Jacob said sitting up. "Okay that is good" Tomas said encouragingly, "You know of the Kovalek tale?" he asked. Jacob nodded "Vampire, just like Dracula" he replied then went silent, "Wait you mean he exists?" he asked. "Yes" Tomas replied holding his hand, "You were taken to Vadimov" he said. Gradually it was all coming back to him, yet he held off telling Tomas that he was not taken to the mansion. After Tomas explained a little more about who they were he understood that for his own safety he should remain with them until this was over, whatever the outcome was to be. Tomas went back to Christian after lunch, there was still no change in his condition and Jacob saw Connor standing alone at the door watching Christian. He walked up behind an tapped him on the shoulder. Connor turned and smiled at him "Can we talk?" Jacob asked hinting for him to follow. They walked outside and sat on the bench "Did you know any of this?" Jacob asked. Connor shook his head "No. We came to do some research for our studies" he replied. Jacob nodded "He came to me before he took you, I didn't know what it was though" Connor explained. "Up there" Jacob said nodding towards Vadimov, "I remember the cage" he said, "And seeing you". "Please don't say he looks like me, I already know that" Connor said looking worried. "I see me walking to the mansion. I was not in control" Jacob confided, "I was... I was in a trance or something". Connor took his hand "He has been in my head and controlled me Jacob, the guy is very real". Jacob looked across the landscape "I can feel the cage against my body, confining me, keeping me prisoner" he said. Connor put his arms around Jacob hugging him as Ivan walked out "Ivan, how are you?" he asked. Ivan nodded and sat down "I feel tired, otherwise okay" he replied. "Evan was very worried about you" Connor said and Jacob looked at them both. "He worries too much, sees too much" Ivan replied with a smile on his face, "How are you though?". Connor shrugged "Really. I have no idea" he said, "Somehow I managed to summon Kovalek last night". "I know" Ivan replied and Jacob looked at them both, "Stop playing with danger until we know more". Evan appeared looking happy to see Ivan up and around, he kissed him then sat beside the three of them as Connor began to remember his conversation with Gregor right up to the point where he felt his lungs contract before passing out. Jacob was shaking in fear whilst Evan and Ivan just looked at each other. Tomas appeared telling them that Christian was coming around and Connor jumped up to go and see him. He was awake and lifted his head smiling at Connor's appearance standing over him. "You had us worried" Connor said softly sitting down on the bed. Christian stared at him with a cold look "Did we get him?" he asked looking confused. Connor nodded "Yes" he replied, "Do you remember what happened to you though?" he asked. "Not really" Christian said, "I remember sitting at the bar drinking blackcurrant, the rest is fuzzy" he added. Connor smiled stroking his head "Jacob is okay, still very shaken now he remembers it all". Christian sat up "I feel different" he said with a worried look, "Something in me has changed". Evan walked in and sat down next to Connor "How do you feel different?" he asked hearing him. "Like I am not me" Christian said, "I don't know, it is hard to explain. I feel I am missing something inside" he explained. Evan began to explain what he had managed to see and Christian kept a normal head nodding and understanding why he felt so different. Connor was concerned that he might flip out at knowing what happened but he seemed to take it in his stride as though it was all part of what was to be expected. But then Christian was one who on the outside could look pretty calm, yet inside he was struggling to come to terms with it all now. Christian finally spoke "I want to go home and see my parents" he said adamantly. “Is that really wise at the moment?” Connor asked standing up. “You got me in to this. You don’t decide what I do and when I do it” Christian snapped back at him. Connor looked at him and again he saw a cold look aimed at him “Go then. Pack your things and piss off” he said angrily. "You can go but not yet" Evan said, "We will all go to Svalbard first for a few days and set up there". Christian looked at him "And what if I don't agree to do as you say?" he asked being stubborn. Evan shrugged "Then we can't protect you Christian. If anything happens it will be on your own head". "No. No. No. If anything happens it will be his fault!" Christian responded pointing to Connor. Evan grabbed his arm "You need to calm down and stop blaming Connor" he said sounding angry with him. Christian looked around the room at everyone looking at him "I will come for a few days. Then I want to go home" he stated clearly. Evan nodded "Tomas will go with you as protection" he said making sure Christian understood. Connor turned to see Jacob standing at the door and Christian noticed his neck "What is that on your neck?". Connor looked at him "Nothing" he said casually noticing Christian glaring at Jacob. “Did he bite you?” Christian asked, “If so then it is already over and I can go home”. "He didn't take any blood" Connor now snapped back at Christian wondering where his anger had come from but he had fallen asleep. "He will be weak for a few more hours" Tomas said ushering them out, “Just calm it down with him” he told Connor. "Me?" Connor questioned, "I am not the one suddenly full of anger" he said stomping out of the room. By late afternoon Christian was fully mobile and awake, Tomas deciding with Connor that they should not tell Christian everything until they were in Svalbard as he seemed to be on edge still. Connor and Christian returned to their room at the guest house, Christian had no recollection of the spat they had earlier. Tomas and Ivan took a room next to theirs whilst Jacob remained with Evan and Grazie. After eating they went up to the bedroom and locked themselves away, Connor rubbed garlic oil around the window as advised by Grazie to keep Kovalek from entering or invading their heads. Connor and Christian both undressed then he stood there for a moment looking at Connor's crucifix. His head began filling with anger again, it seemed to come in waves and he couldn't understand why it kept happening. "Where if my crucifix?" Christian asked feeling around his neck and looking annoyed, “Did I lose it somewhere?”. He slowly shook his head "You can't wear it any more" Connor replied. Christian looked him in the eye silently "It burnt me" he said softly, "Am I one of them?" he asked. "No! When Marcin and you had sex you took his cum" Connor said trying to find an easy explanation. "Oh god I remember being so aroused" Christian told him, "But what does it mean now?" he asked. Connor walked over to him "It means you need to be careful now, not to be alone at night". Christian looked at the two red puncture wounds on Connor's neck "Did he bite you? Did it hurt?". "You asked me that earlier" Connor replied, "He didn't draw blood. It was more of a statement, wanted to show me pain" he said. Christian stood there looking afraid "I can't put things together Connor. I can't remember things" he said looking like he was about to break down. "What do you remember or feel now?" Connor asked stepping closer to him. Christian shrugged "I think he has messed with my head. I can't make sense of anything. I feel rage and anger at you that is not me" he said. "He did possess you in the guest house, like he did me that first night" Connor told him. "How have we got involved in this?" Christian asked getting upset. Connor watched in shock as a tear trickled down his cheek. Connor lifted a finger wiping it away. The sensuality between them rose like a burning inferno, their mouths seeking each other’s in a deep kiss. It finally felt freeing and a relief to them both to have some normality, Christian falling on his back on the bed pulling Connor with him. He flinched as the crucifix around Connor's neck touched his skin. Connor removed it placing it on the table next to the bed. The tenderness they both showed, the intensity in their eyes, where for a moment at least they shut all the worry and thoughts out. Time mattered not to them as they explored each other’s bodies more intimately for the first time. Connor kissed up along his chest and neck, then along his lips before sinking his tongue inside his mouth. Neither knew that the other was feeling it, a strong bonding connection growing from within. The kiss grew more erotic, their bodies in tune with each other. Sensual. Devouring. Obliterating any doubts either one may have had with each kiss. Their body’s entwined rolling around on the bed until Christian found himself on his stomach under Connor. He let a soft low moan feeling the cock rubbing between his arse cheeks in long strokes. Kissing the back of his neck and shoulder until the heat of their arousal erupted. Connor went to aim his cock for penetration but Christian pushed his arse up forcing them to meet. Deeply he penetrated in a smooth movement, his hands grabbing hold of Connor's arms that were positioned either side of his head. Pushing his arse up more he moaned raising his head twisting it to kiss Connor, an act that caused Connor to relax and lower his body fully on top of him. The skin on skin contact electrifying their bodies. His hands worked up past Connor's wrists until their fingers joined and their hands closed together. Connor pulled up and pushed down harder with his hips in show of deep desire for him. His cock safely deep inside Christian, his hips began moving slowly up and down providing enough momentum to begin fucking him. Taking his time and languishing at the closeness between them, their kissing continued with hands clasped together. Sex had never felt so incredible and Christian was trying to control his body from over reacting. Such sexual intensity like this had always alluded him, it was plain to see that this was not an act of getting off. A connection existed and his body knew it, his head knew it and his heart was palpitating from the sheer pleasure and force between them. Connor picked up a little more speed and thrust in his hips, kissing Christian with more passion that was surprising himself. It felt right, there was no question that his nerd friend had his completely stolen his heart. Every movement caused a chain reaction between them, weather it was their fingers clasping tighter, his arse pushing up or Connor's hips grinding his cock. Every action evolved in to a meaning and stronger bond. He felt the tingle in his balls, fizzling away at first yet building with each passing second and intensifying. He knew he was about to reach his orgasm and yet he desperately needed to give Christian his seed, he had to sow his seed of love for him. The subtle changes in his body was felt by Christian, their tongues fighting each other as they locked in to a deeper kiss. His fingers stretched then closed in clasping Christian's hands tighter. His hips pushed down and his body seemed to heave forward. With a mouth full of Connor's tongue he moaned pushing his arse up gratefully receiving his orgasm. Finally they broke from their kiss and Connor breathed and panted, his hips still moving in a slowly massaging way. Their bodies in tune began to relax at the same time, fingers unclasping and Connor moved his arm under Christian's chest rolling him on his side. He let out a giggle still attached to Connor's cock. His hand moved down and cupped Christian's balls and cock, snuggled up in this position they both soon found that a tranquil sleep for once took hold of them. Sitting across the table his hand glided over the signature and he signed the last will and testament document, leaving his estate and money in the hands of this strange man. Hardly able to comprehend why he was even doing this. Scribbling out a letter laying out of the terms and his reasons he put the pen down and sealed both in an envelope. Standing up he handed the envelope to the strange man who would post it on his behalf. He turned and walked out of the mansion, along the drive to the small country road that he crossed over. The darkness surrounding him with only the noise of the stream rushing past below where he stood. Across the stream he smiled at the charismatic muscular guy who had come in to his life that day. His hand beckoning him over, silently he took a step falling down the bank and hitting his head on a rock and landing face down in the water. Marcin stood there watching for several minutes then walked down the road posting the letter having successfully completed his master’s wishes. At some point during the night they had managed to separate themselves and Christian woke up facing Connor. As much as he wanted to be happy at this situation, seeing him only served to remind them of the difficulties laying ahead and he fucking with Jacob. He was still unsure of Connor's true feelings towards him even though sex last night took on a whole new meaning. Tomas knocked on the door and Christian walked naked over to the door and unlocking it. "Morning" Tomas said standing at the door smiling and taking a good look at Christian's body. Christian blushed opening the door fully "Morning, come in" he said. Connor rolled over "Morning" he mumbled rubbing his eyes. Tomas looked at Connor then grinned looking at Christian "Morning" he said. Connor looked at the time "We have flights booked at 11am" Tomas said. "Where are we going again?" Connor asked sitting up getting lost with all the plans. "Svalbard" Christian said, "What about us?" he asked looking at Tomas. "We cannot get enough seats to Svalbard so Christian and I will overnight in Oslo" Tomas explained. Connor finished getting dressed "Make sure you have the FindMe application active on your phone" he said. Christian nodded "Yes of course I will. You will as well won't you?" he asked Tomas who nodded. "Will you be safe in Oslo?" Connor asked walking over to Tomas. "Yes, mostly daylight there" Tomas replied, "More people around and staying near the airport". "Doesn't matter, he will be able to find me not matter where I am" Christian said then stopped, "He has marked me, that is why I feel different" he said. "That is why I must stay with you Christian" Tomas said putting his arm around his shoulder. "So the rest of us are flying to Oslo and transit to the Svalbard flight?" Connor asked and Tomas nodded. "They are here" Ivan said. They walked with them to the car and the serious, worried looks going on between Evan, Ivan and Tomas was enough to frighten Connor, Christian and Jacob. Every one of them knew they were heading in to unknown territory over the next few days. Within four hours they arrived in Oslo and said a quick good bye before Tomas and Christian went to the airport hotel to wait for the early flight. Oslo would only have a few hours of real darkness. They checked in to their hotel then took a train in to the city to do some exploring, during the day they talked and walked clearly enjoying each other’s company. The flight banked low over the partly snow covered landscape before coming in to land at Svalbard. Even for summer it was cold being so far north and desolate, very few buildings and a handful of shops. Relief could be seen on Evan and Ivan's face that they had made it here without any encounters. At last they had arrived in the land of perpetual daylight meaning no fear of Gregor Kovalek for a few months. Connor stood there quite amazed at how everything seemed so organised, a safe house already set up in preparation for their arrival and a car to take them there. Evan walked over to Connor "Well we made it Connor, you okay?" he asked. Connor nodded "Who is paying for all of this?" he asked looking at Evan, "The church?". "No" Evan replied quickly, "The church doesn't have this sort of money" he added with a laugh. Connor looked at him more intently "Probably better you don't ask questions" Evan added. "Oh no. Wait one minute" Connor said holding his arms, "I am involved so...". "You think you have the right to know?" Evan asked cutting him off and walking to the car. He stood there watching Evan as the anger rose in his body, he was getting annoyed at not being told everything that was going on. But the annoyance built so quickly that anger took over him, shouting demanding to be told. Surfacing from deep in his soul he had a flash back of standing in front of Gregor and he went silent and stood still. Evan turned wondering why he had stopped "Evan, I know my birth name. Gregor told me" Connor said. Evan walked back over to him looking at him and waiting for him to say it "I am Maksim Berkhoff" Connor added. "You are the son of Maksim and Maria Berkhoff" Evan said looking relieved that he understood. "And all of this?" Connor asked waving his hand around in a general gesture. Evan nodded "Berkhoff family put money aside for they knew the time would come" he replied. Connor opened the door to the car "Berkhoff's were they rich then?" he asked. "Kovalek and Berkhoff families were two of the most powerful families in Romania" Evan said. Connor nodded "The money put aside two hundred years ago is quite substantial today" Evan added. Connor got in the car and Evan followed him whilst Ivan and Jacob took the front seats and pulled away from the small airport. Christian's feet ached having done so much walking and was glad to be back in the safety of the hotel. In fact even Tomas showed relief when they closed the locked the door to their room. "I thought you were supposed to be brave with all this" Christian remarked standing by the window. Tomas watching TV looked over at him "Reality is different when faced with it" he replied. Christian walked over kneeling on the bed in front of him "So you were born to do this?" he asked. Tomas chuckled "No, I was sent to church because of my sexual persuasion. To change me back". "Didn't work then?" Christian asked smiling for the first time that day. "Clearly not" Tomas replied, "It was there that I met Ivan who was in this religious set". Christian nodded "Vampire slayers, stake through the heart. Is that what this religious thing is?". Tomas sat up laughing "Not really, you can't kill a vampire that easy" he said. "So I gather" Christian replied touching Tomas's muscular arm, "Is that how you got so fit?". Tomas watched his hand "No" he said then looked up at Christian, "Do you like it?" he asked. Christian removed his hand "Sorry" he said softly, "Ever since... Well my body craves things". "What does it crave Christian?" Tomas asked touching his leg and moving it slowly upwards. He moaned softly rolling his head back "The power of a man inside me" he said in an erotic tone. Christian sighed like his body had found a new level of sexual interest, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up with the tingling he felt from Tomas's touch. Tomas reached up and took his crucifix off then his t-shirt exposing his ripped body coated in a fine dusting of dark hair befitting his Romanian dark looks. Christian looked at it, raising his hand and letting his fingers explore the magnificent physique of this man. Briefly he questioned if this was wrong, but Tomas was the one who seemed to be bringing forward the desire in his body. His powerful arms gently coaxed him forward, Christian removed his t-shirt and straddled across his lap until they were face to face. He couldn't help but moan and sigh at the sensual way his arms surrounded his body holding him firmly yet weirdly so loving. Moving his head closer and stealing a kiss from Tomas, he responded by kissing Christian's top lip, then his bottom lip before kissing him properly on the mouth. The both moaned softly feeling enjoying each other, any thought of his feelings towards Connor melted away. Maybe this was the man he was meant to be with. Tomas kissed his top lip again and spoke softly "I am going to fuck you Christian". Christian had a slight smile on his mouth "Are you?" he whispered rubbing their foreheads together. "Yes" Tomas replied kissing him again and using a little more tongue teasing Christian. Before Christian could say anything more Tomas began kissing using more and more tongue, he reacted openly kissing for longer and longer. All the time they were removing each other’s clothes until they were naked locked together. Tomas picked him up spinning around until he laid him on the bed, his head resting on the pillows, Christian without knowing it he was making little sounds of delight. The kissing began to take a more sensual and erotic intensity. His hands now caressed Tomas everywhere they could reach, his cock wanting to burst showering his excitement. He tried to gain some composure but his attempt was futile leaking pre-cum like a dripping tap. Their eyes both wide open looking at each other as they kissed, yearning and desire was evident in the depth of their gaze. His hand finally getting hold of the prize causing him to moan again partly in surprise feeling that Tomas was not small where it mattered as well. Tomas responded by letting go and kneeling up pulling Christian's head towards his cock. His tongue flickered over the head partly protruding out of the foreskin like it was teasing him to try it. His warm lips felt amazing as they kissed his cock, the pre-cum coating his lips and Christian licked them tasting Tomas's sex. His mouth quickly moved in for more sucking at the head of this thick masculine cock. Opening his mouth he tried to get deeper down only managing halfway before hitting his gag reflex. Moving his head away he looked at the exquisitely crafted eight inch cock briefly before Tomas leaned down and kissed him, forcing him on to his back again he slipped between his legs that rose and clasped around his waist. His cock already in position and he began applying pressure against Christian's hole, his desire and lust for Tomas showed no resistance as finally he felt the immense surge of his hole opening as he penetrated his body slowly. Christian moaned and kissed him with more passion than ever, as the slow tender thrusts delivered more and more of his cock. Tomas looked down smiling and shaking his head slowly in a moment of disbelief that this was happening. He leaned down and kissed Christian harder and gyrated his hips several time as inch by inch he slipped fully inside. The deep steady pumping rhythm causing his body to shudder with each delivery, each time his kissed Tomas harder moaning in to his mouth and wrapping his arms tightly around his muscular back. On and on it went as the sweat appeared on both their bodies. Tomas kneeled up bringing Christian with him, straddled of embedded on his cock. Christian grabbed around his neck moaning wildly now he was impaled so deeply it was bringing a whole new life experience for him. His hips continued moving fucking Christian in this position, their faces drenched in sweat. Their mouths open panting inches from each other allowing them to kiss in between. Tomas felt the urge rising in his body and he fell forward ramping up the speed and trying to get deeper inside. His legs danced around Tomas's waist unable to stay still in excitement noticing the change in the way Tomas was now fucking him. Tomas kissed Christian on the mouth then his body pushed forward hard feeling his semen pulsating up his shaft and entering Christian's body. He tightened his legs around Tomas as he simultaneously began shooting his cum in some erotic wriggling. A momentarily lapse to breath before Tomas came back kissing him furiously then collapsing on top penetrating as deep as he could, steam after stream of his cum released in to him. He held Christian tight as they continued to kiss, he was not finished with Christian yet. He continued fucking drenched in their pool of sweat, their mouths still devouring each other. A sexual desire replaced by love making as the two of them