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Everything posted by Bolithouk

  1. Great and looking forward to the next chapter
  2. Great chapter as usual. I’m looking forward to Carrington and Charlie’s relationship developing
  3. Nice. I like the not pushing Charlie too quickly bit too. Nice touch building the scene for the coming chapter. Hope it’s cuming soon
  4. Hit my buttons bringing the toes and feet in too. Great chapter
  5. This is worse than tv! You bring us to the brink of something great and then leave us in the lurch! Very clever. Bring it on
  6. Great start. Looking forward to the cumming chapter
  7. Great chapter. Looking forward to the next one now
  8. I wonder if Josh went swimming from a great height? Another good chapter and setting the scene on what may cum.
  9. Another great chapter. I wonder who has returned to the story. Does he think it’s Con?
  10. Another great chapter. Simon should take Carrington under his wing. Party time?
  11. Another great chapter. Always worth the wait. Looking forward to the next one
  12. Great chapter. I think the idea of Jack being the source of pushing them both together is great. Look forward to the next
  13. Another great chapter. Some many story lines to explore. Simon and Jam. Adam and Jam and Con and Harry for starters. Can’t wait.
  14. I so agree. I didn’t like the idea of Jam appearing in the story but so glad that he’s been the support Con needs. Great story as usual and so looking forward to the next chapter.
  15. Like a roller coaster this story has its ups and downs. I hope Joshua ends up getting his just desserts please
  16. I know it’s a story but come on. You wrote this last chapter so well you had me crying! Not sure how you’re going to better this but bring it on. Bravo.
  17. Something tells me that Josh is HIV and converted Con First. Happy that Jack and Con have finally fucked. Waited years for it
  18. Next.......
  19. Woof just gets better and better.
  20. Next chapter please....
  21. Great story looking forward to the next chapter
  22. Yet another great chapter. I love the English setting too and can relate so well as english too. Next chapter please mystro
  23. Another masterpiece setting the scene so well. Bring on the next chapter
  24. Great start again. I wonder what lies ahead? Will Harry re enter the story? Hope so
  25. Woof! Next chapter please
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