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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Ottawa, Canada
  • Interests
    Collecting semen from as many men as possible, reading, knitting...did I mention the semen thing?
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    Wife, mom of two teenagers and if you saw me on the street or at work, you would probably describe me as "cute suburban". I joined the Lifestyle almost 5 years ago when I met my Dom (who is also on here and has encouraged me to join). Started with threesome, orgies and then finally my first gangbang. Was always bareback as I hated condoms, but it took a few years to realize that I am actually addicted to cum. I cannot get too much. I love the point when a young man grunts his sperm into me and I beg him to give me every drop. My Dom arranges a GB for me almost every two weeks... although covid has put the kibosh on this activity for now.
    In the recent past, My Dom strapped me to a breeding bench, put a blindfold on me and the men came down to the playroom one by one. Most don't last long!
  • Porn Experience
    I now have a few amateur videos of me being filled in gang bangs

  • Looking For
    Guys who have been edging at least 24 hours and can give me the load I deserve. I am a slut, a whore and a complete cum dump

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  1. It is not a myth. They are a bareback only group of men who pump loads into women, FTMs and the occasional sissy. I have entertained them on multiple occasions. The group is run by Gang Bang Terry
  2. if your man ever gets down to Florida I would love to receive his poz seed

  3. ty for following sweetie


  4. So Fucking HOT , Beautiful and Delicious - wishing more women were like you - more - more - Please !

  5. I would LOVE to be further used by complete strangers
  6. 78 so far... way behind my tally from last year..
  7. 48 taken so far... well behind last year.
  8. My Dom does
  9. I was gangbanged by over a dozen men today. My Dom took this pic just as one young man removed his tool. His huge load dripped out of me for about 20 seconds straight.

    1. rocky65


      Very well done!!! ? What a pity, that I´m so far away.... otherwise I would love to join your gangbangs! Keep on fuckin´ and take as much spunk as possible.... ?

    2. ottawacumdump


      This is what I was made for! A repository for semen from an army of anonymous men. If you should ever find yourself in the capitol of Canada, please look me up.

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