found their attraction growing. Christian moaned again in pleasure as Tomas began to pick up the momentum. Locked in their own sexual world holding and kissing each other until his body pushed forward and his cock locked in shooting another load in to him. His weight collapsing on top of Christian which made him moan even more erotically holding Tomas on top of him as he recovered from his second orgasm. There were no words they could speak, both felt exhilarated. Tomas rolled on his side still lodged deep inside Christian who wrapped his legs securely around his body. They kissed slowly and tenderly for several hours, managing a few more rounds of love making before getting a few hours’ sleep. Awake Christian lay in his arms without a care in the world, his fingers softly dancing through the light coating dark hair on Tomas's muscular chest. Smiling to himself at how he, the nerdy guy, had bagged this stud who was very talented in the sex department. Christian giggled feeling Tomas's slip a finger in his hole "You awake?" he asked softly. Tomas moved his head and kissed him "I am now" he said smiling, "We better get up". "Yeah" Christian replied rolling on to his stomach and leaning over kissing him. Tomas wrapped his arms around him pulling him on top telling him they had time for one more. Christian giggled and opened his eyes wide feeling his arse opening as Tomas slipped his cock inside. He pushed Christian up until he was sat upright on his cock, he looked up Christian and told him to do the work. Later that morning their flight crossed part of the island as it began the final approach. Ivan had driven down the hillside to the small airport to pick them up. "Does anybody actually live here?" Christian asked turning to Tomas as the plane slowed down. Tomas smiled "Yes, not many people though" he replied, "It has 24 hours of sun this time of year". Christian nodded looking out the window "At least we will be safe" he said as the doors opened. Quickly disembarking and through the airport they saw Ivan waiting for them by the exit doors. Christian sat in the back whilst Tomas and Ivan caught up as they drove up the hill to the large two storey house that stood alone along the dirt track. Connor was at the door having watched the car drive from the airport along the road and turning off on to the track. If there was one good thing about this place was the views, it allowed him to see everything going on below. The house was made of red timbers on the outside impregnated with garlic oil, inside it was pretty large with a large family room and several bedrooms upstairs. Too many the house looked quirky as all the bedrooms were at the front facing the sun during the days of perpetual daylight. Evan and Ivan shared a bedroom whilst everyone else had their own private bedroom with black out shutters on the inside of the windows. Tomas and Christian went to get settled in their rooms whilst Evan prepared lunch with Connor. Connor turned to Evan "Should we go find the Ulvan's?" he asked. "Not yet" Evan replied smiling, "Ivan will go in to the village and ask their whereabouts". Connor stopped "You mean you don't know where they live?" he asked sounding surprised. "No" Evan replied, "They live off grid" he added holding back to revealing too much. "I want to help" Connor replied looking anxious. "We have a few months of safety here Connor, until the end of August" Evan said. "I thought it was September" Christian said appearing in the family room hearing them. "August is when the sun will start to dip below the horizon, not quite darkness" Evan replied. Connor looked at him "Then what?" he asked, "Head south?". "There is nowhere south that has perpetual daylight where we could live" Evan explained. "What do I do about my parents?" Connor suddenly asked, "I mean when I can see them?". Evan stopping chopping tomatoes "It is too dangerous for you to go, we could bring them here". "They are never going to believe all this" Connor replied looking concerned. Evan smiled and carried on chopping "I think they would" he said. "I could go see them if you want, when I go and see mine" Christian offered. Connor nodded "I miss home, miss my village and James" he said looking unhappy. Evan looked at him "James your boyfriend then?" he asked curiously. Connor laughed "James is straight" he said getting lost in thought, "He is like a brother to me". "Dam sexy though" Christian said grinning away. Over lunch it became clear that Jacob was fairing a lot better and seemed to be back to himself and happy to be in their company. Having made a brief appearance at his family home before they left explaining that he had got involved in helping Connor with his research and hence why he was going abroad with him. It was needed to ensure that no suspicions was aroused in the village of Vladeni, although in the town of Brasov a search was now underway for Aria who had been missing several days. The Brasov police were also focusing their attention on the Vadimov mansion investigating the French tourists disappearance after the anonymous tip off landed at their doorstep. It didn't go unnoticed by Christian that Jacob was beginning to flirt with Tomas whilst trying to remain close to Connor. It was beginning to irritate Christian as Connor seemed to be quite taken in by Jacob, he did wonder if it was guilt on Connor's behalf and feeling responsible for his predicament. Or was Connor physically more attracted to Jacob and why hadn't Jacob shown this sort of interest in him? Christian needed to get out so after lunch he put on a coat and headed to the door before being stopped by Tomas who grabbed his coat and walked with him. He was about to protest but Tomas was having none of it. Evan and Ivan had set off down to the village to enquire about the Ulvan's leaving Jacob and Connor alone in the house. The first half an hour of their walk was in relative silence but Tomas was not fooled by Christian and knew something was eating away at him. Christian looked out over the view "Beautiful place" Tomas remarked putting his arm around him. "There is nothing here" Christian remarked finally speaking. Tomas kissed him on the head "Are you going to tell me what is bugging you?" he asked. Christian relinquished resting his head on his shoulder "Jacob, flirting with you and Connor". "Really?" Tomas asked oblivious to what went on over lunch, "Are you jealous then?". Christian shrugged "I don't know" he replied. Tomas smiled "You love Connor don't you?" he now asked putting him on the spot. "I don't know" Christian replied sounding confused, "I like you and the sex was amazing". "Christian, you can't have both of us so which one are you jealous about?" Tomas enquired. Christian lifted his head up looking at him "I didn't think we were talking about making choices". Tomas smiled and they continued walking "Evan took a fancy to you" he said taking his hand. "Yeah I know. But would Ivan mind?" Christian asked purely out of curiosity. Tomas shook his head "Sex is sex" he said, "They have been together a while and date openly". "Silly to make any commitments until this is over" Christian said putting his head straight. "There is a chance that this may never be over" Tomas informed him, "Kovalek has waited this long". Christian stopped and looked at him "Enough about him" he said as they naturally moved in to a kiss. They returned back to the house late afternoon just as Evan and Ivan got back from the small village confirming he had the address of the Ulvan's that was about thirty minutes away and they would need to take a snowmobile to get there. Evan decided that Connor and himself should go to meet them, he was about to explain the reason for his decision and left it at that. The following morning they picked up the snowmobile and drove high up in the hills to the north of the island until they had to switch over to the snowmobile. It was only a ten minute ride but long enough for the cold air to penetrate them both. Evan pointed to the house hidden amongst a clump of large snow covered rocks. Evan turned the engine off and they walked the last fifty meters to the house and knocked on the door. Ingrid opened the door and looked at them "Who are you?" she asked. Connor and Evan took their goggles and hat off "I am Evan and this is Connor" Evan replied. Ingrid was staring at Connor "Johan kom hit" she shouted then stared at Connor again. Johan appeared in the entrance hall and Connor looked at him as the colour drained from his face, he looked at Ingrid and could see a resemblance in her mouth formation that echoed his. He looked again at Johan who now stood there with a tear forming at the corner of his eye that trickled slowly down his cheek before checking his emotions and putting them aside for the moment. Johan stepped forward "Show me the mark?" he demanded straight away as Ingrid stepped back. Connor nodded and took his boot and sock off lifting his foot "Mirror" Johan said to Ingrid. Ingrid held a mirror up and Johan check for their reflections "Come in" Johan said. Stepping inside Ingrid closed the door and they both stared at Connor "Connor Barton?" Johan asked. He nodded "How do you know that?" Connor asked looking at them both and it finally clicked and he now felt sick. Connor looked at her "Maria Berkhoff?" he asked then looked at Johan, "Maksim Berkhoff?". "That is correct" Johan replied. Connor shook his head "No" he said, "No" he said again then ran out of the house unsure what to make of meeting his birth parents. Evan noticed that Connor was in shock "I am sorry for bringing him here like this" Evan said. Johan looked at Evan "Are you from Vladeni?" he asked. "Yes" Evan replied, "My mother is Grazie Borsch" he added with Johan and Ingrid nodding. "Then Gregor knows of his existence if you have been sent here" Johan said. Evan nodded "Yes. I think Connor needs some time to process this" he told them. "He didn't know about us?" Ingrid asked. "No" Evan replied, "Please understand this has all happened so quickly took us all by surprise". Johan paced around the room "But why was he not told?" he asked looking anxious. "We have all been face to face with him and he possessed Connor's body" Evan told them. Johan stopped and nodded "If he knows too much then Kovalek will know" he stated. "Yes" Evan replied, "It would appear they have some strong bond, Connor does not know that yet". Ingrid looked at Johan "Maksim, you know what you must do now" she said and he nodded. Evan watched as Johan stood and disappeared in to a different room and then could be heard talking on a phone. Ingrid returned from the kitchen with a tray of tea and four cups as Connor came back inside apologising that he needed to clear his head and think. Ingrid invited him to sit down yet he looked at her like he wasn't sure what to make of anything. Ingrid smiled unable to take her eyes off him "Sorry if I don't come running to you" Connor said. "I would never expect you to" Ingrid replied, "It is overwhelming though to finally see and talk to you". "What do you mean?" Connor asked thanking her for the tea and she stood retrieving a book. She passed the book to him "I came to your village every year to take a picture of you" Ingrid said. Connor browsed through the book then looked up "Why did you never say anything to me?" he asked. "To keep us all safe" Ingrid replied, "I had to remain distant even though it broke my heart". Connor pushed the book back "Three sons and each one we had to protect" Ingrid said sadly. "Are they all still alive? Do you have pictures of them as well?" Connor asked. "No pictures" Ingrid replied, "You were the one that mattered according to his family legend". Connor looked at her "You really are my birth parents?" he asked and she nodded. "When this is over, perhaps we could get to know each other?" Ingrid asked looking at him. "I guess" Connor replied unsure, "I love my adopted parents, to me they are my family" he added. "Of course they are and you should never forget that" Ingrid said assuring him. Johan returned and nodded to Ingrid discreetly "How long are you staying?" Johan asked. "A few months to stay out of harm’s way" Evan replied. "Sensible decision" Johan said, "And are you in the safe house?" he asked. "Yes" Connor responded, "But who owns it?" he asked. Johan and Ingrid looked at each other than Connor "It belongs to you" Johan replied. Ingrid stopped Johan from saying more "When the time is right we will explain everything" she said. Johan nodded "I think that the pretence is over now, you can call us Maksim and Maria" he said. "Yes" Maria agreed, "No more hiding at last" she added sounding relieved. "I don't understand. How does it belong to me?" Connor asked going back to what he wanted to know. "Not now Maksim, sorry Connor" Maksim said, "There is a lot to discuss in the days coming". Connor looked at all three of them "Okay. So what happens now?" he asked. "Go back to your safe house and we will be in touch" Maksim replied. With contact made Connor stood at the door ready to leave, his emotions had been turned upside down having come face to face with his real parents. It certainly added an unexpected twist but he know understood why Grazie had insisted on sending them here. Again Connor apologised to Maria and Maksim asking them to be patient with him as this was unexpected. He hugged and kissed them both then left with Evan walking back to the snowmobile. Evan put his goggles on "I know this is a shock Connor but bear with them" Evan said. "I wish you would have told me" Connor replied, "My birth parents" he said shaking his head. "It will be alright Connor" Evan said trying be assuring to him. Connor put his goggles on "Easy for you to say now I have two big things hanging over me". Evan smiled "My grandmother told me that here lies the answer to end this" he now said. Connor watched him climb on the snowmobile "When this is over will you just disappear?" he asked. Evan glanced at him "That is up to you. But I think we will be friends after this. No one else will believe you about the vampire" he replied. For some reason Connor actually felt okay and he took a last look at the house as Evan started the snowmobile up and they pulled away. All during the trip back to the safe house he could see clearly how much like his birth father he looked, it wasn't so much the Berkhoff genes but more Kovalek genes that seemed to be very strong being inherited down through the years. Maria turned to Maksim "Well?" she asked wondering what the outcome of his phone call was. Maksim nodded "They are contacting them but there is no guarantee" he replied. Maria watched the snowmobile heading out of view "I only hope they know" she said. Maksim kissed her on the cheek and she closed the door with optimism, hoping that finally the family would at last be together, a unit, a force that could defeat their dark shadow.
Part 5 - The Appearance Of Kovalek This door, no that door or was it those steps going down? They were all discussing pointing in different directions, the breeze that had floated past them was a confusion curse laid down by Gregor Kovalek many years ago. Disorientation was now embedded deep in their heads from having spent so long in the mansion. Confusion reigned and arguments began erupting between them getting louder and louder over who was right and which way they should go. Jacob hit Ivan's back "That way" he croaked managing to lift a finger pointing the way immune to the confusion from his time in here. "Oh suddenly he is an expert" Connor said putting his hand on Evan's shoulder. The flash in their heads clearing their thoughts and Evan blocked him from reading in to his secrets and he shifted away from his touch. Connor looked at him for a moment apologising. Evan nodded telling him it seemed to clear the madness going on in their heads and quickly found the route back to the stone steps that lad back up to the entrance hall. Climbing up Connor got his phone out to check on Christian but found he had no signal, as they entered the entrance hall he checked again and still nothing. They focused on getting to the front doors with Connor literally pulling Tomas with him and Evan assisting Ivan in the right direction. Opening the doors the fresh air swooped over them clearing their heads. Ivan put Jacob down and Evan pulled some jogging bottoms and t-shirt out of the bag for Jacob. "Is that wise?" Ivan asked, "He is still urinating a bit" he reminded him. "We have to get him away from here and to safety. All of us" Evan said looking anxious. "Guys" Connor said looking down to the gates where he saw headlights, "We have company". Tomas nodded "Marcin" he said, "Have you got hold of Christian?" he asked. "No. I still don't have a signal" Connor replied looking worried now. "We don't have long" Evan said looking at the sky and sun just poking above the horizon. "Whose idea was it park down at the gates?" Ivan asked looking a Tomas with a grin. Tomas took over carrying Jacob now he had some clothes on, they took a detour through a small area of trees to avoid being seen by Marcin who was now speeding up the drive to the mansion. Reaching the SUV Connor finally had a signal and called Christian but went straight to voicemail. He opened the app to locate Christian and the last known location was in the Gydna guest house. He did his best to remain calm yet panic was written all over his face. They sped towards the place with Ivan crashing down the door at the back. Tomas stayed with Jacob in the SUV to keep him protected. The three of them began searching though the downstairs of the guest house room by room until Connor reached the bar. On the counter he saw Christian's mobile phone and crucifix. Connor let out an anguished cry. Evan came in "No!" he exclaimed quickly hugging Connor, "We will find him" he assured him. Ivan now appeared in the bar "Nothing upstairs in the bedrooms or attic" he said. Evan nodded "Connor hand me his phone and crucifix" he said. Connor handed them over and Evan sat down at the bar stool where his things were found and placed his hands around both items, clearing his head of thoughts he began speaking "A room so close yet hidden, his body lies still yet his heart beats strong. He cannot speak or move. He talked happily sitting at the bar drinking cordial that masked the true content. He moved" he said standing up holding the items and walking behind the bar, "Carried beyond" he added turning around with his eyes closed and walking backwards. "His eyes see the bar disappear, in to a hallway then through the wall of secrets" he stopped opening his eyes, "We are looking for a secret room or door around here" he said. They all began tapping the wall listening for a different sound that would give away any hidden doors. Ivan called out and leaned against the wall which opened in to a passageway with a door at the end. Quickly they walked along the passageway opening the door to the room at the end. Connor rushed over panicking at the sight of Christian laid chained to the bed motionless, his lower half soaked in urine and a pool of pink stained cum under his arse. What riled Connor more was that Marcin had clearly taken advantage of Christian, his Christian he thought quickly without really thinking the thought through. "Connor!" Evan shouted, "Come on we have to get him out now" he said panicking. He looked around and could see Ivan was even panicking "Right yes of course" he said. Outside the sun dipped below the horizon bringing on night. They quickly began removing all the manacles, harness and collar. Christian moved his eyes looking at Connor and recognising him, a tear trickled out the corner of one eye, and it was all he could do feeling trapped inside his own body. Marcin walked out of the room and back up the steps, small droplets spread across to the doors that he knew were those of the rescued lad. The black dense mist swirled in the entrance hall and Gregor appeared. "I am sorry master they came to rescue him" Marcin said getting on his knees. Gregor sniffed deeply "Your fault it is not" he said, "They were prepared" he added. Marcin looked up at Gregor "Are they who we fear?" he asked and Gregor nodded slowly. "Two are protectors, one a seer with vision and the pure blood. I can smell him" Gregor said smiling. Marcin bowed his head "The one who is close is marked" he said looking up at Gregor. Gregor laughed "Did you copulate with him?" he asked smiling down at Marcin "Yes" Marcin replied, "He is impregnated and will be an easy target for you master" he said. "Excellent. How stupid some are" Gregor told him, "Sexual desires will bring them down". Marcin smiled "He will no longer be able to shoulder religious protection from you". Gregor put a hand on his shoulder "You have never wavered in serving me Marcin" he assured him. "The one in Gydna I fear is being rescued as we speak" Marcin added. Gregor nodded "Stay here Marcin, this could get ugly" Gregor said, "I will go" he told him. Marcin nodded and Gregor turned around walking to the door disappearing in the shroud of black mist that dissipated as he stepped out of the mansion that allowed him to move at speed. Gregor soon appeared outside the guest house and saw the vehicle parked up with two bodies inside. Instantly he smelled the clean blood of his victim now protected inside. Moving inside the guest house his sense of smell quickly picked up the pure blood, following the scent that got stronger the closer he got. He smirked gliding in to the passage way and appearing from the black mist, his physical presence was required for this knowing that his target was weak and defenceless. It was a risk as he could be seen by them all and they might try to attack him. He could hear a voice from the room hurrying them up and to put the clothes on. Gregor inhaled deeply then blew softly and the thick white mist of his essence sped like lighting quickly through the air in to the room. Their backs turned picking items up of the floor the white mist dropped quickly and in to his mouth. Christian gasped loudly sitting up, his action forcing them all to turn to him. He looked at each one of them then stared at Connor. "My pure blood ancestor, your time will come. This body and yours will be mine" Christian said. Evan stepped forward "Gregor Kovalek, show yourself or be forced out" he said holding a bottle up. Christian turned to him "Your religious beliefs will fail you now, this body is marked" he said. Christian laughed and his eyes rolled upwards, the white mist appeared and move so quickly they could not see where it went. Connor looked down the passage his body froze, he couldn't see who it was but the icy blue eyes glistened through the dark and he took a step forward, they were reading each other even though Connor didn't know he was doing it. Evan grabbed his arm breaking the stare and saw the dark shuffling of figure disappearing. "He was there" Connor said pointing, "I think he knows who we are. All of us" he added staring at the empty passage. "Connor!" Evan said getting his attention, "You understand the danger we are in now?" he asked, "I feel he will present himself to us all soon". "Yes" Connor replied, "But what did he mean about Christian?" he asked looking scared and worried. "I have to admit Connor, I am not sure what he meant" Evan said looking over at Christian. "Can you read him?" Connor asked almost pleading with him. "Not now Connor, we need to get out and to safety" Evan replied, "We go to my mother’s place to keep safe" he said. Connor looked at him with a scared look "Evan, do you think he is angry at us for rescuing Jacob and Christian?". "Most probably not happy I guess!" Evan remarked with an ironic smile, "I don't want to stay here and find out though". Connor nodded and they picked Christian up off the bed and Ivan carried his limp body to the SUV. Gregor watched them from a distance, laughing to himself as they all looked nervously over their shoulders. His attention drawn to a