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  1. Me personally? I’m very quiet, especially in public. Am I gonna announce I’m cumming? Probably not unless you said at the start to not cum inside you. But that’s more generous than many who have the attitude that if not goes in raw it’s not coming out until they’re done. FWIW, you’ve got a gorgeous ass. I’d hate to pull out.
  2. Sad to see the vid was deleted. Love the story.
  3. You have an amazing way with words. Thank you for sharing with us.
  4. Definitely one of the better stories I’ve read here. Very nice.
  5. No idea how I had missed this. Fabulous.
  6. Interview?
  7. @bibabe has written some great stuff.
  8. Yeah, yeah, I'm a n00b and all that, but my $0.02. I'm not following the logic. This site is dedicated to a self-destructive fetish. There are literally zero upsides to being HIV+ unless you buy into the argument that it takes the "when will I become poz because of my self-destructive behavior" mental load away. With PrEP readily available to most people, there's no reason to become accidentally poz in theory. The comment that "it's the bottom's fault that he got stealthed and infected because he should have been on PrEP" is untenable. If someone tells a top to wear a condom and the top sabotages it, that is sexual assault (legally) and indefensible morally. Guys deliberately or indifferently infecting their spouses are the same. There are threads in the straight sub where females are being deliberately exposed by their spouses. Does the spouse know that they're taking a risk by taking bareback loads? 100%. Do they know the level of risk? If their spouse is deliberately picking poz partners for them, 100% not. If someone gives you a revolver and tells you there's only one bullet in the chamber, maybe you spin the cylinder and take a chance. If you're told that there's one bullet and there's actually 5 or 6, that's completely different. This poll suggests that more people on this site--again, dedicated to the fetish--find the negatives of being poz outweigh the positives or actively wish that they hadn't contracted HIV. An even larger amount agree there are negatives. Less than one-third "love being poz." Yes, antiretroviral drugs are a lifesaver, but they're not without side effects and sticking to the regimen isn't always easy. And those drugs do nothing for other STDs. If you're barebacking, you're gonna get everything eventually. But apparently it's OK to kink shame that, but not chasing HIV. So contrast that with STDs. Like HIV--and unlike love--herpes and HPV are forever. And the latter is linked to cancer. Herpes is exceptionally common (roughly 13% of the human population age 15 to 49). HPV? Basically everyone has it, though fortunately the vaccine should change that. Gonorrhea is common and curable. Ditto syphilis. In a healthy society, no one actively chases. We assuredly don't live in a healthy society. But to say "my unhealthy kink is acceptable but yours is not" is hypocritical, not unlike a skydiver telling a motorcyclist that riding is stupid. Your site, your call, but I think you're creating management headaches for yourself and drawing a differentiation that doesn't exist.
  9. Romantix in Garden Grove is supposed to be a good spot in Orange County. Never been myself, though.
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