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Posts posted by ejaculaTe

  1. 9 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    Well I know he's British.  I have seen him in so many slam porn complications.  I have heard him speak.  But I believe he's an amateur who didn't realize just how many guys were going to see him.  I have seen the entire video and he is beautiful, but I don't have a source or a name for you.

    Somewhere in my browsing in the Land of Internet, I read that his name is David and he lived (or lives) in London. I'd guess that his fame stems in part from the fact that his video, which is about 10 years old if memory serves me, was one of the first slam videos generally available.

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  2. @Poz50something is totally spot on: whether you're on Facebook or not, grief counseling can be of immense help, especially in the first several months. Let me also suggest you take a look at [think before following links] https://www.aarp.org/caregiving/. I can attest to the value of the AARP website and of grief counseling, having been the caregiver for the last 4 years of my partner's life. Send a private message anytime you want....

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  3. If you feel that tipping is an obligation, set out by social norms, then the expected behavior is that you'll tip. If you view it to be more of a choice, usually to express appreciation for exceptional service, then you don't need to tip. The bar context, especially if you're regularly go there, is going to set an expectation that you'll tip. Tips can be a significant percentage of one's income, and bar patrons can feel obligated to help support the bar staff. That element of support may be even more important nowadays given the drop in the number of bars over the last decade. 

    I'd leave a 10% tip. If anyone comments on the amount, remind them that the cost of living has gone up and you need to watch the nickels 

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  4. Mid-40s. To my mind, DILF isn't just physical, but also an attitude, a state of mind, experience. Yes, I know that there are many 20-somethings who have plenty of attitude and experience [where the hell were they when I was in my 20s?]. But in them, the pieces are still being assembled into their approach and adjustment to life. Speaking in very broad generalities, a guy in his 40s is sophisticated, experienced, confident. That's what makes him desirable.

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  5. The advice and info already posted is spot on. A few observations of my own:  the labor market has tightened significantly in the last 5 years. There are always local or regional differences, but it seems that there's always a shortage of labor in the building and construction trades. That you've doing that job in prison strikes me as being a huge plus since it means your skills haven't rusted. The labor shortage has also made some employers more receptive to hiring people they wouldn't have even considered 5 years ago. Vehicular homicide, especially DUI related, rips apart everyone involved -- the driver, the victim, the victim's family, the driver's family. But in the job market, vehicular homicide can be seen as a one-time thing, a departure from the person's usual life, habits, behavior. I contrast that to theft-type offenses which tend to be repeated over time, in part because of the typically low sentences imposed and in part because of the relative ease of committing the offense. After all, you don't need to be a criminal mastermind to forge a bunch of checks. Obviously, some employers won't consider ex-cons for a job, either because they don't want to take the chance or because they have government contracts that prohibit hiring anyone with a criminal record. Again, the fact that you're doing this work while in prison can show a prospective employer that you're more than trustworthy, etc. I doubt that Georgia DOC would let someone operate a bulldozer if the staff didn't trust the guy.

    Whatever survival skills you've developed in the last 8 years will be useful on the outside. The most sensible and attractive guy online can be a dumpster fire in real life. You need only read some of the discussions here to realize that. Admittedly, the probability of a dumpster fire is higher when "enhancements" are used, a situation to be avoided by you I imagine. Still, people seem to have forgotten how to be resilient, how to be polite, how to think beyond their own little world; instead, everyone is short-tempered, intolerant, and self-centered. 

    That's enough from me. For whatever it's worth, good luck....

  6. On 2/18/2024 at 12:12 AM, BootmanLA said:

    Technically, I think the supervised period after you leave prison is called "parole" rather than "probation"

    You're entirely correct, but Congress in 1984 abolished parole for federal crimes committed after November 1, 1987. Parole was replaced by supervised release, and the conditions are pretty much the same under either regime. But parole operates in lieu of the remainder of an unexpired prison term, while supervised release begins only after a defendant has completed his full prison sentence. Where revocation of parole could result in a defendant’s return to prison to finish out his original sentence, revocation of supervised release can lead to a return to prison for a term in addition to the defendant’s original sentence. 

  7. 11 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    From what I am told, the probation aspect of the punishment can be as difficult as the actual time spent incarcerated.

    Good point about acting in porn being "suitable employment," and the scarcity of probation officers in some districts hadn't occurred to me. And to emphasize your very detailed description, criminal defendants where I practiced would occasionally ask the judge to sentence them to jail time instead of probation precisely because doing probation is difficult.

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  8. 10 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    He'll be 42 by the time he is released from prison, and one year of supervised probation means his employment must be approved by the Federal Probation Office.  He'll be subject to a drug test should he get to travel for filming porn.  They can't prevent him from filming, but they can make him report for drug testing the day he returns from filing.  So he'll be in the clear by about the age of 43, not elderly, but certainly he'll be hassled by the Bureau of the Prisons.  No more smoking 420 for Mr. Miles

    He’ll need permission from his probation officer to leave the federal judicial district in which he’s living at the time (eg, Southern District of Florida). And I’m still trying to get my head around the notion that a probation officer would view acting in porn as “suitable employment.”

  9. 10 hours ago, pupHawaii said:

    newTumblr.com closed down without notice in 2023 - and sent all the users scrambling to find new places to post/share porn .. a lot of them went to reblogme.com .. and some also went to bdsmlr.com .. reblogme.com reminds me of tumblr "before the fall" .. 


    yep, reblogme.com is very much like tumblr "before the purge." it seems a bit easier to use than tumblr was, but that's admittedly my subjective impression. 

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  10. 5 hours ago, hntnhole said:

    According to State Law in Florida, sex between relatives is a third-degree felony, regardless of the age of participants.  Merely the fact that they're biologically related is enough to prosecute.  Some States have de-criminalized sex between adults of some degree of common descendants, but not here.  

    Now.  I think that argument is weak as water (when both are well past the age of majority), and resides mostly in a religious/culturally repressive milieu.  That said, I think the scene you described is hotttt !!! 

    Everything in Florida is odd, and the placement of the incest statute in the criminal code as well as its phrasing struck me as odd..... Incest is in the same chapter as bigamy which suggests that the statute's aim is more about protecting marriage rather than protecting against sexual abuse. And the crime occurs when one "knowingly marries or has sexual intercourse" with a variety of relatives. Sexual intercourse is defined solely in terms of "the penetration of the female sex organ by the male sex organ, however slight...."

    I admit that I did not closely read the state's sexual battery statute, and @ellentonboy's friends might have run afoul of some obscure sentence in that statute. But as far as I can see, they weren't breaking the incest statute. And a tip of the hat to @ellentonboy for sharing his experiences. 

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  11. 16 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    So to answer your question, yes I am surprised he gets an STD infection each time,  because the math just doesn't add up.  Or else he's the unluckiest guy I have ever met.....

    Let me get this straight in my very tired brain: your friend attended 2 CumUnion events over a 12 month period,* and each time, he contracted an STD. A sample size of 2 doesn't lead to a statistically strong correlation between attending and catching something. That he contracted something each time, an admittedly miserable outcome, really could be bad luck.

    (*It isn't clear from your two posts whether (1) he's only attended two events or (2) he's gone for several years, twice a year.)

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