vehicle coming down the road, he moved swiftly and stood in the road then dissipated before the drivers eyes. Aria swerved her car running off the road and coming to a stop. The noise getting their attention as they car crashed in to a ditch. “We should go help” Connor said looking over at Evan. “No” Evan replied, “We cannot help her” he said holding Connor back and nodding that she had got out of the car. “He might be trying to trap us in to helping” Ivan said calling out of the car. Connor stood watching as she walked in to the road scratching her head and thinking she had hit the tall figure of a man. Now thinking she had imagined it she walked back to the top of the ditch looking down at her car. Sharply turning her head to the left seeing a flicker of a shadow in the corner of her eye. There was no one there but her skin began to crawl and she scratched her arm. Gregor sniffed and smiled picking up the scent of blood that was pure, his canine teeth extended in to sharp razor points ready to strike. His quick appearance in front of her shocking her, she was about to scream but he closed in on her with such speed, his canine fangs struck, piercing through the skin so easily and with accuracy at her carotid artery. His touch freezing her movements, he raised his head dribbling saliva in to the bite then sinking his fangs back in. The enzymes from his saliva moved quickly around hitting her heart, it began to pump harder and faster whilst relaxing her. Evan turned to Connor who had tears falling down his face watching Gregor make quick work of his victim. She could feel the pain in her heart thumping hard in her chest like it was exploding inside her, yet her body was floating on clouds in a delirious tranquil state. He was hungry and held on attached to her artery feeding away and feeling the body warmth receding inwards, the blood closing in on vital organs in preservation mode. Her eyes began protruding and her cheeks sank in, her heart with nothing to pump stopped. Gregor Kovalek released her flinging the now lifeless body to the ground. He felt strong again closing his eyes, commanding his slave to appear. "What is wrong?" Connor asked looking at Evan. Evan turned to face him "Seeing him" he said slowly, "It sent a chill up my spine watching him like that" he added turning back to look, "We need to go". Evan pulled Connor in to the SUV and they drove off, he looked completely stunned witnessing a real vampire at work. What freaked him the most was how quickly it had all happened. Within minutes Marcin appeared in his van and began clearing the body and towing her car away. Gregor disappeared in his mist with his swirling coat and went back to the guest house, he watched the vehicle pulling out of the car park and heading in the direction of Alterman house. Moving at great speed across the fields arriving quickly and long before the vehicle. The SUV slowed down having got clear of the guest house and turned on to the road leading up Grazie's house. Evan just got off the phone with his mother who was ready for them to arrive. In the front Ivan and Evan saw him and Ivan slammed the breaks on as Gregor presented himself to all of them, standing in the road staring at them. Ivan looked at Evan who nodded. "What have we stopped for?" Tomas asked looked to the front, "No way!" he said. Connor looked "Kovalek" he said, "Is he hunting us down?" he asked. Tomas was shaking his head "He has presented himself openly" he said sounding worried, "I can't believe how much you both look alike". "What do we do?" Ivan asked noticing Evan holding the bottle of holy water. He looked at Ivan "There is only thing we can do" Evan said nodding. Ivan nodded back "Make sure you are ready" he replied quietly then kissing Evan on the cheek. "What is going on?" Connor asked looking worried at their behaviour. "Connor. Keep your head down and cover your neck" Evan said and Tomas covered Jacob and Christian. "Like this" Tomas said looking at Connor, "Don't ask questions just do it" he commanded. Connor nodded and bent over covering his neck just as Ivan floored the accelerator pedal speeding towards Gregor. He vanished in to the swirl of dark mist shattering the windscreen and sending glass everywhere and entering the vehicle. Ivan gargled and clasped the side of his neck in excruciating pain and losing control of the SUV. Gregor manifested just enough of a finger so that his nail sliced and embedded in to Ivan's carotid artery. The rear windscreen shattered in a blast with his exit. Evan held the steering wheel trying to retain control whilst pulling the hand brake up. The SUV ground to halt half across the road. He quickly pulled Ivan over, he stared at Evan with blood pouring out of his neck. Evan clearly upset poured the holy water over the wound watching it fizzle and sizzle until the finger nail appeared, he flicked it away and the bleeding stopped instantly. Tomas came round and opened the door looking in. "He lost a lot of blood" Tomas said looking at the mess and just as upset as Evan. Evan nodded "He will need to rest a few days I reckon" he said kissing Ivan on the mouth. Softly Ivan raised a finger and stroked Evan's face "Thank you" he said closing his eyes. Tomas and Evan carried him around the boot of the car laying him down with Christian who was still unconscious and now covered in bile from vomiting in his. Evan told Connor to keep an eye on them both and to keep Christian on his side, he nodded understanding what he was being asked. Tomas jumped in to the driver seat waiting for Evan when a few feet away the dark swirl of mist rapidly grew and Gregor appeared walking towards Evan. “Oh my god not again” Evan said sounding scared himself. "The seer" Gregor said with a malicious look, "Give me the pure blood and save yourselves whilst you have the chance". Evan stepped back "Gregor Kovalek" he said as his voice broke, "You will never have the pure blood". Connor looked out of the car and in a fit of rage he jumped out "Come and get me you bastard!" he shouted angrily striding towards Gregor. Gregor smiled "With pleasure" he replied vanishing in to his dark mist. He looked around "Scared of me?" Connor shouted in the night air as the mist swirled inches from him. His fangs out hissing at Connor who fell to his knees cowering in fright "Scared of you!" Gregor laughed. Connor moved his arms from his head and looked up at him "Stand up and face me! Gregor demanded. He stood up nervously facing Gregor "Connor come away now!" Evan called out to him. Gregor stood in touching distance "Our likeness is astonishing" he said sniffing the air, "Your blood is what I have sought". Connor's skin crawled as he stepped back as Gregor kept moving forwards "Speak the words" Gregor said, "Then it ends". He shook his head "Join me in eternal life" Gregor said keeping a careful watch on Evan. Connor looked over his shoulder "Will you promise to leave them all alone?" he asked. Gregor smiled "You are in no position to make requests" he replied clearly, "I will pick them off one by one until you give yourself to me". Inside he was bricking himself standing so close to this vampire that was his relation by some weird coincidence. Standing a few inches taller than him but they could have been mistaken for bothers. Connor looked at his face finding the creature so sexually stunning in his looks, it was putting him off and he started to feel quite calm standing there. He looked down at his hand noticing it was bleeding a little from a cut on his knuckle from protecting himself. Suddenly he remembered the words that Kovalek could not take the pure blood. "Connor!" Evan called over to him panicking, "He cannot take your blood without the words" he said. Connor turned to Evan "I don't know what the god dam words are" he shouted clearly stumped at the remark. Gregor leaned in so close it unnerved Connor "I willingly offer you my blood" he whispered, "That is all you have to say and it will end right now". "Is that it?" Connor asked, "Is that all this is, six words you need me to say?" he asked feeling Gregor's breath. "Six small words" Gregor whispered in his ear, "Then you and I can exist together". Gregor moved his head below Connor's ear closing in on his neck, Connor sighed feeling all fuzzy and warm in some erotic seduction. It was like he could feel Gregor sinking his fangs in to his neck opening up a whole new world to him. Two ancestors drawn together from dark and light, did he really know all along his destiny was to bring him here to this point in time? Connor reached down and took off his crucifix, Evan moved but Connor held his hand up. This was something he had to do and Gregor now kissed his neck softly, almost tasting the purity of the blood running through those veins beneath the skin. The temptation was mighty but he dare not break in to the carotid artery without being offered it verbally. Something strange began to happen as Connor moved his head around and kissed Gregor on the lips. Gregor smirked "You feel how our bodies are connected?" he asked softly. "Yes" Connor replied feeling seduced by his presence, he could also feel a strong bond pulling them together. "I enjoyed fucking your friend through you last night" Gregor said with an evil laugh, "He survived my attempt to get you to kill him". "I will never kill Christian" Connor replied softly feeling the power of his seduction creeping in to his body. Connor shook his head and looked at him "I dare you to bite me and take it by force" he said toying with Gregor. Gregor whispered "You silly boy, you have no idea what you are messing with" he said stepping a few paces back, " "Is that so" Connor replied in a whisper stepping closer, "You underestimate me" he said. Gregor sniffed moving his mouth closer, his canine fangs extended out further in anticipation. Gregor licked the side of his neck and Connor moaned as his neck tingled going cold then numb. His body and mind suddenly became even more aroused, his cock hardening quickly. He wanted to make love to Gregor so wild and passionately that it was hurting him badly. Gregor knew this and he looked over at Evan displaying an evil grin then opened his mouth wide displaying his fangs, he closed in quickly and Connor screamed feeling the sharp fangs piercing in to his skin quickly and sinking all the way in. Flashes of them making love had him wrapping his arms around Gregor grinding his cock up against him, every part of his body heightened with an evil exoticness he had never experienced before. Evan ran over but Gregor lifted his head away. He took no blood and stepped back laughing at Connor who fell to his knees clutching his neck and crying in agony. Gregor had shown him the pain and lust of playing with him without taking any blood. Connor looked up at him wiping the wound yet there was no blood, the erotic desire lessening in his body. Realising what Gregor just inflicted and what it was going feel like he found his arousal surging again, he got to his feet facing Gregor and stared in to the icy blue eyes. For almost a minute he stood there transfixed on Gregor's eyes and unable to break eye contact until Gregor blinked and laughed. He was a fool playing it so dangerously and his thoughts returned to his own, managing to wipe some of the blood from his knuckle on the tip of his finger. He stared at Gregor again and was instantly pulled in kissing Gregor on the lips. His action received openly by Gregor who kissed him back. Connor kissed him again only this time harder and pushed his tongue in to his mouth, he was hoping to run his tongue over the fangs, pushing it up until they pierced his tongue yet they were gone. He had only normal teeth now. Connor tried to push him away but Gregor quickly wrapped his arms around Connor's body knowing full well what he was trying to do. He now forced Connor in to a kiss that was delivered with vigour, a softness then surrounded him swallowing some of Gregor's saliva. Everything seemed to glow warmly and his body arched forward desperate to be closer. Gregor's arms tightened around him and Connor suddenly felt a coldness spreading through his body, his heat was being transferred to Gregor. His hold tight, his lips crushing against Connor who was losing all self-control. Those precious few moments saw his mind open like a book before a tingling numbness began taking over, his blood moving from his external layers and concentrating inwards to his vital organs to keep him alive. His body temperature began to plummet and he was beginning feel a drowsiness encroaching, he slowly raised his hand and the bloodied finger getting closer to Gregor's mouth. Through the kiss he saw his nostrils move sucking air in before quickly moving his face away and breaking the kiss joining them together, he had smelt the blood. Connor held on then jabbed his finger towards Gregor's mouth wiping the blood on his lips. Gregor let out a high pitch scream and struck Connor hard sending him flying some ten feet off the ground, dropping his crucifix on the road and landing in a ditch on the other side of the road. When Evan turned around Gregor had vanished, he ran over to the road and found Connor laying there dazed with blood dripping from his nose. Tomas started the SUV and drove over to where Evan was helping Connor to his feet. "That was incredibly stupid of you" Evan said looking annoyed with him. Connor smiled then winced "I know" he replied smiling unable to stand up, "I know his weakness". Evan pulled Connor out of the ditch "You was lucky it was not seen as willing" he said. Connor shivered and began to feel sleepy "My body is so cold" he said falling in to Evan's arms. Tomas called them to hurry up. Evan steadied Connor on his feet as he came around again, his body temperature began slowly rising. Apart from nursing a bruised ego and deep wounds on his neck Connor was okay and they got back in to the SUV driving the last mile to Evan's family home. Grazie fussed around seeing to Christian and putting him in a room with plastic sheeting on the bed, Tomas said he would stay and watch over him, he was still out of it and a steady small trickle of urine flowed constantly. Jacob was almost back to full consciousness but his body still ached from being confined so long in the cage. Connor walked in to the room and sat beside Christian when Evan appeared, the realised by how badly Christian was constantly urinating that he must have taken a lot of the drink. Ivan was okay and sleeping to get his energy level back. Connor joined Evan and Grazie in the lounge just as he was handing the small bottle over to his mother. "Can you tell what is in there?" he asked his mother. Grazie smelt it "I will see" she replied, "I thought you would have been able to tell" she said. "No" Evan replied, "It is a dark liquid that is all I can see" he added. Grazie nodded and began getting all sorts of liquids out from a cupboard and explained to Connor that she was chemical scientist from her education. They sat talking whilst she worked away writing things down and running numerous little analysis experiments. It was early morning when Grazie walked over with her notepad "Right it contains high concentrates of blackcurrant antioxidants. Dandelion leaf which is a diuretic hence why he is urinating a lot. Valerian, theanine and rhodiola to induce sleep, arnica oil is present in very potent levels to render your muscles in to a useless state. Salvia divinorum to induce mind controlling hallucinations. The main ingredients though are tinospora cordifolia and phyllanthus emblica, they are blood purifying botanicals" she said closing her notepad. "What can we give him?" Connor asked hoping she had a cure. "Nothing, it has to takes it course through his body" Grazie replied, "What was he like?" she asked. Connor looked at her "Taller than me. We do have the same looks" he said and she nodded. "We must regroup and plan" Evan said, "Once Christian is back on his feet" he added. "You must take Jacob with you now, he will not be safe with Kovalek around" Grazie informed them. She looked at the puncture marks on Connor's neck "It hurt" he said, "I think he wanted to show me how much it would hurt". "Very clever not to draw blood though" Grazie said looking at him, "You must all go to the land of perpetual daylight". Connor and Evan looked at her and nodded understanding that they should head to Svalbard where the sun would not set until late August giving them a few months of safety. Once there they were to look up Johan and Ingrid Ulvan. Connor went to see how Christian was doing and returned his crucifix around his neck. Almost immediately Christian moaned in agony and his skin began blistering where the crucifix lay. Tomas quickly tore it from Christian's neck and the blisters vanished. "Christian has some form of curse on him or he took blood from Marcin" Tomas asked looking at Connor. "Evan!" Connor called at he appeared at the door "Please read him, something is not right". Evan nodded and walked inside sitting on the bed taking his hand in his, it was a tense few minutes until Evan could finally get in to Christians thoughts and read what had happened "It was going well, they talked and flirted. His head free of radical thinking the more he drank and became seduced by his looks and charm". Evan moaned clenching his hand tighter "Erotic thoughts, his fingers running up his body, unable to stop his desire to mate with him. For he knows not of the consequences. Penetrated and sexual orgasm his seminal plasma passed between their bodies. His body accepting copulation received the plasma that now marks him, for he has no protection from Christ. His body no longer able to protect himself for Christ will burn on his skin". Evan let go of his hand and looked at Connor like he was out of his depth in understanding parts of it. Connor nodded "Seminal plasma is made from blood plasma" he said looking at them both. "He took Marcin's bodily fluids, he no longer has protection like us" Evan confirmed. Tomas looked at Christian "Marcin has Gregor's blood, but how can he be around in daytime?" he asked. "Easy" Grazie said appearing at the door, "There are two blood curses, drink the blood you gain eternal life to serve is one of the curses". "But not a full vampire like Kovalek?" Connor asked looking at her and she nodded, "And the other one?" he asked already feeling he knew. "Cursing the body to darkness" Grazie said, "Turning them in to a vampire". Tomas stood up "Can we change the pads and open a window, the smell is bad?" he asked. Grazie nodded "The toxins in his blood are being excreted, it will smell for several hours". Connor leaned over and kissed Christian on the head then walked back through the house and went outside to get some air. His finger went up to feel the wound inflicted by Gregor, standing their looking out across the fields the night air was now so normal and quiet. Evan came outside walking towards Connor, without saying a word he hugged him. They all had such a close call with Gregor this evening and neither one of them was fooled that this was going to be easy. Evan reached in to his pocket pulling the bottle of holy water out, dapping some on his fingers he carefully smeared it over the wound. Connor flinched and the holes began to shrink. "We will need to go to the church in the morning and get more" Evan said looking in his eyes. Connor nodded "If all of you hadn't been there this evening it would have ended" he said. Evan smiled "Had me worried when he kissed you" he said putting the bottle back in his pocket. "Did it make you jealous?" Connor asked jokingly. Evan lowered his eyes "No" he said softly, "Vampires are rumoured to be able to charm and seduce victims if needed" he said. "My body changed Evan, in that moment" Connor said, "Touching him in that way did things to me". Evan put his arm around Connor "Did you get in to his head, see anything?" he asked softly. "No. But he had me Evan, my body was aroused so intensely though" Connor replied looking worried. Evan looked him in the eye "You see why those closest to you would never be safe?". Connor nodded and looked up at the sky "I wanted him to bite me again and again" he said nervously, "It turned me on so much". Evan nodded "Tell me what it felt like when he bit you?" he asked. "Piercing pain at first" Connor replied, "Then my body was taken over by a sensuality, it...It felt amazing". Connor stretched his neck side to side as they looked at each other quite intimately. He knew Evan was lying about the jealousy bit by the way he lowered his eyes shyly when speaking. Their heads moved closer and they kissed with such a tenderness it caught both of them by surprise. Connor kissed him again and smiled "You know those close to me are in danger" he said softly. Evan nodded "He has seen me, he knows I am a seer and close to you now" he replied. Their mouths closed in and they kissed for several minutes, their hands wandering down inspecting each other’s cocks. The voice of Grazie coming from the house breaking their intimate moment, both knowing nothing could happen tonight in Evan's family home. "Are you coming back inside?" Evan asked letting go of him. "In a moment" Connor replied, "I need to think, this has been a crazy day" he said. Evan stopped and turned to look at him "You said you know his weakness?" he asked. Connor nodded "I saw it Evan. But I can't remember. He has somehow blocked it in my head". Evan nodded and walked back inside leaving the door open and affording a dappled light to shine on the porch. Gregor stood out of view in the field a few meters away from the house watching them, his lips had finally regenerated, it took much longer than usual for his body to regenerate. He knew the blood from his ancestor was dangerous but never expected it to slow down the regeneration properties of his own blood. Suddenly he saw Connor step off the porch walking along the path. Connor looked ahead of him in each direction checking for any sign of Gregor but it looked so tranquil in the evening air. He paused picking up two sticks ready to make a cross out of them, passing through the gate out of safety he stood there and looked around again. Clearing his head and closing his eyes he summoned Gregor Kovalek with his thoughts to appear. Connor opened his eyes thinking he must be starting to lose it summoning someone with his thoughts. Just then a light chill of a breeze caressed his face and a dark mass of mist appeared so quickly almost pulling him in, Gregor now stood there before him. Connor took a step back but looked at him "You summoned me" Gregor said, "Are you ready?" he asked. He shook his head in disbelief "You heard me?" Connor asked looking confused. Gregor smiled stepping close "Are you offering yourself to me?" he asked sniffing the air. "Not a chance" Connor replied trying to steady his voice despite the nerves wrecking his body. Gregor smirked "Then why did you summon me?" he asked as Connor raised the sticks forming a cross. Gregor looked at them and laughed grabbing Connor's arms "You fool" he said. Connor felt the chill in his arms and dropped the sticks, Gregor pulled him forward bringing their faces so close that he could feel the warmth from Connor's breath. With no time to think Connor moaned feeling the coldness of his lips running softly across his own, his lips parting slightly allowing Gregor to kiss him. The arms began closing around his body locking them together, Connor wanted to break free but his body was seduced by his power and presence. The kiss went on and on in a strange passionate way, his mind emptied of all thoughts he now began hungrily kissing Gregor back, his groin pushing forward in a desperate sexual desire. Gregor let go and stepped back laughing and watching Connor. It took a few seconds to realise that the kiss was over yet his body still performed to the air around him. Connor stopped and looked lost "What... What the fuck are you doing to me?" he asked