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About ejaculaTe

  • Birthday September 7

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tampa Bay (Florida)
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Open-minded individual with a twisTed imagination. I'm HIV+ (undetectable), only play raw, and always prefer a chem-enhanced session. Exclusions: too young, too sketchy, animals, scat....

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  1. Riding the Rush together; while expressing each other's darkest,  depraved fantasy's. While becoming ONE, SEXUALLY CHARGED BEAST. Let the flood gate's of HORUS open themselves to enter ourselves to the next dimension. Taken ourselves to the 7th power. SEXUAL MAGICK is flowing. ? 

    1. ejaculaTe


      Lord knows that's what I try to do. But some of these weak-willed boys [men] here could frustrate an entire college football or basketball team. Finding someone who thinks -- and acts -- along the same lines as you or I do is like winning the state lottery. (Ten second brag -- I have recently found a couple of guys like that. The 40-something guy and I are now pretty tight [as in FWB]. The 30-something I met last week. He's totally twisted, but I managed to work some magic on him, making his hole twitch even more and his eyes get as big as saucers.)

    2. AZRawPig


      Fuck!  There's nothing better than being with some else who practices SEXUAL MAGICK!  Flip flops during the rituals. ..RIDING the RUSH completely uninhibited session's. Now that's hitting the MOTHER LOAD of SEXUAL ENERGY'S. FEEDING OFF EACH OTHER'S POWERS. Sign me up for the BROTHERHOOD. Let's expand our efforts. I also have a few trained member's. 

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