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Posts posted by ejaculaTe

  1. 11 hours ago, AlwaysOpen said:

    But since the 2 cities are only 25 miles apart and one is experiencing slower than before case count jumps- and launched a much more robust response to the virus, while the other area is doubling still and was slower to react says a lot to the value and effectiveness of the shot.

    No doubt the vaccine is effective, but the most effective cure is of little value if there's no one to jab your arm. What the comparative experience of Broward and Miami-Dade illustrates is the value of public health services that are adequately funded and staffed. Sadly, the folks in Tallahassee seem incapable of seeing that.

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  2. When you go to the baths, don’t have any expectations about what will happen. Tell yourself that if you only suck one dick or get fucked only once during the night, that’ll be fine. And it’s easy for me to say, but don’t feel intimidated by the ambiance — every other guy is there for the same reason as you. One more tip — lube your ass up before you go or as soon as you get there. That’ll help with situations such as the black guy….. You’ll do fine — and that picture is very hot. I can’t imagine why you didn’t have a line of guys following you all night. 

    • Like 2
  3. There's a post captioned "Give me the gift please" by PolishXmasTree which was posted Wednesday in one of the Backroom forums. I mention it only because, for me at least, it cast a little more light on PolishXmasTree's thinking.

  4. 7 hours ago, Poz50something said:

    For the law geeks in the crowd, the first web address is to a summary of the July 29, 2022 decision of the Canadian Supreme Court in R v. Kirkpatrick. The second web address takes you to an earlier decision, R v. Hutchinson, which is discussed in the Kirkpatrick decision. If you want to read Kirkpatrick, which happens to be a mere 310 paragraphs (125 pages), click on the word "Decision" which is in the text box in the upper right portion of your screen.

  5. 8 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

    FWIW, although I use an Android phone day-to-day, I have an iPhone I connect to wi-fi to use to test websites under development to see what they look like in Safari.

    When I go to [think before following links] [think before following links] https://breeding.zone directly in the Safari Browser, it takes me to this site. That makes me think that you're probably trying the wrong URL (the address in the title bar) - for instance, if you're using "breedingzone.com" that won't work.

    If that isn't the problem, I can't really suggest why Safari won't work directly for you. It should never be necessary to go through Google to get to a website if you're using the correct URL.

    Using desktop versions of Safari, Firefox, and Chrome, the URL breedingzone.com took me this site. The URL breedingzone.net could not be found when using all 3 browsers. If I typed breeding zone.com (notice the space between "breeding" and "zone"), I landed on a search results page in DuckDuckGo.

  6. 14 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    ...when I read the postings of @hntnhole, I may be a bottom but his exploits sound so much fun when he shares them (not long ago I believe he posted one about sitting next to a young man at the Ramrod, outside, and the fun filled action that followed).  If I have the wrong poster, please forgive me @hntnhole....

    If it isn't @hntnhole, then my memory has gone to hell as well. As I recall, the encounter was a fine example of mentoring on the part of @hntnhole.

  7. 7 hours ago, ellentonboy said:

    Okay, I am probably going to share too much information (as usual), but here I go.

    I called my Ryan White Case Manager, I get SSD and SSI BUT because of my participation in the Ryan White program I have no co-pays, even though I am on Medicare, for things like Prescobix,  Descovy, and less expensive generics like lorezapam and alprazolam.    My case manager is gay, he doesn't care if I tell him I have a partner yet I have had multiple sex partners after being married.

    So on Friday and I I called him and asked "Do you know where I can get the vaccine for monkeypox"?  His response was "one of my clients (someone like myself) has monkeypox but I have no idea where you can get the vaccine.  He said he had heard the number of does was limited in Florida.  Now the area I live in, Pinellas County, had more cases than Sarasota, Tampa, Bradenton, etc.).  He even stated that he had A CLIENT WITH MONKEYPOX.  However, he had no further information.

    Now, to be transparent, this case manager has been very good to me.  When I lived in Manatee County, I must have had 10 case managers, ALL of whom resigned.  Now, how this guy who has provided me better  care service than I ever received in the past and yet he has NO information regarding monkeypox is beyond me.

    So, I am asking fellow BZ members, if you know how and where I can get the monkeypox vaccine I would greatly appreciate it.


    THANK YOU for all those who are willing to listen and help me, because frankly, I need some guidance.

    It looks like the county health department is the place to start. [think before following links] https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/state/as-monkeypox-cases-rise-advocates-say-so-is-the-stigma-surrounding-it[think before following links] https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2022/07/20/hillsborough-county-reports-first-3-cases-of-monkeypox/ ("Those being prioritized for the shots in Florida are: Close contacts of people with monkeypox; health care workers at high risk; immunocompromised men who have sex with men; and men with a recent history of a sexually transmitted disease who have sex with men, Choe said." (emphasis added)). These 2 news stories are dated July 20; the webpage of the Florida Dept of Health that discusses MP is dated July 1. As of July 24, according to the Fla. Dept of Health Reportable Diseases Frequency Report, there have been 5 cases in Hillsborough County (Tampa); 13 cases in Pinellas County (St. Petersburg); 129 in Broward County; and 71 in Miami-Dade.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 15 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    Have you ever seen that breed of dog called the whippet? They’re the ones that look like they’re so skinny and fragile they would snap if you tried to pet them. That’s the kind of parallel I draw.