angrily. "Showing you the power I already have over you" Gregor replied, "You belong to me, always have and always will". Connor suddenly wondered if this was an opportunity to have a sensible conversation with a vampire. There was curiousness in him and he needed answers to from what had happened over the last few days. "The other night. When you got in my head, why did you do that?" Connor asked. Gregor sighed erotically "When you were copulating with a man in your bedroom?" he asked. Connor nodded staring at him "The sin of men fornicating" Gregor said erotically, "So arousing, wrong but arousing". "It might have been when you were alive" Connor remarked, "Why did you?" he asked him again, "Why invade me like that?". Gregor smirked "To discover you" he said moving closer, "I felt your sexual energy in my body". "If you do it again I will come for you!" Connor spoke in defiant voice. Gregor smiled "Then I will copulate with you" he replied, "You are too weak to fight me, the time will come when you beg me to end this". Connor stepped back "Never!" he replied adamantly. Gregor laughed "When those close fall one by one you will crawl to me on your knees and beg me to stop and speak the six words" he said. Gregor grabbed Connor by the head and felt a surge of energy flash in to his head causing him to let go instantly. Gregor closed his eyes, his ancestor had a slight gift he was to discover. Opening his eyes he realised that Connor has transferred deep thoughts to him, he had uncovered enough and that Connor lived in Chalfont Forits, he could see vivid images of the village and the house he lived in. Then a large manor house with crumbling walls and an old man living a solitude life. Connor fell to his knees holding his head in pain then gradually looked up at Gregor standing over him. "I have all I need for now" Gregor said smiling, "You need to control your mind Connor Barton". Connor held on to Gregor getting to his feet "Connor!" Evan shouted running down the path. Gregor looked over "Ah the seer" he said turning Connor to face Evan, "Should I destroy him first, the one with the power of visions?". Connor held his hand up to stop Evan approaching "Stay there he shouted" at Evan. Gregor pulled Connor to his fee and licked the side of his neck "So young, so tender. Maybe I finish Christian off first, he means more to you". Connor turned to face him "Don't you dare touch him!" he said looking angry. Gregor smiled "Your weakness is him. Not to worry he has been marked by my servant, nothing can protect him now". "What did you do to him?" Connor asked, "Tell me please?" he pleaded. "Cursed seed flowed in to his youthful body. Ridding him of any redemption" Gregor replied. Connor went to hit Gregor but he grabbed his hand "I will destroy all those around you, one by one" Gregor snarled. "Leave Christian alone!" Connor shouted angrily as the fear rose in him for his safety. Gregor smirked "Christian is more valuable at my side" he said nodding, "He will be the one to bring you to me" he said. His arms wrapped around Connor "When only you stand you will join me for we are alike" Gregor added. “I will fight you Gregor, you can be sure of that” Connor replied. Gregor laughed “So brave yet you use not your birth name. Maksim Berkhoff is who you really are”. Connor felt a comfort in his arms despite the coldness entering his body, washing away all his thoughts until only Gregor mattered. He sought Gregor's mouth kissing him again, his power of seduction too strong to fight off. Evan moved closer as Gregor latched on sealing their mouths. He breathed in through his mouth sucking the air out of Connor's body. His arms punching against Gregor as he felt a void washing over his cold body, he blacked out falling to the ground. Gregor looked at Evan and smiled then disappeared in to the dense dark mist. Evan ran over and picked Connor up taking him back in to the safety of the house and wrapping him in a blanket waiting for him to come round. Reappearing in the entrance hall of Vadimov mansion his body so overrun with sexual thoughts that he took a while to notice that Marcin was standing there. Gregor looked at him with a questioning look. "The female body and car is disposed of" Marcin said bowing as he stood in front of his master. "I was close to the one you marked" Gregor said, "I could clearly smell him, you did a good job". "Thank you master" Marcin replied, "And did you see him? The pure blood?" he asked. "Yes, he is weak and no match for me" Gregor replied, "His head is confused and seduces easily". Marcin smiled "They are all fools, bumbling around with no idea of what they are dealing with". "Indeed" Gregor said, "We must go to England, to Chalfont Fortis, that is his home". "I will begin making arrangements" Marcin replied bowing his head. "No, there is another task you must do first. Secure the Chalfont Weir estate" Gregor told him. Marcin nodded understanding him "Do whatever it takes to secure it" Gregor added. "It will be my pleasure master" Marcin replied bowing, "I will not let you down". Gregor nodded "For now we need to resurrect your brothers to protect me" he said. Marcin bowed as Gregor moved like he was floating towards the staircase down to the crypt.
Part 4 - The Vidmov Estate The way they both heaved a sigh of relief when closing the door to the bedroom in the guest room had them both laugh for a moment, forgetting how events had taken a dark turn. Christian was straight on his laptop researching on ways to kill a vampire. He looked over at Connor who seemed deep in thought and explaining that Children of the Moon are the most dangerous enemies of vampires, because they are the only thing strong enough to kill a vampire. Children of the Moon originally hunted humans, though over the centuries they have been hard-wired to kill vampires on sight in their wolf form. "That doesn't help much, they are just as much a myth" Connor replied looking solemn. "Only another vampire can kill a vampire" Christian added closing his laptop. Connor stood at the slightly opened window "Why do I feel I am way in over my head?" he asked. "We both are" Christian replied standing next to him, "Together we face this" he said. “You are sweet nerdy” Connor said looking at him, “I don’t know if I believe any of it… I mean vampires!”. Christian closed his laptop “Maybe you should tell that to your face then” he said getting off the bed. Connor turned to face him and his face was etched with a hint of worry and sadness. Christian walked over and reached up stroking the side of his face staring him in the eyes, his heart beating faster. His love for Connor growing stronger and the drive for sex rising in their bodies. Folding in on each other, arms wrapping around hugging hard. His closeness driving Christian insane and unable to stop, kissing his neck a few times until Connor responded moving his head seeking his mouth. And urgent passion surfacing between them as they kissed frantically whilst undressing. Connor taking his t-shirt off also removed the crucifix by accident and dropped them both to the floor. His sigh was long and erotic feeling Connor's skin again, their bodies so close. He took charge nudging Connor back until he fell on the bed pulling Christian with him. Undisclosed yet evident in his eyes, Connor was his heart’s desire that he dare not speak of now. The man was so agile and moved so effortlessly getting Christian on his stomach, on top he moved his cock between his arse cheeks gently rubbing back and forth. Kissing the back of his neck, toying and teasing until Christian could stand it no longer and began begging to be taken. Rising up his cock delved deeper between the cheeks forcing his hole to open. Christian moaned and buried his head in the pillow, still begging and pleading to be taken. Connor kissed the back of his neck as he pushed his cock deeper, the velvety feel of the arse surrounding his cock, the warmth that spread through his body in that moment of simple pleasure. Letting out a soft delicate moan he pushed until he was balls deep inside Christian. He could feel Connor's sexual awakening as the hips rapidly began moving beating against his arse with lusting purpose. In the dark street below a swirl of dense black mist appeared out of nowhere, rapidly growing and he appeared from within it. Looking up at window that was slightly open he sniffed and smirked, he could smell the pure blood so clearly and importantly someone was with him. Kovalek checked the road was quiet then tilted his neck back breathing out a long stream of white mystical vapour. Moving at the blink of an eye upwards, spiralling to the open window. He could feel his vulnerability already and took the opportunity watching and feeling his essence pour through the window straight towards his target. Rapidly snaking up his back and neck disappearing in to his nostrils and mouth. Gregor moaned as he was momentarily put off, his head instantly filled with sexual intimacy and could feel inside the pure blood for the first time. Connor gasped catching his breath and inhaling deeply, his own thoughts clouding over shrinking away quickly. A feeling like he wasn't there yet he could see and feel everything he was doing, his body moving on its own actions was now out of his control. Freaking out he wanted to stop but his mind was not his, within his own body he felt trapped, watching like a bystander having sex. Gregor could see himself as the pure blood looking down at young lad, erotic sensations driving Gregor wild, he had never felt such pleasure when inhabiting another body. He made the fingers dance up the young man's back scratching him. He struggled but through Connor he gripped the back of his neck pushing him down. In the street Gregor moaned opening his eyes and smiling. The young man’s heart appeared of true love for the pure blood. He couldn't allow that to happen, he was too close and needed to be removed, any distraction could prevent the pure blood's destiny to be with him. With a brute force he drove his hips down, the sign of the crucifix around the neck of the young man under him caused Gregor to laugh. His body rose from the hard thrust and he pushed his head down harder trying to keep him still. Christian initially aroused at how different his sex was from their first time, suddenly realised something was not right. Connor fought trying to stop it in fruitless attempts as the obsession in his head battled against his soul, his head now full of dark twisting thoughts, full of destructive forces telling him he to destroy Christian. His hips began moving so quickly and hard that Christian was on the verge of passing out, unable to catch his own breath between the pain, speed and intensity his body took. Panic and fear took over as he struggled to get free, it felt like he was being held down by an incredible weight crushing his body. A force of evil that pummelled his body trying to break him apart the deeper and harder it grew with every passing second. Connor gave a malicious laugh at the feeble attempts of the body under him, the thoughts in his head were so intoxicating that he began to climax feeling the body under him weakening and losing any ability to fight. In vain Christian tried again to push him off but his strength was waning, his breath short and gasping as he fought to breathe, his body failing take in air. The thrusting started bearing down on him even harder and he was in agony, his head being pushed down harder and the fingers gripping like a vice crushing against his head added to the agony. An angry roar erupted above him and out in the street at the same time. Gregor felt the orgasm in the pure blood coursing though his own body, he steadied himself breathing rapidly. Christian felt the pain subsiding briefly then Connor pushed his hips down grinding away as if it was trying to separate Christian's pelvis. Christian cried out pleading for him to stop before pushing his head harder into the pillow. Through his control of Connor he grabbed Christian by his neck pulling him up, seeing he was still alive he pushed his head back on the bed and took his cock out laughing. Christian seized the break and was able to push him off scrambling to his knees like a frightened child. Straight away he noticed that Connor's eyes appeared milky and vacant, curiously he looked losing his moment as Connor moved with such speed that Christian was caught in his arms that crushed around his body in a suffocating hug. Connor sniffed at his neck then bit down hard. Christian punched his back harder and harder until he let go. He looked at Connor unable to fathom what was going on and rubbing his neck noticing a little blood on his fingers where he had broken the skin biting him. Connor licked his lips staring at Christian with the most evil grin he had ever seen. Suddenly his eyes fluttered and cleared as a weird white mist quickly rose from Connor's mouth disappearing out of the window, he gasped then rolled back lifeless falling off the bed with a thud. Christian ran over to the window and saw a dark shadow across the street bent over like they were exhausted. The person turned standing up and looked directly at Christian, his black hair was short and brushed back all neat, the moustache and chin beard neatly kept. He was attractive beyond belief that Christian had to blink and rub his eyes, looks so similar to Connor but taller, yet he wore a strange long black coat that floated in the evening breeze. It was his eyes though, cold icy blue eye that stared up directly in to his, boring in to his soul. Making the mistake to eye contact Christian found he was rooted to the spot, unable to move for several seconds then the man grinned at him. The same twisted evil grin he had just seen on Connor's face. Christian tried hard to blink but his eyes could not break looking at Kovalek's, he raised a hand urging Christian forward. His hand opened the window fully and he slowly leaned out getting further and further, the hand pushed and he was back in the room. Kovalek laughed and Christian finally blinked breaking the hold he had over him. When he looked again he was no where to be seen and road was empty. He stepped back from the window feeling sick and falling over, his body in shock and his head hurting. Reality was now sinking in, there was no doubt he had just seen Gregor Kovalek and he had controlled his mind and body for a few seconds. He looked over at Connor who was still passed out of the floor beside him. Christian crawled over and knelt down at his side trying to bring him around but his body was cold, he was breathing which was the main thing. Noticing that the crucifix Connor was wearing earlier was not around his neck. The words wear it for your protection ringing through his head as he began searching through Connor's clothes and finding it tangled up in his t-shirt. He placed the crucifix on his chest. Immediately he could feel a warmth returning to Connor's body. Christian sat on the floor his body now trembling with the image of Kovalek burnt in his head, he was now aware that Connor was the body but it was Kovalek who appeared to have controlled him driving the sex. Stroking Connor's head waiting patiently for him to come round. That image of Gregor Kovalek and the haunting evil grin would not go away from his thoughts. The full reality of how things were going to and had started to change now hitting him. How can a myth or tale like that become so real he wondered. Christian now understood the words of those close would be in danger, Gregor knew that he was close to Connor and that he had tried to fuck him to death in those few moments. Looking down at Connor the love in his heart growing stronger and he was no longer able to fight this part of him. He had to be here for him that was all that counted right now. Connor mumbled and began opening his eyes, he sat up quickly and looked at Christian. Scrambling to his feet and stumbling disorientated across the bedroom to the sink he vomited bile for nearly half an hour before he fell to his knees shaking out of control. Christian kneeled down behind wrapping his arms around his body trying to give him some comfort. It took a while before Connor slowly began calming down, images of what he had seen being done to Christian now forming in his head. Eventually managing to speak "What did I do to you?" Connor asked looking confused. "Nothing" Christian replied softly still holding him. Connor looked at him "He got inside my head, I felt him in my body" he said sounding scared. Christian nodded "I saw him after" he said nodding to the window, "In the street". Connor sat forward "You saw him?" he asked and he nodded, "Then he really does exist?". "Kovalek looked up at me, his look was cold and evil" Christian replied trembling. Connor shook his head questioning their sanity "Did I hurt you?" he asked. "You didn't, but he tried to" Christian replied hugging him, "Come on, bed" he instructed. Connor nodded figuring that Christian didn't want to talk any more about it right now, they got in to bed and automatically they cuddled each other out of fright. There was still a look of disbelief between them and they both found sleep was hard to come by. Every noise or shadow was now a potential threat that kept them alert. Across the dark fields and wood in the Vadimov manor Gregor rose from his knees regaining his strength returning to him, the invasion of the pure blood had taken more out of him than the previous one and it left him weak and vulnerable. Carefully going down the steps through the darkness he opened the door and walked over to the human cage. Moving closer he sniffed long and hard detecting a near normal blood in his victim. The noise waking Jacob up who panicked forgetting where he was, crying and pleading to be released. Gregor watched with a smile on his face at the naked young man, the panic in his eyes. His invasion of the pure blood whilst having sex with another man had opened his eyes at the arousing sensation that was still coursing through his body. A desire to try this himself and a thought of keeping this young lad alive for his own perverse pleasure. Gregor raised a finger and touched the skin of Jacob then making a small nip with his finger nail on his cheek, the blood surfaced and he ran his finger over it. There was no longer any burning but it was still too early. He stared intensely in to the young man’s eyes calming him down. Jacob fought but soon found he was mesmerised and unable to look away, the icy blue so hypnotic that he couldn’t look away. Gregor reached in his pocket and pulled a small bottle of drink and a tube, he pushed it in to Jacob's mouth and throat then poured the contents down the tube forcing him to drink. A concentrated cordial tasting of blackcurrants that he was grateful for, unknown to him it contained the botanical mixture to relax and cleanse the blood of any impurities. Gregor smiled removing the tube and staring at Jacob and watching his body relax and his eyes slowly and ever so softly closing. Gregor turned around walking out and closing the door, the light of the new day would soon be upon him and it was time to sleep. Hardly managing to get any sleep between them Christian sat on the side of the bed rubbing his eyes. The pain in his arse had eased but the bite mark was still an angry red colour. Connor on the other hand was staring out of the window unable to look at Christian this morning as the full extent of what he had put him through became apparent. Thankfully the knock on the door breaking the weirdness in the room. Christian quickly put on some clothes and went to open it. "Evan, thank god" Christian said in relief and letting him in. "Are you two okay?" Evan asked straight away looking at them both and noticing Christian’s neck. Christian looked at Connor "He came to us Evan. The guy is real" he said sounding like an idiot. "Kovalek?" Evan asked looking worried, "He presented himself to you both?" he asked. "Well yes" Connor replied looking at Christian, "To Christian he did, I am scared for him though" he added. Evan nodded and Christian stepped forward "We know from the prophecy of the danger" he said. Connor looked nervous, "He was inside me, controlling my body whilst I was err...". "Having sex with me" Christian finished for him and looking at Connor. Connor shook his head "Evil took me, wanting me to destroy you Christian" he said welling up. Evan shook his head in disbelief "This is not good, did you see him. I mean physically?" he asked. Christian nodded "In the street down there" he said pointing, "He looked at me then vanished". "Then he knows for certain and that you are close to the pure blood" Evan said looking concerned. "He is evil or angry" Christian added, "I saw it in his eyes and felt it. Yet he is most attractive” he added. Evan shook his head “Nothing like that portrait now, but similar looks to Connor” Christian said. "It is worrying he presented himself to you" Evan said, “You must be careful in hours of darkness Christian”. As much as they were now trying to put on a brave face Evan could see that the whole experience had shaken both of them up. They spent an hour talking about it and trying to understand what had gone on. They had to move on going over and over the plan to rescue Jacob, it had to be done today to save him, plus there was already rumblings in the village at his sudden disappearance. Parked outside the Dormin guest house was a black SUV with two men leaning against it. Evan walked them over to it and introduced the men as Tomas and Ivan from Bram who looked the same age as Evan and both attractive fit looking Romanians with dark hair and brown eyes. They were friendly enough and introduced as protectors of the pure blood from this same religious society Evan belonged to. They spent several more hours discussing the plan to rescue Jacob, Christian was tasked with going to the guest house on the pretence of a drink and to keep Marcin busy until they returned. Time was already moving and it was late in to the afternoon when Christian got out of the SUV and stood looking down the road at the guest house. Connor came out and stood by him "Will you be alright?" he asked looking concerned. "Of course" Christian replied, "I just have to keep him talking somehow". Connor hugged him "If you get worried call Evan or me" he reminded him. "Will you be alright?" Christian now asked in return and out of concern. "I hope so" Connor replied then smiled, "What the hell are we doing messed up in this?" he questioned. Christin stare him in the eyes "Get Jacob first and we can worry about this later" he said assuring him. Evan looked out of the window "Christian" he called out, "If you feel threatened call" he said. "I have my crucifix on" Christian replied smiling and kissing him on the cheek. Evan looked at him and smiled "Maybe when this is over" he said quietly winking at him. Christian chuckled “Stop reading me” he replied, “It is so rude to do that”. Evan winked again at him “Well stop being so sexy then I will stop reading you”. The kiss on the cheek had given Christian a boner as he watched the SUV drive off along the road to the Vadimov estate, he turned and walked down the road to the guest house. It was quiet and eerily so he thought as he walked inside the small bar area. A muscular man in his mid twenties appeared behind the bar counter from the corridor leading off. His looks very natural and understated that had Christian smile immediately, captured by the look and smile he offered so readily to him. Marcin looked at him carefully "Can I help you?" he asked now staring at Christian. "I hope so" Christian said casually, "A beer please" he requested. "I don't serve alcohol" Marcin replied staring at him, "I have homemade cordial?" he suggested. Christian smiled "Excellent" he said sitting at the bar. Marcin smirked "Local fruit and botanicals to help cleanse your body" he informed Christian. "Cleanse your