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Everything posted by irishlongpig

  1. Family always warning me when I was young for pedophiles and other people saying they are bad and will hurt you but truly I had no problems with them I did love them but never would do anything to another child or they want it theirselves like me
  2. scouting camp was near a lake with an island in the middle Two older boys me and a leader of the camp in the middle of the night by full moon gone swimming naked to the island and we had a lot of ritual fun on that island the whole night Singing dancing around the small campfire and a lot of sex together and finnaly fell asleep together
  3. Were two beautiful black guys on scouting and I was their white slave They used and abused me almost every day possible One had a huge uncut dick and did love that one the most The other was smaller and he was the one who loved to fuck me
  4. used and abused by two teachers and was their sucking pig later I was their fuck pig also on school and did fucking loved it Was 13 or so when that started and it did go on until I left school In the mean time I had a lot of fun with some guys on scouting the same games
  5. At home with my family At home we were always naked around the house , my parents and two sisters I was just 12 and were all naked on the cough and did see the first time a bisexual sexmovie every one did it with everyone in that film After that movie we did it also with eachother girls sucked me and I had tu suck my dad and was forced to eat his cum One rule in the house was does no matter what youre doing with your dick but wasting your cum is not allowed Just eat it yourself or let someone else in the household eat it playing with yourself while other family members watching was normal with us Loved it and still do
  6. I'm a bottom who love it The more they will give the more I like it
  7. In my hand like always when there is no partner Never waste my cum so after it I eat it
  8. Never spilled it love to eat my own cum always
  9. Mayo passive lad open for breeding and into everything
  10. mayo here
  11. can do anything with piss with me but I wont drink it
  12. Was a newbe and there was a student party I wasn't allowed to party with then so I had to take off my clothes an the guys bonded my hands and feet together and laid me down in the badtub Everyone who was on that party was not allowed to go to the toilet they had to pee over me in the badtub it was a lot of pis but I l;oved it
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