    Only seen whippets in the books and on the web, but another example that comes to mind is the Italian greyhound whose legs look like oversized matchsticks.

  9. 5 hours ago, chubbybttmmuc said:

    Other things I don't like:

     - very skinny boys -

    I totally agree with you on this. The guys look as if they've missed several meals over several weeks (I acknowledge that some might in fact have). I simply move on to another video, or I'd end up trying to count ribs and wondering how much being elbowed by one of the lads would hurt.

  10. 14 hours ago, NWUSHorny said:

    If this continues, I plan to ask about the older ACAM2000 vaccine and what risks might be associated with taking it. In my case I know that I did tolerate an older version of that type of vaccine 52 years ago,

    From the Medication Guide for ACAM2000 ([think before following links] https://www.fda.gov/media/75800/download) --

    "ACAM2000 may cause serious heart problems called myocarditis and pericarditis, or swelling of the heart tissues. In studies, about 1 in every 175 persons who got the vaccine for the first time may have experienced myocarditis and/or pericarditis.”

    People with compromised immune systems can't receive this vaccine because ACAM2000 is based on a live virus which can cause various skin diseases and several neurological diseases, including encephalitis.

    From a 2010 journal article describing the development and testing of ACAM2000 ([think before following links] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2880337/pdf/dddt-4-071.pdf) -- 

    "Whereas cardiac events had been reported in the literature before 2003, they were largely unrecognized during the worldwide eradication campaign and were thought to occur very rarely. Only six cases of cardiac complications after smallpox vaccination with the NYCBH strain of vaccinia had been reported in the US before 2003."

    I'd also hazard a guess that when you were vaccinated 52 years ago, your immune system wasn't compromised. I know that when I was vaccinated for smallpox some 60 years ago, my immune system was in better shape than it is now.

  11. There are 3 in northeast Pennsylvania: The Woods, Hillside, and Oneida. It admittedly has been a few hundred years since I was at any of them, but this city kid totally enjoyed camping. There are several posts on Breeding Zone about the 3 sites; just type “Hillside campground,” for example, in the search box at the top of this page. And be sure to bring comfortable boots and plenty of insect repellent.

  12. On 6/29/2022 at 3:21 AM, Goldneye007 said:

    The other, and this is fairly new, is when a guy pulls out his phone, or grabs the 'camera', to film what he is doing, even though a main camera is catching all the action. It's a real passion killer.

    I'm in total agreement with you. Folks here squawk about the tendency of tricks to have smartphone in hand or to be looking at the damn thing all the time. I recognize artistic license and all that, but why do we, the viewing public, tolerate such annoying and distracting antics by the actors when we scream bloody hell when a trick does it.

    Because an actor brandishing his phone is so damn distracting, when seeing this in a video, I wonder what could be the purpose of the supplemental photography. I suppose it provides a "point of view" perspective, but POV doesn't seem to be big in a commercial sense. Pornhub's list of categories on the gay home page shows about 3000 videos categorized as POV compared to, for example, 5000 in the straight guys category. Perhaps the guy holding the phone wants his own special memories of the encounter, or if the rights agreement allows, he wants to share it with a few dozen close friends. Of course, the guy could be on the phone arranging his next Grindr or A4A encounter. He might even be looking for reinforcements as his companion of the moment is wearing him out. I wouldn't even be surprised if the guy holding the phone was looking at an online manual of sexual positions, activities, etc. The possibilities aren't endless, but there are more than a couple of possible reasons. Whatever the reason for someone in the video to make acrobatic lunges for his phone, it certainly kills the atmosphere for the viewer. If the guy in the video doesn't seem interested in the action, it'll be difficult to keep the viewer's attention.

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  13. The pictures are fine; some of us appreciate an aid to our imaginations, and any of the young gentlemen in the photos could assist me anytime. The story has some interesting plot twists which make me pay attention and stimulate my twisted imagination. And if a couple of guys in my dorm were like these two, I’d be working on my 10th bachelor’s degree (or something like that). Writing is not an intrinsically easy task; to do it well, including staying away from the too familiar plots we see in porn, takes no small amount of time and effort. @DenverHandyMan, thanks for putting in that time and effort. And if you leave this story in mid-air, I’ll organize the posse to haul your ass to a writing desk for you to finish it.

    • Haha 1
  14. I've chosen experience over youth almost without fail. If the over-50 gentleman displays signs of intelligence and good manners, I'm usually tempted to throw him in the back of the car and bring him home for an extended encounter. The tiebreaker, if I have a bad case of indecisiveness, is to ask myself if I want to be teaching a class in Gay Sex 102 at 4 in the morning.

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