body?" Christian asked looking at him. "Yes, it will reinvigorate you, rid your body of any toxins" Marcin said, “Make you feel brand new”. Christian shrugged and watched Marcin prepare the drink "Hot work all this hiking" he said. Marcin placed the drink in front of him "You don't look like you are hiking" he responded. "Well it is really long walks exploring the place" Christian said taking a sip, "That's nice". Marcin watched him taking a longer sip "Are you walking alone around here?" he asked. Christian nodded "Yes, but I am meeting friends on the main road in an hour" he replied. His story seemed a little flaky and Marcin picked up on this watching and engaging with him as he spoke more and more. It seemed to be going so well Christian thought, well it did help that Marcin was actually very pleasing to the eye and he soon found himself getting very flirty with the owner and somewhat more relaxed than he had felt in days. Marcin watched as the young lad slowly began showing the effects of the cordial. The young man had been handed to him on a plate, an opportunity that he was not going to let slip by. Playing the ever convivial host he kept topping Christian’s glass up with neat cordial, the sweeter it got the more he was liking and drinking it quicker. Marcin engaging in conversation enjoying the young man eagerly drinking more and more, oblivious to the subtle effects it was having on him. Minute by minute his body absorbing the botanicals in to his blood stream, slowly building up the potency in his blood. The consumer was never aware of what was happening until it was too late. A chill suddenly surrounded Connor as he stepped foot on the steps to the Vadimov mansion, Evan looked back at him and Connor nodded. Evan reminded him to concentrate only on Jacob and not to open his thoughts otherwise he would start to get disorientated and confused. Inside he was scared but he was in this now and had to go through with it. The door was unlocked and opened quietly in to the stark emptiness of the entrance hall, cold and dark, the walls bare and their footsteps echoed across the void as they walked inside. Spreading out they looked for a door leading down and Tomas called them over to one he had opened. His head cleared and only thinking of Jacob was proving to be hard to maintain but he remained focused. The smell rising from the door was enough to make them all retch, the air dry and cold hitting them as they turned on their torches and climbed carefully down the large stone staircase into a vaulted ceiling crypt that seemed to go on forever in to the darkness. To one side an entrance with large stone steps going deeper down with the Kovalek coat of arms on the walls either side. Connor put his hand on the coat of arms and instantly he trembled as spine tingling chills ran up his back, Evan looked at him and Connor said in a hushed voice that he was sure Gregor was down there. Evan grabbed Connor by the arm sensing he was getting confused and about was about to walk down the steps. Focus he told Connor. Ivan flashed his light at them getting their attention. They walked over and pushed open a heavy door shining their lights around. The acrid smell of urine hitting them as they disturbed the air, shining the torch light around even more they heard a noise from deep inside the room. A rattling and a desperate pleading cry for help. They had found Jacob, quickly they flashed the lights around heading towards the sound. Ivan stopped and moved his light up and down, the skeleton of a body hung by the ankles with a pile of clothes and a bag to the side. "Oh shit!" Connor said seeing it and a wave of nausea rushed through his body clamping his hand over his mouth. Ivan bent down and felt the pockets pulling out a passport "Jacques Boufan" he said. Connor stepped closer "He disappeared last year, the priest told us about him" he said trying not to vomit. Tomas came back over to them "We have found him" he told them. Tomas shone his light and Connor looked in disbelief. In front of them was a heavy metal cage in the perfect shape of a human body standing a few inches off the ground and secured by the large ring in the top of the head section to the ceiling. Within the cage was Jacob completely immobilised from making any movement. It was a barbaric thing to see and Connor was finding all this hard to take in as Tomas shone his torch over the numerous clasps that secured the front and back sections together. "What the hell is this?" Connor asked looking shocked at how he was being held. "It is used to immobilise victims until they are ready" Ivan said looking at the clasps. Connor finally made eye contact with Jacob "We will get you out" he said assuring him. Jacob tried nodding but the cage around his head prevented it "Please help me" he cried. Tomas looked at Evan "This is way too easy Evan" he said shining his torch around the tomb like room. Evan nodded "I better look after Connor, he seems a little freaked out by this" he said. Ivan and Tomas began working on the numerous clasps before realising that no sooner had they undone one and moved the other the previous one closed on its own. Evan noticed this and began helping but they were getting nowhere fast. The cage was cursed to seal itself keeping the victim secured if any attempt was made to free them. All four of them began reopening and trying to force the front part away from the back to stop the claps closing again. Several hours they battled with the cage as Jacob panicked and grew frantic, his face said it all, he was scared and if they failed he knew his fate was certainly sealed with the arrival of darkness. "Stand away" Jacob said in a muffled voice before urinating, "I can't stop it" he cried. The smell was unlike any other they had encountered "What have you been given?" Tomas asked. Jacob whimpered then looked at him "Tasted of blackcurrant" he said using his eyes to nod down. Evan picked up the bottle and smelled it "Hold it" he said to Connor who was clearly trying to hold it together. "What is it?" Connor asked waiting for Evan who shook his head. "It is blackcurrant but something else I can't tell" Evan said as Connor put the bottle in his pocket. "It made me sleepy, makes me urinate constantly" Jacob said with tears rolling down his cheeks. Tomas looked at Evan "He is cleansing his blood" he said quietly so that Jacob didn't hear. "Look" Connor said looking down, "Where his urine went the clasps opened" he pointed out. Forgetting themselves they suddenly found it very curious and kneeled down looking closer and staring at it for ages, confused as to why they were here they simply looked and stared at it. Marcin kept looking at the monitor hidden behind the bar, he had seen four men entering the mansion from the security camera he had installed outside. He was no fool and figured this young man was here to keep him busy whilst this group rescued the villager. Christian had never felt so good or carefree and his body was feeling amazing as he laughed leaning on the bar resting his head on his hands smiling and flirting openly with Marcin who was flirting back and getting ready to seduce him in this dangerous game. Marcin chatted as he walked out from behind the bar pretending to tidy up then locking the door securely before returning to the bar. "There was me thinking you were another one of these vampire tourists" Marcin said. Christian laughed as Marcin poured him another cordial "Drink up" he said smiling. "So what do you think of these vampire myths?" Christian asked sipping more. Marcin smirked "Judging by your neck they are real" he said making it seem light hearted. "Oh that!" Christian chuckled, "Apparently the guy I had sex with got possessed by one" he said. "Is that so" Marcin replied making a stronger cordial for him. "Seriously. I saw him across the street, looked me in the eye" Christian said laughing. "Here have some more, you look thirsty" Marcin said topping then pushing the glass across the bar. "Thanks" Christian said leaning up and giving Marcin a kiss on the cheek then giggling, “You are very sexy”. Marcin smirked and touched Christians face "I am pleased to hear you think so” he replied flirting back. Marcin topped his glass up “Vampires are not myths, I can show you one if you like" he said in a hushed tone. Christian took a large gulp of the cordial "That's strong. You can?" he asked looking at him. "Yes" Marcin confirmed, "Vampire tours" he said laughing. Christian laughed as Marcin held the glass up for him to drink "I saw that Kovalek vampire guy" he said, "And I can tell you, he is dam sexy". "Finish it all off" Marcin urged him, "He presented himself to you?" he now asked looking curiously at him. Christian waivered on his stool "Well I see him, evil smile and all" he said dreamily, "I would definitely have sex with him". Marcin laughed "You English are all sex crazed" he replied then going serious, "Do you wear a crucifix to save you?” he asked softly. Christian grinned stupidly and slowly lifted the crucifix up "I wear one" he replied giggling. "Take it off, you do not need it on in here" Marcin said in a softly evocative tone. Christian looked a little unsure "I can't have sex with someone wearing a crucifix" Marcin added, "My religion forbids it" he added. Without even a thought Christian smiled and giggled lifting the crucifix over his head placing it on the bar. Marcin smiled and leaned over the bar within inches of his face. Christian smiled moving his head closer feeling their lips softly touch, Marcin delivered several tender kisses. Pulling back he smiled at Christian then walked out from behind the bar standing in front of him. Marcin picked up the glass of cordial holding it Christian's mouth urging him to finish his drink quickly. Christian smiled taking the glass and downing the drink, he felt so amazing and free and had never wanted sex more than right now, especially with his perfectly built young man. His head was already seeing them thrashing around in sexual desperation. "Your friends will be a while" Marcin said softly, "Shall we go somewhere private?" he asked. Christian nodded getting his phone out and looking at it "I should text them" he said. Marcin smiled watching as Christian scratched his head "How do I text someone?" he asked. "Give me your phone, you do not need it now" Marcin said as he handed it over, "We will copulate and I will leave my mark inside you you for my master". Christian giggled hilariously as Marcin put the phone on the bar next to the crucifix, he leaned in kissing Christian tenderly several times to which he eagerly responded. Slipping forward off the stool he fell in to Marcin's strong arms that wrapped around his body lifting him over his shoulder. Christian giggled, his head so spaced out that the his brain had lost the ability to control his movements, he was carried behind the bar then along a corridor to a section of the wall that Marcin pushed open like magic leading in to passage then a darkened room. He laid Christian on the bed and closed the door then stood over the young lad and began undressing him. The bed was strange with only a hard mattress and solid metal bars at either end like a very old bed and certainly not made for comfort. His thoughts though were on one thing as he now laid there naked and still giggling, he was able to make light responses to Marcin and felt erotic in a dirty way as he played with his hard cock watching the young man undressing. The fine muscular body and chest adorned with black hairs loomed over him, his cock protruding elegantly hard from his pubic hairs was long and thick. Christian licked his lips moistening them and tried raising his head to kiss him. Marcin used his hands to guide his head and mouth towards his cock, moaning softly as the young lips made contact surrounding the head. Christian closed his eyes savouring the taste of this hunk, sinking his mouth lower end enjoying the firm warmth of his cock. Lost in a world of erotic dreams and fantasy he worked the cock slowly guided by Marcin's hands on his head. Time mattered not he was wildly turned on tasting and feeling his cock in his mouth. Marcin pulled back looking down at the pleading eyes of this puppy, a malicious sexy grin on his face as he pushed Christian on to his back. He needed this man and he shuffled around on the bed raising his legs and rubbing his hole, mumbling words and begging to be taken. Marcin climbed on the bed between his legs, without standing on any ceremony he moved his cock in to position and pushed tearing Christian open. His back arched high off the bed and he cried loudly, the excitement had him finding the strength to lift his arms grabbing Marcin's waist and pulling him deeper. His arse burned yet he craved the forceful nature of him, he had to satisfy this man, satisfy himself even more. Every inch spearing in to his body hurt but he was weirdly oblivious to it. He had never felt like this, desperate to be joined with him through the act of mating, he wanted to be with him forever. His eyes focused as the body above him moved up and down as the mating began, the cock moving freely from the pressure of his thrusting, deeper and deeper he fucked. The angry passion in him rising begging to be fucked harder and harder, mate with me, make me yours he cried out. Marcin stared down in to his eyes and grabbed his arms holding them above his head ramping up the speed and intensity as he fucked the young lad deeper, penetrating his soul and shattering his body with ground breaking thrusts until he reared up and grunted wildly. Holding still and looking in to Christian's eyes whilst his cock pulsed with fierce intensity, injecting his seed deep in to the lad. Christian moaned smiling he could feel the seed filling his arse, the warmth of it sent a soothing tingle all over his body, the vibration from each pulse of his cock tantalised his anal wall. The sensations driving Christian wild relinquishing all control of his body, his breathing quickened rolling his head back he began ejaculating and urinating at the same time. Christian knew what he was doing but was unable to lift his head or open his mouth to apologise. A change had come over him with such speed, the heat of the passion sent his heart beating faster. Resulting in the numerous potent botanicals getting pumped quicker around his body, reaching every blood vessel confusing his mind and rendering him useless. Staring up at the ceiling in bewilderment and strangely enjoying the feeling of the warm urine trickling out of his cock. His muscles had ceased to function and his arms laid at his side, the effects of the anica oil doing its work with incredible efficiency. His body pain free in a comforting drowsy state, with no idea where he was now he had a satisfied sexual grin on his face. Marcin pulled his cock out and looked down at the open hole, his ejaculation came so hard and deep that there was no sign of any cum. He had impregnated the lad with his seed who now laid there like he had transcended to another plane, the young body was now marked and easy for his master to locate. There was a little disappointment that the lad hadn't put up much of a fight or responded towards the last part of their sex, he would do this again with him when there was more fight in his body. Marcin chuckled knowing that the amount of the blackcurrant cordial he had drunk would have him in this state for most of the night. He ran a finger over his mouth and lips then leaned down and kissed him softly, he knew that soon this body would be pure and free of any toxins. He was quite taken with him and almost forgot that he had to get up to the mansion. Marcin stood up and smiled walking up to the top of the bed and reached behind grabbing the manacles he secured his wrists to the iron bed posts. He did the same with his ankles then from under the bed he retrieved the metal collar securing it around Christian's neck then fixing the chain to it from the bed post. He picked up the young lads back pack and a notepad fell out, he opened it and read a couple of pages that told him enough. He was here with a friend researching Gregor Kovalek and it read like they had found out more than anyone had ever managed to uncover before. He knew what had to be done and leave the lad in the hands of Gregor. Right now he had to get up to the mansion and stop what was taking place, he now knew for definite that this young lad’s appearance was planned all along. The way he talked non-stop in an attempt to keep him distracted had now lead to his own capture ready for Gregor. Marcin smirked looking down in to his eyes shaking his head at him like he was a naughty child. He had never asked Gregor for anything through all the years of serving him, but looking at this young lad he would ask if his master would grant him eternal life as a play thing and to help serve his master. Marcin kneeled down and reached under the bed pulling the ancient leather head harness out. He kissed him on the lips again then placed the harness over his head, securing the metal rings to the neck collar and strapping the gag in place. Walking over to the chest of draws he pulled over several incontinence pads placing them under his arse to soak up the toxic urine that was dribbling out sporadically now the botanicals were now at full effect getting work in his body. He did one last check making sure the manacles were all secure. He gave his hole a little rub then smiled walking out the room and closing the door. Along the short passage way and out through the wall he walked in to the kitchen picking up the keys to his van. Connor suddenly shook his head beginning to feel disorientated as to where he was, looking around he wondered who the people here are. His eyes roamed up at the cage catching sight of the guy trapped inside the cage. Evan stood up putting his hand on Connor's shoulder, a spiritual force erupting between them. For the second time in as many days Connor was in Evan's head by some supernatural way, the voice coming through to him telling him to rescue Jacob and focus on the task. A swirl of white and he saw Evan in a church swearing to protect the pure blood, behind him was Tomas and Ivan also swearing their protection. The intrusion had the effect of clouding the confusion bringing them back to the task at hand. Evan pushed Connor away staring at him "I told you not to do that" he said sounding angry. Connor shook his head "I don't know how it happens Evan. Truly I am sorry". Evan nodded "I should apologise, I freak out knowing you are in my head" he said. "Jacob" Connor said, "The cage is cursed, what if we put water on it?" he asked. Evan touched a clasp then sighed quickly opening his eyes "The servant comes, he knows we are here". Jacob moaned and began urinating uncontrollably "Holy water" Tomas said, "Break the curse". Evan nodded and looked for his back pack "Guys it is nearly 8pm" Ivan said looking worried. Evan found the bottle of holy water and rushed over to the cage dabbing some of it on his finger and touching one clasp that sprung open. He did the same on several more clasps that all sprung open and stayed open. The other three dabbed their fingers in began working all over the cage and clasp after claps sprang open as the curse was breaking. "Clever to curse each clasp" Tomas said looking at Connor. Connor smiled at him "Time consuming if you ask me" he replied smiling at him. It was evident the relief on their faces that things were now going their way. Finally the front of the cage fell off with Jacob falling forward immediately, Ivan moved in quickly catching him. His whole body was weak with no strength or control over his muscles so Ivan hoisted him over his shoulders. "Got everything?" Evan asked shining his torch around and they nodded. Heading towards the door Connor stopped "Wait" he said retrieving the bag belonging to Jacques. "What do you want that for?" Evan asked securing his own bag over his back. "I think we owe his family an explanation" Connor replied. "That is not a good idea, how are you going to explain it?" Tomas asked looking at Connor. Connor shrugged but knew it was the right thing to do. Jacques family deserved to know the truth he told Tomas who reminded him that no one would believe such a story. Connor was adamant that at least they needed to know he was dead. Ivan suggested they drop his belongings off at the local police station under darkness with a note pointing them towards Vadimov manor. Connor agreed to go along with that suggestion. They walked out of the room and a gentle breeze floated over them, they then all started walking in different directions claiming they knew the way out.
