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  • Gender
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    Phoenix, AZ
  • Interests
    Barebacking our boy
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    Two tops married long term recently brought in a boy as our boy / pup. After 3 months safe we all tested again and now he receives our loads.

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  1. Hell, if the orange insurrectionist keeps at it we may be thrown out of NATO.
  2. Per the BBC - The three biggest contributors to this are the US and Germany at 16% and the UK at 11% NATO's website backs it up: Cost share arrangements for civil budget, military budget and NATO Security Investment Programme NationCost share "at 32" following the accession of Sweden Valid as from 7 March 2024 until 31 December 2025 Albania0.0882 Belgium2.0447 Bulgaria0.3552 Canada6.6840 Croatia0.2910 Czechia1.0259 Denmark1.2744 Estonia0.1213 Finland0.9057 France10.1940 Germany15.8813 Greece1.0273 Hungary0.7380 Iceland0.0624 Italy8.5324 Latvia0.1550 Lithuania0.2493 Luxembourg0.1645 Montenegro0.0283 Netherlands3.3528 North Macedonia0.0756 Norway1.7267 Poland2.9015 Portugal1.0194 Romania1.1931 Slovakia0.5014 Slovenia0.2212 Spain5.8211 Sweden1.9277 Türkiye4.5927 United Kingdom10.9626 United States15.8813 TOTAL NATO100.0000 Fox "News" ought to be outlawed; its created too many imbeciles.
  3. Because the dumbing down of Ahmurrcuh is complete. It began in 1980 with Ronnie Raygun and went full throttle with Faux news. Keep 'em dumb and they'll vote republican.
  4. I believe he's more of a stinky crusty used old cum towel that's been thrown behind a commode in a dank old smelly public toilet "cottage". Certainly not a Dom in any way.
  5. When we bottom, we douche. We don't care for the brown. I further take a couple of immodium when I bottom. It keeps the intestines quiet until the next morning.
  6. Just take a look at the US over the same time period. America was respected; Americans were honored to serve their country, I was honored to serve. Today I'm ashamed and embarrassed to call myself an American.
  7. Agreed. I'd never let a MAGAt anywhere near my hole or my cock.
  8. What, you don't want to retire to Gaza USA, or Greenland USA, or Panama USA? How about Canada USA? We all know the orange one is phuckin dumb, it's the 70 million dumbasses who voted for him that I can never forgive.
  9. Yes, some of us ARE bikers
  10. If this ever went viral, we could save a few humans from the trumpers- [think before following links] https://gofund.me/f7aede97
  11. It ensures you'll clean your hole out completely and fully if you're taking his cock from your hole to your mouth!
  12. Exactly! I love the sex with our boy, but, please, no talking!
  13. Vegetables for sure. If you have a talent for carving, make toys out of wood, but be sure to sand well and varnish for smoothness. Splinters would be a very bad thing.....
  14. Having just gotten over a UTI requiring a catheter for a week, I cannot imagine why anyone would voluntarily stick something in their eurethra. The pain of the catheter going in and coming back out is not something I ever want to experience again.
  15. Can't feel it in the ass, hate it in the mouth....
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