Part 3 - The Prophecy Christian was in bed asleep when Connor arrived back from his shower, he had some idea that he going off for sex in the midst of their research might be the reason for his behaviour. Not wanting to risk any more upset he climbed in to the other bed turning the light off and fingering the crucifix he now wore around his neck before falling asleep. When he woke the following morning he saw that Christian was already awake sitting up in bed and writing, he watched him for several minutes waiting for him to acknowledge his existence at least. Connor got out of bed "Is there something wrong?" he asked getting dressed. "No" Christian replied putting his notepad down and getting up finding his clothes. Connor was not fooled and felt a little tension between them "Need to be there in two hours". Christian nodded getting dressed "Let’s get some breakfast first" he replied. "So what did you find out about that tourist?" Connor asked over breakfast. Christian looked up at him "Jacques Boufan stayed at the Gydna Guest House" he said. Connor looked at him and he explained what he had discovered that the following morning Jacques was said to have checked out of the guest house and going south to Bram. He liked how excited Christian got when having done research that yielded results. Christian went on explaining that he was never seen that morning only by the guest house owner, a young man called Marcin Cwik. Other than that no one else saw him or could ever identify him as being in Bram. French police came here to help search for him along with his family, primarily focusing on the guest house and the route south he would have taken. Christian put down his cup and told Connor that the search was halted six months after his disappearance, there was no trace of him anywhere, it was like he vanished off the face of the earth. Connor nodded "Sorry I put my cock ahead of our work" he said apologising. "Doesn't matter" Christian said shrugging, "But I did a search on this Marcin Cwik" he added. "You know something!" Connor exclaimed looking excited. "Cwik family resided in the village of Travenni" Christian said then paused waiting. Connor raised his eyebrow "And let me guess, they were wiped out by this Kovalek?" he asked. Christian smiled "That is what I thought, their youngest son was never found" he said. "Coincidence or do you think it is all connected and not a myth after all?" Connor asked chuckling away. Christian laughed "Got to be a myth. Let us see what this Grazie Borsch has to say" he said. Connor nodded then looked up quickly "Borsch?" he asked, "Why does that ring a bell". "Does it?" Christian responded, "I tried doing some research on her but got nothing". They stood up and went back to their bedroom, Christian put his notepad in his rucksack and stood up to find Connor standing by his side looking at him. He leaned forward quickly kissing him but Christian pushed him away. "Please stop Connor" Christian said blushing a little, "Don't complicate things" he said. "I am sorry. I get caught up in sex at times" Connor replied hating that he was pushed away. In truth Christian was growing fond of Connor in many ways, but there was a lack of anything coming from Connor, he just seemed to want a friend with benefits. They left the guest house and followed the detailed instructions of the priest to find Alterman House, all the while Connor was trying to remember why the name was familiar. His head was so full of information that he was struggling to order it to make sense. They turned off the road noticing they were pretty close to Vadimov estate and found what they were looking for. Alterman House was a small cottage surrounded by fields of garlic growing all around, devoid of any trees affording open views and in the distance the Vadimov estate could just be seen. Grazie sat there at the table reading the small book she kept under lock and key in a box adorned with crosses and varnished with garlic oil. Inheriting the gift of being a seer she was a direct descendant of the women in her family right back to the first seer who wrote the original Travenni prophecy. Many of the locals thought she was just another crazy woman in the Borsch family who lived at Alterman House. Clasping the book in both hands with her eyes closed she waited and slowly the images came to her. A figure travelling to a house in a snowy landscape uncovering the truth of their identity for those in the house knew the secrets. Opening her eyes she looked down at the Berkhoff family tree then turned the paper face down and placed the book on top. She glanced out of the window and saw the two young men walking up the long path to the house. Christian stopped wondering if this lady had a garlic fetish "Grows a lot of garlic" he said smirking, "A lot of garlic in fact". Connor smiled at least he was talking again "So would I living around here with all these tales and myths" he replied. The door opened and Grazie stood there "Good morning!" Connor called out smiling at her. Inclining her head acknowledging them but clearly staring at Connor "Hi, I am Christian and this is Connor" Christian said. She looked again at Christian and Connor then on the wall behind her she looked in the mirrors at their reflections before turning back and inviting them in. The action caused the two lads to look at each other wondering what that was all about. "Is that a Romanian tradition?" Christian asked as she closed the door. Grazie looked at him "You have a lot to learn young man" she said in perfect English. "Oh are you English?" Connor asked picking up on it. "No" Grazie replied inviting them to sit, "I am of Romanian, Hungarian and Russian descent". They made themselves comfortable "You show reflection and walk through garlic so pose no danger" she said. Christian nodded understanding now "But we are not vampires" he said finding it amusing and glancing at Connor. Connor chuckled "It is not amusing" Grazie said sharply, "Inviting vampires in to your home is dangerous". "I apologise Ms Borsch" Connor said, "That is what we wish to find out, if they are real or myth for our research". Grazie smiled "Of course they are" she said simply, "Please you may call me Grazie" she added, "Please sit down". "Have you seen one Grazie?" Christian asked quickly getting his notepad out. Grazie laughed "You do not see them young man. I told you, you have a lot to learn". Christian looked at Connor then back at Grazie "If that is the case, how do you know they exist then?" he asked. "You feel them, but by then if your blood is clean it is too late unless you are protected" Grazie replied. A silence prevailed for a moment as they got comfortable "What is it you really seek here?" she asked. "Well the priest said you knew more about some prophecy" Connor replied. Grazie stared at him then leaned forward "Are you of Berkhoff descent?" she asked out of the blue. Christian looked at Connor "I... Sorry why do you think that?" Connor asked sounding shocked. Grazie looked down at the paper "I am a seer from the Borsch family" she replied. "But your family name Borsch, it is familiar to me" Connor said racking his brains again. Grazie smiled "My great grandmother was Lettie Arno Borsch is that who you refer to" she enquired. "Of course" Connor replied with his mouth open, "Travenni 1865" he said, "She wrote the prophecy in the book". Grazie looked at him "You have the book?" she asked curiously and he nodded, "Good". Christian sat there looking even more confused "Is it with the right person?" she asked. "What is going on?" Christian asked looking annoyed. "You remember this" Connor said showing the photo of the writings. "Yes you said it was in a book at your house" Christian replied and Connor nodded and he suddenly got it. "My great grandmother" Grazie said, "She was from a long line or seers in the family". Christian sat back writing in his notepad "Can you prove Kovalek is real then?" he asked. Grazie looked curiously at him "Why do you seek him?" she asked, "Nothing good will come of it". She then turned to Connor "Read me my ancestor’s words you have in the book please". Connor nodded and opened his laptop up and began reading it from the photo he had "When the time comes seek perpetual daylight as your only saviour. For the young Kovalek son lives by night and never dies, the family at his knees now gone and a sibling who disappeared without trace and lived a secret life" Grazie put her hand up to stop him. "Kovalek killed his own family but Larissa his sister survived" she said interpreting it, "Carry on". Connor looked down and continued "The village of Travenni is in danger of being wiped out through his anger and search for the one, yet he know not of when they will appear. His appearance spells doom for your soul, the flicker of a shadow in the corner of your eye, his icy breath behind you chills your spine, the deathly accuracy when he takes his victim. A sharp gasp of breath taken by your mouth as your eyes flutter. The force of your beating heart pumps harder quickening the process until it stops beating, its purpose devoid of meaning in your now lifeless body" she raised her hand gain to stop him. "You understand he killed every resident of Travenni over several nights" Grazie said. "And your family?" Christian asked beating Connor to the question, "I mean your family survived through this?". "Look around, he could not step foot here for fear of burning his soul" she replied. "Garlic" Connor said to which Grazie nodded, "And the rest?" he asked. "He presents himself in full to the one yet he waits for them" Grazie explained. Christian leaned forward "So if he bites does your heart beats faster?" he asked sounding confused. Grazie nodded "You will pump blood harder expediting the taking of your life. Continue" she said. "Thank you Grazie, having all this interpreted is amazing" Connor said excitingly and looked at Christian who had a don't believe a word of it look, he continued reading "An ability to control one’s mind from a close distance, you feel a madness taking over but it makes him weak to invade, he is destined to control others in his quest" she raised her hand and he stopped waiting patiently. "He has the power to control your thoughts but it exposes him, weakens him" Grazie explained. Connor looked at Christian "Has he ever taken control of anyone?" he asked. She looked at them "Marcin Cwik is believed to serve him. Continue" she said, “So they say”. "Is there any evidence he does?" Christian quickly asked and by her silence they wondered. "Well?" Connor asked seeking an answer. Grazie nodded "He runs the Gydna guest house, the villagers are blind to his passing years" she confirmed. Christian wanted to ask another question but she raised her hand silencing him and Connor continued "You can only see him if he presents himself to you, his touch can freeze your body and thoughts. His icy blue eyes so mesmerising pulling you under his spell for he shall take them to serve his own need, his way of getting close to the one. His manifestation drives only a purpose and quest seeking each of the Berkhoff family ancestors. The one who carries the blood of purity that will unleash and free him from perpetual darkness. Yet he shall not kill the one who carries the blood of purity, only by existence and willingness can their blood mix. He will find the one who remains, he will taste their purity and see the light of day, too much purity is blurred and could spell disaster" again Grazie raised her hand. Grazie nodded "They are the words of my ancestor indeed" she said and began completing the interpretation "He will appear to those who are close to the one, use them to gain their trust and leading the one to his destiny. They will either be cursed or their blood extracted. He cannot kill the one as once their blood entwines it will bring his demise" she explained carefully. Connor understood "If he drinks the blood of the one he can appear in daylight?" he asked. "Indeed" Grazie said smiling at his understanding, "That is why the Berkhoff family hide their descendants". "So had the one" Christian said emphasising it, "Have they appeared or died?" he asked. Grazie stared blankly at him "The one descends from Berkhoff lineage" she repeated then looked at Connor. Grazie turned the piece of paper over and began running through the Berkhoff family "The priest told me you got as far as Larissa Kovalek as she is the last listed family member" she said watching both guys nod. "Larissa knew there was something wrong with her brother Gregor, she ran off with her best friend and married him when she was 19 years old. His name was Avram Berkhoff and their union brought two great ancient families together, you can see it here in the family tree" she said showing them the document which they read. Avram Berkhoff 1814-1883 căsătorit Larisa Kovalek 1810-1891 - son Artem Berkhoff 1831-1918 căsătorit Marie Schlossheim 1833-1920 - son Vishy Berkhoff 1833-1917 căsătorit Louisa Vanreyman 1840-1927 - son Maksim Berkhoff 1838-1930 căsătorit Della Ionescu 1838-1925 Artem Berkhoff 1831-1918 căsătorit Marie Schlossheim 1833-1920 - daughter Larisa Berkhoff 1861-1936 căsătorit Armin Rhyberg 1856-1937 Vishy Berkhoff 1833-1917 căsătorit Louisa Vanreyman 1840-1927 - son Joseph Berkhoff 1861-1962 căsătorit Sara Dragalescu 1875-1963 Connor looked up at Grazie wondering why it stopped in 1963 "What about the rest?" he asked. Grazie nodded "Maksim Berkhoff and Della Ionescu are the line of consequence" she replied. "But then why is it not shown here?" Connor asked looking at the document again. "It is due to the prophecy" Grazie replied, "Trace of lineage was removed to protect them". "The same prophecy the priest told us about?" Christian questioned looking up from his notepad. Grazie nodded "Maksim Berkhoff was he the one, the pure blood that is written about?" Connor asked. She opened the book "Almost. You are beginning to understand. Maksim was close to pure blood and when he married Della Ionescu who also came from an ancient noble family of whole bloodied Romanian ancestry their son became the first combined blood which saw the purity rise. By that time Maksim understood the prophecy they left Romania to protect himself and his family, they went in to hiding. The rest of the Berkhoff family were wiped out and they say it was Kovalek's doing. Maksim and Della gave birth to a son in 1865 called Razvan, he in turn had a son called Sylvan born in 1898 who bore the first physical sign of a pure blood generation in the making. Sylvan died in 1985 with his wife giving birth to two sons, Ilyor Berkhoff in 1963 and Maksim Berkhoff in 1977. Both sons were left in churches on different sides of the world in order to protect them. They grew up out of harms way like any other child would do, new names were given to remain anonymous, both boys knew of the prophecy through discreet channels. Importantly they knew what to do and retain silence to keep themselves safe. It is known that Sylvan's son Maksim bore a stronger pure blood mark, he married Maria O'Connell of Celtic ancestry and they birthed three children. One son is rumoured to be the sole pure blood and bearer of the real mark of a purity. Maksim and his wife understood the significance and what must be done, in daylight they travelled to a different country. Leaving their child behind they headed to a safe haven in the farthest northern reaches where Kovalek could not go" she said closing the book. Connor thought for a moment "So they had three children. Do you know where they are?" he asked. "That I do not" Grazie replied, "They had three sons, Maksim, Benedict and Joshua". "It all seems so farfetched when you hear about it" Connor remarked a little sceptically. Grazie looked at him "I understand, but you must not doubt what is seen and the prophecy" she warned him. Connor was trying to keep an open mind "There is no evidence of truth if Kovalek really exists" he said kindly. "It is incredibly interesting though" Christian said writing, "But yeah" he added brushing it away. "You believe the gift of a seer even less?" Grazie asked. "Prove it" Christian replied looking at her, "Still this all seems way to in depth for us". Grazie looked at Connor "Not at all, it is for a reason you were sent to me" she replied. It was the way she looked at him that unnerved Connor "What reason is that?" he asked. Grazie looked up as the front door opened "Ah my son Evan has arrived" she said smiling. Evan walked in to the dining room of the cottage catching both Connor and Christian's eyes immediately, he stood five feet ten inches, blond hair and emerald green eyes. He was 23 years old and one of five children Grazie had given birth to, what stood out the most was his physique. His height and build was strong and his generous muscle proportion showed just under the sleeve of his t-shirt. Yet his looks were quite soft and loving and they were finding it hard not to stare at him. "Mamă I hope you bring me here for good reason" Evan said kissing her on both cheeks. "I do Evan. This is Christian and this young man is Connor" Grazie said. Evan shook hands with Christian then looked at Connor and his mother "într-adevăr" he said. "Speak in English please Evan. Yes really!" she exclaimed causing Connor to look at them both. Evan tentatively held out his right hand and could already feel the energy emitting from Connor. He looked at his mother again then Connor grabbed hold of his hand and Evan rolled his head back gripping hold of Connor hands tightly in return. He could feel a cold heat radiating from Evan's hand before he let go quickly getting freaked out. Evan looked at his mother again and nodded. "Sit" Grazie said to Evan, "My son is the only male in our ancestry to inherit several gifts from birth" she told them. "His looks" Christian said mumbling quietly to himself in amusement. Evan threw Christian a bewitching smile that had him flustered "Yes those as well" he said. "Evan stop it!" Grazie said telling him off, "I sense you are of kindred spiritual love". "She means gay" Evan replied smiling at his mother and Christian giggled avoiding eye contact. "So tell me. What did you just see holding my hand?" Connor asked with a hint of irony. Evan smirked "You had sex last night, your body is full of torn emotions" he replied. "Evan has the seer gift of past and present and immediate future" Grazie informed them. Evan nodded "Mother here has the prophecy gift, to see way into the future" he said. Connor sat there in silence "What has got in to you?" Christian asked looking worried. "It frightened you didn't it Connor?" Evan asked, "You saw through and in to my thoughts". He still sat there in silence "We can help you uncover what you seek" Grazie said, "But you must be prepared". Christian looked even more sceptical and Grazie noticed "Hold your hand out palm down". Christian grinned "Are you going to tell me my fortune?" he asked. Grazie glared at him "I am not a fortune teller, they pretend for money" she said. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you" Christian said apologising profusely. Grazie nodded to his hand so Christian raised his arm and held it over the table palm down never expecting anything real to come out of this, he gave Connor a cynical look. He was curious to see if this was all a gimmick and a pack of lies, after all he had no idea what his future held. Grazie placed her left palm facing upwards touching Christian’s, her right hand palm down on top and she pressed lightly. Connor was in half a mind to video it, but instead he recorded it on his phone, even he found himself waiting with a little excitement as they delved in to this strange world. Grazie looked at Christian then softly closed her eyes "You believe less than you speak. You have a mind full of knowledge that you will use to great credit in your life. You do not express identification with Christ's death and resurrection. Your heart will belong to one, it has yet to be reciprocated and forge your binding, and you must open your heart and speak the truth to your chosen one. You will never waiver from your heart’s desire for they will be the one person who can walk through life with you. There will be times when this will be tested, your closeness brings with it a danger yet to be realised. You must be prepared to accept the danger then defend yourself and ultimately him. In daylight without night the reciprocation of your heart’s desire will come and stand in front of you, binding you both" she let go of his hand. Christian rubbed his hand grinning "That is a lot of riddles" he said feeling how cold his hand now felt. Grazie looked at him "You must go to the church and be baptised" she said looking serious. Connor now chuckled thinking it was silly "How did you know I am not baptised?" Christian asked. "Christ is not in your soul" Grazie said, "The blessing of baptism will help keep you safe, without it you will see darkness". The look put Christian on edge and he nodded "I will ask the priest" he replied playing alone. Connor now had a serious look on his face "Okay my turn" he said holding his hand. Grazie shook her head "No. I cannot read your prophecy. You alone must write it and change what was seen" she replied. Connor looked upset "Come on you can't scare me like you did with Christian" he said laughing. "She didn't scare me" Christian retorted looking annoyed. "To read your future can alter events" Grazie said, "Your future is for you to write, not to be told". Connor stood up "Really this is gone on far too long, we didn't come here for all this clap trap". "Sit down" Evan said looking annoyed at him, “You have no idea what you will face” he added. Connor sat holding his hand out "You read it then" he demanded, "I want real proof you are not playing us" he added. Grazie looked at her son "Evan can tell you who you are, you may not appreciate what you discover". "I am adopted" Connor said, "I was found in a church on Christmas day" he added. Christian put a hand on his shoulder "Don't give too much away" he said smirking, "I want to see what they know". Evan looked at Connor "Do you wish to uncover your truth?" he asked giving him. Connor took a moment thinking "There is no turning back, but you will have to know eventually" Evan said. "Well I do not really have a lot to lose" Connor said smirking like it was a joke. "I can tell you more" Evan said looking at Connor, "But you have to be prepared and to know all". Connor suddenly freaked out at the sound of this "I need some air for a moment" he said standing and leaving. "Go with him" Grazie said to Evan, "If he agrees you need to stand by him" she said to Christian. Christian looked at Grazie "Right. You are both a bit odd" he said in a hushed tone. Grazie laughed then looked at him "Having these sort of gifts does you make you slightly odd". "It is just we have never come across anything like this, or even expected to" Christian replied sitting back in the chair. "Connor will depend much on you to keep his sanity" Grazie warned him, "For when he knows...". Christian stopped her "This is all related to him?" he asked, "To this Kovalek vampire?". He already knew what the answer was and Grazie nodded her head, he did wonder if the strange looks Connor got from the priest and Grazie was the key. It was a look like they had seen him before and why they now found themselves sat in this cottage surrounded by fields of garlic, mirrors and religious symbols. Connor stood outside in the garden, the air filled with the smell of garlic growing all around him. Inside he was feeling a sense of dread and fear. It was the fear of the unknown that caused him to react this way, he never imagined he could be faced with knowing his true identity. Was this all a joke he asked himself, was this the way the locals kept the rumours alive to increase tourism. Evan appeared and stood by him "You find this all very strange. A joke I am guessing" he said. Connor glanced at him "I... Yes of course" he replied, "But then why does it frighten me?" he asked. "I get it. When I first found my power I literally pissed myself" Evan said smiling, "Seeing peoples lives scared me". Connor chuckled nervously "It is better for you to know than hide, face it head on" Evan said. "Evan, can I ask you one question?" Connor asked gazing out over the horizon. Evan nodded "You can ask one question, but make it the right one" he replied. Connor let out a anguished moan then looked at him "Why did the priest send us here?". "Oh. That was not what I was expecting" Evan replied, "Look in your soul and ask yourself that". Connor looked at him "Enough the mystic crap Evan and answer me" he demanded. Evan laughed "You know why you were sent here, search in your soul" Evan said softly. Connor looked at him and found the question "Are the Kovalek and Berkhoff family to do with me?". "Yes" Evan replied looking slightly sheepish, "I can tell you who your real parents are. Your family line". Connor looked down at the ground "Me being here was not just random research then?" he asked. Evan chuckled "Actually it was." he replied, "But my mother knew the pure blood was coming this year". Connor smirked "Did she tell you that yesterday?" he asked cheekily. Evan laughed "No, she saw it coming in the year 2000, she knew the pure blood had been born". "Of course she did" Connor said shaking his head in disbelief, "Hang on I was born in the year 2000" he said. Evan nodded "You will need our help Connor. We have all waited for you for many years" he said looking at him. "Help in what? Completing our research?" Connor asked. Evan picked a bulb of garlic "What faces you is not simple, you must rewrite the prophecy to save us all". Connor laughed unable to hide his nerves "I will to be at your side Connor" Evan added. "What lovers?" Connor asked glancing at him. Evan smirked "No. My grandmother told me that your arrival is my destiny when I was 10" he said. Connor glanced at him "Has anyone told you before how crazy you sound?" he asked smiling. "I keep my gift secret. There are three of us assigned to protect you" Evan said, "You are to own your destiny". Connor looked him in the eye and saw a serious look in him "No going back" Connor said. "No. You have to know Connor. And by knowing it will keep you safe" Evan told him. Connor looked at the mirror behind him taking a deep breath "I am ready" he said. He felt a calmness come over him and wondered if that deep in his soul he understood that the lives of the Kovalek and Berkhoff family were something to do with him. If that was the case and this was not all a load of staging he had to understand and accept that. It didn't stop him from being concerned about how this would burden others around him. Evan returned with Connor following on behind, when he looked at Christian he noticed a worried and anxious look on his face like he already had some idea. Connor now understood that Christian could be in danger if he denied the truth any longer. Connor sat down "Evan, tell me things from my childhood that no one knows" he demanded. Evan nodded "Of course. You are testing my powers, I understand" he said, "Hand, palm up for the past". Connor did as he was told and Christian began recording as Evan took hold of his hand. "Confusion reigned from the eyes looking down at you on the day celebrating the birth of Christ. For twelve months passed before you were adopted and blessed on the exact day and place where you were found. A benefactor left the book on the doorstep to an old manor house with instruction. An educator added the book to his room of literature and inside my ancestors hand writing telling of Travenni" he said, Evan stopped speaking looking at Connor who strangely knew that he was to nod his head for him to continue. Evan smiled and closed his hands tighter around his and closed his eyes "A pretty village divided by a stream. A stream where you play during the long days, you hold a net and a jar, laughing with your friend. Not just any friend, he is one who you grow with and remain close to this day. An older man sits on the bridge talking to you then disappears back to the crumbling walls around his mansion. A frost covered field with a wood of ancient trees, your friend falls from a height, a snapping branch. His leg separates and you carry him to your home and stay close every day until he leaves hospital. A bond that is as strong now as the day you met, to him you are his brother he never had and he loves you from his heart" Evan quickly removed his hand with an angry look having felt his intrusion into his head again. He knew this was enough information for Connor to believe him. Connor sat there looking at Evan, during their connection something strange had happened and he couldn't explain it. "Well?" Christian asked looking at him and his bizarre look. Connor looked at him "James, my friend broke his leg when he was eleven years old" he said quietly shocked. He looked around the room "Maksim and Maria Berkhoff are my parents" Connor said trembling. Christian reached over and held his hand "Are you alright Con?" he asked squeezing it seeing the frightened look on his face. "How did you work that out?" Grazie asked leaning forward. Evan held his mother's arm "He read it from me" he replied. Connor calmed down and looked at Evan "I am sorry Evan, what happened?" he asked looking nervous. "Our connection grew strong and trusting" Evan replied, "If that happens I can not stop you reading me". Grazie sat back and smiled "Don't worry Connor it happens when a strong bond is formed linking minds together". Evan watched as his mother opened her small book "Give me your left foot please Connor" Evan said. Connor nodded knowing what they wanted to see, he took his trainer and sock off and lifted his foot. Evan looked at it tracing his finger around the mark resulting in Connor giggling. Grazie showed Connor the drawing of the lotus flower of purity. Connor nodded and Christian sat there stunned in to disbelief at what was unfolding around him. "It is the mark of the one, the pure blood Connor" Evan said telling him what he had figured out. "I knew when I saw you walking towards my house" Grazie said in a quite tone, "You have Kovalek genes". Christian looked at her "That is why you checked the mirror. For his reflection?" he asked. She nodded putting a small portrait on the table "Hell that man looks like you" Christian said. Connor looked carefully at it then up at them "Gregor Kovalek" he said and they nodded. Connor stared at it again and he knew straight away the portrait was of Gregor Kovalek. Christian unable to speak kept looking between the portrait and Connor, the same black hair and facial features, only the eyes looked slightly different, in the portrait Gregor's were a cold icy blue almost white, where Connor's were more of a piercing blue yet sparkly bright. Christian couldn't stop looking at the portrait and Connor as a shiver ran up his spine knowing this real yet quite surreal to see. "Do you now believe our ancestor’s prophecy saw the light and coming?" Grazie asked. Both lads nodded "Is Gregor Kovalek alive so to speak?" Connor asked in a confused manner. "He lives in the darkness, a shadow. Yes we believe he still exists" Grazie replied. Christian nodded "Garlic growing all around your house, mirrors" he explained. "Are you ready?" Evan asked looking at Connor who nodded, "No reading me this time!" he warned. "I do not know how to control it when it happens" Connor explained. Evan smiled and Connor was already feeling an incredible bond with Evan for some reason, he took Connor's hand and held it tightly, immediately Evan flinched "Born to the family of Avram Berkhoff and Larisa Kovalek through Maksim and Della Berkhoff and their child Maksim born in 1977 who married Maria. A son born in 1999 of Joshua name, a son born in 2002 of Benedict name. In the year of a new century 2000 a son was born bearing the name Maksim, he bares the strongest sign and is of the purest blood. Maria travelled alone and left her son in the church, heartbroken but she knew of the prophecy and the importance to keep their son safe. She waited until her son was taken by a family to be their own" he suddenly stopped and looked at both the lads and his mother who nodded at him to continue, "Maksim received Christ's blessing exactly one year to the day of finding and given the name Connor Barton. Your identity kept secret to protect those around you" he stopped looking at Connor, "Turn your palm to face down" he said. Connor did so and Evan held his hand again "The last rising of the moon Gregor Kovalek sensed a change in the air around the village of Vladeni. He smelt the scent of a pure blood close and your presence here is already known to Gregor Kovalek. In the last eve on sacred ground an act of copulation with a young man took place. Kovalek visited the pure blood seeking confirmation, he then waited and took the young man... Jacob. He now holds him in Vadimov, he waits for the cleansing of his blood. His saviour was his tainted blood yet he is not safe, with the second darkness ahead he will be the next victim. Kovalek will be on the move, he must remain close to the pure blood, he will wait patiently until they present willingly to offer their blood in sacrifice for those close. Your hearts desire is not safe whilst he waits. A journey to the land of daylight brings relief for perpetual daylight in the land where he cannot survive. He will never be far away, waiting, watching, destroying the lives of anyone who dare to get or deems to be close. The pure blood belongs to Kovalek, his birth and destiny brings them together." he let go of his hand. In the room a weird silence now prevailed as Evan and his mother watched Connor and Christian taking in everything that had been said. Christian was the one being torn up inside, dread and fear running through his body as he looked at Connor. "Is Connor going to die?" Christian asked with his eye watering. Evan looked at Christian shaking his head "Connor will not die. But those close are not safe" he replied. "The young man, Jacob is he alright?" Connor asked like he was understanding everything. "No" Grazie replied, "In 48 hours, at the second darkness Kovalek will take his life". "Is this the guy you had sex with last night?" Christian asked looking at him and Connor nodded. "How do we stop him taking Jacob?" Connor asked, "This is my fault he is there". "That is why I am here" Evan said looking at him, "We knew this day was coming". "But you will be in danger" Connor replied, "No I can't put anyone else in danger" he stated. "That is too late" Grazie replied, "Anyone close to you is in danger now he knows you are here". Christian sat there with his mouth open "Me?" he asked and Grazie nodded. "You will be in danger, stick by him and never leave" Grazie said kindly, "He needs you". Christian now looked worried "How would he or we be free of him?" Connor asked. "Find that out at the island where daylight persists" Grazie said watching Connor. "Please stop talking in riddles and tell us" Christian insisted leaning on the table. "You both need to go to Svalbard and seek Johan and Ingrid Ulvan" she told him. "Svalbard, land of the midnight sun" Christian said, "The sun does not set until late August or September". "Keep this in your head and do not write it down" Grazie added making sure they understood. Grazie's look told them she was serious "You must rescue him" she said to Evan. "We must go in daylight to Vadimov, free the young man" Evan said sending a text message. Evan explained that for nearly eighty years preparations were made and tweaked for the coming of the pure blood. A sacred society of the Romanian church in Bram where he lived, when started it consisted of a dozen or so members and as years passed with no coming it dwindled down to five members. The society made up of devoted religious people to assist the pure blood when their presence came. Christian was recording all of this since Evan had told him that Kovalek would not know how to use technology so it would be safe. Connor didn't like the idea of more people being in danger but he also knew there was no point in arguing. "Well Connor, I guess you are stuck with nerdy now" Christian said causing Connor to smile. "And me!" Evan added as a momentary silence took over the room knowing this was happening. Connor looked at them all "Last night, he came to me after I left Jacob" he confessed. "How do you know?" Christian asked looking at him. "I felt a presence close to me, a shadow in the corner of my eye" Connor explained, "He was there but I could see him". Evan looked at his mother "His appearance already is worrying" Grazie said. "Yes" Evan said agreeing, "It is important you both protect yourselves". Connor looked at Evan holding his hand out "Tell me the future ahead" he almost demanded. Grazie nodded to her son and he took hold of Connor's hand placing it between his "He cannot take a pure blood. He will torment until the pure blood weakens and comes willingly to end the destruction of lives surrounding him. Over liturgical calendar years he will destroy all those around the pure blood until it only is he who stands alone and bows to Kovalek. He will be brave and present himself within two moons rising for those who know the pure blood will know of Kovalek. The pure blood will free him from the darkness. From out of the darkness in to daylight his continued existence casts a darkened and foreboding shadow across the land" he let go of his hand. Connor was in no doubt "It scares me" he said nervously, "Is that how it ends?" he asked. Evan looked at him "That is really undefined. Connor, only you can define the outcome". "It is what is seen with no knowledge" Grazie said, "Now you know, you can change it" she confirmed. Connor was beside himself with worry now, all these revelations had confused his head and he wanted to leave. He wanted go back and never have come here, he knew that would have made no difference and he would be less informed. At least he knew that last night he was not imagining things and he had been close to Gregor. It was all too much right now and his head was jumbled up unable to think clearly, excusing himself he stepped outside and sat on the porch bench looking out over the fields of garlic. Even Christian had to admit the unbelievable was now believable, filled with dread and excitement the way things had unfolded that afternoon. He looked between Grazie and Evan, their looks were quite solemn and he excused himself and went out to join Connor. Christian sat beside him "Some research trip" he said softly, "How are you Connor?" he asked. Connor sighed "Like my whole world and existence has imploded" he replied looking anxious. He looked at Connor "What was it like. When you read his thoughts?" he now asked curiously. "I didn't know I was doing it" Connor said, "I had images flashing in my head". Christian nodded "What happens now?" he asked thinking Connor had the answers. He shrugged "Is it best you leave, I mean I don't want to put you in danger?" he replied. "And Where would I go?" Christian asked looking upset, "We both started this together...". "No stop Christian" Connor interrupted him, "You need to keep safe" he said looking at him. "Then it is settled" Christian said forcefully, "I stick by you it is the only way I can be safe or he will hunt me down". Connor looked at Christian like he was being rash "He knows I am close to you" Christian added. He nodded in admiration at Christian and his determination never to leave, the element of danger appeared accepted by them both. He finally knew his true identity even if he hadn't come here to find it. Pieces of the puzzle were falling in place, the mark on his sole of his foot, why he was left in a church. One piece still was left incomplete yet he knew that would be found soon enough. Grazie and Evan appeared on the porch. "Darkness will fall soon" Grazie said, "Tomorrow you must rescue him" she added. "I will call for you at 10am" Evan said, "Do not leave the guest house at all" he warned them. They nodded understanding their instruction "Wear the crucifix the priest gave you" she said to them both. "Understood" Christian replied packing the bottles of garlic oil she had given him. There was an uneasy silence as they walked back to the village, neither really knew what to say to each other. Christian was clearly uncomfortable and kept looking behind him at every noise he heard, constantly dabbing the garlic oil on his neck and holding his crucifix. There was a rush in their step to get back before the sun dipped below the horizon.
Part 2 - The Priest Of Vladeni As the summer break began that Friday they flew to Sofia in the early evening, Christian sneaking glances at Connor wondering if there was anything between them, the randomness of their sex that day in the library appeared to be a thing of the past. There connecting flight to Brasov arrived just after midnight. From here they took a thirty minute taxi ride to the village of Vladeni and the Dormin guest house, luckily it was only a few buildings away from the Biserica Sfantul church. Connor dropped his backpack on the floor, the building was fairly new as was every building they passed, there was nothing ancient or really historical in the village. He was getting the weirdest feelings running through his body, creepy and full of dark secrets yet there was nothing out of the ordinary about the place. In all the village looked perfectly normal for a Romanian country village. "We start with finding out what the church has hidden" Christian suggested. Connor looked at him "This whole place feels unreal, do you not feel it?" he asked. Christian chuckled "Certainly doesn't feel normal" he replied looking at Connor, "Bed time". Connor walked over to him "Not yet" he said kissing him lightly, "We need to be quiet". Christian giggled during the next kiss "So you drag me here to have sex?" he asked. Connor smiled then kissed him deeper all the time removing their clothes in the process. Christian was in no way going to refuse and gradually felt himself rising up, wrapping his legs around Connor who carried him over to the bed. Connor looked down and smirked grabbing his legs pulling them over his own shoulders and leaning forward and kissing Christian again. He wriggled and giggled but found he was firmly balled up by Connor with his cock already making moves at his hole and leaving trails of pre-cum. He kissed Christian locking their mouths together as he wriggled his hips pressing his cock against the hole and slipping inside, his eyes snapped open at the sudden invasion moaning in to Connor's mouth as quiet as he could be, his hands pushing at his shoulders to give him a moment. The arms moved around Connor's neck pulling him close with Christian wriggling his arse around allowing a deeper penetration as he breathed rapidly through his nose, his mouth clamped open and full of Connor's tongue and saliva. His excitement and desire clear to see in his eyes and Connor pushed the rest of his cock deep inside, his back arched and he moaned quietly staring up in to those sparkling bright blue eyes. In that moment Christian realised he was beginning to feel something more than just sex with Connor, he had to put that out of his head for now and complete the work they had come here to do. Connor stopped kissing looking at the thoughtful look on Christian's face, his hips continued their rapid bursts of thrusts that eventually brought him back round. He blinked and engaged eye contact properly feeling the changes in Connor's body as it began tensing, he dropped down kissing him hard briefly. Their faces were so close as Connor began making low grunting sounds and breathing out, Christian could feel the warm breath flowing over his face. Their eyes looking so intensely at each other. Christian closed his eyes crushing his thighs lightly against Connor's waist as he felt his own orgasm surfacing out of nowhere, he cried out a little too loudly. Connor smothered his mouth with another kiss and locked his cock deep inside feeling his cock jump slightly as the first pulse travelled along his shaft, crushing his hips down hard his cum releasing in waves as he held on to Christian biting his shoulder to muffle the sound. They laid in silence with just the heavy breathing filling the room with ambient sound, Connor released Christian then pushed him up further up the bed then laid on top of him kissing him tenderly for several moments. His urge for sex unsatisfied and he hooked Christian's legs up around his waist quickly slipping his cock back inside. It took a moment before he realised Connor was going at it again, he pulled Connor's face towards him and kissed him madly and was rewarded by him gyrating his once again hard cock. The gyrating and pushing hitting every side inside his arse, feeling every single movement delivered with a lustful purpose causing his to wriggle and arch his back. Moaning wildly he was unable to keep quiet, he was quickly finding that Connor was very adept in the art of sex as he seamlessly transition in to a rhythmical gentle thrusting. Christian was more heightened than ever still recovering from the first fucking he just got, his own cock began stiffening and bouncing up and down until it started leaking like a faucet and he knew he was about to orgasm again. It happened, the way Connor looked down smiling and using his hips in a gyrating thrust action caused Christian to grab his arms tightly arching his back. This time he bit down on Connor's shoulder to stop him crying out as he shot a big ribbon of seed up along his chest and splashing against his neck. His ass muscles contracted around Connor's cock bringing him to orgasm as he rammed his cock in several times harder than ever against the muscles gripping his cock. His hips unable to stop until the last drop of his cum was milked out. Collapsing on top of Christian through tiredness and sexual exhaustion their bodies sliding against Christian's cum covered chest causing them both to giggle quietly. Finally coming apart then quickly locking together in a sexual embrace, they laid on their sides looking at each other smiling, giggling and kissing until Connor turned over and went to sleep. Christian wondered if he was just being used as sexual relief for him, he instigated the first time they had sex but it appeared Connor just need to fuck so he got it. After a good night’s sleep Christian woke feeling the warm body of Connor next to him, he laid there quietly watching Connor. This was a first, waking up with another man in bed with him and he suspected that the same might actually apply to Connor who was now waking up. His hand was roaming over Christian's body and a smile gradually drew across his mouth. "Morning" Connor said sleepily, "We slept together then by the looks of it" he remarked. Christian smiled "First time I have ever woken up with another man in my bed" he said softly. Connor shuffled closer "Same here" he replied just as softly, "Quite nice really". "What is?. Waking up next to you?" Christian asked to which Connor nodded. "Until the other day I never looked on you as anything but another student" Connor said. "Nerd. If I remember rightly" Christian remarked reminding him then stroking his chest. Connor gave him a cheeky smile "You still are" he said pulling Christian closer wanting a kiss. Christian pulled back "I have morning breath" he said screwing his face up. "So do I" Connor replied refusing to let him go until he got the kiss he wanted. "Breakfast then church archives" Christian said finally managing to escape him. He sat on the side of the bed and looked over his shoulder at Connor's perfect body, that feeling of wanting more with him surfaced and he tried to quell it as they had a job to do. Well he was wondering if there would be a wake up fuck but that clearly wasn't about to happen this morning. In some strange way he had found himself wanting to be around Connor all the time. Christian reached over and pulled some sweats on whilst he was dreading the truth knowing he was falling badly in love with his new friend. After some breakfast they walked along the road and stood outside the church looking up at the plaque that read 1895. "Must be the year the church was built" Christian said looking at him. Connor nodded "If it is then it was years after Travenni disappeared" he replied despairingly. Walking inside the church a priest hurried towards them "Cu ce vă pot ajuta?" he asked. "I am sorry we do not speak Romanian" Christian said hoping the priest spoke English. The priest suddenly stared curiously at Connor "What do you want here?" he asked. "We want to find out about Travenni" Christian said noticing the priest still staring at Connor. Connor nodded "We are trying to find out the history of the village" he added. "Wait" the priest said hurrying off considering how old he looked. "Now that was definitely weird" Christian said as Connor looked at a burial plaque. "I assume you know your parents and all that?" Connor asked glancing at him. Christian nodded "Yes" he said, "My family are pretty normal and boring. Nerdy like me". Connor laughed "I don't know who mine are. I mean I was adopted from a baby" he explained. "Really?" Christian questioned, "It does mention you were adopted" he said. Connor glanced at him "Family secrets" he said then chuckled, "I don't know any different". "So effectively they are your family" Christian said looking up at the altar. "I was left in the church on Christmas day, my history begins there" Connor told him. The priest returned and looked at Connor again "Nu înțelegi cuvintele mele?" he asked him. "No" Connor replied then looked shocked, "I... Do I understand?" he asked scratching his head. Suddenly he felt horrified, confused and ran out of the church "Hey" Christian called after him. "You understand Romanian?" Christian asked catching him up, "How? Why?" he questioned. "I don't know Christian. I have never been here or studied it" Connor answered him. "Okay I may be a nerd, you are just plain weird now" Christian said trying making light of it. Connor shrugged "It might have been the way he said it that I understood". The priest stood in the door "Intră te rog" he said but Connor couldn't understand him. Christian looked at Connor "I am sorry I have no idea what you said" Connor replied. The priest nodded his head "Come I take you to the crypt we have papers and books". They followed him towards the altar then round the back to an old stone staircase hidden behind curtains, these lead them down to some a set of heavy old wooden doors. The priest unlocked it and the stepped inside a crypt, immediately it gave them shivers up their spine stepping in to physical history, the place looked and felt like it had been undisturbed for years. The priest explained in his own version of English that no one comes down here. He then handed them two lamps and stood back at the door telling them he would be upstairs when they are finished. The priest watched unable to believe his eyes, the looks were striking in their resemblance. But a coincidence that if he was, why was here researching the one person that would be looking for him. Everything around them was covered in thick dust and cobwebs, there was no musty smell so it was obviously well built and dry. In the corner stood a large wooden cabinet that Christian walked over to and opened the doors, dislodging dust that filled the air. He waited until it settled then shone his lamp at the interior. "There are only two books here, but they are hefty looking" Christian said. Connor walked over "Papers, they look rather fragile though" he added. Christian carefully pulled one of the books out and opened it, inside was hand written pages and drawings. The writing was in Romanian which was not going to help their cause but it was still worth looking for some words that would stick out. In the meantime Connor carefully took the papers out placing them on a stone tomb then looking over each one. Around half way through the pile he noticed the Kovalek name on a document. Can you translate this "Kovalek urma omonimului direct de familie" he asked. Christian typed on his phone "Kovalek line of the direct family namesake" he said. Christian was typing the word căsătorit "Married" he said pointing to the word on the document. "I guess the other word nenecăsătorit mean unmarried" Connor said and Christian nodded. Moving the lamps closer to the document they began tracing the family name of Kovalek and taking photographs of the document. Fortunately it was pretty easy to follow with names and dates. Marik Kovalek 1610-1680 căsătorit Cesia Havol 1615-1682, - son Marik Kovalek II 1645-1710 căsătorit Clauda Vensher 1650-1720 -- son Marik Kovalek III 1690-1768 căsătorit Corina Dragascu 1695-1766 --- son Razvan Kovalek 1730-1801 căsătorit Adelina Dorin 1740-1807 ---- son Marian Kovalek 1762-1829 necăsătorit ---- son Marik Kovalek IV 1775-1829 căsătorit Nadia Vadim 1784-1829 ----- son Gregor Kovalek 1805- necăsătorit,necunoscut dacă este decedat ----- daughter Larisa Kovalek 1810- dezmoştenit "Larisa was disinherited, Gregor unknown if deceased" Christian said reading from his phone. Connor looked at him "But why then was the daughter listed?" he asked pondering, "The trail seems to run dry with no other decedents". Christian was reading the book again and noticed the name "Look! Gregor Kovalek is mentioned here". Connor picked the book up "Let’s go ask the priest to translate" he suggested, "Might be easier if he is willing to help". They walked up the steps brushing the dust off themselves and saw the priest deep in prayer until he realised they were watching him. He stood up from his kneeling position and noticed they were carrying the book and a piece of paper, gently he nodded his head beckoning them over. They walked over to him and all the while the priest stared at Connor which was unnerving him again. Christian opened the book at the page and asked the priest if he could translate what the paragraph about Gregor Kovalek meant. There was a certain reluctance at first from the priest but he knew if they copied it they could get the transcript translated easy enough. He looked slightly nervous and invited them to sit as he began translating as best he could "Gregor Kovalek is the son of Marik and Nadia Kovalek. By the words in this scripture they tell of when he was 24 years old he roamed the countryside never heeding the warnings or tales circulating around. It says one night he returned under the influence of the blood curse", the priest looked up at them both "Vampire to you" he confirmed then continued, "His curse intensified in 1829 when he extracted the blood of his relatives removing Marian, Mark and Nadia Kovalek, his last surviving relatives except one. By doing so he gained longevity. He took control of the family fortune and Vadimov estate retreating from daylight and extracting blood from the villagers of Travenni slowly and over time. Constant daylight is the only saviour but in these winters of dark sky no one is safe and they retreat inside. Using the only means to protect of garlic, religious symbols and holy water. Inside they remain safe and protected until he is invited to cross the threshold, doing so brings an end to life for all those inside". "So is this a myth or is it true?" Christian asked scribbling notes down furiously, "I mean did he exist at the time?". The priest stared at Connor again "It is long before my time, but some people read truth in to the myth". Connor watched the priest "But like all myths there is no proof to say it is true" Connor remarked. The priest looked at him and turned the pages over near to the end of the book and began reading again "Sarina Voltek suffered two attacks that left the mark of the blood curse on her neck, one villager claims they saw Gregor Kovalek over the body before he vanished in to a swirl of thick black mist that shrouded him. The villagers rose in uproar and the priest gave her sanctuary in the church. She tells of his appearance as a shadow in the corner of her left eye, when she look no one appears in her vision. A cold breath touched her neck, her body chilled before he struck, her heart beating painfully hard. Then it was over and she regained awaken state. Two nights later she hurriedly went out in some delirious state, Kovalek was waiting and striked again, her body sunken and lifeless, only a trace of blood around the marks was left. Kovalek extracted all the blood from her and she no longer had life" he finished looking at Connor again then turned several more pages in the book "The villagers now rebelled at her death and lack of moral responsibility, setting about to destroy the Vadimov estate and Gregor Kovalek with it. He knew of this revolt and the following night any villager outside their home fell, ten villagers in one night laid in pools of red blood around their ripped open necks. Their bodies left by the church in defiance staining the steps blood red to the house of god almighty. The second night the same, bodies piling higher, loved ones taken and families wiped out. During darkness no one dare venture out and Travenni became quiet. By day the exodus began leaving not one villager behind as they headed south to escape him. Their bodies were found spread out in the forests the next day as they ran when he appeared. With devastating calmness he took them one by one without showing any mercy. Kovalek had struck each one leaving them in their own blood, all except three young men from the village. It is not known if they escaped or if Kovalek had taken them to Vadimov" the priest closed the book handing it back to Christian. "Oh my god!" Christian remarked then apologising, "This is so awesome, it is very descriptive like it was real". Connor looked on in disbelief but knew Christian had a point "Do you know where the remains of the village are?" he asked. "Under you" the priest replied looking at him, "Burned to the ground and replaced by Vladeni". "Did he kill his sister that is named here?" Christian asked pointing to Larisa Kovalek. Christian fired another question "Do you believe it is a vampire and still exists?" he asked and realised he sounded stupid asking that. "Wow straight to the point" Connor remarked laughing. The priest stood walking to the altar "It is believed he exists" he said staring at Christ, "It is believed he is a vampire and brought down Dracula". Connor stood by him "But as a man of god you cannot say either way?" he questioned. "On holy ground, Kovalek or his blood would not be able to stand here" the priest replied. The atmosphere suddenly took on the strangest feeling and Christian looked at Connor who in turn looked at him. It was clear they didn't understand what the priest was rambling on about and it was blurring the lines of their research. "We only came to research the persecutions of Romaleva for an assignment" Connor explained. The priest looked at him "You are not here seeking Kovalek then?" he asked slightly confused. "Christ no. Excuse the blasphemy, it is research only" Christian added. The priest stared up at the crucifix and the body of Christ "There are those who believe he still walks in the darkness, preys on tourists that venture out and never get to leave. There is no real evidence as you would expect, no one really knows if he exists as no one dare go to the Vadimov estate or near it. One myth is that once inside you cannot leave, confused and disorientated, walking around endlessly unable to think until darkness falls and he rises" his voice trailing off and looking at them both. "Jacques Boufan, a French tourist disappeared last year, he stayed at the Gydna Guest House close to the Vadimov estate. That should give you plenty to research on". "For a neutral believer you know a lot" Connor said once the priest was quiet. The priest took out a crucifix on a chain "Take it in your hand" he said to Connor. Connor reached out and took hold of it "I am not a vampire" he remarked sounding silly. "Wear it for your own protection here. I implore you" the priest said looking serious. He handed one to Christian who took it "See I am not a vampire either" he said chuckling. The priest nodded looking relieved "No one has ever asked about Kovalek" he reiterated, "You being here is concerning" he added. He gestured for them to follow him in to his office and locked the door behind them which made both the boys slightly nervous. He opened a locked cupboard and took a small folder out then indicated for them to sit down and the priest sat behind his desk opening the folder. "You may photograph this" the priest said carefully taking out a very old piece of paper. "It is written in Romanian" Christian said taking a photo of it with his phone. The priest nodded "It is a prophecy written by a Travenni village seer" he informed them. Connor looked up at the priest "Could you please translate it for us?" he asked. The priest nodded "Born from the bloodline through the years a child with blood of purity will emerge. The blood from mighty ancient families unite and strengthen until they bring forth the one true pure blood through the ages. The one will be highly sought after as the key to unleash him from perpetual darkness. The one who carries the blood of purity will be guarded and protected by him for eternity. For they must live to allow his existence in light. On that day he shall bring fear amongst the living who will return to seek sacred grounds for protection" he spoke the last sentence then looked up at Connor with that weird stare again. Connor watched the priest "Do you make much sense of it all?" he asked. "You mean if it is true?" the priest asked, "It is a prophecy of a local seer". They both looked at the priest "It was written nearly two hundred years ago" the priest added. Connor scribbled some notes down "Well at least we know more than when we arrived" he said. Christian nodded his head closing the notebook "I think we have enough to untangle for today" he said. The priest stood "There is someone you must see. I will ask if they will see you and arrange it" he told them. "Arrange it?" Connor asked standing. "She will have to agree to see you. She can explain more in detail" the priest said. They both stood outside the church watching the priest going inside and closing the large doors, they found a quiet spot in the village and sat down writing up some notes in journal style as Day 1 in Vladeni. Connor was a little subdued when they finished as they went out and began to explore the village before it got dark. Christian was deep in thought coming in to the main square of Vladeni. "Are you going to tell me what has got to you?" Christian asked him. Connor looked at him "I don't know Christian" he replied, "It is all rubbish yet I seem to believe it". "He was convincing" Christian said stopping to look at him, "The crucifix?" he asked. "Yes" Connor replied, "I mean why did he give these to us?" he asked expecting Christian to know. Christian shrugged "I think we should go and see the Vadimov estate for ourselves" he suggested. Connor chuckled "We are not going on the grounds of the estate" he said and Christian agreed. That late afternoon they ventured out of the village towards the Vadimov estate, clearly they were actually both intrigued to see it for themselves. The dirt road lead them through a small wooded area then up a slight incline where two gates stood proud either side of the road. Christian looked at Connor then laughed since either side of the gates was no wall or fence so you could just walk around the locked gates. The house looked run down and unlived in, it was large by comparison to anything they had seen in the village and each end of the building had turrets built in a gothic castle style. It was almost castle like but not quite, yet clearly it was once home to a very wealthy family. Everything seemed so old and untouched which Christian thought was unusual and was about to step around the gate post but Connor put a hand on his arm. "No" Connor said, "We agreed" he said reminding him, "The whole place looks too weird for words". Christian looked up at the house "There is only one way of finding out" he replied stepping forward. Connor pulled him back "Don't, this whole place is giving me the creeps" he said nervously, "I can't explain why". "Maybe that priest cursed you" Christian said with a laugh, "Or he fancied you and gave you a love curse". "You are very funny!" Connor replied smiling at him, "He did keep looking at me weirdly". "Definitely fancies you" Christian reiterated walking off and laughing. Coming out of the wooded area Christian looked across the way "The guest house" he said. "Oh yes" Connor said crossing the road to get a closer look, "Doesn't look too shabby". "Absolutely not" Christian said, "I am happy where we are" he added and was now the one looking nervous. Connor laughed "Please do not tell me you believe any of this" he remarked looking at him. Christian shrugged "I thought you were the one believing this not me" he replied. The continued the walk back in to the village finding a quiet café where they had dinner and went back to the guest house. Under their door was a note from the priest which Christian opened and read the instructions to get to Alterman House for 11am where a lady called Grazie Borsch has agreed to meet with them. Connor though was on his phone grinning away. "What has made you happy?" Christian asked folding the note with instructions. "There is a guy 300 meters from here who wants sex" Connor replied looking at him. Christian looked at him "Oh right. Are you going then?" he asked trying to be chilled about it. "Certainly" Connor replied standing up, "I will be back in a hour". "Wear this then please" Christian said making Connor laugh. He soon realised Christian was not joking "Okay" Connor said putting it around his neck. Christian sat on the bed opening his laptop "I will look up this French tourist". Connor opened the door looking back at Christian and he couldn't work out if he was looking sad or now deep in research. Christian looked up hearing the door closed and wiped his eyes telling him he was being stupid and began typing on his keypad. Strange as this Jacob guy asked to meet him near the church so Connor figured that either he had nowhere to go for sex and wasn't out of the closet yet. Jacob was sat on the wall of the church yard and smiled as Connor approached then hinted for him to follow. There was a little reluctance about doing this on church grounds, but sex was sex so Connor followed and walked around the back of the church in to the graveyard and bushes hiding any action from view. Jacob was leaning against one of the trees waiting patiently, he was average height and very Romanian looking but didn't waste any time since he was clearly desperate to get fucked. He was a very attractive 24 year old that clearly lived a closeted life in this village. Jacob pulled him close then dropped to his knees, his hands extracting Connor's cock then sighing in delighted pleasure with his mouth closing around it and tasting male cock. Connor rolled his head back smiling, his hand forcing the Romanian on his cock deeper. He spoke no words, just erotic moans and choking on the cock being forced down his throat. Jacob stood and pulled his trousers down bending over and supporting himself against the trunk of a tree. Connor glanced around then spat in his hand rubbing it over his cock, he then moved closer dribbling spit down and hitting the target dead on. Slowly edging the head of his cock against Jacob's hole, applying more and more pressure until it gave way allowing him to penetrate. Connor moaned softly with one hand on Jacob's back holding him down in his bent position, Jacob breathed hard making small whimpering noises the deeper Connor penetrated him until he finally pushed back taking all his cock. Connor used his free hand to hold the man by his waist and began fucking him with a gentle yet relentless pace. Connor looked up at the tree canopy and the rustling leaves moving in the warm early evening air. His focus fully on Jacob who was clearly enjoying their sex by the way he was pushing back harder. His balls fizzled and tightened and Connor grabbed him with both hands around the waist as he reached orgasm. His hips thrusting forward meeting his arse then holding still as he felt the riveting pulses travelling up his shaft and ejaculating his cum in to the Romanian man. Jacob moaned loudly grinding and using his arse sucking in every drop from this tourist. Slowly pulling his cock out, Jacob went back on his knees sucking Connor's cock in a gesture of thanks. Within seconds Connor packed his cock away and kissed Jacob on the cheek and left him there. Leaving the church grounds. He saw Jacob light up a cigarette smiling away in the ever growing darkness falling around them. Out of sight and on the dirt track walking towards the main road he suddenly stopped turning his head quickly either side with a feeling he was not alone. Nothing, there was no one there, no footsteps or sign of life, it didn't stop the shiver running up his spine and he turned around just in case but the track behind him was empty. Connor chuckled to himself wondering if he was now hearing things after all the mysterious tales of today. It didn't stop him from quickening his pace back to the guest house to see what Christian had found out. Jacob smoked his cigarette against the tree to leave a few minutes gap between him and the tourist leaving the church yard. The village as usual was pretty quiet now evening had closed in, a few people either going or coming from the pub in the next street could be heard in the distance. Walking down the dirt track to the main road he thought he saw someone to his left and quickly glanced then wondered if the dark shadows cast by the trees was playing games. He definitely heard a noise like someone was smelling something, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up whilst a shiver ran down his spine freezing him to the spot. In front of him stood a tall slim young man, piercing blue eyes that were fixed on him, he couldn't blink or stop looking at him slightly confused by his sudden appearance and his look. The tall young man said nothing yet desperate to taste him, he knew he couldn't risk taking the man's life. Upsetting the locals was the last thing he wanted right now but he needed to know. His finger lifted Jacob's chin and moved his head to the right, leaning forward close to his exposed neck and sniffing. The scent of nicotine and a hint of garlic in his blood hit his acute sense of smell, a single drop of this blood would make him sick for weeks. Instead he slipped his hand inside Jacob's trousers and underwear, pushing a finger deep up his hole until he felt the slickness of the cum. Pulling his finger out he sniffed long and hard, then again and he smiled nodding. His finger began to burn and he quickly wiped it on Jacob's shirt disappearing from the man's vision. Jacob remained fixed in his transient state, his head still looking over to the right like it was frozen in position for several minutes. He then leaned over and vomited bile multiple times, his body felt cold and he was disorientated and sat on the ground. He couldn't make sense of anything or clear his head that was in pain yet it didn't hurt. Blissfully unaware he stood and began walking past the church to the end of the main road and out of the village. His eyes unable to focus or see properly but his feet kept moving, through the small wood and up the dirt track, the open gates allowing him to pass through. His feet carrying him up the drive to Vadimov mansion, up the three steps the ornate doors opened and he stepped inside the mansion, the doors closed. He was aware of the inside of this large mansion but his feet kept moving, down a flight of steps where the stark coldness of the air met his skin. Jacob knew he didn't want to be here yet he couldn't fight off the force in his head that controlled him. Turning the corner through an open door his vision picking up a skeleton hanging by the bones of their feet from manacles attached to the stone roof. Fear running through his body then he saw the metal cage in the perfect shape of a human with legs and arms apart. He still had enough of his own thoughts to know this was a contraption designed to keep a person trapped limiting any movement. Again he tried to fight it and tears began rolling down his cheeks unable to stop what he was doing, he stepped in to it placing his legs and arms in position leaning back. A figure appeared and pulled the front of the cage round, as soon as the two parts met numerous clasps began closing all around securing him within the frame. The figure moved away and the pain in his head lifted and he felt himself regaining some control, he tried moving but his body was completely immobilised inside the cage. Jacob was only able to move fingers and toes, every other part of his body was held in place by the cold metal of the cage. The fog completely lifted and in an intense surge his thoughts returned like a bang in his head causing him to pass out. Marcin walked up the stairs and bowed his head at his master who stood there in the entrance hall. Without a word he left Vadimov mansion and went back to his guest house. Jacob's eyes slowly fluttered coming to, he could see nothing in the darkness, his body being forced in to a weird standing position feeling the metal pressing against every part of him. The cages purpose to instil fear and panic was doing what it was meant to, Jacob panicked remembering what he had seen walking in to the room without reasonable explanation as to why he did. He could smell the metal that was so close to his face, he could smell a stale odour assaulting his nostrils as he cried and screamed for help. His trapped body aching all over unsure how long he had been like this now, he could do nothing but wait for whatever fate was coming his way. Recollecting the strange walk up to the mansion he now remembered he was inside Vadimov mansion and the tales of the Kovalek vampire freaked him out and he screamed and cried for help for several hours. Connor sat in the lounge for half an hour having a coffee and trying to work out what had come over Christian. He never for one moment assumed that Christian was falling for him. Standing up he put a smile on and went upstairs back to their room. Inside he saw Christian was writing away, he glanced up and nodded his head then went back to writing. Connor sat on the bed "Did you have any luck?" he asked Christian who was slightly ignoring him. "You can read about it in the paper when I write it up" Christian replied. Connor stood up "Whatever" he said taking his clothes off, "I am going for a shower". Christian put down his notepad watching Connor grab a towel leaving the room. His worst fear was coming true, he had fallen hard for a person who showed no interest other than random sex.
Lol, only if he bangs me first!
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